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when the prime time of mushroom foraging is over what can one do grow some at home of course in this video i am testing out 10 mushroom kits and logs including three types of oyster mushrooms lion's mane and more yes they are all edible ready or not let's have some fun guys get it fungi sound like fungi long live the pun hello darlings greetings from washington state it is late december as i filmed this and we just had our first snow tonight many months ago i was at pike place market and i picked up three logs now this first small log this one is going to grow shiitake mushrooms they drilled holes and inoculated it we have instructions here and it says this log is from mont rainier and this log will produce oyster mushrooms third one is lion's mane the smart mushroom i'm most excited about the lion's mane have you guys seen photos of a fully grown lion's mane it looks amazing so after i got these three logs i started to wonder hmm what if i grow other types of kids at the same time so i got um two more kits north sport and this is another lion's mane mushroom kit and this one's um by back to the roots so well after i got those kiss i started to look into other species of mushrooms so i ended up getting these guys which i also got a couple months ago this one's by forest origins this one grows pink oyster mushrooms here is the brown oyster mushrooms and the white oyster mushrooms so after getting these three you know what happened i ordered more you know that term crazy cat lady i admit i'm the crazy mushroom lady and it's my first time growing mushrooms at my home so i'm like going from zero to like 300 miles per hour right now so the last two kits i got is really interesting this one is the cordyceps mello terrace and this one is not like the rest it is look at reishi this is the reishi grow kit so yeah i was wondering like where should i put these in the house and then i realized i have 10 kids and it's probably not a good idea to grow them all in the same place because they drop spores even though these are edible and these are healthy even healthy things could not be healthy if you get it in too much doses so i contacted some companies two companies and i asked them uh is it okay if i grow 10 kids all in the same place um one of them was like well i don't know if that's healthy you should ask a doctor and then the other person was saying we don't recommend that please don't put them in your bedroom maybe one kit is okay to put in your bedroom but don't put ten kits that's just too much funky power so which of you guys shall we start first north sport lions made oh oh i hope it didn't go back oh it's been a while i got this it doesn't look so good but maybe it's supposed to look like that i don't know we'll try it and see what happens i mean i don't see anything on here that says you need to start watering them immediately so if you wonder what's inside this bag it says um there is sawdust completely colonized with mushroom mycelium [Music] so this will be my pet for the next month or so you gotta feed it that kit is ready to go now let's work on the next one so these triplets i put them on a plastic tray and then we have to put x's on these so it says to lightly scratch the surface now onto the third bag scratch it again lightly next up we're going to wake them up by adding two tablespoons of water so now we're going to place the kit in a shady area that gets natural light but never expose the kit to direct sunlight okay so i didn't want to keep these in any bedroom or bathroom so i think this might be a good place to put it now for the reishi growing kit it looks very similar you know it's in a clear bag but the instructions are a bit different this one we're gonna cut right under the plastic ties and do this it looks like keep the log temperature between 65 to 80 degrees fahrenheit and usually it needs about two months to finish the growth next so for the next one we are going to inoculate ourselves now these um logs the small ones these come inoculated but in this case we get to inoculate whoa that looks like rice oh step one place everything in the kit on a clean table remove the tip from the syringe all right so inside the syringe there is liquidy stuff i see some stuff floating in there okay so this is the needle needles make me very nervous okay remove the tip from the syringe quickly screw the captain needle onto it should i do it i think it's in i think it's in okay perfect wipe the rubber stopper okay so here we have the rubber stopper so the company that made this kit they're located in washington so we're supporting local businesses by ordering this kit remove the needle cap and quickly inject all of the liquid mycelium oh it's liquid mycelium okay let's do this needle cute what i'm gonna do i'm gonna push this down and then rotate like this oh it sprays out pretty fast oh did i get that area okay hold on it's like a little game oh i ran out already that was fast place the container in a totally dark place at room temperature i guess i'll put it in a closet i do open my closet doors so that's gonna let light in so i'm gonna put this in a box and let's put the box in there should we kind of close it tightly so light doesn't get in i'll see ya in seven to nine days i was just about to head to bed because i'm sleepy but i realized oh i gotta soak the mushrooms i gotta bathe them well not the mushrooms i mean the logs and one of the bags so i'm gonna set these guys in a pan oh they're floating so we need to put something over them to keep them submerged fully i'm gonna put another pan over them so this weight will keep them down i just realized mamio is sleeping so i'm gonna whisper for the rest of the night i made a sign warning move carefully to prevent spills mushroom walks taking a bath for this one we need to mark an x with a knife and then we gotta scratch the white layer gently the next part needs to face down i added just enough water so that this floats will keep it face down for six to ten hours and check on it in the morning [Music] oh it's quite heavy and once again these ones we need to submerge in water every 30 to 45 days when i was shaking off the water i got a whiff of the smell and it's kind of like um cheese like stinky cheese i gotta make sure the eggs is facing outwards all right it's been four days since i started the mushroom kids and guess what happened the white oyster mushroom kit it already started sprouting these like little tiny dots and on the side i think this one already existed before we started watering them but it got bigger so it's like really bulging on the side of the plastic bag so i was wondering do we cut this area to help them pop out i looked into forest origins faq list that's the company i bought it from and here's the question there are mushrooms growing on the side should i cut there no do not make any additional cuts making additional cuts can cause the mushroom kit to dry out as for the reishi mushroom we gotta see some condensation droplets right inside the tent and i don't see anything so we gotta spray the inside of that and since reishi is a warm temperature mushroom i'm thinking to keep it in my room it's probably safe enough because the spores are going to be contained inside the tent i'm going to put them on a bigger plate if this floor gets wet it can damage it so this way any condensation drops that go down to the plate it has more surface it's almost 11 pm the last time i showed you guys any mushrooms it was a little over 12 hours ago and guess what happened check out how much the white oyster mushrooms have grown before these three clusters they had some space in between them but now they're starting to join hands i admit my trypophobia has been triggered however i can't stop looking at them my pet mushrooms are growing into this world welcome my dears welcome merry christmas look at how much they grew overnight wow how exciting [Music] the caps they're now i'm getting to be bigger than my pinky fingernail pink oyster mushrooms are growing up as well look at those beauties as for the logs no action yet look at those little guys starting to grow [Music] hello it is 10 20 a.m i'm gonna start a time lapse it's my first time trying this so let's hope it turns out amazing i'm not sure how much my mushrooms will love or hate this light but we'll give it a shot so three two one let's begin it's like watching a dehydrated sponge expand on day seven i made another time lapse this time the brown oyster mushrooms are in the spotlight and they are ready to party i didn't sleep well last night i felt like things crawling on my skin and my skin felt a little bit itchy i was thinking maybe it's cause of the mushroom even though the reishi mushroom is tinted maybe something is coming out of it is causing me my body to react so i'm gonna move this back outside of my bedroom that solved it didn't feel the crawlies anymore while sleeping day 9 of this magical mushroom journey and the pink oyster mushrooms are the superstars it's been seven days since the cordyceps militarist has been sitting in my closet let's check remember we had brown rice in there but now a lot of the surface is covered in white it looks like mold but it is mycelium if all things are going as planned and now we could place the container in indirect sunlight from a window or cool white led or cool white fluorescent lights for now let's put it in the closet where we're doing the time lapse because we got this nice lighting and while we're in here let's give the brown oyster mushrooms a mist [Music] i love watching these time lapses on replay while looking at one mushroom per round the ones above expand the ones below shrivel [Music] ah let's take a moment and admire how beautifully big these mushrooms have grown look at this this biggest one wow if i put my hand over it it goes from my thumb to the side of my pinky very big i want to briefly talk about the smell each of them have a different fragrance the white oyster mushroom now if you smell the bag it's going to be a little different the bag can smell very pungent especially if there's like um old water seeping out so you gotta make sure you smell the mushroom not this area [Music] it smells fresh it smells wet it smells like a plant but remember this is fungi not a plant the brown oyster mushrooms the white one smells a little bit more sharp now the pink oyster mushroom this smells the strongest smells a little musky of the three the brown oyster mushroom smells the most pleasant mommy oh how does this smell to you how can you describe it it is like forest and some cookie cookie yeah some cookies what kind of cookie uh sugar cookie i'm gonna treat these guys to a very basic simple recipe just gonna cut some garlic add some oil or ghee some salt a little bit of pepper i just want to really feel these mushrooms before i add it into food to harvest we have to grab as close to the stem and twist them at the stem wow so now we have an island of mushrooms and here's what it looks like on the block oh we could probably peel this one off as well okay let's take that out later we'll use this to grow more mushrooms i love gently petting the gills feels soothing this is so big i can't wrap my whole hand around it trying to get to the edge of the flock okay i think i got a grip wow it's pretty heavy here's what it looks like from the bottom so beautiful i can't wait to eat it just cutting off the substrate i'm just gonna peel it in half by hand [Music] that was the biggest one of them all [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] and now we wait for them to cool down a bit and we shall dig our teeth in guys i'm so excited for this exciting [Music] mommy was gonna try it with us wow i only put garlic olive oil salt pepper what we're tasting is the mushroom the mushroom is speaking to us yeah mushrooms are speaking to me don't need me but i said no you are too tasty so tasty wow savory you know a mushroom i have to say the best it's quite chewy deliciously chewy really good you know how potato chips they're savory and addicting it has that quality to it brown oyster mushrooms i'm just gonna peel it with my hand oh they just come right off so easily [Music] normally when i cook and eat mushrooms i think oh this is gonna be yummy but these guys because i grew them myself and i feel like i bonded with these fungi i was practically babysitting them throughout the day when we were doing the time lapse i constantly checked in on them every couple hours misting them making sure they don't dry out mommy oh what do you think let's try it together different texture juicier the white oyster mushroom that one tasted more like potato chips it is a good but the first one is better for me why is that that has more something more i like them both i mean they're like my kids you know i raise them they're both my favorites so we are eating your kiss oh my god it's very good so you're gonna cook one more now i'm gonna do the pink oyster mushroom next quite thick that was a pretty clean break here's the bottom and you see the shape of the substrate a rounded square let's remove this substrate oh it's not cutting through as easily okay hold up i'm gonna quarter this first and then cut it off [Music] on the outside they look like flower petals but in the inside you see they are long he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not he loves me he loves me not [Music] the petals shrank so much [Music] [Laughter] the piece i got is incredibly chewy so the brown oyster mushroom the stem is more moist because it's thicker this one the stem is not as moist but the petals are moist like the top part do you think this is chewier than the last one yeah no mushrooms tastes like meat in a way right or some scallops that's the thing when i was eating these mushrooms there were moments i'm like why do i keep thinking about seafood i'm going to try a brown oyster mushroom again it also reminds me of a squid these are little chewy all right that is for tomorrow mommy oh said we could add those to a dish what dishes are you thinking about adding those to know what we can make chop che without beef usually we put beef we can make mushroom japchae you know the korean glass noodles mom you put the leftover mushrooms into chapcha so the forest origins grow kit those grew the fastest the other guys um they're still taking a bit more time the lion's mane is making progress uh still yet to see pinning on this guy just about to head to bed and i remember in preparation for the second harvest we must submerge it into two inches of water we gotta gently scrape the top and remove any stems like this right here we're gonna move that one and then we're gonna poke the cleaned area with the fork making about a inch deep x [Music] [Applause] all right we're going to keep them submerged for three days [Music] so [Music] if i'm counting correctly it's been 17 days since we started growing mushrooms let's look inside so once they start pinning we will remove the towel off and start watering them directly no pinning just yet but it is smelly that's the pink oyster mushroom now what's this one oh that looks moldy so that's the white oyster mushroom let's see how the brown oyster mushrooms are doing so much pinning that looks so intense okay so before the first harvest when they were pinning they were just like a couple patches but this one there's so many patches next to each other so this one we can uncover now as for the reishi mushroom look at the top we have bumps and this bump somehow punched out through the plastic and the bumps are growing tall you see that one what i've been doing is i take the tent i spray it a couple times i rotate it let it sit so the mist settles inside and then i put it over the reishi as for the cordyceps militaris it is all orange in there the other oyster mushrooms are not doing so well it looks like they were pinning but then it got moldy so over here you see it became kind of green as for the lion's mane we got some nice volumes however they didn't grow big enough where you know it gets very hairy like a lion's mane it says to harvest when the mushroom forms visible teeth and before it starts to yellow from what i see there are no visible teeth however they are yellowing so i guess it's time to eat them cute it reminds me of cauliflower taking a closer look inside the grill kit look these are the baby mushrooms getting ready to pop out i'm going to cook the lion's mane the same way as the other mushrooms garlic olive oil salt pepper keep it real simple i really want to feel the lion's mane and taste the difference let's cut off the substrate oh this smells like a very familiar mushroom the one they sell in grocery shops like the um ones they put in salads i see some teeth growing on the smaller bunch of mushroom there are some parts of the lion's mane it looks like coral reef so it turns out mommy used all the regular garlic to make kimchi all we have left is the huge elephant garlic this is one clove okay it like fits in my palm i'm not gonna use this whole thing i'm just gonna use a portion of it if i use this whole clove i mean that's like the size of the biggest lion's mane we have here all right now i'm gonna peel these apart by hand [Music] the cross section is fantastic if you look on the outside it looks like spherical and it looks like a solid thing but when you see the inside you see the teeth wow cool when you push down on it it's cushiony kind of like the bottom of sneakers it's a firm bouncy the parts that are very yellow i think i'm just gonna take that part off it does feel a bit different compared to the more white fresh part is it just me or does it kind of look like chicken all right i'm waiting for it to cool down before we invite mamio to try it with us have you ever tried lion's mane mushroom before trying i never heard about the mushroom's name either but smear so good i'm super thrilled about this ever since i started getting into mushrooms and learning about them the minute i saw the photo of the lion's mane i was like whoa i gotta try that but i never saw it out in nature so being able to grow it at home and trying it at home it is an honor all right i'm gonna grab it with my finger [Music] hmm very moist did i cook it thoroughly yeah it's so moist [Music] it is true when you first bite into it but it's not nearly as chewy as the oyster mushrooms with the moisture mushrooms i was able to strip them by hand more evenly um but these ones like it's a spherical mushroom so it's harder for me to like peel it evenly so that's why like some parts it's like super juicy but other parts is a little bit more like the oyster mushrooms that is delicious so it's all gone now i'm gonna try to do a second harvest how do we describe this flavor though i i really want to let the viewers feel it through us i mean yeah it's savory there's only so many words to say savory right you know the texture of this is a little bit like a fatty chicken or even kind of like the fatty part of pork belly with bits of chewiness how do you describe it if i compare the mushrooms we tried to beef steak oyster mushrooms are new york steak this is wagyu steak you like it by comparison you like my comparison do you agree with me taste wise this is the king of mushrooms right well there's other types of mushrooms we've yet to try so before we say king of mushrooms we must try some more and decide who will take the throne but so far this takes the throne what's interesting about mushrooms is they can taste very meaty the texture and the flavor although i hear a lot of people categorize mushrooms as vegetables mushrooms are actually fungi and fungi are closer to animals to us than to plants so maybe that's why it makes sense that they're more meaty than planty i know there are some other mushrooms are waiting for them to grow and for us to harvest but you know the logs those might take a couple more months and this video i already started editing it and it's about 30 minutes long so i'm going to go ahead and share this with you guys i'm not a mushroom expert but i love exploring this world and trying these mushrooms like growing it at home and trying it it's a fun journey although you know like we're not traveling abroad or anything um sometimes you could have adventures in your home and those adventures can take place in a very small block you might not be mushroom expert but i know you are mushroom cultivator mushroom enthusiast that's a joke you're referring to from a korean drama crash landing on you the uh tomato cultivator when the main character is playing a game online come yeah use their name i'm gonna make a sequel to this video i think let me know your thoughts in the comment section and if you want to see more of these kind of videos i for sure will be growing some more mushrooms at home and if you guys want to know more i'm happy to share bye-bye see you in the next one during a very rainy nature walk i passed by many fallen logs covered in moss but this one log had extra magic on it there were some flappy looking things popping out can you guess what they are i think they're oyster mushrooms not too far away there was a mossy stump with three mushrooms aren't they just lovely this patch of witch's butter absorbed so much water it's become blob-like thanks mother nature for your wonders and thank you guys for watching my video remember to subscribe and hit that notification bell for food and travel in korea check out my other channel sweet and tasty tv toodles my noodles after december is over my christmas tree i'm not gonna toss it out i'm going to grow mushrooms on it so dear christmas tree we'll be together forever so these three logs each is labeled on the bottom so o stands for oyster mushroom uh l stands for lion's mane and s is shitake check out how much the white oyster mushrooms have grown the other mushroom kits are lagging behind but you know what this is so symbolic of life think of each of these mushroom kits as a person this is one person another person and yet another person and maybe you could even see each kid as a dream whether it be humans or dreams not everything blossoms at the same time some of us may reach our goals our dreams at an earlier time in life while others it takes an extra decade or two or three it could take a really long time for us to blossom into the full human being we always want it to be and sometimes let's say a group of five individuals they put the same amount of effort but not all their dreams not all their rewards come to fruition at the same time so just like these mushroom kids i'm excited for the one that has already starting to blossom but the other mushroom kids i believe in them yeah they're taking a little bit more time but that's fine and no matter what the speed they grow i will continue to nurture them twice a day give them those sprays so for each of us and for all our dreams don't give up keep on nurturing keep on giving that love even if it's a couple of sprays here and there a little bit by little bit something's gonna grow something's gonna [Music] blossom [Music] the white oyster mushrooms are more than ready to eat there's so many smaller mushrooms that are trying to grow but i think the bigger mushrooms were taking the nutrients and there just wasn't enough water like i tried to spray extra on the bottom but i guess um the bigger ones were sucking up the water the moisture the pink oyster mushrooms also look very ready to eat the reason why these edges look a bit dry is because well i dropped it the other day by accident and it bruised them and i think the water's not getting to those edges anymore i'm so sorry so sadie [Music] get better unsalted mixed nuts jar but there's kimchi in it those gentle moist peeling sounds isn't it calming oh i bet you can make an asmr video dedicated just to peeling mushrooms you need a lot of mushrooms though i think [Music] you
Channel: Miss Mina
Views: 1,129,928
Rating: 4.9397793 out of 5
Keywords: food, mushroom, growing mushrooms, gardening, home, fungi, cooking, harvest, oyster mushroom, lion's mane, reishi
Id: RR6OfcN1LY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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