I Finally Get Radiohead

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foreign [Music] Michael palmisano here hope you're having a great day back on my website guitargate.com looking for subscriber react request Tori Pellegrini from Boston Massachusetts hits me with a little nude radio head from the basement lifetime member Tori thank you so much really appreciate you taking the lessons and courses on my site says Mikey you got to give radio ahead a listen I was a late Comer to the band now I can't get enough the harmonies the composition the musicianship is mind-blowing the entire from the basement set is epic but I just love the emotion and simplicity of this song enjoy the journey brother and thank you for all that you do ma'am thank you for all that you do you make it all possible and uh let's hit the button now I will say I have not gotten into Radiohead um not for any reason in particular but like the band has never really clicked with me so I have not listened too much of it so for all intents and purposes this is ice cold ladies and gentlemen don't know if I've heard this song but let's hit the button [Music] oh that's cool foreign [Music] there dinner gonna happen the Evo okay if you're new to this channel I do start and stop this isn't just a reaction where we make faces I try to show you what I'm seeing and hearing and try to teach you something in real time it's not perfect but we try to get what we can get now okay first thing that stands out is the amount of space in here it's warm it's groovy it's intriguing it's like I I don't know but it's a Vibe now we come in with these octaves at first I'm thinking okay no big deal right G sharp but then it goes up a half step and I'm like okay what is this is this some then it goes down to E [Music] and then C sharp and then B so immediately my brain is thinking we're in the key of E this would be one three four five six now what we don't know is if we're in the key of D or sorry E major or E mixolydian because we don't have an A D anything we don't know if we're ding or D sharping now then the the vocals come in and I don't know where this Melody comes in but this is not the type of Melody that I'm used to come on let's go forward [Music] okay so you got f e to D so you got like no that's not right yeah okay so what you just saw me do there is called audiation and that's that's where you try to get a pitch in your head you don't know what you're looking for but then you go and try to find it but it's an imperfect science I thought it was an F turned out to be e [Music] but what's cool about this is shooting right for this e okay but over the in the context of of G sharp that's a flat six so our Melody's going [Music] flat six five four now listen I'm from country Blues land Soul land metal Lin you know Rockland um you know like straight up and down Blues you know singing for the most part I'm not used to these a flat six five four just wild but our question is answered we're D sharping not D's we're an E major naughty mixo body damn I'm not gonna happen the Igbo is killer [Music] love it with the Evo it's so cool [Music] oh wait no right so something happened we switched to Major [Music] very cool thing that happened so we're sitting on a three chord right so G sharp is three in the key V major in key it's E minor or it's G sharp minor we have [Music] B in there he just makes it major just makes it major [Music] the day they'll be something missing [Music] it's gone now that you feel you don't [Music] know so cool it it's so much space each sound has such its own texture like its own moment its own kind of clarity right everything is so purposeful but simple but like deliberate um and his the way that he slides in and out of everything you know how like like especially when you're you know navigating different harmonies and you're and you're taking liberties you can just slaw but as long as you commit to the slide and you never actually stop you can sell basically anything you can push past it you can pull back from it and he's just has a totally clean curve and they just and it just naturally dissipates and This falls back into the next chord tone it again not what I'm used to but like haunting and intriguing and definitely a vibe foreign [Music] what's going on here [Music] okay so G sharp so the I encourage everybody if you watch this channel a lot you know what I'm gonna say learn the melody to every song that you learn not just the guitar parts this this little modulation making this G sharp into a G sharp major G sharp minor in a G sharp major the note that makes a difference in here is rather doing b or c yeah I know it's B Sharp being n harmonically correct but it's a white white note on the keyboard all day my friends right now so when he's going into this he's coming out of he's coming out of it he's got sharp okay which of course is the fifth right that's right it's the root of G sharp but then he comes right over [Music] and shoots right for the note that changes right for that C note why is this significant um again I come from a land of up and down Melodies but to have this much space this much articulation um and and you just be able to Glide from chord tone to chord tone and when you do this little modulation and you're changing one note in the chord that was on purpose that's what the writer wanted they wanted that one thing to be different they wanted that b to be C and then to have them just come in and just just [Music] and just keep going up the scale but adding that one little note into this and just hitting it dead on man I'm telling you that's the real stuff don't get fooled by the Simplicity this is serious artistic craftsmanship oh chill out [Music] dancing [Music] okay [Music] this is an incredible moment so he's got this descending line where the band slows down in real time he makes eye contact with the camera it's as much time as he wants right and now one of the beauties of one of the beautiful things about uh this kind of vocal slide where you have a perfect Arc like this is that you can start a little before the bands go you can cue them with your curve and then you can speed it up and then when the band gets there then you can arrive at your note and it's this it's this seamless feeling of this like Perfect Pitch but yet it's also got that that that thing that only a human can do that just immediately touches your soul this this is such a simple incredibly difficult masterful uh um I'm using way too many of these powerful words um pointing I don't I don't know but this is this is the real stuff right here this slide watch him go down first foreign [Music] breath look at the camera [Music] started but [Music] it's going back up to the C sharp but listen the band comes in and he waits for the slide but listen to how smooth The Arc is so when you get there I mean you don't even you you don't hear anything out of place at all it's a completely completely smooth vocal Arc [Music] that is the real stuff foreign [Laughter] [Music] love this little lift [Music] there's that Evo again upper harmonies but with the Evo all right who sent me this Tori Pellegrini Tori this is what the community is all about thank you so much for being a subscriber and turning us on to this performance of Radiohead nude okay I I probably said the beginning of this channel um I don't think I've gotten Radiohead until this very instant you saw it happen in real time uh my key takeaways are this one the sound every sound is important and thought out the warmth right but then the rake of the guitar where the ebo comes in like the softness in his voice the the the restraint and the sustain and the commit to flowing in and out of the vocal melody lines the tapping on the ride right like the real tight snare uh the really round Bass um it is such a Vibe okay two there's so much space in the Rhythm there's so much space in the arrangement and it's so on purpose it reminds me of a quote Bono said that said notes are really expensive so be sure when you want to use them this completely makes me think of that like it's so simple but it's so well arranged it is so well crafted um and then the way that it comes in on the G sharp on the three with the octaves not the chords at first and it goes three four one six or five four yeah three four one six five um but then it starts adding the rest of the harmony with the melody being the thing that really leads it along and then when you go to modulate when you choose to brighten up just one little part of the song and I don't know the lyrics that are attached to it I want to I guarantee they're significant he chooses to weave directly right to that sea to that major third to the note that changes because remember the third creates chord function more than any other note and so when you pick to change that chord when you pick to modulate or change keys if you will or borrow a chord it's to achieve that third it's to achieve the note that changed right the different function and so for him to just Target it but not straight down but for him to skip a few steps go right to it man that's just not something I get in Blue's world that's not this isn't the world from where I come but man I think I get it and what I you know what I really want to do I want to watch an interview of how they put this stuff together and how they craft it because it's it's it's so unique it's so artistically pure but it's so on purpose it is there's an incredible amount of restraint and on purposeness about it um it's not random it's not one it this is this is an artistic statement that has been really thought out um and it's so clear I get it that's it ladies and gentlemen I love you all have a great day if you want to be like Tori and pick what comes next on my YouTube channel and get access to this reacts request page again this is a page I built on my website guitargate.com to say thank you for those that allow me the privilege to being one of your online resources so if you want another couple Tools in your tool bag you dig the theory talk and the ear training and the audiation and talking about progressions and not just where to put your finger please hit the first link in the description you get everything I have it's step by step and I'd love to hear what you're listening to and what do you think we should go next that's it have a great day remember [ __ ] keep the guitar in your hands cheers foreign
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 956,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitar lesson, improvisation, music theory, guitar scales, Guitargate, reaction, guitar reaction, radiohead reaction, radiohead guitar lesson, radiohead, radiohead live, radiohead fans, radiohead nude, radiohead nude guitar lesson, radiohead nude guitat tutorial, radiohead nude live, radiohead nude reaction, radiohead tabs, radiohead nude tabs, radiohead nude chords
Id: Fi7SGJGaW8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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