Growing Up As APHMAU Story In Minecraft!

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this is the story of how one little player goes on her first minecraft journey watch as she goes from normal minecraft player to acmal make sure to like and subscribe thanks ah nice morning yay i gotta get up i gotta go downstairs okay let's see going downstairs uh well what about mom making for friends don't tell me you've forgotten huh today you are 10 years old [Music] and since you're 10 years old now that means it's time for you to go into the server on your journey to become a true minecrafter the day every kid gets sent out to become a minecraft master oh we're gonna miss you so much mia so wait i have to go outside yes and survive yes all by myself yes in minecraft oh sweetie sweetie i went out at your age and i became the best builder in minecraft ever and i became the best farmer i mean come on you're the best farmer that's why you grow higher that's texture she's gotta do great oh over here i packed you your basic minecraft tools some burnt wheat for a snack and some flint and steel and be careful do not burn yourself oh here let me careful out there in the wild [Music] she's totally got this you know what i think i got this i got this i'm gonna be the best minecrafter ever just let me grab some band-aids real quick just just in case that might come in handy a little bit increase i get a boo-boo i'm just so smart all right all right time to be on your way now we love you all right [Music] that's okay i'll just go back to wait a minute um i'm lost oh no it's waiting it's running it's raining [Music] what's that that's i am hungry that doesn't look like meat what is this this is potato what does that mean it's so good it's so yummy yes this is the best thing ever this is amazing this is my most favoritest food ever i've never had this before my mom's grown weed you're just my favorite food ever oh it's good here thank you potato okay let's see sounds like a puppy [Music] um hello [Music] yeah i just fought a few of them man they are scary [Music] that feels a lot better thank you so much wait did you begin your 10 year old journey today too yeah i did looks like you did too yeah and my parents gave me this backpack yeah cool i had a backpack but uh i lost it oh you must be hungry here here i'll give this to you here what oh thanks thanks potato girl potato girl but yeah they're amazing wait how about we work together oh really that would be cool yeah we can even show my backpack too here let me put it down so i can see what we got okay there we go let's see wait huh a toy pickaxe a toy axe toy shovel no this bird wha what the to f now real minecrafters get their tools on their own we wouldn't be good parents if we gave you all the answers to the secrets of minecraft good luck honey we love you and you know you can do it enjoy your burnt wheat what what that's a terrible pitch no wonder it was so heavy well i mean they're right i mean giving us all the answers wouldn't really teach us much huh yeah i guess but my goodness this is a bunch of burnt weeds are useless they don't do anything you know actually i read a book once yeah the whole book wow you must be smart yeah we have to punch trees to craft stuff let's try it let's try it uh let's see um i guess here and we just punch it like this and maybe we'll get like this and then yeah just like that in here and look i have a crafting table nice is that your first crafting table yeah we should see what else we can craft yeah let's make stuff we did it we figured out how to make wooden tools oh we really did it it was hard especially getting the stuff at the top of the trees you mean i did all the work yeah i think we have enough wood to make a house we do what if we made a house and then like a lot of houses and that would be so cool and we could have lots of people there oh yeah we should make like a lot of friends and we'll shoot big fireworks in the sky we are signal help find each other yeah uh if only we knew how to make them yeah we gotta learn hey by the way uh-huh i never asked your name also why are your clothes so torn uh yeah oh well look the moon is rising and that's that's not good hey we should make better tools what if what if we dig straight down and i don't know if that's a good idea and uh besides the moon yeah the moon is rising but you know what how about this here let me give this a shot like this one two hey wait wait wait wait huh i'm alive hey what are you uh i fell down and and yeah you fell in my water that i just sat down at wait a minute what are you kidding me you dug straight down yeah i i thought it was smart at first but i guess don't you know you have a 50 chance to fall in lava each time you do that no i didn't know that i just started my minecraft journey wait my friend my friend is up there i oh no oh that's not good wait a minute your friend's up there what is he oh no he wasn't fighting monsters again wait you have a friend who knows how to fight monsters yeah but he's up there i need to get back up oh no it's not good oh great you opened a path for more lava to come down work together she says no thank you i work alone and i don't need any help oh [Music] don't worry i'll get you i'll get you i can't hold on much longer there you go i got you yeah you did come on let's get out of here wait no no no no break the wood into smaller pieces oh yeah that's right almost there yeah and bam that was so close yeah actually saved me but why i i was so mean to you back there well because i couldn't just watch you fall down that would have been mean it was so nice of you you know what i am never going to forget this you are now my best friend yeah that's amazing can you help me get out of here actually oh oh yeah i totally know how to get out of here come on right there's open air oh my gosh thank you so much since we're both on our minecraft journey do you wanna like uh live together with me and my other friends we're gonna make a place with lots of houses and lots of friends oh then we could be best friends forever oh wait what what if your other friend is gone wasn't it no no i don't know if he survived the night i need to go find him hey before you go it's gonna be dangerous if you just go alone so take these uh you're gonna need that uh you're gonna need one of these pickaxes uh extra more tree stuff and uh yeah you'll probably need a few of these for payments oh cool thank you so much oh also when you find a place to make your house let me know okay whenever i find you wait a minute i know look for fireworks in the sky i use it as a signal when we find a good place okay fireworks okay got it here you go i'll take one just in case you get a boo-boo they're important oh okay all right see you later thank you hi he was nice and after a while you know what i saved him but uh uh let's see okay i gotta get what is the path here let's go with this and huh come on it's a girl um is that your kitty stuck in a tree oh yeah she's not coming down wait i have an idea i have an idea i got to pick up and then [Music] be careful oh you're so welcome you're the best thank you so much i didn't realize you could have a pet in minecraft yeah we're on an adventure together wait a minute you started your 10 year old journey too yeah oh wow did you know you contain ocelots or wolves i want to tame a wolf well for helping me here you can have some balloons and there you go you can use them to tame whoa wait a minute where did you get these oh mr guinea found them [Music] cool you know what here you go you can have these i don't need them anymore oh my goodness thank you so much you're so nice you're welcome i just need to go with my friend now oh hey um do you want to have a fun slumber party sometime when i i make it to my house yes so long oh wait you should make your house where me and my friend are gonna make our house when you see the big fireworks head there okay okay i'll see you later come on mr kitty bye oh and here's the bandit in case you get a baby thank you bye man i'm getting really good at this but um i wonder where he is i gotta find him [Music] still coming they're still coming back who are you i don't care wait i mean letters wait ladders oh my god they won't leave me alone let me see are you okay yeah i'm fine i'm fine it's just i was trying to find something and there were creepers okay let's see let's see uh maybe if i throw something at them to get rid of them okay all right here we go uh yeah they'll change the way what is that it looks shiny [Applause] hey uh you got any more lighters survive that wow oh yeah yeah it's fine it's fine just gotta just got a little bit hurt it's fine don't don't don't worry i'll get you a band-aid there you go oh welcome thanks that's that was real nice of you by the way can i keep yeah you can keep it i haven't it's shut it's shiny all right well um have you seen a guy around here he's wearing red and his clothes are a little torn um um anything like that no no only the creepers and you know now that they're gone maybe i could finally build a house in that cave um i don't think you want to you might get exploded a lot in there yeah there are more creepers over there i don't like being exploded well i'm looking for my friend right now and if you want you can join me i'm gonna go look for him and we're gonna make a place and there's gonna be lots of fireworks and you can come in there too fireworks explosions um i don't know if i wanna be exploded again but okay awesome all right so let me see uh if i come over here i'm gonna climb up here hey what's this there's something over here oh gun powder oh wow that's a lot um i'll take this okay i'll i'll keep the gold okay are you gonna come with me no to stay here with my gold it's it's shiny okay well if you want to find me look for the fireworks okay and then you need to live with us okay all right bye bye okay i haven't found him yet but he's gotta be puppy i'm gonna tame it oh i got a puppy hello puppy i'm gonna name you phoenix this way wait does it follow me it does and it sits and it dance puppy look a village maybe we can make it our own village well berries are cool all right villager i've heard of them before see hello hello oh yeah my mom told me how to talk to strangers goodbye bye ew what is this doing here i hate books love you little flower and i love you too little flower and i want to go i mean i really wanna pick this flower and i love this flower and i really really want this flower i love flowers they're so amazing wow are you talking to flowers again kids are interesting flowers they smell weird too i mean yeah stupid flowers i don't i don't like them either [Music] um who are you i i just started my 10 year old minecraft journey and and i know you guys are 10 years old you must have started yours too um and so um i'm here because i wanted to find out if you uh have seen a boy with red shirt and a little torn and i can't find him but have you seen them no we haven't seen anyone like that you dirty potato girl oh she smells like potatoes and it looks like a potato [Music] and your shoes are stupid you tell them wow yeah and your top looks like a potato too date a dog for potato chill [Music] okay bye short potato girl hey let's go to our cool house so we can be all cool together and not with nerdy potato girls who are uncool like here yeah we can rip up more books too yeah this is the great house those kids are so mean just i guess burning the books was a really bad idea i'm sorry i'm coming in what's that what's that was that potato girl nice come on out yeah okay you've saved us hurry hurry i think you guys are safe oh wow he helped us thank you yeah how can we thank you smelly i mean nice potato girl don't worry about it oh you got boo-boos on here oh that feels so much better thank you there you go thank you i feel so much better welcome okay all right um you know what you guys should just um how about this you can come live with me when i found a place because it looks like you can't live there anymore i think you've burned too many books this time before the fireworks okay i gotta go find my friend it's getting late bye okay thanks for your signal i forget you potato girl oh man i should have gotten some crops from that village when i have the ch sheep oh wow they're so cute puppy don't you think the sheep are adorable look at them go oh no oh that's not good can't believe you did that but it's not some food now i'm gonna go ahead and put this down all right and make some food one two three four i'm getting really good at this you know where did my sheep go where are they what'd you do with them uh nature happens danger those were my sheep where did them i'm sorry i i couldn't see them in a fence and my puppy's so wait what about fences wait are she supposed to go on fences yeah if you want to make nothing happen to them like oh man oh this is hard um would you like some food food yeah i'm gonna eat them too there we go oh boy i forgot what food was okay yeah hold on let's try this [Music] why what was that that was great i loved that it was really really good wait wait where'd you get that uh it's mine wait you don't know where it comes from no i i i don't i wish i could share this with my sheep it's really good have you seen them um yeah i'll give you some more i i'm not into potatoes or anything thanks this is great yeah as soon as i find my sheep again i'll absolutely give this to him wait wait where'd you come from i haven't seen you around oh well i just started my 10 year old minecraft journey and uh i'm looking for my friend because we're supposed to make houses together oh that's cool friends and houses and stuff like that i wish i had a house or a or a friend oh i'm your friend you know wait really yeah seriously get out of here pig if i want yeah really yeah you you what you do thanks this looks great did have the same kind of chew to it but you know what i appreciate it that's really nice you know what that's fine that's fine um yeah i'm really sad because i can't find my friend if only if i knew how to make fireworks i could just wait you know how to make fireworks no no it's super easy all you need is like uh what was it uh uh gunpowder and uh paper that's right yeah yeah you just need those pieces oh i have the perfect okay i gotta go find a place once i find a place then i'll call everyone there okay all right okay and you can come too okay i just gotta find a good place come on puppy let's go okay thanks i'm gonna i'm gonna look for a sheep now uh she should be let's not tell him um you should try it out wow this is looking so good okay if i can do that in a short period of time imagine what everyone else can do with me that'd be wonderful okay all right i just gotta make the fireworks now let's see i'll open this okay all right here we go see if this works [Music] maybe let's just keep doing them maybe they'll come hey what is that what's going on oh hey hey there you are look i got the fireworks you do look at you oh they look so good oh this house look at this house it's for everybody shop there they are there's the fireworks hi potato girl hey carlos what waiting for my friend wow this place is really cool come on yeah it's for everybody we can build here yeah all the space wow i'm just gonna sit here and read my book a little bit though [Music] where are those explosions i don't like explosions [Music] waiting for my one friend potato girl you did it yeah i know what the fireworks did i get the house and we're all here no you actually did it just like we talked about there's so many people there's a lot of kids here i know yeah and we can all live together and work together and we can make this entire big like all the houses around here it's gonna take a while but we can do it okay yeah this spot okay perfect let's do it yeah [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 17,023,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: xncs2FMwc2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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