I Resisted Building This… It was Futile

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it doesn't get much more chaotic than this you guys we are going to be doing the ultimate Star Trek fan build despite the fact that neither I nor Alex hi knows really much about Star Trek and the case that we're using is not only what what you've got down here oh whoa shut up this is a hand built this is hand built in Los Angeles but but what by a company that wanted to combine sci-fi props with computers that's amazing it's double the fun it's both hand built and this is apparently a prototype of their design inside here is a oh no I guess I'm expected to wear this for the video yes all right fine well I put this on Alex come on over here and unbox this thing inside here is What's called the cherry tree Borg Cube ATX case it's officially licensed by Star Trek and ah has no instructions oh no they're working on those right now is 500 oh wait what it looks it looks so cool you gotta get out of the box you gotta get out of the box oh and I gotta get this shirt on this is gonna go really well today I'm sure of it oh my goodness [Music] whoa okay oh no way oh that looks flipping awesome so I do just want to say that we did a little pre-building this it was packaged a lot better when it arrived it had all this stuff in it too couldn't fit it back in okay let me get this out of your way oh I thought maybe this was instructions no nope not so much um there's two different versions of the case one in white one in uh is it black or like a dark gray one in black and can you tell me anything about like the construction techniques I couldn't help noticing that it appears to be 3D printed oh so all this right here would be molded plastic oh okay then in the back it looks like it's laser cut and Laser engraved yep uh that would be anodized aluminum yeah and then there's a whole bunch of laser cut acrylic as well so this right here all stuff we could just probably do in our shop ah do you mind doing the backer real quick that uh yep I'm definitely feeling more of a number one Vibe than a Captain Picard Vibe given the facial hair situation but hey I'll I'll take it better to be number one than number two hey better to be our sponsor for this video excellent are you looking to take your live streaming to the next level check out xsplit they're the software company that provides simple yet effective broadcasting and video production tools you can check them out at the link below and use code Linus for a very nice 69 off your first purchase or subscription all right kicking things off I want to say they actually did a pretty outstanding job of packing this case normally I would expect to see these chemically expanding foam packs in a completed system as opposed to just an empty case to help keep the GPU or like a heavy cooler from banging around inside your computer and shipping but they went these are like two bucks each so they packed this full of like I don't know actually wow really like 8 10 I don't remember how much they cost it doesn't matter the point is very expensive packing material and I am wow you know it's been a long time since I've played around with a cube case it used to be a kind of well okay Niche but popular Enthusiast form factor and nobody really does it anymore uh Alex yeah I do have to say though while the cube itself can be really great for cooling because it allows you to pack all of your oh here yeah this is great it allows you to pack all your heat generating components over on the one side and then put all your cooling over on the other side the way they've got this configured raises some serious concerns for me first of all everything is in one compartment so we're not really going to have any thermally isolated zones and second of all uh this is quite non-permeable this whole situation there and there and there and there well In fairness to me I said quite non-permeable I didn't say completely non-permeable do we have cooling concerns what are we putting in here we we do yes what very serious crap we're going 13 900k okay we're going oh oh uh okay okay uh this is quite oh Star Trek online oh it's in oh multiple pieces wait is this supposed to be split down the middle or did we break it I think it just broke okay we'll be very careful it's more decorative I think that's fair to say Yes um okay or does it snap together maybe oh I figured it out it's plastic welded together David check it out this is four pieces Each of which is identical you could see if you look closely and then they're plastic welded together to make the single panel so it's probably the same in the oh wait holy crap are those fiber optic filaments yes do you see all of these tiny little things yes like mold imperfections oh check this out check this out David this right here is a what what the devil is that I have absolutely no idea what's on the go in here but there's a bunch of fiber optics and then this just plugs into an RGB header oh I'm so excited okay then we've got air intakes on the bottom which might work out okay and then exhaust on the back and that's about it for that you know I can kind of see the rationale here these two kind of blowing right up into the GPU this kind of blowing right up past the GPU so maybe the CPU gets a little sip of fresh air or um all right without further Ado let's go ahead and get this thing kicked off if you guys are unfamiliar with how our live streams work instead of doing super chats or twitch bits or whatever else like that we do what we call merch messages so you head over to lttstore.com and if you check out you for on uh oh you're not wearing our plaid flannel okay well we have other colors of our plaid flannel now one that's kind of similar-ish to that I'm wearing one of our hats you just can't buy it yet yeah oh oh is that the new one yeah yeah how do you like it quite good yeah we were we were really Comfort focused on that one we have an ionic six video coming out maybe today and in it it pours rain and it's awesome because you can just see all of the rain coming straight off of it yeah it's it's a pretty cool hat it's going to be waterproof anyway the point is yeah if you check out on the store uh you will see in the checkout a merch messages field just fill that out and you can leave little shout outs or you can send in suggestions for us leave a message for our producer and we will we will try to get to as many of them as we can but we can't always promise we'll do our best though now these screws are not all the same length Alex nope okay I have two short ones that were here it doesn't really matter except this one right here has to be the small boy otherwise he Brokey it looks like it'll put a lot of pressure on the motherboard tray all right cool you want to put them in my little iFixit uh I would love that nothing more uh look um wow it's like you intentionally put it in the least convenient possible place for me are you mocking my short arms is that how this has to be also you might notice that there's a well there's a couple things missing from this yeah like how to open the instructions but uh do you see any hardware no oh oh that's what you were fishing around in that Forest before the stream started that's why I brought all the screws over beautiful love it um there's just a bunch of screws the screws are almost all off okay I'm just I'm trying my best very careful whoa that didn't sound the best you're good okay all right I'm kind of liking that what was the um what was the Genesis of this project for us did we did we see this case somewhere did they reach out to us how did this happen we saw this case and we were like wow that's a really cool looking case we should do a little cool and uh all right well why don't we go ahead and get some of our Hardware started here obviously if you're spending 500 on a handmade case you're not gonna go with a basic build so we've gone with the Rog Maximus z790 hero from Asus foreign go ahead and get this opened up wow this is really heavy I can't say that I would recommend buying a super premium hold on I need this off I can't say that I would I would ever recommend buying a super premium board like this the reality of it is you can get 80 of these features for half the price and the 20 of features that you're missing are probably not even ones that you really need but I feel like we end up using this really high-end stuff a lot on the channel because in the context of a video production we don't have time to dink around with things and they do just work mostly in this case right here you might have noticed there's zero front i o so I chose a motherboard that has heaps and gobs of back IO oh it does do that we've got four six nine usbas three usbcs two of which are Thunderbolt HDMI bios flashback clear CMOS button cannot overstate the convenience of a clear CMOS button on the back panel Wi-Fi 6E and of course 7.1 audio when's the last time anyone ever plugged surround speakers into these probably you as a child with that incredibly janky setup that you had now a follow-up question Alex where's that video I assigned to you over a year ago where we bought lab tech speakers and made the world's cheapest 7.1 surround setup so the problem is is that those speakers don't really exist anymore and aren't necessarily cheap ah I see so it's kind of really dumb to do that in 2023. oh I never said it wasn't going to be dumb though I still want to do it you guys want to see it right I want to see it but with a bunch of bluetooth speakers because I think that you could pull that off now no I don't want the latency Alex the latency well but the thing is if you're using it for rear surround it doesn't matter anyway you're delaying it by what like 12 milliseconds something oh yeah I didn't have a CPU bracket for it or like the holder there you go thank you for that for our CPU we've gone with a 13 900k for reasons uh debatably the fastest CPU and Alex's opinion the most fun CPU to Tool around with because you can get it to draw like 500 watts or whatever okay genius um thank you Alex let's go ahead and get this installed on our board you can overclock ryzen if you feel like it it's nowhere near as fun as this where it just it just keeps on going until something blows out okay that's quite the pitch for Intel hey you can keep going until something blows up it's awesome AMD not as fun with a 5000 watt industrial chiller in in all seriousness though the reason we would say that this is arguably the fastest CPU is that we've gotten to the point where choosing a CPU is less about picking the best one and more about picking the best one for you because like the 7800 X 3D fastest ship for gaming just no question but it gives up a lot in terms of productivity whereas if you go with something like a 7950x or 7950x3 so those are the 16 core ones you're giving up some in terms of gaming you're gaining course but they actually are not as fast as that lower tier chip with an AMD Zone product stack then the 3900k is kind of your all-arounder as long as you don't mind your power bill going sort of sort of like this like this [Laughter] for me personally I'd say a lot of the time just simply is there a really good motherboard on sale is the XMP ram versus the uh what is it on Expo now Expo Ram which one's cheaper that day I don't know all right we've gone with a ddr5 6000 cl40 kit not top spec but nothing to you know SMH chat also most memory controllers can't handle more than 6000 anyway so that's fair although you may have more luck with that on the Intel side of things compared to the AMD side of things where 6000 seems to be pretty much where things cap out uh can I hand this over to you and you can start affixing it to the motherboard tray or do you want to do power supply well I do motherboard tray well first we should probably decide which cooler we want to use oh we have options okay you've got the ryugen 2 240 and the good choice okay yeah let's do that one I mean is there any reason for us to go water cooling oh actually there is yeah so water cooling you can have it here and then have the tubes come out and radiator goes right there yeah it's gonna draw a lot of hot air coming off the GPU though and that 13900k is going to need all the help it can get then again we're going to have exactly the same problem with this where it's going to be drawing hot air off the GPU yeah okay I don't know maybe this is something where we have to let the chat kind of pitch in guys let us know what vibe you're feeling here knock to a Pog yeah but that's YouTube chat we never talk to them float plane yeah float plane's over on they're on the beta site now so there's extremely low stream delay it's almost exclusively knocked to a all right knock to a more borborg okay all right I mean yeah why not have a cube cooler inside your Cube case we're going for the NHD 15 chromax black the king of air coolers the debatable king of air coolers wow I think okay that's sure fine who has uh who has a okay what beats it I don't actually oh the thermosiphon the thermosiphon does but I don't really count that that depends too though that depends on the chip I think it's more so like other companies have very similar performance now for Less monies but at the same time like I really like noctos mounting bracket so I buy it just for that and it's not just noctua's mounting bracket today I know this is turning into like a noctuation stream that's really not the intention they just really do make a damn fine product but we've got a video coming soon where noctua is digging their first CPU Cooler out of their product archive for us and sending it over and we're gonna use it on a brand new computer that cooler is from almost 15 years ago damn and you can still just take their latest SECU firm mounting hardware pop it on it and mount it to a modern socket if that's not Forward Thinking 15 years of forward compatibility in the PC industry can you think of another precedent for that I've got nothing uh ATX power supply standard nope 15 years ago the ATX power supply standard didn't have pcie connectors in it ah and now we have 12 volt high power too and now we have 12 volt high power huge pain in the yard now we've got uh EPS uh in fact 15 years ago was 2008 modular power supplies we're just making their way onto the market and you wouldn't be able to get modern cables for those modular power supplies they had a lot of the same rails but there wasn't as much emphasis on the 12 volt rail so you wouldn't be able to power a modern GPU with that thing all right let's go try again I'm ready computer cases Maybe computer cases usually old case you could make an argument but I would also say that your GPU very unlikely to fit in that old case without some Snips or a Dremel yeah fair enough you'd have a real challenge there it wouldn't Mount modern two and a half inch ssds if you wanted to put any of those in there and it would be chock full of five and a quarter inch base not nearly as good an experience as just grabbing your old knock to a cooler putting a new mounting bracket on it and calling it a day all right hit me again I'm ready do you have anything I can't think of anything else uh uh maybe the chat's ready chat uh the LTT water bottle you know what yes you guys are right float plane chat float plane chat is exploding with the LTT water bottle emote here yes 15 years of forward compatibility I promise you you can still fill your water cooling loop with this in 15 years USB and HDMI um I would say that those are more like industry standards and less of a product though but you're not you're not you're not wrong that you know device I mean spittiff yeah sort of everyone's favorite audio standard yeah I don't know I don't know about that one either let's make an optical standard and then send digital signals over it in such a way that it doesn't even matter that it's Optical in the first place yeah I my mind was pretty blown this must have been back like 2003 2004 when I figured out that the RCA digital audio was exactly the same as the optical one just theoretically the optical one was less susceptible to interference that was the only benefit and over the distances that you would run these things it never once mattered not even once like okay thanks everybody good job hey dude what's that Star Trek symbol thing which one uh I don't know the one that's on your head oh it's the Federation logo this yes okay cool why because I wanted to oh you're gonna try and draw one okay let's go let's see how well Alex does no you have to do it from memory you can't look at my thing again oh dear oh oh dear this is some old thermal compound I think um Alex why is there different colors why did you schmoo out so much well because I was trying to get the Federation logo and I wanted to get thicker up top and then instead of just like I think it stopped mixing how old is this cooler I mean not battled it's a black one so it can't be more than a few years old what is a thermal paste oh well it's fine can you pause that video where like a smiley face on your cooler is within a degree of the perfect Intel approved one yeah but he wasn't accounting for different composition only the amount yeah I don't know what's up with that do we really have to do this I can't just go get some better thermal paste that's what I thought is this computer thing assembled for a while um no yeah okay if that's how it has to be then that's how it has to be let's go don't forget you can get a screwdriver just like this one at lttstore.com see that that extremely low back force on the oh damn it you gotta actually have it on the thing though there we go this is the one situation where Having It reversed to basically the other like the rest of the industry kind of is bad yeah any other time I vastly prefer this approach all right oh do we want to have the cooler on right now yeah I say that because getting the GPU in is a terrible time no this this uh motherboard has that cool release thing and everything so the problem is do you see this right here uh okay yeah David you might want to get a closer Fastener thing right there it's it's a big problem wait what but it should only it should sit here and here though that shouldn't even be in our way it's only the top slot that's not well we have a 40 90. triple slot oh we're sending this feedback to cherry tree right uh I guess we are right now uh this gets in the way of 490s guys okay well how is having the cooler off going to help us with that it just makes it easier to force it in now let's go for it all right all right what could go wrong it'll be fine it won't be the first time today that that's happened sure all right we've got a couple of merch messages hey guys glad shirts are back on the menu I mean store uh what's the stream just Star Trek fact you know I have to admit I never watched the Next Generation or rather I watched the Next Generation with my dad when I was a kid this was in the mid 90s since then I have not consumed basically any Star Trek content other than the reboot movies um nope that's a lie I actually watched first Contact a little while ago because Star Trek Star Wars sucks now and I wanted to watch some sci-fi and that one's supposed to be really good and it was it was really good I quite enjoyed it um so weird Star Trek fact I know is that the thing that um Picard in particular does where he like pulls this uniform like this was an active started out as an active silent protest against the super uncomfortable costumes that they had for the next generation and so every time he sat down he'd go or every time you stood up he'd go like this and there's a great video on YouTube compiling every single time every single character does it throughout the entire course of the series and it's hundreds and hundreds of times and you don't notice it when you're just watching the show but once you're looking for it you just see it everywhere it's hilarious I have another reason why we shouldn't have the cooler on yet oh oh no what now oh uh all right for our SSD we've gone with a severant rocket not because this is necessarily the best option or anything like that but because it's what Alex had uh bootable windows on yeah that's accurate a very good drive pcie Gen 4 two terabytes can't complain about it no this isn't gen four yeah it's gen 4. this is Gen four that's Jennifer how sure are you I want to bet I'm not totally sure I bet this is the first rocket I'm pretty sure they changed the costumes after why did they change the costumes after season one David knows far more about Star Trek than Stewart's chiropractor Patrick Stewart's chiropractor complained story I've heard that is awesome but then he kept doing the thing because by then it was just like part of the character I guess yeah so he just kept doing the like uniform pull thing I I kind of I kind of love it now it's something that I wasn't really aware of but uh all right where's our next one uh hi guys my husband and I spend a lot of time apart for business any Tech tips for staying in touch when we can't call especially with kids oh man that's a tough one I have to be completely honest with you guys I have not always been the best about you know calling back to the family when I'm traveling or whatever else I just am so focused on work when I'm on the road that I uh I kind of I kind of zone out and the good thing is that I don't travel as much as I used to so that's kind of Saved Me from ever having to fix that problem um but it's yeah there's no doubt that that is a that is a real challenge I mean the best thing I'd say is probably video calls you know my kids always loved video calls you know trying to be part of the bedtime routine like read them a story remotely and stuff like that um you know they're gonna remember that stuff but yeah it's uh it's tough travel's hard on the fam especially if you throw in a time zone in there yep real difficult one I don't have any advice either okay hey managed to get that in there no problem what's up that's just from when we were trying to jam the 49ers what we scuffed this super expensive motherboard trying to get a GPU in here yes are you guys kidding me um top sponge wants a shout out for their mom from you specifically hello top sponges mom wow that's a really familiar tone uh what kind of relationship do you and top sponges mom have oh we go way back wonderful lady absolutely best kind and what what makes her the best kind I don't know look how red he is this is great she makes excellent muffins maybe I don't know I need more stuff anyway I'm getting the M3 screws so that we can put this motherboard in all right sounds good I'm gonna go ahead and put this second fan on here this cooler is hilarious I know it's a great performer but it is legitimately comical how large it is like what oh do you need the chummies I love this I am so freaking warm right now dying uh oh yes I I definitely need those thank you very much um Taylor asks will there be an XL LTT backpack you are the first person to ask for that uh pretty much everyone else is asking us to make something smaller so that's what we're working on right now as for whether there might ever be an Excel in the future nothing's impossible but it is not being worked on at all right now we are laser focused on the small one as well as the laptop bags and just all the other stuff that we've got going on right now so there's no time to take on an additional project at the moment all right Camelback in V2 um I don't know about Camelback compatibility I need a Camelback we can we you know what your concern is duly noted we'll try oh they're 632 yeah all right here we go then you ready what could go wrong oh wait wait what what what what we have a tag we have a tag we have a tag a tag yes a tag a tag oh okay this is cute this is hand built and individually tested cherry tree Star Trek board Cube ATX Snow White Edition built with love and geekiness by these people hey thanks that's awesome [Music] and how do I get this off scissors thanks David well no I don't want to damage it it's so cute there I'll just use my nails In fairness they might have done that better I had it off and then I'm the one that tied that knot oh all right oh uh Scott T asks resistances wait what um any news on the magnetic Cable Management wraps yes I have news on that we just got our finalized pricing on them today they are not cheap um so that's a real challenge ah it yeah so that's going to affect our order quantities of them I don't know if we're going to go quite as aggressive on them as we were planning to in the past but they're really really good the reason they're so expensive is not because we're just bad people and we're mean and we like to take more of your money than we have to but because uh neodymium so the rare earth metal that we're using for the magnets in the cable management arches is really expensive and even though we put a ton of work into optimizing how much of it we need to achieve the like the grab strength that we want it's still just a lot um so they're coming they're going to be pricey and I would say that they should probably be available in about the next few months would be my guess oh Sarah's still working on packaging so why don't we say four to five months these things take time sorry Chris H asks longtime floatplane Saab massive shout out to LTD support could we see a new modern Nas build video with the software that line assist used on Wan show signed Chris yes the reason you haven't seen that yet is because they are nowhere near ready for prime time yet they're still in I guess you would call it stealth mode or something along those lines where they're working quietly behind the scenes on trying to get the product to a demoable state so that they can raise more funds but they are nowhere near being ready to install an actual like to roll out in an actual production environment it's just not going to be happening for quite a while and I don't want to push them to do it too early because I don't think that's what the community would want I think that if you guys were to be honest with yourselves you would say hey we'd rather just leave it in the oven till it's ready and you guys let us know when it's actually ready and we'll we'd love that it'll be great and don't launch it too early you know don't rush so that's basically what I'm going to advise these guys to do if I get any sort of say in the in the launch strategy and I think I will and I think they will so that's the approach we're going to take twitch chat just like now let us play with it no no it's no guys there's a lot of stuff that I feel that way about like yeah YOLO whatever data is not one of them data is serious unemotional sorry um data is a really serious thing the last thing I want is to be responsible for giving you guys advice that makes you lose your your precious family memories or something like that like it's just it's worth so much more than just the the ones and zeros it's not worth it uh how many eight pin connectors on this board two two one and two perfect is there a 12 volt high power adapter in there um I doubt it I can check why is there a 12 volt high power adapter in our graphics card box uh I don't know that depends if whoever had it last put it away properly which I doubt I had one this morning oh hmm I see hmm oh it's GPU time we're good all right I'm getting a thumbs up we're good oh my God all right nerd um oh for the GPU we're going with the Zotac oh what is this even called amp aerial extreme mostly because I think it looks sweet okay thanks for that Alex I found our 12 volt high power adapter awesome here it is with this GPU we have approximately minus two millimeters of clearance what else do we need for power do I need SATA power yes yes there's a Corsair RGB Hub here right yep okay cool alrighty then good luck everybody I'm gonna put away everything else now then says Roberto are you planning More Steam deck content like a one year later review or something like that honestly we don't generally do that kind of retrospective or long-term use review what I think is more likely is for you to see Steam deck comparisons as we're looking at competing products like we're obviously going to have to include some steam deck comparisons when we cover the Asus Rog Ally when it comes out soon I think the comparisons are going to be more performance focused and less focused on all the progress that valve has made in terms of software but the software is something that we'd also be looking to cover separately they haven't released Steam OS separately yet although they did say they were going to so you know I mean you know how valve is Right eventually we might see a release of Steam OS that you can just install on any computer but in the meantime I talked to Anthony recently and I think we are going to be doing a video covering Holo OS which is kind of an adapted Steam OS build that the community made so that you can install it on just any computer so we're going to be covering that soon and I think that would be a great opportunity to look at how the UI has changed how compatibility has changed and just generally what the experience is like with Steam OS as it has continued to mature while this thing is really big um at first 49 is pretty small yeah I mean I guess that's fair enough oh the other ones that I tested just straight up wouldn't go in like that strix that we're using last week I kind of wanted that just because you know we did fun things to it it won't fit okay then cool uh let's get everything else plugged in first shall we oh yeah I don't need this you wait you don't no I said I had the uh 12 volt high power adapter that's not it what this is hey hey right are you okay yeah I didn't know this was in there yeah I was just spooked for a second because I thought it might be a seasonic one nope wait no we're fine yeah cool all right yay we did it awesome okay that'll go in there never to be seen again never able to catch you guys live finally got a chance what are your favorite captains in Star Trek oh no yes Janeway given I'm wearing a Picard costume I guess I have to go with that but the truth is I don't know any of the other captains um yeah I know I know Kirk but I wasn't going to choose Kirk so that's kind of where we're at on that so so Picard I guess um but like old Picard apparently new Picard is kind of not that fun third season's pretty good third season's good all right there you go shows you uh shows you what I know see the truth is that I had cable up until I was maybe seven or eight and then after that I have never had a cable subscription again so I didn't really watch TV for my entire childhood and then my entire adolescence other than we had an HBO subscription that I mostly was not really allowed to watch because I was not really that old but the TV was right outside of my bedroom so sometimes I would watch TV but that was not Star Trek my mom was not into Star Trek all right Linus you're quoting is futile Star Trek the Borg uh with with the rise of Michigan I'm not sure what that meant thanks Edward uh with the rise of machine learning AI do you think humans would need some kind of Biotech implants to compete and what kind would be important that's a really really big question and it's one that I think we honestly already know the answer to to a degree if we are being honest with ourselves I mean how how well can you function in today's world without a phone compared to people that do have a phone whether it's communicating with people or getting anywhere I would say that if someone were to come in and apply for a job and they said yep but I refuse to use a cell phone I would kind of go uh uh okay see you later because there's just so many things that you can't you can't do effectively compared to people who are going to be using cell phones so when these devices get even further integrated there's no question in my mind that there's going to be a productivity gap between the people that do it and the people that don't no question as for weather everyone's going to end up with a neuralink-like implant in their brain that's supposed to enhance their cognitive ability or anything like that that's still fairly science fiction like self-driving cars so hey got him um but it's also not as science fiction as it was even you know 10 or even five years ago so it's going to be an exciting period uh hydration check says Brendan hey thank you for that Alex you too do you have a water bottle yes somewhere oh it's by my director's chair because I wanted to just sit down and not actually do stuff very nice Mike age asks why is it the case manufacturers no longer make wide horizontal style cases similar to your rack mount that would fit in an entertainment cabinet can you just lay any case on its side okay that's a that's a good two-part question one yes you could just lay any case down on its side and it would be horizontal sort of if there is an air intake for example on one of the side panels you would no longer be able to take advantage of that but otherwise there should be nothing about it that would affect performance I mean back in the day you could say that some sleeve bearing fans for example were less reliable and I believe it was a vertical orientation fiber call correctly but that's their reliability the performance would be identical until that fan dies and like all these are magnetic bearings now yeah so none of this matters in this particular case is it my glove are they um maybe not actually I'm not sure these might be light loops either way they'll be fine yeah but in response to the other part of your question why doesn't anyone make horizontal style cases like my rack mount there are manufacturers that do sliger for example does have some rack mount gaming oriented cases I'm trying to think of who else has rack mount style cases not many I mean you can definitely get kind of basic Rock Mount cases from you know Rose will and the like on newegg.com but if you're looking for something that's going to fit the latest you know 40 90 gpus or uh you know fit you know triple 120 millimeter radiator AIO water coolers or anything like that you're absolutely right the pickings are fairly slim part of the reason for that is that rack mount cases are inherently not very compatible with a lot of Modern Hardware for example you can't put a cooler like this in a 4u rack mount case which is the standard full-sized case you would have to go with a low profile cooler like an NH um D9 or I think the D12 fits in a rack mount but don't quote me on that if it's enough for you so you're going to end up with something like uh like a five view or even a 6u and that's not a very popular form factor most people don't like taking up any more of their rack than they absolutely have to for their Hardware so there's kind of this weird lack of overlap almost between the typical rack mount case buyer and the typical gamer who wants to put gaming tier Hardware in their system good question though it's something that I would personally like to see more of because I think rack mounting makes a ton of sense for cooling just having everything flow front to back like that but there's just not much out there this is not a 632 screw what the devil is this doing in here that is really bad that should not be there huh okay well that is cool man this is a super cool case very hand built feeling but they've done a really good job with the tolerances all of these screw holes line up honestly better than a lot of mass-produced cases that I've seen this is coming together really nicely oh yeah I mentioned earlier yeah we uh made a cube Star Trek PC and I completely blocked it from my memory it's the first PC case that we ever made I entirely forgot about it until this project I did too sorry what yeah we made a laser cut PC case that uh wait we laser cut it yeah okay hold on a second what okay he told me about this before the stream that we did a Star Trek case but what do you mean I didn't even think we had a laser cutter when you started this was the first pro project that we did on the laser cutter and if you look at it it's terrible it is so bad Linus Star Trek no I don't look up the Mystic space Warrior PCS space Warrior even YouTube's like what it took me forever to find it Mystic space Warrior you're sure that wasn't no that oh my God Alex are you memeing right now no Mystic space Warrior yes Jedi so we had multiple types of space stuff on there because we had the Star Trek GPU and then the case was covered in Klingon stuff first thing I really you mean Star Wars GPU Star Wars yes Star Wars GPU but we didn't want to get copy mangled by Disney so oh this is so bad tilt the screen down a bit yeah okay our Star Wars GPU and then spray painted wooden frame oh good gravy and then this is Klingon apparently yeah I see and so the bit that we didn't show is that that terrible laser cutter that I built uh just didn't work for like three weeks we had a grounding issue that was intermittent so it only showed up when you did very large laser Cuts like that one and then it would sometimes just like stop working and go to full power and just light a piece of acrylic on fire and with the ventilation and safety protocols that we had at the time that was not good yeah it was it wasn't beside the laser cutter for hours just being like are you gonna catch on fire now I have the thing here it was not fun terrible great well this is a lot better yep yep that's what happens when we let someone else do it we have such a good laser cutter now too which also someone else built yeah okay cool good work Alex I think I built our CNC router that thing's amazing I I do not take any responsibility for that laser cutting bed okay perfect let's do another merch message Joshua says after pledging your undying allegiance to the force and the force alone how does it feel to betray your Star Wars brothers and switch sides to Star Trek the rise of Skywalker best ever laughing face I think I've made myself very clear on the Wind show that I am pretty much completely done with Star Wars at this point they've even got my favorite extended universe or expanded you in EU whatever expanded universe character coming in now Grand Admiral Fraun and I just can't make myself care the lore is just too broken and messy and there's too much here's the thing that bothers me whether we're talking Marvel whether we're talking Star Wars whether we're talking you know Golden Girls I don't care it doesn't matter the fact is it drives me crazy when they do something that makes no sense in the context of the existing lore and the existing Universe it's Harry Potter I don't care it doesn't matter if they do something that makes no sense based on everything that's happened up until this point and then six years later a comic book adaptation comes out and I see these stupid headlines they finally explain where snoke came from and plot he was part of the colony no he wasn't that was not what anyone was thinking at that time there was no plan everyone knows there was no plan because if there was they would have said that it was just random BS you can't just you can't just retroactively oh look at Alex's elbow you can't just retroactively go oh yeah oh now we have an explanation it's not an explanation this is not science this is just imagination right so all you've done is spend the last five years imagining how to possibly Meander your way to this making sense on in any universe no it's it drives me absolutely crazy it ruined it it's ruined forever and I'm done I know speaking of making a good Star Trek PC five years later yeah but but see we can do the right thing and just pretend that never happened that's really what we should have done yep it's gone it's no longer Canon Mystic space Warrior PC is not a thing oh do you want to know something that was really cool about this not having any instructions yeah oh those aren't labeled yeah the power button is not labeled yeah uh okay after notice in the script okay cool uh if you look really closely on the back of this switch there are little markings um red and black are the LED white and yellow is the power switch and then red and black are the LED yep all right cool Alex yeah I can't even get in here how are we gonna how are we gonna do this so how did you have the eight pins I cable management is basically non-existent yeah so I had them like that like this yes and so seriously there must be a better way to do it but I also cannot think of a better way to do it I mean I don't see a better way to do it I could go above the ram here no I can't oh yeah sure I can I could go they're pretty terrible well I'm okay your idea was to come across here it's not your fault no well that was what I did not my idea well it was my idea but you know I was hoping that I was hoping there'd be a better idea at some point I don't think there's going to be a better idea sir okay so like that sure which one's longer uh so we ideally want to do is have as many cables go down in here as possible because we have the piece of acrylic that goes on top really oh that covers the bottom fans yeah I don't think anything's going to go down there pretty much yeah okay [Music] oh okay I mean look the point of this is not the um premium materials or the novel construction methods or the point of this is that it's going to look like a board Cube at the end all right yeah we're gonna have to accept some cable management these are really big cable ties do we have any smaller ones oh excellent we have four no there's there's like at least seven or eight oh okay all right sure that's an improvement let's go ahead and get these together here Alex thank God it's Friday I'm having a lot of trouble reading the front panel stuff uh oh do you need help here sure now you have light I got it don't we you're good I don't need that poop all right merge message time what is happening right now there we go cool are there any downsides to having the fan offset on the heatsink like that on the CPU Cooler due to fit issues I had to do the same thing with my noctua cooler due to my vrm heatsinks that's a really good question the answer is yes but probably not as much as you might think so David if you come in here and have a closer look at our CPU Cooler you can see that while this fan is right over top of our fins blowing directly through them which is optimal for the best static pressure and the best air movement through the fins this one is offset so a significant amount of it up here at the top is just kind of blowing over the top of the cooler and past the fins however if you look closely at the bottom of the heat sink our blades are actually blowing at those fins too so if we did move it down it would just be blowing past the heatsink on the bottom the fans are a little bit oversized and knock to it does a really good job of Designing their fans for excellent static pressure against their heat sinks I would suspect that if we did measure it we'd be looking at less than a degree of difference for having the fan up or down or however else I wouldn't want to lift it up a ton more than that especially because in most cases you wouldn't even be able to close your side panel but like this should not be a problem that's a really good question thanks Justin Jay Philip W asks what are your thoughts on the new Star Trek shows other than Picard I guess there's that animated one that's not really new at this point though it's been running for like five years yeah David says it's okay he's the only one of the three of us I think that watches Star Trek Discovery sucks Picard season one and two so stranger worlds is okay all right there you go you heard it here first and anything is better than what Star Wars is doing right now other than apparently Andor is really good I will watch it yeah watch it I will watch it everyone watch it we more of those I will I will watch it I promise you that I will watch it I will even watch it on Disney Plus I will be a I will be a good boy I will give Disney my money because they definitely deserve it so mad just like oh oh everything's been awful for so long okay uh Alex is this the plan just Rat's Nest of cables just jammed into the bottom I'm working on making a tiny bit better that is not a lot better sir yeah no you have not in a tiny bit better you have not improved things much at all look at that no I haven't it's a have going down here the tie it again down there actually we should probably figure out where exactly it goes to Adam I'm not going to argue anymore unless you've paid now there's a reference that's one that I don't get uh it's Monty Python argument Clinic I should have got that because I watched a lot of that as a child I haven't to have uh okay no no you can't have that that has to go through here this is the this is a problem I hate this yeah hold on you keep no you keep bringing them over this cable you cannot here you go okay Nikes um and also you can't pull hard on this because I'm hoping to bring this under that acrylic basement so it's got to be like here see that yeah I just want to get them connected first oh I see well sure I'm gonna move this here so you don't have to have your back quite as much to camera oh there you go he's got this I'm gonna do another merch message in the meantime I've been on camera once before uh hi Linus and Alec I'm studying Mech Engineering in Toronto and plan to apply to lmg after graduation for the junior mechanical engineer position what qualities and experiences do you look for in new hires asks Kaden what would you say we look for in someone for the writing team have cool Hobbies okay that's something what do you what do you think it takes to to excel here well I think what got me hired was the dune buggy stuff yeah that's part of it but what keeps you employed is another really good way of looking at that uh I don't know um really making good videos oh my God it's really difficult because like I guess writing good videos is like really the hardest part there's a lot of people that can be a good engineer it's being a good engineer that can also write things that's the really hard part yeah I'd say that you have to be I'd say no matter where you're planning to end up you've got to be ready for you know Fast Pace I'd say you've got to be ready for unexpected uh challenges and roadblocks um yeah I guess being chill when there's like a large Rat's Nest and how many people are watching us right now uh like fifteen thousand twenty thousand yeah not everyone is like okay in that situation are you you seem a little stressed I'm a little stressed I don't like this I thought this build was going to be kind of straightforward I thought we just had a cool looking case Alex no it's the whole thing it's like supercars like the cooler it gets the more awful it is just in general no oh did I tell you my car's broken already what uh it's just the wheels no no this is a new issue oh a new issue as of this morning yeah check this out I have I have now had my taikan in and out of the shop for various reasons I think three times that's what 10 grand apart uh oh no no it's like it's basically new so everything's just like warranty as far as I can tell seems fine this seems fine I don't know electrical system you've got a toad in that would suck oh yeah oh yeah no it was it was not drivable I got in this morning out of absolutely I didn't even have it charging last night I saw some people speculating it was to do with DC fast charging so it's things never touched a DC fast charger no idea what's going on other than like and the car completely turned on like my my ways is ready to go and everything just now no forget it nice all right cool reliable you know how many times I had the volt in the shop zero I mean regular maintenance but other than that yeah like I love man I still love that thing I was gonna say I loved that thing but that past tense would not be fair to my Chevy Volt you drove today presumably when your taikan failed yep so just relying now my understanding is that they are not all reliable some people have had issues with the volt um but mine was parfait absolutely Flawless victory love that thing okay where's this piece of acrylic that goes down on the bottom oh no oh boy what are we doing here Alex do the LEDs shine up because it kind of looks like that yes okay I think we should just put this in so we have some idea what the crap we're dealing with here yeah you're not running the oh my God no these can't go under even if they were long enough it's a very small space down here and there's just no way um I want to run this RGB header to where it's actually going yeah sure this is something else okay don't let this fall I'm gonna do another merge message I mean In fairness to me I did say don't let it fall uh don Glenn asked hey Linus what do you think of Aya Neo pushing out tons of skus on a single chip slash model EG the geek the air the plus 6800u air plus has four different CPU variants do you think such a combination game is good or nah I understand what they're trying to do valve on the one side is taking a one-size-fits-all approach here's good enough performance with a lot of flexibility in terms of how you can use it whether it's handheld or with a dock or you prefer the touch pads or you prefer joysticks or touch screen or whatever else but it's a Well understood experience that game developers can Target which they are doing okay on the other hand you've got the companies like GPD One X player Aya Neo that are going okay well what position are we in to tell the user what they want here's a whole whack ton of variety um have fun with that I'd say for the advanced user that's a really good approach like the air is super cool it's so small it's so light it's barely even comparable to something like a steam deck whereas they do have full-size ones that are direct competitors but it requires you the end user to have a little bit more Savvy both in terms of choosing the right one and then once you have it setting up your games so that they're going to run optimally on it what I've heard is that valve is not sharing the profiles that they've created game by game in Steam OS with other developers or with other handheld makers so what that means is that if someone else were to have similar Hardware or even more powerful Hardware they wouldn't be in a position where they can use those steam deck presets as a starting point even so on the steam deck you're getting this optimized well understood consistent experience whereas with an eye on Neo you're getting well more variety with all of the advantages and disadvantages that come with it Jonathan W asks why are the zipper pulls on most of your hoodies and jackets on the left I want to get the windbreaker but the left zipper makes it unlikely every jacket I've ever purchased has a right zipper pull you know what I think I was talking to the fashion team about this and in Canada because we end up with a lot of American and a lot of um more Commonwealth designed clothing we don't really think about it like my understanding is that in the states like men's garments are on one side and women's garments are on the other side but then I think commonwealth countries flip it so we end up with a lot of stuff that's designed for America and a lot of stuff that's designed for like by the Commonwealth standard so it just I guess what I'm saying is so does it really matter I've spent my whole life with it just not mattering at all and it really seems like a very very very small thing uh but like I don't want to be dismissive but also your way is not the only way of doing that and um it's it's a really great garment if the zipper being on that side is what pushes you over the edge then maybe you didn't need it that badly and maybe you know maybe something else will suit your needs better but if you do need like a waterproof windbreaker that thing is flipping awesome we've had such crappy weather lately and I have been really enjoying my LTT windbreaker it's been awesome oh wow well this isn't so bad yeah this makes me feel so much better oh yeah it's terrible okay yeah this is classic I crammed everything under my bed don't look there Mom but it's fine like we just we just put it down there and now no one needs to see what sort of an Abomination there is which means at the end of this build it's going to be like mostly fine yeah um this is not working also what about we pledge to do all the zippers the American way when they start using the metric system that that seems like a pretty good deal you want to talk about obstinately using an inferior system there that's uh wow that's something you know what they have you ever dug into why they didn't switch to metric uh no but I assume it's very dumb it was something to do with like France pulling their support after the Revolutionary War and something something and then it became like a a partisan thing and anyone who wanted to adopt the metric system was branded as like a whatever the you know other guy was uh left or right or whatever I don't remember which which way it was going um and then it just kind of never got resurrected because there just wasn't the political will to do it so now they just use a worse system forever I guess yeah that's cool because I can't I can't imagine anyone managing to get that changed today they should I know there's nothing that I like more than having all of your systems weigh CPU cycle from the engineers to what the end user sees oh my goodness I cannot get this Cable in it doesn't matter we want to take all that off we'll make it a tiny bit better do we but now we know that it's like fun well it's on there now we have other stuff that's going in there do we I don't think so uh there's the RGB for it like this yeah but is that going to go under good I mean that's oh wow that looks really uh really bad well but the the case goes over top of it yeah so sure we just won't have to if we tip it up like that everyone will know ah no no don't look at that no no no no no okay looks like you know when you have like a tree or a plant that's been in a pot that's way too small for a really long time yeah the roots okay let's do this thing you guys ready have you ever tried to fit a GPU man I feel like this is kind of like that Star Trek scene where they're trying to uh they they arrive at the planet that's been blown up and they're flying through the asteroids I know what you're doing is he gonna respond to this no nothing Alex I don't know what you're doing oh man okay yeah it doesn't matter uh this cable uh yeah this oh oh you cable tied it already uh that's fine okay here we go David you ready for this okay oh man oh man May the force be with me um this is a lot easier to put on without the CPU heatsink on there I believe you oh man okay holy crap I see what you mean about this GPU barely fitting yeah we might have to take it out let's put it back in once the case is together two millimeters what do you mean take it out and put it back in that's not happening I know for sure oh we'll go in when the case is fully assembled I'm not 100 sure if that will go on with the GPU in oh yeah we got this uh you can dry really fast wait what are we painting uh I want to Black wash the case black wash it yeah it's a technique that I learned from nerdforge when they were here okay so if you look at it it's just like it's just plastic it's all white plastic but if we take a very small amount of black paint put it on a rag let's kind of smudge it around it should pop way more on camera okay sure give me some screws it's in that wasn't that bad I mean it wasn't good uh what screws are you using for these are they just from here random ones that you found or did they come in it just random ones okay should I try and find the same random ones or do we not care uh I just do some black ones oh okay this is a very chaotic build stream look this is going better than I expected on honestly no one told me what to expect should we start this okay well this appears to be cross threaded or rather it appears to be stripped because I'm just going endlessly here oh yeah that's just uh it's coming at the back oh okay that's fine well that's hex should I be this stressed should I be more stressed uh you should be less stressed I should be less stressed what do you test about I'm stressed about us ruining this handmade case when we blackwash it I'm stressed about having to put this GPU back in if it doesn't fit I'm stressed about getting the cable management done for this I'm stressed about the fact that I can't even get my screwdriver in here to get this last screw put in so it's going in at a really awful angle don't look closely at that yeah see that that one right there is going in like this because this PCB is in the way I can't get I can't get a screwdriver in there doesn't matter if it's mine or someone else's it's not going in ah I know Elias we made that Mystic space Warrior PC looked good in the b-roll we can do a lot for this too that's true I don't think Brandon's here anymore though David David could do it David could do it too though not in a live stream not on a live stream yeah that's fair you know what to their credit though everything at the back is looking pretty good the tolerances were great for the power supply mounting uh same thing here this is a classic novice case designer mistake here where they'll have the offset between the PCI slot openings and the um the spaces in between them so much that you like can't get a cable in there it looks like everything here has proper clearance so that's really great same thing here you'll often see novice case manufacturers have this come over too far so you can't get like bulky USB drives in here and stuff like that no problems there I will say that they need to rev this oh motherboard tray CPU cutout needs to come down here it needs to go over it needs to come down farther because right now we would have no way of removing this without taking the whole motherboard out oh pretty minor though pretty minor so far another thing that they got that has been really bad in the past and I've had three power supplies in this because reasons um these little cutouts here or the different switches depending on the model will be over it's caused massive problems for me personally oh you don't mean on this one well this one right here it's fine yeah okay yes yes I did a good job but I have seen times when like I've had a dremelo little cutouts here and stuff also on my own things because case manufacturer or power supply makers do not follow the ATX standards they're all over the place yep also no super sharp edges I haven't managed to cut myself yet I probably could if I tried hard enough on some of these laser cut edges but ah you can if you try hard enough almost anything I mean that's fair but they're a little Sharp all right this is great where should we paint and cars yeah we're not going anywhere I don't think I think we're painting here Alex hmm I might go grab a drop sheet actually I might uh tell a person that's over there hey can you go grab a drop sheet sheet pretty please thank you there should be one in 105. this is horrendous this right here yeah that's not very good no no it's not and I guess I'm just gonna do more of it because there isn't really anywhere else to put this I don't have another solution okay is that what we're doing just isn't able to come down here and over is it nope this is all I've got well there's no way this can this can't this yeah has to be bad this has to be bad and if it's gonna be bad it might they might as well be bad together fair enough oh this can't go here because the chances of it interfering with this fan yeah it's pretty hot pretty hot let's put this one down below okay and then this one will let just kind of attach to that there and then maybe it can come over across here or something sure I don't know I mean we're just we're making the best of a bad situation at this point right there is not too bad and then I can tie it you know well okay and then this whole thing can just kind of tie like that okay yep we're calling that good if we had longer uh EPS connectors it would not be too bad yeah I mean if you were going to get custom cables made or something like that that wouldn't even be that ridiculous for a you know you've already got a custom case what are custom cables at that point uh I would definitely give some thought to that or I would get the case and I would plan out the build ahead of time really figure out exactly how long you want them to be clearly we didn't do that but actually we would decide to do that um so I had a whole bunch of different power supply cable lengths for the power supply that was in this this morning and uh yeah it didn't work oh was it too long we had one that was too long and then I got a smaller one that was not too long but was also the power supply that was my test bet for five years and uh yeah it doesn't like four thousand series got it that makes sense okay so we've got the Thor 1000 watt yep excellent and it's got the cables it's got excellent yep well I need to get this fingerprint off here if we're going to have a you know nice looking build when we're done you know it's going to come in together yeah yeah it's not too bad come on you can't call me on it I was trying to keep the straight face David uh Christine asks how is the NCIX sign PC coming along uh think Tanner and Nick callanan are still chipping away at it I think no one's really given me an update on it lately uh Russell P asks is there any plans on making the water bottles dishwasher safe no and the reason for that is one that I can explain because these are insulated water bottles they have two layers so it's an outer layer inner layer and then there's air in between that's what makes them or rather there's well theoretically a vacuum in between actually because that's better than having air in between some of them just have air in between anyway it's a there's a vacuum in between and the reason that's beneficial is because it's really hard for heat to cross that that vacuum sealed Gap in between the two layers that's also why the internal volume is so much less than the outer diameter of rather the inner diameter so much less than the outer diameter Okay so in order to maintain um that that vacuum inside these have to be these have to have a vacuum pulled and then they have to be sealed so they are stainless steel but this right here is a bead of I want to say glass I think it is I think it's molten glass or something like that or it might be it might be some other metal um it might be like a softer lower threshold metal or something like that anyway this right here is is a bead that gets put in um after the vacuum is pulled and then cools which is great until you put this thing in a dishwasher where it gets really hot and that affects the expansion and then when they're cooling the shrinking of the stainless steel and the sealing material here differently and can cause that seal to fail so there's nothing not dishwasher safe in the sense that like it'll cause it to poison you or something like that but what it will do is it will destroy the seal on your water bottle and this is the case on basically any vacuum sealed water bottle because as far as I'm aware they pretty much all use this technique if they have a vacuum pulled on the layer in between the or on the uh the space between the outer and the inner layer so if your other vacuum sealed water bottle didn't say that it's not dishwasher safe then either it wasn't labeled correctly or it's not actually a vacuum sealed water bottle so that's why these things last so flip and long with hot and cold inside them just because of the vacuum seal and because they're not dishwasher safe so we might do a dishwasher safe water bottle at some point in the future that just doesn't have a vacuum insulating layer but but for now oh dear I really wanted to put this uh cable down below the acrylic and I don't know if that's going to happen hmm can I help you I really wanted this cable right here to go just got your back to the camera okay it might work can I help Maybe I have small hands I can get them in there I'm just trying to get this uh-huh down so it will be below that acrylic and I think once we have that in and we can put in like a couple of RGB leads we can put it down and just leave it sure this is horrible no this is great this is what PC Building is like this is not much of a sales pitch Alex well if you want you can spend hours and hours perfectly cable managing every single thing that no one's ever going to see again or yeah like David said we want to go home today all right you ready it's Friday we can probably wait this right here we want to connect that ah so we'll run that and we'll run the other lead ah okay uh where did those go the RGB lead for this RGB strip right here what do you want uh the RGB leads were in this interesting interesting I did not move them I'm gonna go grab some other ones video evidence will back me up on this that I did not move them maybe okay okay nope not that I'll do another merge message uh Anonymous asks is there any interest in doing something with computers in an aircraft migration resistance wide operating temperature range and small slash lightweight could make for an interesting build I suspect you would be disappointed by how not that interesting that would end up being I could be wrong about that but I think we'd be looking at in many cases technology from like the 90s and it just might might not might not be that interesting anything newer I we run into this a lot where companies are not that Keen on sharing the exact details of how they're doing things because they consider it a trade secret so it's pretty tough for us to do good coverage of industrial or well any industry specific approach to PC Building or PC integration Kyle G asks any intention to make the screwdriver shaft insulated or a torque driver wishful thinking from a Sparky in the Midwest I'm not aware of any ratcheting insulate like high voltage insulated drivers I think that we would really like to do an insulated line of our fixed shaft drivers but I don't think we have any intention of doing something like that in a ratcheting as for a torque driver I mean who knows that's not something that we're working on right now but nothing's impossible David B asks I've recently got a 3D printer but I've had several issues getting mine set up I wondered if you've considered doing a deep dive on what makes a good printer also will the lab be testing common Brands 3D printers are not something that we're likely to focus on at the beginning there's some really great 3D printing channels out there that are laser focused on that space and that's really where you want to go at this point if we ever decide to throw our hat in the ring we will have to probably hire someone who's got a lot more experience with it than we do we do have experience but it's mostly experience using them for video projects or for rapid prototyping and less experience actually like testing them benchmarking them validating them we because we're using them for work we have a tendency to find something that works and use it as opposed to keep changing what we're using to try to determine if it's three percent better or five percent better or whatever the case may be so it's just a really different mentality Samuel says being a fellow friend of felines have you considered using a litter robot or do you already use one I do use a litter robot I have to say that my experience with them is not as amazing as some people led me to believe you still have to scoop you know a fair bit and the number of times that I get a notification on my phone that it you know the the tear t-a-r-e the tear the weight reset didn't work properly or the bottom is full of non-soiled litter that now I either have to sift through anyway or throw away um just I'm not that impressed so far Joseph says finally bought the backpack been wanting for over a year I'm considering consolidating my server slash Tower to rack mount for easier Space Management is it worth it um I mean if you really wanted things to take up less space honestly you'd probably be better off going small form factor or wall mounting or like ceiling mounting rack mounting still takes up a lot of space so whether it's worth it or not is sort of down to what the configuration of your space is and how much it's going to cost you to go that route I also find that unless you are actually using purpose-built servers there's not that much selection in DIY like rack mountable chassis and the compatibility might disappoint you like when I tried to do a water cooled to you it was very challenging and when we wanted to do the 1u gaming rigs for the lounge we basically had to scratch design a case there's just nothing out there that met our requirements hi what are you looking for can I help you in any way so what I'm doing oh nice this one right here only has three pins mm-hmm I'm trying to get to a closer to that RGB male to male coupler yay you got this David hey Perfect all right tell us about it Alex yeah I had this absolutely incredible idea a little while ago when I got mad that we didn't have enough RGB extenders that instead of getting three and four pin I would just only get four pin because four pin works fine for three pin you just have to remove one of the little pins on there but it's actually a huge pain in the ass ah like for instance you can accidentally plug it in the wrong way and then you blow up your LED strip oh yeah okay so we shouldn't do that oh well we can do it right though right no yeah I mean we should use it we just shouldn't use it the wrong way and blow it up got it and we shouldn't recommend to other people to do that correct cool you should do it the right way not the way that makes it easier do as we say not as we do yeah well most people it won't be easier for because oh you should put it down here in so many builds well but what a pain in the butt why you got to be like that while you're down there do you want to plug in this one too oh my God two of them well wait one of them's for four pins though oh I mean we have another addressable header up at the top see yeah okay but you don't want that no oh okay because I'm making very easily hide this all right do we know for sure that this is correct that that's correct uh yeah that's probably fine hmm so I put the arrow on the single one yes the problem is that the arrows on the double one on this one nice so we need to have a think or we can just do it this way it's probably fine okay or should I just do it the other way no I think we're good you're sure yes okay you don't sound that sure no but it makes sense so if the single is on the Arrow the arrows on this one we put the arrow to the single it's fine yeah yeah sure yeah okay the arrow doesn't go to the arrow which is the only weird part ah you should get a close-up of this David this is terrifying what is this tape look at this look at this terrible um I don't know what to tell you wow that's really really hard to break also is there a reason we're using orange tape uh because this was all there was on the build corner when I went over there okay it is very important for your RGB leads to make sure that you tape them up because they will come apart and it's a huge pain yeah this is pretty much the worst modern connector I would also verily straw that I would very strongly recommend hot gluing all of your RGB connectors into your motherboard before you like close everything up because if it falls out it's a terrible terrible time especially if you're water cooled just hot glue them in there are different kinds of hot glue I wouldn't use like a high strength you know gorilla glue or something like that there are hot glues that are actually designed just for tacking things in place and to be easy to peel off after because if you ever were to RMA your motherboard and it had hot glue residue all over it they are not going to take that back so you're going to want to be able to fully remove it this isn't like advising you on how to you know defraud a motherboard manufacturer something like that shouldn't void your warranty because it's not going to harm it in any way but it is something that if they were feeling malicious they could deny your warranty over and it's just not worth giving them an excuse Huck was great yes it's very good for electronics because you can use it to like waterproof them yeah it's the hottest seal things okay now what uh this needs to go somewhere I don't really know but I think we just kind of crammed this on now for the best okay this is going to be terrible yeah I was really happy when we had this on before yeah I'm really unhappy now that we're putting it on again well but you're about to be extra happy in a second because it's coming it's going on and it's never coming back off oh yeah we should make sure this thing posts before we put that on Alex he's right I'm putting it on no no what you're doing is very very wrong Alex very wrong indeed the good news is it's such a pain in the ass to get on by the time that you have this posted chances are I will still not have a clue okay that's fair I'm on it DisplayPort here we go ouch I'll do a merch message in the meantime um there we go uh Evan asks I play Rust it's a CPU heavy game and more specifically a single core heavy game what metric and CPU reviews should I go by what should I look for in a CPU uh there are a number of things you know anything that is single thread dependent you know as much as it is sort of a synthetic Benchmark cinebench single thread is going to evaluate just how much performance you'll get off of a single thread it's not directly applicable to gaming necessarily but it does look at single threaded performance you can also look at any games in a particular reviewer's Suite that are older or more single thread dependent you will find that there's sort of some [Music] um applicability of those results to your own game that you're interested in but the real answer is you should look for anyone who actually tests rust because every game every application is going to be a little bit different and life and computer benchmarks are full of surprises we've run into many situations where on paper something is a match made in heaven but in the real world it just doesn't work out that way so ideally you would want to find someone who's actually benchmarked that particular game we're looking to dramatically expand the number of titles that we Benchmark in our reviews but it's not something that we've really had a chance to do yet as the lab ramps up and continues to work on mark bench uh really quick Linus could you just make sure you keep a little distance between yourself and the cooler and the monitor we're getting some feedback on the wireless mics not much we can do but I'm just trying to keep in mind you said between me and the cooler and the monitor yeah it's when you get really close to the cooler the cooler yeah like the heatsink yeah the heat sink uh okay I mean me because I'm close to the cooler no it's usually with Linus interesting okay I'll do my best neat what do you guys think I want the odds what are the odds this thing just fires right up come on three to one okay does it are the Borg even in the original series um is this the original series font use it in modern Star Trek do they yeah just like that though hold on a second hold on a second have I have I have I caught something here or am I just completely off base I think like that's like the modern modern logo Star Trek logos over time here we go let's go this seems like the kind of thing that no it's just always the word Mark is always the same apparently okay good to know okay now I know what is the old Star Trek sound so there's different insignias but this apparently has never changed all right it does still look good does it only look good because of the associations we have with it though that's cool all right we ready let's spin some fans and see if we can bite Alex oh what yep [Applause] awesome I have a lot of Hope the fact that it just fired up right away like that very confident inspiring come on uh which input is this yeah defination uh DisplayPort cool okay this is less confidence oh wait that's good that's good yep we're still getting different weight no no that's good I think I think it's uh I think it's just doing memory training and it's gonna come back I'm pretty I'm like 98 sure we're good yep it went past D6 that's the one that it got stuck on before here we go here we go and go nope and go no and go no and now I feel like we're supposed to have display right now uh-huh this is on this is on confirmed all right I'm just going to try a different output and a quick reboot I mean that's might still be an okay so should we should this looks kind of awesome I don't know why but I like having the power supply over here like this yeah especially when you get one that looks super cool like this one yeah so many power supplies these days look really cool and then get buried in the basement of a case that doesn't show them off at all this is awesome okay uh Motion Keyboard where did those go 7f oh oh hold on still going okay I really wish I could see yeah it stopped at 98 last time T6 t7 which I think is like a in biosaur in Windows [Music] D7 you say um VGA Boot something I can't even can't even read this CPU dram oh I think it's a VGA code that's not good I'm gonna try the onboard no I'm not it's HDMI yes I am here's an HDMI cable okay yeah sorry sorry sorry um you know I had a bad feeling listen I had a bad feeling about this that's an iconic Star Trek line right there so the only thing that has been changed is that I used the 12 volt high power adapter whereas you use the one that came with the power supply and we were having trouble earlier with using the one that came with the power oh the postcode just changed it is now at 98. okay and if I hit this caps lock is working so the system is like actually doing stuff okay but we don't have a display out and you switch the monitor to HDMI is this just DisplayPort being a poo poo do you want to switch over to HDMI real quick do we have an HDMI cable yeah it's plugged in HDMI no signal wrong tops lock is working so we have a system that's like being a system okay you don't have display yet hold on hold on hold on I I'm gonna try the motherboard's HDMI out hmm okay freaking out a little here this is z790 right yep okay I'm just going to give it the old clear CMOS like I said really nice button to have on the back I don't know that that's actually going to help with anything but I'm hopeful how's this whole thing going oh is that down I mean it's it's more down than it started I guess there's still two screws missing okay it'll go down more okay I think sure I really don't think it's gonna come off the onboard oh I'm freaking out a little Alex fans are ramping down the way we would expect this is very weird yes 7f okay so if we prep 98 .99 oh I think this might just be a receipt VGA situation F1 restarted it um hey uh newbie who is still not to be named could we get another DisplayPort cable please I don't think that's it but it's always worth swapping a cable yeah or do you have it on DisplayPort right now uh no it's actually still an HDMI sorry okay cool did that just flash yes has it done that before um I think so yeah I was back oh boy hey you guys want a troubleshooting stream yeah troubleshooting and painting oh gosh Alex I don't know man but look you get to paint a computer case I got to troubleshoot a computer I am I painting the computer case I didn't get shown the technique so it's a very easy technique Linus I'll just show you it and then it'll be all good yeah I don't want to ruin the case is it permanent paint I don't know what it is actually but presumably yes no it'll look so much better it's fantastic it's fantastic we can you can try the technique on something else do you want a weather R2D2 first I mean not really but sure fine it sounds like I don't really have a choice here what I really want is for this computer to post okay I'm going to try giving the GPU a little kind of Wiggle we're going to give it the wiggle okay that was kind of hard to watch sorry everyone let's fire it up uh okay well we haven't taken a step backwards so that's good come on come on I was right to be stressed I'll do a merch message while we wait to see if that posts do you have a timeline on when the beta features of float plane will migrate to the main site and the app I don't know when it'll happen but I do know that this quarter is when Luke's team has that as a bonusable kpi so theoretically that means it's happening this quarter Maxine asks what are your favorite challenges to solve within the boundaries of your role as CEO ah favorite challenges to solve I mean man I don't have time to think about which ones are my favorite challenges every day is kind of a new challenge because I have 15 million bosses all the subscribers of the channel and they all want different things at different times have different priorities yeah there that's my favorite challenge it's all the different directions that I get pulled at the same time that you know you add the team here and add my family and uh hey Linus do you want to learn how to Black wash what I really want is for that computer to turn on Okay what are we doing black washing Yeah so basically we want to make it look weathered and how you do that is you just very simply take this right here it's just water and black paint bam seems like a really bad idea yeah so you do that and then you just very simply you sort of just wipe it off and the idea is that it just kind of gets stuck in all the little crevasses this isn't really working the best maybe we can just put some on here yeah you're really making this look like a good idea hey David you want this done to that case what do you think okay just a second I am so not sold yeah this is really not working very well right now yeah it's way smoother though it's like that doesn't have crevasses yeah this is a bit too smooth also I feel like when Martina did it uh she was better than you well she was better than me for one yeah that's definitely part of it but also we had a paintbrush that we did this with this isn't working at all well don't do it on an RTD2 we're not really going to do that to this case are we uh I would like to have a better grasp on it working first [Laughter] also how about we have a working computer first uh can we get a paintbrush it's been a long couple of them oh my God you're still doing this wait why is the Storm Trooper here how am I just noticing this for the first time Alex are you trying to get us canceled what me and David went around the sets to try and find Space themed things for this because we don't really have a lot of Star Trek like stuff so you ended up with the Moon um R2D2 yeah I thought that was pretty cool yeah that's pretty good that's this is pretty cute I will give you this one and a Storm Trooper there's also a Darth Vader Pez dispenser it's a flashlight oh it's a flashlight yeah Oh I thought it was Pez dispenser yeah that's a really big pest dispenser although I can see why you didn't know it was a flashlight it doesn't make any light yeah okay code 29. I will find out what that code means uh it's it's going between a couple here actually but it looks like the VGA lights on so what I'm gonna do goodbye where did you throw that 12 volt height oh see it cool we can test on board but at the same time I just want to do this because this is what fixed it earlier today it would be really cool if we saw it work and then we can worry about cable managing which is going to be so much worse if we have a four eight pins oh no uh I got it I've got it in the meantime John B says I missed out on 3D TVs uh they came and went while I was a broke college student is there any way to get into 3D content now besides buying old TVs or VR I mean VR I would say the best way to do it um the quality of the displays is so good there were only a handful really actually there's only one really like truly excellent 3D TV LG's signature g eight I want to say was it the sixth I think you're right I think it's the G6 um so they had a signature TV that had um that was 4K and did 3D with a polarizing filter on every other line super cool way to do it because it meant that there was no flicker so no headache and because it's 4K and the content is 1080p you're actually not giving up any of the original content resolution anyway because your resolution is still going to be 38.40 by 1080 I think it was every other horizontal line it was super cool when you had the glasses on so it came with polarized glasses um when you had them on you could go up really close to the TV and go like this and like this and you can see every other line disappears so it was static oh so good with that said I think there's going to be a bit of a 3D Renaissance coming with the glasses list 3D displays that I've seen in some recent laptop demos so I don't see that at all at CES in display displays I only saw it in laptops so far but if it succeeds in laptops you can bet your butt it'll make its way to a desktop display at some point I mean look at the proliferation of touch screen desktop displays back when Windows 8 was the new kid on the Block I remember talking about it I was like Microsoft Microsoft what do you what are you doing where are the Partnerships that you guys are building with companies to build touch screen desk where are the touchscreen desktop displays this whole operating system is touch forward and they're still like I think there was like one or maybe two desktop touchscreen displays and the funny thing is it's not that hard to do you just add a USB tether and a touchscreen layer just nobody had the dedication to make it a thing the pins probably just don't quite line up here I'll try this one sometimes they're just a little bit finicky yeah just fine and then I bet that one goes into this one just fine too just the tolerances are kind of funky no guys can I just look into the end of that yeah uh oh yeah so what it is is this bottom row just needs a bit oh yeah pressure to kind of if you just give it the old yeah I mean look I I grew up with with the Molex four pin connector so I'm oh those things are terrible yeah there see it's in yeah I got the I got the technique Alex I got you fan oh did I not get in get you no oh you need one more okay it's gonna be a lovely ride fast especially given that like we can't even really put it down here there's no more space I mean that's basically the theme of this build at this point Borg's Nest they have nests right is it a nest I don't think so well the Borg cube is a nest sort of Quentin says I'm finally getting the big water bottle I love the smaller ones but as a big guy I drink a lot of water I've also been wanting to get the 90 by 200 centimeter towels anything you can share on that yes more towels are coming it's just slow and uh congrats on the new water bottle yeah it's been extremely extremely popular Robert says love the content I'm using merch message gift cards as a way to save for the backpack my question is how long can I realistically expect these to be kept from time of purchase legally in Canada they are good forever is my understanding I think oh yeah I believe so right yeah so we we can't cancel your gift cards ever uh so that means as they accumulate because you're not the only one using gift cards uh through merch messages to save up for Big Ticket items uh they sit as a liability on our balance sheet which our accounting firm doesn't like but I don't care because it basically means we're holding your money interest free which is not that good for you if you're gonna save you should save by keeping the money in your account so that would be my my money Tech tip for you give me another eight oh here it is yes like to be clear I'll take it I'll hold it for you but like that you should listen to what I say not what benefits me as a business owner uh that's our last one that's what makes me so mad about all of these cars where you have to do a thousand dollars down to get on the list yet it's like oh yeah they're gonna make how much interest on that over the next three years before I get my stupid RAV4 which is Civic my money yeah exactly do you have a deposit down on a Civic like the new Type R no Andy does uh I want to put a deposit down on the gr Corolla and they're like it's a thousand bucks and I was like that's stupid they could have made what like a couple hundred bucks on that but otherwise you're not gonna get one yeah and I'm not yeah so maybe this is just me being incredibly ignorant if I'm Toyota and I have these hot vehicles especially something like the Corolla gr it's not like they couldn't have known that it was going to be popular why didn't they just make more like honestly that's a great question Linus I'm not trying to you know what is that what just is that the fan in this monitor it has one I know it has one I've never heard it go like that before we did it yay are you kidding me fantastic can we try it again with the the native 12 pin and just see if it just reseeding it helps it's not going to I want to try it again that's exactly what happened this morning and Oh I thought you said you didn't know that it had a native one in this morning no but I had a different power supply that had a thing like this and it didn't work seriously it needs the four cents pins seems like it yeah well what how can it need those what's the difference between this adapter and that then that doesn't make any sense absolutely fantastic question okay I you know what I just wanna I just wanna just can we humor me yep I consider myself to be being humored right now and to be clear this isn't like a Zotac problem we had the exact same issue with Founders 49ers as well bizarre don't you guys love these troubleshooting streams I for one am riveted uh Joshua says love the durability and materials of the backpack but I feel it's a little bulky what's your opinion on a Slimmer version for laptop College carry without the compartment of holding it's coming it's a matter of time uh we're still wear testing our latest sample it's been really hard to get the uh the shoulders the shoulder strap spacing just right on a smaller bag without neck chafing and this with all the things that we like about the current version of the bag but we're very close the other thing is we wanted the smaller version of the bag to be more comfortable for people with smaller frames so we've done a lot of testing with the help of my wife and also Maria one of our graphic designers who are both much smaller framed people we're trying to make sure that it works for you know the larger people like the the Nick lights of the world and also the smaller people like the Yvonne's and Maria's of the world and it's really hard that's a we always we always go hard mode we're actually working on um like E-Waste CPU fidget spinners and the goal was to have them at LTX so people could buy them in person and then today we came to kind of uh a decision point do we want to just have Metal Frames that we glue the CPUs into knowing that glue will fail glue always fails it's a matter of when not if or do we want to engineer a solution where we can lock it in with some kind of like clamshell solution or something like that even if that means it'll delay it after LTX and I just I told the guys I was like do you have to ask I guess it's going to be late then but they're going to be awesome we're exploring ceramic or hybrid hybrid ceramic bearings for them that'll have them spinning for like two minutes I mean not by hand not by hand you'd have to like blast them with an air compressor or something like that to have them spin for that long but they spin real good I'm I'm really happy really excited I mean we know we kind of missed the we missed the boat on the whole fidget spinner Trend but hey since when have I ever been trendy David trendy this guy create the transliners yeah thanks David lie to me I'm gonna bail on the black wash uh yeah I tried it on a couple other things it's it's not turning out like it did when Martina was here uh that's the thing about artists okay look here hold on hold on artists I love you you make the world more beautiful but you also make the rest of us feel like idiots because I'll be like oh wow that looks so nice and you're like oh this old thing I did that in like eight minutes and I'm sitting here going what and okay can you show me how to do it and artists be all like okay so here just draw a line like this and I'm like whoa whoa whoa slow down a line like what why does your line look like nice and like you get like you know like this and mine's like I did the exact same thing as you and it looks like crap okay so that artists I think this might be the type of wash that we have problem she had like very specific stuff that she brought on her own that she combined with water to make it look good yeah I you know also like we're just as bad for this this is a broader problem broader problem with artists in general they make everything look easy they make the rest of us feel bad well but we just did that with computers like think about if you were we did not make this look easy but if you're at home and you were building this case and you did not happen to have a Founder's Edition 12 volt high power adapter and you just had the one which should work you checked it on the box it should be fine you don't have a functioning computer that's true I don't think we made that look easy yeah we will have a functioning computer that looks like it was terrible but In fairness like have you watched any of nerdforge's videos they don't make it look easy either uh yeah yeah I actually I checked out the one where she painted the sides of her books recently and you know what she complained a lot about how hard it was but then the result her first time is mind bending so maybe this is an artist in general maybe it's just Martin uh that I just I have a personal problem with now because she's sitting here going oh this is so hard I have never touched watercolor before blah blah blah blah blah and it's amazing she did the same thing with spray paint too actually if you watch that one it's like I'm not watching it no no I refuse never done this before makes what like an 18 foot high mural or something like that I have never touched this before in my life blah blah blah blah blah blah blah no no no I've had enough of your crap do you know they're not going to be able to make it tell TX I didn't yeah that's too bad yeah they were invited obviously but it no when we have an ad in actual falling out or anything like that uh they're just they're just really busy they've got a lot going on they're growing so fast super super excited for them they deserve it 100 those guys haven't met many more genuine you know I was going to say YouTubers but you know just people they're just a super cool crew those guys really like them I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked but what little time I did get with them was really awesome hey Linus yes you have small hands can you do the screw that I'm currently holding from the back with some pliers uh yeah for sure I don't have time you have to come at it from the front what are you talking about so I have it on top yeah I see what you're talking about uh yeah no no you push forward and write a little bit okay that's completely the opposite there you go yeah that's good I got it okay yep I can do this it's a thumb screw I've got this first for real I got two hands in there poor Alex can't even get one okay it's done uh is there a Rhyme or Reason to which way you're putting these on this oh okay no it's just this one that's upside down okay good job uh on the rest of them though thanks no no problem they definitely need a last one of these over here that is quite uh yeah that's not great wait up all right let's post it again sure hey I'm starting to get kind of excited this is coming together I mean it looks this looks like absolute horse's ass but we'll just zip tie it a couple times and we'll find actually most horses asses look have more organized you know hair coming off of them than this is this will be okay that's our Benchmark as organized as a horse as ours um yeah thank you Nvidia for the gift that is the four to one power adapter it looks so good it's like I feel like they're going out of their way to make things ugly sometimes you know like when for the longest time they refused to have RGB on their Founders edition cards because Nvidia green we don't care that it matches absolutely nothing else because screw you Nvidia green all right hey not bad that looks awesome and we haven't even put the top cover oh no what is this that's for the the fiber oh cool okay awesome we are legitimately close then aren't we yep exciting uh let's put the top on then sure okay should we clean up a little bit or are we not gonna do that uh oh that's probably fine I did kind of hard reset it at one point there Windows is pretty resilient these days thanks to the beautiful thing I just wondered Windows modern standby I've had it hard crash before while doing an update and it's fine uh see my XPS 15 the battery died while his bios updating because Windows modern update did it that was a fun day okay cool um yeah cool thanks David we're in we've hacked the Mainframe okay I like this we've got an air intake going directly into our GPU I'd throw a filter on here if this was my daily driver system we've got our other intake throw in some cool air right up there sort of sort of it's It's a working on it it's a it's a doing something um we've got our three exhaust specs well do we do it is it time yeah I think it's I think it's so well we said we were going to clean up a little bit and then we just completely didn't so we'll clean up we'll clean up sure um yeah let's let's make the people wait for the big moment where we put it together here yeah my apologies to whoever has to deal with this mess but my explanation is that it's at least partially your fault for not giving us bins to put things in oh here are the bins foreign okay Quality quality costume by the way uh uh good job rubies so warm when when do we do the sponsor integration should we do that right before we put the thing on no we should do that right now yeah exactly I should have done that ages ago oops uh this video is brought to you by Videocon looking to beam up your audience and capture their attention with video com your presentations can live long and prosper this is hilarious uh with a bunch of easy to use and intuitive features to spruce up your project such as per slide webcam embedding annotations and team collaboration tools you can turn those crowns into cans all your projects can also be saved to Videocon Cloud allowing for easy access to clean users ensuring the files won't get lost so boldly go check out video com the link below for free and use code Linus for 50 off any paid subscription that has to be us who wrote those points that can't be from Videocon there's no way they could be that awful was that Dennis it must have been I don't know but that was terrible so go check out video com I guess um if you want to support that sort of thing I mean I'm into it I love it uh okay so this will go here got a couple more merch messages while Alex gets ready are you ready or we're ready yeah we're ready okay uh oh these potential ones there's like 20 in there oh balls um okay are there any plans to do a headphone amp DAC content maybe a beginner's guide I think that's something that you can expect to be see more like on the lab's website and if the lab's website article is really good and we get it really well refined then we could absolutely do it as a video follow-up but I think that's the kind of thing that you're not going to see until we've got more of our test processes nailed down in the audio space Jared B says I work as a butcher so the beanie is great while working in a GF fridge oh in a in a fridge so I had to pick up another what's a change to the standard ATX motherboard you would personally like to see I mean some of the changes that I'd be really into are ones that we've seen in the past uh like EVGA I think was the first to do right angle connectors so you don't have to have them coming off the board like this um was it gigabyte that was the first to do the connectors on the back for that clean look so everything just runs up the back to the motherboard yeah but I don't know about that they did a very bad job uh but Asus has one now as well though there's no cases that are compatible you don't you don't like the whole thing in the back thing I like it if it like goes in your case but it doesn't well yeah so no I mean a Dremel Enthusiast aren't you it should be fine yeah but I don't love dremeling my computer case when I build a new computer you know what oh well they asked for a change to the standard uh I was gonna say more UV slots but no that's not really the standard I'd like to see the ATX 12 volt only standard catch on it already exists but why even 12 volt why don't we move to 24 volt 48 volt yeah will be so much better more volts why do we have these heavy bulky thick cables look at this this is freaking ridiculous and like the number of amps that you have to put through these because it's stupid 12 volts is just absolutely ridiculous yeah it's like you have what it's uh 450 600 watts yeah on a 40 90. what's that divided by 12. I don't know uh that's like 30 plus amps like 30 450 divided by 12. that's 37 amps yeah if it was 48 what would that be uh like six like nine amps okay that's so much better yeah so you can have much thinner gauge wires that yeah I would like to see I would like to see higher higher voltage become standard in the PC Houston says help me call my wife she wants LTT store towels I told her they'll be back eventually she was unamused when I told her trust me bro when can we expect to restock months years months I think you'll have to you could send a ticket to customer service I believe the order is actually in and shipped it's just a matter of when they arrive if you're signed up for a notification you should get one Mark says in a pre-built desktop my 12700 was only getting 8 000 in cinebentar 23 MSI had set the power draw for stock cooler instead of power cooler what's the biggest pre-built Ali you've seen oh man I mean setting wrong power profile for the CPU is pretty much par for the pre-built course I'd say the biggest fails we saw were really on the customer support side and ordering side like there was that time when um watch him a boober which one was it cyberpower wouldn't even sell us a computer we haven't asked for advice and they were like no we don't do that go on our website and we're like no I have money I have money I want to give it to you right now and they're like naw dog go on our website and we were like nah and didn't order anything got him uh that's a pretty that's a pretty big fail uh okay we ready yeah um okay what's what I'm not 100 sure this will go on with the GPU in there but we'll see okay where's the window Windows over here decided yeah this way yeah that makes sense okay here we go [Music] [Music] oh shoot okay I didn't anticipate that so Alex's concern is not just the side panel but also those fiber optics yeah the fiber optics are the thing I'm concerned about uh okay I didn't realize what your problem was it's like ah don't freak out Alex but then yeah you're right to freak out a little bit seems like it's fine oh that's very tight but look it's not quite I mean something's something in it's pretty darn close it's on on this side like this is right actually button did we make it yeah I think that uh our cable managing might have met the acrylic on the bottom a bit oh oh like it voted out on the bottom yeah but when we put the screws back in it should snug it up yeah nice I have no clue what to do with this cable like why do they have this right at the front it could have been like back here and then we could just run around along the back yeah uh here so David can see what you're talking about it just hangs out there this is just here it's like is this Star Trek or That 70s Show because it's hanging out I wonder if this is correct should I hit it should I hit it I'm gonna do it oh yeah oh that is oh they're RGB heck yeah they're everywhere oh we're gonna need to turn down the lights here okay now hold on a second is this meant to just be a window like this no we have a thing where did the thing go oh uh where's the case okay hold on hold on hold on we can do a little better than that can't we oh for sure yeah okay cool let's set it up to all green so cool why didn't you get the black one Alex it's really a white one um I don't know this is the one that we got okay here's the window oh sick okay hold on we gotta get the film off first then yeah we should also probably put the screws in yeah but we should do the film before this Cruise yeah here we go here we go this looks awesome uh I know it's white I'm gonna do a merch message okay Brandon B says ever attack your wife with a tape measure how did that go mine didn't quite appreciate it but I needed to make sure I got the right size for the his and her's underwear yeah um top might be broken my wife's pretty chill no no I need that I do I know I need that okay it's fine it's fine ah oh okay are we supposed to show that yeah just there yay we did uh my wife's pretty chill I mean she even like posed in her underwear for our store like she's yeah she's very easy going for the most part mostly um but most people yeah I wouldn't recommend trying to measure your so it's one of those things where there's so many ways to lose and very few ways to win I'm glad you managed to pull it off though good for you uh that's awesome anywho um Aaron says Linus and Alex my Gigabyte 4080 Arrow doesn't allow HDMI to the output one in multi-monitor uh this precludes my buy screen oh okay I I think I talked about this on the last band show we did cover this already uh thanks Aaron though what's the answer though I'm curious uh the answer is that HDMI is the is not the first one because it almost never would be uh in a in a PC and multi-monitor environment so it is the first if it's the only thing plugged in but it's going to be number two if you also have DisplayPort plugged in um as for why they can't do better for that I don't really know what to tell you I don't really know why the bioscreen isn't just mirrored um there's no reason that I can think of for it not to be uh Chandler s says I have a server that I want to use for Minecraft Nas and VMS but true Nas does not see my drives for the install got any tips I have seen drives that just have whether it's the way they're formatted or the file system on them but I've seen drives that are so whatever they are that they are just not detected by other installers and I've had to go through and use wiping software in order to completely remove everything that's on them before I've never had anyone you know be it Jake or anyone else be able to explain why that is to me because theoretically it shouldn't matter you should be able to format it as part of the setup process but I have seen it happen so what I would probably do in your case is I would load that drive into a Linux based system and then I would run some kind of uh Drive wiping utility I've got it there's another small screw uh and then try again that's the best advice that I can give you the server was Amazon refurbished yeah it doesn't surprise me so however it was however it was formatted could have been problematic oh Gary L says Linus you're out of uniform where are your Pips terribly sorry there we go okay I'm working on it I'm working on it dang it this is very stretchy plastic okay oh this is going to be very tedious do I really have to do this yes um okay I have five gold Pips Forest Captain okay I think I think I'm sorry everyone and they go here right yep something like that oh goodness I can't even I can even see what I'm doing I mean it doesn't really matter how aligned they are oh my this fabric though is see I told you I'm so warm it's because this fabric is so like non-breathable I can barely even stab a thing through look at this jeez it's really thick okay there's one okay we're working on it we're working on it here in the meantime Michael B says what do you think the embedding of chat GPT into the Microsoft Suite will do to the office jobs of the world do you guys have any videos planned for anything along those lines we'll almost certainly cover it at some point in the future but as for what it'll do I mean I think it will add and then remove a lot of unnecessary bloat from email Communications so that's oh black one it's very different oh okay well here I you're right then David I have four gold Pips so I'll put on the four gold Pips and we'll leave the black pip alone um I think Lieutenant's two gold and black oh okay I don't know yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna stress about it too much for crying out loud where's it this is really hard I feel like this is the kind of thing that you should do before you put the uniform on this is painful must be just as hard to watch oh man I cannot get this lined up right okay there we're gonna call that good uh can we get torx bits in stock anytime soon yes we know we know we grossly underestimated how much demand there was going to be for um add-on bits uh I believe that it should be coming in the next couple of months I want to say or wait the next few weeks it's it's on the way basically where'd it go inside your shirt ah okay I take it back I don't recommend this costume anymore I also don't recommend my pool contractor incidentally Yvonne was messaging me about that earlier that just they're the worst and try not to just you know do you even know who I am like try not to kind of you know say look I'm gonna dunk on you publicly if you do this but like so I haven't it's just going to be a happy surprise for them once they're done I'm going to town I mean they could just clean up their act too that's an option how many years has it been but they won't uh oh man we're well over a year we're like 18 months into this project and we're not there yet and they're still just like uh yeah we misquoted that so um that won't be our responsibility here's uh bill it's like actually illegal hey who uh I might do this peel because I think it's gonna take a while because these acrylic peels are really hard hey no problem Anna V sounds good okay man these keep coming in um Anonymous asks when will the 150 okay if you have a question about when something will be back in stock our customer service team is actually not like wildly understaffed anymore and we haven't had any like just enormous launches lately so you can actually just send a message to customer service and they will get back to you in a in a timely manner and they can let you know if something's going to be in stock or whatever else that will tell you whatever we do know the worst yeah speaking of the worst getting these peels off of tiny laser-cut acrylic things I don't know Alex I feel like I'm going through the worst right now too you try to poke this thing through this thing look at this I'd rather not I'm gonna hurt myself here okay there are you happy now how aligned are they good enough yep that's great I can't believe I only just became aware of the meme oh I can't believe how cool this looks okay while you're working on that I'm gonna dim the lights so that they can appreciate these fiber optic doodads that is such a cool mod that I just can't believe like I had one of those little fiber optic tree things when I was a kid I can't believe it never occurred to me to put something like that in a PC it looks so cool ah okay we condemn it more yeah uh keep that one turn these two off okay I'm on it you just want it off off hey David yeah there's a switch on the bottom of it yeah can you can you see it in the modern dragons uh not quite not enough okay let's dim this boy a little bit holy crap that looks oh that looks so cool there we go no way heck yeah oh this was painful but totally worth the pain to look at this no no no don't don't adjust it David no no it's good it's good yeah go dark dark is good oh man Ford cute PC I freaking love it I think the black one would be better Alex yeah I do too I think if I was gonna do this I would go I would go black 100 this right here with a good weathering could look really really great as just white not as much yeah unfortunately Martinez plane ticket out here to whether um a case for us would be quite expensive yes did you just order the special edition one um are you do you need help no this is just how it goes it's always terrible you seem to be struggling yeah that's what I said it's absolutely terrible to get I think this can be done a little bit better than what you're doing if you just have a bit of patience thinking silence it's a process there and I helped I can never keep track of who is on or off probation I was about to greet someone that's on probation still uh a lot of probation oh you're not no oh that's right because you were remote to start right yeah yeah okay all right welcome that's Leo he works on our social team he's taking photos of the case right now this is why I'm always you know freaking out about whether people are on probation or not and whether I should acknowledge them on camera it really is a useful policy like the amount of questions we'd have to field about oh what happened to so and so for people who just you know don't make it uh past the 90 days is just not not worth it um see it's a it's not the best no it's not it's not their fault yeah no this is terrible and everything ah sorry I don't remember the numbers but Colin when he was doing laser cut projects for customers would quote way higher if he had to peel this off it also increases the risk that it'll be damaged on route to the customer yeah but mostly us hates it no I think he just would like three X's quote or something like that like it was some scene yeah okay and it's very dirty um I'll get a microfiber cloth yeah that's probably a good idea uh oh maybe a Star Trek nerd can help us with which way this is supposed to be orientalated that's oh yeah that seems pretty cool oh cut goes on the left okay I got it uh oh I I think we managed to kind of warp the whole case and this is meant to sit this is meant to sit flush so now I don't know if it comes out anymore yeah a lot of those fingerprints are on the inside I think I mean that seems good enough well we can get it watch this with the power of suction oh nope with power of suction okay cool all right I'll hold it um Theo do you mind grabbing that please thanks that's not cutting into my hands at all oh that's good I was afraid that it was uh do you mind grabbing some of the one yeah in the corner there's pretty ugly okay I think the rest is all on the outside okay awesome I mean yeah yes well sure good enough okay um yeah oh yeah yeah yeah okay a structural window oh hair on it uh that's okay that is one quiet computer at idle anyway I am liking this a lot I do feel like there's supposed to be like rubber spacers here or something I don't know well that that's gonna do literally nothing cool is that an extra screw for you I guess uh no screws all right you have a whole thing of Star Trek gifs here uh I'm not the one that did that but yes okay did they ship the system like this or uh no this is our Drive um probationary employee did it oh okay uh okay nice work professional employee yeah yes good job oh sorry sorry I'm in the way apparently yeah got a board Cube doing something cool classic I guess we should probably fire up a game or something maybe uh the gifs were on there for the AIO screen but because you installed the noctua you don't need them they were for the AIO the all-in-one cooler there's a screen on it oh right I was gonna look inside here to see the screen yeah we used the noctua cooler uh yeah that's fine can you turn the brightness down on the screen a tiny bit I sure can do we want to go synthetic for our testing here or do we want to fire up a game we can do a quick synthetic and then yeah screw it let's try Star Trek online no no no I don't uh I think that was a meme yeah yeah I know but also we did install it oh seriously okay okay uh you should you should play No Man's Sky the uh Star Trek Online is not patched it won't work oh apparently Star Trek Online won't work look that's not Star Trek online how many Wally watts is this power supply a thousand I think a thousand should be fine okay I'm saying 972 on there it was over a thousand briefly uh what yeah well wait what's our CPU configured to Alex is this already overclocked or something well no I I no I cleared CMOS but our CPU is at 100 degrees oh but it's a 3900k it's always at 100 degrees right how many watts is it drawing I'm checking 250 270. okay that's pretty good uh okay I mean yeah I guess fair enough wait but then how many watts is the GPU drawing let me find out for you 450. that doesn't math I mean there's other stuff yeah how much how much fiber optic yeah how many lights are there in there yeah it's at 94 don't forget that that's from the wall oh yeah so there's like the switching inefficiency it's like 10 so it's more like 850 watts and now that's starting to look a lot closer 270 plus 450 is already like 700 and something so that's only another like 100 watts of all the fans and drives and RAM and lights and everything else that's in here yeah and we're probably fairly past like the peak efficiency of this power supply at this point what is going so hard right now ah it's the case fans I would probably adjust that curve if this was my system like yeah she's warm though well that's CPU is kicking out oh wow that exhaust air though yeah cause like these ones are cool this one's really hot I'm very suspicious that the CPU and GPU heat is all coming out of this one so it could be that we have some kind of like it also might be the case where if we turn down some case fans we might get better performance because that does sometimes happen yeah like if we have just vortexes that are just heating up and recirculating or if the fresh air is just like yeah you know what part of the problem for our CPU probably is though is we're taking this fresh air from the bottom blowing it straight through this GPU because it's a blow through style cooler and that's what the CPU is sucking in but at the same time it's still doing what 270 Watts that's pretty freaking good yeah all right man 1000 watt power supplies are not even outlandish anymore mind-blowing that was a legitimate problem with this because you can't have like a 1300 watt Prime because they're too long right which is another thing that would be really nice in this case to be changed accommodation for larger power supplies which are pretty common these days but I don't want them to get rid of this 120 million yeah you really need that fan so make it bigger no it's pretty big it's pretty big I don't think it needs to be bigger you know what I'm okay with it because you can get more compact thousand watt power supplies Silverstone has a really compact thousand watt actually well that was the other problem because you can't put an sfxl power supply in because we could have like a 1200 watt sfxl no there's there's compact ATX Silverstone has some really cool compact ATX stuff they always have like the weirdest stuff for a weird company although actually wait they probably already solved this problem because in their other cases the power supply is up top they've like inverted it on this one yeah so if you want a bigger power supply just get either look at this 1300 Watt that is ridiculous that is a 120 millimeter fan so yeah should be fine we should just get a couple of those yeah silverstone's cool they'll send stuff if we need it for builds too nice all right can confirm she works gpus at 71 degrees 290 per Mark frames per second let's go test stop definitely need to tweak that case fan curve yep much quieter now okay what game did you want to fire up no man's Sky no man's sky okay or Star Trek online if it will work but Jay says it won't and I really trust him uh show graph and then GPU yeah those really need to be tweaked they're going to be really loud all the time I think I love that the GPU power graph tops out at 300 watts by default that's very optimistic um HW info yeah not running a 1080 anymore uh okay yeah exactly uh what just happened where's steam why does it do that oh of course it's gone because why would it just why would it launch when you want it to launch just steam doing steam things wow it's just completely gone cool seriously okay I've seen this work before where you try to launch a game directly but yeah there it is good software valve love it I dare you to make a better game launcher that's fair many have tried that's fair just all they have to do is stop screwing things up once they're good though big picture is terrible now I'm more used to it so at least I can find things but I was trying to shop by like uh multiplayer Co-op or like multiplayer local multiplayer and doing it in the big picture interface was just utterly impossible it was just the stupidest thing I had ever experienced in Steam no just kidding actually there's been lots of stupid stuff but it was really dumb I have never played no man's Sky Sam okay well good luck to us why no man's sky on the Borg PC uh because space I see uh some merge messages uh Tyrus says have you considered making it so you can write a rest message even when you aren't live we've considered it we are not going to do that we would have way too many thank you for the suggestion though but it's already completely unmanageable as you can see I'm way behind right now uh Jake says what is one current Trend in Tech that you think is going to go out of practice sooner than people think man I mean it's already kind of going away but I think increasing resolution on things is basically dead at this point I don't think we need 8K desktop displays and I think that the market has kind of cooled on just amping up pixel counts um a trend that I think is I'd like to say I think AIO water coolers are going to go away but I don't think they will they just have form factor advantages over giant air coolers that I think for a lot of people outweigh the cost and the performance downsides and reliability downsides um I'd like to say that the ballooning power consumption that we're seeing these days is going to go out of fashion sooner than you think but I I don't think that's true in the data center the leaked roadmaps for some of and Intel's upcoming like server products if anything they're figuring out how to pump more power through these things and it tends to be that the server Market uh is a is the Leading Edge of what will eventually make its way to the consumer so I don't know Joshua C says how about another roast only LTT employees roast Linus and previous row Strokes not allowed I feel like I feel like that's just you know uh we did it the greatest hits album yeah you know like we did it it was great it was a blast and now it's done and we'd be looking for a new idea you know do you want creative or relaxed I don't think we need normal yeah normal normal I don't know I want a creative sure creative Dominic says Hey from America as a newbie in the PC World I was wondering what a good budget GPU for gaming at 1440p 144 Hertz would be 1080i yeah do you want well 1440p 144 Hertz you can do it in like most games you can't do it on like a modern AAA yeah almost everything else like even a 1080. you can get those on eBay for like a decent amount but I go for the 1080i because 12 gigabytes of vram is very good 5700 is also a pretty good place to be if you're on the team red side yeah but if you want to play the latest games at that kind of resolution particularly at that kind of refresh rate budget might not be the price tier that you're looking at Anonymous asks have you ever used a lunchbox PC or reviewed one I'm not sure if I know exactly what you mean by lunchbox PC we can have a look here though I feel like no man's sky is Crash no you're good this is fine uh game stole a game President's Choice bento lunchbox rugged portable lunchbox oh this kind of thing oh I see I see no man's Sky fixes have worked really well oh perfect yeah cool f uh Halo infinite then yeah let's go that's kind of space um there's one that has like six displays that we were trying to get our hands on so that that just hit headlines recently we'd love to do that uh adalit asks anyone with experience with the windbreaker jacket while riding a motorcycle I wouldn't recommend that unless you also have your armor on underneath it please just as much as I'd love to sell you a windbreaker jacket I would really rather you wear a proper armored gear when you're on your bike uh Samuel says Father's Day screwdriver what are you buying slash receiving for Father's Day gifts when is Father's Day 2023 hold on oh you're freaking me out it's not till mid-june holy crap okay I have not given that a moment's thought although I don't think my dad has our screwdriver yet I'll just give him that yay hey five finger discount uh what we have lots of prototypes oh we have to sign into Microsoft he doesn't need a non-prototype do you mind flipping that light back on for a sec please should I say oh no let's leave that one off I wanna I wanna see it a little bit a little bit yeah yeah thanks a little uh go to the wife uh do you have the Microsoft login crap for LTT um I can just log into mine sure if the screen is on the okay I'll just stand here okay now no one can see yay okay am I good to type hello stream I'm uh blocking the password right now uh Chase wants me to go down ah okay they just turned on the light wow that was terrible why did you do that while I was looking directly at it um yeah David that was very unfortunate I'm just going to continue talking so we don't have dead air while Linus logs in how's that going Linus pretty good cool I know he's logging in now let's think about it are there like any space games that are not really good at crashing all the time there must be because Halo infinite like me and my friends always just play until it crashes which is normally like two to three games okay I'm good four or five I'm logged in star citizens yeah Jeremy yes sick build foreign State creating LTT they're both the first day when we didn't think we were going to get the channel from NCIX and then we did it was the worst and then it was the best it was something oh man okay we've got a few more of these to go through uh what laptop would you recommend for gaming Alex not high-end but for like Arc World of Warships Minecraft oh I mean I have no clue so I really want to figure this out very very soon I have like eight budget to your laptops coming in and I want to figure out what's the best under about fifteen hundred dollars but they are just coming in right now so I'm not totally sure although that's uh the best but the best budget laptop is the one that you get that's on sale so I just find like a G14 for 1200 bucks or something like that you can probably do it yeah it's never a bad idea to go a couple of Jen's old as well as long as you can get a rep as long if it doesn't have a replaced battery as long as you can get a replacement battery for it or like a refurbed again G14 I've seen them pretty on sale I like Best Buy and stuff that sort of a thing just get a tier above super on sale James says Hey Linus and Dan Dan's not here but Chase is hey Chase um you mentioned that several gun channels expressed interest in moving to float plane after YouTube changed its rules are those talks still ongoing for any of them thanks I actually don't know Luke would have been dealing with that and they're more than welcome but I you know they would have to set it up and do that like we're not preventing anyone from doing anything like that and even then float plane's not something that they would move over to it's something that would act as supplemental income more like a patreon less like an actual YouTube replacement that's the way that we use it David asked hey Linus and Alex um what's your current stance on anchor I know you um starters uh started to resent them a little bit no it's not a matter of resenting them it's a matter of they lied to their customers and then lied about lying um and you're saying I still believe they create good products I mean they do create good products but they also create products that um mislead and then they deny it and then they don't apologize for it so that's why we can't work with them I mean I've already said that I'm not going to stop using the anchor products in my house there's they're fine as far as I can tell it's not it's not it's not resentment though it's that's really bad you actually cannot do that you can't just lie like that um oh we really need two in those face uh case fans Jordan J who do you think destroyed more hopes and dreams Darth Vader ordering the destruction of Alderaan or lucasfilm's president Kathleen Kennedy when she took over the Star Wars franchise um quick question neither it was Grandma Tarkin who ordered the destruction Leo says uh Atlantis and Alex rummaging thrilled the cable mess gave me an idea how about building an alien PC with the cables and water tubing are they on Trails any thoughts uh that sounds like a great idea for someone with more time than us Luke's had that idea forever where we do the Hardline like PC cables like have all of the cables just be copper every wire that's like Bend yeah I really want to do it but also I don't want to be the one that does it knock 15 knock 15 laptop I don't think we have any plans to review that for the time being anonymous how's this going oh wait are we still waiting for this no you can skip aha hey there we go all right let's see your halo infinite skills wait this isn't Halo infinite yeah it is is it yeah oh what you're doing campaign oh no the campaign takes forever to get started oh did we just go tomorrow yeah just jump right into multiplayer yeah oh yeah hey what's up hey how's that that's pretty good hey Jace says I bought this water bottle to protest against the Star Trek air cooling uh okay also which ryzen chip has the best overall performance I forgot if it's ryzen nine or seven okay so it's complicated if you're going for gaming right now the overall fastest is the ryzen 7 7 800 x 3D super fast if you're talking about more General performance and productivity applications than going with the ryzen 9 I mean it's got eight more cores right like it's obviously gonna crush it so we're we're in an era where it's more about finding the right chip for the job and less about just the best possible chip Adam says what's the best option for a corning cable build I was having issues with my Razer Thunderbolt 4 Hub should I switch from an AMD motherboard to Intel I saw you use the same Hub as me with zero issues even when chained oh it really varies from motherboard to motherboard and not just Intel and AMD it just varies from board to board and it kind of seems to be luck of the draw to a certain degree on Mac I've found Thunderbolt to be less flaky but on PC it can be it can be pretty flaky and pretty frustrating I know that Cal digit I think was tweeting at me recently that they've seen issues with Thunderbolt optical cables and their docks sometimes but they've also had people report that they work great including me I'm using a cal digit Thunderbolt 4 Hub right now with no issues so that's on a what board am I on I don't know from my last personal rig update though Anthony says excited to have my ADD tamed oh okay I think it would be possible to actually stream from a truck on a full PC setup yes that would be possible news crews have been doing that for a long time and you can kind of DIY a solution like that relatively easily these days Vincent just got my backpack last month and love it I have a 30 60 TI and a 5800x was wondering if I should just upgrade my GPU later on or sell the whole thing and build a new pc since am5 and ddr5 is the thing 5800x is fast that's still a great CPU I would just throw another GPU in there if it's not keeping up for you all right we're down to just seven of these let's go Brenda W I want to run a network out to my garage it's about 100 meters from the house it's the best option Cat6 fiber or a wireless option like a ubiquity building to building Bridge hmm wow that's a really good question how far was it 100 meters oh 100 meters pretty far that is very borderline for Cat5e cat 6A what you could probably do is because Cat5e is rated for gigabit at 100 meters and cat6a is rated for oh no does cat6a do 10 gig at 100 meters or is it only up to like 40 meters or something like that I don't remember off the top of my head but if you used cat6a and ran 100 meters you could probably get gigabit even if you don't get two and a half or five or ten gig the most bulletproof option though is I would get a direct burial fiber and then do the media conversion on either side into just like an SFP compatible switch that would be more expensive than just running along cat6a cable even if you do go cat 6A though I would strongly recommend to get a direct burial cable and just just bury it that's the easiest way Google is saying that uh cat6a supports data rates of 10 gigs up to 100 meters and a bandwidth of up to 500 mill Hertz okay so yeah so if if cat68 will do 10 gig at 100 meters then it'll almost certainly do two and a half gig um a little bit past that uh the tsp says I'm a mechanical engineer how do you think someone in my profession will utilize AI in the future man everything everything from just ideas for what to build to uh novel you know giving you novel ideas for how to approach a build I don't think that we're going to see AI do engineering necessarily that soon I mean with that said you see some of those iterative ones really just like it just does something over and over and over again until it's really good um you know it could be like like development where the human's role is more in validating you know ai's ideas and feeding ideas into the AI but I think right now we're just in a a wait and see kind of space how are you doing over there Alex hey he's playing I have one kill what kind of oh you're lucky you're locked at 60 FPS yes that's not great um I don't know why yeah you gotta have vsync on yeah it looks pretty grossync is almost certainly on looking at how laggy your inputs are oh really you don't fire at the feet well I tried Alex are you new I'm being a toxic gamer sorry sorry sorry good job we'll start trash shocking news good job Alex hey all right no you died Oh I thought you got it okay wow you're hanging from the ceiling it's probably your settings maximum oh it's almost certainly your settings unlocked yeah we did it I turned off the minimum frame rate too that sucks uh why is that a default the minimum is whatever it is so you don't decide what the minimum FPS is this stupid game there we go yeah oh my God that's so much better that's more like it for Alex from a clerk with an E do people often add e to your name oh my God I have to do my taxes and it's so difficult because they accidentally did that when I got my sin and it's absolutely terrible um tomaz no we're not planning to check out other Access Control Systems we're pretty happy with our ubiquity stuff and that's a rabbit hole that we're just not that interested in Anonymous says I used to work in the gaming industry as a QA but recently got laid off what suggestions would you give for someone who wants to change positions from QA to death oh I wish I had the experience to give you advice on that but unfortunately I just don't Jacob J asks to the person who asked about their server not showing drives Dell perks don't pass the drive through to the OS like in HBA you have to put the drives each zero array did the game Crash already yes oh my goodness okay well the point is uh what did we max out at it was at about 230 FPS at 4K the highest settings and our GPU peaked at 66 degrees with our CPU peaking at 60 degrees I guess our cooling concerns were not real concerns it was growing 400 watts too on the GPU while we were gaming not bad okay I've got one for you Alex I have a 1080 and was wanting to upgrade I was thinking about going Arc would it be worth it if not what would be a good budget upgrade I would never do that it's gotten a lot better it's gotten a lot better but no don't do that it's gotten a lot better I would wait and see what like the 40 60 and more so probably what like amd's lower end cards do pretty soon I think they'll be releasing them and then probably all the Second Hand cards will plummet in value and that's when I buy I still probably just get like a 30 70 maybe 30 80. that's very expensive that's yeah way more than an arc well no not cheap now good job the price they increase the performance but you can get what a 30 70 for what like 300 bucks 350 bucks on eBay compared to 250 for an art card that's like so much better and you can get the end of this stream thanks for tuning in
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,237,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pcmr, building, competition, gamers, how to, review, intel, amd, cpu, gpu, gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 44sec (10424 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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