Guessing My Little Pony Characters (ft. Nem)

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lol trixie is a thot

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CyFus 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2018 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen I'm ma spawn OB and I have no other ideas for content so in the wake of such a thing I have a friend here natalie is going to who's going who's going to show me a bunch of strange speaking quadrupedal hoof beasts and assume that I know the name of them 13 and I know just about everything imperative that exists and I tried to find ones that she wouldn't know because you know you know a main characters I know generally what I've never watched it before but I've I've been on the internet before so it's kind of hard to avoid yeah so you know the main section you know it's lost you know that's about it I think I didn't even understand what you just said so let's begin so she has space around her and Moon symbols are you sure this isn't just Luna in in like a new outfit she is another form of Luna but her name technically isn't Luna because she's like an alter-ego I don't know space Columbus is a nightmare moon hey he looks like he came straight from deviantART yeah nobody really likes him honestly he has no character Oh got a star he shares a name with someone in overwatch some overwatch names that would actually make sense we don't make her would make sense you're just gonna say nope instead now getting community his name is not Widowmaker alright you're gonna give me hints this is enough thing okay okay fine I won't give you any more hints all right I actually feel like a if you think we know his name yeah it's Sombra isn't it it is it's King Sombra good job all right to use the patron god of Swiss cheese also a bonus track can you try to guess her um her species it's not a horse she is not a horse looks like a fish we're smarter species is also the name of a race in D&D why are you giving me a cuz like now I know the answer changeling yeah she's just me cuz you know I'd know that but yeah changelings are like evil shapeshifters so I'm either gonna go with patron god of Swiss cheese that's her name that yes her name is Queen chrysalis they're basically like bug ponies that can shape-shift and this guy's actually the same species what the hell where's the Swiss cheese legs change lanes can metamorphosize [Laughter] Musa fly mini mrs. Florrick's hey that makes sense I don't know why it's the only thing I can think of but I'm gonna say orange spec know does not birth name her name is Scootaloo alright yeah she likes to write on scooters that's that really I mean that's not her like special talent I was gonna say that's that's a pretty imagine your only goal like your role in life is to write a scissor how do you write a scooter with this literal literal goal life is just to fly that's it and she already do that yeah fun fact she's Applejack's little sister I'm not giving you her name I'm just telling you she's related this is southern Monica just sambal blue folks over name is a blue just sample bloom with all these like small people they're fillies they're like children but they're not no one no I mean like they're like comma children like they are our children oh okay I think they're like children oh they are children that's a lawsuit okay can I have a guess at just a guess about with them yes is this rarity sister it is okay I just picked and picked it up from the color scheme Scootaloo was like sort of Rainbow Dash's sister they're kind of like big sister little sister in like a friends way I didn't watch a lot of friends so I'm gonna go with the first thing that popped in my head I thought I know isn't right but their hair is a mullet it's gonna be music mullet her name is Sweetie Belle all right I don't know why her name is Sweetie Belle but it is why he has a music no difference Belle I don't know I mean obviously she's a griffon yep because I mean the lion's tail and all that have like that why does she have like the edge Lord bangs because she is an edge why are they frosted okay Gilda is a massive and that is not a spoiler oh sorry her name is Gil I'm sorry you're not very good at this first thing I notice uh zebra yes she's a zebra has a mohawk for some reason cuz she's a zebra zebras have my looks they do yeah oh wait why is half of her tail just flesh I don't want to give her the name flesh table don't please don't she has the this I don't know what what console it is I think it might be the second on her ass I'm just gonna say flesh tail her name is Sakura basically she's like a witch doctor okay that's what that's racist that racist they gave him a Gaston chin another shield what do mean another shield the Megaten shields - yeah in the left one his eyes just look a little too uncomfortably real I don't know I don't know why I'm picking that up from the front he's really uncomfortably human-like he looks like Arthur from the right this is greg creepypasta eyes his name is shining armor all right no it's not it's Greg creepypasta guys from my my word is absolute okay can somebody please Photoshop Greg from Steven universe with shining armor's I look at all the jewelry money I mean there's a reason for that she's rich that's the reason this is money like that's the total opposite personality she's known for me like sweet and carry this is princess cadance she is the princess of love wearing I don't know she's wearing like a onesie she's the opposite of money she looks like she used the rest of her money to buy that outfit oh my god you know what this is peasant her name is Maud pie Maud right okay I get it now this is a character from the movie why I do her default form is the Hippogriff but they can shape-shift into sea ponies that's such an odd like duo well there's a reason behind it there's actually like a reason behind listen I'm this super cool character with like awesome like an awesome form let me turn it to a fish we just turned into a gross ass fish hold on let me turn to a patient real quick this is flying fish I mean you're like kind of right my name is princess sky star that's not right at all is that thing next to her the guy on the right Jesus Christ was that man he's the perfect bird look at how big his neck is his neck his head you can tell they're going for a theme here mm-hmm I'm guessing she's fast yes I'm gonna name her fast fast her name is Smith fire well her and Rainbow Dash are in this Lake this teen caught like the Wonderbolts they're like entertainers but also the military yeah yeah we defend this continent and also we do birthday parties honestly that's a perfect description of the Wonderbolts that's just weird al' yankovic as a pony yeah he actually voices this bar you serious he looks like he should be running a summer camp he probably does he's cheese flour Chloe its cheese sandwich before you suck he looks like Weird Al I thought you're gonna say he looks like Dan look like Dan what are you gonna say rose that's apple bottom bottom big Macintosh I don't know whether to make a McDonald's joke carnally call him Big Mac in the show I have a Mac you she looks like she's balding in the second picture I'll name her horny because she has a board so obviously it retract sand in the slim chance and then I put this in the video you know what no I'm putting it in the video because everybody else has to suffer so her name is starlight glimmer so what yeah I'm getting like three different movie moods from this her mane looks like toothpaste I'm gonna name her magic brush magic brush her nose toothbrush her name why does she look like she wants to in the second picture I mean she probably does I'm not getting involved in that Trixie's kind of a thought but we love her I picture him in that meme of the cat that has the knife pointed out there this is furry bait pirate his name is capper cuz he shoots people Jesus wow what happened in the movie that I mean I didn't see I'm gonna put this in the video but she's hot that seems like an awfully expensive tool to make just a peg leg out of yeah they make it like an emerald peg leg maybe it's just like a regular rock but they're just painted it green damn this is this is cheap e the pirate her name is captain Solano captain salami captain cilantro do you have fun do you have fun guessing all these all these characters I haven't learned anything dear Princess Celestia today I learned nothing so I'm sorry you got nothing in this letter what [Music]
Channel: M.A. Splinobi
Views: 321,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SplinobiFORCE, MAsplinobi, Rose, Quartz, commentary, funny, comedy, my little pony, mlp, pony, ponies, nightmare moon, sombra, king sombra, chrysalis, queen chrysalis, thorax, king thorax, scootaloo, cutie mark crusaders, cmc, cmcs, apple bloom, sweetie belle, gilda, zecora, shining armor, cadence, cadance, princess cadance, maud, maud pie, skystar, spitfire, wonderbolts, cheese sandwich, big mac, bic macintosh, trixie, capper, caelano, guessing, guess
Id: fC8gLbPbmSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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