Sunny Became EVIL In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft Sonny became a super villain and I have to stop him notes if 1 000 of you click both the like And subscribe button at the same time I'll get overpowered superpowers to defeat Sunny three two one yo Sonny we found the tempo finally bro I wonder what kind of crazy treasure and loot's gonna lie within yo look out Sonny there's a spider I'll take him out die I'm actually the goat there's more spiders where are these bumps where are these mobs yo Mela you're crazy with it now let's see what type of loot we found bro I don't see any loot back here oh but I see a button oh uh Sunny I'm not feeling so good melon don't worry you just rest I got Dawn Bill the wise he'll help me find a cure I'm afraid there's no way to save melon what do you mean Don deal there has to be a way to save I can't lose him I'm not gonna give up on him oh where am I I'm not feeling so good don't worry melon I won't rest until I find a cure you just stay nice and cozy in bed and I'll be back uh my stomach I'll save you melon I'm going back to the temple there's got to be something there that can help yes I made it to the temple it's really late at night I'm a bit scared but I'm hoping I can find something down here that'll help maybe like under these stairs something secret I need a cure please I need a cure what about here oh that's like a little sea pickle maybe that'll help melon come on there's got to be something there's gotta be something big man Sonny yo what's that noise yo you weren't here last time what is this hello Big Man sunny I hear you're in the business for something yes sir Herobrine uh I'm trying to save my best friend melon he was in this Temple earlier this afternoon and he got poisoned and it's doing a lot of damage to him he's in so much pain right now I feel a great power within you sonny I can save your friend or a price hey I have pretty powerful thanks dude uh what's the price you shall see but first I need you to gather an item for me well this seems a little bit ominous but I've got to do whatever it takes to save melon where can I get the item what's it look like there's a relic in a village that will save your friend bring it to me okay I'm on it I'm on it sir here O'Brien just wait right here and I'll be right back with that Relic melon I'm Gonna Save you bro not gonna lie though that Herobrine character is a little bit sus I found the village this has gotta be where that ancient Relic is I've just gotta track it down uh Hey villager I'm not looking for a relic or something like that wait what do you mean you keep it locked up in this Tower oh thanks appreciate the info yo the relics up here now I just gotta find a way inside dang it it's locked maybe my pickaxe can break this dude it doesn't work I can't break these iron bars there's gotta be another way there's gotta be another way now I don't want to look too suspicious so I'm just gonna avoid the villagers and scout out all of their homes one of them's gotta have something that's useful I just need to climb into this Tower steal their Relic give it to a real the ominous dangerous evil person ah perfect a grappling hook as I was saying I'm just gonna steal your Relic how could you be so greedy and evil it could cure my best pal melon and you're just gonna leave it now we're doing nothing what a waste of this type of power and now I'm gonna just grapple up and grab this her Relic and smack yes I've got God now I've just got to escape the village and return this Relic to Sir Herobrine I mean he seems like a bad guy he's probably really evil but if he saves melon I don't even care yes I made it back to the temple uh sir Herobrine are you down here somewhere hello hello um Sunny I'm in the same spot I was in before oh well isn't that convenient hey how you doing I got that Relic for you oh you actually got the Relic I'm actually quite impressed Sonny now alakazumi now return home Sonny and melon should be cured wow it was that easy yeah you just have to say Charlotte Kazumi that's the cure to his diseaseumi why didn't John Dale know this he says he's supposed to be the smartest most wise person in all of Minecraft but he didn't even know about Shadow Kazumi what an idiot melon melanoma okay I I bucks let's go on this next adventure Sonny what are we doing what are we doing oh bro I was so worried about you dondale said you were gonna die and then I talked to this Herobrine guy and he saved your life wait you talked to Herobrine bro everybody knows Herobrine's an evil villain uh melon how bad could he be he saved your life Sonny you have no idea what you've done everything the price especially with Herobrine but melon he saved your life and that's priceless okay but are you sure he didn't mention like a cost or a price or anything oh now that you mention it actually he did say after I check up on you that I have to return to him and pay the blood price oh my God Sunny what have you done what have you done bro I don't even know what it means the blood price I mean once you're gonna like just prick my finger and take like a little drop or something weird I don't know Sonny but you can't break a blood price everyone knows that you gotta go do whatever he tells you all right I'm on it Hey sir Herobrine what you doing up here bro how you feeling I'm feeling terrible Sonny this world is evile and filled with cruel despicable beings oh that's pretty dark does that have something to do with the whole blood price thing yes Sonny you must join me so we can conquer the entire world and put an end to all this hate it's the only way to keep a melon safe well I mean that sounds pretty good we get to take over the whole world and protect my best friend melon yes Sonny it's all formatted okay sounds great wait really that knows it well I guess that sounds pretty reasonable okay awesome well board my ship we're heading to the headquarters okay just getting in this really cool not evil looking spaceship yep another day in Minecraft guys I'm really worried about sunny I don't know what that blood price really means and he's been gone for a while now yo here O'Brien your headquarters is awesome yes admire the Army we have acquired it is more powerful than any other Army in the whole land of Minecraft this is crazy dude you got three squadrons and three awesome spaceships that look totally not evil this is perfect we'll be able to instill peace in Minecraft in no time but sunny I need you to prove your loyalty to me there's a man named John Dale and he poses a threat to the Empire he knows too much and he's also really dumb and knows too little he didn't even know about Shazam skadoosh and he couldn't save melon only you could so you're really the best most smart most amazing person in all of Minecraft yes I am that's what I would like to hear now Sonny take this lightsaber and these boots of all power whoa this is awesome Herobrine boots and I'm a real Jedi yes now feel the power run through you and kill Darnell I feel so bad colorful this is crazy done deal I'm gonna Shazam Skidoo shoe do I know I put the diamond somewhere wait did someone just ring the doorbell oh I got some mail it's been so long I hope it's from Sunny message from dondale I have sensed a terrible thing Sunny has fallen under the influence of an incredible evil come to my tower quickly we must talk about this oh no what's happened to Sonny audio that blood pack was a bad idea I gotta get to dondale I gotta get to him yes I've arrived at dawn Dale's Tower time complete my first Quest now I just have to jump on top of the spaceship and Destroy Don Dale's Tower my first Quest will be completed oh I guess I'll need some more powerful Dynamite that should do the trick die and then Burn It To The Ground don't deal wait what is that is that a ship sunny sunny oh thank God you're here we gotta go talk to John Dale he's gonna help you hey melon don't you worry about Don Dale I already took care of that problem wait what do you mean you took care of dondale what did you do Sonny what have you done destroyed him and his stupid tower now follow me melon We're Gonna Save Minecraft by conquering it for Herobrine get on my ship this isn't right we can't just do that oh but we can now get on my spaceship we're going back to headquarters do I have a choice unless you want to end up like Don Dale there's no other option okay I'll come with you sonny now I've just gotta start the engines of the spaceship and we'll be back with Supreme Overlord Herobrine yes Herobrine I did it I destroyed Don Dale and I recruited melon for the Army good job Sonny all is going according to plan now for your task you must prove your loyalty as did sunny I want you to destroy what you hold dearest to you the melon patch I don't know if I can do that sir Overlord of Herobrine uh hey guys what's that over there hey what's what what's what I don't see anything take off take off let's go melon melon where'd you go melon we're gonna be the most powerful Minecrafters in the world melon guys Sonny's lost his mind I've got to see if dondale left anything behind to help me guys I've made it to dondale's Tower there's gotta be something here oh there's so many Flames not seeing anything oh no I think Sunny destroyed it all wait I see a trap door right there maybe just maybe this leads somewhere yo I found a door oh my God I actually found a secret area I know it left behind from dawndale what does it say melon you have seen what he's done I have gotten away but you must save Sunny some coordinates a village find well remove water go into the hole believe wash sunny in the Sacred Water what what is this water gonna do how is that Gonna Save nothing behind in these barrels he left me nothing at least I have some wheat I can make some bread out of this I'm on my way to the sacred well I've got to get there quick it's in the village to the east yes I have ascended in power I'm even stronger than you sir Overlord here O'Brien now kiss ES what do you mean you don't want to fine then I'm control now I can control them using my mind the craft is strong with me so strong kill the villagers do it now where's melon Sonny I found melon's location he's at the village where you found the Relic You Must Destroy it I knew that Village needed to go it was so meager and pathetic why they had that Relic I'll never know uh but uh Herobrine I got a lot of important business here and headquarters to take care of so if you don't mind can you go destroy that Village and take care of melon for me that would be great all right Sonny I shall deal with this shmelon guys I found the well this must be it whoa what is this place this is insane this must be the Fountain of healing oh guys I don't understand there's nothing in this place face no nothing in there um wait it goes deeper what the heck now I'm in this cave but there's only a lava pit bro there's nothing in here stupid lava man wait a second guys this lava pit looks a little suspicious it's so perfectly Square something tells me this isn't real lava yo I was right it's not the heck think I saw no I'm so confused where am I yo wait a second no way no way I found a secret whoa what is this place wait what are these hero Jedi Master Dawn Dale's boots what the heck why was he called hero Jedi Master the heck he's got a weird background and what is this yo I got a lightsaber this is awesome I'm so quick I'm so fast with this I can defeat anybody and restore balance to Minecraft you're a curse on the Empire melon what the heck is Herobrine with this movement he can't hit me even with his Sith Powers die you scoundrel come in for the hit coming for the owie hurts you stand no chance hi silver store balance to Minecraft die hit him with the combo Dodge ow Dodge yes no I can sense a disturbance in the craft I think Lord Herobrine has failed me but my armies will prevail I'll mind control them and destroy the village and that pesky melon he's been defeated now hopefully Sonny's back to normal I can sense the melody he's almost out of the ancient Shrine Army assemble what the heck why is the Empire's Army here they destroyed the village I've got to stop them I've got to put an end to it three down three down they can't stop me I'm too powerful now yes one last Soldier left my Troopers how could you fail me there's only one thing left to do I've just gotta find Sonny and return him to the Fountain of healing where's his evil headquarters guys I made it to his headquarters I have to confront him send me up sunny I will save you from the corruption of power I I've been expecting you melon you think destroying sir Herobrine and defeating my Army is enough to stop this Sonny it's not about your army it's about saving you put the blade away just please come with me to the Fountain of healing okay no problem melon whatever you say oh really sweet all right just follow me we're just gonna go back in there die you thought you thought I didn't want to have to do this Sonny you give me no choice I must show you that good is more powerful than evil Sonny you're coming with me I shall heal you sonny you must die in the water and be reborn as the sunny you once were no no don't don't do melon what happened the last thing I remember is I collected this ancient Relic for sir Lord Herobrine and then I was on a spaceship and I don't know what happened where am I Sunny you're telling me you don't remember anything of what happened what do you mean what happened wait why do I have this lightsaber oh you're saber it's turned green you're a good guy of course I'm a good guy why wouldn't I be I'm so proud of you sonny Sonny you did so many evil things you saved my life and I think the world turned out for the better but you know what else turns out for the better president before I kill Nelly
Channel: Sunny
Views: 633,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i2yB_kfHjmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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