Vocal Coach Reacts To REN - 'HI REN' Vocal Analysis

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[Music] come on hello gorgeous I'm the fairy voice mother and today I'm going to be having a little look at Tyran this song's been out about three months it's got three and a half million views in that time which is quite unusual for a song by an artist that is relatively unknown what's more I've had a flood of requests just recently in the last couple of weeks to do this and that's quite unusual and in the comments that have asked me to analyze it they mention about how it's just sort of overworldly unparalleled musical work everyone on my Discord is talking about it and I'm just extremely intrigued I don't think this will be particularly easy listening at least I'm not sensitive and just never get emotional about singers so we should be fine make sure you stick around stick around to the end for today's oracle card without further Ado and stuff I'm gonna get my headphones and then we're gonna blind me it's a long one nine minutes and 19 seconds so um get comfy you want a nice Brew on the go and a glass of water honestly hydration comes first okay this is Lily from the future really quick I just want to say that I've watched the whole thing and I was completely speechless like I just had to follow it all the way to the end I'm gonna go back over it now and stop it I have to stop it for the copyright thing anyway and just see if I can analyze it in a little bit more detail just so you know how the structure of this video is gonna work see you in the future [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hi there and it's been a little while did you miss me before you buried me didn't you risky cause I always come back down you know that periphery ran on you're pleased to see me it's been weak since we spoke bro I know you need me you're the Sheep I'm the shepherd know your place to lead me not your place to be biting off the hand that feeds me hi everyone I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still I've been taking some time to be by myself since my therapist told me I'm Ill and I've been making some progress lately and I've learned some of the coping skills so I haven't really needed you much man I think we need to just step back and chill even from the very beginning there is a very clear dichotomy of moods starting from the plucking in the guitar [Music] he's plucking those strings so hard just deliberately overdoing it his frustration seems to be seeping out of the performance of the guitar alone before he even opens his mouth when the singing gets a little bit more calm he just plays the guitar very normally hi bran I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still these contrasts are everywhere and in even Eve's more or less details for example even in his little melodic hook there's nothing remotely melancholic at all about that little section however straight after whoa whoa whoa we've changed that little Melody using that minor second interval that little semitone difference that's the interval that we classically use in music composition to imply threat for example that is the power of music theory straight away we're introduced to the idea of impending threat step back and chill ran you sound what we're saying than I do you think that those doctors are really that's a guide you've been through this a million times your civilian mind is so perfect they're always being lied to okay take another pill boy drown yourself in the sound of white noise follow this 10-step program Rejoice all your problems will be gone dumb boy not me this time is different man trust me I feel like things might be falling in place and my music's being kind of doing bits too like I actually might do something great and when I'm gone maybe I'll be remembered for doing something special with myself that's why I don't think that we should talk man because when you're with me it never seems to help you think that you can amputate me I am you you are me you are I I am we We Are One splitting two that makes one so you see you gotta kill you if you wanna kill me I'm not left over then I'm not scraps on my side oh your music is thriving delusional guy where's your top 10 hit where's your interview with Oprah wow your Grammys ran nowhere bad but my music's not commercial like that I never chase numbers statistics or Stars when he's talking about the more supportive positive version of himself a lot of what he's singing in these sections is very bright he's got a lovely wide open mouth and he's got this kind of confident definitive tone about it but occasionally it wavers The Confident part of this Aura is when his phrases sort of resolve down and finish nicely in the chord the melodic structure is sort of this time is different man trust me I feel like things might be falling in place and my music's being kind of doing bits too like I actually might do something great maybe I'll remember myself but then that nervous quality comes from when the voice is occasionally breaking into that little falsetto flip thing that he utilizes throughout all of the vocal delivery in the more destructive version of himself off so that it starts to creep in insinuating that the other voice is gonna come back because when you're with me it never seems to help you think that you can amputate me the vocal delivery of the more destructive version of himself also contains far more extreme wild vocal techniques hi Ren you've got this little bit of distortion eh down there and then obviously the consistent flipping Into Thin folds that voice literally seems to also be consistently stronger than the other voice despite occasionally the other voice coming across is quite confident it's still nowhere near as powerful as the destructive one so we can read into that what we will and from the melody structure point of view as well the mean voice is far more sporadic and unpredictable there's no sort of set phrasing but the more stable version of himself has more stability in the melodic writing but my music is really connected and the people who find find it respected and for me that's enough because this life's been tough so it gives me your purpose I can rest in man you sound so pretentious ran your music is so self-centered no one wants to hear another song about how much you hate yourself trust me you should be so lucky having me inside you to guide you remind you to manage expectations provide you perspective nothing you neglected I get it you wanna be a big deal next to me Hendrix forget it man it's not like that man it's just like that I'm inside you you twice no it's not mine you're wrong when I write I belong let me break a fourth wall by acknowledging this song Run sits down has a stroke of Genius he wants to write a song that was not done previous a battle with a subconscious Eminem did it played on guitar Plan B did it minded original you criminal record fire it's the Pinnacle of your success is stealing other people's material right mate we've heard it all before oh she sells these shows on the seashore I don't need you I don't need to hear this cause I'm fine by myself I'm a genius and I will be great and I will make waves and I'll shake up the whole world beneath it that's the journey although it isn't linear in any song There's usually some some kind of broad structure maybe it goes up down and up and then down again or something but this is completely non-linear it's not even like that it's like that he's not storytelling in a way that I have ever heard anyone storytell musically before this is what makes it so captivating and why it was almost impossible to pause I find it really interesting how he's referring to both of his inner voices as the same person he's addressing them both as Ren I think it really speaks volumes about how far he must have come in his recovery to be able to write something so exposing and visceral because even a part of himself that is so destructive and immobilizing rather devastational he's choosing to identify with that as much as he's choosing to identify with the other part of himself I think demonstrative musical Works can be far more potent for a listener by not addressing us or telling us how we should behave we feel truly disarmed and merely a spectator of someone's healing process that's right speak your truth your [ __ ] God complex leaks out of you it's refreshing to ask for you say it instead of downplay IT music is all about the creative process and if people can find something to relate to within that then that's just a bonus watch me prove it over you to download music because I call the shots I choose if you die yeah I call the shots and stuff I choose to survive I'll tie you up a knots when I lock you into I died news flash I was created at the dawn of creation I am Temptation I am the snake in Eden I am the reason for treason beheading all Kings I am sin that transition is absolutely stunning the kind stable version of himself telling the mean version that he is gonna kill him and destroy him and then realizing that he actually can't because that's the way that he is that is true for a lot of conditions and predispositions you don't get rid of them completely I can only talk from the personal experience that I've had with depression there have been many times in my life so far where I thought I'd conquered it I'd just cured depression it was done I never had to deal with it anymore I've healed from the disease when it comes back the same way the same exact physical symptoms it felt like a failure because I thought that I'd recourse it or something the older I get the more I realize that you have to be nice to yourself and realistic about these things for whatever reason whatever traumas we've had and however we were developed when we were very young in life however these synapses were created it might be the case that what's done is done and although that does sound tragic and sad it doesn't mean that we can't cope with it it's just something that we've got to be aware of a part of us that can rear its ugly head at any time but it's okay because there's always help people understand and it's so powerful to see it depicted in that way go on the journey with yourself and take each day as it comes I think if anyone has suffered with anything you need to hear this because you don't have to heroically heal from everything you just need to accept it and understand yourself good things will happen this is especially and weirdly pertinent to me because obviously he's called Ren and he keeps referring to himself as Ren and I used to just go by Ren and I wasn't really coping that well it literally feels like he's talking to me so it's very very powerful experience for me reason son of the morning Lucifer anti-cry Father of Lies Mustafa leaves truth in the Blended us equal Pretender the banished revenge of the righteous surrender when standing in front of my solar eclipse my name is Stitch to your lips so you see I won't bow to the will of immortal feeble and normal you wanna kill me I'm Eternal or more I live in every decision friend [Music] how the section where he lyrically depicts stuff like death and chaos and all of that kind of shreddy metal power chords a very appropriate integration of a snippet of that genre foreign I've been taking some time to be distant I've been taking some time to be still I've been taking some time to be by myself and I've spent half my life ill but just as sure as the tide starts turning just as sure as the night has done just as sure it's the rainfall soon one is dry when you stand in an eye of a storm I was made to be tested and twisted I was made to be broken and be I was made by his hand little part of his plan that I stand on my own two feet then you know me my will is eternal and you know me you've met me before face to face with a beast I will rise from the East and I'll settle on the ocean floor and I go by many names also some people know me as hope some people know me as the voice that you hear when you loosen the Noose on the rope and you know how I know that I'll Prosper cause I stand here beside you today I have stood in the Flames that cremated my brain and I didn't want flush shape there's so many streams of human experience in this that one of them is bound to flow into our River the nature of his illness or illnesses sounds extremely complex so there won't be many of us perhaps that can relate to exactly what he's going through but we can certainly all recognize what it's like to have an inner battle things that make us feel genuine happiness and then the things that carry so many more complications to do with what you're supposed to be doing and what would make us more successful on a material Level or on a grand scale as much as we may lust after this image of ourselves being very successful in all of the ways that everyone else would also do more successful we actually perhaps want something that doesn't look like that at all but we don't want to admit it to ourselves because there's too much pressure someone like him delivering his story in such a unique refreshing visceral emotional way that's also proving to be successful as well if you want to consider the amount of views that it's had or whatever in such a short time that is so inspiring to everyone whether you make music or not has then validated so many people that thought they were abnormal because they were only looking at these sparkly people and perhaps encourage them to be a little bit more true to themselves and to the world because that is now proving to make its way out into society and people are accepting it to be this Brave and proud of yourself and confident that you can always win against the ill part of you to me defines someone that's healed someone that knows this part of them is going to be there for the foreseeable future but they can always as he said prosper it's wonderful man I've become when I sing from the top of my lungs that I won't retire I'll Stand in your fire Inspire that make to be strong and when I am gone I will write in the music that I left behind ferocious persistent Immortal are you a climate to different side the little bit of strain that you hear and the veins kind of popping out although that's not recommended for long-term voice use it was such a necessarily strong and Gallant way to deliver this moral of the story [Music] YouTube [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you [Applause] foreign [Music] I shouted out into an empty room into a blank canvas that I would defeat the forces of evil so of course we 'd be one but they're both part of him so even though that moral of the story is established the other version of him it doesn't go away but he can cope with it wow the true version of himself called him a genius in the lyrics and I totally agree with him so that almost brings us to the end of today's video but not until we read today's oracle card oh my god well can you just enjoy the moment more can you switch off the head noise and just be give it a try you might like it if you want it and can't get it then find out how to do it simple oh my God these oracle cards are scary oh I swear I do not plan these I'm literally just reading them in the order I got them so the ones that I've read go at the back this is next week's one The Raven of reflection there's a very powerful energy in here between us I feel it hmm exciting well thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed making it if there are any singers you would like to see me react to please do let me know Down Below in the comments as it would be my pleasure I hope you have a wonderful day I love you so much and I cannot wait to see you again next time bye
Channel: The Fairy Voice Mother
Views: 237,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, ren, hi ren, the fairy voice mother, vocal coach
Id: gB-aB_NtR3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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