Arcatraz Heroic Guide - TBC Classic

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howdy y'all my name is brent hefferton mr hunter told more the mystery on the tribe and today i want to talk to y'all about heroic architrazz royal carcatraz is one of the dungeons in netherstorm and it is the biggest pain in the asteroid in the game i'm going to take you all through pull by bull talk about how to do it one note here is the stuff in here hits pretty hard so if you're a fresh tank and this is your first heroic maybe that's a bad idea you want to make sure your healer knows what they're doing and you want to have some mitigation gear on let's just take it pull by pull we'll look at the incoming damage and think about how to play it i'm gonna pull these two borders and line this item come on i'm gonna open with a thunder clamp shield slam on skull for threat we're doing a revenge cleave devastate on skull i'm gonna taunt x which goes on the road these two a wing clip so i can't move i'm just going to tank the x because i can't do anything about that and we got them i'm going to go ahead and pull these as well we can just charge down there we're gonna take initiative generate some rage charge defensive shield slam good opener i'm gonna devastate x we need to be careful we don't pull that other group i can tell this i'm a throne weapon this guy they're fighting that big one over there they resolved their fight there's another pack of those they're fighting we'll let them fight those two we'll give them a sap do they not fight those yes not we can find those okay they're low you can go for a sap maybe i wonder if he snaps if it'll beat this in combat okay those are in combat so you can't stop then we'll do a trap good to know you can't snap so you can trap [Applause] charge shield slam defensive stance you'll throw an x the hunter should be pulling square to trample they might be immune to trap so i'm gonna stun and do a taunt percussion's we got the big guy now i'm just gonna use the last stand here make it easier on the healer last stand is a 10 minute cooldown you can use it pretty liberally i do have shield ball up as a last resort if i need to now we're going to be moving through this next area pretty fast because a bunch of stuff continues to spawn waiting on healer mana consumes look good we can have some food too let's have a clam bar 20 stamina on the tom not bad pretty cheap to make you make them from the jaguar clam meat which a ton of that drops in the coal fang reservoir slave pens um steam vaults okay i'm gonna keep an eye on these there's a patrol another patrol i'm just gonna mark them so keep track of them and i should be able to tank most of this we're looking for a good window we don't want to pull two packs at once that would be bad i'm gonna pull these guys thread the needle did it work it worked under clamp demo and throw a war stomp tab taunted one off the hunter okay need to keep it moving [Applause] shield slam the big one thunderclap the group demo shout the group shield block revenge shield slam taunt it back numbers contain death devastate that one i got it back i'm gonna keep an eye on this group make sure it doesn't control over to us i taunted that one off the healer they do a bleed that hurts really bad okay these little defender corpses have bugs and stuff in them can thrown weapon to get it out they don't hit that hard mainly these can be an issue if you're uh [Music] already low man in hp from the polls before okay we got some face guys fight this here in the doorway i want to make sure that i'm in line inside of the healer and i have my eyes on the battlefield here in case i pull something let me pull this guy center shield slam it demo shot on both shield block clap reduce that incoming damage taken these are hitting me for 2k with heavy plate and a shield on 2.8 k for that breath thing if you're melee make sure you're not in the front of that thunder climb this guy blood rage devastate shield slam cool thunderclap refresh battle shout time devastate shield slam the main target to have devastate people say warriors can't do aoe threat and deal with packs tap devastate i have seen people advertising for runs and saying paladin tank only pete's sake you've got warriors out there who've been tanking since molten core they can tank a couple packs man a break little bug under clap can you interrupt that well i'm trying to shield bash it seem to work i'm marked for death what does that mean six seconds on this three seconds what happens maybe it only happens if it's not dead arrange pull this you can dispel that drain life cast there's a poison here healing effects reduced by 45 so it's almost immortal strike if you have a druid or shaman they can cleanse that and then we got the first boss zero cath ready to check it up looks like a void kind of guy my first instinct here is to watch out for void zones we learned this in four horsemen [Applause] with the shield slam for a general good tank practice being with your back against the wall is great all right see the corruption so if you have that on you be aware of who's next to you shadow nova just resisted that i'm gonna shield wall here i'm going to avoid something and get out of there good shield shadow say we resisted you know avoid zones void zones shadow no busy to corruption so if you get cedar corruption make sure you're not next to your allies if there's a void zone get out of it and the shadow nova does some aoe damage don't forget to loot your badge that is the first boss molar x is saying that if the mark of death thing happens and you don't kill it in time then everyone dies sounds exciting you got these sentinels they look dead but they're not dead i'm gonna be wary make sure everyone's grouped up i'm gonna pull the bugs oh we pulled this tomb i'll mark that skull slam it thunder clap it these also continue to zap after they die energy discharge thing just don't run past that with low hp good kill yep so he was too close to that arcane discharge you need to make sure your range from it it looks like the range is about 15 to 20. find a guess let's see oh it's done yeah so probably about range 15. also if someone dies for architrans they need to make sure they have the key or someone needs to go out and open the door for them there is a quest to get the key to architrans but any rogue with max level lock picking can also open it i'm i don't have that quest done because i've had a rogue buddy to open the door it's a pretty handy thing people say rogues don't have utility but have you ever tried to get an alcatraz without the attune quest rogue dismiss i think we can fight the bugs while the healer gets up here as a warrior tank you have the decision between battleship and commanding shout depends a bit on your group comp the strength of your healer all right should be back soon can you hear that plane outside all right he was back in on the way if you have a hunter you could run them with the aspect of the pack speed things up or if you have a warlock you can summon them up those will be the transport speed boost classes we have these negatron screamers here my instinct here is it's a screamer maybe it does a fear so maybe tremor totem fear board healer's almost back the architecture in these places is pretty cool it's too bad the blood elves had to go and mess up the whole zone of netherstorm to do that see it's all broken and stuff i don't think it used to be that way but they've been experimented with ways to generate a whole bunch of magic yes okay let's get this guy i'll pull back we might get the little guy too nope they're not linked revenge shield slam thunderclap demo shot soften it up watch your step they might do that pink lines coming up from the ground thing shadow volley you got them you get these bottled netherground energy things you can use those attempts keep in addition to these dungeons and heroics make sure you're along the side of the healer looks good under clad shout yep that pink stuff you want to stand out of that careful of that stuff check and see how bad it hurts it doesn't hurt that bad watch it just kill me you probably don't want to test that on your own runs but you could what's that even for it wasn't giving me a buff either thunderclap demo shot shield block shield slam why doesn't it above me at least the spotlight in karazhan loves me i'm gonna underclap these revenge tab make sure i got him to build a little bit of rage pulling this guy i'm gonna shield slam into a revenge watch out for that guy patrol devastate devastate shield block devastate revenge shield slam demo shout thunder clap i tried to bash that looks like you cannot they do an acidic bite armor reduced rage is good healer man is fine devastate heroic shield block make sure i'm not lying beside the healer from being down on the steps i think is a torn i'm tall now yeah see it's buffing that guy that's what it is damage done increased by 5 000 from sitting in that pink stuff wow good to test that too bad it doesn't work for us stoned him build rage thunder clan they have a state town devastated these ones do a damage aura we're going to pull them back automatically inflicting 750 sounder damage every two seconds the range of this is pretty big too [Music] i guess hunters don't need mana i'm gonna pull back throwing weapon there we go these are immune to disarm i just tried that i'm gonna demo shot thunderclap they're not immune to that shield revenge making sure i'm in line beside a healer i can see him over there good pull and wait on healer mana i'm gonna get these bugs on the plant getting some rage and i'll pull this guy battle shot here just trying to make sure he takes the long way around doesn't hold the other one making sure i'm in line beside a healer all damage taken increased by 400 stacking debuff and this aura is a bummer time between a tax increase casting speed reduced movement speed reduced so you're going to be having less healing output less damage output everything's slowed down i'll pull the next let me one my shoot slam so i'll devastate heroic thunderclap heroic shield block into a demo i'm just going to try to disarm again just to test they're immune to disarm so all these eredar guys are made of disarm did you know that now you know there's a chest pull this guy okay same thing with the zampity guy make sure you don't get too close to it even after it's dead it's based on this buff they have a demo see if i can concussion blow this you can nice looks like about range 15 to 20. stay away from those the feeling that guy's gonna wake up yep so i'll underclap everything demon shout out shield block shield slam throw a war stomp get another concussion blow one of the bugs is on the healer it's feared when it taunts it as it's coming back get the state have shield slam revenge getting a bunch of zappy zap okay this room has a bunch of invisible succub succubuses how do you say that so you want to pull range pull back into this hallway there may be a charm charm or mind control effect as well did you call this guy is here [Music] it's pretty hard 2.5k doesn't knock back make sure your back is not in that room unless you'll be knocked into more mobs okay i'm gonna pull the next one in and for 1.7 k on plate 2.1 k shadow ball maybe it's gonna that they can flare this area any flare it's probably going to pull two yep all right this one's cool concussion blow their immune thunderclap tab make sure i have to right on both on the last stand i'm gonna talk this one off the healer shield blocking yep i told you there's invisible ones jesus hit very hard do you think we'll live we lived cloaker shadows is a good ability flair what is the cooldown on flare we're learning about all kinds of stuff today this is the passageway to get to the later boss you got two bosses back here delilah the doomsayer and rat squire circumferentis socotres yeah he's playing minesweeper right now i think the invisible one's patrol so you could potentially guess that spot then they're over here and then when the flare ends they go over there it's kind of like a scary game okay they're coming back i'd be surprised if there was only one oh i should have another clam bar in a bit i did another guide video on tank consumes if you notice here i've got 28 of these elixir major agility that's a best battle elixir elixir major defense 550 armor for an hour discarding elixir and then this iron shield potion this is your go-to your two minute potion cooldown should be iron iron shield potion unless you're way over geared and you're just trying to pump threat and then you can haste potion or rage potion neither is fine there's a bunch of these little capsule things i wonder what's inside i'm doing the attune quest this time you need to do this for your tempest keep attunement trial of the naru tenacity you have to rescue milhouse manastorm apparently they say this is pretty hard all right ready check it out let's see if we can get this all right we're ready do you think there's invisible succubus these do a lot of damage cool now we can find a boss they don't find you together they actually hate each other that's one of the funny things about this area is they're yelling at each other doing some rp we'll fight this guy first he doesn't charge fire on the ground probably mortal strike or something charged in shoot looks like he's got an emulate aura for about 388. i'm going to throw a commanding shot and have an iron shield potion just to take it seriously also buffs the healer and range with some hp so the less likely to die actually the healer the physical knockback was not a threat knocked back as you'll notice my thread is still 31k [Music] the boss is not immune don't forget your bench each of these bosses drops a bad to do that congratulations years gonna wait for man 20 second pool timer on the clock no 100 died going in five five to heal enemy target when healed there's a whirlwind effect this gives the rogue used invasion though there's a heal spell i'm gonna re-up my stone shield when i can iron shield used to be called stone shield back in vanilla but they made a fancy new one commanding shout interrupted that you can shield bash it humble it kick it counterspell blood rage thunderclap broke strike every stage shield block revenge sometimes it gets resisted we go up this way the passage is open you don't need to use your key here it just opens when you kill both bosses pretty nice stairwell wait on mana and now the best part let's see blood rage let's find this guy yep tune quest so we're trying to save milhouse mana storm still zapping and get the bugs it'll probably pull this guy too yep so when the stuff comes up i'm gonna under clap now the bugs didn't come i'll thunderclap that got lots of thread on this i'm gonna taunt whenever you're using your thunderclap and demo shout it's not as much thread output as if you're still slamming and devastating stuff so your dps can bear that in mind if it's a hard hitting dungeon oh be careful get this off the healer you stay away from the zappy guy away from the zap i train first aid in the wrathy highlands make sure everyone has more than 8k hp and makes the last fight easier 9.7 10.3 8.2 9.1 all right healing done should we give him clam bar there's a clam bar okay can we trap and stuff here probably let's get a sam kill these are humanoid um maybe we'll trap melee i think it's easier for them and i'll mark the patrol so we can keep track of that set please can he do it he did it important we have a it might get the skull that's fine yep so we'll kill the eggs disarm this guy i'm going to intercept the stun into a revenge shield block shield slam square's dead zap target is still set clean pull i'm gonna pull this while the patrol is away this pool will be a lot harder without cc okay we'll do the same thing zap one kill caster kilcaster trap melee it's usually easier for hunters to trap melee than it is ranged just because they don't have to line the sign or do anything fancy okay i'm going to go into a charge shield slam and then i'm going to jump back [Music] and shield block the devastate x they pulled the square i'm gonna talk this i don't know where the trap is i'm gonna disarm demo shot okay pulling this shield slam open prevent rogue shield lock to a battle shot refresh taunt off the hunter my pain good okay we had someone who wants a leather working recipe okay what is the recipe i wonder we're now entering the aq40 nostalgia part of the instance a lot of the moms up ahead deal some ability of units in aq40. these first ones the abyssals they do a meteor ability same as the anubisaths which distributes the damage over all the targets it hits which means if it only hits one person it's gonna deal tons of damage and they pretty much just die but every additional person is divided among them which makes it easier to heal through so generally we'll all stack up share the damage survive it starts going back to him russia drew it over very nice i've been using king's defender in here you could use thunder fury or some other weapon as well it does feel like this place hits about as hard as shattered holes the poles are a little bit more technical and weird i feel like shattered holes is more of just a straight up strength and power check cc is valuable in both though as you can tell if you get a warlock you can banish and seduce or stuff the succubus pad is one that not every warlock uses that often but if they know what they're doing it works almost as well as a mage you can just mark a seduced target for them and they can handle that and seduce is gonna be a more stable form of crowd control than fear because if they use fear on something it's gonna run who knows where and sometimes pull extra packs seduce at least it keeps it in one spot how lucky would it be if this recipe just dropped on these okay they're coming 40 minutes in so far not bad i also got some unchained doom bringers over there we're ready to check it up buff it up [Music] the while okay i'm gonna stack up there's a hill person a heck caller i'm gonna pull this first when he's right at the doorway let's go all right i'm doing heroic devastated shield block stuff i'm gonna throw in a thunderclap in the demo shout out there's a meteor need to be stacked yep good job [Music] battleship for the pits meteor fine that's an invisible okay gonna pull wait did he get it the flame armor kit increases the fire resistance of a slot by eight wow he got it on the first one well ladies and gentlemen if you're a leather worker looking to get this just kill one of these guys apparently good journey wait can i have thorns please please sprawl thank you he went to the bathroom so it might be a little bit so it's coming back very own are you back apparently that worked very on he said take my energy and he gets him the first one okay he's going to help up to the boss all right these are demons so you could banish them let's just do a trap trap square minus side pool devastate shield slam shield block if they didn't get it yet i'm just gonna take it i'm netted guys using his bow on me practicing his bow skills now the rain of fire good pull do the same thing range pull line aside i'm netted in the rain of fire can't do anything about this frost air reduced movement speed from that guy incinerate cannot be bashed i just tried it's another good pull doombringer we haven't found these yet i don't know why i'm thinking thunderclap oh my goodness [Applause] intervene into a taunt his heal over time past my throne weapon and threat through extract shield block devastate thunderclap he's hitting me for 2k plus 3.1 k 3.1 k almost 3.2 [Applause] okay another meteor one i get a fun nostalgia feeling whenever we face meteor mobs like this i did play vanilla wow back in the day as an idol warrior and our guild got stuck on the anubisath defender trash which sometimes does meteor sometimes thunderclap sometimes plague sometimes enrage sometimes explode just a bunch of different abilities and the raid does need to be coordinated they also spawn ads and stuff with the return of vanilla with classic we were able to smash through it people are a lot better at their class in the game in general more add-ons more game knowledge etc pull this guy blocking it oh man he just turned and he stabbed him and he died that's brutal i wonder if it was a hateful or he pulled threat i wasn't watching that ghostly [Applause] so that charge is not a threat drop as you can see in the threat meter just charges someone the low poly is kind of endearing like halfway to pixel art and in my opinion the cartoony art style makes it work pretty well it doesn't really look too bad there's a lot of cool stuff not everything is high-res but some of the stuff is pretty high-res this shield is pretty nice the armor set is pretty nice but yeah like this part of the wall here i mean it's a wall what do you want nice little low poly corner there but look at this he's got the snap crackle pop of those weapons mongoose enchant all right he's coming up to the meeting stone here we swapping them out inviting the healer the pre-sealer back so for this boss fine warden miller charm middle chair whatever his name is he's casting some magical at this thing here and there's a boss in here but before he summons the last boss he summons a couple other things basically three mini bosses in milhouse mana storm we're going to put a target marker and buffs on milhouse manor so i'm trying to keep him alive i'm also going to switch here in my bars and commanding shout and set a battle shot every time doing this quest is all about saving milhouse mana storm if you give your party more health then that means they can direct more heals toward that npc one of the virtues i think of a good tank would be patience i've met some tanks and they're pretty hot hot heat very intense needs to be done a certain way kind of a thing but if you're flexible and patient you'll go a pretty long way it doesn't really show up on the parses but it makes you a lot more pleasant to be around one of the things that i enjoy about classic coming back is you're on a server not just a server cluster which means you're going to interact with a lot of people again that means that your reputation with other people matters people find out that you're a poo poo head to run with well that's going to impact your opportunities okay they're back in now running through with the pack buff aspect of the pack 30 increase chance to be dazed pretty good ability and they're almost back just gonna double check my consumes let's get a clam bar get some more hp we could play this extra safe and go full mitt just for the exercise of it i do like keeping this on for hit rating but i'll put on some mid bracers since i'm using a shield and i'll put on a mid trinket looks good trying to give the team a slow and stable fight as a tank you do have to ride the lightning debacle of do i want to deal more threat the sacrifice of mitigation or do i want more mitigation at the cost of threat politics can be beneficial war now what i'm talking about is reliability stability consistency all right we're ready to check it out double check your buffs this is a pretty long fight i'm not sure if these are gonna fall off we'll see okay team is ready we're gonna go okay snake trap on cd that's what everybody's saying for the last boss i knew the prince he may mind control snakes or something i have not been myself i had to let them out the great one speaks to me you see wait outsiders chaothos did not send you good i'll just tell the prince you released the [Laughter] the prisoners kept some of the most dangerous beings in existence here in these cells let me introduce you to another okay hello oh face hunter probably turns invisible and charges of people or something yeah it has a shadow step under clap that demo shot that just turn use the mouse right click to turn it's much faster than wasd make sure everyone has commanding shout yes yes another your will is mine okay you get a little bit of time to recover bandaging top off man the terrifying creature of incomprehensible power i believe this is mana storm all right star he needs to live what is this a lowly gnome i will do better oh great one do you have any scrolls you could probably give him like an armor scroll i don't care who you are friend no one refers to the mighty milhouse mana storm as lowly can you get ready for the next one blood rage gladly join your fight against this emphasis prepare they might be able to max range time but it looks like the priests can just prayer healing they do a teleport and threat drum so you do need to recall of whoop ass hi how are you got a buff on him bandage them up get ready for the next one i'm just going to go ahead and iron shield potion oh my god one of the downsides of me having this mitigation gear honest my thread is worse so people need to work around that i'm gonna do a fire blast nova does not knock the threat back rude or lash layer in black mclaren does that ability something similar to it also mortal strike from this guy as soon as it dies i'm going to abandon myself yes right away okay snake trap is bis for the this of the weak for i bear allegiance to powers untouched by time unmoved by fate this is like the prophet scarum the first boss in aq40 mindfully ability makes illusions of himself not even the mighty and mighty welcome oh great one pleased to meet you i am your humble servant bear witness there's a fear he just cast it on the snake and he just did mindfully on the other snake you see that that's why the snake trap is biss i'm gonna save a little bit of rage here i taunted that one and i'm gonna devastate this one these aren't really hitting me very hard with physical so i'm gonna dual wield here for some threat you cannot interrupt that i just tried i'm gonna taunt this guy i'm gonna light you up i'm just doing devastate heroic universe ever see this guy okay i got threat i'm gonna taunt this one you're doing mine run on me i'm watching for last stand if i need to do that devastating dual wheel big threat the mine renders the stone ability warehouse mana storm still at full hp and that's it good job racers of dignity oh tank powder maybe there's a de anyway hope you all enjoyed this run through our architrazz is a pretty tricky one remember bring hunter if you want to use snake trap for the last boss it makes it a good bit easier try to mark and buff milhouse mana storm if you're doing the attunement and stack up for the meteor don't forget to repair before you leave town and as always ancestors watch over you
Channel: Neuro
Views: 9,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NeuroZerg, Neuro, warrior, druid, paladin, walkthrough, tank, dungeon, tutorial, Brunt
Id: pmviK7IVpLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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