Making an MLO from scratch - GTA V Modding

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all right let's make an mlo interior uh we're gonna get a house uh we're gonna open it up we're gonna make an interior uh and then we're gonna make it so that it can stream to 5m that's the idea this is just the way i do it there's lots of different ways you can do it we'll see how we go as we go along we might discover some things that don't work and we'll troubleshoot them as we go but i'm hoping i'm hoping we can just get it done in a single shot so let me just close this from where i picked a terrible house before all right let's go get my notes so first thing we want to do is we're going to set up a new dlc in our gta files it's the version of gta or the director of gta i use just for codewalker and for modding it is separate to my actual installation um but i should have a video up where you can see how i use um how i set up code and all the applications that i use as well so you can look at that just for that um so i'm just going to try and do a straight shot through here it's going to be simple it's going to have one room um a very simple mlo uh just to get the idea of the workflow that i'm going through here so uh we're going to set up a new dlc because code walker uses your gta files and the dlcs so even though i'm streaming in 5m i'm still setting up a dlc in here let me switch to edit mode i'm going to go to mods update x64 dlc packs and in here i would like to make a new folder it's gonna be called house very good and i have in here a template so i know what i'm putting in here so we're going to have our dlc template the dlc name which is house and then inside of house we're going to make a new rpf which is going to be called dlc and then inside of there i'm going to make a new rpf called object and i'm going to put these two xml files in there setup too you don't have to edit content is going to tell co-walker or gta where what it's looking for and where it's going to find it so for example here are let me go back and actually go right click edit so in here it's saying we've got data files we've got a new dlc and the dlc is going to be called house and it's going to have object rpf in it which is good and it's going to have a y type that's going to be called house house dot y type blah blah blah these files are from uh stuck uh check out my links for his stuff which is very useful dsa is called house we've got object rpf and the dlc is called house and we've got a house dot y type file in there as well don't worry about screaming in the background my wife's watching a movie so that looks good house house house househouse house save and then inside object.rpf we're going to put three files we're going to put a manifest uh a template y type and a template uh ymap so inside the manifest i always forget right click edit uh we're going to say that we're going to have a ymap called [Music] we're going to call our ymap we are going to call it house underscore milo and then it's going to be called house and the y type is going to be called house you change this to whatever you're going to use we're going to have a bin in there we're going to have a collision which we're going to call house underscore coal as well and that should be that one and then in the y type uh we gonna edit this later on as well we're going to have the actual interior model it's going to be called house underscore shell and it's going to have a texture dictionary called house underscore shell i said it's going to be called house underscore shell we are going to have a collision interior collision that we're going to call house underscore coal and it's going to be called house underscore hole here as well and these are the entities something called house it's going to have a bin in it prop bin and do we're going to have a room called limbo which every mla has which is just outside then we're going to have a room called room 1 which is cool and then the name is also going to be called house excellent and we're not going to call it interior template we're going to call it now stop by type and then the wire map we set in the manifest is going to be called house underscore one milo dot wire map and we're going to edit that and we know that it's called house and it's going to talk about the collision as well bloop bloop bloop and it's got models do and that should be it save it oh do i want to double check it yes this one make sure i didn't miss an interior template somewhere you can just go replace as well um but i kind of like to pass i just make sure we don't have interior template in here we don't good and we don't have two good all right good good good uh so that's uh three files that we're going to start with uh these will get edited as we go along um we'll use codewalker to edit them as well um and then the other thing we're going to do is add the dlc to our dlc list which is going to be in mods update update.rpf gomendata and dlc list xml there's all the dlc packs in the game and we're gonna add in house all right dlc packs set up so the next thing we're going to do is open up code walker and we're going to go extract the models that we're going to use let's do that when we do the collisions we're going to take out two collisions and we're going to take out the exterior model so we can edit those three things to make sure we can get into the house and then we're also gonna um get rid of occlusions as well which are basically boxes that stop you from entering areas now we're going to go up to mirror park to some house here so we're going to hit t and that brings up this bar up here and we can select we're going to move things uh so we can right click to select and if we go to selection over here it will tell us the thing we're selecting so we've got lf house underscore 19d underscore now the d means it's probably the details so this is probably actually exterior details like grungy stuff yeah we can all move this around because we're not going to save this stuff we just want to find where the actual house is which is this one sweet let's move that out of the way too but that's the house so that's the exterior model that we're going to go find in code walker sorry code walking open iv double click it should take us to here and we can open up and look at it does it look correct yep oh that's the back that's the front yeah it is correct so what we want to do is right click export to open formats i've already got some stuff in here that i'm gonna use for texturing um so we'll talk about that afterwards and we're gonna put it in this uh i've got my folder set up just to export things onto my desktop we'll extract that and then let's look for the collisions now we might be able to edit the collisions i'll tell you what i'll show you how to do it in codewalker and then we will also do it in 3ds max just so we can look at both ways so in our selection we're going to go down and we're going to go collisions so you can see these are the collisions um they stop you from entering things you collide with them so what we want to do is edit it so we can open this door and then possibly also edit any other collisions that are going to be in the way inside the house first way we're going to do it is to well let's extract these models so you can see we've got when i right clicked i've selected just one polygon but it belongs to this ybn this collision file here so that is going to be the collision for a house so let's actually get those out in open ib just so we have them so you'll see there is id 221 a underscore zero there is this and then there's also a higher version so this is like a gross version and this has like the details on it so if we go and look at the low version this one here we have multiple that would be the house that we're looking at here we can double check go away go away does it look right is that the house next door yep so we just got to know that we are going to be looking at this house here so let's export into open formats this collision as well and then if we look at the higher version you'll see oh can we go faster it's got some other houses as well but it's more like the exterior details so that would be this is the house here oh you can see we've got some collisions inside as well so let's export that one too so we have currently exported the three things we need uh which is the exterior model and the low and the high versions of the collisions but what we will also do here is i will show you how to edit the collisions in cobalt so you don't have to around exporting them doing all that kind of stuff you can just do it in here save the file straight up and hopefully it works a bit better than having to convert it when you don't have to so what we'll do to edit these in code walk we'll make a new project it will just be a temporary one and you can see currently i've selected this poly134 it's got box 134 we're going to add it to our project so in adding this polygon we've added the whole collision into our project as well so if we edit the collision in here and then save it then we are saving the edited version that we can use so this polygon here i have selected we're just going to click delete polygon and you can see it's gone that's good because we didn't want that one there but then also we have that high version and so if i right click here and add to project we will probably see we have that belongs to the high version of the collision and we're going gonna delete the polygon from there so just by deleting one polygon from each of these collisions we've actually opened up the door so you can go through and you can delete uh anything that you need to basically move through so i've got the rear door which i'm not going to do but you could then go through and delete the collisions that are blocking the rear doors but we're just going to do one door at the moment but the other thing i want to do is go inside if i scroll up it'll slow down my movement but if i look inside you can see we've got these other collisions in here that will get in the way if we don't delete them let's right click on that delete right click oh don't delete vertex goes funky we don't want to do that i want to delete the whole box delete polygon delete polygon and this one i want this pink does that belong to this i bet it does but that's okay i'm happy deleting that because the high version we've got still kind of is occluding the whole exterior uh yes good okay i just don't want to delete something and leave big holes so you see we still have these little holes but basically that shouldn't be an issue like no one can walk through that or do anything like that the other thing is this floor too high or is this about the right height that's about right that should be fine and we're going to delete this box here and then the rest of the interior looks pretty good pretty good yeah i reckon we're good so what we can actually do this is way quicker than doing a 3ds max and i recommend if you can get away with it just just do it in code walker it's way simpler so now i've got these two edited collisions that i'm going to save so we can go save we'll save it into final because these should technically be usable and we've got the low version and i'm also going to save the high version and then the other thing we're going to do in here is delete any occlusions so occlusion stop you moving into uh objects okay left click and go down to occlusion and you can see we've got these blue boxes so we want to basically delete these blue occlusion boxes because they will get in the way when we try and move in and enter the the vehicle the building so i'm going to right click on this and you can see it's the box occluder and it belongs to this y-map here this one here we're going to copy that if we look at this we can also see some more details about this box so we're going to go to open ib we're going to search for this ymap hi i need to a clue or three perfect um i have it in my mods folder already so we're going to use that version although you could go to the regular version and when you're going to edit this file you can copy it to your mods folder and edit it there so you're not editing the version that's in the game or in your game files so i'll show the version in my mods folder and i want to edit this and so this is a list of all the occlusions as a big list because usually these wire maps just have occlusions for a whole area and what i'm looking for is an occlusion which has this i center x at 3751 so we can go and search for 3751 i sent a 3751 i said to y minus these numbers are matching up to these numbers here so i know that this is that box and then i'm going to select the item and i'm going to delete and then i'm going to grab the other one this one here i'm going to right click on it and it is in the same y map and it's i sent it is 3791 let's go back to our file it is three seven nine one three seven nine one minus eighteen thirty seven one nine six perfect we wanna delete that as well boop boop and i think there's just the two we can fly around and have a look oh god scroll down to go faster yeah i'm happy it's just those two cool so what we then want to do is save this and then we want to take this wire map file uh let's put it let's close all this and let's put in the final folder as well because that's our occlusionwi map and then the two collisions that we've already edited so that looks pretty good we should be fine to close out of this and oops we can close that i don't want to save anything because i've already saved the things i need and what we might do is just check those collisions that we exported in open iv let's open a folder and it's going be house final and let's just look at those collisions if we fly in that's next door look at that there's no door perfect and then if we look at this one there is also no door there's also no like because we deliver that big box there's also nothing here but that's okay we don't care it don't matter because the other version has collisions uh we can't really look at this like but we know that this is the version where we got rid of those maps sweet uh what i might just do is then get these files and go and put them into my dlc pack and we'll chuck those whoops we'll chuck those in there just so co-walker can see them when we use it as well all right so the next thing we want to do is edit the exterior in 3ds max and i'll show you how you can also edit the collisions in 3ds max as well but we're not going to do it because we've already fixed the collisions and it was way easier than having to import into here uh so we have a new document uh and we're gonna use gims i'm gonna import uh house open ib exports and it's going to be this one and that's the folder associated with it reading reading reading can't find textures doesn't matter we don't actually need to see the textures and then we will also while we're here bring in the collisions so i can show you what they look like and the high version as well thinking hard now let's do the house first so if we look at this house uh basically we're just going to delete any polygons uh where we're going to have doors or windows open so in this case we're just doing the one door oh you know what this house has an inbuilt collision as well um if we look up here and we click over here we can see it kind of tells us what this is so this is the model the base and if we look over here it's got a composite collision also so not only have we got those two collisions the house itself has a collision um so if we didn't notice that and we didn't edit it then we'd still run into this collision um even though we fixed the other two collisions but what we're just gonna do is should we delete the whole thing yeah let's delete the whole thing farewell it's gone and then all we have is the high model uh which is basically just the exterior so what we want to do is just edit and delete any polygons uh that in the way that we're going to have as doors or windows so for this i'm literally just deleting this door you could also go through and delete the windows if you want to open up the windows we could delete the back door so you have front door back door you can do all that um go crazy so what we want to do is go down so the game mesh is what um lets gims know that this is basically uh part of a model we can just click the actual editable mesh and we'll go down to polygons and we are just going to delete the door polygons oh man there's only two that is so beautiful look at that that's it easy easy street we're here uh obviously you might need to do more manipulation than that but that is uh this as simple as it gets basically so that's good done now i'll show you where the collisions are the collisions i imported if you zoom out you'll see while um houses and objects are generally set under centered around the origin um collisions are always offset so they're always out somewhere like oh jesus like they're always believe there we go we did it always over here somewhere um let's just change our pivot point so we don't go wild and this angle having a hard time recognizing where i am was that it there interesting what's going on hmm i've got them hidden no you know what i reckon do i reckon did i delete it when i deleted that other collision for the house is it linked is it like a uh instance probably not um let's uh let's export the house as is just because that's the edited version let's go to house 3ds max export and we're going to export just the house with the we delete the collision so the house has no collisions um let's just delete it and re-import it just because i want to see what's going on bring it back in bring it back in you know honestly and this is true i have no idea what's going on with that but i'll tell you what i am happy with the fact that we've got the other edited collisions and they look correct and we now have a house with an open door that looks correct but basically what you can do if you do want to edit collisions in 3ds max you can just edit them from in here so if you want to select and delete boxes you can you know delete boxes do all that kind of stuff um manipulate them how you will and then you can go here to games and then you can export and from the you can actually pick your collisions and export them out but we're not going to do that well let's run with what we've got and we'll see how we go let's just close this let's not bother saving it because what we should have and let's go back to uh max export and let's drag this house into here so we should have a house with an open door which we do lovely and we should have a collision that still exists which it does and has an open door good we should have the other collision which has an open door and some open other stuff but that should be fine so we've got three things we need and we have also so we've got house collisions occlusions very good oh you know what i shouldn't have actually um [Music] not save that because i'm an idiot because now we're going to make the interior model for which you need the exterior model but it's getting late so i'm doing silly things but i think we'll still get there we'll be fine so we'll just open up games and we'll re-import the model wait for it to load import uh what is lfs19 bring it back in we actually only need it just to line stuff up we're not going to re-export it from here again i don't care about those errors let's just bring that bad boy up let's get rid of the collisions again so the problem with the collisions and i've had more and more i sometimes with collisions i can import it i'll export it and bring it into 3ds max and manipulate it export it and it's fine but i have had occasions when it fails so it was really weird just then also when i was doing my previous mlo uh when i exported the collisions um it was just blank it said the stuff was there but there was nothing there so i've had more trouble like more misses than hits when it comes to collisions and 3ds max and it's just because it's finicky um your hierarchy has to be correct everything has to be spot on so i really recommend if possible editing the collision in codewalker and just saving it it's it's really it is just quicker and and i think it saves you a lot of time so that's my preferred method but obviously you don't have to do it that way uh this is the collision let's delete that go away and we're gonna go to the high let's just get rid of those two polygons for the door again all right we're at the same spot that we were so now we want to make an interior for this so what i'm going to do is make a super simple interior uh let's make a box if i press f3 i'll actually turn on wireframe which is kind of more useful for this stuff uh and we're gonna make a new object we're gonna make a box and let's start i'm not even gonna make this like super super nice this is gonna be like rough as guts um but we're gonna make a box actually let's get rid of that hide the house for a second so what we actually want to do as well at the moment the polygons are facing outwards but we want them to face inwards because we're making an interior so just for the walls we want the polygons to face inwards so we're going to select our box we can go up here to modify we're going to right click we're going to change it to an editable poly we're going to select polygons and we can go to control a to select all and then we're going to click actually i'll show you we're going to click flip but what you will see the way you can't really tell you can tell it went darker red and it went black the best way to see the way faces are is to go and click a little plus x view so this shows a whole lot of different things one of the things it can show is face orientation and green is the back so at the moment we have the back of these polygons facing out if i selected it again and flipped it back this is what it would normally look like you have a color or a blank on the front and the the backs on the inside but we want to flip you want green on the outside when you are creating your shell that's the main thing okay uh we can turn x view off now yeah uh and we can show the house again let's see f3 so what i want to do is line this up with the door basically i want to fill my interior with this uh let's go by let's go by vertex so basically i just want to line that up if i was uh doing the windows i'd want to make sure i was lining this up with the interior of the windows as well um so i'll turn on snaps as well and i can right click to bring the options at the moment let's just snap to vertex that's fine let's leave that over there so i could drag that and i could snap it i want to snap it to the interior of this window frame and then we want to line this up too [Music] bring this in to here i don't like having my interiors like flush against walls because can clip through basically so normally i'll let it breathe a little bit i'll turn off my snaps and just bring it in a fraction and we'll go to these ones over here and you can see we've got some complicated architecture bring this in oops turn snapping back on bring it into here turn snapping off and i'd juggle it in a little bit uh then what would i do would do the front and this one's important because we want to line up to the doorway which is there so sure this door the frame there and we can just pull it into naps on we'll enter there uh now if i was actually going to fill this out properly i guess i can show you how i do part of it i'll just show you the gross details i won't go into the fine bits um but for example if i then wanted to you know bring this out to here um i'd probably go and select by edge i'm gonna cough select by edge um ring which selects in a ring around ah then i go connect we just connect once and basically i've just split it in half but i've kept it connected and then i bring this across to here so then um if we just turn this off hide that for a second you see we've got our polygon here and then i would probably go by polygon i'd select this one and i'll go extrude and you can extrude it out like this f3 again bring the house back and then i can go back to vertex and say and then we could move them out here like this where would we go to there but again i'll let it breathe just a bit uh and we could do the same over here uh i'd go select uh go back to edge select this edge ring connect just do it once you can do if you up this number you connect you get more splits i'll just go once leave them selected bring it across make sure snaps is on bring it across to here say we do want that flush because this is where the door would be um but we're not going to use that door so we're going to just bring it in a fraction uh and then we go polygon i'd select these two and i would extrude them out this way and we can just go through and then i go through you'd extrude these little edges here you know do the whole thing it'll just take more time and we'll pull this out i'm not even going to snap it we'll just do that and then we need to cut the door you can also cut the windows in for example would be useful um multiple ways of doing this let's just do it just a quick way it depends how many polys you want to create you can try and be as sparing as possible with polys usually i am um fewer is better but i'll select this and i'll go ring and then i'm going to go connect and i'm going to connect twice and see i've got whoops those two but we are just going to deselect oops no no i didn't actually do it connect close actually select the edge ring connect twice make sure you hit the tick double click it selects in the loop snaps on and we're gonna snap that down to here to the interior of the door frame so we can get it nice and lined up bring this one in oh don't do that bring here this one in to here uh so we've got that then we want to do the tops and bottoms so you can select this one control click this one and we want to connect those twice and then we'll take the top one say you can always turn that off to make it easier f3 that went down there let the other one go there up down there what's going on oh got that see i got two selected don't do that undo just that one place and right down here it's like my polygon delete oh look at that we should see we have a lovely black box with a hole in it perfect that's what we want double check the facing you can always go in plus x view face orientation you can see green on the outside and we've got the surface on the inside perfect that's it so what are we going to do now cut doors and windows let's texture it so we are going to use a reference object to grab textures out of because that's often a handy thing to do you can you know load up your own textures and do it that way um but this is kind of simpler if particularly if you are trying to match um environments or trying to take materials from something that already exists in the game this is the easier way to do it so this box one by the way we're going to call house underscore shell so i'm going to name it uh and we're going to import my reference object which has textures in it which is this v37 hd that was sitting here and we're gonna um where are the textures my other textures let's just go have a look got the shell just has the mesh txd okay sure don't want to go that one bringing it in bringing it in and you can see we hired our shell there we go um i can't remember what this was but it's got some textures it's got a brief and it's got a floor and it's got some other bits and pieces uh so we can use those which is perfect so what we want to do let's go to our house we're going to open up the material editor by default it might be set to the slate editor which looks like this we're not going to use that it's more than we need so if you left click and hold you can open up the material editor here so what we want to do is get a material i'm sorry get an object and we are going to pick sorry this is a material so these are all default materials um that kind of load in 3ds max and we're just going to take this one we're going to pick a material from an object and we're going to pick it from here so this is basically it's a multi-sub-object so basically we've taken one material and it's well one object material i guess and we have multiple materials contained within it so we can apply this material to our house or and then reference we can reference which material we want to use basically in each polygon so each of these materials has an id number and so we can assign each polygon an id and that will assign a particular material to it we don't need them all so we're going to actually just copy some of these across to a new material so this is what we can call this this is our shell material and we're going to change it from a physical material we're going to go up to general actually we're gonna go to yes general multi-sub object uh let's discard the old one uh and we're just gonna have three materials so we can delete these other ones and we're going to have uh well we're going to have floor we're going to have some walls we're going to have a roof and what we're going to do is just copy materials across from here so these are walls that's carpet which we put carpet wood beams let's put a wood floor and it doesn't matter we can right click anyway so let's take the carpet right click copy go across to here right click don't cop don't do instances and do a copy copy the carpet and we'll go pick some walls tlb dresser dresser carpet surely there's something that says wall wall one wall two ceiling oh we'll do the ceiling while we're here ceiling copy into the roof paste paste copy good and we still need walls or yellow walls green walls let's go yellow because it's gross copy over here and then we paste a copy so we have uh ones our floor twos are walls and three is our roof so we can actually uh get rid of this reference thing you don't need it anymore uh and if we just turn off x view default shading you can change your um materials we want materials with maps but what we want to do is select our floor polygons ah so we need to go up to here and we want to select polygon and then i can alt click to deselect so we should just have the floor and if we scroll down over here we can see the polygon material ids so currently doesn't have one set we're going to set to id1 and we're going to select the walls adjust the walls i'm going to go down i'll get some id2 i'm going to select the roof i'll click to deselect and we're going to select that to three and then we can actually select all of them and we can click on our shell material and we can assign the material to the selection so we have floor walls brief looks funky doesn't look right what's going on why uid4 maybe we should uh just redo that that's fine next time we'll assign the material first that's fine we'll go up here i'll click the roof is actually three please and thank you much better go to the walls and there are actually two floor here we are looking at um she's very sign up do not ask me why the it is doing this to me very son that's fine we can work we can work i'm okay with it don't panic uh huh oh now we yeah now we're doing it now we're doing it now we're doing it cool sure when in doubt just you know keep trying it's fine it's three i was a little bit concerned it wasn't going to work that time that would have been a disaster and the bottom it's gonna be one so we've got perfect we've got a roof that's white we've got yellow balls and we've got a floor that looks but we're gonna fix that uh the other thing we can do with our material if we click on these egym's materials we can actually select because we're doing one room we're going to keep the same materials for the collision and the actual texture so we can actually set what our collision is going to be so if we look at so first we're looking at the floor we can pick um it's gonna be it's gonna be man-made and it's gonna be oh dusty carpet let's just make a carpet solid we can go back up to the parent and we can go to the walls they're also going to be man-made do we have plaster plastic rubber master solid go back up and we'll go and select our roof and it can be man-made and it's gonna be do we see roof yes it's just a reach tile that's fine the other thing we should do is we'll set our room id to 1 set our room id to 1 and set our room id to 1. all right so we actually want to fix these textures and what we're going to do is uv map so that's how you map a mesh to a texture basically so it doesn't look like this um so let's just do let's see what happens when we do them all at once we go over here go to our modify list i'm going to uvw map we're going to go box we're going to go i think the default for gta materials is 2.5 2.5 2.5 and then look at that looks good enough good enough for me could change it uh but as you see how we don't have those funky stretch textures or anything we can do more uv mapping later but basically we've got it looking fine uh uvw map we now want to set the vertex colors so vertex colors are important um for interiors they set whether the interior glows or how it responds to light so we're going to go to a house shell we're going to collapse that and we're going to go to vertexes select them all control a there is a handy document if we go here so vertex colors these are the default colors for the exterior so the r is ambient occlusion g is artificial light and b's moonlight um so it's how they respond to different lights in the game basically uh if you set like g all the way up then it uh basically glows um so by default normally they're at uh 128. so let's set it to did i write down what i'm going to do for an interior um let's you can play around with it and kind of decide what works for you um we go to our vertex color i'm going to set it to 0 1 40 0. so it's got some illumination it's kind of dim basically and you can see that's our vertex colors and then the other thing i want to do is unify all the normals um just so you don't get weird light basically and when that is under here somewhere edit normals control a unify which will fix kind of weird lighting and stuff so it actually behaves like it should and then we go collapse um do all right let's actually create the object now so this is how shell so now we want to actually make it into an object so we're going to open up gims it was already open but i forgot that's fine i'll bring it away you can see it so we want to do two things we want to actually make an object a model model just click and it will create you see it's got this egames model over here and then the other thing we do is go to a house shell and we want to add a game mesh modifier to it so now if we click over here we can see we've got our edible poly and then it's also got a game mesh around it which it needs to have to actually be exported as a model and we're going to call this house underscore shell uh that has let's just show underscore hi why not and we will put that inside so we've got the model and then the mesh sits inside it the other thing next thing we want to do is actually make the interior collision so this is just a visible object but you'll fall straight through it because it's not actually a collision so we have to make a collision as well we can just clone a copy of this and drag it out not into house drag it out ah don't ask me what it did then that's fine let's get rid of these so we're less confused delete okay so this one we actually are going to use as the collision so we actually don't need a game mesh on it we need a collision mesh so we can go to collisions we'll add the mesh and then we will also make a composite collision we then click out here and we get a new composite collision which we're going to call house underscore call and then we'll drag this copy we made and we're going to close underscore actually let's call it uh 0x1 because that's normally how their name collisions and with our collision you'll see if we select the collision mesh we've got all the options of collisions so we can set the flags basically which is how the collision is going to behave so we want to make sure it's bbh unknown the offset part we want to write 0.002 and we're going to map animal map cover so animals can't go through it it can be used as cover i'm not sure what dynamic does not vehicle map weapon they're the ones you will generally select if we were actually making a pair of stairs we'd also map stairs um which means you can actually walk up and down them properly like stairs as well um but that should just be those do check out my notes looks good the other thing we want to do is we are going to embed the textures into our files you can use an external texture dictionary we are not going to do that today we are just going to embed them if you use an external texture dictionary you can actually use i could have used these textures from the game and then just reference the dictionary that's already there so i'm not bringing extra textures in it's more efficient but if you're using say custom textures you can embed them or you can include them in an exterior dictionary it's kind of up to you how you want to work and do that so to do that what we can do if we go to here and go back back back there's tools and we can embed game material textures in fact i'll just select both things and make sure then if we actually go you can do it manually if we open here we can look at our material editor which is the gims material editor if i then select say the house i can see the materials that are selected for that and i can edit them in here so we go options you can see bump texture embedded so you can actually edit if i was going to do textures manually i can edit them in here but we're not doing that today but we're just making sure that all our textures are embedded and let's check in the collision because otherwise we won't have a collision and they're embedded in there too cool so now we're going to export house shell house call export house 3ds max export we don't want that anymore that can go away and so we'll just check i have a model with a model game mesh on it and i have a collision with a collision mesh on it continual let's go look at those i should actually save this just in case and desktop house let's call it house dot max houser call good enough and then we will get oh did i say export actually exporting that i'm getting really tired i'm not actually paying attention here um [Music] i think i did something i'll put them in the wrong folder that's fine let's just re-explore them they are there they're just for some reason in this folder and let's just get rid of those all right so we should have a collision and a model let's drag them in to oh a dlc so if we open them up so this should be the shell which has a door perfect oh we that's kind of the floor intake yeah the textures are but that's okay don't don't care you've got looks like that and then we've got our exterior which has an open door perfect we have a house collision oh collisions are different which should be like this which looks cool and then the other two collisions which we already looked at earlier they should be fine looks good so [Music] uh you know i need to get the portal coordinates we're going to put a portal in which is basically how we can move from the outside to the inside move between areas also if you have windows you'll have portals for windows i use portals for mirrors as well in this case we are just going to we need to grab these four points here so going from inside to outside we go from bottom left and we go clockwise around so i'm going to go and select by the text and we're going to take this vertex here and we've got these coordinates here let's grab our notepad uh portal see if we can get the format right we're going to have 3.48 comma 1.45 comma 0.09 next it's just going to have they always just have one digit different which is a good thing to remember one digit one number different so we have three four eight one four five and it's gonna be 2.872 and this one's gonna be 3.48 0.1 double eight 2.872 emily will close off with 3.48 0.188 zero point three zero nine which would make sense because we're going back one three zero nine cool let's just save that so we've got the portal coordinates we're gonna need those uh so you would take those coordinates for um any windows any doors anywhere that you're gonna put a portal uh you'll get the four coordinates so going from uh interior to exterior you go um bottom left and go clockwise around all right so export add to dlc we need to let the game know how big this building is going to be so we're going to calculate the min max bbm bb max of this interior so that it's the correct size when we take it into the game so we can do that a couple of ways because we're using because i've already imported it as a ydr we can use gta util you can also calculate it on the odr using the y type creator but i am hot for gta util so i'm going to go to my software gta util i'm going to grab the shell pull it in i'm gonna open a new terminal or powershell so this is how you use gta util to generate a y type and so out of that i'm gonna pull out the um bbm bb max so dot slash gta util so i'm executing gta util generating prop definitions input i was previously doing it for another object for something else um and i want to do house underscore shell dot i should get a props dot y type we're not actually going to keep this y type file we just want to get some details out of it uh so we'll just pull it in we want this bbm bb max be a center that's basically telling us how big this object is going to be and where it's going to be so we're just going to copy that in fact let's just chuck that in the notes under here we need that uh that's all we need from that i'm going to delete that because we're actually going to use the house y type to set all this stuff up so we need to open up our mlo y type this one and that bbm bb max bs center we're going to pop in here right in these first few lines and then also we want to take the bbm bb max not the bs center and we're gonna use that to say how big our rooms how big a limbo and rooms are use the value there and there as well and we're going to save it so now we're going to go back into code walker so i want to make sure everything that i'm using is actually here and in fact let's copy it all as well to final folder here and skip the ones that are already here so we should have all those in here as well co coco co let's go back to co-walker [Music] oh we're getting close you know what i forgot to do i did forget to do something but that's okay so up here we've got a dlc we want to go to house ever to load one million years and we'll go over here find the house where's my house this one ah now i actually want details on where this is uh so we can just temporarily make a new project we will actually let's actually save this project as house so we'll actually use this one now i want to not get the details i want the actual house please so we'll just move the details out of the way and let's grab this house for a second and you see we've got a position copy chuck it in the notes i could've done this earlier but i forgot and a rotation copy chuck it in the notes all right here so now we want to open the wire map that we've made so that why map we made right back at the start we're going to open that desktop house final uh we don't care about the conclusion we want to write this house milo y map did you not want to do it for me you don't want to do it that already exists in the project does it does it though god where is it you can do it for me let's just close the project and let's open the project again yeah that's okay i don't want that one there anyway and let's just remove that okay good so we're gonna um y map that we've added cobalt is if anything goes wrong you're like don't get me wrong code walk is amazing like doing all this by hand um but sometimes if it just goes funky close the project open the project it goes really funky close co-worker open code walker um so we have our wire map we have our house swallow my map and it's got a collision in it so if we go click go to it's currently sitting uh just where the previous um where the the coordinates are that we've just got in the y-map by default but what we actually want to do is move it to the house so we should be able to do that then those coordinates that we copied in our notes we're going to move it over to there and we're going to get the rotation and we're going to set the rotation as well push fingers all the rotation's that's okay you know what i reckon the rotation is probably just going to be what was it before zero zero zero zero one more zero mm-hmm um should we you know you know what we're gonna do we're just gonna uh close it not save it not save it open it again open project come back to me again we don't care about that let's just delete that and this one let's just copy the position let's not around with the uh rotation because that did not work so let's just grab the position boop boop copy paste now it does look like the rotation is off so i think we do need that rotation data just save save that and let's grab the rotation data now don't be afraid to play around you gotta play around see that rotation's not right either why is that we can rotate it manually which makes me think it would be like here i don't think it'd be like that um interesting i mean that bounding box looks correct now you can see that it kind of fits into where we put the walls it's not quite right though does it might be cool there we go oh there we go [Music] oh yeah we're good um there we go perfect so you can see that when i snap to the interior um i put it too far back so you see how these walls are too close um so they're like clipping through i'm not going to fix that but you would totally just go back into 3ds max change those walls re-export it fix it all up but as it is i'm happy um also you see how we got these issues around the door frame where there's like light leaking um and gaps you you can fix that too uh i'm not fixing that right now because that's not important what's important is we get through this goddamn project save save smash that save button save it save and save it all right cool so we have that uh the other thing we want to do we should actually import our y type open our y type and this one oh yeah you see i've got my bounds out you know i reckon my baby max might be not quite right that would be my guess could you see how it's just a little bit too big you see everything's just a little bit too big um that's a problem i'm not gonna solve right now basically um but you can go through uh you can either pull the walls in you can make the tr recalculate the bbm max try and fix it up i'm happy because the door lines up which was the real major thing it kind of looks reasonable it's fine um but you would absolutely troubleshoot that and fix it up um but as it is that's fine that's fine don't worry about it so we've got our y type now as well we've got a house my map it's got a shell it's got a collision we've got the room i know let's just remove that basically what you should have you should have your y y-type you should have the collision you should have a room and then the shell sits inside limbo somehow i have two shells i've got one inside limbo and i've got one sitting in the archetypes as well so what we want to do is just remove where was i before i want to remove that oh i took the whole wire type out no good god damn i don't know why it's in there why is it in there can i tell it to go away i can okay delete archetype boop better we still got these issues with these wolves oh that's because i snapped right out there okay it makes sense now it's because i was just gross when i i did my um uh modeling because i snapped it out to this wall which is why it's now sitting outside so if you actually modeled it correctly uh you wouldn't have these issues but i'm now satisfied that my bb max and everything else has worked fine it's just that i did a poor modeling job which is cool and i got rid of that other house so this is what it should look like we should have our wire map which has the house call in it um and we should have the y type which has the house dot y type it should just have the collision should have two rooms limbo which has the house and the room just has a bin in it um it hasn't been in it because your room always has to have um an object in it or it it goes it goes badly so uh by default that's why the pins in here so the next thing we're going to do we'll save this y type now that we've got that setup looking correct smash save forever the other thing we're going to do with our y map is we want to calculate extents and calculate flags so if you look at these numbers when we calculate extents they all change that's basically saying the total extents of this y map so anytime you add objects do anything basically anything that changes this y-map you always want to calculate extents calculate flags as well all right so that looks good we've got an interior perfect now the next thing we want to do is add portals so we only got one portal it's going to be that door so we're going to add that so we add that to [Music] to add it to the room no it's under you do do somewhere you just gotta select the right then the wire type no is under the map no map oh i'm fatigued i'm sorry we'll get there yeah there we go so we go to the house collision my type mla new portal so by default it's giving it these here it is sitting here and you can see it looks like this which is why i have a handy dandy set of numbers that looks like this copy paste and now you can see that it's moved over here which is where we want it so we now have a portal which allows us to move from the exterior to the interior so we are going from room one this is we only have one room it's room one and we're going to room zero which is outside so that's fine we can set flags um we're not going to set any flags because i don't think we're going to use any of those um the other thing we want to do is add a door so for doors that are used in portals we don't add them exterior we add them directly to the portal so that way they render from the outside and the inside so we're gonna add an entity by default it adds an alien egg uh we are gonna find a door uh let's find a door just gonna sneeze again man i'm i'm not muting that i'm sorry i had a door no me that doesn't look good let's use our other website let's use uh just one let's find a door in here tell me about doors oh that one might be fine can we just do more some doors work some doors don't don't use cutscene doors i don't recommend it you know i reckon this door works let's have a look so uh where it says archetype we can paste in that door actually i'm quite sure this door works then we're going to manipulate it we're going to rotate it around this door is too small [Music] should we get a different door now the thing is you can't manipulate the size of doors doors uh if you change the size um you will basically crash your game when you go in and try and load it um so you want to find a door that actually works that actually fits um you can make a custom door the correct size um which we can talk about custom objects another time but i'll give it one more show if i can't find one that works we're just chucking that in uh and it's gonna be like filthy and we'll do that and bank door shower door glass doors apartment doors look at this one this looks is this taller copy the name there we go all right no it's kind of the same is that the one yeah um oh is it actually sitting low and i'm just a no it's just let's just chuck it in let's just chuck it in might like this rotate it in oh don't do that that would be bad and then is that door sitting let's move it back ah i should mention i hate lining stuff up in co walker drives me bonkers um so obviously you want to fix all your edges and make them more way nicer than this like this is gross but this is how we're going to do this today a beautiful fitting door look at that oh it's gorgeous it's not like just a horrendous mess um but you get the idea you get the idea that we're going for here there there would be a door that fits but this doesn't that's fine perfect flawless and so what are we doing next for our door that door don't resize doors um we're not going to change any flags we need to look at we've added the portal we added the door to the portal now for the rooms we have to actually set the portal count uh so where it says portal count we now that room one now has one portal if you had a windows etc you would up that depending on how many you added we've added one portal from outside limbo going inside so it's got one we have room number one has one portal and our actual portal goes from room one which is the interior to the exterior one to zero and that's how we set the portal coordinates so that looks sweet perfect um while we're here we could add objects so then you can actually add objects as well so you'll go to your room and we would add an entity by default it always goes to the egg you could then add objects so if we went to our website before find something useful that we would need like this put it in chuck it right there perfect save save save smash save on everything save the y type save save save and check room flags yes room flags let's go to our rooms uh i don't think we need any flags we can look at de kirwina's site uh so if we're looking for our room flags and shadow casting vehicle population everyone's got 96 i don't think we need to use any room flag so that's fine by default we've got 96 perfect and set portal account with done for rooms in limbo done chip time cycles we can actually change like the lighting time how time cycles work um that for example limbo has interior gas station this has emma part high we can look at more info about time cycles later but that's uh that's there and add objects yes we need to update the manifest as the next thing so the manifest tells us all the objects that are here obviously we want to update that because we've added important objects um i want to save everything you know i think i want to save everything closer and then do the manifest i feel in my bones that that is a better way of doing it because i think might not work otherwise um because the manifest um basically goes by what's in here when the project opens and then you add stuff so just we're going to close the project we do want to save this milo do y map and then we're going to open the project everything's still there which is good and then we want to go tools manifest generator and we can have a look we've got house milo and then the one y type is called house it's got a bin it's got a door uh item minigame is that the dildo really hmm all right house collision generated again what is that what is that what is that i'm curious uh is this gonna tell us is that part of the minigame yeah i'll trust it i don't know if i should but that's fine and then we save the manifest and we're going to save into final is that where i've got everything oops yes good uh we're going to save over this one and replace it now we cross our fingers if we've done everything right this shit's actually going to work so then we want to stream it close close okay about that i'm going to save our notes yes i need to go to a final so we've got a manifest we've got the occlusions we've got collision number one we've got collision number two we've got a y-type file we've got uh interior collision we have the map we have the interior shell and then we have what the that is that a layover from the past that i don't actually need probably i don't know that's exterior i'm such a that's the exterior that we've edited so that should be everything all right so then we want to stream it let's stream it and have a look let's cross our fingers because um we'll see how we go uh so i'm gonna go to my not there let's just go here that i'm going to go to my server text data base make sure you put in server config ensure house resources let's just copy that resource that's fine so we want a new folder house paste the resource which just says that that's literally it i don't know what this is but that's what you use and you just say it's a map you can make a new folder called stream i'm gonna grab all this and we're gonna copy it into there now everyone cross your fingers because it's been a wild ride let's see how we go i hope it works because it's late and i'm tired we've been going for one and a half hours jesus hopefully we're getting there i haven't been as verbose as i wanted to be i want to explain a lot more as i went along but because i'm tired i think i've failed at that so if doesn't make sense let me know i will gladly elaborate uh if you get stuck let me know we'll see what we can do and then hopefully i'll do some more videos on some other stuff that's useful [Music] here somewhere here i'm going oh pretty good no what did we forget we've got something what did we forget what did we forget let's have a look so if we go to the stream folder let's see what's going to sing in the stream folder because that's probably that you're sure um let's go in with this let's go in with this have a look file open folder [Music] nope oh is that the problem is it just empty did i not copy it across it up oh god that was amazing i hope that's what it was coffee what did i do were you guys paying attention i'm just wrecked um text default did i set the server config up yes if i go into resources i go to house what do you mean this archive is empty oh i'm such a uh this goes into here me all right let's try again [Music] mate we're gonna double check that one this is loading house we've got the resource and this is in the stream hell what a way to finish police this way let's check it out oh my god now interestingly we have this but the shells not loaded which is interesting to me it's very interesting it's very interesting you know what we're gonna do let's look at one that actually works by which i mean okay because i really don't have to abandon this and do it again because that's a god damn nightmare we're gonna open a project and that project is gonna be in here it's gonna be here it's gonna be here excuse me here can't find any files that's unfortunate uh let's open a different one [Music] ah i done goofed done goofed all right so let's snip this to compare boop and then we'll open our project desktop house house so i it because it looks like this currently but it should look like this so where i deleted the shell i shouldn't have deleted the shell i should have left it there um but that's fine because we can add i want to add an archetype let me add the archetype no no no no tools my type new archetype and it's gonna be what's this one look like house coal that's cool so i want hell show house shell g30 35 [Music] 30 and five we shouldn't have a special tribute we don't have texture dictionary physics dictionary sure models why not uh invalid let me just say house underscore shell perfect um it's a drawable asset yes we don't have flags we don't have a bb mmx set uh fine might be fine save save save save save save that while i type yeah if we go back to our y type in our stream folder look at it we should now actually have house shell as well we can check by reopening the project cool looks better um and we need to make sure we grab ah let's just save it as let's uh get this y type just to make sure i'm saving the right y type we'll just chuck it on the desktop oh we'll chuck it on the desktop and then from there let's pop it into our stream folder turn into mode on chuck it in there i never know i never trust it i never trust it because it just writes over it but it doesn't tell you let's do that all right crush your fingers maybe i did it right this time yeah i shouldn't have had delayed it the first time i'm going to have a note in the video not to do that which is super annoying so uh where i deleted um the house shell before don't do that just skip that bit and you won't have to do this bit but as you can see redeemable or redeemable because we can just go fix it it's fine even idiots can map and i am an idiot hi yes oh a glitch i think that's because my walls are too too wide uh that would be my guess um so the most important thing is to model your ship properly or this this this kind of stuff will happen um so because my exteriors like outside that's why this is happening because my exteriors are outside so as i'm kind of running it's trying to also draw outside um and i think my doorframe's not lined up properly but you get the gist you get the gist that is the process we have successfully put in in in the roughest fashion possible um but now you can do it let's just don't look over there don't look over there don't look over there don't look over there don't look over there but from here ah perfect there we go that's how you do it in a terrible fashion but we've done it um and obviously we can do it way better um but we got there so thanks for putting up with this let me know if you need anything just reach out cheers
Channel: Timbalicious
Views: 63,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ytRYfr9BvK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 4sec (6784 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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