Abducted (Layover) | Full Crime Thriller Movie

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foreign um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] rebecca we're going with the white carrera marble for the hollingsworth milan oh and make sure those people know that i'm speaking first there's no way i'm going after donald blah blah blah them all into a coma come here rodrigo and we go watch your head wait patrice rebecca check maya you're free tomorrow from 5 to 6 30. are you sure you don't want to check that i'm sure we patrice sanko rudy from bourgeois i'll be until my chef oh rebecca get me the photos steven sent in for the hollingsworth dallas campaign what is that is that cellulite yes they wanted you to proof the photos before they started photoshopping them right of course well maybe they should have started by not hiring plus size models so henry called from one park and said that the penthouse ac units need to be reconfigured due to the nfpa 99 henry suzanne i'm calling about one park no susan rebecca it's nfpa 90 99 is building comfort hospital are we building a hospital rebecca no suzanne what are we building a hotel then why would i mention the nfpa 99 to the architect henry i'll have to call you back that was inexcusable rebecca but i was just trying to excuse me what's that rebecca you will never get ahead if you don't own up to your own weaknesses you're right it will never happen again i'm doing this for your own good you know i'm trying to turn you into a useful person not some ivy league grad who has no idea how to maneuver in the real world i understand get me the tim's reports for the hollingsworth park avenue suzanne i have bad news you know how uh there were some mechanical difficulties on your jet that's why you were supposed to borrow marty sax's plane well as it happens marty's dad just died of a heart attack suddenly and he marty needs to use the plane to fly to denver for the funeral well there must be someone you can call a charter or something marty was our last resort it's a holiday weekend i tried calling all the charters i can try again but anything that we book now won't get you to l.a on time did you even ask marty if he needs the plane the whole weekend did i what we could drop him in denver and continue on to la or maybe they could reschedule the funeral day did you even suggest it rebecca well no he and his family are flying to denver for the funeral so i thought that you so now you're thinking for me no no that's not what i meant i mean he just lost his father oh rebecca have you learned nothing in these last months with me how do you expect me to get to la if there are no jets available just hold on um we can get trump's jet for a hundred grand i don't know which one of those two things assaults my ears more not an option you could fly commercial well rebecca if that's your only solution ralph jfk yes we're here miss hollingsworth okay hang on uh just arranging your upgrade there first class on the aisle what how would i know where my ticket is i don't fly commercial oh there you are i was just texting you i'm fired finally you got something right your watch ma'am i expect you to find me a suitable replacement for yourself by the time i return from la and make sure that they're not so impressed with their advanced degree that they get lazy about practical matters what now you need to remove your necklace ma'am never i never take this off your choice but i can't let you pass until you do rebecca help me this day couldn't get any worse goodbye forever oh come on rebecca you know her to be calling a high yield back by morning oh yeah look at the bright side at least this way you get a few hours off yes i am sending it right now reply quickly ma'am i told you that once the doors are closed you need to put the dog under the seat and turn your phones off fine just a second now ma'am or i could just have the sky marshall take them from you i'll call you back [Music] ladies and gentlemen we're looking at a slight delay attached into the runway if you need to you can use your cell phone for a few more minutes hello yeah yeah your form's perfect but there's no power behind those cakes come on come on rebecca find your killer instinct i'm trying or maybe you don't have the color it stinks everyone does an instinct ladies and gentlemen i've got an update on the situation looks like we're being diverted guess you folks are gonna have a layover in detroit [Music] excuse me is there an emergency yes there is please tell the pilot that detroit does not work for me i would rather it was chicago i'll get right on that hey maybe something's blocking your killer instinct look picture somebody who's mean to you you know somebody who's always telling you you're not good enough put a face on that bag suzanne yes that's right picture suzanne no she's uh calling me it's her i'm sorry i have to get this rebecca yes suzanne i'm on a layover in detroit layover i'm offline detroit a layover i'm so sorry you should be sorry naturally it's your fault yeah i i know i know this entire situation the storm was terrifying the weather's my fault what was that how many times i told you to stop mumbling anyway i need a place okay whatever passes for the best yeah of course no i'll i'll book you a hotel asap good evening park sweet hotel how may i help you hi yes i'd like to book one room for this evening for my boss unfortunately we're all full because of the storm but um i may have a small room let me just see yes we can fit your blossom um what's the name please suzanne hollingsworth hollings not the suzanne hollingsworth unfortunately the room is taken the room is booked and good luck finding a room any of the finer hotels in this city not after that vanity fair article where she called detroit the armpit of america not deserving of a hollingsworth hotel good day hello rebecca hi susan i don't suppose you succeeded no i still haven't been able to book a hotel fine i found one myself i did it rebecca i run a major corporation i can certainly find a place on my own i'm not some incompetent idiot who is incapable of finding a single hotel room no no of course not i didn't mean to suggest i'm glad i fired you excuse me are you sure that there's an opening at this place oh yeah it has opening very nice place you will like it ready let's do it can you make arrangements to have my bags taken to my room please huh my bags yeah we don't do that here come here i know it's disgusting i just couldn't bear the thought of polyester touching our bodies trying not to think about it we'll get through it together it's just for one night shut up hey quiet down in there keep it down don't touch me [Music] but i i have given you so many opportunities and every time you have just spit in my face no i did not keep babying you along you just do not have what it takes to be my assistant and you are fired for the last time [Music] do you have any idea what time it is i am trying to get some sleep here i don't care what you have going on in there what kind of sex games you're playing i just want you to shut your god you know she's going to call you right back so why bother no this is it it's the last time i'm gone oh i miss you well you know i can't stop lucky to get alive i mean you've already lasted longer than any of the other resistance so if i could have just lasted another year and a half could have written my own ticket any hotel in the world huh you're kidding right no one's ever lasted that long do you know what happened to the girl before you hmm she got so stressed out by suzanne that she got that disease where you like pull out your hair tricho no hair or something i don't know you know what suzanne did i know she fired her mm-hmm i mean okay the girl could not pull off bald but still it is strange though that she hasn't called anyone do you think something's wrong we can only hope no but seriously has she called anyone here today well people are smiling so i'm thinking no why am i thinking about this i'm leaving i'm done i'm done you know what but she always calls me before 6am whether i'm fired or not what about that time when she went in for that procedure huh we didn't hear from her for a whole day and a half oh that was amazing you know i keep hoping that she pops in for a refresher and something goes wrong on the operating table what a girl can dream it's just weird nothing and it's no longer your problem okay so come on you're free now go fly little bird so jealous i think i hate her [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] hi yes i need to know if a suzanne hollingsworth stayed with you last night no okay thank you hello i need to know if a suzanne hollingsworth stayed with you last night no okay thank you uh excuse me mr waveridge who's white um what can i do for you suzanne i i think something may be wrong with suzanne she usually calls at 6am she did not make her flight out of detroit this morning she never really even made it to the airport correct me if i'm wrong but didn't she fire you yesterday yes but i think we need to call the police the police absolutely not susan's done this kind of thing before and we do not need that kind of publicity again we've got a board meeting coming up can you imagine what that would do to the value of our stock what i'm saying is it's probably nothing and suzanne would be furious if you did anything to cause any kind of tension with the board that's true but i'm really worried that she might be in trouble and we need to do something okay fine i'll put someone on it but i'm going to handle this internally get elliot in here immediately we'd like to keep it quiet i've gone ahead and rescheduled all her appointments in la for next week be discreet but find out where suzanne is i'm sure she has disappeared it's by her own choice yes sir i will pack a bag and leave for detroit immediately i'll make us reservations us well yeah i know suzanne better than anyone i think i could help okay but if you find her and she doesn't want to be found good luck to the both of you [Music] rodrigo rodrigo [Music] you the he's very cute maybe i keep him or maybe he's big distraction then i kill him instead no no no no no no destruction so when we fly the girls out russian only use stupid dorac christina don't move back against the wall back against the wall get back or i'll shoot give me my dog give me my dog don't hurt him drop the gun or he dies what do you want do you want money i have money i'll give you money no look i won't tell you the hotter they are is more as a yak yak yak almost not worth it [Music] i got it suit yourself you okay so um i was thinking that we would start at the humphrey motel suzanne used her credit card there last night that's fine with me why do i get the feeling that you're not taking this seriously i'm just doing the job that mr waybridge asked me to do man oh and because mr waybridge isn't taking it seriously neither are you i've dealt with miss hollingsworth for years just wait till i find some evidence one way or the other look i know something's wrong you know sometimes when we care about a person we tend to overreact i don't care about suzanne suzanne's my boss was my boss oh god why do i care about susan and one of the richest women in the world is staying here because because i couldn't find her a better hotel than when she fired you i remember her she was a difficult woman says she checked in at 8 30 last night left early this morning 6 a.m okay did you see her when she left who was she with no we have uh express checkout yeah you just dropped the key and you know it was a busy night but with all the flight cancellations i mean our biggest night of the year does that camera work no no okay um can we have a room key at least sure yeah i mean if you rent the room so it's room 104 and uh it hasn't been cleaned yet nice thanks it's hard to tell she was even here oh she was here all right look what am i looking at the perfect alignment of these cheap towels that's suzanne's doing the rest of this place isn't exactly up to the hollingsworth standards but those towels are trust me it's a habit with her she was here nothing else is out of place there's no sign of struggle oh watch where you go in love i'm partying oh aren't you a big strong man where did you get that get what that necklace i found it that necklace belongs to my boss suzanne's parents gave it to her for her sixth birthday she never takes it off ever that necklace is evidence evidenced why what am i being accused of man um valenda we'd really like to get that necklace back you know maybe we should just call the police i don't think housekeepers are supposed to take jewelry from guests rooms i didn't take it from that room i found it on the floor in that room what just a stupid broken piece of costume jewelry the only reason i took it is because it sparkled like diamonds it is diamonds great and i let my daughter put that in her mouth ma'am would you mind letting us look in there please sure i already lost the lotto so what else do i have to lose yeah i'm not cleaning this who was staying here two men bunch of women they had the room next door too i know we're calling the police [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] let's see what you got i just feel sorry for the judges i mean we're all so unique in our own way how are they ever gonna decide the winner please honey that's easy they're just gonna pick the one that's the fiercest moi hey hey you go you go oh my gosh who are you you guys i told you they're bringing in another girl to replace christina's well they said they'd always be six in the competition but i thought there was an age limit we have to get out of here the men are gone but i don't know for how long wait wait are you in the modeling competition what are you kidding me i'm not a model i have been kidnapped we all have been kidnapped i heard the men speaking russian they're gonna fly us overseas and sell us to the highest bidder we have got to get out of here now come on help me find a way out you help me find my dog i have i mean we have a better chance of escaping if there are more of us i mean that way i only have to outrun one of you or two tops rodrigo are you out there come on hurry up chop chop okay uh listen i don't know who you think you are but you need to stop trying to order us around all right yeah we're models we're in a modeling competition you don't seriously believe that yeah we do and vlad believes in us he happens to be one of the biggest scouts in romania he's taking us there for a huge photo shoot and one of us gets to be the featured model for the ad and get a one-year contract with his agency right because there aren't enough beautiful women in eastern europe so they're going to start importing them from detroit what's wrong with detroit everything okay you girls have to open your eyes there is no modeling contract okay we've all been kidnapped that's why i was locked in that other room that's why that girl christina was all beaten up and now she's probably dead no yes what are you five foot four and how much do you weigh 130 excuse me and what about me look i'm not saying you all are hags but at best you're detroit pretty and that's not going to cut it in the real world trust me no one is going to fly you to europe for a photo shoot no one i can use this if we all grab a weapon we can surprise them when they come through the door [Music] okay do what you want i'm out of here fine you know what don't listen to this all right she just wants to get us kicked out of the competition so that she can get the job yeah we can leave whenever we want then why did they lock you in to protect us it's a dangerous city fine you want to stay stay you're all useless i want to go with you there is something fishy going on here i've been feeling it ever since they took away our cell phones the other night and then christina what's going on here ladies i want to leave i want to go home of course you don't need my permission to leave one lesson to competition ladies see i told you this lady over here was trying to tell us we were prisoners this lady this lady has drug problem you see don't listen to her they must have done that they used something to knock me out anyone here who wants to leave me go i understand there are many bad people in this business if you have doubts please go i don't want models who aren't committed i want only the fiercest of the fears and of course you did sign contracts so anyone who leaves must pay a penalty fee for leaving fine i don't care i'm going home no don't don't they're not going to let you leave go helpervis back she's free you're all free it's a trick okay he's lying it's not true anyone else fine go back to practicing your walks and remember be fierce come with me bye oh so sad she looks fine to me what happens to trouble making peaches and now you can pay for your big open it if you open your big mouth to the other girls to live again we do this to them also understand take her up they've been foreign price yeah that's right i was just explaining that very same thing to your head of security i want to talk to you yes sir mr waybridge well as i was just telling your boss this place is a mess and that's an offense but it's not an actual crime but what about the blood small trace amount of blood in the bathroom sink could be anything please i know something's wrong with suzanne can't you just post a bulletin or something there's nothing here that indicates any foul play and miss holly's worth is a grown woman yeah but she would never just run off like this without contacting me or someone never well according to mr waybridge she did the very thing last year when she took off and got her plastic surgery and didn't she just take off five years ago and marry some saudi arabian prince without telling anyone yeah but that was in los angeles and dubai she would never do that in detroit city i grew up in wow lady do i want to go out of my way to help you look you can file a report in 24 hours unless she shows up before then it seems that mr weibridge is more concerned about rattling the board members than he is about mrs hollingsworth come here i'm going to try to track her cell phone she has two that she uses regularly one for business one for personal all right give me the essence the phone numbers um neither one showing up now even if they were off i could find them either they've been destroyed or the battery's been pulled out no phones she doesn't have a phone i mean she can't yell it anywhere i mean she's definitely in trouble this is so cool i mean i know it's only gonna be for a week but this is gonna be like my first real time out of the country you know it's gonna be my first time out at detroit what about you sonia you're a banana motor city bet it's gonna be your first time being sold into sexual slavery wake up girls you really think this contest is fake i'm starting to get scared i only entered this contest so i could provide a better life for my daughter annie she looks poor so hard to be away from her even for a week she was so scared during the storm when the lights flashed out for those few seconds i tried to tell her it'd be okay but i really just wanted to be there to give her a hug [Music] i don't have one okay listen you said she was upset because the lights went out okay and that just happened last night so how would you have known that she was upset if you didn't talk to her [Music] i know we all signed a non-disclosure thingy to keep them all thank god this is a secret i swore we leave our cell phones at home but you snuck one in it's just hard for me to be away from her okay where is it it's in my bag in the locker room downstairs where they give her suitcases oscar takes me in a breakfast and dinner so i can give myself an insulin shot sometimes he walks out for a few minutes so i call when's your next shot until dinner six hours away okay that's too long okay when oscar brings in lunch you're gonna tell him that you're not feeling well okay and that you need another shot and he's gonna take you there and you're gonna get that phone and you're gonna bring it to me but i can't take more insulin just pretend to take the shot okay then get that phone and bring it to me i don't think this is such a good idea if they catch me they'll kick me out of the competition if you don't do it you're gonna find out what this competition is really all about and you may never see your daughter again now you gotta get me that phone can you do that you sure okay lunch i'm scared i need my shot i really don't feel good my sugar is loud come so do sometimes it's easier on my thigh [Music] all done let's go my aunties had diabetes also but they didn't have this back then hide it in the third stone i need to talk to vlad it's about a contraband cellphone uh what do you want i vlad listen i just don't really think it's fair that some of the girls are allowed to have cell phones when we signed something saying that we wouldn't we'll have cell phone oh i just heard lily mention one in her bag search bags wait so are you kicking lily out of the competition now [Music] come on come on no not anymore please i just wanted to talk to my daughter i don't want to be here she was just letting it to that new girl suzanne just did probably his new girl in there i should have known [Applause] [Music] you have to see what happens we let's check this boss i think we found golden ticket chating he will tell us into contact now have you heard anything on that blood sample you swipe from the room i've got my buddy here in detroit trying to identify it as soon as he knows anything he will call us there must be something we can do in the meantime rebecca i know you're worried but it takes hello i have suzanne holland's work unless i get two million dollars i will kill her have the money and i tell you where to take it okay but i need to talk to her i need i need to know that she's still alive i want two million dollars i think it's time to call in the fbi [Music] this is all my fault if i'd only found her a private plane then she never would have ended up in detroit at this awful motel you're good rebecca but you can't control the weather but i could have done better at my job i could have been tougher hey did you have any luck tracing the kidnappers call no they were using voiceover ip on a prepaid phone we narrowed it down to the closest cell tower but that's about three miles excuse me copy that mr wipers just landed with the money and agents meet him at the airport and bringing him here now great to wait some more i'm really starting to think that maybe this isn't a modeling competition really what gave you that idea the gun to my head don't talk to her like that she's scared we all are thanks i'm so sorry about the cell phone thing did they hurt you it doesn't matter there's nothing else i can do for you girls i just have to worry about myself right now what do you think they're going to do to us by now the online auction has probably started and when you get to russia you'll go to the highest bidder and then you'll be theirs theirs their property to use however they want like sex used i have to think of a way out i suggest you girls do the same let me go with you i'd do anything to see my daughter again listen i'm not taking that responsibility your daughter losing your mother is not an option trust me it's the worst thing for a kid i'm i'm sorry i didn't realize you lost your mom when you were a kid don't worry i survived but that must have been awful for you were you very young doesn't matter it made me stronger girls the competition starts now think of a way to win okay be ready to make this call if you move i hurt you badly it's another smooth number sir hello you have money yes we have the money mr waybridge just arrived with it good i thought you were to bring it but no police or we kill her understand yes i understand but i need to talk to suzanne to make sure she's all right rebecca suzanne oh god thank goodness are you okay i'm not feeling particularly alert it's like 99 in here but you're not hurt no enough give my love to 10. bring me to the corner of michigan and vermont in 15 minutes 15 minutes was not enough time no police or she dies i wasn't able to trace the call what can you tell me about him he definitely sounded russian there were some northern european influences in his accent my guess is he could come from saint petersburg or that area okay you almost ready almost yeah but that's so big won't they be able to see that they might that is why we have this one in there too they'll never spot this one already sir okay now i just need to figure out who tim is suzanne told me to say hello to tim but i don't know who she means do you think it's important i mean i just assumed it was a boyfriend or something suzanne doesn't have a boyfriend you did good lady you'll be freezing [Music] foreign oh you can hear me right yes mr waybridge loud and clear and we have eyes on the location so don't worry you got your back i don't see any other agents they see you that's what's important well i'm here what am i supposed to do now just wait kidnap me hello hello wait wait this there's some kind of note meet me at bagley in 15th street tunnel three o'clock on foot that's their old michigan central station so head out three blocks south and make a left no there's a tim whitehead but he's 70 and tim deleon with that's her hair stylist maybe she was seeing someone new someone you don't know about i know everything about suzanne there are no new boyfriends it's all business with her she doesn't even have any real friends or family parents died when she was young pretty much the closest person to her so sad you know you don't have to pretend like you don't care about her it doesn't make you look weak tell that to suzanne she's always telling me i'm not tough enough i don't have enough killer instinct well in iraq it wasn't a killer instinct that kept the men safe in my unit was the fact that we had each other's backs no matter what hopefully making the drop right now should be back real soon okay i'm going in okay we got you now we can't get men into the area without being seen but we can hear everything you say stop drop bag of money right there i release lady after i get money you do what i say now back away facebook count to 100. then i am safely away i call my associate he bring lady here but if cops follow or stop me we kill her understand he's gone all right let's give suzanne a chance to show up just in case he's telling the truth we have agents tracking him don't worry sir one of the beacons has stopped moving what about the other one it's still on the move we were tracking it and the kidnapper sir he's heading south on foot okay keep me posted yes sir there's got to be another tim in here oh wait no he's dead i'm not feeling particularly alert it's like 99 in here no you're not give my love to tim tims she definitely said tim you know it's an odd way for suzanne to phrase it not feeling particularly alert normally she'd say it's sweltering or it's hot as hell well in the detroit metro area temperature didn't go over 70 degrees today wait tims 99 not feeling particularly alert i'm gonna need a commercial map of detroit uh um [Music] oscar where's susan is she okay she was troublemaker not good model no vortice competition [Music] yelling i'm thirsty [Music] i have to go to the bathroom [Music] there's a truck in the way wait i think he just got into that van he's heading down west jefferson in a green van all right listen follow that van i want eyes on that van at all times easy [Music] don't please please don't please don't uh [Music] [Music] so so [Applause] so i'm coming for you [Music] i promise you'll suffer before you die [Music] [Music] we're looking for a hospital how do we know that in the limo ride on the way to the airport suzanne and i talked about it nfpa 99 what's that it's a building code for a hospital suzanne said not feeling particularly alert nfpa it's like 99 nfpa 99 and tim's tim's not a person they're the fire safety records for commercial buildings testing inspection and maintenance so you think that suzanne is signaling you she's smart come on it's money bigly yeah well right now that's the only leap we got look for every abandoned hospital and clinic in the area i'm thinking if they're holding her there no one else is around all right well we've got 30 abandoned hospitals and one urgent care center in a 30-mile radius how are we gonna find her i think rebecca think rodrigo i know how we can find her that little is lojacked what does that mean with everything happening i i just wasn't thinking about it but we had a chip placed in him about two days ago it has not been activated but maybe we can figure out a way to do that yeah that is if they haven't killed the dog and throwing them in a dumpster believe me i've wanted to but at least we can try okay so where are you [Music] lady i killed your dog you're next are you up there [Music] vlogs will be back soon damn you what are you [Music] ah [Music] so all right sir he just went into a tunnel on west jefferson do not engage in a tunnel it could be a trap copy that we're gonna head around and catch up to him on the other side of the tunnel easy easy okay no shortcut come on come on got him agent rome he is just out of the tunnel beacon is still strong sir we just tracked the van to an old produce warehouse on michigan i'm on my way we're two minutes out i just picked up way bridge all units report to fourth in [Music] michigan [Music] [Music] thermals up all right sir we do have confirmation that our guy has entered the building we're just waiting your word let's do this [Music] [Music] scott [Music] oscar remember our victim suzanne hollingsworth may be on the premises so use extreme caution we want her alive let's go i found the app to activate rodrigo's gps it looks like they're on tecumseh and prince bingo there's an abandoned hospital right there just a few miles away you been able to reach agent rom yet no i tried but he didn't pick up i'm gonna try lance's phone hello mr waybridge i've tried to reach agent wrong but i can't get through he's a little busy right now rebecca what is it sir we figured out where they're holding suzanne she's in some kind of medical facility we zeroed in on her location using rodrigo's gps but we're still a few miles out it's okay rebecca we're at the kidnapper's location right now oh but is it i gotta go let the agents handle this they're about to go in [Music] hands up freeze freeze where is she where is suzanne holland's work i don't know i don't know sir the money isn't in here here's the beacon some russian gave me 500 bucks to use my van for 15 minutes i picked them up and i dropped them in the tunnel of west jefferson i only did it to buy my guitar back from the pawn shops damn it you must have been on foot since then burrito tell me that there's surveillance cameras in that tunnel i'll check soon going somewhere yet you lucky boss says taker rich man beat lots of money to own famous suzanne hollinsburg [Music] we'll make money twice in a story flight leaves in a half hour why'd you do it i don't know i i i just needed the money and i have weed and four outstanding parking tickets please don't arrest me sir the surveillance footage from the tunnel watch him what do you got panco can you pick up what he's saying yes sir definitely russian he just said something about flying out in two hours it was 90 minutes ago i need units at every airport and airfield within 100 mile radius anywhere he can take off from all right let's wrap this up guys she's not there are you at the hospital to come saying prince i don't know exactly where we are but it looks like it was a bust did you tell him about rodrigo the gps no rebecca i didn't well damn it lance why didn't you i think agent rome has some theories of his own agent rahm we think the kidnappers are holding suzanne an abandoned hospital we tracked her down using chip and her dog what we're heading to tecumseh and prince but we need help searching listen we're done searching facilities we have intel they're trying to fly out of the country in the next 30 minutes they've probably left for a nearby airfield by now but we're sure that this is the hockey i know all of my men searching airstrips and airports even if you're right about where they were holding her they're probably gone by now we'll catch them when they try to leave the country but look i don't have the manpower unless what if they're not flying out on a plane what's on top of every hospital a helipad it's a helicopter it's too late damn it units report to the abandoned hospital at tecumseh and brent now you're back i was so worried about you oh my gosh get ready to leave what about our bags are they on helicopter i was hoping you got away then i thought maybe they'd killed you i never left they weren't gonna let me leave us leave now they're about to ship us overseas i think we're running out of time okay we need to get out of here then but i mean even if we can what are we gonna do i think it might be too late we need to find some kind of weapons i was thinking we could break the bathroom mirror or the windows and use the broken glass as weapons and i have these but we can't fight them alone they are guns you can't give up we all need to do this together you have to trust that we can help each other i mean what other choice do we have no fear no excuses just results what it's something i heard once no fear no excuses just results marla go get the glass from the bathroom no this won't work you're probably right but we have to try we have to attack them as soon as they come through the door get the guns no we can't do this we cannot how are you going to fight three russians with guns two russians with guns three actually you're working for them yet i am boss they working for me you're the boss clever girl then you think i let those idiots in charge without keeping a close eye they don't have brain between them it's always i have to get things done it's so hard to find good help these days oscar easy study now you beaches upstairs she's worse than me and that's saying something it's not safe here i don't know how many men are in this building but stick behind me [Music] [Music] all right i'm going to distract them over to this side try to wake suzanne through that exit it's clear all right [Music] [Music] rodrigo so go back [Music] oh [Music] go down rebecca how could you do something so dangerous you could have done look at me i'm a mess know don't tell me i'm fired oh my god [Music] sorry about the delay the mail room was really backed up thank you shannon and you don't have to apologize all the time only if you screw up oh sorry forget it being nice to people will get you nowhere got me this office are those the photos for the new hotel campaign oh it's nice to see you trust your new vp of marketing to make the right decisions i guess this whole experience did have a positive outcome after all perhaps it's nice to see that you have a bit of a killer instinct after all i suppose and thank goodness we were able to fix your broken heart you found it they were able to repair the clasp so it'll never fall off again they're perfect the perfect campaign for the new hollingsworth hotel hollingsworth detroit my girls look fantastic pretty in any city after we airbrush that cellulite and contour those faces get to work [Music] of the week yeah i don't know what to think [Music] you answer the question what's new and i'm not sure what to say it's never the right thing or else you always have [Music] you yeah you are never there i [Music] that this wonder never be safe high in the clouds [Music] [Music] my [Music] the story of the wings [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 212,074
Rating: 4.6933064 out of 5
Keywords: movies, full, movie, films, classic, sci-fi, horror, drama, b-grade, comedy, hollywood, popcornflix, bigtime, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, CMC, CMC YouTube, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie, watch free movies on youtube, latest free movies
Id: 57rebjtAg4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 7sec (5467 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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