Guitar Teacher REACTS: REN - HI REN | LIVE

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my friends my friends how are you out there well apparently I completely missed the mark doing the last Ren video although I loved it but man you guys know I move fast and when I'm on this reacts request page you know when I see multiple people with the same title I just assume something's trending and I have to click on it these are all ice cold so please forgive me so much so that one of our fearless moderators Vandy says look man I don't ask for much I love the rent video today but everyone wants you to do high REM it might be the Bohemian Rhapsody of his generation truly epic Justin Hawkins says it's in drop D um so I put my guitar in drop D and you know what let's hit the button so I went on search for Ren get one from cartney Dubose lifetime member thank you card name he goes look this is the song you shoulda and want to react to says dude you missed the mark come on do this one blank blank blank all right I'm gonna do it but first Ren himself jumped into one of the uh one of the comments on the old video to one say thank you but also I then went on his channel and noticed that he went and listed all the creators that have been reacting to and spreading his video around and I thought that was so cool so dude noticed appreciated love you brother also he is in the band The Big push which I reacted to I think a couple years ago so been a friend of the channel for a minute here we go hit the button oh God nine minutes and what is this all right [Music] buckle up friends this is going to be a long video if you are new here actually I don't know if I hope you are I hope you aren't you're going to get what you're gonna get but I try to figure some stuff out and teach you something so if you play guitar any instrument check this out um a lot of diminished stuff Happening Here we start in D Minor that's pretty clear now all I'm doing here is first I'm going to track the bass notes that's definitely D Minor try it and then fret so that's our fourth go into our flat three back to root right so that's a B flat right there [Music] so flat six to five B flat to a [Music] back up after fourth third back and forth fourth [Music] all right now we get into the diminished craz craziness so what we've established here again this is how you figure stuff out start with the root we know it's D and it's D minor now we're gonna shoot for something that makes sense starting from the four and the flat three but we're gonna cheat we're going to use the video and our ears and educated guessing and try to put put it all together here but that's what you do you start with the root take educated guesses based on basic music theory use the video if you have it and do the best you can hit me Ren [Music] so now I'm just listening to the notes but I know we're here [Music] but he starts like this like that so you got flat six five four up two there we go we got this it looks like he's straight across an a major Triad [Music] now I think it's going to f like which is such a wild thing to do if that's what happens because you're getting this this sound right like this because this is in the base so it's like the flat six is prominent and then but this little man it's so evil now B flat and now all I'm doing is walking down the D minor scale trying to get lucky here right four flat three two one now that my friends is a cool little thing so I know it's flat six to five and now I know I'm hearing that strong five to one pull and it sounds like a little diminished little move here yeah shooting for that major third of A7 remember we're always third hunting nothing creates chord function more than the third okay so that's the note that changes we were in D Minor now if it was full D Minor we'd go to our flat seven but what do we do we play C sharp the major third of a gives us that leading tone to pull back from five to one so now well he's gonna play a couple more notes [Music] oh yeah yeah he does it my friends what is this those are stacked minor thirds coming down from C sharp okay so why why does that work well my friends have you ever wondered what the purpose of a diminished Triad is it is to be the three five and flat seven of a dominant chord we established that we wanted the C sharp because that is our leading tone that's what gives us A7 that's the difference between a and a minor right and then what do we do we sell the [ __ ] out of it we stack minor thirds but we go down right you know sorry sorry sorry all we're doing is over selling that C sharp diminished Triad because that wants to resolve back to D Minor all right enough Theory we're only 25 seconds in let's take it oh [Music] thank you I can't turn my theory brain off alright so many cool things in here right little things all you heard in there again [Music] what is this sound forever in your brain I want you to put a word to it [Music] that my friends is the sound of a diminished Triad one two three one two three one two three one two three everything's minor thirds okay everything is minor third so wherever you start no again I guessed there it's not magic I'm assuming we're still making A7 right so three five flat seven that's your C sharp diminished Triad and I just jump up three fret did I miss it [Music] yeah and then it's such a weird place to do it here it's the same chord though yeah adding in another minor third [Music] I'm gonna let it fly to play now okay point is uh when you put words to stuff and you understand why that sound sounds that way and why it works you can then use it for other stuff holy [ __ ] I'm only 50 seconds in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi there Ryan it's been a little while did you miss me before you buried me didn't you risky cause I always come back since we spoke bro I know you need me you're the Sheep I'm the shepherd know your place to lead me not your place to be biting off the hand that feeds me hi everyone I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still I've been taking some time to be by myself since my therapist told me I'm Ill and I've been making some progress lately and I've learned so many coping skills so I haven't really needed any much man I think we need to just step back and chill ran you sound thing than I do the thing that those doctors are really that's a guy driven through this a million times your civilian mind is so perfect they're always being lied to okay take another pill boy around yourself in the sound of white noise follow this tense that program Rejoice all your problems will be gone [ __ ] dumb boy this time is different man trust me I feel like things might be falling in place and my music's being kind of doing bits too like I actually might do something great and when I'm gone maybe I'll be remembered for doing something special with myself that's why I don't think that we should talk man because when you're with me it never seems to help you think that you can amputate me I am you you are me you are I I am we We Are One split into that makes one so you see you gotta kill you if you wanna kill me I'm not left over then I'm not scraps on the side oh your music is thriving delusional guy where's your top 10 hit where's your interview with Oprah wow your Grammys ran nowhere yeah but my music's not commercial like that I never chase numbers statistics or Stars I never write hooks for the radio they never even blame me so why would I concern myself with that but my music is really connecting and the people who find it respected and for me that's enough because this life's been tough so it gives me your purpose like I'm resting man you sound so pretentious ran your music is so self-centered no one wants to hear another song about how much you hate yourself trust me you should be so lucky having me inside okay um you know I'm actually glad I did the other video first um it's the same it's the same thing in a different way uh you know the other video very much you know the chalk outlines you know the suicide and that whole thing but it's it's the constant internal battle that we all feel and that we all fight every single day and I don't know how many times I have to mention it there's a reason this book The War of art Stephen pressfield is on my desk because uh especially for the creative artist um the biggest fight you have is every single day to not listen to this voice but to listen to this voice listen to the small voice that gets put in the back that you know what people do like my music it does mean something to people I'm not a piece of crap like I'm I am moving it it means something like and and drown out the other voice which is so loud whether it's inside or whether it's on the news or whatever it is that no everything's wrong it's unfixable you can't do this you're not worth it that is the loud voice that's the voice of least resistance that comes through you have to fight it each into every day and every moment and commit yourself sharing what only you can make and doing what only you can do and being okay with what happens with it literally the war of art I could not I could not be read that book if you make anything or if you ever want to do something the true fight is within and this is a song about that I do the guide you remind you to manage expectations provide you perspective nothing you neglected I get it you wanna be a big deal next Jimmy Hendrix forget it money's not like that money's just like that I'm inside you you twice no it's not mine you're wrong when I write I belong let me break a fourth wall by acknowledging this song runs this down has a stroke of Genius he wants to write a song that was not done previous a battle with this subconscious Eminem did it played on guitar it's the Pinnacle of your successes stealing other people's material brand mate we've heard it all before oh she sells these shows on the seashore [ __ ] you I don't need you I don't need to hear this cause I'm fine by myself I'm a genius and I will be great and I will make waves take up the whole wall beneath us that's right speak your truth your [ __ ] God complex leaks out of you it's refreshing to ask for you to say it instead of don't play Oh music is all about the creative process and if people can find something to relate to within that then that's just a bonus [ __ ] you I'ma [ __ ] kill you [ __ ] kill me then I [ __ ] have you right I'm gonna do it once we prove it it'll be you to download music because I call the shots I choose if you die yeah I call the shots and stuff I choose to survives I'll tie you up in knots when I lock you massage yeah news flash I was created at the dawn of creation okay this is getting insane um I'm gonna restart the camera because I don't know how much time has passed but Nothing's Gonna Change okay see nothing changed um there's so much to take in I love I love the little like the like when when the bad side is talking he's really laying into the D minorness of it right like right you know that one flat three five but then when the other voice is talking you'll you'll hear him uh you know play some of those other chords that kind of you know brighten it up in the same key like there's a little hope take it away there's a little hope what were you thinking love that stuff I am Temptation I am the snake in Eden I am the reason for treason beheading all Kings I am sin with no Rhyme or Reason none of the morning Lucifer Antichrist Father of Lies Mustafa leaves truth in a blender deceitful Pretender the banished revenge of the righteous surrender when standing in front of my solar eclipse my name is Stitch to your lips so you see I will bow to the will of immortal people are normal you wanna kill me I'm Eternal or more I live in every decision causes the vision I live inside that for beginning of ends you are me I am you friend foreign [Music] into the chromatic craziness when the mind starts to deteriorate all the right all the flat nine stuff and this taking that that that that that that just feeling like you're slipping out of control you're just you're abandoning a key Center here you know you can move around with your octaves you know like he's doing but he's just grabbing his shapes and moving it around and trying to create that feeling of of of it's happening it's finally happening we're slipping we're we've lost control [Music] say the name diminished [Music] [Music] hi Ren I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still I've been taking some time to be by myself and I've spent half my life ill but just as sure as the tide starts turning just as sure as the night has done yeah look at the camera and full soon one is dry when you stand in an eye of a storm I was made to be tested and twisted I was made to be broken and be I was made by his hand little part of his plan that I stand on my own two feet and you know me my will is eternal and you know me you've met me before face to face with a beast I will rise from the East and I'll settle on the ocean floor and I go by many names also some people know me as hope some people know me as the voice that you hear when you loosen the Noose on the Rope then you know how I know that I'll Prosper cause I stand there beside you today that was a that was a line right there love it some people know me as hope some people know me as that feeling when you loosen the Rope oh man I have stood in the Flames the cremated my brain and I didn't once flesh Ade when I sing from the top of my lungs that I won't retire I'll Stand in your fire and spider that make to be strong and when I am gonna write in the music that I left behind ferocious persistent immortal like you were a climate to different side oh foreign [Applause] [Music] I want to see the other guy where's the other guy the pig in the blood face come on can't be over no when I was 17 years old a showered out into an empty room into a blank canvas that I would defeat the forces of evil and for the next 10 years of my life I suffered the consequences with autoimmunity illness and psychosis as I got older I realized there were no real winners and there were no real losers in psychological warfare but there were victims and there were students it wasn't David versus Goliath it was a pendulum eternally swaying from the dark to the light and the more intensely that the light shine the darker the shadow it casts that is the God's honest truth the more intensely the light Shone the darker the shadow It cast I've never heard it put so well but think about it think about it it's now what's that saying for people that um it was like in the Shawshank Redemption like in prison uh hope is what is is bad in a cage right I'm paraphrasing I don't know exactly the line but the point was that hope will kill you in here hope will kill you in here you have to abandon all your hope to make it through these days because if you think there's light on the other side the man your darkest days are still ahead of you that my friends is some real talk Ren it was never really a battle for me to win it was an eternal dance like a dance the more rigid I became the harder it got the more I curse My Clumsy footsteps the more I struggled so I got older and I learned to relax and I learned to soften and that dance got easier it is this eternal dance that separates human beings from angels from demons gods and I must not forget we must not forget that we are human beings that's right saw the shadow at the end okay um thank you for everyone that made me go back and watch this and right that wrong um but it wasn't wrong because I loved the other video uh Ren I'm speaking you directly now uh I don't think that I've ever heard it put so well and I man it is so hard to come up with a new and unique way to convey Universal truths and as writers or just communicators in general we're always on the hunt for that I think about ways to communicate this in a new and fresh way that will connect all the time and I did not expect to hear this today um but it is what separates us and it doesn't matter whether you believe in God or whether you're religious or whatever we are this thing but we also aren't are we when this vessel goes away we live on in hearts in memories there's a spirit there's a feeling that happens like when I walk into my grandfather's room um there's a human thing that is uniquely different that we forget about and we forget that no human doesn't have this battle I know I did a double negative I'm sorry deal with it but everybody it's part of Being Human has those two voices and regardless of your religion you tend to equate Heaven and Hell good or bad you know and all these different things even if it's not a religion it could be an ideology you know political or whatever it is and we think there's we think it's it's one or the other and it's this verse that um and the closer we get to one that's positive the larger the negative seems looming right and the closer we get to the one that's negative the farther away the positive feels like it's even possible that pendulum is human nature and you talking about it in this way I really think reached someone that really needed it um because he said it in a new way that completely caught me off guard and I know I'm not the only one but it's true Ren you are the man this community Courtney Vandy everybody thank you so much for forcing me to go back and do a do-over which I basically never do um and uh thank you for allowing this community to be a place but we can talk about stuff like this and be real and share warts and all and if again if I have one piece of advice for anybody out there that makes anything even if you don't make stuff even if you want to like climb a mountain or you want to become a sailor whatever the hell you want to do read this book this is not an affiliate thing Steven pressfield has no idea who I am that book's a big deal I love you all take care see on the other side oh yeah and remembered for life stacked minor thirds diminished
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 546,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitar lesson, music theory, guitar scales, Guitargate, reaction, guitar reaction, REN, REN REACTION, ren hi ren, ren hi ren reaction, ren hi ren guitar lesson, ren hi ren meaning, ren hi ren guitar tutorial, ren hi ren guitar chords, ren hi ren chords, ren guitar lesson, howt ot play ren hi ren, how to play hi ren guitar, ren lyrics, ren hi ren live, ren hi ren live reaction, ren hi ren lyric meaning
Id: 2zixl_SN_n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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