D2R - Top 10 Worst Unique Items (With Loathing)

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[Music] hello guys and gals and welcome so today i have something special for you this is going to be a video about the top 10 worst unique items in diablo 2 resurrected of course if there are the best or the most underrated well there has to also be something that is considered the worst the trashiest most garbage unique items in the game that you probably want to throw on the ground do these items have any uses at all probably but the real moral of the story is is that they are among the worst unique items of diablo 2 resurrected so without further ado let's jump into the list i'm not going to be presenting these in any specific order i don't want to rank the worst items from number one to number 10 because that's just a waste of my time because that's how bad they are so without further ado let's jump into the first of the horrible horrible uniques the viper fork so you might be asking yourself why is the viper fork one of the worst uniques in the game well it's one of the worst uniques in the game for quite a large number of reasons we're gonna go over them together um the viper fork is an elite base man catcher which means it is extremely fast and it does decent melee damage and as i said before i'm not saying that a weapon can't be useful it's still one of the worst unique items in the game even if it can technically be useful the problem is is that even in its most optimal state it is subpar below just about every other choice that you could possibly put on a character for instance if you had an aeryox needle with plus four skills it would easily easily be a lot better than a 5 command catcher and then we have to think about what the viper fork man catcher is trying to achieve so it's trying to achieve high poison damage right so we got 325 poison damage over 10 seconds which is laughable at level 71. um it's absolutely gross in just the the idea of 325 poison damage being enough and this falls in line with a lot of unique items because a lot of unique items that are based off of poison damage have really really bad poison damage for their level only one item in the game that stands out for me that actually has poison damage that's high enough to actually be useful is the j tando chris which i actually just recently made a video on um that has a 180 at level 19. so i want you to put that in perspective the jade tando has 180 poison damage at level 19 but this item barely has double that at level 71. absolutely terrible amount of poison damage on top of that it also has a 15 chance to cast level 9 poison explosion on striking which will not stack with the poison damage on the blade or on the spear rather and this is also an issue because poison damage doesn't stack and a lot of these poison damage weapons have poison damage from multiple sources uh like a a poison damage on the blade like a casted ability a charge and a whole bunch of other things and none of the poison effects stacked together the only special thing that this weapon has that honestly makes it anywhere near considerable for any kind of character is the fact that the poison explosion will consume corpses so technically very technically you could use the viper fork man catcher as a way to absorb corpses but you would be much better off using something like redemption um or just simply some cold damage so the monsters explode uh you know or into you know explode into shards of ice um you know there's a lot of ways to get rid of corpses and i just don't really see this as being one of them um even in its optimal form which is the ethereal form it's still not higher damage than most other melee weapons that you can put on a mercenary um a for instance an insight pole arm would still be better a um a infinity would be better a um obedience man catcher would be a thousand times better um obedience man catcher is literally godlike by compared to this thing the only reason that you would ever conceivably put this weapon on a mercenary in my opinion is if you didn't have anything else to put on him and this was the only thing you had if you were a ladder character who's just like just starting the ladder and you happen to find an ethereal viper fork man catcher and you don't have anything else to put on your mercenary at that point then by all means throw it on your merc but know that as soon as you get anything better and it is very easy to get anything better it's going straight in the garbage and that brings us to the next item in the list radimance sphere so random sphere is another one of those unique items that just doesn't really work out i don't really know what exactly they were thinking when they tried to make radamen sphere but the moral of the story is is that it's not really a good shield and nobody really wants to use it um it has a lot of issues it goes with a poison theme and like a lot of the items that go with the poison theme they tend to fail because poison itself doesn't work well poison explosion charges is one thing that a lot of people probably aren't going to use level 6 poison explosion does relatively no poison damage at level 50. and on top of that despite the fact that um it has an aoe effect if you've ever actually seen poison explosion the poison explosion is so small that it hits basically nothing so even if you were to use it there's a very good chance you wouldn't even hit anything with it when you used it i don't know why the radius of poison explosion is so terribly small but it's just not worth the effort on top of that it doesn't really have any resistances except for poison resistance at level 50 you're well on your way into nightmare difficulty where the resistance penalties are starting to hit you and by the time you reach health difficulty the resistance penalties have gotten really really bad and and this is a huge issue for a shield that has no resistances if you've ever played diablo 2 at any point in your life for a considerable amount of time you will know that your shield is where most of your resistances end up coming from in the form of a spirit shield maybe herald of zackaroom maybe you're using a rhyme shield for cannot be frozen there are tons and tons and tons of shields in this game that are so much better than this one and it tries to augment the fact that it's not particularly a very good shield by coming up with some other things to add in so for instance we've got five percent chance to cast level five poison nova when struck five percent is so low that it will almost never happen but um but let's pretend that it did happen let's pretend it was fifty percent chance to cast level five poisonova level five poisonova is not high enough to do anything it lasts for two seconds and it does like about 200 damage if that on top of that the shield also has 80 poison damage over four seconds and the 80 poison damage over four seconds will also not stack with poison nova and it will also not stack with poison explosion so if you were to use this specifically for the for the the idea that it involves the poison nova the poison explosion and the poison damage none of them stack together so the poison explosion is not going to stack with the nova the nova is not going to stack with the damage the damage isn't going to stack with the explosion and so forth and so on and you're literally just left with three pitiful poison damage effects that won't even stack together to to like combine like a megazord to at least make something that might be worthwhile and uh again 80 poison damage over four seconds just like the viper man fork is so ridiculously low that it is to be laughable especially when you consider the fact that in nightmare difficulty all monsters have 50 poison reduction so you're looking at uh 80 poison damage over four seconds is going to be reduced very quickly to 40 poison damage over two seconds and uh and when you get to hell difficulty that ends up being divided into a third so you end up with one third of the uh the poison damage which is even worse and um it's just a shield that doesn't quite make a lot of sense i understand the theme that they were going for um they were trying to make it kind of seem like you're radament right you're shooting out poison and and you've got corpse you know poison explosions and you've got poison novas and and when you bop somebody in the head you've got poison damage but the poison explosion is too low to be useful the poison nova is too low to be useful and the poison damage is again too low to be useful and when you take away all the poison effects from this shield what are you left with you're left with a shield that has somewhat decent defense a decent amount of blocking and faster blocking rate but that's nothing that you couldn't get from a rhyme shield from a spirit from a herald of zackeroom from just about any unique shield out there there's several set shields that are better than that and in terms of just simply raw defense and block chance and on top of that it has a 110 strength requirement which is pretty high for most characters granted by the time you hit like level 75 or level 80 you've got enough to use your 156 monarch shield but by then when you compare a radiant sphere to something like a monarch shield it's complete and utter garbage that you wouldn't even bother to deem about the only thing that's cool about this shield is how it looks it does have a very interesting appearance but let me tell you what there's two other shields in the game that share this appearance the ward gothic shield and the spirit ward ward shield and both of them have the same appearance and they both are way better shields than this shield so if you wanted to specifically get the appearance of this particular shield there's other options in fact i would recommend both the ward gothic shield and the other elite version of the shield the the ward because they are just so much better i'm just dropping on the ground at this point because i'm not keeping them i'm definitely not keeping them moving on to the next item on the list ken and mills all uh so this particular sword is one of those really bad swords that doesn't really have a good grasp on like what a paladin is um kind of mill's all is a two-handed sword not a one-handed sword that was seemed to be aimed directly at paladins and the problem with this is is that they didn't aim it at paladins like hey use this as a charge paladin because that would have been cool or um you know they didn't aim it specifically at a pound in a way that made sense they put a two-handed sword and they gave it plus six holy fire extra fire damage a decent amount of enhanced damage and then they also gave it um plus mana which i don't even understand why it has plus mana um let me lay this down for you in a way that you'll understand holy fire is a skill that applies fire damage to your attack right so it doesn't matter how fast you swing if you're fasting swinging really slow or if you're swinging really fast it's going to apply that fire damage on every single successful hit that you make so in general when you're using something like holy fire holy freezer holy shock you want to attack faster not slower and the reason for this is because you want to apply that fire damage as quickly as possible and putting the plus six holy fire on a two-handed weapon which is going to be slow and not giving it any increased attack speed is a slap in the face to anybody who actually wants to build a holy fire paladin because at this point you are now wielding a slow unwieldy weapon on your paladin in fact let's go over to a paladin real quick all right so here we are over on the paladin and i mean as you can see it has a very pretty blue graphic with kind of like what seems to be almost like phoenix wings i mean as far as the graphic goes on the sword it certainly is a very pretty one but it doesn't really fulfill the goal which it needs to fulfill um so we've already gone over the fact that it's a slower weapon with basically no increased attack speed on what is basically a character who is designed around the fastest attacks possible any kind of holy fire holy freeze or holy shock paladin wants to attack quickly they don't want to attack slow on top of this it completely foregoes a shield so one of the paladin's most endearing and critical enhancements that makes the paladin so amazing is the fact that he has a holy shield that can dish out the most amazing amount of defense possible it gives him a huge portion of block chance it gives him a massive bonus to his defense it gives him i mean just just amazing effects and in fact most of the time when you build a paladin it doesn't really matter what shield you're wielding because quite honestly most paladin shields are actually pretty sweet and they have some very amazing effects on them and it's not necessarily to to pinpoint any specific shield but just simply to say that a paladin without a shield is at an extreme disadvantage because the character is balanced that way they are actually physically balanced around the entire idea of having a shield and so when you remove one from a paladin they become extremely weaker as a result and ken and mill's all is a sword that basically tempts a paladin to be a non-shield wielding paladin to to be the the characters that don't actually use a shield and the funny thing here is that um it doesn't really work out too well um you could try for instance to pair this up with maybe charge ability to get some massive amount of physical damage on a single target but see charge is about a single massive hit and holy fire doesn't gain any damage from this so when you go with a slower attack you are hurting your overall dps with holy fire because there's no reason to use holy fire with anything that's not a quick ability which is the reason why almost all of the time when you build a character build a paladin and you use holy fire holy shock or holy freeze you tend to go with the combat skills that will best augment those like for instance zeal because zeal can apply those hits as quickly as humanly possible and and the downside of course of having an ability like this or a weapon like this which is two-handed is you're going to go into combat and you're going to fight monsters and they are going to absolutely demolish you number one you no longer have the ability to attack quickly you can try to of course but you're not going to dish out damage anywhere near as quickly as if you were using something like a face blaze which would definitely be a hell of a lot faster than the kin and mills all now granted you could augment kid and mills all with something like fanaticism to make your character attack faster but here's the thing holy fire is one of those abilities that you have to use it's one of the auras so as soon as you put holy fire on your character you can no longer use your fanaticism aura it is a very poorly thought out weapon in my opinion and quite honestly just one of the worst uniques i think in the game i rarely ever honestly see a character actually utilize this as a paladin in fact i would imagine that just something as simple as a saigon's shield with plus one and something like a honor war scepter with maybe plus three holy fire on it which is what four five so plus five and you still get to use a shield would definitely be a better low level option than kind of mills all now granted if you were a holy fire paladin and you happened to find this at level 23 and you were beefing up holy fire to its utmost you know maybe you've got maximum resist fire um and you've got a couple points into the actual skill um so i think at level 23 you've got what 23 points right so you could have dumped 20 points into resist fire and you could have put three points into holy fire this could be an interesting and a sword just simply to get the added fire damage if you take a look at holy fire the radial holy fire goes from 65 to 208 to 18 to 82 just by putting the sword on so you do get a little bit of radial effect by increasing it by six levels in this one scenario but as soon as you're capable of utilizing something better you're probably going to and the downside of not having a shield while using this is going to be readily apparent as the monsters literally shred you to pieces because you can no longer block and you don't have any kind of bonuses or resistances from this particular item if this was a little bit lower level item i could see using it on holy fire paladins early on where things don't really matter but it just doesn't quite fit the bill let's move on to the next item on the list which is the alma negra the alma negra is a elite sacred ron dash and um it is quite honestly just a really terrible unique for its level one of the things that i talk about all the time in diablo 2 is judging a unique item or an item by its level okay so you know if you find something that's level 10 you judge it based on the qualifiers of what makes a good level 10 item if you have an item that's level 77 like the almonegra you have to judge it based on end game level statistics so the items that this piece of equipment goes up against are things like herald of zacharum a uh spirit shield for a paladin in a paladin base a rhyme shield and a paladin base a splendor in a paladin base you could also compare it to the dragon scale you could compare it to a monarch shield the the storm shield monarch shield you could you could compare it to quite a large number of shields in this game including a moser's blessed circle and the correct answer to the question is is if you were to rate all of those shields from number one to the bottom of the the tier which shield would be at the bottom and undoubtedly it is the alma negro uh why is the almanegra so low on the list especially when you compare it to other such shields like the herald of zacharum or even something like the dragon scale shield the reason is is because it has nothing special it's a plus two shield with faster blocking and increased chance of blocking this is probably it's really only redeeming characteristic and any other good shield out there has similar effects the herald of zach room shield for instance has plus four to a specific branch of the paladin's trees and plus two to all and then it also has faster blocking rate increased chance of blocking enhanced defense and all of that so what is the only special effect that almond has which is the reason why it doesn't stack up and that is the bonus damage and the bonus attack rating almanagra is an offensive shield and the real issue with the almanegra is that it does not have enough bonus to make it worthwhile let me give you the clearest example of why almond negra is a very poor option for a lot of characters if you were going to use a damaged shield an offensive shield one of the easiest things for you to do would be to use a phoenix the phoenix shield in a 45 all res base would by far outstretch the 75 enhanced damage on the alma negro even if you were to put something in here like a 50 percent enhanced damage or a 40 enhanced damage jewel with 15 ias it's not going to eclipse the 400 percent that phoenix offers and on top of that this shield has no all resistances and the phoenix would have 45 allrez if made in the proper base in fact you could theoretically make a large number of shields that would still have better resistances more defense and more plus the skills than something like this all together in a nice package um take for instance a spirit shield a spirit shield has all resistances right so you don't necessarily have to use an all resistance base you could find a paladin shield that has enhanced damage on it if you wanted specifically to have the enhanced damage and that means that the almanegra can't even compete with something like a spirit shield because the spirit shield could literally be made in an enhanced damage base still get the all resistances still get the plus to the skills and still get the defensive characteristics all while making the albanega look like an absolute piece of garbage my biggest issue with the almonegra is that it doesn't really achieve the goal that it's set out to achieve they need to increase the enhanced damage on the almond negro probably by a large margin i'm thinking like 300 to 400 percent enhanced damage for it to become something that a paladin would actually want to put on on top of that the 75 bonus to attack rating would also need to be increased a massive margin i'm thinking at least 200 percent if not higher bonus to attack rating to actually make it worth putting on in those regards and um honestly it needs something else like it needs another characteristic to be added on top plus two paladin with decent blocking is not enough because everything that you can put on just about in place of this has plus two paladin with with good block chance you don't need that particular characteristic to make this shield good this shield is trying to do something else it's trying to be an offensive shield you could add on deadly strike you could add on open wounds you could add on crushing blow you could add on a myriad of characteristics which could make this interesting as an offensive shield and still not add any resistances and it would be a interesting option in place of something like a herald of zacharum but it just doesn't have any of that and because it doesn't have any of that it ends up being a mediocre at best shield and quite honestly one of the worst unique shields um i think in the entire game i think radament sphere is probably the only one that i would rate lower than this particular shield and it's specifically because there's just so many better options um i mean if you put me in front of a table like full of shields just going all the way down like it was a yard sale or something and you said pick the shield you want it's yours for free the almanagra would definitely not be the shield that i chose would i use it yes if i didn't have anything better if i didn't have the runes for a spirit if i didn't have the bass for a spirit if i was a brand new ladder character and the almonegra dropped right into my lap and i didn't have anything else on yes i would use it but as soon as i found anything better it would get replaced and there's a very good chance that an ancients pledge in a three-socket paladin base would win out over this because at level 77 i need resistances especially if i'm a low-level ladder character which means that there is a very good chance i'm not going to utilize this shield just simply because i need resists and i'm dying and this shield does not offer those moving on to the next item on the list templars might so templars might as another one of those unique items that just has to be judged based on high level characteristics um if it was a low-level item it might actually be useful but because it is a high-level item it is not even in its ethereal form it is really still quite bad and the only characteristic that it has honestly is the enhanced defense it is a very high defense piece of equipment but as many people will tell you defense is not the most important statistic in the game granted having defense is important in fact i usually recommend that people have at least about 5 000 defense when they get to hell difficulty because if you don't have about 5 000 defense you tend to get hit by everything unless you're like an amazon who dodges everything and in that case you're dodging everything why is this such a pitiful piece of equipment let me lay it out for you offensive auras is not really a good plus to skills in most situations when you're a paladin what you're really looking for is combat skills offensive auras is like not really preferred but it's something that if you were you know had no other choice you would certainly take it um but it's not something that you're gonna go out of your way to build unless you happen to be like a holy shock or a holy like freeze paladin or something like that and uh and even then you would still prefer plus two all not plus two offensive um so in any situation that matters you're gonna try and get plus two all and there are plenty of plus to all armors uh i mean right off the top of my head we've got arcane's valor we've got uh enigma you know there's uh the paladin uh elite uh rune word uh which is principal it has plus two and honestly i would take a principle over this armor any day of the week um it doesn't really have anything else to offer either their snow cannot be frozen there's no prevent monster heel there's no open wounds there's no crushing blow there's no uh special effects on this armor whatsoever um i mean it literally only has plus two offensive auras some faster hit recovery which isn't really a lot uh enhanced defense and defense versus missile and then it has strength which is almost a slap in the face because of the 232 strength requirement on this thing which is prohibitive in the nth degree you might think to yourself well hey i can throw this on a mercenary but most mercenaries don't even have the strength requirement to put this armor on even in its ethereal form 222 is too high for most of the mercenaries so you couldn't even effectively use it as a merc item unless you gave the mercenary some plus strength equipment and then vitality also doesn't help mercenaries so the only effect that it has that isn't like you know specifically for a mercenary is the vitality really and and even at that point it's i just don't understand and then on top of all that like a slap in the face i mean a really high strength requirement really uh ridiculously bad stats and then on top of that they throw back stamina they're like hey you know this armor's not bad enough let's put some maximum stamina on there that'll really clinch it and uh why you know if i found an ethereal templars might i would probably keep it um and the reason why i probably keep it is just simply because it's a rare item and it's not easy to come by and ethereal templars might as far as the defense goes if i had a choice to choose this item over quite a few other choices i wouldn't choose it there are some much better choices for high defense armors one in particular that i would recommend over this any day of the week and it's actually much easier to come by is the rune word stone the ruined word stone is a massive defense piece of equipment with extremely high faster hit recovery and it also has a clay golem charge which you can use and then you get even more defensive capability out of it because you're clay golems around murdering everything stone is by far a better choice than templars might in just about every scenario and um there are even better options in the unique variety for a high defense in fact if you wanted something specifically for high defense i would recommend the steel car pace as a better choice over the templars mine moving on to the next item on the list is a very strange mace called moonfall moonfall is a jagged star um and it can be upgraded but unfortunately it's one of those items which is just really bad let's go over it together and let's talk about why it's bad and why i rate it as one of the worst uniques in the game at level 42 60 to 92 damage is not a lot there are quite a few items that actually surpass 60 to 92 damage relatively easily it is a one-handed weapon of course and it doesn't have any increased attack speed on it whatsoever most one-handed weapons or rather melee weapons you're looking for you usually want something on the faster side than the slower side especially when you're dealing with a one-handed weapon and it is just really slow at level 42 55 to 115 fire damage is extraordinarily low for a character who is literally entering into nightmare difficulty and is going to be coming up against quite a large number of monsters in fact by the time you end up using this you're getting close to act 4 nightmare and act four nightmare is completely filled with fire immunes so the only advantage that this weapon has is completely trumped by all the fire moons that start to appear in nightmare difficulty on top of that they give you charges for meteor level 11 meteor and then it also casts level 6 meteor both of which are not really high enough damage to actually do any good for you maybe at level 42 exactly when you first put this item on you could potentially kill some monsters with it but if for the most part the level 11 unsynergized meteor isn't really going to kill a whole lot of anything in nightmare difficulty in fact just for fairness let's go to nightmare difficulty and let's walk out of the blood more and uh and let's try and use meteor on some monsters and see how well it kills them shall we and then of course um the other downside here is that you've got to repair the item um they're not it's not an o skill it's just you know it's just hey here's uh here's 60 meteor charges you know use them to your heart's content so let's uh let's see how meteor does versus some some monsters in nightmare difficulty come on come on and you know as you can see here like i said on level at the exact level that you put this item on it is decent because you can actually kill some monsters with the meteors but as you level up very quickly the meteors become so bad and so worthless as far as damage is concerned that you wouldn't even think to use them and the level 6 meteor that actually comes from the item is even worse and then as if a bigger slap in the face it's a pretty huge cost to repair each one of the charges to actually keep up with this and at level 42 your gold reserves are not going to last out forever spamming meteors and to top it off there are just so many better choices at this level there's so many better choices you could be using uh the butcher's pupil you could be using um baronear star shortly later you could be using quite a large number of daggers axes i mean just just even something like an upgraded um i think right off top i had one of the lower level uniques that could even be better than this it's uh the blood rise morningstar the blood rise morningstar is a normal level unique and it has 120 percent enhanced damage so it's only 30 percent shy of the moonfall jagged star but it also has increased attack speed lifesteal it has uh open wounds it has bonus to attack rating um i mean in general like this item is so poor by comparison to something like an upgraded blood rise morningstar that i wouldn't even think to use this over that i would rather have the upgraded blood prize boarding star and many of the nightmare level uniques are better than this item by far i mean you can take one look at the nightmare level uniques and each one of them has an effect which is better than this weapon the shrill frost flanged mace is definitely better than the moonfall jagged star bazil's vortex i would even say is better than the moon fall jacket star and uh and as you look at your other options you go okay well i could be using you know ginther's rift or i could be using um you know a crush flange for extra crushing blow or i could be using a freaking uh razor tine you know like trident or like there's tons of different items in the game that can offer special effects like crushing blow open wounds slows target by uh you know a deadly strike also life steal which this is completely missing um also any kind of like increased speed like speed over damage a lot there are a lot of items like this like even digler's dirk i would still rate as higher than this item because diggler's dirk has ignored target's defense and it is extremely fast this item has no ignores targets defense and it's not fast and in general i just think that moonfall jagged star really missed the mark on what it was trying to achieve if they had increased the percent chance of the meteors maybe a little bit higher if they had made the meteor on striking maybe a little bit higher or perhaps made the level 11 meteor an o skill that could be an interesting way to do things but but as it is the moonfall jacket star i believe is one of the worst uniques in the game moving on to the next unique item on the list storm spire that's right another elite item um this is an elite item that really missed the mark in my opinion and um quite honestly just didn't really make for a good item let alone a good elite item and it does have to be judged again based upon those high level standards maybe as a lower level item this item could have potentially had some use but as a level 70 end game piece of equipment it just doesn't really fit the bill it's a giant thresher and the giant threshers are amazing items in fact a lot of people search for ethereal or non-ethereal giant threshers to make rude words in but this one just really misses the mark with extremely high strength and dex requirements and an extremely high level of level 70 um it has some of the most mediocre effects on it um it's fast it has 30 percent enhanced increased speed which is okay i guess and it also has 250 enhanced damage which does give it a pretty decent damage for a non-ethereal item however it also has the indestructible mechanic which means that it cannot spawn ethereal at all so you cannot find an ethereal version of this you cannot zot it you can't put an ethereal version on your merc for instance for the extra damage which puts it below just about every other unique which could potentially roll ethereal like for instance a tomb reaver can roll ethereal and it is way better than this item ariox needle can roll ethereal and it is way better than this item um and and quite honestly you will find that there are very few items that are worse than a storm spire giant thresher even considering nightmare level uniques like for instance you can upgrade an ethereal honsood on yari to a ghost spear and it will outperform this weapon considerably on top of that it also has some very mediocre effects um two percent chance to cast level 20 under unsynergized charged bolt is awful um level 20 charge bolt is going to do all of like 50 damage um it's it's level 20 charge bolt is not a lot of damage each bolt is going to do a certain amount of damage and being able to uh you know completely being completely unpredictable and when it casts you can't even focus it on a target really so it's just going to do whatever it wants to do and you know if you're getting hit by ranged attacks if you're getting hit by smells the only time it might actually do a little bit of damage is when you're in melee range of a monster and that melee monster triggers the ability because it will hit all of the bolts will hit him but even then even under those situations it's still very lackluster maybe if it was being used by a sorceress who was you know fully synergized in charged bolts like a bear sorceress or something right but here's the thing it's only a two percent chance which means it very rarely if ever procs um then on top of that we have another five percent chance to cast level five chain lightning which again is so low level at level 70 that it does basically nothing and then to top it all off they give us a really mediocre amount of lightning damage take for instance azure wrath which has 500 cold damage on it it's a one-handed weapon and it swings really fast okay and now we have a giant thresher which is nowhere near as fast as a uh as an azure raft and it deals 237 lightning damage which is less than half of the amount of cold damage that azura wrath does at basically the same level 237 lightning damage is so pathetic that it basically does nothing the only character that could even get any use out of this in in my opinion would be a lightning mastery sorceress that could enhance the lightning damage on the weapon even further but honestly in any scenario that i can think of in my mind i would not want to use this on a melee sorceress i would probably rather go with another weapon most notably something like an infinity maybe a hon sudanyari for crushing blow an extra speed or perhaps even an obedience for extra faster hit recovery there are a lot of different options that i might go with with a two-handed weapon on a sorceress but honestly if i was gonna go melee sorcerers i would probably go one-handed in shield because it's faster it's more survivable and i'm a sorceress i'm going to be in there beating things why would i want to be in a put myself in a situation where i'm going to be even more vulnerable um you know wielding a weapon that basically does nothing for me um and then on top of that they give it 50 lightning resistance which of course is supposed to go along with the entire theme of the item the theme being lightning damage but the problem is is that it really missed its mark the chain lightning is too low to be useful the charged bolt isn't really useful because it has an extremely low proc chance of only two percent which means it's very rarely if ever going to go off and the lightning damage that they added is so low that it is to be laughable and the resistance is the 50 lightning resistance while it's nice to have 50 lightning resistance i've often noted that any other option that you could put in this place would probably have better resistances you would probably on a melee sorceress be better off with a wizard spike than something like this which leads us to our next option our next horrible unique which is the storm spike you're noticing a theme here a lot of storm-based items and they all seem to be terrible i don't know why they had trouble balancing these particular items the storm spike is a stiletto and it is an item that also in the same vein as the storm spire misses the mark completely uh 25 chance to cast level 3 charge bolt so kind of the same thing going on here that was with the storm spire the storm supplier had this really high level of charge bolt but at a really low percentage to cast it and this one has a really low level of charge bolt with a really high percentage to cast it so you're gonna get really crappy charge bolts going off all the time because it's a stiletto it is a range one weapon which really sucks it doesn't really have amazing damage for its level it has no increased attack speed it has no uh no really amazing effect in fact the 90 lightning resistance which by the way is based off of character level um doesn't even really compare to something like a wizard spike if i was going to put on this item i would stop myself slap my hand and then immediately go just put on a wizard spike instead it's 75 all res and you can socket it and you can put in like a 15 all res jewel and now you have literally what 75 85 90 all res on a single item why would i trade 90 all resistances for 90 to a single resistance it's a absolutely terrible terrible way to go on top of that it also similarly to the storm spike the storm spire has a lightning damage which is really low now at level 41 120 is a lot better than the 266 on the storm spire that was at level like 70 something as an end game item even then though unfortunately the storm spike stiletto just really falls short of any kind of interesting mechanic if they changed the 25 chance to cast level 3 charge bolt to something like static field or maybe lightning or you know anything that can actually be useful on the character as you're playing i could imagine that it could be an interesting choice but it's not um honestly i probably wouldn't even use this to make an iron golem moving on to our next item and that is atma's whale so atmos whale is an embossed plate that you can find and it drops fairly often um but the main issue with atmos whale is it just doesn't really offer a whole lot of anything specific at a time when you really need some specific things around level 51 when you put this on you are making your way through nightmare difficulty and nightmare difficulty is a place that is pretty rough on a lot of characters especially since you don't really need very many resistances to beat normal and by the time you get to nightmare you kind of haven't really worked out your resists properly and so going into a nightmare difficulty with an armor like this that offers no resistances whatsoever can be a little bit of a pain in the butt um it has decent defense and that's pretty much the only thing that i can say about this plate in you know a positive light is that the atmos whale embossed blade and the atmos whale emboss plate ethereal version have some pretty decent defense for their level um and the faster hit recovery can come in handy but there are certainly better items that you could put on a mercenary to make them have good defense and faster hit recovery i mean i feel like there's probably a hundred better choices out there than atmos whale now granted if you don't have anything else and and i'm gonna say this over and over again if you don't have anything else a lot of these uniques can be useful under specific circumstances like say you're a solo self-found character and atmos whale was just the only plate of armor that you happen to find then by all means put it on don't just drop it on the ground because i'm telling you it's one of the worst unique items in the game but keep in mind that it's just not a good item it has a relatively high strength requirement for an item of 125 at level 51. it offers statistics which almost make me think that it was designed for a sorceress with things like increased maximum mana replenish life magic find but the magic find on it is only 20 um most characters around level 51 have already kind of gotten their magic find sorted they're working on things like a three topaz armor or four topaz armor or maybe they have made themselves a wealth for magic find or maybe they've gotten lucky enough to find something like skulder's ire or maybe even some of the other magic fine plates in the game like for instance maybe a gold skin you know there's there's a lot of different items in the game which can be utilized specifically for magic finding even items that come with multiple sockets like something like a spirit forged link male with two toe passes in it or a griswold's heart which is three sockets with three toe passes in it and and there's just so many better options than atlas whale as far as like actually utilizing the best effects for your character i don't necessarily think that this is unusable but in comparison to just about every other item out there if you had the choice between like it's like i've said before if you literally had the choice between a whole bunch of different armors sitting on the table this is probably again not the one that you would choose moving on which i think is the last item i'll need to double check but i'm pretty sure this is the last item is the skull splitter military pick the skull splitter military pick is one of the worst items i think in the game um and the reason is because number one it's a military pick it doesn't have anything to do with the unique effects which is kind of sad because you know it's not necessarily a good base uh military picks crow bills and um i can't remember the elite one right off top my head are just bad axe bases in general they're not in my opinion one of the ones that anyone really looks for nobody nobody i've ever heard of like comes to me and goes hey have you found an ethereal you know four socket uh skull splitter i want to make a beast in it or something like that or hey have you found a five socket ethereal sculpture i want to make a death in it no they look for aetna axes they look for berserker's axes they look for phase blades they look for conquest swords they look for for all sorts of different weapons but nobody looks for this base and then it makes matters worse it doesn't really have good statistics um it has a halfway decent amount of enhanced damage but at 14 to 22 it's actually pretty terrible for level 21. there's so many better weapons that you could be wielding at this level it has a decent amount of attack rating which i'm not going to to talk bad about and then the lightning damage on it is 1 to 12 which is absolutely god awful for level 21. maybe at level 5 1-12 lightning damage would have been great but at level 21 that's basically going to do nothing and then 15 chance of open wounds which is always nice to have on an item but why 15 why is it so low and then hit hits blind's target plus two which is halfway decent in normal difficulty uh becomes completely useless in nightmare difficulty and uh i don't even want to talk about how useless plus two blinds target is in hell difficulty because the duration is decreased massively so you need more hit splines target to actually make it useful and and i probably would never use a skull skull splitter military pick and health difficulty anyway and then the only other effect that it has which is anywhere need decent is the regenerate mana 20 now the main problem with the regenerate mana 20 is that number one most characters most players have a really small mana pool around this level and regenerate mana does not work very well unless you have a large mana pool the larger your mana pool the better regenerate mana works so having regeneration of mana at a low level does relatively nothing you could put this on a sorceress with like a hundred mana and it would have like almost no effect on her regeneration whatsoever uh the same thing for a necromancer a paladin a barbarian all of those characters around level 21 have horrible mana pools and the regeneration is basically doing nothing at that point unless you've decided to stack energy and what is the number one thing that every youtuber tells you don't put any points into energy right so when you're using this particular item the regeneration of mana is a moot point and does practically nothing um the only two effects on this item the chance to open wounds and hits blind's target would relegate it to something like an offhand item and the only use that i can really think of it for in a melee standpoint is to like put it in the offhand of like a barbarian who has a much better main hand weapon just simply to get the blinds target and the chance of open wounds but even then i feel like there's probably better choices in fact i'd probably be using i would probably rather use something like a like a death spade axe upgraded once which also has its blind target by the way [Laughter] oh man i've been going on for 52 minutes on the worst unique items in the game and i hope you enjoyed this little rant on all of the uh the unique items which i consider bad um as always i do appreciate you guys and gals watching my videos and uh don't hate me for uh for calling these items terrible um because well they are and as always keep watching [Music] you
Channel: Ginger Gaming Mentor
Views: 68,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginger gaming mentor, GGM, D2R Atma's Wail, D2R Stormspire, D2R Stormspike, D2R Skull Spitter, D2R Radament's Sphere, D2R Templar's Might, D2R Moonfall, D2R Viper Fork, D2R Alma Negra, D2R Kinemil's Awl, D2R, Diablo II, Diablo II Resurrected, Diablo 2, Diablo 2 Resurrected, Top 10 Worst Unique Items D2R, Stormspire, Atma's Wail, Skull Splitter, Templar's Might, Kinemil's AWl, Alma Negra
Id: Wl9OY7G7zQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 48sec (3168 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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