Growing Up As a BEE In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft we grew up as bees from being born as little baby bees to becoming the bee Kings and if you also want to become the very best subscribe right now Sonny that was a terrible pun I think we found it it's the legendary Ender bees yo the Ender bees which contained and honey we found the corrupted chunk this is crazy be really careful these bees are known to be aggressive melon don't touch them okay look look this guy's chill though he's actually really nice don't judge happy with us Sonny they're not happy with us they're not happy with us dude I told you these guys were hostile just get the Ender honey and get out of here we gotta go we gotta go give me the Ender honey give me the under honey I got the Ender honey let's get out of here Sonny we gotta go we gotta go half a heart half a heart run melon did you get out of there with your Ender honey yeah bro I got three Ender honey bottles same here wait Ellen the bees they're still chasing us we gotta go we gotta go don't stop until we get home home sweet home Sunny we actually made it I can't believe we looted the Ender Beast that is so cool and now we take our prize Sonny cheers drink up oh this is gonna be tasty I didn't drink mine I was way too scared I want to see what happens to Sunny first yeah melon everything is getting slower the world's looking like honey it's all dripping and blending I don't feel so good maybe I should drink another one Sonny what are you doing relax the whole world is yellow it kind of looks delicious like honey yo where am I what is this place I'm stuck in a beehive wait a second I'm a baby bee yo this is incredible but also really really weird how the heck did this happen the last thing I remember is I drank the Ender honey and now I'm a bee this is the best day ever but how do I get out of here I want to spread my wigs and fly I want to go pollinate flowers and I want to meet the queen I bet she's beautiful hello is anybody else here how do I get out of this place sunny it's sunny hey wait a second is that melon where are you sunny here bro up look up whoa I see you you're a Red Bee you look so cool thank you dude here take some food Sunny you must be starving actually I'm okay right now oh well keep that for the future if you want to be a functioning member of this Hive Sunny I'm gonna need you to fly up here right now okay I can do this and fly I mean my wings are flapping but I'm not really going anywhere Sunny think about it like riding a bicycle just let the instincts take over yeah but I've never flown in my entire life riding a bike I started with training wheels and then I worked my way up okay okay think about it as walking Sonny you never walked in your whole life until you walked you know what I mean ah that makes a lot of sense it's time for me to fly yo you did it sunny you did it you little baby B that was so cool I could spread my wings and fly bro I don't have great control over it but that was epic now it's sunny that you're a master of flying follow me I wouldn't call myself an expert at this I've only flown twice in my whole life melon I'm kind of scared I don't want to jump down that hole what if I get hurt you won't Sonny you've gotta be leave in yourself hey if you're gonna make awesome jokes like that then I could do it uh oh you're right there you go I didn't take any damage follow me I'm right behind you sonny we've left the high fly fly like a bird no fly like a bee wait melon I'm dropping oh I'm flying isn't this awesome Sunny now I gotta take you into the next Hive oh this is incredible look at how many hives we have out here it's so beautiful now follow me Sonny we're going in I'm right behind you whoa melon B this is awesome no way I grew up a little bit I'm no longer little baby B I'm a kid that's what happens when you learn how to fly you've enjoyed the joys of being a bee now Sonny it's time to face the hardships you will become a powerful Warrior B and serve the hive wait melon I don't like this very much this is this is a sword bro and it's called a stinger I don't wanna you must learn how to wield your stinger defeat me and you may grow up be the bee you were always meant to be okay I'm out of here I don't wanna fight I don't modified I'll kill you die die die die die you can't get me I'm too slick ah get over here you small boy phoning in yeah yeah uh phoning into top P yep I want to disable flight in chamber A7 yep over yep wait I can't fly now we Face Off Sonny die I don't want to fight I didn't want to fight you ow it's okay sonny all bees are reborn in the hive as long as the queen is here we're all okay I've been reborn in the hive melon if you really want to have a battle of stingers I will destroy you all right well I'm gonna just kill you real quick oh it's even so far no no hey ah oh it's close it's close it's close yeah you grow stronger Mr Sunny with each rebirth I grow more powerful melon I no longer fear you you might be my teacher but I will become the real master you're not yet ready I shall show you time for me to show you the business oh no merge from the honey congratulations Sonny you've became a warrior thank you Senpai melon I do the best I can to prove my worth to The Hive one day I will be the Queen's best warrior do not use B and Queen in the same sentence that is just flagrant disrespect hey I'm sorry I just thought she was beautiful don't say that please please smell it I have half a heart I'll let it slide just this one sunny but there are no bee puns to be used in the Queen's name I concur anyways Sonny you ready for the outside world do you want to see the flowers yeah let's go pollinate some flowers follow me let's go oh whoa melon B this is so incredible look at all the beautiful flowers oh I just want to pollinate all of them Sunny there's so many flowers but you can only pick one so Choose Wisely oh the yellow ones calling for me it looks so awesome is that really what you want to be sunny for the rest of your life wait you didn't say I was gonna become something from this I thought I was just picking my favorite color I didn't say anything I didn't say anything forget I said anything just pick the flower which calls to you well in that case the red one's calling for me because you picked the red one I'm sure of it and you turned out to be an epic Warrior bee uh no comment no comment yeah I'm choosing red let's go Sunny you have chosen the flower color red it means you're destined to be a warrior like the great melon ow chill bro what does the yellow one do you would have been responsible for cleaning the Queen's poop yo that's disgusting I'm so glad didn't do that yep yep yep yep now Sonny begin pollination Yes master melon I have acquired the pollen we must return it to the nest in order to create some delicious honey follow me Sonny we've arrived today you will meet the queen no way I've been dreaming of this moment hello Queen's guards yes I'm just bringing sunny in for his first time pollination he's gonna meet the queen it's gonna be great chip chip Cheerio melon do you remember the code of course I remember the code hey guys yeah first day on the job I know I'm gonna be a legend of this Hive in no time so remember the name Sunny beezington because that's that's my name I think the code is this beautiful sunny you may now enter that was awesome bro now I'm right behind you I'm gonna stay close to you because I've never been here before I don't want to get lost there's a lot of crazy bees in here look at them Sonny if you chose the yellow flower you'd have been just like them the worker bees they clean up the Queen's poop yeah yeah but they do look pretty cool still now Sony deliver your pollen to the worker bees and then they're gonna process this turn it into honey and tell the queen that I did this because I'm the best bee ever uh yeah yeah sure yeah just Kevin to the pollen now please now follow me you will be inaugurated by the queen oh perfect and she's gonna tell you to start to mind your own business cause I'm gonna be the new top Warrior Sonny I'm warning you no bee puns in front of the queen she does not like bee puns I feel a little strange right now though oh whoa yo I grew up again yep pollination makes you a man here in the hive and now you're all grown up so you can meet the queen oh it feels so good to be all grown up now melon wouldn't you call me beautiful no but beauty lies in the eye of the beholder Sonny I have pods enough puns fine fine let's go see the queen I've got a question to ask her all right yep I'm here to take this first time pollinator to the queen actually we're under attack our systems detected that an incoming wasp Army is preparing to land any second now wait what we're under attack sonny as a warrior be it's our duty to defend the hive follow me already my first mission this is awesome yes I believe in you it's okay we can make puns now we're out of the nest in that case melon what type of gum do bees chew I don't know Bumble gum uh melon I located the enemies there's wasps over here you're not gonna hurt Our Queen take them out take them out it looks like they forgot how to fly Get Wrecked melon there's one left behind it's time for us to question him hello misterwas what's your plan why would you try and attack our Hive you fools you don't get it do you this was all just a diversion tactic you might have gotten rid of us but the others have already made it to the hive what do you mean this was just a diversion Sonny we gotta get back to the hive now there's no time for him follow me protect the queen I'm coming queen wait what's that what just happened what just happened Save the Queen Save the Queen what is this wasp Invasion sorry I need help I'm here I'm here we gotta drive by we gotta use our power of flight against the Wasps oh yeah keep them distracted I'll smack him from behind was smack it from behind I need your help oh what down are you teach my honey bread my honey bread our honey will never be yours die two down they're so evil okay one last one left Sonny I'm low I'm low die hit him yeah that was awesome we defeated the Wasps Sonny it's not over yet not until we make sure the queen is safe sir the factory is in danger from the deadly wastes you need to go and stop them please the whole of be kind depends on you sunny and melon what do you mean the Factory's in danger melon we gotta Save The Hive we gotta go worship is where's the three the three one was let's take him out Sunny let's take him out what are you doing here you're too late for this was just another distraction go and check on your precious Queen no way he's another distraction Sunny no time for this guy we gotta move the Queen's safety is all that matters the Queen the queen wait the guards the guards have been killed Minecraft saves the queen please what is why why are they crawling what's yo was Sonny we gotta take him out not good they killed another Queen's guard no way the Queen's security detail they're all dying melon the queen she's missing so what are we gonna do where do they go why bro it looks like the WASP broke out through here and kidnapped Our Queen they left a book behind what does it says 12 53 65 2067 wait that says the queen is being held hostage in a cage and the coordinates for the meat Point are right there this is a good melon it also said they're trying to sell her to humans no we gotta go now anything but humans we can't let our Queen be a part of a human bee farm Melo we've been flying for a long time which means I've cooked up some great puns what's a bee's favorite sport uh I don't know rugby Sunny that was terrible but what's not terrible is the fact that we have reinforced Miss Sonny the word must have spread to neighboring beehives and backups arrive to help us time to take out those pesky wasps hey but first melon I got a question for you what do bees like with their Sushi what do they like Sunny wasabi oh good one good one all right no points in front of the queen I swear by the Queen's name I will slave deal okay let's fight this one melon there's only one way to make this battle work in our favor what's that TNT a surprise attack oh you'll never see it coming you better believe it back up Let it explode good kill the WASP go go we can take them out we can take them out we've got this we've got this ow ow Gods guards what less was yes we did it melon we defeated all the evil wasps now it's time to set the queen free the honor is all yours General Sunny thank you master melon we've protected Our Queen from the evil human beekeepers and now I release her my queen you're free I just got one question for you what do you call a wasp a wannabe what you didn't like my joke chill Queen ow ow the Queen's attacking sunny sunny foreign [Music] are you coming too I can finally hear you [Music] Sonny what are you talking about what queen you've been asleep for the past seven days wait what do you mean our Queen bro she's got the big wings she's got the best honey in town the queen bee ever since you drank the potion you've been passed out it's been a whole week man there's no way bro this can't be true what about my wings check this out I can fly Sonny you don't have wings you donut oh Sonny go back inside you're clearly not mentally prepared for the world right now no I'm gonna go check out the Beehive I could still save my queen there's no beehive there's no beehive what are you talking about yes I see the hives my queen Sonny stop it's dangerous these bees are hostile I don't know they seem pretty friendly Sonny they're not happy with you get away from the Beehive no no my queen my queen please please guys I tried to warn him and that's why you never take honey from a beehive but you guys should press that left forward until the day I became an old man Sonny you look so dumb with that giant grandpa beard I like the video right now to turn Melody let it man too press it quick oh my back no melon I feel so tiny dude look at you you're a baby why am I a baby actually this feels pretty right and comfortable I think I'm just gonna cuddle up and relax and live life dude I suddenly have a craving for warm milk I need milk melon get me out of this baby gate here let me help you let me help you sonny boost me boost me yes let me out oh wait we could have just broke it it's pretty easy to break how are you the world's strongest baby that's crazy let me just let me just put that back yeah we don't want our babysitter to know we busted out like that be careful we gotta Escape wait I can't hit these walls for some reason dang it bro we can't bust out of here it's not as easy wait a second our babysitter's not home we don't have to worry we can find another way out melon wait do you hear that oh she's here she's just taking a big old poop Yo she's stanking up the bed bathroom that's nasty yeah she's pooping and farting wait Sonny do you see that right there yo the window it's open whoa I escaped Sonny I see daylight oh there's a cool park right here let's check this out yeah I'm with you melon I'm gonna hop on the carousel start it out yeah yo ow ow it's a carousel of death ow melon get in here quick or stop it please uh yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna enjoy this slide instead hang you melon give me this in time to go on the ride of my life yo that looks awesome yo that was actually so epic here my turn my turn oh melon my turn I want to go on it again you know you have fun with that bro I'm taking my tricycle and I'm leaving behind melon I don't think this is a good way to ride a tricycle I'm scratching my butt does is your butt okay it looks like it's hurting I need your case of bottom rug burn ow oh this is very painful it does not feel good on the cement it doesn't but at least we're breaking out of daycare let's go bro coated ultimate Freedom these babies can't be held down these babies are gonna go to the most epic playground melon look at this place it's so beautiful look at the monkey bars in the swing set bro we busted out to get on the cool place let's go this is where the big kids hang out bruh are you kidding me trampoline wait melon I want to get on the trampoline wait for me no this is my trampoline nope it's mine too boing there's only room for one boing boing yo how come you're going higher than me get out of here you know what now you made it bad ow wait what's down here something's calling me down this path this is so weird what is it melon what are you being drawn to I don't know I want to go to this school for some reason it's like something some part of me is drawn to it you need the knowledge bro you're trying to get your fourth melon seed melon we grew up a little bit we're taller yo you're right bro something about the school made us age that is so bizarre did you hear that wait Sonny we gotta get to class oh oh crap the Bell Ryan follow me I'm with you bro I forgot my agenda do you know which classroom we're supposed to be in no but I can smell it I can smell the class follow me that's a little sauce melon I don't know how you could smell a classroom from this far you don't smell that knowledge foreign there's so much education I can feel it room 305. it's in here I'm sorry we're late Miss dingleberry it won't happen again all right I don't know if you were smelling knowledge or Miss dingleberry she is stinky bruh oh she's got a few dingleberries if you know what I mean no what no we didn't say anything nothing at all right Sonny uh she doesn't smell that bad melon she's kind of okay our teacher yeah wait no no I don't want detention I don't want attention I'm sorry I didn't thank you so much Miss dingleberry it won't happen again Sonny do you hear that it's the Bell it's time for our next class let's go melon I'm stuck under my desk melon please help me let me help you all right thanks dude we got gym next uh follow me I know my way around this place dude you've absorbed so much knowledge so quickly I feel like I've lived here forever yo Jim let's go yo Sunny daggy tag tag you're it you're it you're it you're it got him no tag backs No Tag backs No Tag backs bro you what who am I gonna tag there's no one else in this class at Miss dingleberries upstairs I'll be right back and while Mel is doing that let me see if I can find the weights I'm trying to lift heavy weights and become the strongest eight year old ever I'm gonna squat sets of 420 pounds I just gotta find where they rack these weights up um this doesn't look like the weight training room what is this Sonny don't know I'm scared why don't you explore it first you know what Sonny you're right I'm the Brave and courageous one and the dumb one what the heck oh Sonny there's so many zombies help me okay I won't leave my bro alone I'm right here I'm right here Sonny there's an Escape Route we can go through the sewers are you serious you expect me to jump into this nasty stanky sewers you know how much dingleberry poops in here this is the only way out oh these zombies are scary man oh gross disgusting I know you're used to this stank with all your fertilizer stuff but this is gross sorry that is so not cool hurry up the zombies are only after you I'm safe you know I just zoomed right past them Let's Go goat mode wait there's a barrel over here Sonny uh you want to check it out since I was so brave before yeah there's also a dead skeleton skull are you sure this is safe no emeralds we're rich Three Stacks let's go we're rich and ah ah sorry I gotta move I gotta keep moving Sonny follow me we gotta get out of here there's some weird pipes over here maybe there's an exit ow ow watch out for the zombie run dude we gotta get out of the sewer system quickly [Music] yes I found an escape yes Miss dingleberry and Mr Barry are all here foreign for the next five years are you kidding me what this is not cool Merlin I can't believe we're stuck in detention for five years but at least it didn't confiscate my emeralds yeah these will have something on the other side this is so annoying though Sonny five years I feel like I'm gonna go crazy I know and Miss diggleberry still smells so bad she needs deodorant and what subject are we even learning I think painting bro just painting what are we gonna do everyone knows an art degree is useless this is what I think of your painting oh what did I just find melon this could be our way out I need you to distract Miss dingleberry you can give her an emerald or something okay okay okay hello Miss dingleberry uh don't you like what I have yes look at the greenness Sonny you'll have to go on with tell me there's no way I can escape I'm going yeah I'm sorry I know I didn't leave you any more distractions it's up to me I'll get out of here all right make us proud Sonny make us proud I'm breaking out of school guys I'm such a rebel but how am I gonna get off of this rooftop oh this is scary there's got to be a way down somewhere please find it yo if I can land in this water just gotta clutch up yes I'm alive and I've escaped School melon I'll come back for you with all these emeralds I'll be able to buy us a getaway mobile please Sonny please I think there's a motorcycle shop just around here and I hear they'll sell bikes to anyone these days even kids let's see where's the vendor oh here he is wait how many emeralds for that bike dude I can't afford that 500 emeralds that's a rip-off yo how about this piece a trash red one outside it looks a bit Rusty and old yeah one stack you have a deal one stack of emeralds and now I can take this bike let's go melon I'll be there soon I just got to investigate our Escape Plan let's see what's at the end of this road there's gotta be something cool yo the forest this could be it we could live off the fat of the land I'm actually quite enjoying detention I'm learning a lot look at this book World Knowledge I've learned so many things here Hmm this place isn't actually too bad yes we could live here forever wait a second there's something not quite right about this place why is the world border cutting it off no you gotta be kidding me we can't be stuck in this city forever something's not right I gotta go get melon he's been in detention for years melon melon are you still in detention hey Sunny what's up I'm coming to break you out of there there's two seats on this bike I don't know money you're just a Dropout and I'm learning so many things here as Aphrodite's once said knowledge is power and power is wisdom melon the school is corrupting you you need to live free fast and die young uh I'm good Sonny I don't want to join you in your Dropout ways I'm just gonna stay here and learn goodbye I don't know what happened to melon he's changed the books they've corrupted him he's no longer living a reckless lifestyle free of the corporate world of the establishment I guess I still have to get a job if I'm gonna pay my bills dang it the only thing I'm good at is driving I hope this taxi company will hire me guys after five years of detention I'm finally free let's go just gotta head to my classroom and grab a few things wait what's in here whoa job offer for melon yo wait I'm all grown up I'm normal again and now it's time to work a job this is gonna be awesome I've been working this job for two years guys you can see I grew up I'm a full sunny again this is my cab and I'm going off to work today I have an important new client just gotta go pick him up and according to my GPS I'm almost at my new client's house gotta pick him up and bring him to work this is it here wow that's a nice place look at this dude's pool excuse me sir you ordered a taxi this is Sonny's taxis Incorporated wait it's sunny is that you yeah I'm a free agent working at the taxi Corp cray Inc I have my own little subsidiary sunnies this is your house yeah dude this is my house it's so awesome to see you Sonny it's been such a long time is everything okay yeah I'm good dude I'm good uh I just got a long day at work so can you just drive me there sure thing melon you're the boss today I'll take you straight to your office thank you so much Sunny feel free to adjust the radio bro I got all kinds of tunes on this I just live free on the road every day oh that's okay I don't like listening to music like you see this red light blowing it that's really dangerous Sonny you shouldn't be doing that it's okay I run these streets everyone out here knows me uh by the way where's your office I just thought I'd take you on a tour of the old school sunny I need you to take me to the office it's on second and third street okay you sound quite down are you catching a cold or something no it's just like a lot of work man it's my life now just busy just real busy real busy well here we are this is the office right yeah you want to see a tour of it that would be great yeah and sure I'll show you around I'm actually the manager of this establishment oh that's great to hear it sounds like you've been really climbing the corporate ladder huh yeah I really have come on down shut up this is the place it's pretty cool and yeah guys I do not want to get on melon's bad side poor quandale so melon everything's good with you then right I can just pick you up after work yeah that would be great have a nice day sunny hey save to you bro have a good one see ya get back work hey guys I really do not feel good about that experience melon seems bummed out from work I feel like the corporate structure is just not meant for him he's supposed to be out Living For free in the farm patches but now melon is grinding away wasting his entire life his melatop was even turning gray did you see that it's not the life for him I gotta find a way to get him out of this rut let's see I've got an idea I'm gonna put an emerald in the passenger seat here and then tell melon that he left it in the car excuse me can you get melon your employees are very rude what did they say Sonny I will discipline them um you don't need to discipline them and actually they said nothing that was really the problem I was trying to get them to get you for me but at least now I got your attention so melon I I just needed to check in with you it's company policy uh you left something in the vehicle I'm gonna need you to come and make sure that it's yours or I have to bring it to Lost and Found okay I will go check it out yeah it's just uh yeah just out here in in my nice Yellow Taxi okay where's this item I don't see it other side is that your Emerald uh you could very will be I have so many emeralds is that your Emerald as well yeah I see some more emeralds in here they could be mine Sonny what are you doing I locked the doors you're not your melon a lot of work to do right now melon you're coming with me bro I'm bringing you back to where we were Fife I did I do remember that a little bit times were simpler oh could you spin me around Sonny sure thing melon anything to get you out of your rut are you having fun yo this is awesome wait that's the old melon I know he's back guys you're back to normal let's go yo I can't wait to ride this card all the way down that's the wrong way I'll boost you don't worry stay in the cart I got you brother go have the time of your life Maryland one question for you what's up you remember in school when we got detention back when we were younger and happier there was a place down there that we never fully explored but today we're gonna find out what lurks below the sewers yo a good old mystery I love this just follow me I don't need my windows anymore not where we're going melon I've stored some supplies in here for decades whoa what are we using that TNT for you'll know when you see it why do we need netherride armor just in case we don't know what lurks beneath the sewers and here I'll give you a crossbow and a bunch of arrows whoa this is crazy sunny and I'll give you half of our original loot I've been saving these emeralds ever since we were babies hey don't point that at me That's dangerous hey you forgot your booties Oh no I got my boots on those are your boots nope nope nose I got my boots on dude those are your boots oh my gosh my boots were glitching give me my boots back what are we in a simulation or something yeah that would be freaking weird that'd be freaky okay now melon follow me oh we can't fit out of this window anymore it turns out we're not that small all right we can use the front door oh true yeah let's get rid of this baby gate and let's roll melon get in get in I mean oh sorry about that I still never really got me driver's license oh that is extremely dangerous and I am entirely scared right now you know me I like to live recklessly bruh I convinced the taxi Corporation to let me drive because I gave them extra emeralds melon do you remember where the school is uh yeah you went past it okay I'm gonna make a left turn here okay yeah that works this works it's all right I'm taking the long way the scenic route might want to take another left yep and then from here you're gonna wanna take a right please don't go to your old offices ignore that you saw nothing oh what did I talk about no you saw nothing melon your old offices I'm messing with you sonny oh dude I thought you turned into a corporate zombie again yo where's the sewer place where are you going there it is sunny take a left nope left I left yes yes a little bit more of a left there you go oh there's the sewers thanks melon where would I be without you run them over this is for five years of detention wait melon I have a better way to solve this hold on let me handle it yep that works out perfectly that's why I brought the TNT they still survived and not for long sir quandale and Miss dingleberry are no more we're free now let's see what's down in these sewers bro there was a lot of zombies down here I don't think anybody even knew about this we might have been the first people to explore the sewers ever since they were constructed in the year 100s so weird big jump big jump make the jump it's fine you've never right you're fine you have another right you're fine what is this the legendary hand crank everyone knows this is the most mysterious item in Minecraft I'm gonna put it right here and hopefully nothing bad happens I will crank it whoa what did we just discover crank it crank it again I'm cranking that soja keep cranking Crank That Soldier ow ow Sony do you have a pickaxe uh no but I do have TNT here we'll break it by hand yeah that's probably the better idea now that we're adults we're so much stronger it's easy wait what are these yo villagers what the heck what did we find I knew I knew this place was cursed take them out Sonny file back eliminate them show them who's the more powerful range weapon at Point Blank yeah yes uh what the heck are they up to let's find out yo key card and there's a button whoa that's epic melon Sonny what did you just press uh I don't know I think we're fine there's lava directly above us but I think we're okay Joe city project outbreak what the heck there's so many zombies dude there's villagers yo yo we'll kill them oh wait there's too many there's too many just run just run you have the key card Melo there's a key card thing right behind you put it into security yo we gotta get out of here we gotta get out of here Sonny come melon please melon please come Sunny I'm trying open the door thank you yo kill this one he got out he got out okay we're good we're good yo we're safe we're safe in case of facility breach immediately evacuate yeah this is not good we gotta get the heck out of here what the heck are these plans Sunny what is going on what have we uncovered melon this place is so sus let's explore and see if we can learn more about it though melon what'd you find what'd you find come in this room there's two chairs with a gold block and a melon block what does that mean bro what happens if I flick this letter don't flick it just come and sit down melon just sit down bro I want to swap brains with you just a prank bro just a prank oh I know I'm stuck in my chair melon please no please help there you go there you go just walk forward why do I always get stuck on chairs okay I'm good unreal though what is that that is really weird I don't know Sonny I'm just as confused as you wait this is a map of the village birth school job death wait death Sunny simulation 143 same subject sunny and melon dude don't tell me this isn't real Sonny come to think of it it was weird bro we aged so rapidly in school from birth to school and then when we got our job we aged at an insane rate I didn't even think about it dude that's true right after detention you became an office zombie Sonny I don't want to die I'm Too Young To Die melon melon they're here for us they're here I'm destroying this simulation melon get to the evacuation portal blow it up go go go go go in the portal melon we made it we're back in Normal Minecraft it's so beautiful sheep and I can even go and punch a tree oh yes normal World getting wood the first achievement in Minecraft melon you're so talented I know and if you guys want to be as talented as me which is almost impossible make sure you like And subscribe today in Minecraft melon went from being a nerd to Super popular in school I used to be bullied for being a dorky nerd but after we saved the school from the evil doctor long bottoms we became so popular and if you subscribe to our Channel right now you'll be cool too okay guys it's my first day at school and I'm kind of nervous bro I hope I fit in hey guys look at this nerd coming to school what's his name melon stop right there yo what the heck bro what's wrong with you you're not going anywhere nerd watch this why why would you do that because there was nothing you could do to stop me wait you're the coolest strongest most popular kid in school you could do anything you want yo chill I don't wanna hold dead kind bro what if I murdered the Sun how would you feel you can't so I don't have to think about it I gotta get to class bro I'm gonna be late no no you're gonna be late ow that's absolutely right you will be I'm not done picking on you nerd boom Oh actually uh you probably should head to class before I get in too much trouble with the school's Staff office am I right guys yeah I know I'm pretty cool I gotta get out of here oh that guy is so mean okay I just gotta head to class I'm gonna be late dang it I'm sorry I'm late I'm sorry I'm late it won't happen again I promise I'm sorry like I said I'm sorry dude I was getting picked up you don't care oh I'll make it up to you and now the class has started it's time for me to roam the hallways oh yeah feels good to be the only kid in the hallway I run this place is good to be cool popular and even the teachers don't care watch this I'll arrive to class as late as I want yeah what's good nice work teacher keep it up dude this guy's really in my class yo hey melon catch this ew did you just spit on me ow that's disgusting teacher teacher he won't even look at me what the heck's wrong with you you're a bystander ew don't like this I gotta go to the bathroom I gotta go to the bathroom oh that Sunny guy is such a jerk I'm just trying to live my life but he keeps picking on me I'm just gonna go in here and cry Professor Bartholomew do you mind if I go find that melon guy and bring him back to class yeah you'd appreciate it I know he's slacking he's trying to go to the bathroom and ignore all of the knowledge that you're sharing hey melon melon uh uh what's going on what do you want Sonny you're such a nerd boom and you're not even muscular look how skinny you are bro you're so mean about it here what is wrong with you that's right go home and cry melon ow I don't even know how to get out of here how do I get out of here cry to mommy cry to your mommy you're such a baby stop you're so mean that Sunny guy is ruining my life I just wanna be myself and have fun but he won't let me he's making fun of me he's calling me skinny he's punching me being so mean that's it tomorrow is the day I stand up for myself I won't let him walk all over me again today's the day today is the day I stand up for myself it's off to school and I'm actually feeling good today I'm not even worried hey boys when this melon nerd gets to school let's pick on him again yeah yeah let's destroy his watermelon friend right here and make him watch hey how's it going Sonny what's up yeah Melon really good really good you stand right there and watch as this happens right in front of your eyes no I won't let you whoa whoa relax melon that was actually really impressive I thought you were just some stupid nerd no I'm a smart nerd with a meat uppercut dang you know what I think we could be friends wait you think so I actually really respect you dude you might be skinny and have a gigantic head but you're pretty cool hey let's go what are we doing first friend follow me I've got an idea okay melon I've got a great idea yeah what's that Sonny let's sneak out of class and prank Everybody by putting something disgusting in their lockers like what a piece of poop that would be pretty good but I don't have any poop lying around but I do know that Professor Bartholomew he's been making some nasty experiments in his desk look at this could you just distract him a little bit actually yo what's up barthol a mule um you got a nice bangs bro that's good keep it up melon tell them about his chalkboard and how smart he is bro you're such a smart teacher you should be teaching at University you should not be teaching at a high school you're a genius yes melon I got it I got the potatoes let's get out of here uh bye okay okay follow me oh the principal's office principal short bosoms what the heck that's a weird name yeah what the heck dude um what are we doing with these potatoes though just follow me melon we've got to be very sneaky yeah sneaky like they'll never suspect a thing just gotta break through into the cafeteria yo that's property damage you're crazy Sonny throw a couple of these into the cafe and melon here's some for you yo I'm gonna go put it in everybody's lockers that's such a good idea it's gonna be stinky I don't want to put that many in here give me these back I'll get Locker six yo who has Locker seven bro that thing is reinforced what the heck is this 69 69 well I'm out of ideas it's okay we've completed our prank it's just hide the evidence and let's go back to class good idea good idea and when the bell rings it's gonna be so sticky melon did you hear that glass is up that was the Bell yo let's go check on these lockers dude it's gonna be so smelly yo we can hear that they're already talking about it yo you guys smell that oh right someone put rotten potatoes in everyone's Locker ew who would do that they're freaking out let's get out of here that's so gross that's so gross yeah let's go let's go let's dip Sonny we gotta get out of here it's too stinky oh that was fun but uh I'm pretty tired son I think I'm gonna go it's a hit the hay get some sleep and get ready for school tomorrow dude it's the afternoon it's not even that late no wonder you're so tired bro you're too skinny and all you do is sit on your butt and read books all day bruh you've gotta work out you gotta hit the weights let's go to the gym I don't know man I got a lot of studying to do and then I go to sleep and then study some more and then study and then study replace the is big and as strong as me all right let's do it welcome to the gym this is the place where boys become men yo Sonny what the heck is this thing it's a pull-up bar check it out I'm getting strong you're not even doing a full rep this is how you do it wait you know about pull-ups [Music] yo melon you're a natural yeah bro and then I bench here which one do I think yeah I'll just wrap some of these out really quick melon that's too heavy I'll spot you get out of that get out of there ah I'm gonna Crush oh oh that's why you always have a spotter yeah that was really dangerous and you should always start with a warm-up couple of reps here yeah that's a good little bit of bench pressing and then one day you'll be as strong as me and you can hit the big weights oh yeah oh Sonny you're actually strong bro but what's this machine oh this is something for legs but yeah I skipped that yeah let's just pretend this doesn't exist yo melon you're looking buffer already ready yeah bro the gym paid off well I feel so much better and I'm freaking jacked whoa keep those muscles to yourself bro I don't want to get beat up now follow me to class and let's pretend that we like to learn and they will sneak out later and do more pranks right what do you mean pretend I love to learn dude I can't wait today's science uh not the periodic table bro yeah carbon and nitrogen oh that's so interesting bro when you mix an acid in a metal it creates salt water bro what are you talking about I'm out of here dude I'm gonna be the bathroom if you want to talk about some pranks yeah yeah uh-huh wait Sonny where'd you go sonny where are you bro oh he's gonna do some pranks I'm kind of down for that yo what's up sonny bro that lesson was super interesting what's up oh I thought I lost you to the books forever yeah I have an idea we should totally prank the principal yo what are you thinking just check the toilet it's in there yo you have a poop bag I'm not touching that bro that's all you come on come on you gotta touch the poop bag here hold it hold it oh oh it's so gross dude and now follow me principal short bosoms is gonna get trolled so hard just come inside here yo look you just gotta put the poop bag next to that piston yo you're actually evil Sonny bro his principal is gonna get dusted and then I remove these trap doors he won't be needing these decorations anymore and then look I got trip wires and string I just gotta go like this and like that and don't step on that melon whatever you do why what happens if I step on it the poop drop oh oh bro he's gonna get pooped on now that our prank is set up I kind of wonder what else is in the principal's office I've never been here before ew you're right bro there's so many drawers but why are they all empty what's behind his desk what does this say project checked Pig School whoa what's in this drawer look in quill bro do you hear that the principal's on his way we gotta get out of here now run run no melon you got us pooped on we gotta go we gotta go gross bro disgusting okay I just escaped the principal almost got back to his office he would have caught us poop handed now what's in this book project Pig School principal short bottoms and collaboration with I'm having a hard time reading this I'm gonna need melon's help he's got a bigger brain than me yo what's up guys going right those potatoes yeah okay guys I lost the principle I gotta reunite with Sonny melon I need help I need some help melon what's up sonny what's up come out here and read this for me I don't know what it was saying project Pig School principal is short poems and collaboration with marathon and she will be conducting an experiment the experiment will be taking place in the school and will involve student mutation what the experiment will be testing Megalodon Industries new product mutatron by turning every student from this school into a pig patented by Dr longbottoms bro what this experiment will be taking place at the last day of school caution when you turn on the machine Evacuate the area immediately mind wave particles travel through blocks what lab 72423 Sonny this is bigger than us this is huge bro the whole school's in Jeopardy this isn't good Dr long bottoms is back and anytime he's in involved things go horribly horribly wrong yeah bro I remember he's the one that killed my parents and he turned us into babies dang that dude sunny and melon to the principal's office now uh melon you hear that on the loudspeaker this isn't good let's call this to his office bro uh I'm scared Sonny I hope he doesn't notice the book I hope it's not about the poop either I just hope he doesn't turn us into pigs cause he's in on it with Dr Longbottom yes principal I don't know why there's poop remnants that's weird you're right this could have been so much worse yeah we're so horribly sorry it'll never happen again what we're expelled dang it fine we'll leave the premises immediately melon we've gotta get out of here and find a way to stop Dr longbottoms and the principal from turning all of our classmates into pigs but what do we do Sonny I don't know you're the one with the big brain all right let me calculate something Sonny I've got it I remember when I was researching mine wave particles there's one materials that can stop them what's that it's netherite bro put on these netherite boots the Mind wave particles will come from the floor so as long as you stop the entry point you'll be okay are you serious nether writes a materials strong enough to prevent mind wave technology particles yeah bro follow me we've gotta save the school this is so cool melon I never thought being a nerd could be this awesome uh yeah it's pretty freaking radical bro sure is gnarly gnarly bro Sonny we gotta start sneaking we're gonna get on school property soon and we're expelled the security guards won't be happy to see us melon it's the last day of school we've got to hurry if we're gonna save everyone Sonny the school's been locked down look at all the windows bro they're sealed up with iron blocks dude this isn't good the principal in Dr longbottoms they've already started the experiment dude we've got to save everyone inside we gotta hurry now but melon how the heck are we gonna get inside it's so fortified I remember that acid dissolves metal if we collect 432 Redstone and mix it with 17 sulfuric water pieces we can create sulfuric acid which we can then use to dissolve two blocks to fit exactly our player models in but maybe we'll have to lose a little bit of weight so we'd have to go on a diet during all of this and then no no no I just remembered there's a better way to get inside of the school follow me melon what what do you mean back when I was the school bully I remember I flushed some little kid down a toilet and I think he shot out right at the back of the school around here somewhere yeah this looks like the place there's got to be a sewer system attached to this one water um I don't see wait bro you're right I just found something it's right here yeah so if we just swim through this we should be able to find our way back into the school yo this is so sick it's a little gross actually but it's worth it we're gonna become Heroes bro I think I'm literally in a toilet right now dude we're in the plumbing we are in the school Plumbing oh Sunny I'm drowning I just came out of a toilet that's so weird bro that was trippy but now we gotta be very stealthy sunny I don't want the principal to find us if anyone knows we're here melon if anyone finds out we're in the school they're gonna turn everyone into pigs before we have a chance to stop them where is their machine oh I heard the principal bro I just heard a makeup noise the most evil sound of them all melon I found a clue it's complicated numbers there's an algorithm It's gotta mean something no bro that's just when I solved Pi last week give me the book though sunny I remember there's a code on it okay I'll let you do the big brain reading lab 72423 bro it's the password to the locked locker downstairs you're right it was the one we couldn't put any potatoes inside of that's gotta be the code to get in we've just gotta sneak down to this locker and stop their plans Sonny it started no one of our classmates she's been turned into a pig we gotta hurry up sonny we've gotta hurry up move it move it move it put in the code melon melon don't tell me you forgot the code uh no don't worry I remembered it I was just double checking two four two three yes we've made it in Sunny follow me what is this where does this lead to dude it's Dr Longbottom secret lab we just gotta do a little bit of Parkour to make it over yes make the jumps make the jumps yo what is this what do you think this machine does bro it's the pig reactor dude normally the microwaves would have turned us into pigs by now but because of our netherride boots we're okay you're right bro these boots now we've got to figure out a way to stop this machine we've gotta find a way to shut off the reactor well melon there's this really weird piston thing what does this do bro this is a piston to push this block to deactivate it we just need to find a hand crank somewhere okay melon let's look around the room really fast barrels you can't open these um the pig hello Pig uh do you know where a hand crank is bro there's a brown valve handle yes we can use this to deactivate the beacon dude I can't turn it melon we're gonna need to use both of our hands at the same time ready grab hold of the valve and crank it in three two one go yes bro we did it we turned off the reactor self-destruct sequence initiated T-minus 60 seconds meltdown meltdown Mela did you hear that we've gotta get out of here we gotta get out now and we've got to tell everyone to leave the school we gotta go we gotta go we've gotta tell everyone to get out of here quick melon you go upstairs I'll get the cafeteria everybody evacuate evacuate Steve a cafeteria lady Steve let's get out of here it's gonna blow run even you Mr principal you gotta get out of here if anyone's in the gymnasium you gotta leave now okay Mel I think we warned everyone we have 30 seconds go go go we gotta get to a safe distance come on melon you've gotta move oh wait that's not you that's your brother yeah bro it's okay he's gonna be chilling melon we did it we got everyone to evacuate just in time self-destruct in three two one now at the school it's gone bro all that matters is that everyone's safe and we saved the day and your cousin he's alive let's go romanino what is wrong with you what bro I just thought you'd want to remove your cousin from the blast zone dude the blast zone already happened and now you killed him good job we did it we saved the school oh man working on this Farm is so hard yes this is much better yes and if you want to become a king too then you simply have to subscribe to our Channel yeah it's quiet sorry sorry the Kingdom's under attack what are we gonna do bro we're just peasants there's nothing we can do I'm gonna go take a look though and if the king needs backup we'll have to put our lives on the line Sunny are you sure it's dangerous up there be careful I'm gonna go take a look and make sure we're winning the battle smell it our King's dead the other Army prevailed this isn't good no what is that what is that sonny get up bro get up you're still alive oh my head hurts what happened Sonny you got hit by the Catapult it went straight into your face but it just barely missed and knocking you out I don't know bro it sure feels like it hit me what happened is the king alive did we win no sonny we didn't the enemies killed our entire Army along with our King this isn't we're gonna have to have to try and defend the city the city selves Sonny there's no time we gotta hurry up if we want to do that they're storming the gates as we speak okay let's get to the Armory we've got to get some gear yo Sonny they left two kids left it's perfect come on give me the armor whoa this looks so cool melon you look powerful yes I do Sonny I'll take the bow you take the sword it's time we get our revenge check it out I've got a great sword I look so goaded okay it's time to protect the kingdom we can do this melon follow me they're storming the gates to the front lines don't worry Mr villager we'll keep you safe yo our villagers are really strong melon maybe they can back us up look at this oh sorry why are you hurting our villagers stop that melon I hear the evil nights outside let's take them down yo they're coming at me Sonny you know get in there I got your back yo they're crazy there's so many sunny there's so many okay I have the great sword I'll eliminate them yes we've done it wait Sonny there's more out there we gotta take them out we can do it you start shooting at them from a distance I'll sneak in once you've weakened them I'm like legoless get dead get dead yes keep going melon keep shooting them hold them back ow these guys are nuts one more finish it oh there's one other one right there sonny yeah that's what I meant I'm gonna let you get this kill hey we did it bro I think we saved the city it's just kind of sad that all of our soldiers and our King they're dead it's funny they all passed away but don't worry we saved the kingdom wait Sonny what is that what is that Retreat to the tower melon I can hear the dragon it's so Reloaded come on die yo he dodged you yo reloaded reload it I'm trying where is he he's right above you hurry up Sunny I'm trying let him attack I could tank the hit and die Ariel that was inaccurate Sonny reloading reloading reloading Sonny hurry up shoot him die yes yes yes that was way too close melon but I think we saved the kingdom we did it we saved the kingdom but um Sonny the King's dead uh who's gonna be in charge now you're right I guess it's up to the people to decide melon the people we saved them wait you think we should be your kings it would be an honor and a privilege to serve you it will be my great Duty Sonny we must rebuild this great Kingdom to its former glory actually Sonny I don't want to be a king it sounds like way too much responsibility you're right there's a lot of work that comes with it melon a lot of responsibilities so I'll handle this yeah King sunny and melon you can you get the top knight in the Kingdom I'm fine with that ah yes the king's Chambers let me grab my crown and my beautiful tunic Sonny this is actually really cool this chamber is awesome I think I want to crash here nope this is the Royal King's Chambers not for a simple lowly Noble like you melon you're nothing but a knight I am the king you must show respect okay fine ow you shoot me again I'm gonna have to execute you calm down calm down calm down Sonny I was just saying I like your Chambers they're really cool but what's up here bro whoa the king's old addict this is weird why wasn't he keeping this place clean and tidy I don't know but yo there's a book there is a mountain wait what this book is called there is a mountain what the heck Miller what do you think it's about I don't know Sunny I'm gonna find out I've heard of a mountain a frost Mountain containing the evil of the Overworld ancient texts tell me that defeating this evil grants absolute power power that must be destroyed for the greater good yes power I could go for some more power I mean yeah melon that is a great idea we power source and destroy all evil from the world that must be what's causing all these wars I've heard tales that in other kingdoms there have been great Wars as well hey Carl who said you could come up here to the king's attic banished forever yo Carl was a good man he had a family and kids and now he's been banished to the afterlife that was his fault he should have never stepped in my attic I keep important information up here melon like the secret of the mountain okay sunny you're being really really weird alright we gotta stop this mountain all right for the people for the people not for me not for me Lord melon first night of this land out the evil mountains gather reconnaissance and bring it back I will do this for you Lord Sonny I'm out of here hey it's King Sunny oh King sunny and the people but most importantly the people yes kiss my feet hey get back here kiss my feet I don't know what you said I'm out of here as the king of this land I've got a lot of responsibilities to uphold while melon seeks out the evil Mountain first things first villagers get to work we've got crops to harvest walls to rebuild do it quicker and I guess I'll participate just to eat a little bit because you know a king's gotta get his hands dirty sometimes and yeah that'll do a couple of carrots I've done my part I would say and I suppose I could do a little rebuilding of the walls here yeah just installing a couple of stairs place a few more blocks to fortify the kingdom once again and that looks pretty good peasants why aren't you working don't production coughing up little kid where do you think you're going where do you think you're going bring me your taxes guys I hope the power's not getting too sunny um wait there's smoke over there it really gotta be careful it could be an enemy Outpost please wait they're friendly the world hasn't gotten to them yet yo yes hello good night hello good sir I need to explain to you something the reason this world is so at War and corrupt there's an ancient weapon in this evil Mountain that we need to destroy but I can't destroy it alone I need backup are you men willing to help me you will thank you wait what's that sound yo coming to attack us men men I need backup I need backup please help me defeat them die Lord Knight of evile you shall not survive please die yes we did it we won now bring me the prisoner yo look at you buddy look at you you thought you could just attack us like that completely unprovoked now tell us where your base is located and if you know anything about this great Old Mountain I don't know anything about the mountain please don't hurt me okay I'll spare you for the greater good but you're gonna stay in here for a little while now we must raid this base for the people follow me men hey great work villagers I'm so proud of you looks like you've constructed a new flower Mill so we can Harvest our wheat and have greater food production for the people but now what about my Army I need a stronger military if I'm gonna command these lands I must be a powerful leader I won't just be a peaceful ruler making bread I need an army ah great work villagers so far the military encampment but where do you think you're going just cause it's raining and it's night time you think you could sleep on the job I'm gonna make an example of you so that they all know what'll happen die now get back to work yes I've brought in the expert Craftsman now finish the Armory make this the most powerful military in all of Minecraft we finally found the enemy encampment and my boys are here the battering Ram's ready for me all right time to bust down this door breakthrough nice storm the castle storm the castle hold on I gotta break this fence hold on it's really hard to use whoa there we go George get in and one final one yes the battle is won at last oh and even the weather is cleared oh that's beautiful now what is in this Tower What secrets are the enemies hiding yo there's tons of ammunition yo there's tons of pork chops too and wait why is there nothing in this chest huh wait a second pixels look different here hold on you I found a barrel what are they hiding a compass and a book hold on what does this book say I looked North and there I saw it the cold North a mountain of snow as if an angel fell and raised the Earth around it covering it with snow in the middle a demon lies protecting its evile yo this Compass it must lead to the mountain I need to tell King Sunny I'm on my way Sunny King Sunny King Sunny work faster you peasants what am I paying you for what is going on what do you mean I'm paying you nothing I'm letting you live in My Kingdom now build my military Sonny what's going on oh hey there Lord melon the night of the realm how are you doing bro I'm doing good but why are are villagers trapped in a cage oh don't worry about this these are just uh they're just working on a big project and they wanted it to be a surprise for you when you got back seeing how you're the commander of the military and all but uh just give me a second uh it's not done yet get back to work okay melon so uh what news do you bring Sonny don't hit them don't hit them Sonny there are people and they must be treated with respect but anyways I have more important matters Sunny I've located the mountain which contains the ultimate power we must be destroyed yes finally melon how do we get there let's make haste at once wait where'd my horse go oh it's right over here follow me Sonny let me go get the Royal Steed okay goats while I go to grab the Royal Horse I just want to say something melon wants to destroy this power but why destroy something when you can harness it and have every neighboring Kingdom bow down to our strength our wealth and power so yeah let's go find this evil mountain and see what we can do about it the Royal Steed is here melon what is that Sunny you like it it's called a hippogriff it's a flying horse I found it in the king's bunker dude that is insane with that power we'll be able to conquer this mountain easily follow me Sonny I'm right behind you or dare I say it above you yo you're insane I know I'm pretty cool I know dude this place is so weird what the heck is that and why are there bears guarding the entrance Sonny I located the secret entrance I need backup melon I'm almost there I see the ice spikes this place is crazy backups here take out the polar bears help me I'm attacking I'm using my hippogriff to defeat them oh oh die die get out of here I got this I don't want my boy to die I'm gonna leave him right here stay safe buddy okay sonny let's just run in let's just run in what the heck is that I think this is an evil monster that tried to take the power of the mountain for itself and it got turned into a statue I think you're right Sonny the power it corrupts absolutely we Must Destroy it watch out for these ice spikes yeah I'll be right behind you guys I won't let the power corrupt me I'll wield it and I'll control roll all of Minecraft okay melon yeah I'm right here bro I'm right here where are we going to the center of it all dude do you see that it's a giant Frost ma that must be the source of the power that Beast is enormous he must be protecting it he must be I will shoot him from afar Sunny you get in close and deal the big damage uh melon better idea why don't we just let him sleep and go take the item it's too late oh God I woke him up dang it melon he was sleeping for thousands of years you could have just left him ow I'm frozen Sonny help I got your back I'm sneaking in die die Frost ma ow ow he's doing so much damage I've got him I've got him so we're two hearts oh my two hearts keep them distracted while I smack him in the butt oh no he's turning on me he's turning on me ow one heart one heart one heart melon back at my hippogriff there's a bunch of golden apples I forgot to take them out it's okay it's okay I could survive this ow have a heart Sunny take ah I'll finish the battle yes yes I killed the frost Ma and now the rewards the power it'll be all mine yes claim myself the soul of the frost ma now I command the Ice Crystal all that's left is to grab the Ultimate Weapon give it to me yes this must be it the weapon of the Gods yes the staff of the Gods is now mine yes the power I can feel it flowing through me Emperors Kings Lords of all types will bow down to me I will control Minecraft and it's still a permanent piece that will last all of eternity yes yes guys what is Sonny doing hey Sonny what's going on I heard you rambling some crazy stuff I don't know what you mean crazy stuff melon I'm gonna rain and have a permanent peace over all of Minecraft all I have to do now is power the staff of the Gods up with the fires of the doomed yes I will Stoke these flames and it will breathe an eternal life over these lands like the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes melon I will be the king of both ice and fire Sunny are you telling me you want all this power for yourself why would I destroy the staff of the god smell when I could become one all I need to do now is infused the staff of the Gods with the fires of Doom and then I'll be in control of both ice and fire nothing will be able to stop me I will be in charge of all of Minecraft and put a permanent piece that no one will ever stop Yes Yes guys I think Sonny's losing his mind I have to stop him I have to I'm sorry Sonny I'm sorry yes wait I'm so sorry Sonny absolute power corrupts absolutely and even you couldn't handle it but I had to bring peace to all of Minecraft I had to do it do you guys know what's even more powerful than the staff of the Gods pressing that like And subscribe button today in Minecraft we grew up and became super top secret spies shh don't blow my cover guys press the like button right now to blow melon's cover I'll help the guards are chasing me quickly go subscribe right now to save me wait melon we're babies happening weird mom dad go and why is your head so huge what do you mean why is your head so huge dude your head is clearly way bigger than mine no no no your head is bigger than mine comment down below whose head is bigger it's clearly yours bro your melon is gigantic right now it might actually be a little bit bigger it's just because I'm smart smart or sunny bro you have four melon seeds for a brain there's not a lot going inside of that Noggin yeah and how much melon seeds do you have huh how many do you have zero I've got a big Galaxy brain and you've got four seeds dude there's nothing happening in your head now I'm taking this book it's a letter from Mom and Dad let's read hey kids your mom and I are on a secret spy mission so we won't be able to supervise your training you two will become the best spies ever love Mom and Dad PS this is just a simulation but it will still hurt a lot so try not to die too much what the heck is wrong with our parents dude they're trying to train us to become the greatest Spies of all time I don't blame them Sonny let's do our first trial okay open it up melon oh melon there's laser beams everywhere don't let them touch you be very careful Sonny follow Miley ow ow gotta Dodge it oh I I can't out that was not my best trial ever melon I won't lie Sunny now follow my lead here stop don't touch you even once there yeah you did let me show you how it's done bro it's like boom Oh wait why am I getting vaporized ow ow okay I'm fine Sonny this isn't a lesson in dodging lasers this is a lesson in taking a hit let's go half a heart oh that was so close are you sure you're in half heart what if I were to uh hey melon it looks like we unlocked grapple hooks can I have one please Sonny oh you don't want me to dual wield them no just give me one a Kimbo grapple hook oh my God just give me a grapple hook please there you go you little baby how do I do this just don't shoot them in my forehead shoot them way up high how do I do this son oh there we go this looks pretty tricky bro uh you want to go first yeah I'll show you how it's done sunny it's quite simple all you do is go go what you go what dude it's not working move aside move aside no one know what bro no yo he's on fire it's okay I live I survive these yes I've done it wait why am I still burning one heart that was close goated I made it I'm alive hey light work my dude and then I gotta pull myself up and I did it without even touching the lava okay melon we've passed another test up next it looks like we have silenced weapons this is how spies carry about their missions we've got to be really careful here oh I think we gotta shoot out the glass I'll go first melon why'd you push me Sonny how did you miss that badly oh my sonny this is how it's done nice one yeah really nice uh well Sonny we're out of ammo bro we're not out of bullets just press the reload button everything's gonna be fine check it out okay and you hit this glass let me handle this one let me handle this one right there I got it I got it we're actually crazy one more glass one more to go I got this busted it yo there's only one glass hey I got it yo and the door opened up that was good shooting melon thank you ow oh sorry sorry you gotta be careful when you're handling a firearm it's okay melon this is just a simulation we're fine you bro we've just got to get down this hallway and see what the next challenge is we're gonna be super secret spies in no time Interior right what is this uh melon there's a guard over here uh oh no no no I didn't mean to bring him over Sonny run why okay melon this time we need to be a little more careful not to have this guard come over to us all right Sonny we've gotta avoid him and we can't use lethal Force check this out Uber Apple hook up here that's pretty smart okay he's very strong and we're gonna grapple hook oh no what'd you do melon why can't I go what is happening yo I gotta go I gotta go what are you doing I figured out the way to do this I'm scared Sonny I don't want to move I don't want to move all you have to do is open up a trap door bro go inside of it and then I gotta go all the way through this ventilation like a secret spy would do and once I get to the other end it's Easy Pickins he got to me Sonny he won't get to me though melon keep him distracted for me all right I just gotta press this button oh oh melon I'm out of the vent do you see me over here yo you made it sunny I got him distracted grab the key card and get out of here well I got the key card but I'm not so sure I can get out of here in one piece uh I'll distract him Sonny I'll go on a run I'll go on a run no melon you brought him over to me I'm sorry Sonny melon can you get him on another run actually I'm floating above his head right now yep I got you sonny I got you that would be very very convenient uh he doesn't even see me right now Sonny hold on hold on wait Melody better idea I'll give you the key card get out of here hey C is melon what is what a deal uh would you look at that Sonny I got the key card yo melon why did you die for that sorry we gotta go now we gotta go now trust me okay okay we made it through close the door everything's fine yo we got airplanes yo hopping in the melon mobile yo stop stop we got a letter for Mom and Dad we gotta read oh oh sorry hey kids congrats on completing the training we knew you would make it make your way to this coordinate here for your first mission love Mom and Dad that's all they said we're already having our first mission dude we're like two years old I know get in the planes I'm out of here nerd dude I can't even see my head is too small I'm taking off oh no oh no melon follow me to our first mission where is that this way no I crashed unlucky no no we grew up a little bit we're like big kids now dude this bunker is awesome it's like that bunker from Spy Kids you're right we just made it to our first mission but hey melon I got a really good idea what's that being your kids and all I dare you to play hide and seek with me uh no well I'm hiding first you see okay okay okay chill chill you got two minutes Sonny sounds good bro two minutes is lots of time let's see there's gotta be some really cool spots around here somewhere maybe some secret spy bookshelf no nothing there what about this room there's gotta be ooh the staircase maybe there's some ghost blocks wait this looks a bit sus this is not normal yo secret spy torch dude this is amazing I just found the secret fire wait a second it looks like I found our first mission we have a map explaining what we've got to do to complete this Heist yeah what the heck this is so cool we've got gear the top secret computer to hack stuff oh melon's gonna be pretty impressed but first let me hide let's see let's see yeah I don't think he'll be checking this bathtub anytime soon all right melon I'm ready okey dokey Sunny where are you Sunny wait what is this bro this is a secret spy room Sunny I'm not playing hide and seek bro we gotta get to work yo you found the mission room as well yeah dude you left the door open oh my bad I was gonna show that to you after hide and seek but yeah this is our mission it looks really cool huh where do we start shiny will come from the ocean or Melon car or climb from the roof or make diversion nope dude obviously we each have our own missions look I come from the ocean and I get on top of the roof to prepare care for the infiltration and you have to do your steps in order to help make this all work out for me let me read this book too your first mission there is a powerful evil group gathering in a mansion they have four stolen cores of an atomic bomb the cause must be retrieved or what there was no or anything so melon if we don't retrieve these cores uh it's a mystery who knows what'll happen bro everything will become nothing it's a metaphor Sonny you're right so that means study your to-do's and grab your gear oh oh I shot my gear Sonny first I want to took all my gear thanks here here's your suit up that's the most important part it's time for us to become spies let's go let's do this it worked we're in our super cool spy outfits now yo I am looking classy Finsbury is going to the ball yeah you're right good job melon get in character and get ready to make a diversion events your talk dude [Music] you're just mumbling now those aren't words yeah yeah where's your monocle Mr melon um okay let's just get out of here and secure the mission melon before we go on this Mission we need to test our communication pieces make sure you've got one in your ear I got mine in my suit tie and I'm gonna go way far over here all right all right I got one in my ear don't you even worry okay melon come in melon come in yep melon here over all right Roger that much over and out over and out yep this thing's works over Mr Finsbury are you there yes on your line over yes excellent Mr Finsbury melon we are ready to complete the mission there's meet me in my car all right Sunny hop in my car let me again let me go please let me in I will get in the passenger seat get in the driver's seat you're the one driving us out of here you're going to the ball and once we arrive you will let me out early man I don't skid don't skid I'm sorry we should be there no time don't you worry this isn't a rocket ship it shouldn't be pointing up like this don't worry in three two one blaster okay Mr Finsbury melon let me out of here I got I got my spy stuff now ow thanks you're very welcome you're very welcome I'm gonna go pull up as Mr Finsbury to the ball oh no what is happening ah what is happening you can do this I can do this no chill chill very classy hello there says hello there how's it going it's sir Finsbury does that mean anything to you well it should because I own five of the great seven Estates of Minecraft yeah now let me in beautiful Park okay guys I'm going around the Mansion I need to find a way up to the rooftop there's gotta be something around here somewhere wait a second what is this yo I just found an emergency escape melon come in melon come in coming in coming in I found a secret emergency exit for us once we complete this Heist and the mission is clear we're gonna get this boat and Scoot right out of this place the evil villains will never suspect a thing yes I mean that sounds great around Splendor for us I think I just need to grapple hook up here pull myself up I thought that was a guard it's just a cow that scared me but let me make sure I take a good view of the landscape before I try and sneak my way inside yo there are guards I knew it there's one guard here and a second one hope you didn't see me I hope you didn't see me I'm gonna have to take them out silently one down look at this guy he didn't even notice both guards eliminated it's time for me to roll in okay the coast looks clear there's nobody here I've got to use my gravel hook and get on top of this roof somehow well hello hello sir I'm looking for some food oh this looks beautiful Bountiful amounts of cake oh this is strawberry is this ice cream what do you think about the food here sir uh Finsbury you you left your microphone on I really don't need to hear about the cakes like that this cake is delicious if only I could share this with my friend but he's doing something else yes I'm trying to scale the Mansion right now this isn't easy okay guys I just gotta get a little higher up and I should be on top of the roof come on yes that was awesome melon come in melon come in I'm on the rooftop yes give me a second okay I can stop being Posh what's up Sunny what's up I made it to the rooftop can you locate the atomic core room I'll find a way to drop in and steal it okay I'll look around Sonny but I think I'm drawing a lot of attention to myself right now I'm a little scared actually melon I found it on my own don't worry about it you do you stay safe out there okay I'm gonna keep eating cake um I'm breaking in I could see the security system they've got a cross pattern of laser beams this is gonna be pretty tricky now look there's guards everywhere in this room I need you to create a diversion yeah no their backs are turned I'm going down I can't get through the security system I'm gonna need you to turn off the power look up please don't look up please don't look up think I'm fine melon they're not gonna see me I'm on the ceiling but I need you to disable the laser system of course Johnny I see the power room but I need to create a distraction I brought some TNT and flint and steel I'm gonna create an explosion and then use my code breaker access the power room and disable those lasers not doing anything under these stairs no one's looking at me and walk away like nothing happened um dude and beautiful dude I just exploded it towards it I need you to turn off these lasers already hurry up dude the code breaking failed hold on one more try go it failed again come on please work please work yes it worked on the last try time to disable the power first floor second floor basement floor that's perfect I'm gonna grapple down they won't see me ow why did the chorus Just Bounce me ah what is with this it's like a trampoline well and I'm trying to grab the course yes I got him I'm going up I'm getting out of here Sonny I need help I'm stuck in the power room oh well I'm stuck in the security room they didn't see me these guards are so dumb melon where are you I'm underneath the stairs like Harry Potter I'm coming down I don't even care no Witnesses yes they're all gone melon I'm coming downstairs now help me Sonny don't worry Mr Finsbury Potter I'll save you in no time code breaker code breaker get out okay we gotta dip Sunny where's the Escape Route I've got a plan don't worry I'm gonna go back upstairs and get to the Escape boat I don't want to start any of the guests just get back into character Mr Finsbury you're fine okay okay oh yes how's it going how's it going did you see that explosion that was weird right what do you mean you saw me go behind the stairs right before it exploded how dare you accuse me do you even know who I am I wanna have you killed melon melon I found the way out I found the way out I'm on the rooftops I'm gonna drop down to the boat find your way to the basement quick I will get back to you I will get back to you Sunny there on me I gotta get out of here I gotta get out of here where's the basement just find your way down to the cellars there's gotta be an Escape Route I'll meet you at the boat melon I'm at the boat I'm at the boat I wish you would do and uh have a great one and I'm out here I'm out of here I'm out of here Sonny where's the dogs I got a dip Sonny do you know the passcode to this door there's a passcode to the door oh do you have any more code breaker left yeah I got you I got you and open and open oh you're out of luck sorry man don't leave me melon quit being a baby just go to the water okay okay meet me there please they're on to me sunny melon are you up by the water yet yeah I'm waiting for you on Shore all right I'm gonna show up in a really epic ride not this one guys but this one the best boat in Minecraft the classic boat melon melon where are you I'm right here bro go out where are you man I don't know we're here oh there you are come on get in yo drive by drive by totally this is the most epic Escape boat oh sorry I missed I missed I missed I missed I missed it yeah let's get out of here I'm rolling as fast as I could row hey bro bro atomic bomb cores and I think we successfully completed our first spy mission yo mom and dad are gonna be so proud of us yo Sunny see that Island it looks pretty cool yo you're right let me check it out let me check it out oh this is awesome Sonny gave me the chorus right now wait what why why give me the cores I don't want to shoot you but I will if you don't hand them over here just take them bro just take them I'm gonna get paid a lot of money for this I'll be able to afford two glistening melons what are you doing bro we're supposed to become spies and save Minecraft uh yeah so another spy organization reached out and offered me two million diamonds for these four cores Sunny are you sure they're not super villains they might be but you know I don't really care at the end of the day there's just one last thing I gotta do tie up some loose ends no no no melon melon we can talk about this please guys like the video quick before melon shoots me and click the next video on screen
Channel: Sunny
Views: 798,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I9WSdf15fVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 37sec (5617 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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