Gruul Tanking Guide - TBC Classic

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howdy y'all my name is brunt half a ton miss runner told more of the mr in the tribe and today i want to talk to you all about tank and gruel now gruel is one of the big bosses in burning crusade and usually the first 25 man boss that people are able to kill going through my gear i have mostly mitigation on stamina gems hit gems i'm in a dual wheeled at the start of this fight with dragon mon king's defender i'm using the stiletto from karazhan for some hit rating and i've got a mixture of threat mitigation stuff in the slots the general strap for this fight is you need to have the main tank top threat and then you need to have a second tank who's also racing for threat because the boss does a hateful strike mechanic like patchwork if there's anyone who is in range of the boss and they're second in threat they're going to get hit really hard to make sure you have a warrior tank a bear tank or a paladin tank ready to soak that damage buff wise i have elixir major agility as my battle elixir i have elixir of major defense my defense elixir and i have spicy hot towel book as my food buff i also have a lesser rune of warding on my chest piece you can use a rune of warding lasts for an hour and it's a separate buff just gives you a chance to absorb a little bit more damage people are talking about their misdirect assignments basically we're just going to walk in there and start building threat whenever we're ready to pull the boss has some cave in stuff you're gonna see little pebbles falling from the ceiling you want to move out of the way of that if you're the one tanking it you just basically want to hold the boss in the center other people can move around that we're double checking all our buffs and stuff i still have the game open and picking people promoting the pvp or crying and stuff what's this what resist okay stop making that noise okay we're pulling gruel did a blood rage open up with heroic devastate heroic devastate heroic devastate i'm trying to get way ahead in threat i'm dual wielding for now got a bunch of procs of haste i also use the hates potion at the start of this fight yep there's a haste potion and i'm just racing for threat make sure there's demo shout thunderclap on the boss if you can i have thunderclap up fresh there's the demo shout now we're just throwing strike devastate zoom out a little bit so i can see more of the fight there's one growth stack you see the pebbles move out of the way heroic strike devastator will extract devastate if you have a shield on for this that's fine just shield block as well shield slam moving out of the cave in again there's a ground slam berserker stance intercept if you're a bear you can charge back in and i'm looking at the range check there you see right here watch out for the range check the more people who are in that range the more damage you take and one thing you can do if you realize that you have a bunch of people in your range before that ground slam is going to happen what you can do is last stand or you can use a nightmare seed you see i use this nightmare seed lasts for 20 seconds it buffs your max hp so i'm at 17k hp right now using that nightmare seed putting a shield on wouldn't be a bad idea either i'm just playing this fight aggressive because i'm a little bit over geared for it but if you're not over geared play it safe use a shield you see the boss is turning to ursadon he's just hitting the second in thread who's in melee range cave and damage get out of that these alerts coming up are from deadly boss mods you can get that on curse forge or wherever boss at 64 he's at about two stacks this ground slam timer you see in the upper right with 10 seconds left that means the earliest time that it could happen but it's not guaranteed to happen all right i put a shield on now as boss is getting to about half a little bit less risky i want to keep up that thunderclap demo shout out i don't have it up right now reverberation is a silence you can't cast shouts and some other abilities whenever you're silenced even as a warrior we got thunderclap up and now i'm going to be switching to iron shield potion we open this fight with the haste potion i'm going to berserker stance intercept again defensive stance heroic strike only one person in range so i take a bit of damage but not too much i'm shield blocking keeping up thunderclap shield slamming rogue strike devastate shield block every time you get tons of rage tank and gruel it's one of the best things about tanking the tough bosses they hit you a whole bunch that means you can use all your abilities if you notice in my hotkeys i have shield slam on e devastate on f heroic strike on q and shield block on b i can hit pretty much all those abilities at the same time because they're really easy to reach and i can apply them simultaneously you should think about that when you're setting up your own hotkeys the ability to spam should be really easy to reach i have my left hand in the wasd location some people have the old school approach of everything is one two three four five to zero and then they just kind of put stuff wherever from there but taking a pass on your hotkeys can help you a lot and you shouldn't be clicking stuff either we're keeping up that shield block basic rotation here watching out for the cave in damage as the fight goes on he hits harder and harder so iron shield potion is a must i have 40 of them on me just in case it goes bad it's probably your most important consume honestly demo shot refresh your sunder snack typically stays at full grand slam berserker intercept defensive stance one thing you can spam at the end of this shatter is your health stone as well it's a good call i just went ahead and used mine as a tank you can oftentimes anticipate the trouble spots of a raid say before ground slam damage is applied or whenever the cave-in is going to happen on magtheridon you have your nightmare seat as an option you have your health stone as an option last stand or even shield wall if it was looking dicey that would be a preemptive use of a defensive because you know that you're about to take damage as opposed to a reactive one so i use last stand here at the end of the fight it's going to be a good bit until we get all set up and buffed up from back there on and the boss is hitting me for 6k now k mitigation looks really nice when the boss is hitting that hard and that's basically gruel if you have any shaman friends nice trick is to keep up water shield one of girl's abilities just procs it throughout the fight so they can use that ability many times over the course of it pretty straightforward fight definitely one of the more fun fights to tank because you got that ground slam intercept get to fly around in the air and whatnot remember to bring your consumes it's very crucial on this fight and you don't have to dual wheel and that's just an option that's available for the low growth stacks i hope you all found this guide informative remember to use range 18 not get too close to people best of luck hopefully doesn't throw you up in a big stack of people and i hope you get some good bits ancestors watch over you brunt out
Channel: Neuro
Views: 7,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NeuroZerg, Neuro, wow, tbc, tank, walkthrough, tutorial
Id: gULY8e1AR5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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