GROUNDED BY SANCHO | Would You Rather #2

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As much as I enjoy watching Mark play silly flash games, I hope he decides to play something a little more serious soon.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/imaplatypuswithwings 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

It makes me so happy to hear Mark mention Team Four Star! For whatever reason Mark is so good at making me smile with these silly videos.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rufus_Kastur 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

I always find it adorable when Mark amuses himself and just gets lost in his own shits and giggles

He just makes himself laugh and it's funny to watch c:

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rmahran 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2015 🗫︎ replies

Surprised someone else hasn't posted this yet. R.I.P ChannelBot

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CenturiousUbiquitous 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Also, R.I.P the letter E. Markiplrrrr shall rise again(watch episode 1 of his OFF playthrough to see why)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CenturiousUbiquitous 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

Huzzah! Superman sucks! Markiplier has decreed it!

(I hate superman)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/IngwazK 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2015 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to would you rather you guys seem to enjoy the last episode and I enjoy revealing very personal and disturbing things about my own self so let's get back to the awesome game that is would you rather also have um played for yourself you probably should there's a lot of good questions out there yeah okay would you rather be deaf and have no legs or be blind and have no arms oh that's a bit of a conundrum I don't know it all depends on whether or not oh man but if I like to be able to see but if I have no arms and how I masturbate heaven never mind out a better I guess I'll go with be deaf and have no legs because then I like being able to see more than I like being able to hear Wow a lot of people follow my lead I am a leader of leading zli leads okay would you rather raise a family with Samuel Jackson to raise a family with Vin Diesel is this even a question of course Samuel is this because he made the pacifier you dicks who wouldn't want to raise a family with Samuel elgianne would you rather live in the past or live in the future the past had the plague the future might not even be there I want to know what's going on in the future don't look to the Past look to keep your eyes on the Hurra always think forward inspirational of course would you rather be a vampire or be a werewolf oh the age-old question well personally my vision of vampires is a little ruined because now I always think of the sparkly vampires from Twilight but also the vampires from underworld were kind of whiny sometimes I don't know I've always had a special affinity for werewolves because it's like it all depends on whether you romanticize one version or another but I like werewolves that aren't romanticized like it's a brutal curse that comes out and unleash like when you're in human form you have no special abilities like I think that's what a world would be and I think that'd be better OOP hey it's actually evenly split I'm surprised okay would you rather pull all of your toenails out or pull all of your hair out ah why do I have to choose between the two of those I guess I gotta go through I guess I gotta go with toenails I like my hair too much I don't want to pull out my hair oh I know and probably be more painful in the end probably me more disfiguring but I like my hair too much would you rather have a giant birthmark covering 78% of your face or have a two-foot tail wait why don't you go back to that one what the hell happened well uh I guess I'd go with the tail I don't know what happened would you rather only wear revealing hot pink clothes or always have to wear socks and sandals I would love to wear revealing hot pink clothes so that everyone could look at my body I don't have a single hot pink thing yes I do yeah I gotta go with the pink clothes the pink clothes are too cool oh come on socks and sandals are a tragedy I would look great in hot pink clothes especially if they're revealing would you rather perform petty thievery for a living or perform grand larceny for a living excuse me while I look up the definition of grand larceny theft of personal property having a value above a legally specified amount well then you gotta go with grand larceny why would you go for petty go big or go home to jail would you rather go toe-to-toe with Michael Myers who tried to take down Freddy Krueger well Freddy Krueger is kind of a psychological demon he affects your mind Michael Myers I don't know was Michael Myers he didn't have any supernatural influence dude he was just a murderer in a mask not like Jason I'm pretty sure he was just a murderer in the mask a very strong murderer mind you but I'm pretty sure I'd rather go toe to toe with Michael Myers and tried to take down Freddy Krueger and people agree with me would you rather wake up in a bathtub full of ice missing a kidney or wake up in a public bathroom with a handful of singles and really lazy eye wow this is the story behind that one do I have a permanently lazy eye and why the hell is that situation of thing is that from something I can live without a kidney but there's some other questions about my hygiene coming into play about that lazy eye and public baths I'm gonna go with the kidney Hey oh really you don't the public connotation but I think you don't know what happened would you rather only smell like poop or only smell poop well I mean isn't one handful of one half a dozen of the I mean if you only smell like poop you'd always smell the poop but you'd get used to your own smell but then everyone else would be affected by your smell but if you only smell poop I don't know would you get used to it does everything smell like poop it is always gonna be bad but then you'd actually have people around you for the rest of your life if you didn't smell it I gotta go with only smell poop yeah because if everyone else smelled me they wouldn't want to be near me if you had kids would you rather regurgitate food to feed them or lick your children to bathe them ah this is horrible I regurgitate food if you were being eaten alive would you rather be swallowed head first or be swallowed feet first these took a dark turn I'd rather not knew none of that ah I guess head first to end it quicker good golly jeez would you rather master every programming language or master every spoken language now that's an interesting one I think I'd go with programming languages because I would lead to a lot more skill sets and it also accounts for everyone in the future I'm imagining if I know every single programming language in existence maybe not in the future but I still gotta go with programming really oh but think of all the things you could do I mean you can learn languages that's like a passion in and of itself but learning programming is boring as put your other P your pants once a day at a random time or poop your pants once a day at a random time well the poop would be much less convenient but you could plan for both of them by wearing a diaper the poop would be a bit more of an inconvenience oh so I gotta go with P my pants have you poop it really just randomly is it at the same time as at randomly throughout the day so you're just gripping your chair wherever you go dreading the fact that poop will magically appear in your pants sounds like an exciting left me then again I'm a freaking weirdo would you rather be a pokemon trainer or be a zombie slayer well zombie slayer would suggest that the world has gone to and is now infested with an apocalyptic scenario of zombies so in this one I gotta go with the pokemon trainer because I don't want to live through the horrible horror that is that apocalypse no really people are romanticizing zombie slaying would you rather a beer on Oprah or appear on Jerry Springer well if I appear on Jerry Springer I'm gonna have someone be cheating on me and having my baby or seven of them having my baby and if I go on Oprah I might get a car so I'm gonna go with Oprah would you rather fly like Superman or travel like spider-man well considering that in some of the comics Superman can fly so fast he travels faster than the speed of light I'm pretty sure I gotta go to fly like Superman it may not be current Canon but it was Canon and someday and then the ScrewAttack battle that they used his most powerful bowmen against Goku it but if man is Superman that it's too powerful stupid here here's my me okay I'm not dropping this here's my main problem with that ah the thing about like why I hate Superman there's more why I hate Superman anything is that ah I know in some storylines this doesn't take place but bear in mind Goku as a character he may be stupid and Team Fortress 4 star may put a great portrayal of who Goku is but he earned his power he earned his power whatever like stupid riding Goku has stupid riding too with Super Saiyan oh no Super Saiyan level what if Super Saiyan God I don't care Goku worked hard his entire life to be more powerful and always loves to fight for the sake of fighting Superman is a compromised person not all that noble period has very very low points and didn't earn his power he was just born with it he was is born super-powerful and then he had to learn to control whatever Goku I like better because he like struggled and earned it and I know there are Superman scenarios where he did struggle and whatever but it's so contrived because he's always gonna win I guess Goku is always gonna win - but I hate Superman oh I'm done moving on stupid if you had to do one every other year would you rather live completely alone on an island or be overworked in a cramped factory hey if I had to do one every other year you know maybe I could turn that island into a vacation home carve out a coconut and naked my wife never mind I'm gonna go with alone on an island would you rather have the first dibs every time or always have the last laugh huh well now that's interesting because the last laugh has connotations so if I have a masterful plan I will always have the shut the up I will always have the last laugh no matter what I do and that's interesting because being first is nice and all but just because you have dibs does not mean that you're gonna get it no matter what the rules of dibs are there's always gonna be things where the rules can be broken so having the last laugh implies that there's another way around it if my plan always interferes and I always have the last laugh even if I don't win it every time I've always have the last lie like that I'm gonna choose that oh people agree with me oh okay I thought I was gonna be unique on that one right there I'm one of the crowd wake up sheeple hmm would you rather swallow three jawbreakers or swallow a footlong candy-cane ooh if you swallow the footlong candy-cane one that'd be really hot and sexy but to it break into shards into your throat maybe and that wouldn't be good at all I'd probably make it down okay depends on your deepthroating skills I and if the job breakers are like like Edd n Eddy sighs jaw breakers then that also implies that it's going to be a bad time unless you're deepthroating skills are really really good I could say I'm going with a candy cane ah really oh come on would you rather only speak in words that begin with H or not be able to say any words that have the letter e in them oh he is such a valuable letter but how many words begin with H hi hands how have I guess I go with the letter E in them because if I come up with a good enough oh cab there I'd be fine Oh got a goatee oh no how many words possibly start with H would you rather open a can of whoop ass on a fool or pity a fool well I mean I've dozen oh one two thirds of the clock open a can of whoop-ass that's me I'm a bad girl I'm a badass would you rather be on an episode of cops or be on an episode of cheaters well if I'm on cheaters I'm either being cheated on or I'm cheating on someone and frankly I've been cheated on before and it is a horrible experience I hate cheaters there's no excuse for it so I got to go on an episode of cops unless I'm off the episode of cops because I was on an episode of cheaters and I had to run away from someone trying to murder me I'll be on cops I can't stand cheaters would you rather be stoned to death or be grounded are we talking grounded like to my room or grounded is in some big burly guy named Sancho takes a sledgehammer if it happens via the ground ha ha that's I the only reason that was funny to me is because I pictured some big guy but his head was a baby face cuz they could give up with the right name big strong arms and stuff put it baby and his name with Sancho uh I'll take being grounded cuz I get to hang out with son Chu would you rather communicate with animals or speak every language fluently okay here's my thing about communicating with animals some animals are really dumb so communicating with them wouldn't really men out to a whole lot and what if they don't listen to you hey animals how are you doing you man uh I'm very tired speak every language that's an easy one would you rather only be able to teleport to places you've already been or only be able to teleport to places you've never been now that is an interesting one and one that I will leave to you guys to answer in the comments below so intrigued me with your responses thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you think of this series and you want to see more episodes of this I love playing this game it's really really fun to explore the depths of my own insanity so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video bye I've got a lot really ah now I look like an
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,661,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: would you rather, markiplier, never have i ever, party games, gameplay, let's play, would you rather markiplier, questions, funny, reactions
Id: pQdjXajnSMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2015
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