A Day In My Life at Boston College

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Darling Actually kind of chilly today What's up guys, it's Sean. Welcome to the video today I'm just showing you what a day of my life is like at Boston College I have a pretty busy day today including a midterm. So if you're interested keep watching the video I'm on my way to get a coffee right now And one of the perks of being a boston college student is the campus You just get such a beautiful view when you're walking to class Right now I'm doing some reviewing from mid-turn which is later in the day I have about an hour for my first class today at 1:00 p.m. Which is in turn disease I'll check back in you guys after I've reviewed for a little bit I've been studying in the rat for about an hour I'm gonna head to my first class of the day, which is intro to theater at 1 o'clock You're probably wondering why I'm taking intro to theater if I'm an econ major The thing about BC is that it's a liberal arts school Meaning that students are exposed to a bunch of different subject matter, even if it's not related to their major So I'm taking intro to theater as part of my art requirement a lot of the core requirements actually I find them to be kind of annoying to take but intro to the theater is the only class that actually Surprisingly like you've learned a lot of skills and public speaking, which is very useful outside the classroom and just in life It's a pretty fun class. I think will have a pretty chill day-to-day and also it's a really nice day today So I'll hopefully be able to show you a little bit more of BC after this class I'm gonna head to my first class the day now and I will check in with you guys in a little bit Walk here I'll say something I know I got a big presentation today catch me What's up guys, so I just got out of my intro to theater class I pretty much did nothing because we were doing acting presentation right on this is Everett and performed today I killed it. If you want to give a little recap of what you did in class. Yeah So basically, I played a female character and all my son's old 1940s play very tragic girl Wanted to get with the guy It was the brother of the guy she was originally with and yeah, some guy might look a little arya towards the end Yeah intro theory. I think it's a really great class Oh I says this day is so nice today for yes. Look at that Thank You professor Alright, thank you so like I was saying before As I was saying before I just finished my first class today And now I have about an hour to kill before my next class at 3:00, which is my midterm for econometrics I'm gonna go get some food and do some last-minute cramming for my midterm So now My best but first I came lunch basically my first Where you get to customize your bowl, I got a bunch of veggies and chicken I'm trying to explain Boston College dining in under 60 seconds Our cart is basically a fancy word for saying that DC students pay for each individual item versus a buffet style found at a lot of different countries honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of the system because I feel like you don't get as much value for what you pay and I Eat a lot of foods, so pay for each individual item. I think doesn't let you eat as much food So honestly, I think I would prefer the buffet system I feel like you don't get as much value for the amount you pay But the one perks is that I feel like it actively fights against the Freshman Fifteen may you see a lot of other speeds because you literally can't afford as Although the system is pretty bad BC dining. The food is really good relative to other schools a lot of people like the hate on can see dining because they feel I could get repetitive but I feel like that's not College system it's expensive but it's definitely higher quality. Everything is made fresh and the mostly natural ingredients That's Watson College dietary in a nutshell. I'm gonna finish this food So I'm running for my midterm right now, hopefully It goes, well, I will check on you guys once the midterm is over. I'll see you later Mm. What's up guys? I just got out of my econometrics exam and I'm feeling Okay, I feel like it could have gotten better But it also could have gone worse pretty much just happy that is over I didn't explain this before but econometrics is one of the classes I have to take for my econ major It's basically statistics but harder the next class I have is macro theory, which is another class for my econ major I have two econ classes back to back and I have like a five-minute break in between so I usually use this time right now to Decompress and not really think about anything and now I'm gonna head to my macro Theory class, which is my last class of the day What's up guys, so I just finished macro theory which is my last class of the day professor actually lives out 20 minutes early Which is something he never does it was super lucky for me because I was so Mentally drained for my midterm that I probably wouldn't been able to focus much anyways, no I'm finished with classes for today and I'm gonna go get some dinner You wanna be in the vlog? Yeah, I wanted to say hi Every time I make an appearance on your blog when I just say hi, then I'm just like cocky out of me I Love yourself in Dakota knocking on my conscience every morning like Jehovah. I'm afraid of heights but my feelings rollercoaster, so I matured I like to pay the tab if you let me make a statement did she tell me? No the same way they did David have an aid for my finish. Take a confident story. What's up guys? So I just finished dinner and I'm now gonna unwind for a little bit and then go to the gym and do some work later To unwind I normally like to either watch some YouTube videos or play the guitar This is my guitar and this is my friend Claudia Hi Girl you just got my awake name like we have to - I don't know You After playing the guitar watching YouTube and just relaxing I like to go to the gym at night the unwind some more get some stress out and I feel like I've accomplished something and also I can be more productive when I go on to my Schoolwork, it might sound counterintuitive because you might have less time to do your homework in the long term I think building up that habit is much more important than getting an extra hour or so of time to do homework I don't go to the gym every single day. But because I have some extra time today I'm gonna use that to get a workout in so I'm gonna head to the gym and I'll check in with you guys in a little bit I Just finished my workout and now I'm gonna go get some food Beach Boys on My eyes What's up guys I just got back from the gym slash a second dinner, basically And now I'm pretty tired for the rest of the night. I'm gonna try to get as much homework done as I can and then Go to sleep. It's about 11 p.m. And Ideally obviously by 1 a.m. Or 2 a.m But we will see how productive I will be after this really long day What's up guys this clip is a few days after the last clip because I wanted to refill my outro I want to thank you guys for watching the video to the end because Day in the life videos take a really long time to plan to film to edit So it really means a lot to me if you enjoyed the video leave a like and comment down below what videos you want to see in the future or If you have any questions for me about Boston College, finally subscribe and turn on the bell So, you know when I post my next video and as always I'll see you guys They got it going I slept guys every I'm taking over John's camera he's going to the bathroom So basically Sean is a great youtuber. He's working really hard He's trying to grow his you know, his subscriber count' he's trying get some likes, but honestly I don't think he's that great. He needs to put a little more work in he needs both more uploads He needs to go out places. He can't just do Boston College day-in-the-life Oh, what what's that room? Like In disguise
Channel: Shan Rizwan
Views: 766,770
Rating: 4.9555955 out of 5
Keywords: shan rizwan, boston college, boston college vlog, day in the life college, bc, day in my life boston college, day in the life boston college, boston college day in the life, a day in my life college, college day in the life, a day in my life school, college vlog, first day of college, college day in my life, college morning routine, college dorm room tour, a day in my life at vanderbilt university, a day in the life at boston college, day in the life, college
Id: FQ7X7t_aD8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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