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What maintenance did you do for the sphagnum moss while the roots were growing? How often did you moisten the moss if at all?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hydrocarbon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 05 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
what's up guys and welcome back to tech plant today I'm gonna show you two methods to propagate your monstera deliciosa let's check it out my monster has grown absolutely massive this thing doesn't even fit on the filming station I definitely need to expand the channel space so I can film some bigger stuff at this point my monstera has about four major growth points and then it has a bunch of smaller ones that have been sprouting up in the middle as it's aged so in this video I'm going to show you how to propagate a few of those with different methods and we'll even take one of the little tiny ones out and see how that one fares honestly I should have repotted this thing a long time ago but just laziness coupled with busyness and just no space I've kind of put it off a while but if you look here you can see it's quite root bound there is an awful lot of roots in here well we're gonna leave that for another day for me I'm gonna keep multiple leaves per cutting just because it's easier and the plants will look good right off the start but if you really wanted to you can do one leaf per node and be just fine because my monster is overgrown and I haven't kind of posted it up all these roots are just kind of hanging so I'm gonna actually trim them off because I'm gonna water propagate some of these and a lot of these roots that are kind of terrestrial roots or air roots don't do well when you transition them into water and they can sometimes start to rot so I'm gonna cut them off in advance don't worry too much because new roots will come right from these spots also if you're curious what the node is you can almost bet that there'll be area roots coming out of every node and that's the most important spot because that's where the new growth is gonna form with new leaves and new vines you can use many things to cut this but I like using a razor blade these are very thin and very sharp and they make an absolutely clean cut so I definitely recommend these I'm gonna make a cutting along kind of the benign part of the stem and that is between these two nodes make sure you're not cutting right down the node or on a leaf somewhere you have to cut the vine and you have to keep the actual nodes safe thanks to the super sharp skinny razor and me just kind of rotating it around the cut it's absolutely clean if you look kind of underneath the cut on the vine you'll see a new growth point starting and that's kind of exactly where the node is so that's what you have to keep these nodes for the first cutting I'm gonna try the water propagation method and see how that works and later we're gonna try a few different others so stay tuned however this container is way too small swinging to make a much bigger one I've seen a lot of people propagate things in something with like almost like a gooseneck or a thin neck but don't do that because once the roots are coming out you might not be able to get out of the container I'm going to reuse a water jug because it holds a lot of water so it can get to the height that I needed to get to and it's a lot of weight to keep this leaf from falling over I cut it in a specific way to kind of cradle the main branch while giving the leaves a lot of space to kind of sit and not get like compressed you're then gonna want to fill the water up so it's passed both nodes in my cutting I chose to cut multiple leaves so that means I got more than one node which means more than one rooting point which then leads to a much stronger rooted plant because you have two spots where the roots will come from if you do single node cuttings you only have one area that the roots will originate from for my next cutting it looks a little chaotic because there's two kind of vines coming from the same spot so I'm gonna take the lower vine and chop that one out again I'm just gonna clean my cutting up and chop that giant aerial root you could actually probably get away with trying and leaving it and seeing what happens but I'm just gonna remove it for ease of fitting into containers and it just won't get in the way and just like the last one I'm gonna cut kind of on the vine in a benign area or just an area that is not the node again you can see the node where the roots kind of come out and the Leafs girl from so pick a spot in between nodes and cut there for this cutting we're gonna use my favorite propagation material and that is Spagna moss this stuff always does wonders for me and I never get failed like propagations in it and I just really love it especially for air rides it seems to work really well this cutting is a little smaller than the last one so I can actually fit it in a much smaller cup so I'm just gonna fill that cup some Spagna moss and put the cutting in and I'm gonna make sure my Spagna moss is higher than both nodes again you want your nodes to be covered so that way they can start rooting if you leave them exposed they probably won't root as quick is if you keep something moist and wet alongside the node now lastly we have this really small baby one I'm just gonna kind of rip it out of there it already has some roots intact and then I'm just gonna put this in a bottle of water just so it can root a little more before I decide to replant it and just to see what it does I started this experiment on March 1st and now it is March 6 so we are five days later let's see the progress the first one we're gonna look at is the one that I put in Spagna moss above the speck of moss everything looks hunky-dory and great nothing seems to be wrong but unfortunately I don't want to dig around too much in this bag Tomas to see if there's roots because I don't want to disturb anything that's starting so I can't really tell fruits are starting but I'm pretty darn sure based on previous experience moving on to the large cutting with the newer leaf that one's just been sitting in water again it's only been five days and let's take a look just from peeking inside the jug I can already see there are some sort of roots forming let's pull it out and take a closer look and yep after looking closer we can see we do have roots and the great part is like I said earlier because we made a cutting with more than one node both nodes are putting out roots so we're gonna have a much better rooted cutting and you can see at the base of those aerial roots that we cut there's a bunch of root growth starting so looking good it is now May 20th so about 20-ish days have gone by since we started this so let's see how they're doing this time we're gonna start with the water rooted one and you can see the new leaf turned out pretty well it's still growing in nothing too bad has happened to it yet and everything else is looking good so let's take a look at the roots like I said earlier I did put some paper towel kind of along the rim of the plastic just so it didn't cut and damaged the plant looking at this is pretty crazy and just 20 days it has put out a ton of roots the top note especially has really good growth followed by the bottom note having a quite a few roots to again two nodes is two points of rooting and you got much better luck with it let's take a look at the Spagna moss cutting and let's see how that one's doing above ground it looks pretty good again I'm not pulling this one out of the sphagnum Moss because I don't want to disturb things but you can see from the sides of the cups it's got some hefty roots I mean those are thick look at the size of like fricken noodles in there it's crazy there's a bunch kind of coiled up at the bottom and there's a bunch kind of hitting the side so this one is doing really well like I expected alright it's been 20 days since you've seen the tiny little baby cutting which already had some roots but if you look at it it's doing pretty well it's putting out roots again at multiple node points and it's looking like it's gonna be just fine after we yanked it from its mother here it's March 26 and I want to show you a little bit something different this is the mother plant that we cut from and you can see where we cut it from it is putting out new growths you don't have to worry about ruining your mother plant when doing this because it will regrow its growth points and you'll have the same bushy thing in no time all right we are at a preliminary growth and so let's get started first we got to mix up some soil for these things you don't want to just use regular potting soil because these things like well draining more barky stuff these things do grow on and up trees so they don't just sit in the ground for me I'm just using a bunch of leftover soils that I have so I'm using a little bit of regular potting soil some cactus mix orchid mix orchid bark pearl light and again some more orchid mix and that'll get me something pretty close to what I want well after mixing all that stuff together here's what we have we've got a nice well draining soil with tons of bark in it perlite and other stuff that will allow it to drain well this will be perfect for the monstera let's start with the monster that came from the water let's pull it out and take a look at its roots and as you can see the roots look fantastic here's a thing that people ask a lot do you change the water every day no I don't change the water at all in fact I just top it off when it needs it now the next thing is obviously to find a pot big enough to hold this we want to bury both nodes because they both have a good root structure again thankfully we cut two nodes so we have a really good anchor point for our cutting once you have your cutting kind of orientated and put in the pot the way you want it then just fill it up with soil and you should be good to go if you really want if you have a long cutting you could add a stick for support but this one doesn't quite need it only to balance it while I get the soil placed around it and voila we have a nice potted monstera cutting and it looks fabulous just like the mother plant let's go take a look at this bag no moss cutting and see how well that one did in comparison here is the Spagna moss cutting so let's get it pulled out of its cup and see how well its roots have done just from the initial look it looks like it did fantastic there is one gripe I do have a spade no moss and rooting cuttings in it it's it sticks to the roots quite well and they get a good hold of it which is why I think it works so well but it's kind of a pain to remove before repotting and you have to be a little careful you don't absolutely wreck the roots but you can be surprisingly rough and get that Spagna Moss out and be good to go and ready to pot it up overall though after getting all the Spagna moss off the roots look fantastic you don't have to worry about getting all the Spagna moss off it can be on there a little bit in fact a lot of arrowed mixes sometimes have Spagna moss in it so don't worry too much let's just get it in the pot kind of situated the way we want to and kind of bury it in the soil and if you've done all that correctly you should have another beautifully potted cutting just like the previous one last but not least let's take a look at the little guy we had him in a water bottle the whole time and again I don't change the water when I do my cuttings I'd find that it's not really that necessary maybe for some people if there is different I don't know but it's got a lot of root growth and it looks good so we're just gonna throw this one straight in the pot just like the others not much to really compare on this one because it's a baby but I think it did well in water at least we proved that you can use water for the little ones too there's one last thing I wanted to show you and that is the mother plant this footage is from April 22nd and you can see all the places we took cuttings from and you can also see how the mother plant is bouncing back and spitting out new growth so if you had fears originally about ruining your mother plant or making it smaller don't because it's gonna all grow back and you'll have the same plant you have in a few months plus cuttings so it's always great to take cuttings because you're not wrecking anything and you're just creating multiple plants well guys that pretty much sums up this video I hope you learned how to do it and you have the courage to try it yourself I do have a third method that's pretty cool but I saved that for its own entire video so stay tuned for that one as always guys when your plants go strong and healthy I'll see you next time you
Channel: Techplant
Views: 761,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monstera, monstera deliciosa, how to, propagate monstera, propagate deliciosa, monstera propagation, houseplants, propagation, propagate houseplants, house plants, detailed guide
Id: Imh6pgLs1kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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