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this is would you rather pick a side you think everyone will pick but be careful if you picked a sign with the least amount of people you suffer the consequences okay would you rather we have to make some interesting choices would you rather have super hand toenails or super long nails and decide that you would want to go with and I think so what side am I going yeah stand underneath the thing you'll get it ready [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh oh look at you oh regrets all around I think okay okay let me let me go why I'm gonna pick toenails because you know fingernails you gotta do stuff all day and then all that stuff is gonna get under your fingernails and you gotta eat it's gross you know hey uh but also they're really good for they need a back scratch you mentioned I could use one okay there we go all right sorry okay next question okay please be better yeah uh let's see I hope it's something good okay come on give us a good one I don't think she's picking the other one all right I've got oh wow that's rude I'll go with this one you know um look at your arms look at us oh look at these guns I mean I was already pretty strong so I thought I'd get smarter yeah there's plenty of beef but I mean knowledge is the key to succeeding in life yeah but we're gonna be hotter whoa why don't you punch me eh look what happens when you ride quick then let's just talk about this wait does anything happen when I right click you ow do I get some knowledge oh well no just worthless in this state I don't I don't this anymore it's so heavy oh I like the colors here so pretty yeah oh I know this one already [Music] oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna get some chicken nuggets this would be a lot better if it wasn't an enclosed room I've always liked spicy food I think it's gonna be all on fire Now help everything's on fire hit the button already I'll hit the buttons [Music] oh it's a Sprite room hey I can see you guys can you see that I'm still on fire all right somebody else read I'm tired of reading uh let's see brush your teeth with soap or drink sour milk it's rooms who's coming up with these ideas I mean um is it isn't uh sour milk like more fun you get more flavor you know yeah oh no oh the sour milk pushing the teeth or better off than eating it looks like oh are they mad at me yeah we went for babies but I I don't know where you think babies is gonna be this hard it's problems all over kitties get away why would you do that I love these Colors oh this room's a little boring yeah I like these Colors oh just think about the things you could do what does that even mean oh come on yeah but I'll pick one up what do you mean Zane look at what you guys are doing that right yeah no it's fun it's definitely better than what you are all doing I will say you know you can't make or invent anything with your finger up your nose all the time yeah and at least you can be silent and deadly you know yeah [Music] laughs I'll make it stop oh okay okay okay teeth for hair oh [Music] [Music] I didn't want to give up my really good hair this is a kind of weird looking room huh oh give a phone forever or find a giant creeper oh yeah I think I know which one yeah the whole room literally went to that decide where's uh where's the creeper wait wait though wait a minute it makes little creepers I was informed there would be only one giant paper I'm trying yeah [Music] yeah Casey get a hold of yourself they're tiny they're really cute are you doing [Applause] did that do it I think we did it did we win I think it's gone though did we make it we did it hey we're out oh now what are we doing super cold super hot well no I'm already super hot but you know sure [Music] pickles it's hot but also there we go I am super hot what huh why am I the one that's cold [Music] so you voted us to be cold yep that's right oh I wanted to be hot I'm losing side always gets the consequences see the reason I pick colds because it's easy to get hot in the cold but it's hard to get hot when it's hot I don't know shut up okay yeah I think the the cold is getting to our brain no it's hot you can go swimming yeah but you can't get go to the beach you can get hot in the cold though by putting on a blanket conditioning oh what a cute room I like this blue it's good blue I like this oh um what do we what are we voting for what are we rating them I really don't know at this point well think of think about this think about this without McDonald's there would not be no grimace [Music] oh I want a milkshake well we had grimace stop punching grimace it is his birthday to him again promise I like your shake oh another purple room another blue room because it's Barbie be friends with Taylor Swift wow that there's one I like more than the other and that is Barbie [Laughter] can we keep her can we keep her stop asking the cheap people [Music] can't keep Taylor Swift all right Miss Swift Miss Swift please pick up Barbie she belongs to the people yeah do you think they're friends pick up Barbie Miss Swift can she do that oh I got it right now oh now this is a room that I like you got yourself what if you jumped off a trampoline into a pool but you can't own a trampoline in a pool at the same time so there's no chance to happen hold on I do like where your head's at Ian uh-huh get the rules oh [Music] I wanted a pool that's great I can't stay mad it's a tremopylene what did you call it all right I'm gonna hit I'm gonna hit the next buttons come on I never want to leave this room oh okay okay everything's fine now I like this room yeah this is a good room this this is a room this is a good room wait the arms are happy [Music] you know what uh I have to go back to this so I can hold one oh no oh yeah did we all pick the arms unless the arm would go but can I punch stronger with three arms [Music] you love fast food or give up sweets I already know I already know yeah I know what I'd have to do with this one sorry Casey we've got a Candy Monster look at all these french fries oh it's a pretty room oh oh this is history I know I don't understand look at all the diamonds we got here we go we got two staff I I know look at that but but you know what explain yourself I already shine bright like a diamond so I I don't need any more you know I get it you rock that gold girl pose gold is more actually I regret my choices yeah it's you get a hold of yourself oh some fun colors here there it is you guys I like being short ha what's happening oh he's got a tiny little baby why are you so strong there's the next button I'm just gonna lie down right here I'm just gonna lie down right here are you okay are you okay all right um I guess I'm the last survivor yeah I'm fine come on thank you love it okay okay okay eat a bean-sized man what ah eat a man-sized bean I mean there's the choice for you what if I don't like beans yes this one oh wait I wanna eat it yourself out let me see oh this is our uh Bean size man um enjoy your lunch do you think the bean-sized man could eat the man-sized bean oh man eat it get it little man let me toss at him again let me see uh there we go oh he's moving YouTube ah who threw King Ian I demand to know I decree that all these puppies are by now yeah now we're going to save the ball and they are going to be living in loyalty I call them my Corgi Army okay all right what would you rather have lose all your hair or step on nails oh well the real question is can the hair grow back I don't know we're kind of getting some answers that we're not getting some uh explanations too it's true I think you all made the wrong choice I could just invent something to grow it back of course I have two eyes did you not know that very rare oh my gosh it's an eye reveal do you see a reflection so pretty so pretty thank you it's short ah would you rather hamster the size of a rhino or Rhino the size of a hamster can I choose both campers [Music] okay so how did they fight no yeah Rhino introduce yourself they can be friends get them hamster go eat them introduce yourself oh Mr practically best friends already wait what was that noise which one's any witch I think those things are endangered who's gonna win it's an epic battle of Titans [Music] wait wait don't hamsters eat the babies out
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 1,823,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: Wg4iPYQ4g0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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