Aphmau GROWS UP In Minecraft!

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out now grows up in minecraft these are my parents and when they come to visit our server they end up finding a potion that turns me into a kid again now they get to see me grow up in minecraft i'll have to grow up from a baby all the way to a grown up again but i'm still super smart and know how to make tons of trouble can my parents handle me growing up in minecraft or will they be in for a world of chaos oh hey be sure to like subscribe oh so cute asking for likes and some scribbles okay let's see this should be enough wood for my parents house oh zach she's over here oh you're having fun on the server yeah oh venus are you chopping one by yourself yeah i'm dropping one by myself i'm a big girl oh mija you know you don't have to do it by yourself me and your dad are here to help you yeah just leave it to us we'll build your house for you nothing to worry about i can help i can help see let me tell you how i do come on we can build our house together and then we'll build your house yeah exactly we can help you out no that's not it's no big deal all right but i am a big girl you know this is this is my minecraft server i can help you okay let me let me look i almost have your house finished over here too that's so sweet she's being a big girl oh look look look that's almost a little sad though over here i've got some furniture in here for you the guy the way that you guys like oh you know i feel like we need a little bit of variety here put down some uh some of that and then you know a little bit of this yeah it's close enough we'll make it work we'll paint over it oh and then a little bit look at all of those nice rustic textures um that's not how we building minecraft okay you know what give me uh well no no you build however you want the imagination is the limit darling mommy i believe you oh my gosh i love the design oh my god okay all right you know what guys guys guys look i'm a big girl let me build this house for you okay it's my gift to you i will help you okay give me a second i gotta meet you do realize you're our little girl still we absolutely love you and we want to help you as much as we can not a little girl anymore look how big i am i'm so tall would you at least try to let us help or are you really that insistence of doing everything i insist okay look look once it's done then you can do it everyone in minecraft okay i got this remember i'm a big girl i can do this okay here we go and there all right mommy yeah oh this looks so wonderful oh goodness she never tries she changed some things in the design but yeah it's all right it looks absolutely wonderful thank you so much you're welcome oh okay so here's some potatoes and what i'm gonna do is i i am going to um go to go to go to my house okay and i gotta go sort my inventory get some things done okay but me help me huh don't you want to hang out with us a little bit you just built this place might as well relax in it you have a couch as you obviously made a tv that we can watch some our old favorite shows on mining together we'll make all your favorite foods make you all the potatoes you want i would love to but i am a grown up now look at me okay i got i'm gonna go i'm gonna go get some things done i will be right back all right i'll be back tomorrow morning okay i'm gonna be i'll be back bye oh it's morning already okay well oh let me see if my parents are doing maybe they're gonna be uh hello oh zach have you packed all my clothes i got your clothes i got the wood we're going to need for our new house yeah and i got this beautiful tools you got some potatoes make sure you pick some of my diamonds oh yeah yeah i usually am i what are you guys doing here oh we're just going on a we're just uh you know what let's just rip off the band-aid we're leaving oh why we're gonna start a new server what yeah that's how you start that you could just okay log up okay it's just gonna be great because we know how much of a big girl you are so we figured you don't need your parents helping you with anything and so uh we're just gonna go and all right if you guys are heading out here i'll get you some torches uh you want a crafting bench from yesterday um all right perfect let me know if you guys need help okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there is one more thing uh sure yeah yeah uh what is it wonderful okay alakazam alaka will remind my daughter she's still my little girl what's happening huh look at that oh wait a minute no that's not fair you guys are playing dirty okay we're playing dirty you all's fair and loving minecraft you wouldn't let us help you you may have grown up but you are still a little girl and now you are actually now our little girl wait a minute wait a minute how did you get that potion i saw that where did you get that potion from wow oh you know the odd one-eyed boy just thought we could use some of the potions in his place and uh yeah in essence yes you stole you stole from zane's house we didn't steal it we asked politely and he said yes knowing that i know his mother i'm i am not a child i will not stand for this i will because i have my legs are short but this is dirty talk back to your mother no you guys are playing dirty you know and but mija oh yeah dirt over there oh my gosh i think it's definitely time for a bath oh goodness did you have fun you know i did and this is actually pretty funny not i like this i i want to grow up i'm gonna be little yay now bath time let's go come on let's go all right come to mama you can't come to mama come on you can you're scared oh you got it come on [Applause] [Music] okay so now we just have to find out where we're gonna get a banana i know it's so tough what what is that what what are you doing here hey guys it's me aspal remember not here does this baby sound familiar to you not entirely but maybe he has a banana well the the baby again get out we got important things to do unless you got a banana in which case i'll take that banana wait that's not a banana what what why are you holding out mijo what happened they made fun of me they said i was a baby they made fun of me baby literally come on i love you hey hey boys can i talk to you for a second i think you two need a little time out to think about how you talk to your friends time out see alpha this is a super magical power your father and i have for when uh people misbehave why can't i break this oh the magic of time out wait hang on i got it this is a good idea [Music] all right zach how about we go start our picnic that we had planned race you to the house oh yeah let's head on off now mija we have to prep some things so why don't you go lay down on the blanket that mommy put out for you it's nice and comfy don't talk to strangers charcoal i expect you to be clean for our picnic i'll be clean don't worry oh it's a blanket oh wait a minute oh you know what they said not to roll in the mud ah what do we have here uh-huh what do we have looks like uh the the baby pig right yeah i could see it because you're in the mud that's rolling in the mud i like my mind you keep this in my mind you can't have it no listen i i can't understand what you're saying baby um so how are you gonna uh repay me for my house yeah huh cookie oh it's like taking candy from a baby except it's a cookie taking cookies from a baby [Music] [Applause] guys i don't think you learned your lesson from the timeout so i think i need to go a little bit uh further what is happening so uh you're a kid yeah you're a kid too i'm just a kid and my life is a nightmare but yeah they're bigger than me i'm a baby a pacifier it's not fair oh i don't want to be a kid i think i got one more thing and uh huh oh that actually works oh she's about to yeah where'd she get that huh she grows up so fast that's you really need to widen these roads a little tough driving but you are the best driver zack you guys are my parents come on honey now we're just babysitting the other two we're babysitting the two of you okay and our only daughter is neha so i wanna go to the park we're already here here we go yeah are we ready to go to the park yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go parker oh i have a question i have a question yeah what's what's up um what are you doing kids now yeah why are we kids well from what zach has told me you two have been behaving very childlike you should learn that if you can't be an adult you might as well be a child for a little bit so you can learn your lesson let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] yes goodness gracious wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't jump too high if you scratch your knee we got to laugh so come in come here come on come on come on what's up so it's pretty obvious that we are actually adults right i mean we are definitely yeah wait what what what's that about that's uh sure yeah whatever you said it's fine pierce will come around and we are the best adult is which is obviously me but how about we find out who the best kid is wait we're adults i mean oh i see what you're saying you want to have like a fish like like a contest yeah like a contest whoever wins this we get all the diamonds from everyone okay just because i'm growing up in minecraft doesn't mean that we can't have phones i like that right besides is it just diamonds or can it be gold too fine fine it can be gold ah boo what should we do first what should we do first um uh uh first we need to have what should we do a digging contest contest what if what if we dig straight down oh i like that idea no no no no no even even as someone as old as i am no you never dig straight down get back up do not make me bring out my children i hit you can't go any further [Applause] all right come on oh honey if you're gonna dig down you gotta know a way to get back up thank you mr hoffman's dad hey i'm missing one more yeah where's peter hey yeah hello please take him out oh no oh he's really far did it wait goodbye ah you can't run that fast yeah where are we going got him we're running away come on notice us running away besides what they want us to be kids we want to see adults we got to figure out how to grow up that's true right so look if we need to be grown-ups what we need to do is maybe like make some potions and stuff like that like oh yeah it's getting a little late and i think all of us deserve a little food oh yeah we'll talk about uh we'll talk about your punishment later wait punishment yeah and you're hugging the remote you don't even know how to turn on the tv and you must be out of batteries or something i don't know obviously just not figuring it out you guys always picked something length yeah we have a chance to pick anything because you haven't seen it on the tv no give me the remote okay i'm gonna tell my mom again i'm gonna tell my mom [Music] i feel angsty well i i don't think we brought enough groceries for yeah it's uh it's okay princess this is uh is this natural you're just going through changes so uh i'm gonna be fun and a baby was cool but i mean i feel i feel awesome i want to go to bed i don't want to do this again thank you well hey uh uh pierre pierce dad why do i have to grow up i miss being a [Music] hey and you know we're growing up and with growing up means right that it's uh it's our birthday right yes and i we wanted to all have a cake together cake yes big paper biggest cake yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] no do you remember what we told you about doing unto others what others would should do to you you'd never put tnt on other people but you didn't did that to us but just because they did it doesn't mean that we should do it to them yes you got to be the better player otherwise you're no better than them zack i hate to do this but me huh [Music] you are you're grounded i can't believe it i'm going to my room i mean it's the only room in the house so uh well i'm putting my put in the wood here i don't even care if they're stairs it's not fair ian appears how come they're not grounded we're not their parents fine i'm gonna write my diary dear minecraft diary no that's that's not it you know what hmm i'm gonna get out of here that's it i'm getting out of here i'm getting out of here i'm gonna go get my revenge all right i'm out of here oh look at her with a little explosive attitude just like me when i was younger and there perfect all right the perfect trap this will get them for sure what do i do with all this gold i'll just have to leave it here on the floor in front of ian's house get back here what are you doing pierce what do you realize what this means i don't know us teenagers we don't have any money but if we get this gold i'll be rich and then we won't need the corona wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the perfect place gold is kind of worthless you know no no no no no see once you grow up and have a big brain like me you'll know that gold is the most valuable object in minecraft remember how did you i thought you were grounded i snuck out secretly you know oh so rebellious all right well you know what since you guys are down there i'm gonna give you a little surprise like you gave me a little surprise okay you ready what's the surprise surprise [Applause] all right that prank was amazing i gotta get back home and oh me ha oh no you are in major trouble we we need to have a talk princess where were you you were supposed to be grounded in your room see i was just out with a few friends okay and i was friends playing pranks yeah you need to learn how to be an adult you got to take responsibility no way you can't just go making pranks and blowing up people there is a balance between growing up and being a kid while we as your parents love you regardless of your age you still do have responsibilities but that doesn't mean you aren't your responsibilities no i don't know your princess you know what no no no i was a grown-up and then you know i'm a teenager wait a minute what's happening what i feel weird huh oh we told you it was like a birthday girl you know that was fun never do that again of course we'll ask you next time but i hope you realize that regardless of your age you will always be our little girl i know i'm sorry i shouldn't let you guys help me earlier you know family hugs we love you oh i still don't know how to hug oh you'll learn in minecraft someday mom it's okay now that you're all grown up i don't think you need us anymore so uh we're gonna go yeah okay fine but uh i think you guys are missing something i think you have two other people that need to be babysat and we're still teenagers well we're still dates bye tata we'll be back you better go get them before they leave [Applause] yeah [Music] how could you grow up already and we're still teens i don't want to be a team anymore i took the potion first before you guys did yeah maybe oh oh thank goodness it worked it worked oh thank god oh it feels so nice yeah you know responsibility is annoying and stuff but with great responsibility comes having your own house yep yep absolutely oh by the way if you guys wanted to i guess i made you guys a cake inside of my house okay yeah you know just just because you made fun of me as a baby and i was like well super baby yeah yeah yeah you're actually a baby though like feelings whatsoever you guys go enjoy that party inside yeah appreciate it yeah because you know pranks like that are more of a kid thing when you're growing up like this got him real mature
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,881,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, funny, 2019, minecraft gameplay, minecraft playthrough, minecraft video game, aphmau minecraft mom and dad, aphmau parents, aphmau minecraft pranks, aphmau mom, aphmau's mom, who is aphmau's mom, who is aphmau's dad, aphmau grows up in minecraft, aphmau mommy, aphmau funny parent prank, minecraft parents
Id: AyNXV3FyjH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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