Guest Story: Wholesome D&D (Ft. JoCat)

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If you guys haven’t watched his “A Crap Guide to D&D” series you should.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/zide345 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love that video, true some awesome character creation

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Sacred_Seraphim 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hey everyone! Long time no... Uuuuuh.... Where is episode - Shhhhhhhhh.. End of May. Or June. Somewhere around there. Look lately, I've been dealing with a lot of... ...medical stuff. *cough* *cough* My guts are trying to kill me. But today we got the lovely and very hilarious guest, JoCat. You may know him from his Crap Guide D&D series, the Character Creator Critique series, JOCAT: ...little furry gnome goblin little things.... or his brand-new video talking about the designs of Pokémon. J:...Or maybe you did and I don't know. I'm not your mom. Personal favorite. I mean, can we talk about the animation? It's so smooth! Like butter. Anyway So, you know the drill by now. Now let's just... get... ..into... Never really know how to transition in these videos... B'okay! DINGO: But how are you? JOCAT: Yeah I'm doing pretty alright. J: This has been a pretty J: Sniffily week cuz uh J: And you might *ahem* J: Sorry, you might hear me sniffling a lot cuz there's pollen everywhere. J: All over the place J: There is J: Flower babies, just outside my door J: Like I open up and then just like my entire apartment turns orange J: Like it's... D: I totally know how you feel. D: So then you must have you must have intense allergies, like me. J: Not intense allergies. Just like your normal allergies. J: Like if I spend just a like a couple of minutes outside while I walk to class J: like it'll take me a couple of minutes J: Of sniffling while I'm in class, but nothing nothing too serious D: Yeah, I had that when I was a kid where like it's much better now D: When I was a kid, I actually couldn't go outside. D: When I was I think in grade like four and five D: I just like I actually got a doctor's note that the doctor was like DOCTOR: Don't let her go outside. DOCTOR: She'll die. D: Well, I'm not gonna die but it's more like like D: I'm just covered in mucus and tears and I'm just like D: Uuuuuuuugh J: Like oh this world is such a beautiful wondrous place. *Cough* *Sneeze* *Cough* D: Oh yeah, so did we want to go through some stories? J: Oh, yeah, I wanted to yeah, yeah. Yeah, I wanted to J: retell some of the ones that I miss or like that we lost because.. J: ...last time we weren't recording. D: Yeeeeah. J: Just in case, if they still hold up as nice stories. J: What are...? D: Well I really liked your your what was it like an orc bard or what was it? J: Yes, Storig! Oh my gosh! J: I love Storig! J: Storig's the best. J: I love him so much! J: Storig's awesome. D: You have to tell me about him. J: He's the best and if anybody touched him, I would kill them. J: I would kill everyone in the room. D: And then myself. J: And then myself. J: Storig Ur'Glotar, the half-orc bard J: and he is the character that made me realize I love bards J: and I also love Role-playing as people that aren't just idealized versions of myself D: God, he looks like a... D: He looks like such a sweet soul. J: Yeah, he's so kind. He's just like STORIG: Oh my name's Storig and I want to help people, and I want to do the right thing. D: Just a good good boy J: Just a good boy. J: The goodest boy. J: And so I gave him a violin. J: That is his mother's violin that was passed down to him. D: Oh, my heart! J: And so he always - he wants to J: One day open up a theater J: So that he can perform his mother's songs to the world because they mean a lot to him. J: And so he starts out living on this farm J: Just doing farm work to try and gain some coin J: The DM being the Fantastic DM that she is J: I still think she's a great DM. J: Gives him kind of like this love interest named Isabelle J: Who's this little elf girl, and she's the only character that he does not refer to with like J: A title like he always calls everyone either "Mr" Or "Ms" or "Mrs." J: But not Isabelle J: Because Isabelle is so close that he feels comfortable not having to be formal with her D: So wholesome. J: Just a nice wholesome relationship J: and she's real soft-spoken and sweet and stuff J: And it's just a J: mmmm J: It's a great time J: And so, you know, he joins this party and he's like S: "Isabelle I'm sorry... S: I-I have to help these people S: I feel like there's something bigger than than all of us that we have to do" J: and then she's like ISABELLE: "That's okay. Go save the world." J: and it's like aaaaaaah! J: I *QUACK*ing love this guy! J: And like he writes her back and he's learning how to how to read and write J: and be formal and proper with this new party J: and they're kind of like all big brothers to him J: Even though he's the biggest one. J: Basically, we're J: The end goal is that we're trying to go kill Tiamat J: And we found out where one of her servants are J: A chaotic black dragon and we're like PARTY: We have to prepare before we go fight a *QUACK*ing black dragon J: So we go to this blacksmith lady J: This blacksmith lady has known this party for a while and she's kind of annoyed at them J: But then she sees Storig and she's like BLACKSMITH: "Hey, big boy." J: And Storig gets immediately uncomfortable. D: Yeah J: The whole party's like PARTY: "Oh she's acting kind of weird." J: And so she's like B: "What can I do for you?" J: And everyone's like PARTY: "Uhh we kind of need some armor because we're gonna be going into battle PARTY: We need to get real prepared." J: And she's like, B: "Oh, armor? B: You don't say. B: You know, it's not going to be cheap but, B: Let's say if I were to gain some B: Benefits... B: Maybe perhaps I could give you a special discount?" PARTY: "How big of a discount?" B: "How about free for a date with the big boy?" J: And they're like PARTY: "Storig!" J: And Storig's like S: "Oh, I don't know about this one. S: I'm very uncomfortable and feel like I'm being peer pressured." J: But of course he goes with it because he knows it's for the good of the realm and J: Protecting the world is kind of important. D: I mean it's a date so... J: Yeah, it's a date. J: It's nice. J: So the the night of the date comes along and J: Storig's trying to get prepared and J: This freaking band comes in J: and they try to play at this tavern that we live at J: and like it's like BAND: "Oye, lad! BAND: You've got a little violin! BAND: Perhaps you can join us in some playing?" S: "Uh, I'm sorry. I-I've got some important business.." BAND: "Ah, nonsense!" J: And there's just like.... D: Oh that's devious J:Yeah S: "Uh, I'm going to be late for-for an appointment" BAND: "Ah, nah, it's fine!" J: And then this this whole what's the word? D: Everything's going to *QUACK*? J: Yeah Everything's going to *QUACK* J: And it's like and then the blacksmith shows up in this... J: Kickin' ass dress. J: Showing some leg... J: And she was she was buff and toned too J: The human part of me J: The player part of me is like J: "I'm in love with her!" J: I was like "Yessssssss!" J: But then the Storig part of me is like S: "Oh no..." D: And you're like "damn it!" J: So she's like B: "Hmm. You kept me waiting, huh?" J: He's like "*uncomfortable noises*" but then like the band is there so we end up playing for her. J: And then as the night goes on we we have a little date J: We eat some food J: And then we walk, you know down the road J: Storig does this thing that he's only ever done for Isabelle J: So he sits the blacksmith down on like a bench or something J: And he pulls out his violin and... J: Under the moonlight, you know J: the moon kind of cast down on him J: Under the moonlight, he plays like this nice little melody. *romantic music plays* J: And so he plays it and it's nice J: And then he- after he's done J: She's all thankful and grateful J: And then unfortunately J: He has to break the news so Storig's like S: "Ms. Blacksmith S: I'm sorry but, this can't be a thing. S: I've got a girl back home. S: And it's complicated..." J: And then she's like B: "I understand, it's okay. B: I'll give you your armor in the morning." J: and then it's *QUACK* J: Uuuuuuugh, my heart! J: Why must you do this to me DM? B: Not only because you also like, D: You the player just like "this lady's so *QUACK*in' hot and awesome!" J: Oh, yeah, absolutely J: I was like, "oh man, that's my weakness. J: But then but I can't be a *QUACK* bag because that's not what Storig is." Ughh J: I love that *QUACK* J: I love character conflict and having to make tough choices with your characters that define them J: Because I very well could have just let the J: Player part of me just like take over and be like J: "Nah, screw Isabelle. I'm going with this hot chick, this hot blacksmith lady!" J: I guess is the whole point of this story J: and I try to implement that sort of stuff when I'm DMing. D: That's awesome. That's really cool. D: So you know, thanks for talking to me J: Yeah, thanks for- thanks for doing this again and being patient J: And not being mad at the fact that I didn't J: Record last time. D: That was totally my fault though! J: It was both our faults. It was both lack of communication J: Oh, well, we got - we got this one D: Exactly. D: So make sure to go check out his channel. J: You stinky figel-*QUACK* D: and his Twitter. D: You won't regret it Yeah
Channel: Dingo Doodles
Views: 1,351,445
Rating: 4.9798861 out of 5
Keywords: dungeons and dragons, dnd, dnd animation, dnd storytime, storytime, animation, animatic, guest story, wholesome story, dungeons and dragons 5e, jocat
Id: Sms-__TPucE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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