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you ready for One Last Ride hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm ryanairy and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things that you might have missed in the second trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3. so we open with rocket walking in to see Peter Quill in a bar probably on nowhere now remember in the Guardians the Galaxy holiday special we saw that the Guardians were finally growing up they bought nowhere from The Collector so they brought they brought that's no kiss no no nowhere is a giant severed head of a Celestial that we saw in Guardians one yeah yeah I knew that I know lots of stuff like lansing's the capital of Detroit and everything never mind so the Guardians are now using nowhere as their base of operations like it was in the comics and we even see Peter doing administrative tasks in the holiday special he's filling out forms Etc so like Lando Calrissian the scoundrel has become a respectable citizen Supply problems of every kind I've had labor difficulties also in the special we saw that Peter was depressed over losing Gamora now remember to us it's been like five years since she died in Infinity War but to Peter it's been maybe a year he was reunited with her on the battlefield but then she popped him into pills twice [Music] so he's sad and drinking even though recently he found out that mantis is his half-sister we see him with an empty bottle of space whiskey that looks an awful lot like a bottle of Johnny Walker now notice the cool production design details in this place like how the bar speakers are an orb of speakers hanging from the ceiling it looks familiar and otherworldly all at once very cool he begins the narration reintroducing himself I'm Star-Lord next we see this shot of him in a t-shirt firing away with his pistols so because he's wearing a t-shirt I'm going to bet this is an attack on nowhere maybe when he's hung over from a bender like we first see him in the trailer now later we do see Adam Warlock fighting the Guardians on nowhere so it would make sense if this was Peter fending off that attack for us what's Adam Warlock well all right I'm going to explain that info later and how warlock fits in perfectly with the villain of this movie The High evolutionary and the movie's theme of perfection versus imperfection next we see the Guardians walking together which by the way they've always posed really well together haven't they notice that now they are all wearing official ravager uniforms and this is interesting because the ravagers are a criminal Syndicate but maybe they've changed their ways so like in one of the Guardians volume 2's post credit scene Sylvester Stallone reassembled the original guardians from the comics may be hinting that the ravagers would begin to work to help people the uniforms also have the added bonus of allowing Dave Batista to conceal his belly because he said that working out to become Drax was getting way too hard as he becomes older fair enough how did you know that in the comic books Drax used to wield the power first term hey Doug thanks for that Easter egg let me know if I can ever do you a favor in return some does and that day may never come I will call upon you to do a favor for me oh my gosh that gives me a great idea for a shirt oh no please don't do that yes we now have a Doug father shirt at our merch store on I do not approve the commercialization of my all of the Zero edition shirts are high quality they fit great and every month we launch a new exclusive tea on the site including our screen Crush hats our original trilogy t-shirt our not the Beast tea and one of my personal favorites the top five tea where you can write in your own personal top five movies I wrote my top four superhero movies but I could use your suggestions about what should be number five we really appreciate you supporting our channel so if you want to share the love pick up your very own Doug father shirt at or click our Link in the description below seriously they don't pay me anything at screen crush and while you're there check out all these other awesome teas that they have to offer now back to Guardians you'll also notice that as we saw in the holiday special Groot is now swole now this is not the same group that we met in Guardians want that little twig the Guardians raised as a whole new Bean unlike his dad he grew up Broad shouldered and of course we have another member returning from the dead Gamora except this Gamora has a deeper connection to the Multiverse Saga remember she traveled from 2014 to this timeline with her father Thanos before betraying him again so this Gamora is a woman out of time and she's from a completely different universe and this could make her a key figure in Avenger Seeker Wars see doctor strange in the Multiverse of Madness introduced us to the idea of incursions in the MCU basically whenever characters dream walk to other universes they cause universes to collide with each other and be destroyed and we already saw the spell in Spider-Man no way home when awry and threatened to collide different universes and now Gamora is a rogue element roaming around this universe if the TBA were still in existence at least with the same Mission maybe she would have even been pruned I think it's very cool how even in this seemingly Standalone movie there are still ties to these larger Stories being told in phases four five and six as Peter says met a girl fell in love so this is interspersed with shots of Gamora and Peter dancing and Guardians volume 1 which also ended in violence [Music] now notice these flashbacks are filtered with a kind of hazy glow this could be because they're giving us the dreamlike quality of a flashback or it could be that Peter is using some machine to show Gamora his memories of their life together a similar haze around the edges of the frame was in the memory machine that allowed America Chavez to Showcase her memories on Earth 838 now the orange jumpsuits are interesting because it brings the Saga full circle to how the Guardians first met he then calls her a dick which remember is how he described himself partially in Guardians but he's not and I'm quoting him here 100 percent a dick so now we're going to get into some shots that I think take place in random parts of the movie so I'm actually going to do a little speculating about the order of events so we can keep track of what the heck is going on here first I think Adam Warlock is going to attack the Guardians on nowhere so let me explain how to warlock in the comics Adam Warlock was created by a bunch of scientists called The Enclave and their goal was to create the perfect bean Adam started off simply known as him he was a kind of villain but then he became a cosmic hero he wore the soul gem at his forehead and had access to so world now in the MCU that's the orange Dimension where Gamora is now trapped after Thanos sacrificed her life now it could be that warlock in the movie still has some kind of connection to Soul world if this is the case then he could in theory rescue gamora's soul from Soul world and place it in the body of 2014 Gamora thus making her whole and restoring her relationship with the Guardians although this kind of would be a little bit too much like that Simpsons episode where snowball 2 died then is like replaced again right at the end your snowball five but to save money on a new dish we'll just call you snowball too and pretend this whole thing never happened so warlock in the comics Great Character totally weird fought an evil version of himself from a future that formed a church to worship Him great stuff and I can't wait to see what Will Poulter does with this character this version of warlock was created by Aisha of the sovereign now their entire Society is built on the Perfection of the species and Adam is their most perfect creation even though most perfect is a redundancy and Aisha is going to send him after the Guardians for Revenge why would they do that probably because rocket stole some of their batteries dude anyways after the Adam Warlock fight the Guardians will likely travel to that big butthole in space we see later in the trailer and this takes them to the counter earth now this is the version of Earth that we see in the trailer in the comics this version of Earth was on the opposite side of the sun and it was created by this movie's villain the high evolutionary now the high evolutionary was an earth scientist named Herbert Windham who was obsessed with creating the perfect being much like Alicia and The Sovereign exactly and maybe the high evolutionary even helped create Adam which is why the Guardians go looking for him and the comics the high evolutionaries headquartered at Mount wundergore which we did see in the Multiverse of Madness and it's also where Wanda and Pietra were born Comics are weird so then the high evolutionary filled counter Earth with all these mutated animals called any men who we saw in the last trailer and here it looks like he fights the Guardians and takes them prisoner hence the prison jumpsuits and this this white chamber could be the prison of the high evolutionary now the song in this first part of the trailer is Since You've Been Gone by rainbow it's about a person who is trapped by their loneliness after their Love Has Gone Away now this of course represents Peter's current state of mind but it's also indicative of all the Guardians who have each lost people that they love now this conversation where they're standing around I'm assuming takes place in an elevator to the lower levels of counter Earth which I also assume is their prison Peter is also holding this orb which is interesting it's a neat visual callback to the orb that brought them all together to begin with but I'm sure it serves some other purpose in the movie if you've got a theory let me know down in the comments era could have Tootsie Rolls in it Doug no Tootsie Rolls chocolate will kill you I understand your chocolate all the time I'm not you're better than me I have chocolate whenever I want fine okay it could have Tootsie Rolls in it the person escorting them looks like a scientist wearing the same uniform as the people in the high evolutionaries Chambers which is why I'm assuming this is some kind of prison now notice the shock on Peter's face when he sees counter Earth for the first time so for this entire Trilogy he has been avoiding returning to Earth and Earth Earth is the place where my mother died in front of me he did return and end game but like he Jet right after the big battle remember his grandfather is still alive on Earth we see him in Guardians 2 right here now I've always thought that the series would end with Peter obtaining a kind of emotional release by returning to his Homeworld and letting his grandfather know that he was alive and maybe this is a step toward that he'll arrive on counter Earth and then that can give him the courage to return home and introduce his two families to one another next we see the high evolutionary played by Chuck Woody iwuji who gun recently worked with on Peacemaker here we see him pacing around one of his mutation Chambers surrounded by those same texts in white actually by the way it could be that the Guardians are not even in a prison and that the high evolutionary just offered to help them so they've gone down to this lab willingly maybe the high evolutionary even offered to show them how to beat Adam Warlock or like promise to cure some disease that rocket has but more on that connection and a bit he says my sacred mission is to create the perfect Society so I think this is where we get into the movie's theme which I think is about perfection versus imperfection both Adam Warlock and the high evolutionary represent the idea of perfection the notion that everybody is imperfect and can be fixed in some way then the universe would simply run like clockwork on the same system forever with nobody ever changing now this is also similar to the goal of ego who wanted to recreate the universe in his own image as a singular unit comprised only of him the contrast to this is the Guardians of the Galaxy who are imperfection at its finest all of the Guardians are Misfits and outcasts just like in the comics where in the original version they were all the last of their races and the Guardians show us how there is Beauty and imperfection by being broken people they actually fit together to create something better than themselves a found family but in the world of the high evolutionary there would be no Misfits like the Guardians next we see that he created Rocket Raccoon which we did hear a hint of in the first movie Why didn't has to get made I didn't have to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some some little monster now this tattoo 89p13 is the designation the rocket was called by the Nova Corps in Guardians one and we also see it on his mug shot subject 89p13 calls itself rocket he says he didn't want to make things perfect he just hated things the way they uh again this is someone trying to impose order on others exactly why the Guardians fought against Ronan and ego also with the suicide squad fought against and James Gunn The Suicide Squad the giant alien starfish was trying to make everybody conform to a single mind all right that's neat yeah right Gunn really hates being controlled by a system so over at Warner Brothers he created the DCU so he could become his system and run the entire show there's this shot of Groot looking very sad and maybe he and the Guardians are watching young Rocket's origin on some files at the high evolutionary recorded or maybe they're watching this on a machine that shows memories which is how Peter shows Gamora their time together now we see this shot of Gamora in this airlock-like space which I'm wondering if this is her early in the movie when she's off on her own before she rejoins the Guardians alright then check out nebula covered in Ash and all this flaming wreckage now we see this imagery a few times throughout the trailer but hey check out nebula's new arm it looks like it was made out of some awesome space nanotech that is not only resistant to Flame unlike her previous arm which got burned up on Morag but this arm can also become a burning sword like razor Fist and Shang Chi Rocket's gonna want that arm okay how much for the arm next we see the Guardians jumping out of their ship onto the space butthole and James Gunn did confirm that these suits are based on these spacesuits from 2001 A Space Odyssey and I'm wondering if that is more than just an Easter egg Space Odyssey is ultimately about human evolution as David Bowman ends the movie by evolving into a higher form of life the space baby that ties in well with the villain of this movie The High evolutionary but also this is Guardians of the Galaxy so of course they make wearing those space suits seem like a blast Drax narrates over top of these awesome shots of the high evolutionary I want you all to know that I am grateful to if I beside my friends again man and like Drax could die Batista has said that he's done with this role he's better at Marvel for firing gun and it would also be a fitting end for his character it's not going to be easy seeing any of these guys go though so then there's a shot of these weird hallways with a robot spider escort in two figures now first I thought that the robot must be giant but then later we see it at star-lord's feet so I think these two figures are tiny such as Rocket and his soul mate Lila who we see a little more clear in the trailer later so more on them in a bit then we get this shot of craglin meditating with yondu's arrow now remember he still hasn't quite gotten the hang of it he practices in the guardian's two post credits scene and then he told Kevin Bacon that it was still a work in progress what's that on your head uh that is a device for controlling a Flying Arrow but I ain't quite got the hang of it yet and then this awesome shot of Adam Warlock flying also similar to Black Adam flying but whatever he's flying through counter Earth probably searching for the Guardians now warlock does have a history with the high evolutionary in the comics the high evolutionary gave him the name Adam Warlock and he gave him the Soul Gem and warlock was loyal to him for a long time so I think we'll see something similar in this movie but with warlock eventually becoming a good guy to appear in like more Marvel Cosmic movies so here we see Gamora running on counter Earth with rocket back to the guardianship rescue rocket all those many years ago no I doubt it I'm guessing that rocket was taken by the high evolutionary to once again be part of his experiments and this is Gamora saving him after all she's running to the same shift that the Guardians took to fly there we see this shot of warlock on nowhere and Groot landing on him now like I said I think this is earlier in the movie and this is Adam's first attack on the Guardians now next we see baby rocket in his cage laughing with the cyborg otter named Lila god I love that things like that is my job you're welcome thanks buddy so Lila has already been mentioned in the MCU she was listed as one of Rocket's known associates when he was arrested by the Nova Corps right here she is my second favorite mutated otter after these guys the time has come sound the number two so I'll spare you the long history of Lila from the comics but she is from a planet called half world where everyone is an animal human hybrid she is also the soul mate of Rocket Raccoon in the comics and here we see that they have a similar Bond then we see Peter and Groot standing back to back and firing at their enemies now this shot Echoes rocket firing from Groot shoulder in Guardians 1 and Bucky holding up rocket and spinning around with them in Infinity War except now Groot has grown different limbs to fire multiple weapons which makes sense trees have more than two Limbs and group probably just keeps a typical bipedal shape to make people feel more comfortable and then we get a better look at the high evolutionaries chamber with this horizon line which makes me think that his headquarters is in a floating Fortress high above counter Earth the title cards read time to face the music which is like a neat tagline for the movie it means to face up for what you've done like the high evolutionary answering for his crimes against rocket or the Guardians answering for their crimes against The Sovereign facing the music also means coming to an ending like this Trilogy and it's also a nod to the soundtracks that have shaped the Guardians movies and then we see Cosmo the space dog who you probably remember from guardians 1 and the guardian's holiday special what uses telekinesis if you can't even aim you want to do it so in the comics this dog was sent to space by the Russians where it was hit with cosmic rays and got telepathic Powers this is actually based on Leica the real life first animal to ever be in outer space or I bet the Russians gave that puppy a real big parade when she came home yes sir a hero is welcome for that nice dog sure they did in the comics Cosmo is a member of the Guardians but here she is an administrator of nowhere and she's voiced by Maria bakalova from borat's subsequent movie film and then we see nebula on nowhere celebrating an indication of just how far she's come she's not only no longer evil but she's also has the ability to actually smile she's had a great character Arc from or getting her to open up I don't need to tell you what you want it's obvious you were the one who wanted to win and I just wanted a sister to Tony Stark showing her that not every competition is a blood sport if you're fun and then her evil dad died twice in front of her and she's found a new family so she's finally given herself permission to have fun which Peter Echoes here we're always searching for a family until we found each other because this series is all about found families and this creature with Star-Lord and Gamora is called a blurp is that it yeah as far as I know it's probably another one of the high evolutionaries experiments another Outcast like the Guardians rocket fires from groot's shoulder just like old times and a couple awesome shots here of Adam Warlock including him and Drax crossing swords on nowhere then Peter gives another of his inspirational speeches with nebula probably giving the ravager salute and his sister mantis is smiling at him now this setting also looks like it's on nowhere so I'm guessing that they're preparing to go after Adam at this point oh brother what is it well it just occurred to me that warlock came after the Guardians probably to get Rocket and return him to the high evolutionary so they go off on a rescue mission that's why rocket is not in a spacesuit and why Gamora is running to the ship with him or I think you might have something there or it might be wrong who knows these trailers lie all the time then we see them in this weird Underground on chamber that I think is a prison Drax tosses this guy and noticed that the dude behind him has his Blaster at the ready and just a moment later we see Drax has taken a shot to the chest later we see that the Guardians have jacked this place up spews of liquid pouring out of the ground and these people are like suddenly weightless maybe this is a nod to how they turned off the artificial gravity in the first prison in the first movie The High evolutionary is levitating while also meditating which also might be a nod to his idea of perfection there is an idea that a state of perfect meditation and serenity with the universe would Grant you the ability to levitate a spiritual philosophy that was first begun by an Eastern philosopher called your mom Next Star Lord tackles a lab tech throwing them off to the high evolutionary ship and notice how on counter earth below there are all these fires and explosions later we do see Star-Lord and the rest of the crew in this exploding building they're crying leading into the idea even more that something terrible is about to happen to one of these team members it could be rocket no no God please no Drax and mantis do the sad wave goodbye to somebody or nowhere maybe rocket actually volunteers to go with Adam and then this heartbreaking shot of Peter screaming and crying it's kind of like a game of musical chairs here guessing Who's Gonna Die Why does somebody always have to die in this scenario it's basically coming down to who is not in what shot and this trailer sure is making us think that rocket does not get out alive and then the guardianship is flying away from the space butthole showing that they do Escape aligning perfectly with Rocket's poetic words the Lord fly away together into the forever and beautiful sky and look don't be fooled by this group shot of the team with nebula carrying Peter rocket is like casually sipping a Space Milkshake Peter is fine and this is probably really early in the movie probably when he's passed out in a bar and then we end with this great tease in the elevator scene when Peter realizes that nebula is in fact quite pretty he's never noticed how black your eyes were and of course she references her dad they were replaced by my father as a method of torture and guys just a reminder pick up your Doug father T at or click the link down in the description but we want to know what you guys think of all this let me know your thoughts down in the comment comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Erie [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 176,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Trailer Breakdown, super bowl uaraidns trailer, new rockstars, heavy spoilers, emergecny aweosme, marvel, guardians trailr, guardians of the galaxy 3 trailer breakdown new rockstars
Id: 1mLdPVPGpNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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