FLASH Super Bowl Trailer Breakdown: Every BATMAN Easter Egg EXPLAINED

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I'm Batman hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan area and this is all the Easter eggs references and little things that you might have missed in the trailer for The Flash so we're gonna break down all the Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck goodness all the alternate timelines and universes and how this is all leading to a big reset of the DC Cinematic Universe so you'll want to get nuts you ready let's do this all right so we got an official trailer for This plus a TV spot with some additional footage that we're also going to be breaking down as well first though I want to talk about the comics this story is likely based on because that will inform what the heck is happening in this trailer I mean what the hell is going on so in the comics and in the DC EU Barry's mom was killed when he was a kid if you watch The Flash TV show you probably remember this he was killed by Barry's enemy eobard Thon aka the reverse flash who was from the distant future now Barry's dad was accused of the crime and then put in jail which is why Barry goes to visit him in prison in the Justice League then in a story called Flashpoint Barry uses his super speed to travel back in time and save his mom's life however this makes all these unforeseen changes to the world such as Thomas Wayne becoming Batman instead of Bruce Barry did end up resetting the universe but with a few things now different now in the comics this became a rebooted Universe called The New 52 which gave us some great stories like Batman's Court of owls and Grant Morrison's Superman run along with many other great runs like Wonder Woman and Batgirl stop talking Comics man we want to hear about the trailer right you are Doug sorry so we're likely going to see Barry screw up time in this movie and then reset the universe and that reset universe will be the new DCU that James Gunn talked about a couple weeks ago that resets the entire DC Universe but how does barely even travel back in time well it could be a few different ways so the Snyder cut had this scene where Barry basically runs into the speed force and travels backward in time oh yeah it was the greatest all-time film moment ever according to the Oscars yeah but also in the comics Barry can vibrate his molecules to a different frequency which allows him to travel to different parallel universes and there's also a cosmic treadmill that allows him to travel between different universes as well and believe it or not Zack Snyder set all of this up in Batman v Superman dawn of Justice not just say right now yep the scene where Bruce falls asleep and then sees a vision of Barry away so remember in the Snyder Cuts weird epilogue that would have set up a post-apocalyptic sequel where Superman turned evil and joined Darkseid so Bruce invents this Cosmic treadmill to send Barry back in time with a warning I think it's possible that Bruce has created the same treadmill in this universe to allow Barry to travel through time but inadvertently Barry travels to a different universe and meets Michael Keaton's Batman I gotta tell you I think it's pretty great why are you eating cereal it is the middle of the dove well Doug the manager it's my birthday it is or I'll throw you a party just it's right there no Doug wait it's not actually my birthday now they say right now no no I'm eating a cereal called birthday cake for magic spoon they're the sponsor of this video magic spoon tastes like all the cereals from my childhood but it has no gluten soy and there are zero grams of sugar but most importantly they taste so good now birthday cake was a limited edition but now it's part of their permanent roster I like the cocoa flavor best but you should really try out their variety pack and find your own favorite in fact you can build your very own variety box from cocoa fruity frosted peanut butter cookies and cream Maple waffle Honey Nut blueberry muffin and cinnamon roll and look I am not kidding when I say how high quality this is look you have zero grams of sugar 14 grams of protein and only four net grams of carbs in each serving also only 140 calories I am not going back to regular cereal and Magic spoon is so confident in their product that it is backed with a 100 happiness guarantee so if it's not for you they'll refund your money and you can part ways as friends so use my code screen Crush to get five dollars off your delicious high protein magic spoon Cereal by clicking the link below so you can grab a box of birthday cake to try today now back to what I was saying so regardless of how it happens Barry discovers the full potential of his powers and his ability to travel through time it makes sense that he'd want to travel back in time to save his mother from dying and to save his dad from wrongful imprisonment the trailer opens with Barry in a brand new suit equipped with fancy new lenses because let's face it when you're traveling through time and space faster than the speed of light dry eye is going to happen so over the next few shots we can hear Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne ask Barry you can go anywhere another timeline Another Universe so why do you want to stay and fight to save this one and Barry replies with because this is the world where my mom lives now the closed captioning for this scene says because this is the one where my mom lives but we've played it back a few times we're pretty sure that Barry actually said because this is the world where my mom lives because this is the world where my mom lives so from this line and from what comes later in the trailer we can assume that Barry has traveled to Keaton's Batman Universe so we have a couple theories we're going to elaborate on later on one he first travels back in time to save his mother this causes Ripple effects and makes it to where Zod is able to conquer the Earth because there is no Superman similar to how there was no Bruce Wayne as Batman and Flashpoint it could be that after messing up this universe Barry does some interdimensional travel once again and ends up in Keaton's Batman Universe and then Keaton has to go back to Barry's original universe and help him stop General Zod from Conquering the world along with all the new Heroes who have been rebooted in the DCU or it could be that Barry travels back to 2013 in the Keaton universe and in that Michael Keaton Batman Universe General Zod also attacks but this time with no Superman to stop him now this other Universe being in 2013 lines up perfectly with other Barry being a little younger than our main Berry if Barry was about 25 in the Justice League which took place in 2017 then this younger variant of berry would be about 21 here I do want to point something out about this younger version of Barry when we meet him he's wearing a yellow hoodie and these yellow headphones that look a lot like the costume worn by the reverse flash Barry's Arch Enemy from the future who killed his mom I threw this Theory out after the first trailer but I don't think this is actually Barry I think this is the reverse flash from the future disguise as a different Berry who's running around to kill Barry's mom and mess with time that's just my prediction gonna leave that out there for you guys to debate in the comments now during this conversation between Keaton's Bruce Wayne and Barry we see footage of the younger Berry on top of Keaton's Wayne Manor the same Wayne Manor from the Tim Burton and Michael Keaton Batman movies next we see Keaton's rubber bat cow with a puddle of blood a scene that I think might be a flashback sequence of Keaton's Batman explaining why he hung up the cape and the Super Bowl TV spot we see Bruce with a long gray hair standing in front of a secret door in a library and behind that secret door are seven bat suits we think this first one could be a nod to the flashpoint Batman where Thomas Wayne had holsters like these and the bat logo on the chest is very similar to the Adam West Batman next we have a classic gray and blue suit like the one from the comics at Mr Ian McIntyre on Twitter pointed out that this is the suit from Batman 89 with berm damage from when he crashed the Batwing such a cool detail Ian also says the next suit is from Batman Returns and the fifth suit could be inspired by the scuba Batman action figure from the Batman Returns toy line and last we have a suit featuring some goggles and a hood this made me think of the nightmare suit worn by Affleck in that apocalyptic future of the dceu that I talked about earlier and speaking of Suits next we get our first look at the flash ring which we get an even better look at a little later in the trailer this ring contains the flash suit just like it does in the comics and we think that it was given to Barry by the Ben Affleck Bruce Wayne remember this movie takes place after the events of Justice League birth of them yes both of them high five and we think it's likely that Bruce and Barry have a Tony Stark and Peter Parker type relationship and not only in the sense that Tony and Bruce are both genius billionaire playboy philanthropists who made their new boy wonder superhero suits but also that they're both heroes in their Prime who know that their days of superheroing are numbered and they're both looking for young blood to take their place in keeping the world safe next we have this awesome shot of Ben Affleck's Batman on his bat cycle and I love the blue tent that they gave this costume more like the classic gray and blue suit from the comics which like we mentioned earlier was in Keaton's suit room we get a brief shot of what looks like Supergirl levitating off of a rooftop ledge and then she appears to be in her Kryptonian suit the Russell turn insert I'll explain a little later when we get a better look at it now as all these quick scenes flash by teasing what's to come in the rest of the trailer we hear the sound of a clock ticking faster and faster almost like a bomb some does it just can't get rid of a bomb right okay so this could be alluding to Barry being in a Race Against Time to save his mom her universe and the Multiverse entirely from Kang nobody that's marvelous and now this is doing the Multiverse too copies of Marvel again I see Doug to be fair this flash movie's been in development since like 2014 in the early days of the DC EU but with the game of musical chairs taking place with writers and directors DC leadership and Warner Brothers ownership having changed multiple times and all the Ezra Miller drama were only just now getting to see the movie just in time to reset the universe for James Gaines DCU exactly high five now a few other quick things we noticed in the first moments of the trailer were that this kid Barry is wearing a Scooby-Doo shirt with a mystery machine on the front this could be a nod to the group of Heroes that we'll see formed together to solve the mystery of who killed Barry's mother and why stopping that murder causes so many other multiversal calamities you also notice that Barry's dad is now being played by office spaces Ron Livingston instead of Dr Manhattan himself Billy credit who played him in the Justice League now this recasting was simply due to some scheduling conflicts now the look of the Dad's face here is one of fear making us wonder if there was something this young Barry Allen may have done to hurt his mother unintentionally and that could be why we see him running away or it could be from the shock of witnessing his mother die similar to how Star-Lord reacted when his mom died now when Barry runs out of his house we can see the sky start to change like a time lapse could this be a young Berry running through time yeah that's a very dangerous power so he was like older well that is the case for the comics and for the main DC EU Berry but anything's possible in the Multiverse however we don't think that young Barry is actually running through time here but this is actually a modern day Berry having a flashback after going to visit his childhood home where the death of his mother took place so when Barry mentions his mother being alive in this world and how he's not ever going to lose her again here we have a shot of a trembling hand reaching up to a picture the same picture we saw hanging in the library on the Secret Door to Bruce's bat suits this is a picture of Bruce and his parents Thomas and Martha now over this footage we hear Barry say time has a pattern that can't help reliving different people different worlds drawn to each other with magnets we think this line could be another way of saying that no matter how much you mess with time some things are going to happen no matter what a common obstacle one encounters when attempting to alter time her death is an absolute point in time absolutely unchangeable unmovable now here we see the dceu berry in the bedroom of his variant younger self well not only has Barry traveled to the Past 2013 to be exact but he's also in Another Universe a universe where Michael Keaton is Batman and his mother is alive wait why the bear traveled to 2013 in Another Universe now we don't actually think he meant to travel to a parallel universe and that this is a result of him messing with time in reality and this next bit of the trailer we hear Barry having a conversation with Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne likely following his big action set piece in the First Act of the film Bruce warnsberry against the dangers of traveling back in time if you were to go into the past you have no idea what the consequences can be Bruce I could fix things you could also destroy everything like I said I think this scene takes place early in the film and in typical fashion the young Ward who's been told not to do something by their Mentor decides to do it anyways now we could see Ezra travel back in time and save his mother but what if it wasn't his mother that was saved but instead the mother of his variant self the main reason we think Barry didn't just change his future but also jumped to another Universe entirely is because of Keaton's Batman existing in this world Barry saving his mother would only change the events that happened after his mother's death this would not explain why Batman is now Michael Keaton and not Ben Affleck unless of course Michael Keaton was playing Thomas Wang the father of Bruce Wayne who becomes Batman in the story Flashpoint next we see The Return of Michael Shannon Zod now we see zod's distorted face on TV just like in Man of Steel and we see his ship here and what we can assume is Metropolis so we're going back to the seminal event of the DC EU zod's attack on the world and then we hear Barry say I completely broke the universe this is our first hint that Barry must have done something prior to arriving in this new universe that has doomed its very existing we can see Zod on this very familiar desert terrain from Man of Steel and a shot of a discarded Kryptonian suit we think this suit probably belongs to Cara zorel we hear Barry say I created a world with no metahumans now I can understand how Barry changing the fate of his mother would change his fate as well making it to where he never embarked on the path that led to his Speedster Powers but I don't know what he could have done that would have resulted in no metahumans such as Superman Aquaman and Wonder Woman from ever coming into existence it could be that changing the past simply fundamentally altered the universe in some way sort of like how in Flashpoint somehow Barry saving his mom made Bruce Wayne get shot by a Mugger instead of his dad changing one event sends ripples through time so now in this universe there is no Superman to save the world from Zod maybe Khalil died when he was a kid unable to adapt to Earth's atmosphere or maybe in this new timeline Zod was simply able to kill Kal-El and claim the Kryptonian codex from his blood all that for a drop of blood but we have to remember guys this is a trailer and we aren't really getting the full picture but it's possible that something Barry did has resulted in all the meta-humans being detained and experimented on in this scene we see who we think is Cara zorel Supergirl based on the Gown that we see her wearing later in the trailer she's malnourished and has holes in her spine likely from experimentation that's been done on her remember zod's kryptonians are obsessed with genetic Purity they grow their children in Labs using the Kryptonian codex that was part of kalel's DNA well seven the degenerative Bloodlines that led us to this state and who will decide which bloodline survives on you so it could be that Cara zorrell AKA Superman's cousin was a product of these experiments next we get an awesome shot of Keaton's Batcave accompanied by that classic Denny Elfman score we get the bats the Batmobile the Batwing the waterfall and the line yeah I'm Batman next we get arguably one of the most badass Batman fight sequences I have ever seen [Music] we get this great shot of Supergirl flying Barry one into the clouds maybe to get a jolt of lightning to enhance this connection to the speed force you keep saying that and there was a speed for us anyways well it's like this Cosmic force that gives Barry his super speed continue alright so on this ambulance we can see Gotham City Fire Department and the hospital is named the Martha Wayne Institute after Bruce's mother and if you look closely where the ground is breaking apart this is your mom when Batman does another superhero Landing here we can see someone lying on the ground in a gown now this is either Supergirl or another metahuman who is the subject of some experimentation next we have this awesome shot of the two berries fighting zod's lackeys and if you'll notice it's in that same desert terrain from Man of Steel and they're still wearing their special suits to protect them from Earth's atmosphere and they're surrounded by tanks and other military vehicles meaning this is likely the same scene for Man of Steel where Superman surrenders himself to Zod which is what Zod demanded to be done when he broadcast himself across the entire planet surrendered within 24 hours wow or watch this world suffer the consequences but was Superman not being there then who is odd looking for well like I said earlier there's several possibilities maybe Superman just doesn't exist in this universe and he's been replaced by Supergirl maybe Superman never made his Earth as a baby or like I said maybe Khalil died from Earth's atmosphere when he was a kid or maybe we'll see Zod kill Superman and begin his takeover to terraform Earth into a new Krypton poor Henry Cavill I know the guy can't win right in Barry's bedroom we can see posters for Pacific Rim which came out December of 2013 same as a man of steel now Pacific Rim is about giant robots fighting off monsters from another world pretty appropriate to what we see in this trailer and we also have a poster for the Will Smith Apocalypse movie I Am Legend which is fitting for the line that Barry won is saying to Barry two in this scene there might not be a future next we have a shot of the Batwing being struck by lightning that travels down a metal cable maybe this is how they give Barry to his powers and shout out to the channel heavy spoilers for pointing out that Batman and Barry had to team up to re-give Barry his powers and the flashpoint Comics now in this shot of Supergirl punching one of zod's lackeys we can see that same desert terrain meaning that while Superman may not show up in this scene his cousin does and real quick Cara has been confirmed by Zack Snyder to exist in the mainline dceu Snyder has confirmed that this is her busted pod in the crashland and Kryptonian ship that Clark finds on Earth and of course James Gunn also announced a movie called Supergirl World of Tomorrow based on the excellent Tom King comic series so Supergirl is in the DCU to stay next we see flash creating a tornado like he does several times in the comics now if you look closely there's another flash in the background now this is the third flash we've seen in the scene we have Barry one in his new Flash suit that comes with his ring but in this scene the other flash is wearing a black costume and in this scene the other flash is wearing a more iconic red costume now in this scene where we see the two flashes feet touch the black costume appears to have been a red costume painted black you can see that the lightning bolt on the boot is spray painted and you can see hints of red beneath the black on his thigh meaning that perhaps Barry too has just moved so fast that his paint job flaked off now one of the first teaser images for this movie was Michael Keaton's bat suit spray painted to look like a flash suit so I think we're starting to see the red paint flake off of this black suit here some more awesome Snippets from this desert battle include Supergirl using her heat vision and Batman in his batwing firing missiles at zod's ship and let me say that again just in case your jaw didn't drop to the floor the first time we have Michael Keaton's Batman fighting alongside Supergirl and two flashes and he's firing missiles from the Batwing at General zod's ship yes what a great time to be alive heck yeah it is high five we get another shot of Ben Affleck's Batman gliding down a hallway on his feet and using his grappling gun and we get a shot of Barry too kicking one of the bad guys and you can see an even clearer here that the black paint is coming off revealing a red suit underneath but rather this other flash suit come from well that's a great question buddy maybe Michael Keaton's Batman has met flashes from previous timelines before perhaps a flash who died in battle and Bruce has kept the suit all these years stretch just sit on there and move on no really it's possible that we'll learn Keaton's Batman has been part of a much bigger Multiverse since we last saw him in Batman Returns maybe he knew Christopher Reeve Superman and Linda Carter's Wonder Woman but right aren't Val Kilmer and George Clooney's Batman the same Batmans as Michael Keaton doesn't doesn't count in the TV spot we can see Supergirl fly up to Zod and yell now this could be for several reasons perhaps she's learned that zodus killed her cousin Cal or that he's become terraforming the Earth or maybe don't say it maybe he killed don't you dare say it I can't take it Batman no there is a high likelihood that we see Keaton's Batman die in this movie because well it all fits retired hero gets pulled back into the fight helps save the day and in the process gets himself out of the funk they've been in all the years off the job and then they're met with peace as they meet their final moments and here we see Barry yelling no because this Kick-Ass trailer is almost over next we see our heroes travel to the Black Widow movie haha because Snowy Mountains bad guys superhero Landings that's good that's good that's good stuff you know this has really good observation person I like you thanks man in this sequence we see Batman and the two berries of the play Supergirl is being held and then we get to see Supergirl Rex shop and after getting Supergirl back to Wayne Manor we hear Barry say it's not Clark which makes me wonder if Barry went searching for Superman when Zod arrived and that's what led him to Cara and actually now that I've taken another look at it this looks like a government facility like the government took Supergirl out of that pod that Zack Snyder talked about and has been keeping her prisoner in here for years shielded from the Sun so she couldn't develop her power so Barry and Batman come to this facility to rescue her and enlist her Aid in the fight against Zod now at the end tag we get a great view of Supergirl's costume which looks a lot like John Kent's Superman costume from the comics John Kent being Superman's son we've actually got a video up now on the channel theorizing That James Gunn's new DCU Superman could be John Kent fulfilling the legacy of his father the Superman and we know we've also got that Supergirl movie coming up so maybe we'll see Sasha Calais continue as the new Superwoman in the DCU so guys those are our thoughts on The Flash trailer if you have anything that we missed let us know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy foreign [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 317,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flash trailer breakdown, new rockstars, hay sopoilers, emergency awesome, flash trailer breakdown tamil, the flash season 9 trailer breakdown, the flash movie trailer breakdown, the flash season 7 trailer breakdown + easter eggs, batman, michael keaton, batman 989, zod, dceu, man of steel, suprgirl
Id: 7PaXt1_gyQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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