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aphmau is expecting in Minecraft but what happens when her babies turn out to be twins not only that they're mermaids now aphmau has to find a way to raise two mermaid princesses before they're swimming in trouble ah this is so relaxing ah you're telling me Hey so uh you wanna date me absolutely not never actually care because I'm so relaxed me too super relaxed and stop tossing things in the ocean they're not nice oh he's always screaming and kicking stuff there's a shark in the water a shark [Music] and it's right behind you but how do you mean it's behind us there it is hey your underwear I think it'll be okay it doesn't look deep it was a baby I don't know what women oh that was too late wait what is happening Aaron told you it was a baby shark anyone that gets bitten by it's gonna have a baby wait a minute wait a minute is it me yeah even here I was just relaxing Aaron and uh but what's going on oh look I don't know anything more about this okay but uh listen I gotta handle this thing first wow you are going to what are you doing get out of here Scott hey look at the bright side Aaron the babies you know you know yeah it's not that shark's fault I'm gonna get him if it's the last thing I do what are you about it prepare for war against that baby shark just gotta go get some stuff that's interesting mod but you'll be there to help me right of course you know I'll be here oh what I'm wondering what the baby's gonna look like yeah oh what what the heck is that what huh mermaid hey what's real pointy guys the mermaid mermaid players come on let's chill and they're gonna be mermaids too mermaid twins what happened there's a shark tip at me not a mermaid it's gonna bite you and then you become expecting that's right wow that sounds absolutely terrible uh an ouch first time it been a human hopefully they don't look like him my hand slipped what the joke okay look what do we need to do to hatch these babies exactly oh oh you could play each task given to you oh that sounds fun that explains the tasks can you show me where they are of course of course sure wait wait hold up I'm coming with you okay I don't trust these ugly fish for a second excuse me Casey is very pretty ah no time to explain babies are being born let's go come on let's catch up all right well what are we doing here our first task together the pearls I don't know what they do but maybe food all right but let me go get them okay you're pregnant you shouldn't be doing any of this just use that Spirit gave you in case trouble shows up we're rolling for him oh no oh you're right dude help him you can go down there and like bite the squid sadly no mermaid law forbids us getting involved what okay please the torch oh oh okay smart surface first there we go but bubbles air bubbles air and there we go up [Music] made it all right I got two how many you got three yeah hopefully that's enough perfect yeah oh maybe we should have had them do underwater breathing first yeah all right what's the next task um it says obtain a scale of swimming is that the thing uh just a little hard are we even able to find that of course you are follow us we'll show you this is the mermaid castle yep and spot down there in that cave that should be what you need all right okay Aaron you coming along yeah yeah right behind you and whoa uh nice they have a little faster it must be the belly or something uh all right in here let's see oh oh what'd you get hey I've got some mermaid scales what was it do let's see a foreign faster now nice okay all right so maybe we can play the rest of the task yeah let's see what we can do oh this is so cool a nice we can breathe underwater yeah yeah this is great I was wondering what that was about let's give it a shot oh nice go faster yeah all right let's see what I can do and whoa thanks see go through here she's so skilled so quickly it's just Minecraft it's like a little parkour but on water well done [Music] so cool oh that was cool thanks huh um [Music] oh I can breathe underwater now well this is gonna come in handy when I get that baby shark I just have to go get it dude you're welcome oh you oh you you really shouldn't have given up yeah all right what do we got to do next um build a nursery do you guys know what I need to build a nursery with or oh yeah we could gather a bunch of coral come on we'll help you out yeah come on this way all right look at all this Coral Brian Coral here I got some too hopefully that's enough should be I mean yeah I mean about the building space for the baby mermaid but uh oh huh what's up oh hey unlock the task nice all right guess we're done then Perfect all right I guess the baby comes now right oh wait oh they're so they're so nice with their babies just like you have oh new scale that's great you know I was so smart to find it I gave it to you right um it was me the baby shark Ian those are not sharks those are just a baby guys speaking of sharks oh that's a big one no no wait a minute baby shark that's a real big shark hurry up this way come on baby seals wait a minute wait a minute sharks eat seals come on come on go go out at me what are you gonna do this cave is gonna crumble at anything [Music] what was that are you a wizard or something he's awesome huh no [Music] it's mermaid twins because because one of your tests include getting a mermaid necklace uh yeah it actually does what does that mean exactly it means [Music] right okay mermaid princesses oh we need to make a nest all right uh yeah do I have a crafting table here you go nice thanks Aaron you're a great dad oh Coral House got it nice well we could use that later when the twins are here yeah all right let's go all right let's find this necklace back oh don't worry I got it and careful careful come here you stupid squid fight that squid doesn't swim like normal Minecraft squid so it's it's dangerous oh nice oh you keep doing that thanks come from my belly uh all right let's get one more shell there we go perfect nice nice what's next um I need a diamond ah but I don't know how that's gonna happen more mermaids wait I think I know someone who might have one all right well if you need any help babe I'll be here on sharks and Squid [Applause] oh my parents shark if it's the last thing I do it's okay get rid of the shark protect my gold protect all my things and you know what at least I'm gonna be a better parent than aphmau [Music] baby shark okay you should be very distracted so let's just uh get in here oh there are some diamonds I mean he steals diamonds from me all the time so I can just take a few from him right go somewhere place two for another crafting table just in case all right now who's your bad parent Ian I'm being daring Ian catches me all right perfect uh I got the mermaid necklace now the babies can be born baby shark get ready well Ian all right oh I'm getting hungry uh oh hey there's a fish hey fish give me that yeah hey put me down short stuff you can talk wait you could understand me well I guess I have mermaid powers now but you'll have to catch me first up here what the what the oh man whatever it's fine hey oh is it time for baby yeah to make the mermaid necklace yet oh yeah I did uh okay come on yeah let's see some babies all right give me a second give me a second give me a second uh let's see the babies and and yeah oh they're so cute baby no you made it just in time look they're born [Music] I finally had my my big butt also it's the worst why is it the worst what's going on it's a crab Frozen crab is trying to pinch my butt [Laughter] [Music] oh look how cute the mermaid twins are growing up so fast you guys definitely need your home wait wait you're at the courthouse right yeah uh let's see maybe right here on the beach yeah this is perfect that way we can be like you know human parent players and also mermaid whoa so pretty now this is pretty good app oh look at them all right now let me see if I can uh do Mom things uh teach you how to swim I'll come too okay there we go I mean they already kind of know how to swim but they gotta swim in deep water come on babies let's go this way you're so oh well I have to agree where y'all going y'all gotta stay here like the animal yep we won't be far if you ever need us thank you guys I seriously could have done it without you all right YouTube okay I'm gonna do it I'll just swim yeah I think they already got the hang of this Natural Born mermaids though maybe we should put them down for bed though they were just born wait wait does the house have a back yeah they just need some time to rest come on let's get into the Waterbeds which is just literally water I guess oh water Oh Aaron I have a question what's up huh what's that oh bring me the head of that baby shark he'll pay for what he did to me oh no Ian because he uh like he thinks his baby's ugly but you know what I'm gonna stop him you watch the babysitter I'll be back be careful though okay I'll stay here make sure the kids are all right wait what the huh what is that cannons it is time for my revenge against a baby shark and prove to my son that I'm a good father and nah none of the Sharks shall be taken up forever oh but oh destroying the ocean doesn't matter as long as I win uh my revenge that's why that's all what matters and my son can see that I'm a really good father God she is the thing is that he's not gonna be able to realize the Beauty there's no Beauty in the ocean I gotta take care of living beings and I have no time to take care of anything but myself and this baby shark and I will take out the baby shark fire and will Ian you're gonna be destroying the Sea and the Sea temples with uh all the gold is there the sea temples sea temples and you mean there's treasure in the Sea underwater wait Ian you didn't know that uh I've made a terrible mistake stop firing all right my son Leonardo dupichi we need to figure out hey Trident noise must have got thrown out here earlier all right perfect maybe at the belly of the ship oh wait it didn't work realize that we can be free of responsibility and also get treasure under the sea after we destroy the tunnels of the ocean I'm a genius once again wait there's people what huh why do I care oh no those poor people I don't care about anything except that's right wait a minute do you hear me show yourself we go all right made into the ship and go back into oh nice all right let's see back to a human let's see what I can do from the inside good thing I grab this TNT earlier I gotta make sure I get out safe I sure hope there's nothing nefarious going on under my ship all right Cannon's almost getting loaded [Applause] a lot of them before we have to go all your swimming lessons can you no I hate being a parent you don't expect me to learn things no maybe that I'm not such a bad parent and that you know maybe you shouldn't go too crazy when it comes to protecting your baby stop pinching me Leonardo Pinchy I'm sorry I tried to make you crab dinner wow you trying to eat the baby I will still have my revenge Someday I'm gonna go check out my mermaid twins hey before Ian showed up and started uh alone at the beach and everything you were gonna say something to me what was it oh yeah actually I want to thank you for being there and help me with the baby mermaids what's so nice of you and but I want to ask do you want to help me raise them of course awesome does he ever stop oh the baby shark is back go away I don't have the energy for any more kids [Laughter] along the first place I think we should just uh take care of himself yeah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,421,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aphmau, aohmau, aphmau pregnant, minecraft mod, aphmau pregnant mod, aphmau mermaid twins, aphmau mermaid minecraft, minecraft mermaids, aphmau mods, aphmau pranks, aphmau best videos, best minecraft videos, clean minecraft video, funny minecraft, baby mermaid twins, baby mermaid, baby mermaid elemental, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau mermaid princess, aphmau dark mermaid, aphmau kitten, aphmau cats, aphmau helpful cat, aphmau funny videos, aphmau and aaron baby
Id: uSYm_N0xS64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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