Sunny Lost His VOICE In Minecraft

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today in Minecraft Sonny what are you saying bro I can't understand you melon please help me oh you're saying that I'm the best and smartest and most handsome melon ever I already know that quickly go subscribe right now to help bring my voice back thank you so much well I need to get some food before I go on my adventure Sunny why is this chest so unorganized I hate this he's the worst bro when someone does this it's the most annoying thing ever like the blocks go in this chest and the food goes in the other chest Sonny the goal on this guy to just place blocks wherever he pleases Sonny where are you melon emergency emergency I know there's an emergency you made a mess of all of our items no no melon it's not that it's not my premium organization skills it's quandale he needs us let's go all right go but I'm still mad at you mad at me for what knowing where all the items belong you just don't appreciate my chaos clondale a witch broke into my laboratory last night and stole a bunch of my top secret items you guys gotta help me out please melon this isn't good a witch plus quondale's top secret items Anything could happen Okay quando what do we get if we do this job well uh I guess I can give you both a stack of diamonds how does that sound Sonny we gotta do this ASAP let's find that witch yeah oh yeah and feel free to use any items you can find around here to help you in your quest got it oh let's go ah oh I almost died melon Sonny you gotta be more careful bro chill it looks like cuando upgraded his security as well there's so many more iron golems here now yeah what is this iron golemen ah okay I'm sorry I didn't mean it I didn't mean it melon don't mess with the Golems they're big muscles they'll hurt you I know I learned my lesson Sonny check it out it's melon armor actually according to my calculations this is emerald armor the villager's most powerful gear I'm pretty sure it's melon armor oh yo golden apples fiery sword try bow we're Unstoppable Sunny ah wow I want to test this out then ow ow not cool not cool you started it let's find that witch and recover all of quandale's equipment let's go melon we made it this is the witch's Hideout it's time to retrieve these items and potentially kill the witch if she's really annoying ah look out look out how does it this isn't natural she's got everything these are her bodyguards ow ow I'm taping damage melon look out it's a witch's henchman destroy it take her out yes wait there's more try bow oh I missed oh oh good one melon I got it I got it ow ow Sonny ow I'm gonna have to pop a golden apple sorry mistakes happen mistakes do happen I'll Wither Skeleton die dude we're actually running through them all right Sonny I'm making a Mad Dash for it I'm making a bad Dash to the witch's hunt hi I'm right behind you yes burn the zombies melon destroy them take them out Sunny we're so close we're so close I can practically smell quandel's potato cannon skeletons you really think you stand a chance against my bow triple shot oh yeah oh I missed again oh there we go nice shot now time to confront this witch hello evil witch where are quondale's items we know you took his precious potato cannon now cough it up or I'll carve off that nose like I'll ever tell you you got one warning or I'll triple shot you to the face melon I don't think she's gonna give us the information we want I'll distract her you look around her base okay okay sonny uh start putting the rizz on her raise her up sonny ah hey there Mrs which you uh you come here often oh go away look at me when I'm talking to you please you're so beautiful guys my fingers were crossed she's not beautiful at all Sonny I found a secret entrance I'm going down I'm going down yeah nothing to see here right uh I got you this flower I thought it matched your eyes oh you think I'm kind of cute too wait I found it I found his stuff potato cannon oh all this mutant wither skeleton stuff she must have stole this all from quandale come on come on give it all up give it all up one stack of diamonds shall be ours she got a lot of potatoes too yo goats this isn't good the witch thinks I'm taking her out to dinner later but I really don't want to yeah I'll totally see you tonight 7 p.m at the steakhouse right yeah sounds great really looking forward to it because you're beautiful kind not evil yeah it's gonna be a great dinner really nice one oh gosh I really don't want to go to dinner with this witch it's gonna be so weird ow what's going on I'm poisoned I'm poisoned melon please we gotta get out of here the witch has put some curse on me I think she's trying to make us fall in love I I got out sunny I got all the stuff let's go let's go okay melon I'm right behind you bro it's just this Witch she's trying to make me go out to a fancy wine and dine dinner and then she's gonna try and make her my girlfriend and I don't want that Sonny look out for the mobs look out for the mobs okay cool I'm dodging them I got heart [Music] melon what items did you find follow me there's no time there's no time melon did you get his potato cannon melon dude what the heck Sonny I'll cover you I'll cover you oh thanks bro good idea I'm out of here Victory we escaped the Witch and got quandal's loot back let's go melon melon we're almost to cuandials this is awesome he's gonna give us a whole stack of diamonds we're gonna be super rich bro I can't wait to reap the rewards this potato Cannon's gotta go for at least 32 diamonds yeah bro we're gonna get at least a stack each I already know it we're gonna be rich Sunny stop hitting me what is wrong with you bro I'm excited for the loot cuando's gonna be so proud of us uh Sunny yeah what's up bro are you even listening to me right now yes I'm listening just give quandale his items let's get this show on the road I want to be rich Sonny what are you doing right now why are you being so quiet melon why are you being so weird quit ignoring me you're being a troll Sonny I don't know what you're doing right now but it's not funny I'm just gonna give quandal his items and I'm gonna take this stack of diamonds take this take that take that take that take that take that potatoes two I used a few made it eight one and there you go yes the time Sonny what's wrong with you those diamonds are mine too okay okay you can have half of the stack or half of the half of a stack bro this is only 16 diamonds give me the other half and stop being so quiet speak for once okay wait here's the other 12. and I am talking stop ignoring me you're being cringe whatever Sonny I'm tired of you trolling me I'm going to sleep I've had it with you melon is so weird he's ignoring me and he's taking another one of his afternoon naps he's such a baby sometimes smell like get out of bed the sun's setting and we've got an important Mission from quandale melon bro how deep of a sleep are you in that's it guys he clearly can't hear me and he's snoring I need to get something a little more noisy yes wake up melon melon this should be super annoying and Loud wake up what is going on Sonny stop that it's so annoying and loud thank you finally you got out of bed we've got an important Mission from quandale oh I'm going back to sleep no get out of bed Sonny why are you doing that it's so annoying you're just waking me up and not saying anything and then you're waking me up when I go back to sleep it's not even a funny prank bro it's just annoying wait what do you mean I'm not saying anything I'm clearly talking to you right now dude can you hear me no no get out of bed why are you doing this you can have the crumble horn and now listen to me we have an important Mission let's go visit quandale Sonny's I don't know what you're doing anymore it's not funny are you okay bro that's it uh melon I'm gonna say the word Diamond repeat after me diamond uh why is he not saying anything here's a little awkward Sonny I'm gonna just go outside and do my own thing wait a second guys that witch's potion when she tried to make me fall in love with her I think it all went wrong and instead of me falling in love I lost my voice I need to find a way to communicate with melon there's got to be something in one of our chests that can help if only these chests were organized it'd be ladies easier to find what I'm looking for but I think I'm gonna need some buttons uh Redstone lamps yes Redstone and emerald blocks perfect where is he punch him and get his attention melon over here Sonny what are you doing bro okay now I set up my communication device and I take this and I go like this oh wait that's not gonna work very well because it's on a redstone block uh uh awkward put it like that guys maybe something really did happen to Sunny there's no way be acting this strange it's like he's trying to communicate with me or something okay I've got red wool instead and then I go like this and then it's like yes I'm communicating green is communicate oh yes or no okay sonny what happened to your voice like why can't I hear you uh I'm not sure how I answer this but yes I guess that was stupid you can only answer yes or no uh did your voice have something to do with the witch yes wait come to think of it I thought I heard a splash potion go off upstairs did you get splashed by you did get splashed by a potion yes melon thank you go talk to quando please maybe he's got some advice anything uh Sunny how do I cure you do you know of any Kirsten no of course not or I would have done it myself do you know anyone that might know anything about a cure idiot melon yes this way come on it's quandale wait wait sunny sunny should I go talk to quandale yes please all right I'll go talk to quando let's go maybe Cornell knows something maybe he knows how to cure my best buddy Sunny hello quandale so we kind of have a problem here you see Sunny kind of lost his voice because of the witch and uh we're trying to figure out how to cure him please quad the hell I need help desperately oh wait you can't even hear me well there's a machine in the basement that we can use to scan sunny and see what's wrong with him Sonny follow me alright Sonny please I'm gonna escort you into this room and I'm gonna want you to stand on the beacon block and take that and you should be getting scanned whoa guys it's like an egg X-Ray Scanner It's gotta help melon find the problem please fix me alright Sonny I have no idea how to read the scans but clondale does you're good come upstairs and let's see what quando has to say oh this is perfect guys quandale's gonna get me the Cure in no time Juan Dale we scanned Sonny did you review the results you did hmm I think the Cure should be just a regular old bucket of milk nothing special really here I even have one on the side of my table prepared already yo Sonny just drink this and you should be fine yo guys I'm gonna get my voice back melon melon bro can you hear me um Larry quandale that absolutely did not work what is wrong with your scan dang it they still can't hear me oh I forgot to mention my method only works if it's scientific and not magical so if he got this curse from a witch only she can undo it that means there's only one person who knows how to cure you sonny the witch follow me no she's gonna force me to go on that dinner date and then she's gonna try and squeeze my cheeks because she called me cute Sonny we made it to the witch's Lair we gotta get the Cure before your voice is gone forever I'm right behind you I know you can't hear me but I've got your back yo mutants take cover take cover Sunny fire fire release the arrows barrage the Skeletor oh dang yo we just annihilated him two more mutants to go mutant hoglin shred him I'm closing the distance Sonny I'm gonna take this guy out once and for all hey little hoglin I'm with you brother even though you have no clue what I'm saying I want this bacon give it to me bacon yes yes well I think that's all the mutants but I swear I saw a mutant zombie ah where's the witch take him out Sonny take him out take him out where'd he come from Sonny we gotta get him out of the water otherwise when he dies he'll just come back we won't be able to burn him oh bro he just slapped me so far I'm going to the witch I'm going to the witch I'll take this zombie out yes he's done Sonny don't go too far don't go too far Sonny wait for me I'll handle this melon I'll handle this wait outside no wait no outside look look clearly I'm flicking the door go outside I don't want you to see this no no melon you idiot go outside what are we gonna do here Sonny how are you gonna get his voice back go outside I don't wanna I can't talk to you you literally can't hear me so go outside don't ask me questions um okay what are we gonna do here Sonny let's think about it why are you close that I need you to wait outside bad guy oh yes Mr switch I'm so sorry for the intrusion that melon guy he should never have Disturbed your peaceful beautiful layer full of mutant mobs I would never I'm merely here to meet you to pick you up for our hot date so uh you're ready for the steakhouse yes I'm so excited to go wait a second you can actually hear me you can understand me oh that potion I gave you was so that only I could hear you and no one else can you're telling me that love potion was so that you're the only person I could ever talk to again I don't know which uh I'll take you out even on a second date but you got to give me my voice back please oh really you promise then you just have to go bathe in my special honey bathtub on the floor below and you should be back to normal okay I promise I'll take you on that second date no cap uh yeah so uh melon you just stay right there I don't want you to see this this is embarrassing gotta go down oh this is awkward now where is it she said it's around here somewhere I've just gotta find a secret location is it this no it's not here where is it come on she told me her secret rooms around here somewhere yo I found it now where's the special honey it's here give me my voice this feels incredible melon can you hear me wait Sonny I just heard your voice Sonny melon I'm over here melon I'm here I'm here Sonny how'd you do it how did you get your voice back uh so about that yes you're so pretty and I'm so glad melon why you here so this is how you got your voice back [Music] searching forever and still haven't found any diamonds what is going on here Sunny you're a curse you are a curse I'm going this way you go that way just leave me alone for a bit I'm Gonna Get Us diamonds wait melon you're really gonna leave me like this we're splitting up yeah bro I already found so much iron things are going well whatever bro I'll see what's down this hallway Melvin this is so unlucky there's already a creeper in my cave come on die wait why am I so hungry this creeper was cursed bruh I need food I need food this isn't good guys I'm gonna start to take damage soon guys this isn't good I really need something to eat or I'm gonna starve to death this isn't good uh the only thing I found are these weird looking mushrooms I don't think it's a good idea to eat this fungus but I'm so hungry wait is this even mushrooms this is looking pretty tasty oh I think it's cakes it looks like cakes it is cakes oh this is so tasty I'm so hungry I'll eat anything oh I found some diamonds let's go and that's seven diamonds hmm I wonder what Sonny's up to right now okay let's get out of this cave I kind of want to go back home I'm a little bit tired who are you yo Sonny what's up bro who's Sonny that's you dude what what is going on Sunny my name is uh what what is my name Sonny look up bro it literally says Big Man sunny right there I am looking I don't see anything plus who's this sunny guy I think my name is Jimmy Jimbo jimbobulus no no no your name is your name is sunny it's on your name dude what the heck are what what is good ow you're freaking me out I don't know why there's a Talking Watermelon go away go away you're weird you're weird Sunny I'm your best friend slash brother what's going on I don't know who you are but my pet salmon will keep me safe kill him kill him ah get me out of here that's just a salmon I'm your brother what are you doing I gotta go I just want to go home please Sonny you know who I am okay okay sonny let's just walk through this stop calling me Sonny you're a weird green man I don't want to talk to you sir let's just talk about this what's the last thing you remember uh not a whole lot I think there was some tasty cake with really nice frosting it was pretty delicious what did you eat oh cakes there's no cakes in a cave think about how ridiculous that sounds well now that you mention it it is a little bit weird okay your name is sunny you're clearly suffering from some form of Amnesia and if I know somebody doctor probably up to up to the hog bottoms that's a pretty funny name what's that guy look like is looks stupid and funny anyways Sonny let's get out of this cave I need to bring you home it's not safe for you outside does he have a long bottom like really big butt cheeks uh I don't know I never looked you can tell me though I'm kind of curious so yeah I'll follow you let's check go Dr longbottoms I want to say hello to that guy Sonny we're almost at the surface and this is where Dr longbottoms reside so be very careful he's a dangerous man okay I'm right behind you melon also I'm kind of hungry that cake wasn't very satiating can I get a bite to eat yeah here's some raw salmon dude that was my boy his name was silent slippery Steve how could you do this to him okay I'll eat him bro it's part of life there's also some bread here for you to eat thank you you might actually be telling the truth but I still don't trust you you've got a green head and watermelon inside of it we're close to Dr Longbottom space we gotta be very sneaky now all right his camera systems could detect us he might have lion Minds you never know hey hey dog bottoms this this way to fix my memory what's wrong with you oh oh dude it doesn't even look like he's home we're lucky that he has no security systems right now wait what's this totally not explosive yo we got some flint and steel and some TNT we're gonna use this to bust open his base wait chill melon it was an explosives he said it right here that's not a good idea don't play with someone else's TNT like that Sonny I'm gonna play with this TNT because he played with your mind he raised your memory and I just can't let him get away with that oh you're pretty convinced it was this bad guy wasn't it but what if it was something else altogether and this poor guy had nothing to do with it sunny he always has something to do with the don't let him get in your head I know he has a secret entrance somewhere is it oh whoa what is that yo I found a key to the puzzle that looks really cool what do you think it does I don't know but there's a chest right here whoa hand crank I want to grab that I'm gonna put it over here and attach it to his TNT tea chest Sonny no you just give me the hand cranky of dementia okay I'll give you the hand crank here you go bro it's like your first day you're like a baby right now okay place the hand crank down okay this needs to go this thing needs to go melon why are you vandalizing his property what if he was a nice person he's not a nice person get that out of your head got to use this hand crank what's this doing Turn up yo that was really cool melon man come here Sonny this is his secret elevator get on here we press this button you can press it if you want oh thank you what a privilege oh I've always wanted to ride one of these things it's like a roller coaster yeah yeah and now Dr longbottoms I see you bro he seems really smart he's got a lot of futuristic technology maybe don't be mean to this guy no I'm not gonna stay out Dr long bottoms and I don't need a key card to get in all right stand back Sonny stand back run wait what's gonna happen no stand back come back here okay okay ow melon yeah what do you have to save for yourself Dr longbottoms what do you mean you don't know why I'm here you were raised Sonny's memory there's no way you end you had nothing to do with it hold on let me check your chest there's got to be some evidence somewhere hold on I'm checking your computer melon you meddling fool I have never made such a project what there's no existence of any project memory wipe I'm really sorry Dr longbottoms Sonny we we got the wrong guy it's not him it's not him hey melon have you ever tried putting salt on your bread it tastes really good okay so I need just just enough with this just get back over here we're we're leaving all right I kind of want to try it with some pepper look look I'm gonna put pepper on my bread that is dirt Sonny you can't eat that anymore are you sure it tastes really nice no Sunny stop hey watermelon boy this house looks pretty nice sunny my name is just melon you don't have to call me watermelon boy all right watermelon Lads this house looks pretty cool yes it is pretty cool and sunny I just want you to stay in here for now I'm gonna go investigate the mines and uh see what caused this illness in your head I don't have an illness I just like eating bread with rock salt Sunny you are just so stupid right now I can't deal with it first of all my name is Jim bobulis and it's not sunny and stop making fun of my appetite I like to eat custom bread okay I'm a chef okay relax relax relax relax relax okay I'm sorry I didn't I I didn't know that was a sensitive touchy area okay yeah you don't tell me how to eat my loaves of bread I eat them however I want if I want to put some of this on it so I get extra iron in my body I could do that no one tells me how to do my bread especially not a freaking Rhine Boy made of Juicy watermelon okay chill chill I'm just trying to help you all right I'm gonna go investigate the mines you do whatever just stay safe okay yeah this is my house now you're gonna have to ask for permission if you want to open this door it belongs to me go away okay fine oh man my house is really cool isn't it I even have a yellow bed I'm not really sure why I'm yellow I thought my name was Jim bobulis and I looked like Minecraft Steve but it's cool what's in this chest cookies for everyone oh cookies and bread oh this place is awesome but I'm not giving any of these a watermelon boy these belong to me and only me I'm making a blockade he's not coming back in this house these are my cookies guys I'm back at the fork in the cave where I left Sunny this is where things went wrong guys I'm so sad I lost him my brother best and only friend he's gone I've gotta figure out a way to get him back it's just so sad wait what is this what did I just find yo I've never seen this before what are these Crimson sapling bro this is an infected cave oh no it must have been what caused Sonny to hallucinate and forget everything that poor guy he was so hungry when he said he ate cakes he probably thought these mushrooms were cakes oh this is not good this is not good I've gotta figure out a cure there's gotta be someone that knows dondale Don Dale must know okay guys I finally made it to dondale and I collected a sample for him dondale pringleton the wise hi I need to tell you something I have this sample for you sonny he's been acting irrational recently he doesn't remember a thing he doesn't know me he doesn't know anything about this world and he's really dumb right now and actually a little bit angry too you need to give him the antidote wait why do I need to give him the antidote what's gonna happen to him until what his brain will turn into goo oh no oh no where where can I find the antidote yeah have to go to the nether sunny sunny I need to get to sunny as soon as possible and bring him the antidote guys I got back my morning sorry why'd you block the door I'm coming in Sonny does this watermelon keep calling me Sonny my name is Jim Bob yo I'm sorry look listen listen Sonny I need you to come with me there's no time for explanation just come all right hey to you it's sir Jim bobulis your name is not where'd you even come up with that name that's stupid just come with me Sonny right now and why would I do that big man melon you're trying to break into my house and tell me what to do uh I'll give you ten thousand cookies if you come with me ten thousand cookies for real this isn't a lie or a trick nope I promise there's no trick because if it is I'll kill you okay relax relax I'll follow you as long as you give me those cookies after just just come with me I promise you you'll get the cookies okay sounds like a plan Mr melon guys I really hope this restores his memory because if not he's gonna kill me follow me Sonny okay we've just gotta go down here and it's gonna be really fun we're gonna go through this really cool portal okay whoa this is really cool yep yep super awesome is this where all the cookies are yeah you could say that uh it's just around the corner okay you just gotta follow me okay yeah this is a weird place I don't think cookies grow out here no trust me they do trust me oh we just gotta talk to this guy all right and then talk to another guy do some little business and then oh sorry let me let me pick that up oh can I have that back yeah you could have it it's not a Cookie Sweet um yeah sure we just go up here and we'll talk to my friend hey what's up he seems a little angry with you no no he's he's he's all right he's all right what's up pig Chief uh yeah so we're trying to see the shaman around here I can't let you see the shaman what you won't let us see the shaman I mean Sunny he won't let us see the cookie Master bring me to the cookie mask faster oh I killed your friend the pig Chief what have you done get out of here Sonny we gotta move why are they so you fool we gotta keep moving we gotta keep moving that kind of makes sense I guess if he was their boss or their leader they'd be pretty upset with us right now huh Sonny we gotta keep moving get up this Tower whatever it takes right for the cookies yes for the cookies yeah yeah not the antidote the cookies uh it's getting tough Sonny be very very careful yeah I imagined a fruit wouldn't be very good at Jumping Jim bobulis can handle this there we go ah cookies hey wander boy check this out and I made it to the top I'm here Sonny I made it first oh wait there's more parkour this is pretty cool yeah this is weird bro who's up here again it's the king of the cookies yeah um it's we got a something like that yeah oh the king of the cookies awaits me let's go what have I done what have I done Sunny oh there's no messing up now there's no messing up anymore just don't mess up watermelon boy oh you're oh you're dead to the City I will I won't know no I can do this I can do this I can still do this and I gotta make the corner jump yes cookie King I'll be there soon yes yes I just gotta get around this corner yes cookie King I'm coming I'm coming with you too Sonny oh ladders I don't like the ladders me neither bro these are so weird this is a hard one come on Mama way sonny can you get this jump can you make it I'm gonna see the king of the cookies wait for me Sonny I'm almost there sonny you need me to lead you to the cookie King is there enough cookies for the both of us though that's my concern really no there's there's enough there's enough trust me Sonny I don't I don't want any cookies you can have them all okay melon you can lead the way sunny I don't want to do that parkour again oh there we go all right and oh are these the cookie Kings here guys I got some can I have ten thousand now no no they're not the cookie King sunny in order to get to the cookie King we need to grab these elytres and fly over to the shaman I mean the cookie King if that's what we've got to do then I'll kill them let's go yeah you got this Sonny you got this stop I give me your cookies and if you have bread I'll take bread too yes yes yes then for the cookie all right let's just let's kill that guy all right all right Sonny now grabbing elytra and let's start flying over hey watermelon guy what are these firework rockets in this chest wait there's fireworks here okay I'm gonna I'm gonna need at least two of those pew pew no stop wasting stop stop study stop why would you hit me yo relax relax honey I need you to calm down for me okay you're gonna explode if you don't come calm down Sonny come down just can I have a can I please have a rocket I'll give you ten thousand and one cookies oh deal you want to light up some Rockets with me this is really fun look check it out sparkly so pretty oh this is so fun Sunny just just give me some Rockets please here you go is that enough thank you yes now we're gonna use these to fly Sonny to fly follow me how do you do rocket flight that sounds awesome okay so I fly melon melon how do I use rocket flight right click right click whoa this is so cool I should have been doing this years ago be careful you're gonna die you're gonna die you gotta be really careful all right is this the cookie King why is his name shamoon Shaman this is the shaman sunny and he's he's he's the cookie King all right I need the antidote I need the antidote to cure Sonny's sickness watermelon dude I'm not seeing cookies anywhere they may be in this chest no that's not a cookie did you lie to me don't tell me this was some kind of trick no no no the cookies are around the corner just give me a second uh I don't see any cookies in this corner I think you're telling me stories here melon cookies where are the cookies I'm gonna get really mad soon I'm gonna get really really angry uh Sunny maybe the cookies are on the tree they better be Melody if there's no cookies up here I'm gonna lose my mind yeah yeah the pig Chief led us through don't worry um yeah so anyways my friend Sonny ate one of your mushrooms and he kinda lost his memory my antidotes from the chest yeah I can use one of the antidotes in your chest wait it's a milk bucket and mushroom stew uh by the way do you have a cookie lying around anywhere by any chance you do yo there's a cookie right here hey Sonny I found one of the 10 000 cookies you're looking for good cause I'm starting to get really angry I climbed to the very top of this building and I only have one cookie left and now I've eaten it I got no more cookies melon there's a cookie right here come here and I want to show you something okay I'm coming back down this better not be another one of your tricks all right Sonny look the cookies right there wait wait before you eat it before you eat it no it goes best with a cookie some milk and mushroom stew yeah in the milk and then let me eat this soggy milky cookie and then drink the milk bucket where where am I melon is that you brother I've been having the weirdest time I don't know what happened the last thing I remember is I was in a cave a creeper exploded and then I saw these mushrooms and I was desperate so I ate them Sonny you're back yes oh I'm so glad you've returned Sonny I gotta I gotta have a celebration hey I love blowing stuff up this is awesome what are we doing this for what's the celebration uh uh just you getting back to normal I'll tell you all about it later but right now we gotta get out of here let's fly [Music] ah home at last yep that's one way to get home the melon way bro what was that sound dude what was that melon look outside bro it's Dr longbottoms why is here melon what did you do uh I thought he wiped your memory so I exploded his lab oh no he's not happy curse you meddling fools for destroying my laboratory oh I'll get my revenge all right I'll show you just how mean I can get you better watch your step from now on check and make sure you're subscribed to our channel to help stop Dr longbottoms let's go
Channel: Sunny
Views: 371,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GDeF4RFw14k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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