Grubby | Warcraft 3 TFT | 1.30 | UD v ORC on Concealed Hill - UD Overexplain and Analysis

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after you do all the things that are fun you will find additional ways to improve it may not be as fun or exciting or whatever in that case we'll need to also start doing there's those you also need to start doing those to fulfill your complete repertoire of skills eventually when can you consider yourself a pro player either if you're very good I suppose or if you're making a living from it is required I think the definition has become more liberal for example is a professional streamed game player is he a pro player the dad stays making a living with playing games so I guess yeah it's not what I used to understand the meaning to be it's a pro streamer pro gamer kind of but it's not what yeah it's not what I normally commonly associated with it if someone who is extremely good the best player in the world but does not play tournaments and does not take a salary and does not take prize money is he Pro he has the level to be pro but he is not throw overall I'd say being good and being able to pay some bills with it makes you prone but the definitions can vary I could just mean you take your crop seriously for me I started to see myself as a pro player when I go picked up by a pro team even though there was no salary yet like and when I started playing in in tournaments and not finishing lost and you can always play and then yes I gladly obey wow this guy is he pressed yeah well my blood spill no finishing last got together hey old first in law you were doing those spamming yesterday you're walking on ice you know that one was kind of okay you're lucky to still be here so lucky this full wall office I think it's gonna be here there's not that many places to go it was thinking about getting books I guess for the HP hey he's doing the shop yeah denied that white great white pill critter I feel like it's a critical move to do so I think to raise the dead from that critical let's see let's go to the shop ah I'm right here bro yeah hey oh my god I didn't think he'll be back that soon for grunts I don't know if he stole the creep or just took the item I think item only nice that model eating chili my patience has in [Music] come on bro why does TP take so long I know how on this players feel I know how other players feel I don't want to feel it I don't want all this feels I wasn't ready for them BB Street nice Raiders maybe we rinse no destroyers needed them yeah my [Music] my patience has ended for the ladies [Music] now you know how orc players feel there you are with youth in zero County Meath freaking broken and earnest using ghouls to kill grunts with great impunity thank God I'm here how's it going I've come to help the war effort my report comes out he doesn't have his tax here yeah the source bill or the Lich King my patients my life for this [Music] yeah war drums at least I didn't drop anything good casa I go on see this is usually where I split and die against the orc nooks four four four four parks now they know what it feels like to lose to undo it again 10:02 best recent tier 2 I know how to deal with this just don't lose long did you what was his mistake in the last fight well alright was in a better position and I'll show you I do is even max I'm still 50 food the shade is to check expansions and also to kill the blade for two reasons can you explain your cultural groups with Undead one everything three statues two destroyers good afternoon balanza ago [Music] I'll show you guys it wasn't even at all because of leads obtained it's an interesting question what should he have done differently in the last fight but the assumption is that he could have done something differently to win I'm alleging that he could not and I would like to display that so we're he's got 1,000 gold 21 minutes near the eyes thank you Gigi I know no requests a day but if you won or over X your next game versus all that it'd be nice or just buy yourself some tea and biscuits bellick thank you very much so I actually realized Alec I'm not good enough at under to do and over explained during the game but what I can do is like do some kind of analysis or something over explain your next game versus org over explain next replay vs ork shall we do that so it'll be an over explained ant an analysis explained this game it was a good game okay sure let's just do this one yeah what you're doing now is good enough didn't know you were gonna do this no worries thank you again so we'll first look at the last fight because it's most recent in our memory and then we're gonna go to the stats of this game to talk through everything both the things we did well and things we didn't do well same for him okay with the emphasis on that kind of learning about it and having fun as well so whenever I evaluate fights I look at all the preconditions and the potential extra anyone could have added to it so we can see that he has a consumable great small healing potion a hill scroll and a speed scroll with the so be mask on blade 200 mana so firstly I would say the soba mask is misplaced he has plenty of mana for windwalk and although he's maxed on on shadow this is all fine and it's well placed actually but once the fight starts will he be fast enough to swap it to the shadow hunter that's the question secondly zero zero upgrades no head centers that is fine but zeros or upgrades he's got a thousand goals and he's neither expanding nor maxing what's he gonna use the thousand for if we have any kind of fight if he loses some units also he's only got 60 gold left which would get taxed by going over upkeep so it's once your gold mine runs out it's just like Starcraft 1 or 2 there is no upkeep so there is no need to prevent tax for example could you be angry at the government for taxing your income if you have none law like you could live in a country with hundred percent tax don't matter you bum anyway you don't make an income it's the same here he doesn't have a gold mine so no need to save so essentially he could make double wyvern and a head center or he could make two Raiders in the grounds I don't think he has in venom Spears but he doesn't have a lot of waivers so there's plenty of extra he could do secondly does he have better defenders advantage or do I have better defenders advantage do I have better nuke or does he have better nuke these things matter to determine a late-game stalemate we're both at 50 food he has a thousand gold I have roughly a thousands as well I have five towers and blight so my defenders advantage is so strong that you can already say there's nothing that he can do in my base if I stand here forever and he stands here forever he can't win the game so if he already can't win then what's the only thing he can do draw or lose for me I can coil Nova things with relative ease without losing anything so if he can't fight or he's not maxed on the fight and he can't win in my base once we get to the stalemate situation he can only do one thing tiny great whole expansion and hope to old here to fortify it on his own side of the map or just max and focusing hero and kill it for the rest he's got one here scroll and a potion but no in Ville you always need to carry two Valon one invoker hero against undead one envelope a hero against under it's very important and if you're gonna do a speech scroll code of maneuver which he did you must pre and snare the units you're gonna eat if you're playing against a competent Undead I'll show you why first let's also look at the hero levels he's love of four point six and four point three I'm four point seven two point three low two point six and three point seven so my hero levels and total experience is better I'm close to leveling all but none actually are as for him he's close to leveling blade now let's look at the fact I have also in Ville second in Volant protection scroll and he has no dis spell so the protection Scrolls worth a lot now the criticism that I gave him for not maxing it extends to myself as well I should have maxed as well abomination or two and three goals would have just fortified my position it's just that I felt like I didn't need to because my army is already better Darko spitter says hello grubby I like your hoodie today thank you I also do you spit tacos out or do you spit on tacos because we have a taco in the chat and I want to make sure that you can wear this hoodie to dodge your spit if so so fight starts obvious thing seems to be focusing the Lich and he could try to do so I do have coil on how of terror and I've involves it's not gonna be easy but the fight starts with Raiders in front Raiders are the fastest moving unit and they're directly encountering ghoul resistance this is not how you want to start a fight ideally blade is in front here's the best armor class and type and amount so he should be in front Raider should flank next watch what he does he heals he loses the unit then speed scroll right but Ian's near to go he's gonna eat the peon Oh Dortch ah I'm just gonna try again touch again and then finally he gets it and his blade is dead and that's literally what he was doing as his blade died is eating this group fiend if you just double ensnare double Cotto and then speed scroll you will get the guaranteed eat eat unless the under does godlike blocks godlike blocks but the hero difference was so big that he lost this game before now let's see how he lost it we saw my point of view during the game so we're gonna focus on his I'm gonna normalize the colors he's gonna bleed blue and I'm gonna be green first from the orc point of view let's talk about what his goals are on this map there are three red spots which have very high-value items then there's the two laboratories that also have high value items everything else is secondary to those five locations your goal in this map since it's a two-player map that's relatively small should almost always be to get the majority of the creeps this is how you build rules of gameplay you can try to win early but it doesn't always work so you might as well in the meantime work on getting all the creeps usually winning early in Warcraft 3 does not come from a premeditated strategy of trying to win early we call this like all-in timing timing attack a rush a cheese all these they work very well in Starcraft 2 heart of the swarm and wings of Liberty but in worker 3 premeditated strategies and and cheese don't work nearly as often except when it really is the upper dog strategy because of balance reasons or meta cyclists and flow so if you don't have a strategy like that always aim for the long game then try to win the game if you gain advantage learn how to capitalize on an advantage and winning earlier for example he may have a plan to go for a 70 food Riven and Venom triple hero army but if I lose a DK early he shifts his plan to do more map control more constriction style and doing a 50 food timing instead of 70 food he doesn't start by thinking I'm gonna kill him at 50 if I kill his DK early that's an adaptation now I need to rewind just a bit because we were talking about creeping plants by the way you'll note that I've muted game sound for the time being so it doesn't distract from the comparison I noticed you omitted the legacy from your stark of to comparison do you mean anything by this I haven't played legacy so I can't speak from experience so he went for a 1.6 creep the first thing you see is his shop is late so he's standing still to it a while he should try to get a better built order so that that doesn't happen secondly he seems hesitant to tank creeps with his plate that's he'll solving this is a correct theory but he could just tank it with grunts sending his grunts on the map and then getting distracted by an acolyte creates a really big dissonance disharmony in his creeping flow so far in three minutes 37 he has to his name one camp one accolade dead with no experience and walking across the map doing nothing while he's level one point six and a half I'm level one point six and a half well but I only used the death knight no ghouls which means I had full lumber income he's using grants and they are doing almost nothing he then goes for the most obvious camp first he gets boots even though he hasn't got any reason to believe that those boots will net him a kill he then follows me exactly where I am misses two coils I mean misses two kills on coil targets and lets me get the very creep camp that he was creep jacking now I'm level 2 in his 1.6 even though essentially he invested more in the early game than I did for grants so if he is gonna go for grants it's much more reliable for him to creep something big early start on this one then this one then this one and just build up from there good feng shui minimal travel times between camps instead of this very harassed his style he then easily allows me to steal coil at creep does get a goal here but is forced to expand the town portal something that orcs normally sell in favor to buff their Blademaster with the circlet the lack of that circlet is reverberating throughout the entire game he has less mana health damage armor and so on attack speed because he TPS I have a rare case of certainty about where he is not here so I get the creep camp I was sloppy enough not to contesta click for the boots of speed because I was doing something in my base it gets the item which was a TP you sold it 125 gold I'm in love with 2.8 and he's love with 2.2 so I already have a lead my GU opening gives me more lumber than usual and a fairly fast tech and moreover GU is not as vulnerable to hex Snipes it goes for the shadow gets a creep camp this is fine this is the best executive decision he's made so far this game creeping something big with a force that can handle it he gets a potion of in Vil now let's see what he does next when you analyze games for yourself and you try to improve at Warcraft 3 and you're watching other people's replays it's very important to make predictions based on reasons if you only watch at full speed without pausing and without asking yourself ok what would I do in this situation what are the other options and then see what he does and see how that develops and then see how your method would have developed you're not gonna learn from a point of introspection you're gonna watch but you're gonna forget a lot because you're not really placing yourself in it so in this case when I'm analyzing games I would watch right now ok what would I do next based on the information that I as a supposedly hunter half so you look at the game state his burrow is still building he's gone on and snare and a women coming and by the time the Burrow is done he will have two woman's so at the moment he's got this and in a minute he will have two events roughly maybe in a minute and a half he has one set of heel soft but no speed scroll and he just finished this he's fairly healthy he could do this one it's small imagine if he does this one first of all he's walking back towards his base and then where does he go back up here again to go to the fountain back up here again to go to the green or back up here again to go to the red spot so this is very what I call that flow backtracking so the only thing that really makes sense maybe is for him to go here the shop he can defend that decision because wow he was on the way to the lab oh it was close and now he's gonna go to another big gap and then another big gap but every time you eat a smoked ham you're you have to ask yourself was it on the way or am I going there he could go here onto the map but I don't like going onto the map without speech girl and he doesn't have it so I don't think he should go north I think the shop is the best call if he goes here I'm gonna call it a bit of a waste of time this camp is also possible I like it let's see how he does it goes right then left for a skeleton then he goes back to his base which is an even worse waste of time than a creep camp he does get another he'll solve in a speech scroll and he's getting ready to expand he made the one we were in no extra and expands the expansion is one slope too far away but overall not a bad idea if he wanted to expand at all he might as well do it fast and he did it's something we didn't talk about but it was a good decision and it came with a pretty good timing now he's making extra wyverns and tier 2 army to protect the expansion he walks here he finds me we get that fateful unit loss can't we kill a Raider we lose a fiend we also lose our Lich and the town portal a very good trait for him even as he loses the Raider he gets a lot of results and he gets the rest of the camp so it's a massive move for him all of this is even better for him because he knows I know this camp is gone this camp is probably gone so it is even less reason for me to come here and spend the time to picnic in an effort to slowly mount up an attack against his expansion because there's nothing to do on this side of the map if I ever come here it'll be for one reason and one reason alone attacking his expansion and that creates space if there's lots of little activities to do here then then I can spend time here threatening his expansion while doing something useful now if ever I go over the half side of the map there's nothing useful to do and he's expanding upon that problem for me even more which I love by taking the laboratory over here expands even more upon it he then Scouts sees where I am seized I'm in trouble and he knows he's safe doing this I love it great flow by him is coming in with the women in the Raider and is maxing up in his units his philosophy is one Raider rest women's I like that as well it takes to camp now options he has seen what he has seen I wasn't black Citadel I was in my base so he must expect that could be coming soon a skeleton scout comes here he has options now sit back and on the base kill skeleton posture aggressively or take the Banton's room he has a speech scroll by now I think no he doesn't pity if I were him I would love to take the fountain but he did just kill my Lich it is just coming back it's too early for me attack to attack but does he know that if he does does not know that then maybe he should find a way to know that to wind walk on me if he does know that I can't attack yet because just because of game knowledge he should take the fountain now it frees up a very important part of healing for him he kills his skeleton which is fine but now he must do the fountain being aggressive now or just standing around waste time this was the perfect opportunity we know that the replay knows it and he should have known it he just goes home to get a speed scroll he's not building an extra burrow yet he just finishes the Great Hall blade goes low he's just standing around doing nothing and this was arguably the most important time of the game for him the most critical decision as of yet is not taking that fountain we then start to be on this standoff he can't actually fight because he took so much unnecessary damage with his blade master which was a double coil Nova on his face it will take him some time because of that he can't be aggressive yet with his 60 food finally when blade is healed up he's out of mana he gets the Invo it is fine in the dust he's finally ready to fight but I've been marshalling my forces and then I do the double goal splits off very important to spread him thin it's an easy problem to fix take one group out of your group take one grunt out of your group and put it on your natural that's it that's how you deal with two Ghul problem if there's three goals just take out two grants he sees the goat and he assumes that's my only goal attempt I add them back to my main group I then split off two other goals out of my group put them in the natural and have outmaneuvered him since he's still chasing those skills two ghouls go here this one and this one I force a fight to distract him and he's still working on those skills and I come over here I get my first web easy focus fire Weaver an out of position no protection and the blade is on the wrong side meanwhile his peons are going down he loses first women for free bid Lord in front which is the tank hit him with the big half terror protection scroll and frost armor give a total of 5 Armour extra 4/3 of 7 which is a 30% damage reduction and an attack speed slow on the blade this gives me enough time to tide over to the next coil I actually did not need to use healing potion yet but I'm paranoid of orcs focusing down my hero before I can react and as such I played it far safer than I needed to he does a really good surround that I could barely counter play gets the Lich and I just aim to get as much value as I can from the Lich before it invariably goes down and gets another coil I cast a few Nova's kind of random spells and I cast the frost armor on both the DK and then the pit Lord right before it dies protecting the rest all his parents are dead I'm still under 50 food he has been over for a while he's Remax Singh on waivers and we get this fight where his units don't seem to deal much damage because of how after now in this situation and from a while back he has been focusing corinthians it's nice when he gets them but he could have done something else he could have focused the statues it quickly focuses them the worse my sustain gets these two statues are healing away they're just standing still right there and they're the main threat grip viens are nice but in the end they're just a good thing they do good against Weaver ants yes but if he wasn't making any waiver ants he wouldn't need to deal with the Corinthians if he was just massing Raiders and grunts I think there will be so much better for him than the reverence that kept trickling in you make rivers for a few reasons against undead 1 to 4 sweat so that you force them to make an expense that is not a unit and that it's looking to squeeze as much power as they can to do their invariable all-in attack and that always has a timing so if you force web you delay it furthermore woman's creep well if you're creeping and I as an orc I'm also creeping wyverns do so very quickly and that is nice in this particular fight if he has no women's decrypt viens do not have their full intent and value so should be focusing statutes which gives my heroes value which are manly in strength he could also focus girls but this blade is not buffed enough really to do really really lethal damage he should like to have circuit from a while ago and now we get to the point where I'm already incredibly far ahead he's stuck with an army which is which only specialty is killing buildings because of the Raider siege and in snaring and locking things down but without a buffed up blades and a Gentile of undead heroes and without an expansion he really is as they say in poker drawing dead he tries to salvage the situation with the war mill where he can make kodos but ultimately once I have one zero attack cool upgrades good hero levels his army can never beat mine especially since the only had nine food to work with until 50 food and going over 50 food only works when you can kill someone in their base on a small map like this or you're forcing an expansion with a lack of tier 3 any expansion can be sniffed out easily by me before it becomes an issue and we've come to a situation where you can no longer win the game from this moment onwards hope you enjoyed the analysis that was gg as they say in hearthstone yes thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 36,865
Rating: 4.9055648 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Gaming, Family Friendly, Family, Friendly, WC3, UD, Overexplain
Id: 6iLciNnVD2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 23sec (2843 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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