Guessing GPAs at Boston College

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have you ever cried over a grade you received in college um is it 3.6 hell no higher lower lower oh god i have to reveal that on camera what's up guys it's shawn today i'm at boston college doing another guessing video but this time instead of trying to guess people's majors i'm going to be trying to guest people's gpas otherwise known as a grade point average or their grades this is kind of a sensitive topic so it'll be interesting to see how people react to my guesses and feel free to play along with me and leave your guesses in the comments down below with all that being said let's get into it first person of the day 10 39 a.m let's go yo what's up man do you have five minutes to play a quick game i'm sorry i really gotta go to class oh no worries have a good one first out do you have five minutes to play a quick game for fun ooh i don't play games oh do you have five minutes to play a quick game for youtube i'm actually trying to catch a flight no worries yeah but i've seen your videos big fan i appreciate it have a safe flight do you have five minutes to play quick game for fun sure first off what's your name and what year are you i'm sarah and i'm a junior first question have you ever cried over a grade you've received um i don't know i don't think so i've been upset but i don't think it's like i've cried about it second question what is your major i'm a calm major calm communication got it got it last question from one being no work ethic at all to 10 being you have the best work ethic ever where would you rank your work ethic depends on the day what about today ah i'm feeling like a solid seven today i guess why seven i don't know it's friday but like i have a good amount of stuff to do so i'm planning on getting a lot of reading done this weekend you got this yeah yeah i did i'm a threaded guest it's just based on what you said it's not like a personal thing i'm gonna say 3.7 that's pretty close how close am i do you want me to like higher or lower yeah yeah you're lower than what it is three point seven five it's like three point eight three point eight okay okay how did this game make you feel i don't know it's a little weird but yeah i have a participation prize okay you want it okay cool since we're in covid right now i got some hand sanitizer though you want some hand sanitizer hand sanitizer thank you there you go enjoy the hand sanitizer you have five minutes to play a quick game for fun i actually wish we've got class in eight minutes i do like you can just be late real quick let's go so first off what's your name and what year are you uh my name is chris kramer and i'm a sophomore before we get into the questions do you feel like your gpa defines you as a person no absolutely not because i think i'm a lot smarter than my gpa would represent there we go there we go first question where would you rank your work ethic i'd say like middle road like a six why six well there's definitely certain things that my work ethic's a lot higher about and there's certain things where i just have like no drive to do whatever it is i need to get done and it really depends so i feel like middle of the road six is a good good representation solid solid second question what is your major uh well i'm right now i'm undecided but i have to decide soon it's probably gonna be finance or information systems why those majors finance just because like finance is what most business school kids would say why would they say that well that's where a lot of money is i think that's like a genuine reason why a lot of people do it and then last question is are you happy with your gpa right now i mean i guess i am yeah i think so i can't really complain i mean i can't complain but i won't i'm content with it because i there's a lot of work not a lot of work to be done but i think yeah i'm content is it a 3.7 it is it is a 3.7 let's go okay it's like a three point six eight eight i think but that's it okay close enough i'll round up i'm impressed how did this game make you feel um a little weird i i don't really talk about my gpa a whole lot like i got one friend from home if you post this shout out matt d he likes to flex his gpa 24 7. it's like sometimes you know it feels weird to talk about but uh it was good it was good i i enjoyed this conversation i think it was fun i have a participation prize for you you can also have it honestly i got some hand sanitizer you want some absolutely dude all right there you go enjoy stay safe there we go there we go all right social distance for sure have a good one so first off what's your name and what year are you olivia harvey i'm a sophomore first question is have you ever cried over a grade you received in college no actually have you ever been upset over a grade no that's good we love to hear that second question is where would you rank your work ethic eight because i put work in but i also like to procrastinate so like yeah eight is it is it too high i don't know i feel like it's good okay i feel like these are my roommates they see me you're like a nine it's a ten and nine or ten and nine are ten last question is what is your major i just changed it i'm now environmental geoscience but i was biochem 3.8 39. oh dang okay that's impressive thank you so much how did this game make you feel it's kind of fun honestly did you feel weird like talking about your gpa no not at all or like i don't know no okay word i have a participation prize for playing are you interested yes you guys can all have it too probably my god yay so i got some hand sanitizer oh my gosh yeah so you can be extra clean for your testing thank you so if you'd like something [Laughter] oh my god there you go have a good one do you have five minutes to play a quick game for fun sure i follow you on youtube yeah the game is i'm gonna try to guess what your gpa is oh god i have to reveal that on camera yeah oh i don't know do you have like a rough estimate no i'll do it to be in a youtube video why not so first off what's your name and what year are you okay my name is john anthony sakali and i'm a sophomore so before we get into the actual questions i have a few pre-interview questions so first off do you think your gpa defines you as a person uh no obviously and not just because like the cheesy reason of like oh like don't let your self-worth be in your grades and stuff but even like from an employer perspective and like a personality perspective like i think people that have really high gpas sometimes are very like dement like single sided one dimensional um it's more about like how you get involved on the campus and how you give back and stuff for sure for sure following up on that do you think your gpa matters for how successful you'll be in life i think like to a certain extent like i think if once you're past like a three three like it shows like you're putting in work and that like you can take your studies seriously but i think then once you get to a certain point it becomes like how much are you obsessing over one number so if someone has a 3.2 you think they're screwed if you have a 3.2 it depends what you want to go into honestly so now we're going to get into the questions so first off have you ever cried over a grade you've received oh hands down yes multiple times yeah what was the last time you cried can you remember oh it was like february of last year um business stat good times it was a long cry or like a little one-tier single tier um it was like a long cry are you over it now i look back and honestly i laugh at myself i'm like why did i cry over one class like my entire schedule my entire first year one single class was not gonna like you know screw me over second question where would you rank your work ethic oh god um so you said one was like no 10 was like the most i feel like i'm a good like 7.58 just because like i consider myself like a hard worker but i'm not i know like there are people on this campus that are so much more like dedicated and then you own meal like 24 7 and stuff so they'd be a 10 so respect to them you're more like 24 6. yeah i'm like it took me a minute to be like what does that mean i just thought about that i was like on a scale of one to ten where does that come in no no it makes sense i'm like i'd say like yeah in eight last question is are you happy with your gpa right now yeah i'm happy with my gpi okay okay i'm gonna say 3.9 oh my wait you're like kidding me why that's like correct let's go oh my god you can't you can't i don't even know wow nice well done that's impressive thank you there's a lot of hard work but you know happy no yeah 3.9 that's crazy last thing is how did this game make you feel oh uh maybe reflect no that's sick cheesy how did it really make you feel did it really make me feel uncomfortable yeah a little uncomfortable because like gpas are like such a touchy subject on campus and everyone like ranks themselves on their gpas so yeah weird i have a participation prize for playing do you want it of course i'm giving people hand sanitizer do you want some hand sanitizer yeah right now yeah of course there you go sean rizwan keeping pc open so basically i'm going to ask you a few questions and try to guess what your gpa is okay are you down for that i'm down yeah you have to like say well your gpa is at the end on your on camera i do yeah all right let's go first off what's your name and what year are you my name is ryan and i'm a junior first off where would you rank your work ethic i have a good work ethic and sit for like eight i can grind when i need two word word word second question have you ever cried over a grade you've received in college uh i wouldn't say cry but i've definitely been mad other forms of emotion have you been mad multiple times yeah last question are you happy with your gpa right now um it can go up oh no i'm not happy [Laughter] why aren't you happy you know we could do better we could do it better good to have goals yeah i'mma say 3.4 no am i close um can you say higher or lower a little bit higher 3.5 close you can say it 3.6 okay okay that's a solid gpa i think i think you're hard on yourself yeah i guess so i don't know yeah for sure it's good to dream bigger have higher goals we got the goals how did this game make you feel self-conscious i feel put on the spot but it's chill yeah that's pretty much everything i have a participation prize for playing are you interested for sure i got some hand sanitizer would you like some sure let's go for it there we go there you go that's a big dollop yeah that's pretty much everything thanks for playing man awesome have a good one you guys too so first off what's your name and what year are you my name's hannah and i'm a sophomore do you think your gpa defines you no why well um maybe like i don't think it defines me but i think it is part of who i am okay okay i don't know how is it a part of who you are well just because your gpa is like pretty important for where you go in life i think do you think your gpa matters for how successful you'll be in life uh that's what i've heard so do you believe it yeah i think so yeah to an extent got you okay now we're gonna go into the questions so first question is have you ever cried over a grade you received in college um like on a test or something yeah anything yes what was it um i think statistics or maybe math possibly both was it was a test yeah do you know what the grade was on the test i don't know maybe like a low b or something wait don't put that in i don't know sometimes i just get stressed out and then can i really not put that in oh no okay fine you can put it in okay you're chilling you're chilling i was worried it was important for my major we've all been there second question is are you happy with your gpa right now yes why because i i like it i think it's fair enough last question is where would you rank your work ethic seven can you verify yeah i can verify okay i'd maybe even say eight for her oh yeah okay i'm gonna throw out a guess now 3.5 no higher lower higher 3.8 yeah nice second try how did this game make you feel uh awkward why i don't think i was answering the questions very well but how did it feel like talking about your gpa i guess weird i don't really talk about it much why not i don't know i never talk about like i don't i just don't talk about grades that often you think there's like a stigma it's just weird because you don't know like how other people feel about it and in high school like no one really ever talked about it so it's just never been something i've been open about makes sense makes sense well that's pretty much everything i have a participation prize are you interested in that yes got some hand sanitizer are you interested oh uh sure you have to you don't have to take it no i'm okay okay i have some in my backpack okay cool stay safe thank you do you have five minutes to play a quick game for youtube we have to make a lunch reservation do we actually like yes okay five minutes five minutes first off what's your name and what year are you my name is owen kelly and i'm a senior do you think your gpa defines you as a person hell no why because gpa is just a number facts facts second do you think your gpa matters for how successful you'll be in life um no but it can determine like i mean the harder you work the more likely you are to have a higher gpa but it doesn't actually define you that's facts that's facts all right we're gonna get into the questions now first question is have you ever cried over a grade you received in college no ever been upset yes do you know what grade can you remember no just like generally you've been upset yes i've not i've not been happy with every single grade i've gotten word okay second question where would you rank your work ethic 7.5 why just that's what came to my head it is it is just can you verify um yeah yeah i'll vouch for that last question what is your major marketing marketing okay i'm gonna throw out a guess now is it 3.6 hell no higher lower lower yeah i wish is it a 2.0 closer i'm just kidding i'm just kidding is it a 3.3 3.0 3.0 okay wait final thing um are you happy with your gpa yeah and how did this game make you feel good about myself because i'm honest i love that yeah hell yeah um i have a participation prize for playing would you like it it's really quick so i have some hand sanitizer would you like some yeah there you go just doing my part stay safe go get that lunch reservation thank you for playing thank you have a good one so that was guessing gpas at boston college if we can get 50 000 likes on this video i'll do a part two like comment subscribe and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Shan Rizwan
Views: 922,051
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Keywords: guessing gpas, gpas, grades, college gpas, shan rizwan, guessing majors, guessing student majors, boston college, boston university, harvard, uc berkeley, college majors, college videos, college interviews, college, college student, elliot choy, college vlog, line up, people guess
Id: mwYw3TkfCHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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