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This made my day yesterday. Fucking destroyed. Ended this man's whole career.

He's a mouthy little shit on Primary & Secondary, too. Hope they all take him down a peg or two.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blyat56 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The video he's responding to for those who are curious.

And the shitty response. This man got destroyed and refuses to admit it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/razor_beast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just started watching this, don't know who this guy is, or what all this is about yet.

But his initial complaint is the biggest problem I find with reddit; it you make any general statement, some autistic fuck will leap all over it to denounce you over some supposed inaccuracy, and most of the time their "correction" is wrong to begin with.

If you say "true as the sky is blue", you will suddenly find yourself having to beat back some pedantic fuckwad who is apparently passionate about the fact that the sky is not always blue, and therefore the comparison with "truth" means that this statement indicates a lie, and that you're a stupid lying asswipe for ever having said such a thing. Stupid shit like this makes it very difficult to have a conversation. What are we supposed to do, say "true as the sky is blue on a cloudless sunlit-day, late-morning to mid-afternoon, when there is no pollution" every time we make such a statement?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ProfessorZhirinovsky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Paul Harrell has killed a guy, don't know who the other person is.

Too long to watch now but I loved: 1) comments turned off, 2) Yahoo mail notification during his display of Paul's first video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eyetracker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The last 15 minutes are incredibly brutal.

But I don't believe that "Gun Nuts" guy has enough courage to watch that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/angryxpeh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œKnow how I know somebody hasn’t shot revolvers enough to have a split casing?”

Well you know how I know somebody is a fake macho moron? Putting on a big show of how cool you are complete with a glass of whiskey, editing the source video, then making a flounce afterwards.

It’s internet drama in a YouTube community I’m not involved in but damn, some people.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YoshiPismydaddy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
there's some things I have to deal with recently some people said and did some things that typically would fall into the category of I look at it for five or ten seconds laughs and then get on with my day unfortunately I've been advised that from a legal standpoint I have to rebut these things because if I don't that could be construed dishonestly but construed as conceding that some of these lies have merit so here we are now what we're really dealing with is theft and what someone is stealing is time and they're stealing it from you instead of working on that 45 ammunition presentation that you were asking about instead of working on that ninth pellet flyer presentation that you were asking about I'm here dealing with this today's presentation will be long ended tedious boring and require lengthy explanations I'm going to come back to that but it will require those things because truth and facts are far more difficult and time-consuming than lies Mark Twain is credited and yes I know his name was really Samuel Clemens Mark Twain is credited with saying that a lie can walk halfway across the country while the truth is still at home lacing its boots there's a lot of validity to that Alfred Lord Tennyson is credited with saying that a truth which is half a lie is among the darkest of lies a half truth is the worst type of lie there's a lot of validity to that too now let me give you an example of the difference between an easy lie and more difficult facts currently the vice president is Edgar Rice Burroughs before that it was Donna rice before that Donna Dixon before that Richard Nixon that was easy I just pulled that out of the air lying is easy now the facts are this the current vice president is Mike Pence before that was Joe Biden before that was Dick Cheney before that was Al Gore prior to that was Dan Quayle prior to that was George Herbert Walker Bush prior to that was Walter Mondale and prior to that was Nelson Rockefeller look it up but you see that took some thought on my part that took some back checking that was far more difficult than the easy lie so unfortunately today's rebuttal will be difficult and tedious and time-consuming which brings me to the point that one of the criticisms I get a lot is that I'm boring someone recently said that I'm as boring as whale dung well I'll have to defer to that guy's expertise on that topic but the fact that I'm boring has some validity somebody said that I'm long-winded no argument there and today's presentation will certainly corroborate that assertion also that every time I explain something I have to go back to the dawn of time to explain it today's presentation will illustrate that as well but in my own defense I have to say that there are reasons why I do that let me give you an example what I would like to say is something like this when someone's carrying a revolver for concealed carry it's typically going to hold five or six rounds now that was accurate and to the point and concise but when I say something like that I am inundated with erroneous commentary from people who say five or six rounds you don't know the difference or people who say things like oh no Paul I knew this guy who knew this guy times 11 who knew this guy's cousin who had a revolver that held seven rounds yes I know that I own one and it goes on and on from there because people who are speaking out of not having paid attention or speaking out of ignorance or being deliberately dishonest will say things like that and so to avoid that type of commentary what I have to do is instead of the concise version I have to say this when someone's using a revolver for concealed carry personal protection home defense there are many different types of revolvers out there I've seen a revolver that had a cylinder that held 12 rounds there's a wide variety but in my experience what's most common is a revolver that has a capacity of 5 or a revolver that has a capacity of 6 there are many exceptions but in my experience that's what's most common a very long-winded tedious version of the exact same thing that to some extent is is successful in rendering some of those erroneous comments moot let me give you an example about going back to the dawn of time for explanations a while ago I did a presentation on mixing ammunition in your carry firearm and short version is I said I did not consider it to be a good idea most of the time and I told an anecdote about how one day I went to the range with a 38 special revolver and a bunch of mixed up old ammo that I just wanted to get rid of and I had this revolver loaded with several different types of 38 special ammo and one round of 38 Smith & Wesson ammunition now recently somebody commented on that and he wrote um 38 Smith & Wesson won't fit into a 38 special and then he went on to erroneously explain why he actually used the word um in the comment he wrote ok because I did not give the dawn of time explanation I had in a previous presentation but I didn't give it right there allowing someone to write something that was erroneous making it appear as though I'm a liar or incompetent now the long version of this is by textbook 38 Smith & Wesson does have a slightly greater diameter than 38 special and in some 38 special revolvers it won't fit in some 38 special revolvers it will fit but it's pretty tight in most 38 special revolvers and a drop right in so when someone says 38 Smith & Wesson won't fit in a 38 they're half right when someone says that it will they're half right and that's an interesting thing about mathematics is when you're 50% right you're a hundred percent wrong and so these dawn of time explanations are sometimes necessary to alleviate that type of commentary and in today's presentation there's going to be very much long-winded nosov dawn of time explanations and it will be boring and I'm going to have to take a long way around finally get to the point and I'm going to ask you to bear with me and watch this in its entirety because when I finally do get to the point this lead-in is going to have some things in it that will be important now all that having been said let's try to get started before we go anywhere I want to talk about the difference between making fun of someone disagreeing with someone and denigrating someone's character with lies making fun of someone it is a reality of our society in the 1830s when Davy Crockett was extent there was an actor who made quite a name for himself just spoofing Davy Crockett Saturday Night Live has been on for decades making fun of people probably my favorite recurring thing they do is their renditions of celebrity jeopardy I find that to be extremely entertaining now I've never met anyone from the Saturday Night Live Crew but I perceived that they don't really think Sean Connery is an obscene dirtbag they don't really think Burt Reynolds is a [ __ ] they're just making fun and I occasionally am made fun of Hill pers and johnny has gotten a lot of mileage out of me there's somebody that has a Facebook account called Paul Harrell taken out of context oh that is wrought with humor but those people don't mean any malice they're just making fun occasionally I make fun of people however in doing so many times people perceive that I'm making fun of someone when I'm not you really got to keep your egos in check let me give you an example a while ago I did a presentation where I was shooting over the hood of the car and I told people that some rifles particularly a RAK variants can have sights that are pretty high off the barrel so when you have a clear sight picture it doesn't mean your rifle is in the clear and so you might end up shooting your hood and I warned people against that when I said that a lot of people accused me of making light of SOOC double-aught I had no idea that just prior to that he had accidentally shot the hood of his vehicle I was not making fun of him a lot of times when I say things like tattooed bearded guy people perceive that I'm making fun of this person or that keep your egos in check I'm not really making fun of anyone in particular at least not most of the time now let me show you an example a while ago and this has been some time ago I recorded something that was never intended for publication it was only going to be shown at the cruise Christmas party and again this was a while ago so it's on a low def camera so bear with the picture quality let's take a look at it [Music] I'm in the field I'm not in my yard raining I'm in bed drink down I'm in the field I don't trust my life so who was I making fun of there no one that could have been a conglomeration of 40 different people and when I say things like tattooed bearded guy that could describe scores maybe hundreds of people you got to keep your ego in check now there is one person that I have made fun of on a few occasions although not nearly as often as people seem to think and I don't like to mention people's names but in this case I'm going to and that is James Yeager he had something he was saying a while ago that you could go to his website and there'd be information but if he went to his pay website that's where you could get the serious information okay experts charging people to listen to their instruction or their opinions is nothing new people paying to listen to those things is nothing new so if he wants to charge money and people want to pay money to hear it that sounds like a really good match but when he was on there saying that he was going to talk about really dangerous stuff I just burst out laughing and the first thing I thought was really dangerous stuff what like running with scissors now that doesn't mean that I don't like him doesn't mean that I consider his information invalid it just means that that struck me is funny and I ran with it so when it comes to making fun of people something you got to remember is it's part of our society get over it I'm not making fun of you or whoever it is you're a fan of nearly as often as you think I am so you got to keep your ego in check and the great majority of the time when people make fun of each other no malice is intended now that we've talked about that there's a difference between making fun of somebody and disagreeing with them and I'm going to use again the example of James Jaeger he makes a great example because he has a lot of opinions and there are very definite opinions and he's not shy at all about telling you what those opinions are so it's easy to decide whether or not you can agree or disagree because there isn't much wiggle room as to what his opinion is and let me tell you about two conclusions or perhaps you could call them opinions first a while ago he did a monologue and as far as I can tell it's not online anymore so I saw it some time ago so hopefully I won't get any of the details wrong but he was talking about a bunch of gun myths and he considered it a myth that there's a significant difference between 5 5 6 NATO and 223 there are some people who think that if you put 5 5 6 NATO ammunition into a true 223 rifle that it will cause the colours of the rainbow to change rivers and seas will boil it'll blow your gun up that's an opinion he didn't agree with also there are people who think that if you put real 223 ammunition into a 5 5 6 that it might function right but you're gonna lose a lot of accuracy and so forth and he considered that to be a myth and if I can get the quote right he said there's no appreciable difference between 5 5 6 and 223 now two things on that first if you're one of those people who thinks that madness and pandemonium will reign if you mix those things don't send the hate mail to me I'm only telling you what he said go send the hate mail to him secondly you have to listen to what he said there's a disclaimer in there he said no appreciable difference obviously technically by text book there's a difference between the two what he's trying to say if I understood him correctly is that it's not really a significant difference and most of the time it's not enough difference to make a difference now on what does he base that opinion well as near as I can tell he bases that from spending a lot of time on a lot of ranges with a lot of people shooting a lot of ammo through a lot of different rifles and what he's seen leads him to the conclusion that there's no appreciable difference between five five six and two twenty-three okay now do I agree with that well one of the things he says I'm paraphrasing a little bit is before you disagree with him you got to ask yourself do you know what he knows have you seen what he's seen who are you to disagree with him okay I've said this many times before different people have different training education and experiences because they have different experiences they have different conclusions and opinions there's no question that my experience is very very different than his for example I spent 20 years in the military as far as I know he was not in the military at all obviously our experiences are very different that doesn't mean that either of us have invalid or or lacking training or experience just that they're very different now what does my training and experience tell me is there a difference between two twenty three and five five six technically by textbook yes is enough of a difference to make a difference sometimes a little bit maybe I have seen a couple of occasions where a particular five five six rifle you put five five six ammo and you get a good group put two twenty three ammo in it and you do lose a little bit of accuracy I don't mean a lot of accuracy I mean a little bit is that enough to make a difference I guess if you were trying to shoot Chipmunks at 150 meters yeah I suppose it could but it doesn't make a significant difference and so what I would say is does putting 223 ammo on your 556 rifle make any real difference sometimes a little bit maybe so what I would tell you is although by textbook they're technically is a difference the overwhelming majority of the time it's going to be an insignificant difference it's not going to be enough difference to make a difference there's no significant difference between the two and I say the word significant because it's difficult for me to say the word appreciable so when he tells you that do I agree with that yes but now let me tell you about another opinion that he posited now I watched this a while ago and he has so much material out there that when I tried to find it again to reference it for today's presentation I just couldn't find it so I'm going off what I saw a while ago and I hope I don't misrepresent anything but what he was talking about was how to get good information on what kind of performance you can expect from different types of rounds different types of ammunition different projectile types in the intended target and remember for him the intended target is anti-personnel purposes and what he said was that what you learned from his ballistic gel and he had a disclaimer that it's not perfect but it's what we have you don't learn from shooting bricks or water jugs you don't learn from shooting me you don't learn from shooting deer because deer aren't people now when he said that is that a dig on me because I shoot various forms of meat and I haven't shot any deer on camera but I discussed deer hunting occasionally is that a dig on me well lots of people shoot various forms of meat and water jugs and deer and I really think that somebody like James is far too busy doing his thing to worry about the comings and goings of a nobody like me so is that a dig on me most likely not you've got to keep your ego in check and even if it is I don't really care but he said that you don't learn from those things you don't learn from shooting deer you learn from ballistic gel which isn't perfect but it's what we have and then he said where you really get good information is reading coroner's reports now that's an interesting take on things but do I agree with that back to the question do I know what he knows and so forth the answer is no I have no idea what education training and experience he has that led him to that conclusion that coroner's reports are where the good information is and I do not mean that in the sense of where the hell did you come up with that I mean that in the sense of I have no idea what he's seen or done that led him to that conclusion and I would ask everyone please don't contact me and speak for him I'd like to hear from him personally I'd love to hear how he came to that conclusion but I don't want to hear from anyone who's speaking on his behalf but I have to then say is that a conclusion that I agree with okay we're right back to different people have different experiences I don't know what his are I can only tell you what my training education and experiences are in that particular topic and it starts with something I read there's a man his name is John Douglas he and Mark ol shaker have co-written several books John Douglas is a retired FBI agent he spent most of his time in the FBI as a criminal profiler agent Douglas and his crew primarily his partner Roy Hazelwood pretty much as far as what I read created modern criminal profiling as we know it today and he's written quite a few books I've read four of them and in one of them he mentioned County Coroner's and he said that in many jurisdictions the County Coroner is an elected official and is a highly skilled pathologist but in some places the County Coroner is someone who comes out looks at a dead body and says yep that boy sure is dead okay now let me tell you another one and I'm not one to tell secondhand stories that other people tell me but in this case this comes from a police officer that I really trust there not many people on that list but what he told me was some time ago there was a rundown low-rent hotel downtown that was typically used by transients and transients could come in when they had enough money to get a room at the run Hotel and get themselves and their gear cleaned up maybe get out of inclement weather great one night the PD gets called up D of a DB down at the transient hotel and they go down there and here is someone in bed covers over him lying on his back as if he died in his sleep only problem is he has one single ax wound right to the middle of his face across the room leaning in a corner is an axe with blood on the blade so quick glance leads you to the conclusion that this is an old-school ax murder and somebody killed that man in his sleep it was officially documented as a suicide apparently what this man did was he stood there hit himself in the face with the axe landed in the corner walked across the room without getting a lot of blood on the floor went to bed and died now when I say that your reaction might be something like what okay to explain the why behind that would mean taking a detour being far longer winded than I already have been and nobody wants that and discussing things that aren't really germane to the point I'm trying to make and this is not the format to whine and complain about law enforcement there are other places that are the format for that this is not but that's what happened now let me tell you another one I've mentioned this before when I was a kid my father was a police officer and when I was a really little kid there was a television show on starring Jack Klugman and it was called Quincy M II where Jack Klugman portrayed dr. Quincy who was the medical examiner and the show was one of the forerunners of CSI and he would come up with all this really cool medical stuff and he would solve crimes okay now I just mentioned the medical examiner and we were talking about County coroner's in the state that I live in we don't have County coroner's we have a state medical examiner's office so it does basically the same thing and I could go on all day about the details of it but to get back on task my father I don't think he ever watched the show Quinn CME but he thought the premise was so inane that it was insane and he based that on his experience with the local medical examiner and then he went on a tirade talking about how our local medical examiner even as excrement goes he was of substandard intellect I think about that there you go and he goes on a tirade talking about how this guy couldn't tell the difference between entrance and exit holes when it came to bullet wounds that he was really incompetent and there was some case where somebody had several entrance wounds but no exit wounds and the medical examiner was befuddled because in his exam he couldn't find any of the bullets because he had mistaken ice picked stab wounds for small caliber bullet wounds doesn't exactly put a lot of confidence in me in medical examiners and County coroner's but that's what I've read that's what people have told me what are my personal experiences with such things okay I now have to talk about some things that I do not like talking about I only mention it because it's germane to the point and not just about agreeing or disagreeing with somebody but there's things I'm going to say that will become really relevant later and I'm going to tell you two anecdotes first we all know that I was in the military for a long time people in the military sadly sometimes take their own life also I've been a dental assistant for a long time and so I was taught in Dental Assisting school dental healthcare professionals are at higher risk for suicide than the public was what I was taught in school and so over the years I have had no less than five co-workers take their own lives in one case it wasn't just a co-worker was a very dear friend of mine now remember when you were in school and you learned about the warning signs that someone might be planning on harming themselves they say goodbye to people that give away personal possession they may have a previous attempt and the list goes on remember when you learn those things okay from all that you can decide whether or not someone fits the profile this individual didn't fit the profile this individual was the profile now you take that and then you also have overwhelming physical evidence that this is a suicide okay in that case I did not get to see the medical examiner's report but it must not have been ironclad this is a suicide it must have left some wiggle room in there because the local police made it very clear to me that they considered it a homicide and they had a particular individual that they were very interested in making hold the bag for this yeah and so they tried to twist and turn and pretzel some things to fit their narrative now it didn't work because the person was the profile physical evidence was overwhelming and the person that they were really interested in had a rock-solid alibi but I'll give them credit for trying and when I tell you that you might think wait what to explain the why behind this would require taking a detour and going into things that aren't germane to the point and this is not the format to fine and complain about law enforcement now I'm going to tell you one more anecdote I've mentioned in the past that I've been in a couple of citizen involved shootings okay one of those cases was just about as close to nothing as it could be and still be something I mean like it's like having a nickel you technically have money but you're just about as close to broke as you could get while still having this was just about as close to nothing as you could ever get while still being something the other one however turned into a rather big deal and in that case the perpetrator died in that case the police arrested me for murder now that was amended at the arraignment to first-degree manslaughter but we're still talking about homicide and a Class A felony in this case yes I was able to go to court and prove my innocence and I was completely exonerated of all wrongdoing but before that happened in this case there was no autopsy performed homicide case Class A felony no autopsy when I say that people immediately think that I'm crazy or lying well I'm neither of those things what they did was what they called a head only autopsy no that does not mean they cut the perpetrators head off it was still attached to his body they just only examined him from the neck up so no tox screen no determination of what kind of any drugs were in his system no determination of how much alcohol was in his system he did have a bullet wound to the head however their head on the autopsy left out the very clear very obvious bullet wound front to back through his upper chest shoulder area that didn't fit their narrative so they left it out that is not part of the official record at all now when I say that you might say wait wait what to explain that would require taking a detour being far longer winded than I've already been talking about a whole bunch of stuff I don't want to talk about it's not really germane to the point it would also require me to speak out of turn and this is not the format to complain about law enforcement the police represent themselves as I be trained professionals and you know what they often are just in the cases I'm talking about not so much but if you take my experience my reading my education my training my experience with such things I have to say I have no idea on what James basis his opinion but my experience tells me that coroner's reports medical examiner reports police investigation reports are absolutely terrible sources of information and so do I agree with James I would say that my opinion is diametrically opposed to his I adamantly vehemently completely disagree with him now you heard every word I said not once did I say he was wrong or that he was stupid or that he was incompetent or that he was dishonest I said that different people have different experiences and that leads them to different conclusions in different opinions and mine is very different than his and that is the difference between making fun of somebody disagreeing with somebody and now we have to get into telling lies to denigrate someone's character and that brings us to the real heart of the matter now we're finally getting close to the real matter that I have to discuss today and thank you for your patience in dealing with me so far and what we're talking about is the difference between disagreement and denigrating someone's character with lies recently an outfit that calls themselves gun nuts media published a segment talking about why people shouldn't listen to me and disagreeing with some points that I made now disagreement is good and we'll come back to that later but in this case there were some things that were said that just we weren't square with the facts and that's what I have to deal with now one of the criticisms I get is that any time I explain anything I start at the dawn of time this will make your point because I have to however it is germane to the point that I have to make and this starts with a few years ago gun that's put out a segment where he was talking about something or other and I watched it and I'm reading the commentary and someone made a comment saying that they didn't really like the way the information was presented I replied to that guy and told him that I agreed with him that got gun nuts very angry at me and he called me a was it word used boo boo third boom okay that makes more sense he used some some great school term and he told me that I was very upset because I put out terrible material and that nothing I did ever had over six thousand views so it shows that he's at least to some degree familiar with my material now that'll come up later well I read that I thought booth whatever and what about my day now fast forward a couple of years and in a totally unrelated matter I put out a presentation on my top five ways to spot a fake expert and side note even though everything I said in that was from a point of sincerity it was intended for a little bit of levity now that was a failure on my part a lot of people misinterpreted as an angry rant and it was not intended to be but anyway then sometime later again in a completely unrelated matter gun nuts put out a segment on his five worst calibers for concealed carry and it came with the disclaimer that he's not talking about crazy stuff like 500 Smith & Wesson he means mainstream stuff and what he considered not the worst but second to worst was 40 Smith & Wesson okay well if he thinks 40 Smith & Wesson is terrible that's his opinion and he's entitled to it however 40 Smith & Wesson is very popular it's waning in popularity now but this was a couple of years ago so it was more popular than and there's a lot of people that like 40 Smith and Wesson and if you want to take something that's very popular and then tell everybody how terrible it is you got to be ready for people to disagree with you now of course I didn't see this I had nothing to do with anything that was going on but there was a lot of commentary of people telling him that they disagreed with his point on 40 Smith & Wesson and somebody ended up making the comment that you're one of those fake experts Paul Harrell was talking about well that got gun nuts very angry at me and he ended up replying to that person telling them that I was stolen valor not that I was committing stolen dollar that I was stolen valor and that I've never been in a shooting competition and that I was never in the military now of course this starts a thread of everybody going on round and round I have no idea if this is even going on until somebody contacts me and tells me hey Paul you gotta go check this out okay and I go over there and I see this thread and down there someone calling out gun nuts telling him that he's lying and telling that perpetrating such lies might get him on the wrong end of legal action shortly after that he deleted that thread and then later he claimed that no such thread had ever existed so gun nuts lying about me is a precedented activity now that brings us to a few months ago a lot of viewers contacted me asking me to do something about double action revolvers in their role as concealed carry personal protection home defense firearms I ended up doing a four part series on double-action revolvers in that role in part two I discussed some reloading techniques well just a couple of weeks ago gun nuts evidently disagreeing with some of my techniques published a 17 plus minute whiskey fueled rant all about why you shouldn't listen to me okay now I mentioned disagreement disagreement is good if people disagree on various things and we have different points of view in different ways of doing things that allows you to have more information and allows you to be in a better position to decide what's right for you however this wasn't disagreement this was denigration of my character with quite a few lies and that is what we have to discuss now in the description of this rant one of the things was that gun that's caution to you about the very bad advice I was giving okay let's take a look at a segment from revolvers part 2 and see what I actually that defense firearms and what we're talking about today is reloading now this comes with a caveat that nothing I do today should be inferred as a tutorial I'm in no way trying to tell you what you should do I'm just gonna demonstrate some techniques that have helped me how could anyone take what I said as advice I think that was a pretty clear disclaimer and it begs the question did he not watch the presentation that he was reviewing or is he just lying now another thing in my presentation on reloading double-action revolvers is that I demonstrated my technique for reloading with a speed loader and gun nuts took exception to a few things that I did one of those is my opinion that when reloading a revolver you should continue to look downrange he disagrees with that and thinks that you should look at your revolver it will allow you to reload it faster and for a lot of people under a lot of conditions it will my thought on looking downrange has to do with the differences between what I call real shooting and ranged shooting and we'll come back to that but what I really want to show you is how he represented what I did and what he had to say about it let's take a look the Chamber's just dropped the speedloader closed the cylinder now in doing this you'll notice that those went in there fairly easily even though I was not looking in the gun but there's a lot of people that have difficulty getting those things lined up I happen to be one of those people and although you want to keep looking at what's going on and reload without looking at your firearm for the love this is actually one of my biggest pet peeves in general look at your gun when you're reloading people okay think about this in the context of a civilian self-defense encounter alright a civilian self-defense encounter so not me working my job for the Air Force chasin camels not leo getting into a sustained running gun battle ain't armed civilian going about their daily life alright if your civilian self-defense encounter has gone so pear-shaped that you need to do a reload because people are shooting at you or people still need to be shot and you spend five seconds fumble farting around trying to reload your revolver because you've got keep your eyes on the threat instead of looking at your gun and doing a three second reload and then looking back at the target because I'm not looking at my gun for all three seconds of this reload I'm looking at my gun long enough to do that and then I'm bringing my hands back up and requiring the target now you may agree that what he said made sense and you might agree that I'm kind of dumb however he didn't show you what I really said let's take a look at what I really said the rounds fall into the chambers just drop the speedloader close the cylinder now in doing this you'll notice that those went in there fairly easily even though I was not looking in the gun but there's a lot of people that have difficulty getting those things lined up I happen to be one of those people and although you want to keep looking at what's going on and reload without looking at your firearm there's some times that instead of spending five seconds looking downrange while I'm fumbling with this it might be a better idea to spend one second actually looking at your gun and make sure it gets loaded correct so he edits out what I said tells you something very similar to it and then tells you how dumb I am for not saying it which brings us back to the question did he not watch the presentation that he's critiquing or did he do that to intentionally mislead you now another place where he took great exception to my technique was when I said hit the ejector rod when it comes to reloading a revolver let's take a look at what he had to say the cylinder out of battery and then the revolver will just be in my non-dominant hand I'm controlling the cylinder with my thumb and my two middle fingers I'll then turn the muzzle straight up and hit the ejector rod the muzzle is up because gravity is your pal when you're trying to get those rounds out of there and you don't push the ejector rod hit it hmm okay you know how I can tell someone's never shot a revolver enough to have a split case in their chamber they advocate hitting the ejector rod Massad Ayoob who is a recognized expert on shooting revolvers and reloading revolvers and developed what in my opinion is the best combat or defensive oriented revolver reload technique called the stress fire reload he doesn't advocate hitting the ejector rod and I certainly don't advocate hitting the ejector rod because if you've been shooting and one of those cases splits open which I've had happen and you go huge to whack your ejector rod like that like an [ __ ] what you end up with is a scar on the palm of your hand that's exactly the same shape as the tip of your ejector rod maybe you end up with a broken gun because you hit the ejector rod like an a-hole and bent something and you also still have a stuck case in your gun okay so don't hit your ejector rod all you need to do is roll the gun up and push okay just push and that push will also tell you if you have a stuck case because if you push nothing happens you have other problems that need to be solved so gun nuts advocates pushing the ejector rod while I'm saying hit it and I even repeated myself I mean hit it and he talks about split casings a scar on your hand and he makes the appeal to Authority referencing a Massad Ayoob video from a few years ago where he reports that Massad Ayoob talks about pushing the ejector rod okay let's break all of that down first the discussion of a split casing the assertion that I've never had a split casing is patently false totally irresponsible for him to say some falsehood like that secondly the idea that you're going to get a scar on your hand by hitting the ejector rod well people do love to point out to me that I have ugly scars and I do none of those are on the palm of my hand certainly none caused by hitting an ejector rod if you're going to get a scar on your hand by hitting an ejector rod I'm going to suggest that you've never done an honest day's work in your life now the appeal to Authority referencing the Massad Ayoob video in that you clearly hear masada you'd say one hard hit and one sharp slap now he uses the other hand but he hits it now people pointed that out to gun nuts in the comments section and gun nuts defended his position by saying that even though Massad Ayoob said that he didn't really hit it he just pushed it no fella he hit it and the thing that I mashed on it and took a big wind-up I didn't take a Pete Townsend wind-up I just hit the thing now we have to look at a few things here when I say hit the ejector rod I most certainly am over emphasizing that point and it can be misinterpreted and that's because I didn't give an explanation that started at the dawn of time there have been some occasions where I have been called upon to show people how to reload revolvers and when I have said things very similar to what Massad Ayoob said like give it a good tap one sharp slap I find that I say that and then someone who's gently push on the objector rod and I tell them no give it a good tap and they'll gently push on the ejector rod and I said nope give it a sharp slap and they'll gently push on the ejector rod until finally I say hey hey hit it and that gets through and that's why I tend to overemphasize that point now both gun nuts and Massad Ayoob seem to think that if you hit an ejector rod you're going to bend it okay well we've established that gun nuts doesn't have much credibility with me but Massad Ayoob most certainly does if he says that he has seen people bend ejector rods then I have utmost confidence he has seen people Bend ejector rods but I had to balance that against a few things first being that I'm not trying to tell you what to do I'm only demonstrating what I do secondly this Smith & Wesson model 15 revolver is 49 years old and it has been used on a regular basis that entire time I can't even begin to count the number of times I've hit this ejector rod and it is not bent so in developing my reloading technique I have to take that into consideration the third thing is what I call the difference between range shooting and reel shooting I want to show you what I mean this is a target frame and these are some of my revolvers I've got some Smith & Wesson's and a few rugers all of these revolvers are very different from each other but they all have a few things in common there double-action they all have counterclockwise cylinder rotation they all have Swing Out cylinders that swing out to the left side of the frame the biggest difference is on the Smith & Wesson you push the cylinder release forward on the Ruger it's a button that you push into the frame now I could develop different reloading techniques for every one of these handguns but in my opinion that would be completely impractical for the average shooter I'm going to want to have one technique that I use for all of them excepting of course remembering when to push the cylinder release forward when to push the button in now what does that have to do with the difference between pushing on the ejector rod and one sharp slap and as I say hitting it and the answer is the great majority of the time it won't make any difference however depending on the gun depending on the ammunition and a few other factors like how clean is your firearm there are some things that go into this now as far as the brand of the firearm there's a problem that I have found manifests itself more often with Tauruses than with Smith & Wesson's your mileage may vary and what I'm talking about is for the really powerful handguns like the 44 Magnum if you're using really powerful ammunition especially if it's hand loaded ammo that somebody's loaded really hot sometimes these will stick in the cylinder enough that when you press on that ejector rod it doesn't want to go you actually have to get some force on there not all the time but sometimes depending on your gun and ammunition choices another factor is now I have this handgun loaded with empty casings for 4-inch barrels are longer these revolvers will have complete length ejector rods this ejector rod is long enough that it will push the rounds completely out of the cylinder and so if you use the technique of pushing it pushes them all the way out however your snub nosed revolvers with a shorter barrel have shorter ejector rods this ejector rod is not long enough to push these rounds completely out of the cylinder now the reality is most of the time that doesn't make any difference you'll just push on at Delphi all right out but depending on how powerful those rounds are depending on how clean your gun is depending on what brand your gun is sometimes you're going to need that extra oomph of hitting it to get those completely out of the revolver again most of the time it won't make a difference sometimes it does especially in the world of real shooting versus range shooting and that's something I want to take a moment to discuss now I want to take a few minutes to talk about some of the differences between what I call range shooting and real shooting range shooting has to do with things like you have a revolver in caliber 10 millimeter Auto but on the range you load it with 40 Smith & Wesson so you'll have less recoil and less report as where real shooting is carrying that revolver in the field loaded with full power 10 millimeter ammunition and when I talk about reloading while not looking at your revolver even though I say sometimes you'll be better off to look down for one second instead of fumbling around with it for five seconds I'm of the opinion that you need to keep looking downrange while you reload because that's what you'll do in real shooting and when I go to the range I want to train on those things that I might do during real shooting I want to mimic to the best I can those things I might do during real shooting and keeping your eyes down range is one of them now I'm going to give you some examples and these examples will come from a few things but for the most part hunting and before I talk about hunting I have to talk about yeah an explanation that goes back to the dawn of time I have to talk about the word Fudd now many people are of the opinion that Fudd is a derogatory term that describes a gun owner who owns firearms only for hunting and owns only hunting types of firearm bolt action or lever-action rifles and he thinks that other types of firearms should be prohibited you should only have those types of guns for hunting okay that's one use of the term Fudd I've also heard it used to describe somebody in a derogatory way who thinks that they have knowledge about firearms but most of that knowledge has come from hunting and so people will say well if you learned that hunt then it's not valid okay I'm not going to go into the dawn of time example of this but there have been many people over the decades and centuries who have had great success in battle and have attributed that success to varying degrees to what they learned while hunting to name just a few Manfred von Richthofen Alvin York Audie Murphy Chuck Yeager now pay attention to this I am not in any way comparing myself with them however the last time I was in a citizen involved shooting it occurred at a campground that I was staying at on my way home from rabbit hunting go figure now when I talk about keeping your eyes down range and the difference between real shooting and range shooting let me give you an example you're out hunting jack rabbits with a single shot shotgun and you're in the sagebrush and there goes a rabbit and you shoot at him like well it didn't stop him but I'm pretty sure it hit him and he went right into that bush and you know he's in that bush somewhere you've got to be able to pop that round out put a new one in and reload keeping your eyes on that bush because if you take your eyes off that sagebrush for this long he could be gone and you never saw him go you've got to keep your eyes on target as much as you can now this citizen involved shooting that I discussed a little bitter a little earlier okay now granted this was before things got completely hairy but at one point one of the perpetrators walked up to me trying to distract me while the other one is sneaking around trying to get behind me that's about the time I realized okay this is gonna go south fast but because of my habit of keeping my eyes on what's going on and having a little bit better night vision than they counted on I was able to see what they were up to you've got to keep your eyes focused on what's going on now let me give you another example at the range where I typically fire every fall just before deer season you'll see a lot of people come out there with their deer hunting rifles and they're gonna get them zero and they're gonna practice good for them but what a lot of people do is they'll zero that rifle in some kind of lead sled or vise or what-have-you taking themselves completely out of equation well that's a good way to get your rifle zeroed but not a good way to get any practice with it a lot of people will zero and do all of their practice firing from the bench and sometimes they will only shoot at what I would consider the unrealistic distances like 25 or 50 yards to get there zero now take a side note I went to a shooting competition where they had a range where the competition was going on in another range for practice and somebody was discussing moving that range out so we could shoot a full hundred yards on it someone was opposed to that idea and said that they shouldn't do that because you sight in a rifle at 25 yards everybody knows that close quote okay if you zero your rifle point of aim point of impact at 25 yards for a lot of rifles that will put you pretty close at a hundred but not always and you don't really know that if you haven't shot at a hundred and you certainly don't know what it's gonna do it two or three hundred you have to zero and practice at the ranges at which you expect to shoot that deer also a lot of people only practicing from the bench that doesn't really represent the shooting positions they're going to use wild hunting unless you're one of those people that your shooting position is typically aiming your rifle out the window of your vehicle for those of us who actually get out and walk around most often we're going to shoot offhand and I see a lot of people that can hold really good groups from the bench can't shoot very well off and the groups look more like this because they've just never practiced it you have to practice those shooting positions that you intend to use and that's what I call the difference between range shooting and real shooting an interesting thing that I've actually seen a couple of times is you'll take somebody who is a good shooter and you'll get on the bench and he'll hold a good group right in the center of the target then he will switch to prone and you hold a good group somewhere else he's not doing anything wrong good shooter then he will shoot offhand and he'll still hold a good group somewhere else this happens more often with iron sights than it does with scopes but it is a phenomena that occurs and I've seen it occur and that is why you have to do your training on the range in a way that mimics those things you expect to do in the field during real shooting and this type of mindset is why I talk about keeping your eyes down range reloading without looking at your firearm this is why a lot of times you'll see me carry my revolver in my coat pocket or in my pants pocket or and inside the waistband carry because that's the way a lot of real shooters really carry their real firearms for real shooting that's why I do things like reload with a speed loader which I threw on the ground from my pocket because that's where most real shooters really carry their ammunition most of us don't go around with some kind of competition rig and have a really neat speed loader or moon clip pouch or something or other to hold it on your belt and I could go on all day about real shooting versus range shooting but that's the mindset that I have when it comes to training and in gun nuts is critique of looking down reins and things like that I have to say that I'm really surprised that he's so inexperienced that he didn't know what I was talking about in Masada oobs training video he mentioned that with some reloading techniques people would touch the forcing cone with the side of their finger and with modern high pressure magnum ammunition even after his few is six shots that would be hot enough that it would burn someone and cause them to reflexively drop their gun now if Massad Ayoob says that he saw that i have utmost confidence that he saw that but I have never experienced that so I've got my Smith & Wesson Model 686 6 which has a seven shot cylinder loaded with federal American Eagle 357 Magnum 158 green soft point and I've got a seven shot speed loader so I'm not going to shoot seven rounds I'm shoot 14 as fast as I can to generate as much heat as I can and I'm going to give myself the luxury of looking at the revolver when I reload it so I can be fast and after I shoot 14 rounds I'll touch the forcing cone see if I burn myself I'm touching the forcing cone and it definitely is hot but it's not anywhere close to hot enough to burn me also did you notice that trigger hiccup that was just me I think but this is again not generating that much heat so if Massad Ayoob says he saw that he did but if that was enough to burn your finger again I'm going to suspect that you've never done an honest day's work in your life now everybody I'm almost done you won't have to bear with me that much longer in the past gun nuts has proclaimed that I have never been in any shooting competitions ok if the goal was to tell a bald-faced lie if the goal was to generate my disgust and generate my contempt mission accomplished I have a lot of contempt for people who make me drag this crap out of the basement and this isn't all of it in fact the tote box still has a few things left in it I didn't even put on the table but I have done a little bit of competition shooting now in his recent whiskey fuel rant he's going on about titles he holds and ratings he has and he's a seventh level of Dante's towering inferno McQueen Newman Redford Butch and Sundance shooter and that is very impressive and he was also saying something to the effect of I don't have an SP AC rating well I'm pretty sure I don't but I'm very confident that he does but while talking about what shoot competitions I may or may not have done somebody commented on his whiskey fuelled rant and I wrote some of this stuff down because I want to make sure I get it right and asked if he was aware that I have one state regional national and international shooting championships and his reply to that person was yeah I'm aware I'm very aware that he doesn't cite who the sanctioning body for any of those championships was which makes them meaningless okay let me show you something that you may have seen before [Music] now that display for quite a while appeared at the beginning of a lot of the presentations we did it was created by Stan our late post-production guy and so now we don't use it anymore and to be blunt I really didn't want to use it in the first place and I don't really think it's necessary and that's part of the reason we don't use it anymore however I see now that was a mistake on my part we're going to have to redo something like that but as far as citing a sanctioning body you can clearly see these plaques I've got six of them and presuming that you completed fifth-grade geography you can easily see that that's an outline of the state of Oregon and it's very clearly printed on this plaque Oregon National Guard and that's at the beginning of a lot of the presentations we've done so as far as citing a sanctioning body I don't know what more sighting you'd want now an interesting thing is here's a couple of plaques for some of the first place at national competitions that I've got and I find it ironic that the state plaque is a lot bigger than the national plaque now as far as an international shooting championship this forty millimeter casing was turned into a trophy and it's something I got for an international pistol shooting championship that was held in the Netherlands where I took first place and as far as the sanctioning body I guess that would be the Dutch army and no I don't mean it that's a coffee thing I mean the Dutch army so as far as citing the sanctioning body there you go now if you want to see some of this other stuff well let's see here's a tomahawk that was the prize for winning a tomahawk throwing competition and you see this here yeah air does pass through that it really is a pipe here's some plaques for some of the turkey shoots that I've won where you act you can win money monetary prizes and you can win turkeys and one of those actually won for turkeys and I was very popular that Thanksgiving handing out turkeys but I don't really care to go on and on about stuff like this this isn't what it's about which is another interesting thing and I'll have to refer to my nodes because I want to make sure that I get these right as gun nuts goes on about his various ratings and so forth like that someone told him that I wasn't interested in self-aggrandizing as he is and his reply to that was believe me anyone with a YouTube channel is a hundred percent interested in a grand izing especially Paul some of us are just more honest about it no I doubt very much that he's capable of being honest about very much of anything and making sucking such an accusation is as far beneath me as it should be beneath you self aggrandizing is his bag not mine but to get back to the point of shooting competitions it is true that I have not competed in any competitions where I could have earned a Pokemon poem Harry Potter dungeon master rating but the idea that I haven't been in any shooting competitions I've been in a few now there's one more thing I have to cover and please believe me I get no catharsis or pleasure from saying this discourse and disagreement are good things bald-faced lies and intentional misrepresentations are not now there were people who commented on that rant and mentioned that they didn't like it and didn't think it was appropriate and some of the people were standing up for me and I appreciate that but in that gun nuts replied to some of them with things like well great now maybe Paul will be proud of you like your dad never was and maybe Paul will love you like your father never did Caleb you kicked that ball into the field you have no one to blame but yourself when somebody picks it up and runs with it Caleb I'm a lot older than you and probably old enough to be your father and I have children so I understand a little bit about being a parent I don't know if you had a father and if so I don't know if he's extent but if so I hope he didn't see what you did because I'm confident he would be embarrassed by you I know I'm embarrassed for you and if you have a father I hope that he didn't see what you did because what you did is conduct unbecoming a member of the Armed Forces most certainly conduct on becoming an NCO and demonstrates that you have no shame that's okay the rest of us have plenty to spare and I'm confident your father would be ashamed of you I know I am ashamed of you right about now is when I normally say thanks for watching no today I'm only gonna say I'm sorry you had to watch this and I wish I didn't have to make it
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 841,236
Rating: 4.967865 out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, paul harrell rebuttal, paul harrell gun nuts media, gun nuts media
Id: GPw3oz9psnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 39sec (3939 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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