A Day In My Life at Boston College (COVID Edition)

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[Music] today i'm going to take you through classic video day of my life this year i'm a senior at boston college my university is one of the few universities that has students on campus with in-person classes during a pandemic pretty busy day if that sounds interesting to you then keep watching the video [Music] thank you so i just finished my first class of the day which was a marketing class for my marketing minor about an hour and a half before my next class so i'm gonna go grab some food at the dining hall then do a little work before class starts i normally just cook in my apartment but since i'm vlogging today that would be more exciting to go to a dining hall and show you what that's like i think it's too hot to wear sweats so i'm gonna change out of this i also have to wear a mask at all times when i am not in my apartment so i'm gonna put on a mask now hopefully you can still hear me through the mask [Music] each morning uh curry bowl please it's got my food it's actually not a long wait but i have like 15 minutes before my next class so i'm gonna eat this really quickly and then go find a oh my god and then i'm gonna go find a classroom to take my next class i just made two cups of coffee [Music] but you're not here to drink forgot you left before the morning i just finished eating i'm going to find a classroom in the library to take my next online class so i'm going to go now [Music] what's your name i'm daniel damian yeah daniel nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you man no your videos are sick appreciate it i'm filming one right now really yeah that's dope it's nice to meet you man yeah have a good one here left the windows open white so i could hear i just made two cups of coffee for the morning [Music] so i just finished my second class of the day the class i just had i don't really know exactly how to describe it it's basically like a economics class where we talk about like advertising budgets media um as you can tell i'm probably very lost in this class [Music] now i just picked up something for my next class which is also my last class of the day this one is an in-person class meaning that i will be in a room socially distance with a bunch of other students wearing masks taking a class the last class i have today is called design thinking it's a once a week three hour lecture and satisfies my marketing minor and i have to catch up on some reading class starts in 45 less than 45 minutes so uh i gotta start on that um like now okay all my cars paid off some houses who i can never get laid off i don't know about you so i just finished the reading i'm gonna head to class now i'm pretty beat at this point also i'm running late as per usual [Music] [Music] done with classes for today let's go just finished my last class of the day i'm pretty beat at this point so i'm gonna go make some food in my apartment i thought before i go in though i would take in this view of bc's campus and show you what that looks been like long it's pretty nice i'm sorry but i'm done with classes for today so i'm gonna make some food and then possibly go to the gym later i have an appointment to go to the gym at eight so i eat quickly then i can probably go but yeah i'm done with classes for today i'm gonna go back to my apartment and make some food supposedly we're gonna have a fire drill so i can't make food right now once this fire drill happens i've decided to work out instead and then make food probably at like 10. yeah jeez louise there's a fire drill that vlog content let's go we get to go through the forbidden door jesus like i said we are currently having a fire drill [Music] the painting fire drill is done we just stood out there for like 20 minutes um now i'm going to i've decided to not make dinner right now because i made an appointment at the gym for 8 p.m so i'm gonna head to the gym right now i'm gonna change quickly head to the gym work out and then eat some food later so i'm gonna head to the gym now and show you what that's like [Music] filming on my phone for this segment head to the gym i am very tired but sometimes in life yeah just ignore the tiredness and push through this line is insane [Music] i'm not your friend i think got out of the gym it's funny i actually ended up realizing it's way too late for me to try to cook so i decided to overeat order some food it's kind of funny i ordered takeout while at the gym so honestly it kind of like defeat the purpose in a way but that's whatever i'm gonna go pick up the food right now so i will check in with you guys in a little bit [Music] this is a few hours after eating dinner we ordered some thai food if you were curious probably not but i hope you enjoyed this day in my life of boston college student i know it wasn't particularly busy but this is i guess what you can expect a day in my life with everything going on in the world with the pandemic so i hope it gave some insight into what that's like as always like comment subscribe and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Shan Rizwan
Views: 199,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shan rizwan, boston college, boston college vlog, day in the life college, bc, day in my life boston college, day in the life boston college, boston college day in the life, a day in my life college, college day in the life, a day in my life school, college vlog, first day of college, college day in my life, college morning routine, college dorm room tour, a day in my life at vanderbilt university, a day in the life at boston college, day in the life, college
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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