Guilt | Full Revenge Thriller Movie | 2020

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] my [Music] [Music] here for your morning drive time we've got all the best local music for your morning commute got some traffic news now delays on the harbour bridge nothing new there but all other city approaches are clear imagine that trains buses and ferries you won't believe it they are running on time weather-wise sydney right now a beautiful glory spring day a sunny 23 degrees in the most beautiful city in the world but now here it is the new track from aussie band loretta sit back relax and enjoy this is [Music] [Music] hi adam i'm adam uh mrs barry yes i'm just here to fix your toilet come on through three journey all righty hmm well i found your problem that was turned off oh how embarrassing it's all right it happens sorry i didn't know i just moved in here you haven't got any other shadowheads or taps toilets to me look at walmart no everything works just fine did you want a drink or something well that'd be lovely thanks well actually you haven't got any soft drink by any chance do you yeah i do too easy so i had no soft drink on the water oh that's fine ah thank you i normally carry some in the van but um how long have you been out i know you're an ex-con it's okay i knew when i booked you i didn't go to prison so technically i'm not an ex-con i was in a rehabilitation unit for um you know what i i really need to get going i've got more jobs how about i sit you went to rehab for six months for molesting children oh sick i got help i have a new business now i'm a changed man so not even kitty porn no no no how many were there the little boys eight nine i and they sent you to a clinic to get some meds and talk to a doctor about your feelings now you're out you start shiny new business access to families homes and their children take off your clothes why okay okay drop your pants get on all fours please don't hurt me oh so sorry i'm sorry i'll do anything i'll do anything i promise i'll get back to the click i promise i promise i'll do anything it was nine boys by the way christopher sebastian [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] this is my life i just wonder if uh every day is going to be like this for the rest of my life did you know that when i do exercise now when i do push-ups if i'm exerting a lot of energy i start having an orgasm some might think that that makes me want to do more exercise but i get [ __ ] exhausted you know i've always thought of studying don't know if it's worth it i could probably do psychology actually you know they say most psychologists are nuts anyway probably fit right in well that's our session done for today that felt like a bit i think we're like another half hour yeah if and when you're ready we can continue next week just make the appointment with helen you know it wasn't very much to ask but they couldn't handle the job this is a bit silly but i compare myself to queen elizabeth you know the reigning monarch all those prime ministers who came and went so quickly really they couldn't handle the job but still she remained oh jesse did you get yourself some cake there's cake out the back dr hamilton's birthday today i mentioned it a few times throughout the week i'm always the one buying cake for birthdays [Music] [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign swan we're heading off down the pub you coming thanks i'm going to stay here a little longer oh come on give the books a rest all right take some time off this is doing my head in it just doesn't make any sense these pedophiles they get released and then within months they vanish this again look swan you're investing way too much time in these scumbags all right the department doesn't have the resources to fold them around 24 hours a day seven days a week we'd love to but we can't so what are we supposed to do huh come on top button's undone ties loosen one drink first round's on me come on okay one drink and then i'm going home wondering [Music] do [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi charlie hey dinner no no i won't forget i'll be there i'm at work i gotta go alright bye [Music] [Music] grace o'connell was a victim of domestic violence who was manipulated into carrying out certain acts in order to survive she is not a bad person and she is not a danger to society we believe that victims of domestic violence deserve the chance to start a new life and we have every faith that grace will do just that thank you [Music] [Music] oh my god i forgot to tell you we got a new patient in mr reynolds mr mr reynolds yeah our vice principal mr reynolds yep what's he doing there needs aged care oh wait how old is he 87 what he was 87 when we were at school i know his nose hair now is out of control charlie first thing i have to do go in give him an enema no no yes mr reynolds who i haven't seen since i was a kid i've got to go in and give him an enema oh does he recognize you oh no thank god i'll pull mr reynolds for you thank you well you're very good with poop hey what happened i just love seeing you laugh i love seeing you happy you were always such a happy kid even when i wish i was there you were a kid too we were both kids hey you were the best big sister i could ask for and you make me laugh i'm so proud of you did you know that the work that you do jess it's so important you do so much i have to do more so [Music] yeah hey it's me [Music] did you pass on any message i don't have a contact number yet for him to call me so why didn't you pass on the message thanks for nothing [Music] so [Music] hey how you doing good what would you like long black sure excuse me are those choco muffins what are those chocolate muffins yeah three of them i'm so sorry i know this is strange but they've actually run out of them and i was wondering if i could have one of yours i'll pay you for it five dollars for a muffin thank you why not go somewhere else and buy one oh they make it the best here okay hmm you're like meg ryan like what from that movie where she's getting up in the cafe oh [Laughter] but don't ask me to do the whole thing not while you're sitting next to me how's your coffee pretty good i put like five sugars you haven't been answering my calls or returning them christina i told you i can't see your son anymore i don't take appointments with children you're the only one they don't talk to it took him months to open up and and then he just dumped him jesse it's been years since i saw jack christina you need to find someone else someone else won't do they're not like you you we tried they won't tell them anything please please just sorry my god but just just him nobody else needs to know if i see him i'll have to see the rest of them but he needs you he needs his mother not his psychologist well his mother isn't enough itchy i'm sorry i can't help you okay please leave me alone okay okay look look look i can thank you i can pay you i'll get another job and i'll give you all the wages i'll go straight to you get away from me [Music] damn it grace so [Music] and now in local news following the discovery that convicted child molester kit richardson has moved into their local suburb of hollington community groups are up in arms kit was tried and convicted when he was 17 years old for molesting two ten-year-old boys now it was an incredibly vicious crime so he was tried as an adult and subsequently served six years of time in prison given the viciousness of the crime community groups believe that he should be pushed out of the suburb but freedom for all activists believe having served his time he deserves a second chance lucy collins reports i'm joined now by dan leung who heads up the community group thanks so much for joining me dan did you want to start by telling us about the group and what you hope to achieve thank you lucy so the group was formed by a few of us concerned residents after we discovered that this child molester kit richardson is living in our neighborhood now the school is just down the road and richardson is only a few streets away so we are just appalled that this monster is allowed to roam freely i understand your concerns dan however some of your neighbors believe that he deserves a second chance and that he's served his time what are your thoughts on this no i don't believe that for one second richardson is a dangerous man and he is a real threat to the community and we're not going to put up with it anymore so we're going to do something about it so if you'd like to attend we hold evening meetings at the hollington community centre and we plan to protest to the council or to anywhere else that will hear our voice and if we're not listened to we're going to speak even louder as you've heard here today the residents of hollington are quite distraught the kit richardson has moved into town i'd love it if you could make a comment please to the parents of hollington they'd like to know are their children camera out of my face one comment jimmy jimmy i'm lucy collins from channel 42 news now joining us from our west coast studio gerry o'brien represents the freedom for all group regarding the controversy around kit richardson moving into the suburb of hollington jerry what are your thoughts look as a group we've always stated that we believe in people getting a second chance at life and and that with the right support they can be rehabilitated here's someone who is 17 when he committed that crime he was still considered a juvenile but he was tried as an adult jerry you have to admit though it was an incredibly vicious premeditated crime we're not denying that um but he was a child who knows that he was you know pushed on by peer pressure or what kind of upbringing this you know now young man has had so how do you know he can't be pressured again is that really a risk we're willing to take this is his chance to come back and and be rehabilitated and have the support he needs to to have a second chance at life thank you for your time jerry now over to peter with the weather [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] puppies [Music] excuse me hi there i'm dan nancy are you here for the meeting yeah good to see some new faces to the team yeah i'm new to the area i have a three-year-old oh i hear you my boys are five and four i'm absolutely ropable that this guy's in our neighborhood yeah yeah i'm scared ah that's okay we have a full force here in this community and we won't be going down without a fight no we'll grab yourself a coffee and take a seat the meeting's about to stop [Music] shall we [Music] we have not been listened to even though we have voiced our concerns countless times at the council meetings and still not listened to so here we are a determined bloody bunch to get this sicko out of our neighborhood kit richardson was imprisoned for only six years for taking those two little boys out into the bush that day we know what happened and now this sick piece of [ __ ] excuse my language folks but that's what he is he's in our neighborhood down the road near the same school that my boys go to yeah now we have signs we have placards and we have people power and a clear message and we will not give up until this guy is out of here [Applause] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey my car's not working would you mind helping me out [ __ ] off [Music] [Music] hey [Music] so ah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yes what get out of here i can kill you who's the hair the soft skin their lips they begged me for it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] so i ask you [Music] i thought we stayed morning helen actually it's oh yes it is still morning good morning jesse my mother was always telling me to get my greetings accurate because a greeting is the first impression you make on a person uh now jessie i wanted to check a few things with you before you start your day we have four of our psychologists here at the center doing pro bono on saturdays did you want me to add you to the list no really morning yeah hi i want to know how much it cost to see somebody well the first session is 200 dear and that do you have private health care well they do pro bono on saturday so you can come in for a free session if you don't have much money do you yeah cool did she get the refuge that might help it can indeed why don't you give me your name and i'll book you in guys o'connell 10 o'clock on saturday this saturday we'll see you then so [Music] [Music] mr leon that's right i'm detective swan i'm sorry to call so late i'd just like to ask you some questions about kit richardson kit richardson what about him he seems to have gone missing look i'm not sure what it is you're suggesting here but i didn't do anything to him i'm not suggesting anything you run a neighborhood watch group you hold weekly meetings and protest have mr richardson removed from the area yes that's right the people that attend these meetings do you know them are they local yes they're members of my community we go to the same church and our kids go to school together you don't feel as though some of your members might ever get a little bit carried away approach mr richardson on their own look we're all law-abiding citizens okay it's our right to protest i've got two kids ready for their baths i'm sorry i can't be of any further help thank you for your time if you do think of anything here's my card please don't hesitate to contact me sure uh hang on there was this woman a woman yeah uh she was new uh dark hair tall she wore glasses uh she attended one meeting but haven't seen her since did you get her name and then nancy that's it her name was nancy anything else no well if you think of anything else you've got my card thank you no worries [Music] oh just [Music] oh shoot so sorry sorry please let me buy you another meal it's all good i'm clumsy too hey it's you yeah you gave me a muffin chocolate muffin i don't have any other muffins yeah i know but you also don't have a meal let me buy you another burger please so sorry okay sure okay good thanks do you always have a late dinner mostly when i'm bored i prefer it when it's quiet people tend to leave me alone then should i be going no no people come up and talk to you without having knocked over your dinner first sorry about it so do you have a boyfriend no you no i don't trust men i've been cheated on a lot and you know hit a few times oh okay sorry too much information i just like to be an open book do you know me no i guess i'm getting to know you i was involved in something a couple of years ago and it was on the news and oh is everything okay yeah yeah just some [ __ ] with the ex he used to bait me and oh god i'm so sorry yeah that's cool it's cool all good he's in prison now so i haven't really made any friends or [ __ ] since you know when i got calls it was from the journalist harassing me but the good news is i don't pray and i believe in giving people a second chance a fresh start yeah they got pretty good food yeah the burgers are pretty nice eh whoa that was good yeah it's cold i should head back oh my car's just over there i can give you a lift if you like now i'll get the bus do you want to grab a drink or something are you a lesbian because i got a boyfriend a boyfriend i thought it was your ex whatever he's my boyfriend he wasn't and he still is now just cause he's locked up i know what you're thinking i'm weak stay with the guy who beat me up that's not what i'm thinking you avoided jail time by playing the domestic violence victim but you're still in contact with him you do know who i am long before we met grace what are you doing i remember that story you told in your cool case about how you and your boyfriend kept those children you kidnapped fed them stale bread you take off little pieces you tell the kids that they could only eat it if they caught it in their mouth so we gave to you some light-hearted fun [ __ ] off oh i said [ __ ] off they were never punished you should have been you were sentenced to what five years but you were granted a re-trial i was a victim myself my boyfriend he used to beat me every single day until i had no choice i remember your testimony he beat you into submission made you fear for your life so you did what he said in your retrial the church took pity on you believe yourself story i don't buy it so you will stay here and you will serve your time until i see fit to release you however i may release you you can call out for help by the way i don't mind scream while you want you're in the middle of nowhere plus what did you do when the children called out for help put your cigarette out on their skin uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] i don't take photos of my victims the way you used to but then again you were in the business of selling children so you needed it for advertising right i draw pictures it's not very good i know but you get the idea [Music] the good news is your day of punishment has not yet arrived the bad news is you have to sit in your filth for a bit longer [Music] why don't be so stupid as to ask why you know why [Music] [Music] hello mitchell little mitchell douglas look at you all grown up hey dr fuller jesse you can call me jesse remember what a lovely surprise how long has it been since i last saw you yeah fire five years five years that's a long time yeah or you stopped seeing kids yes i did and my math isn't too good but i think that would make you 17. still a bit too young at this point you'd have to wait another year but i can recommend a youth counselor if you like it's okay jessie i can take this can i help you young man i i'm not i'm not here as a patient we can go to my office and have a chat if you like yes okay come on in take a seat tell me what's happening are you still doing the gaming stuff yeah i lied about gaming no about about what happened with was it war of the worlds or something jeffrey callahan [Music] how's your little sister i lied about everything i said every word i told you it never happened stop mitchell and think about the words that you're saying please think carefully i talked to fuller he never did those things okay i lied he took my footy and he wouldn't give it back and then i just wanted him to you know and then he died he was murdered i knew it was my fault i knew he was murdered because of me i just but she gave such detailed accounts of what he did to you i watch movies okay i lied i made it all up that's all i lie that's all i do okay but i can't i can't do it anymore i'm sick of it this is it this is the truth this is what happened what i'm telling you right now this is what happened no mitchell this is not the truth this isn't the truth please tell i'm me telling you because you were there for me and you were patient and you listened to me and you i just miss you hold on no look this is confidential okay so just don't tell anyone just let me do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who are you i'm with the police i heard there was a disturbance in the area so i thought i'd come and check on you and by the way your back door was left open well can i see some id sure i can leave if you like no no no sorry um no wait wait please my wife maggie has had to go and stay in a hotel and things have got so bad my daughter took her there two days ago i it's just been me on my own ever since you know i never touched that boy i don't care what the jury says i did not lay a hand on him but you were convicted every single member of the jury found you guilty cut off pretty lightly if you ask me i have been accused i've been painted as a child molester accused of a crime i did not commit the most hideous crime imaginable don't think that's getting off easy you get to wake up and you're in bed you can watch tv eat what you like go outside do some gardening i don't go out there they throw rocks at me they they call me a if you knew me you would know that i could never earn a job i never even smack my own kids i don't know you i know people like you you can lie to yourself old man [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] now please have some water [Music] your boyfriend put you in hospital several times but you never pressed charges i was really scared of him what's the worst thing he ever did to you i've had a really tough life heaps of bad shits happen to me [Music] what is the worst thing he ever did to you he held knives to my throat to different parts of my body threatened to cut my breasts off said he'd cut me up in my sleep [Music] so i should be to you chris but so you should have some empathy for me yeah [ __ ] can you let me go i'm not a bad person and maybe if you talk oh we talk enough i tell you about my life you'll see that i'm not a bad person try to influence me just just answer my questions when i ask them and i'll figure out the rest [Music] that drawing you did when's that gonna happen to me i don't know i don't know what i'm gonna do with you ah hello hello helen are you free to speak 15 minutes is 200 please take a seat and tell me your problems start with your childhood nothing like that the job can be a lot for us i know it can really take its toll while i have not been in this room myself i have worked at clinics like this for 15 years and i have seen the impact it has on the mental well-being of our marvellous professionals you take a lot on some of it is really heavy especially someone like yourself who's come out of working with children's issues i can only imagine the horrors you have heard about on a daily basis is this a therapy session helen because you're not qualified oh no no it's not professional it's on a personal level at a friendly level there was a psychologist who worked here long before you came along and he the job got too much we don't have to do this helen he took his own life one evening went home after seeing 10 patients that day hung himself i'm not going to kill myself well you do display some traits if you don't mind me saying humor is always a good way of covering up our pain the pain in people's lives is not your problem nor your responsibility you can only do so much i'm aware of this hell thank you and i know that mitchell was a patient of yours for a while and you had a soft spot for the children you saw why are you bringing up mitchell he spoke out against a man named jeffrey callahan accused him of the unspeakable and the man was murdered during his house arrest and now mitchell has come out confessing he lied it's not your fault the boy lied and you believed him it's not your fault you cared i would have done the same thing how do you know this how do you know anything have you been eavesdropping helen because i was all over the news this morning jesse he confessed to lying mitchell was on the news oh no dear his mother was she read out his suicide note [Music] i'm sorry jesse [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] what the hell do i do with you what do i do with you uh grace so this it was so easy to get you here tie you up starve you deprive you of dignity but then i discovered something something from my old life and it put me off my game [Music] so it seems that there is a different side to your story that you were this victim of circumstances but she kept pleading to the court i promise i didn't hurt those kids i was like he said a victim of the circumstances my boyfriend took him off the street he did the bad [ __ ] bad [ __ ] yeah the trafficking you sold those children to pedophiles i was a victim myself the court saw that everybody did that's why they gave me a re-trial let me go took mercy on me you know you're more likely to get killed by your partner after you leave not while you're with them so you know that's why i stayed you could have everybody on your street be your friend and offer you a couch to sleep on but that's not going to change the stats and that's not going to change the odds they're against you you leave you're dead that's interesting stand up walk over there open up the first draw why go take out what's in the drawer put it around your neck go on go on how do you feel i feel sick keep going i'm scared and i want to go home tighten it keep going so going back to what you were saying as long as you stayed you were pretty much assured that he would not kill you i stayed because i was afraid if that's what you're asking what i'm telling you is if you had not helped him with his little business he would not have killed you as long as you stayed put he beat me i was afraid of him i did what he said because i was afraid not for your life your life was fine as long as you did not leave him you said so yourself it's that show and you helped him you helped him steal those children so surely there was nothing to warrant a beating because there was no disobedience he trafficked 87 children and he helped him with each and every single one of those 87 children he did as he told you so what was his reasoning for beating you i don't know he just beat me anyway exactly he was violent to you whether you helped him or not yet you chose to help him you chose to lure those children in and rip them from their childhood he beat me i was afraid you did not help him because you were afraid of his fist you helped him because he loved you when you did you had their small hands in yours and you betrayed them for the love of a monster [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] first i thought it was your workbook notes from sessions with clients a description of the thoughts but what have you been doing when nobody is watching i need my diary back helen [Music] [Music] i need the police [Music] [Music] she's quite the decorator hancock that's grace o'connell she's the convicted child trafficker that got recently released yeah she's supposed to check in with her caseworker once a day see she's checked in [Music] psja and simmons boys the ticket hancock [Music] they're all beautiful oh jane yeah detective hancock um look i'm crying about grace o'connell yes uh i believe she's supposed to check in once a day [Music] they're all linked i knew it [Music] do me a favor can you give me a call back on this number if she checks in yeah thanks appreciate that thanks talk to you soon you should checked in and the way features i've seen in the last couple of days these are all pedophiles [Music] we have to find this place now [Music] [Music] [Music] hi charlie i'm well i had a bit of a rough day so i just want to hear your voice no no nothing serious just counseling stuff taking on too much of my patience issues i guess so just distract me talk to me tell me about your day [Music] it's good charlie that's good yeah i told you i'm fine charlie i need to get going i just want to tell you i love you you have been my sanity and my best friend i just love you so much hey lost you there for a moment yeah i'm fine i told you i'm i'm just having a proud older sister moment [Music] i have to go charlie you take care sis okay i love you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like we're too late [Music] detectives thanks for coming what do you got for us the house was already vacated by the time my team got here jesse foot was long gone come through this is a really strange place i have to say huh why is that place is connected by underground tunnels it's got a bunker full of supplies it's got canned vegetables and beans beers it's like some kind of doomsday [ __ ] no no this place isn't in for his name either you won't believe who belongs to her i've heard of harry holmes pedophile rapist yeah i know him yeah centers for 15 years but soon after his release he was off our radar not surprising i'm sure we'll find his mug shot somewhere for this apartment tell me what do you know about fuller's character i did a bit of digging on the way up here jesse fuller age 32 phd in psychology served in the military front lines of the psych unit did one tour in iraq and two tours of afghanistan right then she moved into private practice several years ago as a practicing psychologist and has been there ever since why do she does have a younger sister who works as a nurse at a retirement village now she states that she has no idea how any of the things got into jesse's apartment our team's still interviewing her the diary the one the receptionist called in about it's all in here descriptions of the killings drawings she knew we were coming she wanted us to find it bag and tag that you guys finished now with photos prints etc absolutely [Music] where are you jesse fuller [Music] you get what you deserve i'm your nightmare while you're fasting [Music] had revenge has never felt [Music] i will be your worst and darkest dream i'm gonna do bad things [Music] what you doing bad things to you doing bad things to you [Music] you knew your time would come and you knew there was a parts to pay i just can't help but smile see the satisfaction on my face [Music] i'm gonna do bad things to do [Music] doing a bad bad day [Music] my heart is painted black i'm never going back i'm gonna make sure there's trouble cause everybody knows wherever i go [Music] do it like it's nothing has never felt so good [Music] doing bad things to you doing bad things to you you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 2,959,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, guilty full movie, full revenge, revenge movies
Id: fH17FklktSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 18sec (6138 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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