The Wrong Cruise | Starring Vivica A. Fox | Full Movie | Lifetime

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<i> ♪♪ [conga]</i> [ship horn blows] <i> Eso!</i> <i> R-R-Rico!</i> <i> Hah!</i> <i> Hey, hey, hey!</i> <i> ♪♪ [continues]</i> <i> Así, así!</i> <i> Aha!</i> <i> ♪♪ [ominous]</i> Help! Oh, no. [screams] <i> ♪♪ [serene]</i> [gasps] Oh. Nice. Ooh. I think I'm gonna take that, yeah. All right. Okay. Two tickets on a cruise to Mexico. Done. [class bell rings] - Whoo! - That's it! - Come on! - Yeah! You got this! [whistle blows] [cheering] You only beat my time because you cheated, bitch. Stop it, please. I'll stop, once you tell me what a cheater you are. - I'm not. - Please! Like you could ever beat me. Nobody here likes you 'cause you're a creepy loser. Nobody! You are an excellent student, Sky. A fantastic athlete. Your peers, they look up to you. I just don't understand why do you keep getting yourself into these situations? You don't have anything to say for yourself? Would it matter? Look, I know things at home are difficult. I do, but acting out and getting into fights, that's not the answer. We have resources that can help you get through this. But I don't wanna have any more of these conversations, okay? PRINCIPAL: I'm sorry, but a two-week suspension is the best I can offer. I understand she's already been in and out of two other schools. CLAIRE: Yes. She's had a lot of difficulty since her father passed away. - They were very close. - I understand. And I can sympathize, but that does not excuse her behavior. Mrs. Tanner, this is the last strike. If Skylar has any other incidents, she will be expelled. Let's go. Excuse me. I'm not your Uber driver. Front seat. Thank you. Could you just try and stay out of trouble and finish high school? You get expelled again, you're gonna get held back. Do you really wanna do your senior year a second time around? It wasn't my fault. It's never your fault, Sky. Mom, you weren't there. This girl's an ass. - Watch your language! - Whatever. I know you think you're grown. But you're still my daughter, and you still live under my roof. - Not by choice. - Oh, getting smart? How about you get a job, keep a job, and save up enough money so you can move out? I'll pay for the moving truck. How about that? That's what I thought. What about the cruise? - What about the cruise? - Are we still going? I'm going because I've earned it, and I deserve it. And I can't trust you home alone, so, yes, we're going. So pack your swimsuit and smile. You're stuck with your mama, like it or not. [sighs] I miss him too. Your dad's what held us together, right? Yeah, I guess. I'm sorry I missed your track meet today. - It's fine. - No, it's not. It was so much easier when he was here. Yeah, because he could show up, and then you didn't have to feel guilty. Ouch. You dad was always there for you. Mom. I'm sorry. I can do better. <i> We</i> can do better. How about we go have some fun together on the cruise? Just don't make me do anything lame. Lame? [chuckles] Like what? Like, I don't know, like dance lessons or arts and crafts or something. It's not a senior citizen cruise. I mean, you are getting pretty old, so... - Really? - Hey. Good night, Sky. Good night. - I love you. - I love you too. <i> ♪♪ [conga]</i> <i> Now boarding all groups, forward gangway.</i> - Ready for this? - Mm-hmm. FYI, that's not gonna work when we're out at sea. - Please tell me you're joking. - I'm not. - Oh, excuse me. - Sorry, sorry. That's okay. I'll help you. Oh, thank you. My pleasure. Hello, GQ! Stop. Mm-hmm. - Thank you. - Welcome aboard. - Thank you. Hi. - Hello. Yes. - Thank you. - Mm-hmm. - All set. - Thank you. - Here you go. - I'll take that. You're not gonna need it till we get back. Okay. Your cruise card acts as your credit card and ID on all purchases and activities. Mm-hmm, and there's a limit on that too, so you can't go all willy-nilly shopping. Yeah, 'cause I'm the one who likes to shop. Whatever. Thank you, ladies. Welcome aboard. - [beeping] - Okay. So the belt wraps around your back, buckles in the front, and that will secure the vest. Any questions? No? Okay. Now if you're not back onboard by the designated time, the ship will depart without you. Listening? - Mom, I got it. - 5 p.m. Okay. Have you seen the amenities? I was expecting the cheap motel stuff, but it's okay. Whatever. I am about to go exploring. You wanna go? I'm just gonna chill here for a bit, while I still have access to the outside world. Oh, Facebook would have to live without you. Mom, I told you. Facebook is for old people. Watch yourself. If you need me, I'm gonna go get myself pampered. Hey, Mom. What? Thanks, I guess. For? This. This is cool. You're welcome. - Go get pampered. - I'm out. Was that old? - A little bit. - Whatever. [laughs] [ship horn blows] Oh, are you a crew member? Actually, I'm the cruise director. At your service. I'm supposed to find the Lido deck. I'm supposed to meet my mom there. Ah, "Lido" from the Italian word, "public swimming place." <i> Bellisimo!</i> Um, so do you know where it is? Yes, of course I do. You're gonna go up those stairs, two flights, and it'll be right there on your left. Okay, thank you. Sure. My massage was lovely. You know, I needed it. It got the kink out for me. It was like, oh, so tight. - Sky! - Hey! - Where you going? - Shopping. Don't you forget that credit card has a limit on it. - Mm-hmm. - Oh, Lord. [chuckles] Wow. She's tenacious. - Hey! - We meet again. Yes, we do, even though I guess that's bound to happen, being on a cruise. - Right. - That's my daughter. Does her mother have a name? Yes, I'm Claire. I'm Dante. Nice to officially meet you, Dante. The pleasure is all mine. Look, I'm sorry if I'm being forward, but I notice you're not wearing a ring. Are you... I'm widowed. I'm sorry. Don't be. I'm fine. We're fine. Even though all of this is new to me again. I can help with that. How? You have dinner plans tonight? I plan to have dinner. With me? Why not? All right. How's 8:00? [door opens, closes] Ooh! How do I look? Like a woman going on a date. Are you sure it's okay? It's our first day on the cruise, and I'm going on a date. Will you please just go have fun? - Okay. - I'm gonna go find the bar. Sky! What? I'm legal in Mexico. That does not apply on this cruise. - We'll see. - Come here. Uh-uh-uh. Bring that on back. Sweetie, I know you're 18 and prone to doing stupid stuff, but could you at least wait until we get back? Say it with me. I will not be stupid in Mexico. - Mom! - Say it. I will not be stupid in Mexico. Excellent. Help yourself to a Shirley Temple. - Shirley Temple? - Mm-hmm! Yes, ma'am. ♪♪ [upbeat] [distant chatter] ♪♪ [continues] You look lost. I'm waiting for the right song. Ah. Then may I buy you a drink? - I'm not old enough. - Ah, but I am. I'm Sky. Rico. I feel like we should be dancing right now. - Oh, do you? - Oh, yeah. Let's dance. - Come on, come on. - Okay. I travel back and forth a lot for business. Ship's not the most efficient way to do it, but when I have the time, it's more relaxing. So do you live in the U.S. or Mexico? I split my time. Oh. [chuckling] I told you I'm not good at this. You don't date. I get it. Right. What do you do for fun? Every day, I'm hustling. And I also try to be a good mother. - Sounds exhausting. - It is. But I really love what I do, even though my late husband did not love it. Well, that's what you vacation. Exactly. My daughter Sky really needed this. After her dad died, she really had it tough for a couple years. I guess she just felt like instantly she was this adult. She's just like him. I don't see myself in her at all. Am I dumping? No, no, please. [Claire laughs] I guess it's that I feel comfortable with you. That's a good thing. It is a good thing. To new beginnings. To new beginnings. ♪♪ [continues] SKY: You're gonna get us in trouble. Shh! Ah, great. Right here. - Oh! - Oh! - No, we can't. - Jackpot. Oh, yeah, we can. Yes, we can. Okay, okay. All right. Mmm! [clicks tongue] All right. - Mmm. - [giggling] Mmm! Try it. They were in the fridge. Still hard. It's so good. - All right, you try a piece. - I'll try it. You try. You're the guinea pig. SECURITY GUARD: Hey, who's in there! This is a crew-only area! - What are you doing? - Let's go, let's go! Oh, my God. Where are we? I have no idea. Come on! - [gasps] - Oh! Still looking for the Lido deck, Miss, uh... - Tanner. - Miss Tanner. May I suggest you two slow down a little bit? We wouldn't want you to run into somebody, maybe somebody gets hurt, right ? - Absolutely. - Yeah, come on. All right, good night. SKY: That was so creepy. Oh, my gosh, these shoes were killing me, you know. You and that dance floor, I'm telling you. No, you! I haven't danced in such a long time. - I don't even believe you. - I haven't, I'm telling you. I was definitely rusty. Thank you for walking me back to my room. Of course. I'm supposed to be down here. Maybe we should, uh... - Come on. - You sure? - [giggling] - All right. <i> [ding dong]</i> <i> We'd like to welcome you to La Paz.</i> What time is it? Morning. Morning. Well, that was fast. Is this the<i> Love Boat?</i> Hardly. Listen, I was thinking about taking a day trip up the coast. I'd love it if you came with me. I can show you the sights. Do you have time for all that? Yeah, plenty of time. We're only gonna be gone for a few hours. The ship leaves at 5:00. It's a beautiful trip. Do you have a car? We'll take my boat. You have a boat? Come on. My one hobby. The ship will depart at 5 p.m. If you are not onboard at 5 p.m., the ship will leave without you. You must have your cruise card on you in order to re-board the ship. If you misplace your card, you should immediately return to the ship and contact security. Have fun! <i> ♪♪ [conga]</i> <i> We hope you all have a pleasant day in Mexico.</i> Let's meet back here at 4 p.m. sharp. Okay. Didn't we have a talk about drinks? - Yeah. - I know it's legal down here, but be careful. Those things have a kick to them. Mom, don't embarrass me. Are you gonna introduce me? I mean, I wasn't. Hi. I'm Mrs. Tanner, the mother of the minor that you're buying drinks for. - I'm Rico. - Mm-hmm. Wow. Now I see where she gets her beauty from. Oh, God. Keep it PG-13, son, okay? Mom! I'll be fine. Have fun, please. You deserve it. When a hot guy asks you to go on his boat, you say yes. I did. Speaking of hot guys, nice meeting you, Rico. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Tanner. - Sorry about that. - No, no. - She's pretty intense. - She's great. Are you getting a signal? [chuckles] I barely get signal on land. Out here, never. I told Sky that I'd meet at 4:00. We have to board the boat before 5:00. Relax. Wind will pick up soon. [sighs] We can't miss the boat. We won't. Everything's gonna be fine. If you say so. How about a drink? Sounds good. We have to be back by 4:00. Yes, don't worry. We'll be back, I promise. We're almost there. Note to self: Rico, be more captivating. It's not like that. It's not you. It's just-- Yeah, Sky, Sky, you don't have to feel a specific way when you're with me, okay? Just tell me what's going on. What's going on in that head? Um... A little over a year ago, my father passed away. It was a heart attack out of nowhere. I remember getting pulled out of class. I went down to the principal's office, and he was sitting there with my guidance counselor. Before they even said anything, I knew. You, uh... You two were close, I imagine. In ways my mom could never understand. I mean, I was his little girl. In his eyes, I could do no wrong. And believe me, I took advantage of that. Yeah, I could imagine. And since then, it's been hard. Yeah. I mean, for my mother too. After all, she lost her husband. I've been angry. At her? At life. But she's there, so I take it out on her, which isn't fair, and I know that, especially since she's given me everything. But she's not him. You get it. A toast. <i> Para una mujer hermosa.</i> What does that mean? - To a beautiful lady. - Oh? <i> - Salud. - Salud.</i> This champagne is lovely. Only the best for you. Trust me. Trust me when I say that it's better to have lost someone that you've loved than to never have had anyone to love at all. Your parents. Yeah. My father left before I was born, and my mom passed away when I was just a boy. Do you remember her? Bits and pieces. I remember the memory of her, if that makes any sense, I don't know. No other family? Uh, no. Not that I knew of, at least. After my mom died, I was in and out of state orphanages and a few foster families. Some good, some not so good. And, um... afterwards I was put up with a guardian. I don't know what you'd call it. Kind of like a big brother type of thing? Uh... Yeah, kind of, yeah. Anyway, he, uh... he made sure I was taken care of. You know, he gave me a job. Guess I was lucky. - But he wasn't a father. - No. No, he wasn't a father. Anyway, we should get going. We're almost there, like I said. Come on. Okay. Um, it's 2:30. We should be getting back. Yeah, we should be getting back. That's why we have a motor. - Jokes. - [laughs] [motor grinding] Let me guess. Out of gas? That or the gauge is broken. It's happened before. Don't worry. I got this. Wow. SKY: Wow. It's worth it, no? It's like it goes on forever. RICO: Maybe it does. It's beautiful. [speaking Spanish] [Spanish] What's that? It's not the same in English, but... basically, "If water is beauty, then you are the whole ocean." What? You. Ah! Any luck? Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is<i> Crimson Mistress.</i> We are stranded with a faulty motor. Requesting immediate assistance. Over. [speaking Spanish] We're never gonna make it back in time. Radio's dead too. Hey, Mom. Your phone must be dead. If you get this, I'm on my way back. I might be a few minutes late. Okay, um, I'll see you soon. - Mmm! - [laughs] Are you sure this is right? Oh, I'm sure. I take all my<i> chicas</i> out here. Stop! - Come on. - Okay. <i> ♪♪ [conga]</i> Thank you. It's good? <i> ♪♪ [continues]</i> [speaking Spanish] You like? - I like this one. - I like that one. - Yeah, I like that one. - This one too. We're gonna be late. Not to worry. She'll be waiting for us. - Trust me. - Okay. This way. Got it. - You sure? - Yes, trust me. See? I told you. We beat her here. It's okay. My phone's dying. Excuse me, do you have a charger? Have you seen this woman here in the last hour? Something's wrong. Yeah. Wow. I think I drank too much. Claire? It's usually docked right there. - The ship leaves in 10 minutes. - Ask him. Hey, have you seen this woman? She was with a man this morning. I think they left on a sailboat. [speaking Spanish] - What? - They left this morning. The boat that's right there. But they haven't returned. Oh, no. What if something happened to them? What if they're in trouble? I'm sure they just lost track of time, you know? - You don't know my mom. - Okay. The ship is gonna leave any minute. [ship horn blows] She has our passports, our credit cards. I'm stuck in Mexico with nothing and no way to get back. You don't have nothing. You got me, remember? - I wanna go to the police. - Okay. I think we should wait just a little longer though. Maybe they show up. If they did have some problem with the boat, they'd have to just wait and get towed back. They're all American tourists. We need to go to the police now. - I got a jeep. I can take you. - Okay. Yeah, they just left. I will. Just be ready. SKY: I don't know what I would do if you weren't here. We'll, find her, okay? I promise. - Thank you. - Yeah. We're almost there. It's taking too long. Where are we going? The local police are no good. We need to go to the government police. Trust me. [sighs] I'm sorry. We should've been there by now. I think maybe I might've taken the wrong road. We're in the middle of nowhere. No, no, listen, we're close. I just need to look at a map. Our phones are dead, and I haven't seen a gas station in miles. It's all good. I got one in the back. - Just one sec. - Okay. [screaming] [shushing] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Yeah, I got her. [engine starts] Come on. <i> WOMAN: Help!</i> Oh, no. [screaming] [shushing] Enough! Shut up, shut up. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Dante will be back soon, okay? I promise. DANTE: Good morning. What did you do to me? I think you drank too much. I think you drugged me. This can be easy or difficult. You decide. What do you want? Your husband was a very prepared man. What do you know about my husband? Did you know about the life insurance policy? A lot of people have life insurance. A million-dollar policy. That is above average. That's none of your business. It is very much my business now, Claire, because you're gonna give it to me, huh? Oh, you want it to be difficult. I want you to let me go. I can't do that. But if you cooperate, I'll let you see your daughter. - My daughter? - Mm-hmm. Where is she? SKY: Mom! - Sky? - Mom! Sky! Where is she? [gasps] Who knows? [doorbell rings] <i> Capitán.</i> [laughs] I believe you have something for me. Oh, yeah. Yes. This is more exciting than manipulating ones and zeros, isn't it? Hacking is an art. That was petty theft. - Drink? - No. I'll have a drink when this is over. Ah, come on. This is the fun part. To retirement. I hope so because people tend to be hesitant in booking cruises, where the guests are known to disappear. But you took care of that. I did, in the ship's electronic manifest. When we depart, it'll show a one Miss Claire Tanner and her daughter are safely tucked in their cabin, or at least somewhere on the ship. But there will be fireworks a few days after we dock when their friends and family realize they didn't return. We'll be long gone by then. Maybe, but eventually the suspicion's gonna fall on me. You assured me you took the necessary precautions. Yeah, of course, but it's not exactly standard operating procedure for a cruise director to be assigned to a single leg of a trip. It was a family emergency. Uh-huh, yeah, and they'll buy that at first. But when the authorities start digging around, that's gonna be a red flag. Why do I get the feeling there's something you wanna ask me? Not ask. I identified the targets, I compromised the accounts, I obtained the passports, risking my career and risking my freedom, right? I did all of that. I want a third. [chuckles] Our agreement is 20%. Yeah, agreements can change. You put me in a very difficult position, my friend. I still need your talents. We need to walk away from this without every cop in Mexico on our trail. Which is why I deserve a third. Oh, and<i> El Capitán,</i> I want an advance, 50,000 wired into my account. For what? Marketing expenses. Hmm. Anything else? Yeah. Buy some better alcohol. You can afford it. Listen to me. After this, we're done, okay? I promise. This is gonna buy us freedom. We're gonna be able to do whatever we want, right? You with me? I gotta hear you say it, brother. - Okay. - All right. Okay. Safety first. [engine starts] [sobbing] This isn't going to work. The money isn't just sitting there. I've invested it in a dozen different places. I can't just walk in there and give it to you. Hmm. You have 63,857 in your checking, 285,000 in savings, 317,400 in various stocks and money market accounts, and 150,000 in a joint trust fund account with your daughter. I'm guessing that was a college fund, yes? Sorry. I hope it's not too late for scholarships. You'll wire the money from the three accounts, and once the transfers are confirmed, I'll let you go. See, I told you this could be easy or difficult. You decide. Do you understand? Yes, I understand. Okay. Now, you can't do business without your ID, can you? Let's go. Come on. Try anything stupid, and I make the call to kill your daughter. It will not be the first time. After I transfer the money, what's to say that you won't kill us both then? I'm a reasonable man, Claire. I have nothing to gain by killing you. You have my word. Can I use the restroom first? Try anything stupid, I make the call. Come on. Come on. [beeping] [alarm blaring] [speaking Spanish] [alarm blaring] Rico... why are you doing this? It's not me. - It's him. - Who? - Dante. - Where's my mom? - Where is she? - He has her. Where? She's safe, I promise. You have to let me go. I can't. Rico, please! I'm so sorry, Sky. I really liked you. I really liked you. You don't have to do this. You can just let me go, and we can make this right. Okay? Please. I'm so sorry, Sky. Okay? It's been so long. Okay? I don't know what to do anymore. He helped me, you know? He gave me a life. Okay? When he started doing all this, I don't know. I just-- I don't know, okay? I thought it was about the money first, but then he starts... Then he didn't stop. It was-- Stop what? Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. Hi. Wait. Wait, I... You said you'd let me go once they paid you. Yeah, but that's the problem. Your family didn't do such a good job with that. What do you mean? I don't understand. The payment was not made to the agreed-upon account by the agreed-upon time. But that in itself is not the end of it. Transfers can be delayed. Banks make mistakes. We all know that, right? Yeah. The problem is that an associate of mine was able to obtain a very interesting conversation between your family and the police. No, no, no. My family would do anything for me. Of course, they would, yes. And from these conversations, it certainly sounds like they thought they were doing the right thing. See, they thought I was gonna kill you anyway. But you wouldn't kill me. Of course not. Of course not. I'm a man of my word, right? - Right. - Yes. But now you're not an asset to me, right? You're a liability. Dante, no, you can't do that! [gunshot] I'm sorry. You were saying something? You didn't have to do that. No, I should've just let her go and run to the police. A few nights in jail might give you a very different viewpoint. Come on. You know this is just business, right? - Hmm? - Stop. It's not business. This is murder. This... is preservation, right? What did I teach you, hmm? It's us or them. Us or them. - Right? - Yeah. Help me, okay? It's okay, it's okay. I forgive you. I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? I'm gonna get you out of here. Thank you, thank you. - He's back. - Let's go. No, no, you can't, you can't. Well, I'm not going back on that chain. If he sees us now, your mom's dead, and so are we, okay? - Trust me. - Leave me the key. Come on. Okay. - I'll come back for you. - Okay. Hey, everything okay? Yeah. She was trying to escape. - Is she under control now? - Oh, yeah. She thinks I'm helping her. [chuckling] Okay. RICO: What happened with this one? Little problem at the bank. Go back tomorrow. Just put her with the girl. Yeah. Okay. - She'll be fine in a few hours. - Rico, you have to help her. No! [shushing] I'm gonna help you, okay? When he sleeps, I'll come for you. You gotta trust me, okay? You okay? Yeah, yeah. Yeah? You're acting weird. The girl get under your skin? No, man, I'm fine. - Yeah? - Yeah. You like her. You got too close. She thinks I like her. She trusts me. - Okay. - That's it. - Don't get foolish on me. - No. We get the money, then they go, just like the others, right? Yeah. - You like her. - No. Yeah. Tomorrow she's still shark bait. Mom? Mom, I know it's not your fault that dad died. Never told you that, but I know. I never loved him more than you. I just... I just miss him so much. I'm sorry. We're gonna get out of this. Yeah, who do you think it is? Of course it's me. Oh, I don't know. But what choice did he have, huh? No, he didn't like it at all, right? [chuckles] Yes, yes, it's almost over, sweetheart, and then it's just you and me. Me and you in paradise. Huh? Does that sound good? Just the two of us without a care in the world. Yeah. What the-- Monica, I gotta call you back. - [typing] - What's going on here? [phone rings] <i> Capitán.</i> Where's my money, Dante? Had a little issue at the bank. There was a fire. That's not my problem. <i> On the contrary.</i> <i> It's very much your problem.</i> You see, I don't have my money yet, and until I have my money, you don't have your money. You better wire $50,000 into my account, Dante. You hear me? <i> You better remember this. I'm clean right now.</i> So you screw me over, and I will take you down. All right, just relax. I'll get you your money. But a wire transfer's not gonna go out until tomorrow. Then cash. Okay. Where? Where? How should I know? This is your homeland, hombre. You tell me. By the dock, there's a gas station. Behind it, there's an old hiking trail nobody uses anymore. <i> It goes about a mile into the woods.</i> Meet me there in a half-hour. I'll be there. And, Dante, don't try anything funny. Hey, you okay? You need me for anything? No, no, we're good. All right, be right back. [engine starts] Whoa, whoa, you got the cash? <i> Capitán,</i> I have it. Got it right here. It's in that bag? $50,000 in small bills. All right, and plus what else? What else? The Tanner's account. Want a third, right? Like we agreed. Yes, like we agreed. Set it down. Set it down. - Put it-- - [laughing] What are you laughing at? Ah, you just reminded me of a joke. Never mind. It's all here. [gunshot] - It's time. - Mom, gotta wake up. - Claire, Claire. - Come on, wake up. - Sky? - Yes, it's me. We're gonna go. We have to get out of here. - Help me, Sky. - Get up. Come on, let's go. I can't-- I can't walk. - You got it? - You're good, you're good. Run, run. Go. Run straight to the woods. Alex. Alex? Alex. [sighs] Where are you? <i> [line ringing]</i> <i> [beep]</i> Listen to me very carefully. I don't wanna kill you, but I won't hesitate. You get that, right? I'm now gonna take my hand out of your mouth, and you're not gonna scream, you understand? [mumbles] Okay, good. Please don't hurt me. Who are you? Please don't hurt me. I have money. I have lots of money. You can take it. - You can have it all. - I don't want your money. I'm not gonna hurt you. What's your name? [deep breath] My name is Monica Ashby. That's very pretty. Thank you. Now tell me, what are you doing here, Monica? I... Don't lie to me. I'm meeting someone. I'm waiting for him. He asked me to meet him here. Who? My boyfriend. What's his name? Alex Colton. This is his car. I was trying to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. That makes two of us. You're looking for him too? Yeah, I was supposed to meet him here. I got here, I saw his abandoned car, and then I saw the headlights. I thought it was a trap. A trap? Yeah, you can never be too careful. Are the two of you friends? Yes, and business associates. [sighs] You didn't find anything in the car, did you? Like... something he might have left. No. Yeah, I guess he left the both of us hanging, huh? That bastard. What are you gonna do if you find him? You ask a lot of questions. He wouldn't have just left me here. Left his car here. Something must've gone wrong. I don't know. I think we should get out of here. He knows how to contact us, right? Yeah. So where you coming from? Um... Yeah, you're all dressed up. I was at a party. A party. Am I invited? You're funny. Drive safe. - Yeah. - Yeah. [engine starts] MONICA: Oh, my God. I'm really sorry, Monica. Hey, Rico? Yeah. Did you check on them? Yes, of course. It's fine. They're both out. Okay. If you want me to check again, I'll check again. No, no, it's okay. Sit down. I'll do it. - No, it's fine. It's my job. - Sit! I can't let you do it again. Rico. Dante, please. I hope she was worth it. Gotta catch my breath. Whew! Let's make our way to the border. What about our passports? Dante's got everything. - Everything except us. - That's right. We're gonna be fine. Mom, someone's coming. Officer! Officer. Oh, my God. Thank God. -<i> Hola.</i> - Officer. - Do you speak English? - Yes, a little. Officer, I'm Claire Tanner. This is my daughter Sky. - It's an emergency. -<i> ¿Emergencia?</i> Yes. Our passports were stolen. <i> - ¿Pasaportes?</i> - Yes. We were escaping. We escaped through the woods and hiking through the woods, and this guy-- Mom, he's here! Officer, that's him. That's the man who stole our passports. All right, get back, get back, get back, get back. [speaking Spanish] [Spanish] [gunshot] [screams] [sobbing] CLAIRE: No. Look at me. Good girl. Now, Claire, tell your lovely daughter to get in the jeep. Please. I'm done fighting. I'll give you what you want. I'm afraid it's a little too late for that. You choose to make things difficult. You wanted my money, I'll give it to you. All of it, But you have to let my daughter go. It doesn't work that way. You let my daughter go, or you get nothing. She knows too much. She's a kid. What can she do? Let her go, and I'll sign over everything to you. Everything. I swear. I swear. [Claire whimpers] Dante, please. Okay, sure. Get in the jeep. Allow me. No, no, no, no, no. This time, you ride in the back. Okay. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Safety first. [engine starts] [gunshots] [speaking Spanish] <i> [dispatcher speaking Spanish]</i> [speaking Spanish] We gotta stop at the first place we see and call the police. - Mom? - Yeah. Do you think he'll come after us? Definitely. SKY: How much further can we go? We need gas. It looks like about 10 miles. Look, we're in luck. A gas station. We need to ditch this jeep. Yeah, Dante could be here any minute. Come on. Excuse me. Excuse me! We need your help. Emergency! We closed. Telephone. Telephone. Do you have a telephone? Okay, we closed. All the pumps are empty. Ma'am, it's an emergency. Can we please use your phone? - Mom.<i> - Claire Tanner...</i> <i> y su hija Skyler Tanner.</i> <i> [speaking Spanish]</i> We're not gonna hurt you. Do you have a car? Car. [speaking Spanish] Okay, okay, keys, keys? Keys. We'll bring it back. SKY: There's a bad man coming. You'd do the same for your son. Come on, baby. [engine starts] Dante, called the cops. That's why our pictures were on the TV. Now what, we're fugitives? What are we gonna do? We have to keep going. We could sneak across the border. No. We have to keep going north. There's gotta be an embassy in Tijuana. What if we don't make it that far? We have to. We don't have a choice. Can this thing go any faster? My foot's all the way to the floor. Let's just hope we don't run out of gas. Yeah. Why is this happening to us? Dante found out that your father left you a lot of money for your future. And I never want you to forget about your future, you hear me? So what you're telling me is all of this is because of money? Sadly, yes. [speaking Spanish] [Spanish] Which way? [speaking Spanish] [speaking Spanish] Damn it. It's a roadblock. Mom, let's take that back road. - We can get around them. - Yeah. We don't wanna draw their attention. [speaking Spanish] Looks like we're safe. Okay. Looks like the sun is coming up. Mom, he's right behind us. - Oh, my God, we're out of gas. - We gotta make a run for it. Let's split up. Honey, be careful. I'll go this way. Claire! Where's the girl? I told her to go the other way. You don't need her. Just take me instead. - Dante, let's end this. - Why did you have to run? I didn't want your life. I just wanted your money. Now you've put your daughter's life in danger too. That's not being a good mother, now, is it? [gunshot] It's okay, it's okay. [siren wailing] We pulled these out from his back pocket. They're familiar faces. Maybe I should hold on to these this time. Why not? Also a representative of the American Embassy is on his way. He's got some routine questions that he needs to ask you and some paperwork, and he also arranged for a private plane to take you back to the U.S. tonight. Thank you for everything, Officer. - Thank you, ladies. - Thank you, bye. It's over. - Yeah, Sky, yeah! - Come on! Come on, Sky! Come on, Sky! [cheering] Yes! Oh, my God! You are incredible! I'm serious! You blew my mind! Thank you for coming. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Oh, before I forget, something came for you. Ta-da. - I got in? - You got in. I got in! I got in! I got in! - You did it. - Oh, my God! I'm so proud of you. Thank you. Mom, I love you. - I love you more. - [laughing] ♪ College bound College bound ♪ ♪ College bound College bound ♪
Channel: Lifetime
Views: 2,150,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, lifetime shows, mylifetime, suspense, mystery, The Wrong Cruise | Starring Vivica A. Fox | Full Movie | Lifetime, vivica a. fox kill bill, vivica a. fox 50 cent, vivica a. fox calls out jada pinkett, vivica a. fox 2022, vivica a. fox had a frosty interview with jimmy kimmel, vivica a. fox movies, vivica a. fox 2023, vivica a. fox set it off, the wrong cruise lifetime movie, the wrong cruise vivica a fox, vivica a fox the wrong cruise movie, the wrong cruise movie
Id: s5TNk53JSUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 48sec (5208 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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