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we go random and no announced here's the first CGS custom game among male a crowd that means one-on-one games we're gonna play without knowing each other's race my first reforged higher level games cash is very good right now is the current winner of the hero's hearth fight night that I cast most of the reports games with a few exceptions have been you know a little lower level because there's not a lot of matchmaking yet so it's nice to get some higher level game saying we'll play about I don't know three to five Maps or so then I'm gonna play a few games of night out later today we're gonna watch that documentary together today and of course after midnight will run the Starcraft 2 legacy of the void campaign some more we're getting to the final stretch of that so I'm human random human he is also random I don't know it's race and in fact I'm going to avoid looking as a chat I really care about what you guys have to say but I just want to avoid accidentally reading his race so I'm gonna open up with an Archmage the first I will know his race it's gonna be with my footman Scott IC mentions I must not read don't look gonna make a footman don't mention me guys don't ask me my footman Scott will ah so much red highlighting to Luke okay one farm on the high ground footmen Scout discipline this will make me stronger no no I'm gonna check everyone's name of who's doing that and I'll get back at you instead of a threat yeah what's your promise okay we are Jana is Nate oh he has a demon hunter that means we must fast expand kind of a mirror of our matchup yesterday where the false expands against demon hunter yesterday I tried to expand this time I'll go for her ass instead I can help so I do want level two since it's chasing the of course you know what I'm going to do a turnaround he recognizes my that's curious I hate resorting to violence I'm trying to think I can help sounds interesting it gets a TV out of him though he stole an importance creep sounds interesting that's curious I lost a lot of didn't expand this time I need the Nagas before I need riflemen already has it that's the parents - that's curious I can help I'm trying to think here yes did have a lot of protests survived sounds interesting what's the plan okay sounds interesting sanctum and gun rifle I can help sounds good is it time what's the plan I'll take care of it that's curious woman power bills and a farm I can help time although he gots another ogre mate we did get some kills yes my friend it's like a good time to go yes I shouldn't focused even on just ignore him that roar is one less he's ready for him I can thank you yes my got one priests help you know I want to spell breaker try to creep up my Naga turn off spell steel I'll take care of it what's the plan I can what's the plan [Music] where's my brayer mr. small I must have lost a lot without noticing [Music] bears we're all the same color it's so confusing always all these bears are my color like the team coloring thing we need to pick blue and red I need to ask for blue and red pig so that I don't need to use team color cuz it's still freaking bugs ah okay let's go necks it's hard to see what is whose it's good to some angry cash too cassia's FPS performance was so much better I think you missed some options they probably put everything low I'll put everything low but I wonder what PC he has maybe he doesn't use fullscreen or what oh and I need to change my whole case just transplant my standards alt keys from the Warcraft folder to the beta folder custom key bindings and replays yes okay yeah let's see do you use alt + a + a I would like to be blue and him red if possible use these players color white he's blue of course greetings friend do you produce mouse lock disabled I do yeah I was read I think you're I'm thinking red again blue I didn't even know where my breaker died oh wait it's the real cash yep you just got reports like a week ago did you see how slowly the lights faded in oh by the way not every race has the same FPS per se yeah I have everything on low so it should be running huh oh my god looks like he's Kafka so did anyone spoil his race last game or wasn't chat being really good boys and go nobody did that's so nice what a good chat that's fully cozy [Music] nice joke target yeah as it turns out cane even funny spoils are psychologically deducible by me to be to know what it really is plus even fake spoils this point because people that don't know they won't know whether it's fake or not so she'd still be removed hey wolves are a little different smaller slightly more ethereal though I wouldn't say enough [Music] cute wolves not will survive I'll go for one grunt into a headhunters wait a lot of expand that can [Music] what you want to go the spirits are restless yes Oh get that mixed up you got it don't rush me yes I work for that the spirits are restless [Music] well she wanted to get on with it too far I'll shake that right up yes why she let's get on with it the spirits are restless should be doing [Music] something up yeah let's get info on Alchemist you're the spirits are restless why she want me do I need a third hero shutter on sir do I have the money something that doing so to adobe the spirits are restless goddamn that's good yes these are level two wolves but they still look level one and it's not very obvious when the Raider is about to throw his net just kind of comes out of nowhere he wants to expound on he said an acolyte there but it's not cleared yet maybe we can get some creeps but then I should get a TV like you let's see I still have more agility on a Farseer level I'll get he'll school I said you Farseer level 4 has more agility than a Shadowhunter level 1 so for now it's still best to keep orbit lightning and claws and stuff on the bar sear or risk this but soon that I've changed did I make a grunt automatic guns what I've know of something up I don't mind tp'ing for this he's sending ghouls there I will get traded TP for some goals like he's wanting to engage we just want a center now shadow has more agility already so he's essentially a better model second give them everything spirits I get that mixed up use my power Restless I'm Sophie my power one armor upgrade these upgrades is 200 this just needs good positioning now it's been doing very well to stay alive for this long Swarna made a Grunch is now not that I should per se but he is expanding again this could make one Safford [Applause] you see that so now we're on equal basis and I'm 70 food I'm guessing maybe some 55 so his info was on the Lich we didn't check so I cannot really take credit for that kind of assassination but it's always good to focus the DK in a fight like that and yes that much damage to attack upgrades Cotto acid form even if you had involved it would just be a countdown until the next focus noise 1 1 got my orc race against undead will host 3rd game button will be fun right let's see next up tennis stance ladder version I really liked her explanation sis game keep it up did I explain anything not consciously I mean I mean I was awake I just don't remember what I said thank you I didn't have much to explain this time I could have done a better job that's explaining sorry just owe you but that's him yeah sure no it's so good it's so good it's kind of a coincidence Gorby how much do you pay for internet service per month just curious like 85 euros or 80 or something it's quite high I'm unlike the business program so you get quicker help service it could be better but yeah yeah it's really high but nothing too high as a streamer huh the internet stats is 600 / 60 so I can download 70 megabytes per second i am i color is it internet only are also TV and landline it's internet only well as it turns out different countries like a mistake I'm sure no it has something to do with Kiwi beyond limit well against under yeah but the style I did was from Kiwi even though he has not perfected it against undead yet nor am I sure if it works against Undead just trying to start this app ok now it works ok and now it's resizable not for me anyway yeah let's begin random random tennis that oh I thought he said go go but it was me oh he did say it okay cool Oh GOG oh go go go go go lucky lucky org again okay let's see if he's human I might want to disrupt his mercenary count if he is Night Elf I might want to disrupt his mercenary camp if he's Undead I want to do nothing of the sort and if he's orc I might want to disrupt his mercenary camp if he go shallow and I would not be in a terrible place if I Blademaster harass so overall I will do a blade master shop harass I think is the best at the moment early scout shop item 18 food tech not something i regulate u-kiss I was gonna be on scared from altar oh man I'm just dreaming away I was thinking about something else under okay fine that changes things anyway excellent choice he's probably gonna fight me for the middle spots probably already there he's checking the top one [Music] fight me it gets the creep which is a pity but I get the item it doesn't matter that ghoul loves me I really like how the ghoul moves the way it puts one hand in front of the other every time looks super sick like individually that looks amazing it's just your whole thing everything not 100% tied together yet the hit monsters mouth I see it now it's like there's a piece of fishhook pulling his lip off [Music] I wonder if you want to kill the creep and then the item Wow Wow three rings and ready to go you'll love my recipe yeah for a cocktail recipe yeah but I fail this is doing either the or when he's exposed now I think because he will continue to get closer and closer to destroyers so I'm just gonna go for it right away Jack there would have been Suites as well you got it your love recipe with this strat it's very easy for him once you put some ghouls on my Expo so I need to be careful about that fortified on a burro you sell this it's all about defense now [Music] you want me go yeah while she wanted something now I like some serious lumber do you want me give what you want me go tiny me yes yes death back you stay right here until my outcome is back okay so I can live a lot something up don't think he has an expansion wanna blow something up you know you could have be so aggressive a little something up your love my recipe yeah but I got they'll wanna blow something up yeah the seats of angels yes chieftain say the word what talk about what you scariest was it's over now unless he has an expansion but I don't think he does much worse cultural groupings than usual just blame the dog Thank You asset ball I got my my Raider my radar just checked if he has expansion and it just knows that's finally group everything again normally [Music] check it one more time do I so I lost my daughter it's good to remember it's a lot of destroyers have a lot of rings on this outcomes he's trying to assassinate the Alt key but unkillable I would say I had no idea what I was doing that fight comes from grouping less they hard to see but it thinks the colors are correct give the serpent to the alchemist I've enough mana for transformations when you find this many rings alchemist is so sick 13.6 our big 27 Thank You baron [Music] you got dark minions I love this shield icons pretty my in Barren hula sound booster relics hi cups a huntable thank you very much guys for the subs that's what I was waiting for that's a regroup everything Raiders something - as much as I can - expansion in the top right god knows how long very long so we've been winning like straight up just by our upgrades and stuff and our heroes nobody must economy illegal position this time I have no ill scrolls I didn't even target oh no I did I did sergeant it's our fans ooh 284 260 while you can transmute statues - yup I found it having your settings on as lighting on high and shadows on low is the most clean look instead of off right it's a clean look but I'm looking for max FPS right now do you like the graphics of reforest only when viewed in from all the way zoomed in not really from standard view let's go secret Valley haven't played that one a long time reading this friend I understand that as a streamer you can't play window full screen no you must play windowed full screen and the opposite so my opinion on the release delay is that it's it's good to do that kind of delay but I feel like it should have been a little bit more I really believe in the developers intent to make the best possible game but I don't think they can do it in 41 days I don't think it's gonna be to the point of completion that the game deserves yet I'll be the happiest of anyone if the opposite turns out to be true they everything will be like 100% but there are still some big visibility and performance issues that it will be very impressive if they're doing in 41 not being pessimistic err just I think they should have taken a little bit more time but you know a delay is still better than none Thank You Zachary outs and prone and specs for wild for the subs appreciate it I hope they get to enjoy a little bit of holiday break as well god knows they're probably needed hell yeah hell yeah brother work again not that kind of work I love this random versus random it's really interesting we played three games against cash this is we orcs they this time I'm going Farseer headhunters but I'm gonna start headhunters at tier one this time as opposed to delaying them till after my tech which is better against some races and worse against some just going quickly off the list I like early headhunters against human but I think against orc I should like to have the quick attack we'll see you now under quickly check better as well I think ready to work I'm in California with the 11 months up hey grubby thanks for streaming still happy to support you no thank you man my pleasure I think I saw a wisp if he's demon unto night off and don't keep them as hunts it's gonna be very tough game in this case I will run Naga a second [Music] the spirits are restless by the way in case anyone was wondering about no worries you'll have plenty of reminders still no rest for the spirits feels bad man yep spoils of war scam spirits and its demon hunter - why you so standard vanilla what you want me go where you want me to do what you want me go and let's get on where you want me kill if I could stay away from him and creep everyone so often that will be the ideal scenario no regard for honor less you want me to thing just for us let's get on with it the spirits I can get level two and far side right here yes the spirits are restless [Music] double Laura and Tier three I think take effect Arash you cannot stop me did I really neat let's get on yes she did yes he's still level one on the Panda let's get on with it need something [Music] I was a mistake using my coat [Music] let's get something the spirits are restless let's get on the ass cheatin the spirits are restless [Music] he must be doing is already looking for - [Music] never speed something okay I probably looking because he has ultra vision my tar in my coat os/2 stops yes my tyrant CJ leaf place Thank You Nasdaq thank you for that damn end game thanks for this up when you're open with the Farseer against a demon you know you're gonna have a tough game did you know that three workers in three boroughs are more than three workers in one because of the first hit it's not because of the first hit is because the attack speed of the first peon is worth double but yeah I know new units look way too hard to micro a host so much harder it's like playing with training weights is it extremely hard to micro these armies but you know we're both doing the best we can I think the games are still really good so let's go for one final game let's go on lost temple angry cash five we're too too after this we're gonna watch documentary together on superhuman performances the Iceman and others and after that Wednesday 1v1 classic and then starcraft ii legacy campaign wim HOF europe documentary about me oh you shouldn't have though how how are you extraordinary act I can try to message the documentary makers Kruschev yeah I think I'll put this whole segment on YouTube I'll just ask my editor if he has time to edit out the downtime all right here we go we have we have cash on me I will go to blue again I tried to curiosity stream link and sign up but I didn't get a free trial you should get a 7-day free trial and no matter what dawn baguettes and a 30 day free trial if you use my code I'm good at procrastinating I thought you were gonna say that same air we're both super human all right final game nostalgic lost temple he doesn't seem to want to play lost temple okay let's go Norwood message me about it Don Burgett can try to fix okay Donner on yeah I'm still new on Don around so that will not be a valid choice for me personally I've never played it before now no wood there's a map I played before actually let's put him on mid right why sketch angry I asked him about that why is your twitch name angry cache and he said cache was already taken so I had to think of something it's a great guy I'm not gonna doubt him this name on discord is stupid gosh none of it is true how does game speed affect the gameplay I mean we always play on fastest yes it is we're elf all right here we go I can actually cancel that's interesting readings for legacy campaign later paprika yup mr. turtle about two and a half hours or so whose cash exclamation mark cash I'm gonna go back to when I used to play this map chick boo style the moon while positioning is a little interesting let's see the fountain is mana huh wisp apparently always had a face it's just more obvious now and two of this if most people are to be believed his reforged CPU or GPU bond I have no idea I have a pretty monster both BC and graphics so should be fine but it's not that good I've got the scent human my quarry is what lies before me I've got the scent I'm ready to rock it's a good matchup for me my glory years [Music] I've got the centers flush them out I'm ready to try what lies before me my quarry years I'm ready to track what lies before me Mike Warren years God is my strength I'm ready to try [Music] what lies before me in position make it fast unleash my strength wash them out research what lies before me my quarry years I've got the scent I'm acting on instinct unleash my strength what lies before me goddess like my passengers what lies before me ready to track my quarry years by ready to track what lies before me I wonder alone on the prowl out Mike Warren ears speak your mind as the gods will I'm ready to track what lies before me I wonder alone I walk in shadow I'm ready to track what lies before me I wonder I've got the scent I'm ready to drag wash them out this is how I used to play on Hollywood it's lucky that it's my years what lies before me years I'm ready to track them out for me ready to track what first oh he did a red spot [Music] [Music] I'm acting on instinct unleash my strength what lies standing I'm ready to track wash them out unleash my strength I shall not ready to talk about my war in years I'm ready to track my strength I'm ready to drag what lies before me wash them out I'm acting on instinct my quarry years what lies before me xxx vs rock come on bro sprint 30 I need a little bit more just give me a little bit more just one more I'm out I wonder upgrade my cards just one more [Music] wash them out on the prowl I'm ready to track in position what lies before me [Music] what lies before me oh yeah we got sundaes unleash my strength on the prowl I'm ready to drag [Music] he has to be again wash them out our paths converge [Music] sorry for lame but it's been a while since I want to show magic I really needed it even running abusing and Lamy assistants been a long time - and I've felt really good I just needed that cash [Music] GG the only question is could we ever win the fight but I feel like we probably could because we had three - upgrades and R or 80 food mass hunts and lots of items and infinite gold behind this anyway that's why no wood was removed from the pool yeah we didn't have to heal hunts much because we either just lost them or we did even fight for once yeah you should ask me to fight after GG will be more fun for both viewers [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 273,896
Rating: 4.7304015 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, superclash
Id: hb3FrjDMwDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 16sec (7096 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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