Gun Gripes #302: "Why Do You Need So Many Guns?"

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welcome back everybody this is eric and chad here with iraq veteran 8888 today we've got another gun gripe episode for you and we're going to be posing the question can you have too many guns is there such thing as too many guns how many guns should you have it's an interesting question and it's actually a question that a lot of folks ask us and i think that there's a lot of views from the anti-gun side of the equation they don't understand are you know america's love and obsession with firearms it's a healthy obsession it's a good obsession firearms are tools and when used by free and honest people they can accomplish a lot of really useful and honest hash you know of course we know that but we'll dive into this and have some fun and i think you'll really understand where a lot of us are coming from by the end of the video before we get started here today i'd like to take a moment to thank our friends at sonoran desert institute for supporting gun gripes they've got some great gunsmithing programs if you're wanting a career in firearms technology they accept all different types of financial aid so if you're a military veteran you got your gi bill and whatnot you can definitely get that uh to work for you check them out they've got wonderful programs they're great people excellent distance learning programs in the field against myth and technology so check them out sonoran desert institute all right so let's dive into this this is going to be a lot of fun and um we've done a couple of five guns videos previously one of them i believe we were talking about like the top five most utilitarian guns and in that video we went over like some of the categorized uh some really useful firearms and we've got a variety here on the table just as props in this particular gun gripe to kind of show off a little bit but i think that people tend to not understand that that a firearm is just like any other accessory right well it's a tool i mean a firearm is a tool just like you have wrenches and pliers and any other manner of like screwdrivers bits things like that in a toolbox you have different tools for varying purposes firearms are no different they really aren't because different firearms serve very different purposes uh for a lot of different tasks i mean as we're going to discuss in this video oh man and i'll tell you so i was talking to a friend of mine the other day not john level right and uh no not joan lovell okay i said friend burn on john level all right anyway sorry john no john's my bud but here's the thing i was talking to a friend the other day and they were telling me yeah you know my wife um she doesn't you know she's not anti-gun but she's not pro-gun she's sort of indifferent about guns but the way the conversation went is he said well my wife doesn't understand why i own so many guns it's not that she doesn't want me to own the guns but she doesn't understand like well and she asked the question well why do you need so many guns right well his explanation is pretty similar to what we're gonna explain to you right is that firearms serve a multitude of different purposes right so one gun may not universally be the correct model for every type of different thing that you might come across right so whether it's you know plinking with your grandkids with a 22 you know everyone needs like a good ruger 10 22 but can you hunt big game with a ruger 10 22 no you can't so there are certain uh firearms that you know you obviously wouldn't take this 30 out 6 mauser right here and go hunt squirrels with it so you know what i mean each of those tools serves a very distinctive purpose right um so that that's kind of the basics there you know now there are a lot of firearms that can serve a multitude of different purposes like the ar-15 one of the reasons it's such a popular rifle is because it serves so many different purposes you can use it for home defense self protection you can carry it on the road with you and protect yourself while you're out on the road and have a way to fight back against people trying to hurt you you can obviously go and shoot coyotes and a variety of different game up to it including you know large deer you can shoot deer with an ar-15 and you know hunt with it if you want there's all kind of competition and three-gun competition you've got long-range shooting and all of the long-range precision matches and things and semi-auto matches where people use ar-15s for competition so you know these firearms are in such common use and are used by so many people a lot of folks tend to flock to this type of a firearm because of you know the parts support the ammunition is common the magazines are common uh there's plenty of options to mount accessories and rails and things of that nature um it's just a proven and solid gun that a lot of people like it is um one of the things with the ars is we've discussed in previous videos and we'll probably discuss it again in future videos just to remind y'all but the ar like eric mentioned is very versatile correct all right so a quick swap of the upper receiver and you could change to a different caliber okay a different cartridge entirely by using the lower receiver that you currently have so you have just one one firearm but multiple configurations of that firearm that's a utilitarian thing as we discussed in the past however just for convenience sake and if you're able to do it most people like to have individual rifles for the varying purposes because you may not want a pistol brace on a rifle that you want to go hunt with with a long barrel okay pistol so oh sorry yeah sorry you know what i mean i know what you mean though anyways you don't want a pistol brace unlike i'm saying like a 16 you know or an 18-inch rifle you don't want a pistol brace because you might want a full-length stock so it's a little more comfortable and maybe a little bit lighter weight whatever the case is to go hunting with or something or shoot a long-range competition i wouldn't imagine somebody would put an 18-inch barrel on a pistol lower and use the same lower for a competitive scenario where you're shooting out to like 11 1200 yards with a 556 or a similar cartridge sure okay but people have multiple configurations of the same platform because of convenience and just want and maybe a necessity if you will i mean i have multiple ar-15s and they all have a different setup they all have a different purpose you know one is set up as a carbine with uh the ability to run like a d-ball or something on it could be suppressed the other is more like a dmr type rig like an spr with a suppressor yep yeah and i've got my six uh my six millimeter ar that i compete with that's a completely different setup with a different optic and they stay 100 zeroed and trued i know if i pick that rifle up and take it out to the range and shoot it i know i can trust my data and it's going to be spot on they're not taking parts off and things like that that's one reason why people have multiple ar-15s all right and just a point that i want to make early on this video while many of you are still here is that the second amendment doesn't dictate a need okay it dictates your ability to own firearms for whatever reason you deem necessary you know so we think about firearms in the sense like we think about anything else okay this is a hobby for for many of us okay firearms are something that brings enjoyment and they bring joy to our lives all right cars look at jay leno in his car collection the man has hundreds of cars does he need all those cars no i mean one could say that no he doesn't need all those cars but who are you as an american to dictate what someone else needs you need to mind your own business okay but anyways but jay leno also you know not to get on this on this this paradigm but jay leno is also very very very passionate about his exams he he will he will nerd out and tell you every little bell and whistle and it's awesome to run into someone that loves it so much that they've become an ambassador to that right exactly he is an ambassador to the car collecting world he is a jay leno is a name that is associated with fine car collectors everywhere because they know he loves cars he doesn't just want a car to he loves them and he genuinely wants to preserve them and share them with people and that's a big part of it now we take the way eric described jay leno and we move it over to us okay we collect firearms not only to preserve their historical value and collect them and enjoy them but those cars are certainly an investment okay firearms are certainly an investment so if you're able to and you enjoy collecting firearms you're adding to your investment portfolio if you will there i mean we could go on and on there's multiple reasons but those are the main things that come to my mind is preserving the firearms you know for other generations to enjoy maybe pass them along to your children or grandchildren whatever the case is but you have so many guns because you like them just the bottom line you like guns so some people aren't like that like we were poking fun at john level earlier john lovell is the kind of guy that has guns for a very specific purpose and he doesn't need more than one to serve that role you know in each category so he doesn't like shotgun so he doesn't really own a shotgun but he has a rifle and a pistol and that's really about all he needs right so people are like that they say okay well i'm more of a utilitarian person i need these guns to serve a solid purpose and this is the only purpose that i need them for i don't hunt so i don't need a hunting upper or a hunting rifle yeah i just need these jobs or these tools to do their job and that's all i need them for i think that it's also pretty important to recognize that you know look if someone only wants to have a couple of guns and they want to you know really master those and that's it and they know when they get behind you know a given pistol and a given rifle that they're going to be a surgeon with it like john is that's fine they do their thing and that's cool i actually took level hunting recently uh this last year and uh he really enjoyed it right so he's trying to open his eyes to that but anyway the point is is that yeah so some of us want to have a bit of a library as well right so just like you would collect a fine shelf of old books or you want to have that knowledge available right you know you can refer to a book open it read it there's the information if the internet doesn't work if there's no power if you can't access all your digital uh media and everything like that books are a hard copy of information and wisdom right so books are a great thing to have so very much in that same vein i treat firearms in the same way now i'm probably a little bit jaded because of what we do here with the channel i have to have a fairly large collection of guns because if we need to do a comparison type of thing and show different stuff off i have to have a bit of a library to choose from so that we can have those things available right think of it as an engineering library right say that someone were to pose the question to me well eric uh what you know this direct gas impingement okay this tube that runs up this ar right here you know where did that come from is is did stoner did that just come out of eugene stoner's mind and and that's it right you start to dig a little bit and do some sort of archaeological digging when it comes to gun archaeology and you start realizing that it's it's not necessarily a new thing it's just something he integrated into this but just because this is the most famous rifle pistol whatever that uses a direct gas impingement type of operation i can then refer to my library and go all right well we have an ag-42 look at this tube right you know we have a french mas 49 whatever check this out here's this tube right or what if someone goes well man the scar is a cool gun all right well where did the scar come from did it just appear out of someone's mind oh well by the way we have a fn49 here now we're going to show an fal and we can show the lineage of where that gun came from okay so it's great to have a comparison some people are just really into engineering i love the engineering of firearms and while yes they are useful tools and and they do serve different purposes i particularly love military surplus rifles for that reason because the engineering is so interesting right when you look at the culmination you know it's hard to appreciate this right unless you've gone back 140 years and seen what it took to get here and you start to see all these tiny little engineering quirks that get built in to these guns and it helps you appreciate eugene stoner's genius that much more when you see all of the firearms that he took inspiration from to get to this point yep right so when you look at it in that totality it becomes all that much more cool right so i'm in a unique and very lucky and blessed situation for me to have access to what i do because it helps me make this channel better and help you guys learn better and it helps me become more knowledgeable about the things that i'm dealing with because i go wow you know in this ar-15 bolt there's this cam here you know and it cams and there's a cam pin that rotates the bolts out of the way when the bolts and battery are moving right this movement causes the bolts to unlock right this caming action and you think wow that's a really smart idea is there any other mil serps that use that type of cannon cam cabin caming action then you look at the k-31 and you see the rotating bolt and you see the cams right and you're like wow it clicks and you realize like you know there are so many other awesome guns that the same type of technologies that go into this have been around for 100 years or more in some cases right all eugene stoner did was take modern materials and take the best aspects of what he thought came from the gun world from many many different areas and he put it into one system that has stood the test of time because the technologies that he put into this have stood the test of time and that is a show of genius and that and but to come to that conclusion you would not come to that conclusion had you not collected a lot of things and realized where those technologies came from so you could articulate it in the way i just did it so if by now in the video you can't tell that we're passionate about firearms you know now that's right um like when you're discussing like collectors okay there are people that collect firearms and they're people who have way more vast collections than you would ever see us have or anybody that we know friends of ours um i mean i think about people like dragon man i mean he has one of the world's largest private collections of firearms and i mean out there and he's just out in i believe colorado i'm not mistaken but uh you have pattern collectors okay some people focus on a particular pattern of gun like they might collect old uh cult repeating you know lever actions whatever the case might be they might collect winchester yeah winchesters uh they might collect uh john browning designs so they might have all the you know old like model eights pre-models pre-model eights uh model 11s things like that um the old savage 300s and such whatever any of the savage 99s i believe is a john browning design too but any of that kind of stuff you know um some people are handgun collectors so they might just collect semalto handguns of a particular variety like only military surplus you might just have military surplus collectors but you get them handguns there's so many different handguns and so many designs borrow designs combined designs and things i like modern renditions of old technology wheel guns oh my gosh you could go literally down 20 or 30 rabbit holes just on on this table right now just starting from like the ruger 10 22 and digging deep into that and branching off and then branch off the mauser 66 here and then brown branch off of the snyder i mean it's just incredible how much history there is just on this one table right here let alone you know behind us or in our collections but people are passionate about firearms and firearms are not evil all right this is one of the other points i wanted to get to in this video yeah why do you need so many guns yes they can't understand why you have so many so you know the the general consensus out there with the the vast majority of the populace as far as the media is concerned is that you know guns are bad and if you've got more than you know more guns than you need then you must be a criminal or you must be planning something you know evil in your heart you might be the future mass shooter or something like that because you've got so many guns i see these swords all the time where an arsenal was collected it's like three guns and a couple hundred rounds of ammunition that is not an arsenal okay i mean an arsenal is a vast collection of firearms that are readily available to put out into use that is an arsenal and ammunition to support it you know i mean the u.s military has an arsenal at their disposal because more correct term the more correct term for the word arsenal in my mind when i think arsenal i think uh i think a rack of four or 500 guns in an armory that are all the same yes and that have you know a number on the butt stock that a soldier is going to go over and go that's my rifle and go grab it and go fight a war like arsenal means armor implements and things like that yeah arsenal means your military like you're handing it out you know like like he said but anyways uh the the whole thing is the the media would have the general public look at gun owners and if you own more than a few guns then you might be a troublemaker that that's just the general thing is gun owners are always villainized and it just never ceases it just never stops we're always seen as the bad guy just gun owners collectively like if anything goes wrong with someone with a gun if a criminal uses a tool for a bad purpose then all of us 2a supporters and gun owners get blamed for that criminal activity we see it all the time we see it with the government when they want to remove the protection of lawful commerce and arms act they want to make manufacturers and dealers and distributors responsible for the actions of individuals with those products it's the same thing that we see as gun owners the way that we're treated across the board with the media in hollywood and everywhere else okay social media hold on yours but we're just normal people we just like guns just like people like anything else i mean my grandmother collected spoons and the woman had like 500 spoons why do you need so many spoons you know like the collectible ones with the little images and things i mean what else do you collect like i collect lanterns okay and i collected shot glasses and stuff and old like table lighters yeah like the the old school like 30s and 40s era like table lighters and things like that you collect things because you enjoy them you you enjoy using them you enjoy looking at them well think about it like this as well okay we did our lanterns episode all right and chad brought over all his lanterns right not all of them not all of them but he brought over the most predominantly available and interesting lanterns from his collection and to showcase that so what's cool about that is very much in the same way that we would do you know maybe a five guns video or something like that um that that helps people understand like you know maybe there's people that didn't know about those lanterns and now they do so you're kind of preserving the history you're keeping the the kind of um the ritual of using real deal lanterns alive you're getting people interested in it and that's kind of thing you're forming an ambassadorship um a lot of people may not know this i um so i'm in the music too right so i i love music and and i've been i come from musical family and i love guitars and amplifiers and effects pedals and and i nerd out on that just like i nerd out on gun stuff right and i and yeah i mean like i own a lot of a lot of equipment that i've bought over the years you know and it's taken me my whole life uh to save up money and and you know i've sacrificed things to have some of these these things that many would consider you know maybe a luxury but yeah i own tape echo machines and i have amps and guitars and i mean i have one of the largest collection of vintage magnetone amplifiers probably outside of them like outside of their their company right and i love them and because i feel like they represent a certain area of americana that's a bygone era and i like the tone of the amplifiers i love the way they sound i love the way they look and my first amp was a magnetone when i was a young man when i started playing when i was around 12 13 years old i picked up a guitar and that was my first amp was an old magnetone and i just kind of really got hooked on that type of sound and wanted more of them um so again it's an ambassadorship right i have those not because i'm trying to hoard them but because i like sharing them with people so that's why i have my guitars channel right shameless plug by the way look i've got a little music channel it's not super popular but we post we post review videos on all the stuff that i get because i love sharing it with people it takes me way more time and effort and chad editing effort to make those videos than what they what they really accomplish in terms of you know we don't make money on that right but we love to share that stuff with people because i want to be an ambassador to this cool gear right i want to share it with people and get more people involved and understand it so they can know why it makes me happy i want other people to have the happiness that i have when i crank up that vintage magnetone or fender amp or or you know get the oscillating tape echo going or feedback i don't know it's just you want to share the things you like with other people because you want them to like what you like and understand why you like it and guns are the same way whether it's music gear lanterns stamps spoons guns cars it doesn't matter we like what we like and we want to share those things with other people so they know why it brings us happiness i collect socks too i'm kidding my dog collects socks oh she does collect socks in the yard um they're everywhere all over the house so just a personal reference here one of the reasons that you know i have the firearms collection that i have i actually haven't bought guns in quite a while because i focus my efforts on other things like the garden ham radio and other things i put my budget toward that lanterns um well i mean you you went through a phase where you bought dude you have more lanterns than any person i've ever known but look i i scoured like every antique store and every flea market and i got those things cheap this guy has like 40 colemans and well yeah just just colemans right and then i'm we don't count the other ones like the ada's and yeah we're not going to talk about the ada's um but look look let's just say if it gets dark he's your man oh i can light up your world baby all right look jesus oh he just got real in here huh look so when when you find a good deal okay if you've got the budget for it then you want to jump on that deal i mean like i can't tell you how many times we've been in just random pawn shops and things like when we're traveling all we'll just see a little hole in the wall place and pop in and they'll have a great bargain on a military surplus that we may already have an example of but it's like god how can you pass that deal up all right you do that a few times a year for 10 years well there's 30 more guns added to your collection right it's easy to you know just buy a onesie twozy here and there especially if it's something that you don't have and you found a great deal on it or whatever but that's another reason that people you know have so many guns is because they they purchase them and they keep them to enjoy and they're a great bargain in a lot of cases especially in the used market of course but that's a great point but anyways it things add up over the years i mean i've been collecting guns for over 20 years when i first started shooting and stuff um and umass if you buy guns and shoot regularly you amass quite a few you know examples in that time frame and as eric mentioned you know it is like a library uh not only uh you know of history and trying to keep that alive and and pass it down to another younger generation um because we're getting old okay i'm not gonna lie um but it's also you know like eric mentioned being an ambassador to the shooting sports and to the 2a as a whole and owning those firearms because it is your constitutional right to do so and if you want to take advantage of it you completely have that right to do it and owning more firearms you're almost just becoming more and more and more two-way yeah you get you know the eagle on your shoulders getting bigger like ruffles it's better all right a quick story about the snyder all right so this is a great example okay i was i was bumming around in vegas at the antique arms show and i bumped into this gentleman had this and uh you know he was a dealer or whatever and uh and i thought it was really cool and i always wanted schneider and so a lot of times when i'm out and about if i'm at a show or something or i'm just out you know at shops and stuff looking around i may not necessarily go okay i'm walking in here with the express con the express uh intent of purchasing a firearm or a piece of music gear or whatever i just try to kind of go with fluff open right i let things just talk to me and speak to me and this this gun kind of spoke to me wow get over here well anyway i went i went and picked it up checked it out and like wow this is cool snyder and uh we agreed on price and we came to you know an agreement and we were good to go and now we got schneider so look i was i planning to purchase a snyder that day the answer is no this is the last gun i thought i would find that day i wasn't planning to purchase a pre-model eight you know when we went i think we got these about the same time and it just so happened i was like man i've been wanting one of those and it was a beautiful example and like i'm going home with that sometimes the coolest guns that you have in your collection wind up being guns that you really wasn't intending to find it so you weren't intending to find it and the story that goes along with it almost is just kind of part of the gun's history so it's like every time i shoot this i think about you know where i was when i got it the people i was with what they got that day you know what we did that day what we ate for dinner that night uh you know the process of shipping it back and go you know it tells a story you kind of remember where how you came in possession of that gun and then more stories happen with this gun okay so this gun has a lot of sentimental value to me because i mean our video on this particular gun it did really well this rifle you know everyone loves seeing this rifle on on the video and every time i take this rifle to a shoot everyone wants to shoot it so it becomes it it has it it gets its own aura right every gun gets its own little personality right then you name them right so it's kind of one of those things right over time a gun becomes kind of ingrained in you know the the culture of you like your culture right so that's why firearms are important that's why we collect firearms because we collect stories we collect experiences right when i when i grab this mauser and go hunt with it every time i shoot a deer with this mauser i think about the people that have shot deer with that mauser for the first time for the first time i think about them the great experiences i've had with this rifle the people i was with the way the air smelled what we had for dinner that night we got drunk and drink beer and hang out at deer camp you think about the memories that are associated with guns they re they have sentimental value to them or i take my grandpa's to your rifle out i remember maybe my grandpa sat in a deer stand with that rifle and now i am so i'm keeping the heritage of hunting alive and i'm using his rifle to do it so you know what i mean firearms are part of our heritage that's why we collect them because we collect experiences we collect stories um we collect culture i just got a little bit of like air of the goonies like this is our time this is our time that's right not their time our time that's right and one day these guns will get passed down to my grandkids and and they'll get to share those stories with their kids so like the way that eric is describing the snyder that this gun has started uh new memories and new experiences for folks who may not have ever shot a military surplus or black powder firearm before and it kind of scratched that itch you know or started started that itch i guess and now they might be uh you know interested in black powder they might be interested in military surplus and looking into the history thereof and such um as eric mentioned you know when we've taken this like snyder out to shoots and stuff it has began new memories okay and it has scratched or started an itch in folks to get out and maybe get interested in black powder or get interested in military surplus or whatever and it's starting like a new branch okay if you will um and that's what like anti-gunners and such don't want they don't want new branches being started look at this little devil but they don't want new branches being started with more gun owners and that's why you know guns were taken out of the schools back in the day too uh you know used to schools would have rifle teams they would shoot real rifles and shoot competitively and teach marksmanship and um you know just character development uh responsibility among other things okay good gun handling safety fire firearms owners are inherently usually good responsible people because this is it is a tool and it is a dangerous tool let's not be coy okay firearms can be dangerous but with proper safety protocols they can be just fine just like any other tool any tool that you have in your tool chest can and will be dangerous at some point okay but no matter how many guns you have it doesn't make you a bad person okay and that's the way that gun owners are portrayed all right you look at places like britain for example where you're limited on the number of firearms that you can have the anti-gunners here would love to have a system like that in place to say okay well you you can't have this other military surplus rifle until you evacuate that slot on your license that we gave you the privilege of of keeping you know so you can exercise your right because we say you can now it doesn't work that way americans can own whatever they want and in whatever quantity that they're capable of owning or to their desire that's the bottom line and there's nothing that anybody can do about that but in doing so what you actually do is limit the amount of great memories you can make with the variety of guns that you have so when limiting the firearms you're limiting what you experience with your rights by by having that limited i mean like who wouldn't go out to a shoot and shoot this custom martini this is a one that mark novak gunsmith and he's a genius gunsmith does great work but how could you not shoot this martini here and then not immediately think wow you know what i didn't think about owning one of these but now i want one even if it's just a full-size rifle so that's what it does firearms are sort of the gateway drug that gets us more into the concept of it and i think that too there's a little bit of the sort of keeping up with the jones's aspect of it right you know humans are competitive by nature like when we see someone with something cool we want to get something better or more of it right it's natural for us to want to keep up with the joneses that's and then that's a very american trait right you know someone comes pulling up to deer camp with a cool truck and you think wow that's an awesome truck i want a nice truck so we want it a little healthy competition is always a nice thing so there is that aspect as well uh we hope you enjoyed today's gripe i feel like a lot of firearms owners are unfairly uh looked at with the wrong lens right i think that the mainstream media and all of these large social media companies they purposely show the side of the of the story that they want to tell and not the true stories out there with gun owners right they don't show the good parts they only focus they hyper focus on the very very small and minuscule bad uh actors out there that happen to use guns but they don't focus on the really huge pool of people that look at firearms from the perspective like as we described in this video look one one final thing just a short story i'm not gonna name names but uh a personal friend of ours had a very very amazing collection of firearms and um you know he in some senses had to kind of keep it a secret from a lot of people in his circle because a lot of people in his circle were not gun people they were very fervently anti-gun uh in his line of work and he was pressured and pressured and pressured so much that he said you know what i'm just tired of being pressured all the time about firearms being poked and prodded about my gun ownership and the exercising of my second amendment right and he he sort of gave up if you will and he sold off pretty much all of his collection um and it was impressive i mean we it was a very impressive collection i i that's all i can say it was just an amazing collection of firearms vintage military surplus modern guns i mean like everything everything under the sun but you know in his case he let like the anti-gunners and those negative nellie's out there win against a constitutionally protected right that he had every right and purpose to exercise um and that's what the media and like i keep going back to the media and politics and politicians in hollywood because that's the mentality that they want to get into your brain is that oh no we can't have you owning guns because this reason this reason this reason and they want to badger you and just corner you and just completely destroy you okay emotionally physically if they will in some cases because they just don't like what you have and they don't want you owning it um and it's not their right don't allow yourself to cave in to the peer pressure of anti-gunners right articulate your point and if they can't accept that and accept you for the person you are the good person that you are then the hell with them maybe you need to find any friends maybe find new friends but anyways just a short story a very true story and a tragic one you know as far as gun ownership goes absolutely thank you so much for watching today's great we hope you enjoyed it and i hope everyone has a great week and we have many more gripes and many more videos on the way we hope you'll stay tuned make sure you hit that notification bell down below and subscribe uh we're a growing family over two and a half million subscribers we'd love to have you be a part of this uh this movement if you will i hope everyone has a great day thank you so much go over to ballisticking pick yourself up a snazzy t-shirt that's one way that you can support us also a huge thanks to all of our patreon supporters you guys rock thank you for supporting us directly and helping us put these videos together many of the funds which of which have helped us procure many of the things we show off in the video so you are a direct uh contributor to the lifeblood of this channel and thank you so very much for being a part of that and helping me help others learn about firearms have a great week guys we'll see you soon have a good you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 204,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iraqveteran8888, iv8888, ar15, ar, ar-15, ar 15, 2a, freedom, liberty, gun rights, gun control, top 5 guns, top 5, meltdown, guns, gunsmithing, gun gripes, life liberty and the pursuit, why do you need so many guns, need guns, why so many guns, do you need that many guns, firearms ownership
Id: xsNlDZeoi3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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