Is the healthcare system broken?Psychological Therapist REACTION to Sick Boi by Ren @RenMakesMusic

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oh what a shame he's in pain have another go take another pill here take a couple more let's see how you're doing in another week or so you'll be feeling worse when the side effects will show this one is making me [ __ ] angry I'm definitely gonna need the duck quite sound effect for this one as a fellow Renegade I'm gonna try something different this time I might even get in trouble for my reaction here not everyone is going to agree with what I have to say but this really really needs to be discussed this isn't a psychological analysis it's more of a human reflection of someone who works within the Healthcare System I'm not just a therapist I too believe it or not I'm a human being I've had human being experiences I have really really struggled at times I'm also adapted to beautiful young girls I'm a husband I'm a son please don't just see me as a healthcare professional I spent more of my life working outside of the healthcare professions than in it oh and I'm probably going to get some things wrong I'm probably gonna interpret them in in the wrong way or mishear something I'm human you may have a different opinion to me that's the beauty of music we can interpret this in different ways that's cool I'm always willing to listen to different viewpoints just let me know in the comments so let's get into this [Music] [Music] iron thank you for coming in today thanks for seeing me looking at your file here it seems as a very apparent interplay with your emotional state and your physical body have you ever heard of the trauma response I don't think so basically our bodies can get stuck in a negative feedback loop our subconscious can repeat patterns from the past which can have a pretty drastic times [Music] have you ever heard of the trauma response because we're about to find out what it feels like with what we're gonna put you through Wren don't worry I'm not going to stop this every 40 seconds I just just couldn't help myself then so I'm thinking that the the granting noises are probably somewhat an internal experience for him sort of like we saw with high Ren and externally he's coming across as relatively polite the way he says I don't think so just sounds so vulnerable and you can see him there he's a little fidgety he's a little agitated and if you saw that body language in someone if you had just an ounce of humanness that's not a word about you you would pick up on that and not bombard someone with a lot of jargon and I wonder in my clinical practice especially when I've worked as as a nurse on inpatient units if I come across like that not intentionally but where my words and what I've been saying have just been lost to the background like here I mean some of what she is saying is true our bodies do have a response to threats we have our sympathetic and our parasympathetic nervous systems that can activate fight or flight responses when we feel threatened because it has that functional purpose of getting us out of there or standing around and fighting maybe for someone that's an interesting bit of learning some psycho-education but not when someone is literally experiencing it where's the compassion where's the desire to take the suffering away from someone when I look back I know I felt compassion I felt that need and desire to help someone who was in distress that's why I did the job but did I act compassionately did I behave in a compassionate way did the person I was with feel that did they all did they sense my presence as another threat and actually made them feel even more unsafe and I think it has a lot to do with being with the person alongside them as much as you really can not in a fake way because that's what you've been taught but in a genuine human connection way put the clipboard down get that table out of the way don't say looking at your file here you don't learn about someone through their file you learn about them through listening to their experience and I know files may need to be kept but My worry is that once something has been written down it makes it true and then everyone who reads it afterwards takes it as true so if someone writes Ren is making himself sick then that's what people pick up that far will think and someone writes Ren has bipolar disorder then that's what the story becomes a bipolar disorder diagnosis and that line your mind is making you sick yeah everyone you're just doing it to yourself you're to blame what a condescending patronizing thing to say to someone your mind is making you sick it's all in your head your experience isn't real let's carry on [Music] [Music] [Music] it starts his verse here without grunting that agitation again probably because he's just sat through all that a minute ago and as he's talking telling his experience she sat there with a clipboard jotting stuff down listen to what he's saying sick boy sick boy bitten by a tick boy and actually we know some of Ren's story we know he has lyme disease and we know he's had a misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder and what do we know about Lyme disease well we know that for at least 30 years because we have this paper that Lyme disease can cause a broad range of psychiatric reactions including paranoia dementia schizophrenia bipolar disorder panic attacks major depression anorexia and obsessive-compulsive disorder and because of that the conclusion of that paper is psychiatrists who work in endemic areas need to include Lyme disease in the differential diagnosis of any atypical psychiatric disorder so that means that psychiatrists and people diagnosing should think about Lyme disease as an alternative diagnosis now I don't know what areas are endemic areas for Lyme disease soylental up there's an article here from the guardian in 2017 saying that it's a high risk area for Lyme disease Medscape says North America Europe and Asia so it doesn't seem it takes House MD level investigation to consider a differential diagnosis of Lyme disease now my question is why isn't this a standard test we can see from this screenshot that there's an ongoing trial happening right now that they are doing because psychotic illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are serious mental illnesses of unknown cause so that shows that even today right now we don't know what causes people to experience this why in peoples like Ren's case are we not testing we don't know what causes psychotic illnesses but we do know there's diseases that can cause psychotic symptoms and Lyme disease isn't the only one why aren't we testing for these diseases as a matter of course surely it's better to run these tests and spend the money than it is to let people live with this these are people's lives these are people's Sons these are people's daughters these are people's husbands these are people's wives is let me know in the comments if you have any ideas why this isn't a thing that gets done I'd love to know and if Ryan had been tested properly maybe he wouldn't have gone through all of this and actually gone on to make a full recovery from Lyme disease and then we have this person who who works wherever Ren is in this scene oh what a shame he's in pain the way that she says that with is zero compassion and that disturbing Sinister smile on her face probably perfectly portrays Ren's experience here and I think he said on the Justin Hawkins interview that he had doctors literally laughing at him shocking take another pill here take a couple more what because the first pill isn't working let's try some more maybe the second lot of meds is used to help with the side effects of the First Med like procyclidine is used regularly along with antipsychotics to help with the side effects you'll be feeding worse when the side effects show she knows she knows exactly what is highly likely to happen he's going to be feeding worse as a result of the medication and we know some of the medications Ren has been prescribed given the past to be given diazepam he talks about ssris which are antidepressants he's been misdiagnosed with bipolar in the past I was probably treated with a mousse stabilizer or an antipsychotic and a quick drugs history lesson here somewhere between the 1930s and the 1950s drugs were labeled as sedatives or stimulants it was said that sedatives would calm down people who were highly anxious or agitated and stimulants would get you going if you were a bit depressed or flat and in fact before this in the 30s that's less than 100 years ago there were treatments like insulin coma therapy where people would be given large doses of insulin that would put them in a coma and then they would be woken up with glucose and that was thought it would help with schizophrenia and it had a five to ten percent death rate what then chlorpromazine came along which we would Now call an antipsychotic and it was used to treat anxiety Mania psychosis and schizophrenia and it was used by two psychiatrists Delaney and denica who recognized that what this drug actually did because it was psychoactive meaning it affects the brain was changed the person's altered state so does it Target what might be considered an underlying condition or an underlying cause of psychosis it did something else to the brain and they recorded this back then that it caused emotional indifference reduced responsiveness reduce motivation reduce mental preoccupation and they noted that they were replacing the person's symptoms with a new experience and generally at that time that's what doctors saw they were doing oh and just one more note around the 1960s these drugs were advertised as drugs to manage Behavior look at this one for Thorazine which is another name for chlorpromazine when the patient lashes out Thorazine quickly puts an end to the violent Outburst I wonder how that could potentially be misused on an inpatient unit if you've ever heard of the term chemical straitjacket or the chemical Koch another one for Thorazine Thorazine can control the agitated belligerent senile so it was advertised to use on your elderly relatives when you felt they were getting a bit out of control so if you're out then you've got annoying parents grab yourself some Thorazine that sort them out it was also advertised for children who were defined and disorderly and then if you were say a parent with disorderly children and disorderly elderly relatives you could use it yourself for the emotional stress of having to manage all of that and over time and up to the present day these drugs started to be marketed in solder's drugs that work by balancing chemicals in their brain to make them normal again but they don't they don't normalize anything however the Altered States that these drugs do create may be preferable to the mental experiences that person may have been having at the time in other words the side effects might be better than the experience that they're replacing looking at what Ren is saying he says complications of medications inflammation dehydration inhalation aggravation and derealization that being that feeling that the world is unreal when you feel detached from everything he's describing exactly what those medications are supposed to do I've been looking for a way out but I always seem to drown it's like he's saying everything he tries to see that lets him down or makes him worse imagine going through that over and over again and if you go to the ask a patient website which is where people talk about their experiences or medications and look here the day I took the screenshot the advert was literally a pig Ren Healthcare professionals or Pig masks just a coincidence here I'll leave that one up to you we can see that people are antipsychotics so people who would have been on what were previously called sedatives report feeling emotionally empty feeling dead inside a weird Spacey empty feeling constant fog of lethargy and indifference to anything but I will note that they do say they help reduce delusions and hallucinations but they've reduced everything across the board they completely change that person's experience and on ask a patient people in antidepressants are ssris report uh lethargy total loss of libido inability to care about anything a general numbness a mental blankness mood swings irritability so imagine if you have a what could be called a psychotic experience because of something that isn't a biological problem so it's because of something that's happened to you and then you're given all of these medications that make you feel all of those ways or potentially all of those ways that I've just listed that's probably going to make you reach out and ask for help for your mental health and you're just going to get trapped in this cycle in my first role in the healthcare professions was a mental health nurse and I think I said that earlier and I administer medication sometimes I injected people with medication and at that time I thought I was balancing brain chemicals now I look back with some anger right now thinking about Ren's experience and especially with this video and and the message he's giving right now I feel my heart pumping and I'm getting a bit agitated I'm feeling angry and that's okay it's not aggression that's a behavior it's anger the healthy emotion it has the function to motivate me to do something when I think something unfair or unjust has been done that's why we have anger it's giving me a message that something isn't right here and I'm making this video as the behavior connected with that emotion to try and do something about it if I wasn't angry about this but I didn't have anything to say I won't be making this video and I don't work onwards now I actually left that pretty swiftly because it didn't feel right to me as a human being and I'm not saying there isn't a place for medication I know there will be people watching this who take medication and get great benefit from it I'm I'm not taking anything away from you from your experience your experiences your experience I've seen for myself people with psychotic symptoms who barely had a grip on reality being given medication and it's reduced their distress massively and then I've seen the same person stop taking those medications and become highly distressed and the heart and psychotic really quickly to the point where they couldn't look after themselves but I think how these drugs are working should be more clearly explained to the person taking it it should be an informed decision it's not targeting the underlying cause it's most likely replacing it with a different experience and if that experience is more favorable in comparison and fair enough let's be honest with each other let's work together but from what I remember the history of medication wasn't taught to me in my Nursing degree in fact I can't remember any real Theory other than the dominant theories of Serotonin and depression and dopamine and schizophrenia being taught to me and I was too naive then to go and look myself but one of the benefits of me doing a master's degree in Psychology in our PhD that gave me the tools to critically analyze the research and the evidence space and I'm now learning just how much nonsense there is out there and what we're being fed I don't want to Hazard a guess on the reasons why we're being fed some of this information I've seen other YouTube channels discuss that and they are no longer with us so I'm being somewhat cautious but if you've got any ideas let me know Down Below in the comments and in my work which I do now is a trauma therapist because I've got a completely different outlook on this stuff now I see people having what might be referred to by some uh psychotic symptoms and they are a response to trauma they are a direct response to something they've experienced not a biological deficiency in some way even reign in the Justin Hawkins interview says he believes he has some form of psychotic symptoms as his brains where you're protecting him from what was happening around him and I believe that right let's move on before this turns into a three-hour long rant is this all making sense um yeah I think so good what I propose we do is we try to pinpoint the exact experiences from the past that are keeping you stuck what can you tell me about your childhood I can't really think it's okay if nothing comes up right away what I'd like you to do is take some deep breaths with me in and out good see the pig mask is appearing again is this is this a greed representation I don't know is it something else what else do well butcher it was a pig and a butcher before wasn't it so is this is how he's been treated by the medical system is that right he feels like he's being butchered but it's the pig that's usually butchered doing the butchering why is that okay let me know I wonder she say is this all making sense Ren what world does it look like he's taking any of this in and you look like you're already struggling Ren you're in a lot of distress you clearly don't feel safe here with me so what I'm going to do is bring up your childhood and ask you about it what can you tell me about your childhood the therapist's go-to question isn't it and I'll admit there's a time and place for those discussions sometimes it's helpful to know how people cope with things when they were growing up as sometimes they may still try to cope in those ways as an adult and an understanding that it worked then perhaps to keep that person safe at that time but maybe that same strategy isn't working now because the context and situation has changed sometimes people find that helpful to think about but in this context how on Earth is that conversation going to help him right now and here comes the breathing now I'll admit I've used breathing exercises to help people before it can help to activate that parasympathetic nervous system and bring down some arousal but the times I've done it there's been a rationale first we've talked about why we're going to do it and and what we're trying to do and sometimes we'll take our heart rates before and after to show the effect it has on the body we don't just launch into this again it comes across as con contents as condescending and patronizing and breathing is often connected with mindfulness and people have different thoughts about mindfulness the way I work it's about being more connected with your own experience if you watch my higher end video it's about being able to notice those both sides of you notice what's going on for you stepping back and observing and having that awareness which I think Ren has talked about he's found massively helpful but it's not about sniffing and listening to a raisin and if you've looked into mindfulness you'll hopefully get that reference and again from Ren's perspective he's got all this going on around him and instead of trying to understand and help him with that and help him with this current situation that's making him feel threatened and unsafe it's just breathe Ren just breathe that will sort it out after all it's you causing this and ren does these breathing exercises and he does seem to settle just a little but this has literally just it just lasts those few seconds probably as a distraction more than any other reason that wouldn't last for any longer than that and then she says tell me the first thing that comes to your mind and he absolutely unleashes tell me the first thing that comes to your mind I feel like it's not me it's the world that's dead we're given everything we need then we commoditize it we can assume we destroy like we're parasitic science tells us that it's suicide is feel like it's not me it's the world that's sick and although there may be some references to to climate change here perhaps and how we are destroying the planet because of our own greed I think this goes deeper he's talking about how society and and the human race is broken in general I think as humans we become more about commoditizing everything we can Mass consumption and we're losing our Humanity as a result we're losing that connection with each other how can you sit there with a smile on your face and tell me I'm sick the world is falling apart out there Society is breaking the systems and I recognize that I can see the direction we're going in I can see the damage it's causing and yet you are going to say I think this because I'm sick because I am sick I notice all this because I have a dopamine deficiency I see all of this because I have a serotonin deficiency and you're going to treat me for it you're going to keep me in this place until you think I'm okay and he points are saying you're the virus like you're part of this broken system you're here trying to in a position to help me but you're part of this you're not helping me at all and it makes me think am I part of this am I part of this broken system and if I am what do I do can leave it and go and work for myself but that doesn't help anything does it how do I help people like Ren this is a genuine question for you out there what do we do what do people like me who's in this system who sees this what can we do let me know genuine question I'm trying my best [Music] [Music] [Music] cause I'm doing the same boom so when I think here so he just doesn't want to be part of this system he flips the birds we're destroying our planet we're destroying ourselves we're wrapping with a slit throat does that mean he's doing what he wants he's rapping he's making music but slowly dying I mean he did think he was die he didn't think he had long left well the world is dying does he mean that or is this a bit of both and see him still wearing his his um his hospital gown and people are getting him to sign things like even though he's even though he's sick and unwell there's still this expectation that other people are placing upon him and we take all our resources everything we have to offer as a planet as a society as human beings and we well a few people use it to get richer just for their own gain but we are bleeding it it's going to run out and when it does what's going to be left and I'm still reflecting on the last few lines I bleed in myself I bleed in my brain while I'm bleeding I'm the reason because I'm doing the same and I'm not sure if I've got this one perhaps he's talking about letting everything he has out he's bleeding himself of of what he has inside of him his values are making music and spreading his message and once that's run out what's going to be left of him although I don't think he is gonna run out of his message so I think that's quite interesting well maybe it's Society that's bleeding him out trying to get what they want from him and once they've had his way with him what will then remain of him let me know what you think so that's it I've said my piece I hope you found it interesting what do you want to see next the tale of genuine screenshots interesting my NHS job is actually working youth Justice so I work with um children teenagers adolescents who have got themselves in trouble because of some quite often understandable reasons given what they've experienced I'm not saying I condone their behavior there by the way I'm just saying that quite often their behavior is understandable and we need to see it through that lens maybe you can point me in the direction of another artist or something else in current popular culture that I can comment on maybe some general mental health stuff would be interesting for you or some more acceptance and commitment therapy videos and how to live a more meaningful life I'm here for you I'm here for the community so let me know down below and by down below I mean in the comments take care goodbye
Channel: Therapist Reacts
Views: 126,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acceptance and commitment therapy, ACT, cognitive, behaviour, therapy, russ harris, louise hayes, dnav, mindfulness, values, psychology, mental health, anxiety, anxeity, acceptance and committment, Ren, Sick boi, sick boy ren, sick boy, hi ren, renegade, anti psychiatry, medication, antipsychotics, chlorpromazine, act, psychotherapy
Id: lvQzpxztBqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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