The Meanest Man in Texas | Full Drama Movie | The True Clyde Thompson Story

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uh [Music] where are you going son just hunting with the wealthy boys you sure you aren't going over there to hunt their sister ruthie i might see her clyde no fighting i mean [Music] hey hi can i help you with these yeah hey lover boy you gonna cook green beans you can go hunting with us all right let's go come on can you hit the broad side of a barn well i can hit the eye out of coyote at 100 yards make sure you don't shoot off where you're aiming at right now i won't that's pretty funny hey let's head over to web odell's place you hear he's been spreading rumors about ruthie what do you mean daddy heard him say she'll hunt with any dog that comes sniffing you mean that ain't right yeah daddy's real mad about it you got my back on this i'll make sure you get a fair fight just shoot him just to see if he kicks you know i could die an animal all right let's go our dog's got a bobcat hold up would you mind helping us get him out yeah yeah sure jake jake this here's a it's my brother jake he's home visiting college he can help how did jake all right let's go you know i don't hear no dogs barking he must be resting [Music] shoot him what i said shoot him he insulted your girl didn't he what the hell's going on you bastard you insulted my sister i don't even know your sister [Music] you all right clyde my god listen to this clyde two local men dead at grizzly murder scene the killers are still on the loose their names are jake and webb odell you know the older brother lived in a cabin near the oil wells and he was helping his younger brother get through college those poor boys what's gonna happen to whoever did this they'll be punished to the full extent of the law son as he should be [Music] [Music] uh come on let's go beat the bastard's head come on now we're all in this together we can't tell on each other without us all getting in trouble all right clyde clyde clyde wake up there's two deputies at the front door they want to talk to you i did it daddy you did what what are you talking about [Music] uh based on conversations with reuben and mark wellesley we have this confession can you read clyde i finished the fourth grade read it only sign it if it's true wait son i'll read it for you it doesn't matter daddy everyone in this county is calling these the most brutal murders in history now i think that fine christian family deserves some justice i just can't help but feel we don't know the whole story what if it was self-defense we send that boy to the chair that justice worse what if he was framed amos wells he's amino cuss i arrested him a few years back for hitting some fella upside the head with a pipe wrench over a few bucks what if he thought this up so his son would get the o'dell boy's job with the oil company hey you don't think he'd really go that far do you my experience there's no telling what people will do for money got a proof confession well i guess it's up to a jury to decide that boy's fate now and then what happened cloud said it'd be a good night to kill odell you want to shoot him see if he kicked you know like a wounded animal is dying that's why they call him the kick killer that son did you actually see clyde thompson kill webb odell yes sir we were hiding in the bushes and flat shuttered down and he beat him over the head with a pistol there's blood brains all over god's shirt why didn't you run away and call the police my brother said that if we did cloud would kill us too if we did clyde would kill us too thank you young man i know this has been difficult no further questions your honor what is the meaning of this i'm ruthie wilsey and i would like to testify sir settle down wyatt she's been summoned witness may proceed i swear by god to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth ms wellesley we're surprised to see you here today everyone has this wrong cloud's not a killer he's a fine boy were you with him on the night in question yes after he came back from hunting we walked up to the mountaintop together what time did you get home around 11 i suppose did he say if anything was bothering him that night no he didn't say but he seemed very sad is it true that you ran away from home about 10 days before this trial started clyde would never have killed anyone it was self-defense and that your father had no other choice but to put out a warrant for your arrest please answer the question is there a warrant for your arrest on a charge of juvenile delinquency yes but i have no further questions for this witness your honor please step down as wellsie [Music] you let me know if there's anything you need [Music] [Music] the things they're saying about you out there are horrible clyde you don't deserve to be here ruthie it ain't right did you really run away from home are you scared those poor o'dell boys it's like someone took these pictures and stuck them in my head i'll do whatever it takes to help i'll go to the governor if i have to just promise me that you'll never give up that young wellesley boy's lying and they'll head him off on account of him being a juvenile and ruben only gets 10 years and my boy gets sentenced to death it ain't right pat that's what having money does for filaries plus your boy wouldn't testify on his own behalf i know he's served a damn confession i know where are they going to take him away he'll be here in the jail for a week or so and i'll take him over to the state prison hospital death room [Music] i haven't done right by you son running your mama off you can't see her your sisters i took you out of school so you could work the farm for me i'm not done right by you in any way son it's all right it's not all right what kind of preacher quits his church doesn't even baptize his own son i want you to take this here bible and i want you to read it you know i can't read too good you take it i'll try you remember when your little boy and i was selling bibles you helped me when i was struggling you said daddy all we got to do is just keep asking until someone says yes what i'm gonna do i'm gonna keep asking the governor till he says yes and helps us i promise you he's gotta if the governor won't help how much time do i have left two months hey can i speak to the prison chaplain i understand he wanted to speak to me son i want to get baptized i don't think i deserve it well there are a whole lot of people outside this prison that will never forgive you for what you've done there's a lot of people on the inside feel the same well god is not one of them in five days i'm supposed to walk through that door down there and after that i don't know what happens i try and read this bible i don't understand any of it i'm scared do you understand how a light bulb works so it is with god what matters is that you believe that we have faith the proof is in the line [Music] [Music] governor sterling reprieved your life sentence you're off the death row for death row there ain't nothing wrong with you you in crazy role watch it to you nothing kind of fond of crazy that's all name's clyde barrow clyde thompson so you're the kick killer yeah bonnie me can use a guy like you as soon as i get out of here we got plans the other thing guys like you and me is the world never forget or forgive us for the things that we've done so i say use it gain respect what happened cut it with an axe at the farm tried to get the whole damn foot but i missed i got the first two toes instead you did that yourself i ain't crazy so they're sending me up to the farm tomorrow this is the only way to get out of that hellhole alive well i ain't cutting my foot off well you should otherwise it's a death sentence if the sunstroke don't kill you the bastard captain cole will beat you to death farm make a rattlesnake out of a school boy good luck you're gonna need it so so this is bloody east ham you know what besides the company it ain't half bad i'm barney allen by the way oh i know who you are i ain't seen you around but i know who you are you want a ciggy no you want some advice we need cash george over there's butter an egg man yeah that's tommy reese over there he's a grease ball but a good guy to have on your side lester yeah poor lester he don't belong in here he's gonna wind up somebody's tomato baby about lana lineup for the captain welcome to farm i'm captain jack cope i'm the man in charge and i know everything there is know about each and every one of you maggots here's what you need to know about me there are three things i cherish my devoted wife fierce whiskey and corporal punishment you convicted cockroaches are all guilty felons in me and now slaves of the state there's ain't no rehabilitation center like they want you believe this is where they send the rotten fruit from the bottom of the barrel to get the punishment they deserve you maggots better get through your thick skulls i catch any all out of line i'm gonna make you pay with pain and y'all try to escape you will be shot on the spot and killed as far as you're concerned i am god it's your job to remember god giveth and god taketh away unapologetically so i suggested what have we here andrew laziness insubordination captain laziness and insubordination insubordination you think my rules don't apply to you mac hmm where the offense is let the great axe fall you four clowns y'all gonna hold him down right there right now [Applause] drop them boys you're about to see a tough guy cry ain't no khan never taken the bat without screaming law says i get to lay out 20 licks or until i drop blood what maggots count disappointed mac i expect at least 10 licks out of you well boys i suggest you settle in try to get some shadow tomorrow's gonna be a very very long day [Music] so [Music] that looked rough boys that ain't right you wanna know what i think [Laughter] we don't need pumps like you stinking off the place come on willie he said laura what issue was all that racket you jumping up and down on the bed and she says no honey that was just the wind now the second later closet nurse comes swinging open he's in my face says who are you boy i says uh don't buy me sir i'm just the wind [Laughter] get it hey boss it's pretty hot out here you reckon we get some water what'd you say come over here i just saying that [Music] [Music] go to sleep long day tomorrow i got something cooking crap yeah i'm gonna make a run for it today first chance would be it hey boys going home all right well we're making a run for it i mean if we get shot it's better than another day this i'm in all right then now now go go oh they're running they're running thompson why don't you go see if lester's still alive lester hey lester come on buddy you're fine you're fine it was tommy promise me he'll kill that squealer i promise you will too you're getting out of this we're gonna get them together tell my sister that i love her your sister what's her name what's her name lord please look after my son do not punish him for things that i've done [Music] i'll get him i promise i'm sorry son i'm so sorry i want you to look after you better [Music] so i got one hand filled with marmalade i got one hand filled with butter i'm walking down a flight of stairs with my eyes closed and said honey uh where'd you say that toast was well well well if it isn't barney and clyde i think tommy and his tiny salami don't do it without me pal what oh i uh i told lester i'd kill you i like to keep my promises you got a light i didn't travel 300 miles to watch you smoke boy you doing well uh hell couldn't be any worse i'm sorry son glad to see you got your bible with you no no i brought this back to you cause uh only good it's doing back there is using the pages to roll cigarettes for the boys don't talk about the words of god like that there ain't no god and you ain't got no word there is a god clyde and those are his words and his laws and his rules right there in that book it ain't doing much for me in here and it didn't do much for your cheating ways neither all right son i made mistakes what's on there and the day that goes by that i don't read this bible and ask god to forgive me for what i've done you really think this is what the lord god wants for me to live this nightmare no you don't get it he doesn't have any say in here and i got no use for this clyde i'm not giving up on you son god's not giving up on you clyde [Music] for lester unfortunately at least for the state of texas you've been spared the electric chair due to one member of the jury i thereby sentence each of you to life in prison [Music] grace [Music] [Music] stop yelling i don't listen to him george you got a beautiful voice yell all you want saved you calling me a liar i call like i see it try to blow your damn head off y'all make me do this come on it takes guts to kill man you ain't got any let's go come on pull that trigger thompson looking for a fight you and me now you captain i know you got guts bring this chicken [ __ ] down here i'll teach him a lesson give me a shotgun get down there and you fight them you got a problem here rookie give me a shotgun now he's right you are chicken [ __ ] you're fired get the hell out of here after that i mean the girl's five to 11. i went in he's like halfway grow uh you didn't really think you were just gonna get away with that did you you and me in the back we'll set things straight let the great axe fall hmm you want a siggy bear don't embarrass yourself by squalling like a little girl i'm sorry pal ain't gonna break me barney oh you're gonna break thompson they all do eventually one one scum count two [Music] hey team he's drawing blood he's got to stop one more 21. he can't go over 20. that's enough well what do you got to say for yourself now thompson got a light god [Applause] like five [Music] foreign my little lady willie got transferred prettier than any woman i ever saw take one step closer you'll lose your other willy [Music] well kevin looks like i'm in trouble again clyde thompson although it should be death by electric chair i hereby add a third life sentence two years hard labor at the central farm unit [Music] foreign what i got here raw hot ass thompson refusing to take a seat on the hot squad again you are one lucky son of a gun congratulations on another life sentence pal you sure as y'all got someone up there looking out for you i wish you should rub some of that dumb luck on me it's been too long pal it's been too long pal yeah i uh spent a year and a half up the central farm oh yeah you'll kill anybody else while you're up there nah i danced with the warden a few times though i danced with the warden a few times though oh you did did you what are you mocking me quack quack donald here's our homeless so we call him a human echo we lost his wits fighting in the great warrior never in the same sense glad you're back thompson glad you're back johnson shut the hell up you nut bag what is he in for he took the phone a highest murder rock breaking to anything you sure can pal you got quite the reputation mr clyde thompson here they call you the thrill killer they call me a lot of things name's roy boy thornton what are you in for roy 50 years no robbery so either you're a busy thief you got a lousy lawyer lousy lawyer you know he was pretty lousy [Laughter] lousy lawyers you can laugh down that's funny now my cousin's visiting today how does it stink like you always gets visitors and yet no one ever comes to see me cause you're a grifter that's what look he might be able to smuggle in a couple guns for us keep talking [Applause] all right so the way i see it he walks across the yard there's only one guard watching somebody distracts him and my cousin can hide us a couple guns that we could pick up later that's your plan are you serious are you serious hey get the hell out of here you little twit you little twit shut up beat it before i slice you up okay okay okay come on [Applause] what's your deal what's your deal you really a vet or is this all an act it's all an act did you really fight in the great war great war he want no great war terror in the skies blazing airships searchlights of death gas bombs men clutching at our throats a bullet in the eye they died in muddy trenches but i put flowers on their graves well you're not careful you don't keep your mouth shut you're gonna find us putting flowers on your grave violet blue with reddish overtones keep it up you're gonna get yourself killed you won't get yourself killed ralph donald wants to talk to you well i don't want to talk to him well i don't want to talk to him hey hey better go ralph you ain't worth blooding your knuckles over thanks for nothing stay here my cousin gets a couple in uh the picket card's wearing iron and we get the other gun from the drawer even if you get the picket guard's gun and even if there's a gun in the drawer and even if you get a whole bunch of other guns uh i mean do the math clad that's a whole lot of ifs to risk your life on who else can we get to back us up we got ralph no no no i don't want that hot head coming up the works what about roy you know who roy is clad that's uh bonnie of bonnie and clyde fame's husband the whole time she was running around with clad she was married to rush she even got a little tattoo that says raw on the inside of her thought you mentioned having to look at that every time you went to work everyone knows that oh yeah so what i'm saying is yeah we're gonna do we're gonna bust out of here and give a gun to a guy who can't even control his own wife that don't make no sense what's your problem barn i don't got a problem pal i don't got a problem i just i i don't want this turned into a bloody massacre it's all you either commit or you walk away i'm in yeah i'm in of course i'm in clad hey glad you're finally with us barn let's go boys [Music] wake up old man you touched that bell rope i will blow your head off right now please clyde i gotta watch the six kids well then joe for your kid's sake i suggest you do what i say i will i will open this door [Music] come on [Applause] now walking out of this cow barn together boy you're my life insurance policy palette right this is joe williams joey i'm the six kids ain't that interesting well aren't you a busy bastard joe with six kids [Music] i'm sorry joe i didn't get that i said the outside guard has it for this very reason i don't have a chance everybody shut up let's take it somewhere get out of here tonight stay back stay quiet stay back stay quiet shut up [ __ ] shut up you didn't wake up what is that donny you said you could break into anything how about breaking us out shoot someone real quick i'm wasting time okay don it sounds like you don't have that much time let's go kind of feels like christmas don't come on donny i can kiss you daddy okay you guys ready for this let's go [Music] okay boys there's usually a guard on horseback out there this could turn into an all-out shootout be ready not ready donny [Music] okay let's go uh oh hey come on buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] hi lady wasn't that just mary janice and daddy from your high school yes well why didn't you cook them they didn't want to talk to me julia you should never let your insecurities get in the way if you make them friends i don't need a big anyone for their friendship mother julia [Music] still working on that puzzle yes why mother it's just you've been working on it for so long that's all well it takes time yes i suppose so you worried about me too why do you ask such a thing because i overheard aunt jeannie and father talking about how i am 27 years old with no job and no husband don't you want a man in your life when i find a man who loves me for my mind and treats me with respect your father and i are just worried that if you don't start thinking about your future and we're gone you may end up on a street corner playing guitar for money i don't even play guitar mother that's my boy [Music] go on get out of here oh get out of here get the hell out of here before i got you alive maybe i'll get you alive why do i get the feeling i'm take the rap for this one now you have a prisoner locked up who's being called the meanest man in texas tell us about clyde thompson there's no doubt about it he is the meanest man in texas how did he earn this dubious distinction uh he's a cold-blooded killer with three life sentences and now he's indicted for killing a man and fought in a great war get going thompson i say it get going no i'ma stay right here where it's nice and comfy you know the punishment for laziness joe i can take anything in your dish out remember that you're lucky i ain't killed you already we got two eyewitnesses and they're both willing to testify even the prison chaplain said clyde thompson is a man without a soul executing him be no different than shooting a mad dog i hope that murderer finally gets what's coming to him a good friend in the electric chair you can't hit a bleeding man oh we'll see about that you can't you can't do this looks like you got away with murder again thompson d.a dropped the murder charges and two eyewitnesses backed out probably afraid you're gonna kill him damn right hey what y'all promised him to squeal because you're jobs go watch yourself thompson been two weeks it's enough rnr for you tomorrow you go back working the fields you work off what's left of that ass of yours oh and i forgot you got a visitor good to see you claire been a long time how are you i've got a light i'm really sorry about everything yeah where's my father lc no i'd rather stand came my way up here to tell you myself reason i've known each other for a long time i watched him work three jobs to pay those lawyers he fought appeal after appeal i figured no it best if if it was somebody you knew don't say it don't say i'm sorry glad your father's dead he died of cancer we buried him four days ago [Music] the year of president roosevelt my spine is really crooked because of scoliosis because of this people assume my mind isn't right that's not true i was valedictorian of my high school class i am looking for something meaningful to do with my life well good afternoon miss pearman what can i do for you thank you for taking the time to see me mr kilpatrick well i didn't really have much of a choice now did i oh i'm sorry um i don't mean to be a burden i'll see myself out well no no no no no i was only joking please have a seat sorry i was very impressed by your letter to the president that takes spunk so uh tell me what would you like to do as your vocation miss pearman well mama thinks that i could be a hairdresser i do her and my sister's hair have you ever worked in a salon no i haven't i do so so i suppose i could be a seamstress that seems to me that'd be mighty hard on your back i also type do you know shorthand no um but i could learn well i will do my best to try and find the right vocation for you oh is that in tennessee why yes we vacation often on trigger island you know what one summer i lived with my aunt and uncle right by that lake they own a photo studio there i would help them during the week hanging backdrops and lighting portraits sometimes they would let me take pictures of that like that was the best summer of my life i'm very glad you came in today miss pearman i ain't gonna let you do it again ain't nobody gonna whoop you this is gonna be worse welcome to solitaire confinement a negatory new home barracks up there about a quarter mile walls of pure concrete and no way to escape texas started using electric chair in 1924 before that they just strung up fellas like you gallows used to stand right here dead men were put inside there until somebody come to claim them if no one did they were just buried out behind it ain't no one left to claim you thompson you're lucky run out you're probably dying there before you paid your debt society as far as state's concern you're a dead man you know you don't move again until i tell you to move [Music] enjoy i'm not dead you can't just leave me in here you better just gonna leave me here to rock i'm gonna kill you i'll kill you i swear i'm gonna kill y'all every last one of you good afternoon brother harper hello julia how you doing today i'm fine you sure look sad enough to bring a tear to a glass eye i'm fine i just came for a solitary moment in a prayer well if you want to talk about it i'm all ears that's very kind of you mr kilpatrick at the state rehabilitation commission office he set me up with a job interview this morning i was so excited it was to be an assistant at a photo studio over in lovelace but the owner of the studio told me that i am too old to start a career some people are rough as a cop um i'd like to offer my services to the church well um i just don't know what there is for you to do right now julie anything please people look at me like i'm a leper and i have spent my whole life hiding because of it i don't want to live in the shadows anymore i don't want to live a life of quiet desperation i want to do something meaningful in this world but no one will give me that chance [Music] bread and water i ain't bringing it in you come get it can i get a light [Music] enough light for you thompson how long are you figuring on keeping me locked up in here probably hell freezes over enjoy your view [Music] heat up now i made this special for you i forgot a napkin [Music] oh [Music] no captain if the goal is for me to go crazy i i think it's working you only got yourself to blame for this torture thompson can you bring me a newspaper magazine something no a bible anything hell you think a bible's gonna do for you at this point well i'm a proof all these churchgoers are a bunch of damn hypocrites says what hmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] ah are you a religious man captain why that bible it was my father's well it wasn't handed down by god if that's what you're asking your father left that with your bones he wrote a note in it for me said uh the truth will set me free what does that mean the truth you know man can twist god's words justify anything he wants for i know you're using your newfound faith to try to gain our trust get you out of this hole i'm sure you'd like to slit our throats first chance you got i'm just saying the truth oh well let me help you with that this is your truth i want you to take this your bible and i want you to read it what matters is that you believe i am the light of the world if you are the light of the world you might hear that we have faith we shall not walk in darkness but shall we see the light of life don't let this place turn you into something that you're not truth is you took him from me he was the only one who could have saved me that's the truth what kind of god lets one of his children live in a more the proof is in the line [Music] it smells like you could use a bath cloud i'm gonna get you a shower and shave once a week from now on and some clothes nope you asked me if i'm religious i'm not my wife is so i talked to her minister talking about your question he just says seek and ye shall find [Music] please forgive me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i got to ask you why are you are you being so nice to me why are you helping me out if i remember correctly you were one who said we're all just a bunch of rotten fruit is that it i think that was you tell you what i got this this feature in my backyard and it grows more figs every year and we know what do we can't eat them fast enough they just they get rotten and fall the ground make a big mess every sunday i gather them all together and i toss them out and it makes my wife evelyn furious because she wants me to save them all she makes some fake jam fig cider for a church group perfect jam damn good good should try to see the good in you studying the bible and all so i figured maybe you're one of them rotten fruit just i haven't fallen yet i'm i'm fairly certain i'm falling fig [Music] well i guess you just look i don't step on him yet i guess so julie please let me help you thank you for the harper got that oh thank you for coming all this way i sure do appreciate it apparently the church felt it was uh best to take my portrait for the magazine inside the church i guess that makes sense now you got to tell me how does it feel to be the owner of your very own photo studio i still can't believe it it felt so good to hang that rear open sign out front of my own studio it's amazing well you deserve all the success julia this young lady next door well she got married last year and he told her that she needed to give up her three-year-old daughter when she refused well he ran off he left her pregnant with this gym i sure would like to adopt him but well what's stopping you my parents they don't support my decision it's poor little boy julia you have such a big heart let me talk to my wife we've been discussing adoption perhaps there's something we can do for this little boy really he needs a good home i mean just look at that face well if it all works out i i think i know where to find the best babysitter in town knowing the timing is right some little boy or girl they're gonna be so lucky to have you as their mother thank you now let's take that photograph shall we we're darn right come on it's my big moment smile oh captain we've done this enough times you know you could just walk in hey it's a social visit cried you're starting a new isolation wing huntsville for the worst of the worst i forgot i'm just defiled to be judged right this board you are what about my library sorry son you're gonna be shipping that alone i am proud of you though well well that ain't the meanest man in texas i know they paid you and the others to say i killed donald yes you weren't convicted no i wasn't but an innocent man died that blood's on you so what you gonna kill me now hmm and eye for an eye no i'm gonna pray for you let's go step back 1946 it's been a year of peace prosperity as times like these i think it's important for our congregation to remember those who are less fortunate and one such christian man is living in our state prison system i think it'd be a real service to him if he could receive some letters i've posted his name and address on the back bulletin board in fact my own mother corresponds with him quite frequently now you can even read his writings in the gospel advocate i think we should do this man that service merry christmas in appreciation for the christian work you were doing [Music] god can use us wherever we are sincerely miss julia bear miss julia perryman thank you for your christmas card [Music] i replied to your letter about uh two months ago and i have not heard back from you since did i say something in it to offend you no you didn't say i did please accept my apologies i guess your earlier letter got lost in the mail when you didn't answer i assume you went home i'll probably never get to go home as a child when i was 17. then i developed scoliosis please don't think of me as just a murderer my spine grew crooked after i got my daddy's bible i learned a faithful life unto death will bring eternal life i am much more interested in the type of man you are today [Music] your letters show that you are a very lovely woman it just makes me wonder why you've never been married i'm sure you would never want to meet me in person i would love to meet you in person the most beautiful souls i've known were those in handicapped bodies but believe me it makes no difference love you're clyde [Music] i understand your parent's concern this man was once called the kick killer he's not that man but think about what people might say what that i'm an outcast an old maid a desperate hunchback i thought grace was reserved for everybody or is forgiveness just for the wealthy and respectable well now it seems like you had your mind made up before you got here so why are you asking my advice i want you to come with me so you can see for yourself that he's a wonderful man stop pacing over there what are you nervous ralph what if i can't think of something to say what if she doesn't like me what if he doesn't like me julie you have nothing to worry about thank you for being here with me i'm looking forward to meeting them i have never gone against my parents wishes before but they just they don't know him like i do julia you must be glad hello clyde um i'm marvin harper marvin here my mother's told me all about you oh you know i call her mom in my letters i i know i i guess that makes his brothers then doesn't it well um if you two would excuse me i i told the prison chaplain i'd stop by before i left so uh you look just like your picture well uh my my shirt isn't very nice but the clothes don't make the man you look very handsome and um what about my handicapped as a convict is it's much greater than that plus you made it sound a lot worse than it actually is well i didn't want to paint a rosy picture and then disappoint you i'm very fond of this picture miss juliet pyramid do you ever feel bitter or angry about it all being in prison gave me a lot of time to study plus if i if i wasn't in there i never would have met you you're quite the charming clyde it's hard to believe that you could do the things that you have done [Music] you know i lost just about every person i ever cared about in my life makes me realize i should have listened to my father he tried so hard to teach me what it really meant i'd be a man i wish i could have met him your two hours are up man thank you julia i love you i love you too clyde i don't know if this is right at all to ask but if i get out of here i want you to be my wife ma'am you have to leave now okay oh okay yes oh yes [Music] oh they say you're the meanest man in texas but you're nothing but a pond all right let's go i heard all that people you killed was unarmed are you high yeah this time you don't have someone armed to deal with someone who can fight i'll tell you what i'm gonna open you up i'm gonna show everybody in here what's inside you my dearest julia i wonder if i have improved it all over the past 12 years yesterday i got into a fight with man over a mistaken notion of honor your move you better get the hell out of my way [Music] with my record i really don't have much honor to defend my yard privileges have been suspended but worse is that i have tried to do god's will and failed you would be justified in quitting me but if you don't i promise to fight only the good fight from now on love your clyde i'm not gonna quit you clyde but you better keep that promise many people appreciate all the work you have done to improve the conditions for prisoners we're doing the best we can you've come to talk with me about the prisoner clyde thompson yes sir clyde thompson the youngest man in texas to get the death penalty nickname the kick killer three life sentences four escape attempts and convicted of murder twice more this man yes mr ellis you are asking me to release the meanest man in texas that's not why i'm here why are you here miss pearman um i i know that you are a very busy man we've overseen all the prisoners in texas but if you could just meet him see the way he is now lady do yourself and me a favor forget this fella he is a changed man glad thompson will never get out of prison what will it take to get my fiance back to the farm good behavior and a recommendation from a warden good luck with either of those miss powerman i will meet him no other promises let me review my life so that you may look back on yours and see no matter how hard it may seem it is not hopeless come on preach clyde preach the men sure seem to appreciate your words of encouragement thank you sir you're getting quite the reputation as an inspirational preacher my father he always wanted one of his sons to be a preacher well don't let me stop you your congregation's waiting the acceptance of forgiveness is more like a dimmer than a light switch it takes time good welcome back good to be back captain well it's good to see you have a seat please well i got good news you won't be working in the fields anymore i'm gonna uh have you implore it in the kitchen oh thank you captain yeah well maybe you could uh you could write one of your stories about how the meanest man in texas went from being a kick killer to a preacher to a chef yeah that uh i'll just keep that there as a reminder of where things used to be you look beautiful thank you how are you i'm good your mother and sister gail have been so helpful with my petition for your release you are incredible darling they can't turn you down this time we can't give up clyde you're putting your head against the stone wall here darling no one's gonna parole the meanest man in texas that's not who you are not anymore aya i can't allow you to keep wasting your time like this you're worth fighting for clad you were the light of my life julia in your mind honey i love you your love has set me free now i'm staying with you even if you never get out of here this may be all we have love letters time moments on this bench i may even die here okay a few years ago they called me the meanest man in texas and i was i thought about nothing but escape it didn't matter who had to die for me to accomplish that if jesus can forgive me the man with infinite hate in his heart will i be darned if he didn't forgive you too forgiveness is the only path to true freedom [Music] all right boys who wants to watch groucho thompson front and center you got telegram from your wife this is not my wife yet she will be soon enough boy granted your release on sound about governor himself julia said she wants you dressed for success when you walk out of here so come on this is my first ever suit and tie what about this shirt the sleeves they're so long and there's no buttons on them look in the top pocket there what am i supposed to do with these earrings i'll tell you what these i've called cufflinks and you use them instead of buttons on your sleeves there you go i'm not sure i'm ready for the garments of freedom well i'm sure you are you paid your debt to society claude i've got a lot to learn don't we all you'll be fine you get any regrets eight men died so i could live like weighs heavy on a man and then again one man died so so many could live and that's called grace no no regrets how about you i tell you what if my wife knew that i uh claimed to be god to strike fear into new inmates well she would have used that bat on me herself captain will we see each other on the outside first off you gotta start calmly jack second i thought you were gonna come over every sunday help me clean up them damn figs hey thank you jack thank you claude this is it wow you look gorgeous god oh god you don't owe me anything there are plenty of beautiful women out there in the world and they would love to be with a handsome man like you you're a free man now you still love me don't you yes well then hey i got my girl i intend to marry her the second i can well that is if you'll have me all you're gonna do is just go and trade in one ball and chain for another i chose this one i love you i love you too let's get out of here okay [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 796,245
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Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Clyde Thompson, The Meanest Man in Texas
Id: PqAmmDZUles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 56sec (6356 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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