Paw Patrol Rescue Peppa Pig from the Dragon!

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boy I can't wait for the fair to get in town so me and the pups can go ride the carousel hey someone's calling my pup pad rer I just want to let you know that the fantastically fun fair is open for business assemble the pups and let's have fantastic fun awesome Captain turbet will do pups to the lookout pups pups Robo dog where are the rest of the pups Ru Ru what is it Robo dog what are you trying to show me [Music] Wait For Me Robo dog hey wait up where are the pups it's jev's Playhouse r r oh no the hospital the pups are sick yes the pups came in last night complaining of various ailments I put each one in a special room I think it's time to check on them and we're going to need the keys to unlock each door can you help me get the keys and unlock each door sure doc of course we can let's just get the keys from the top compartment here they are all right kids I'm going to need your help opening each one of these doors we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 six different color doors and there are six puppies inside let's start with this door what color is that orange orange orange that's right it's the color orange all right we're going to need the orange key to unlock it here it is let's use this orange key to unlock the orange door I'll just put in the lock here and turn it wo look here's Zuma and there was a lot of orange gumballs hi Zuma hi you don't feel so well do you no what's wrong Zumo I went swimming and now my ears hurt here let me check your [Music] ears H H Zuma I think you have an ear infection you have swimmer's ear oh no how do I fix that just take this antibiotic thanks Doc no problem Zuma great job doc now let's get the rest of the pups all right guys who do you think's behind this green door let's use our keys and find out all right let's get the green key right here and unlock it oh no and it looks like there's more gumballs behind it oh no all right Rocky come on out oh I don't feel so good Rocky tell us what happened I fell in a rose bush and now it hurts oh no Rocky it looks like you have thorns stuck on you let me get those out all right hold still [Music] now for the last [Music] one there you go Rocky all better yay thank you so much great work guys now that we made Rocky and Zuma feel better let's see who's behind this yellow door for this one we're going to need the yellow key here it is all right time to unlock it come on out Rubble what's wrong Rubble I was playing outside and now I itch a lot let me take a look with my magnifying glass Rubble oh no you have fleas what I have fleas yep you're going to need a flea bath okay Rebel here you [Music] go all right let's dry all the bubbles off and make sure he doesn't have any more fleas okay Rebel let's check and make sure they're all [Music] gone all right no more fleas all right all right guys any guesses as to who's behind the red door let's use our red key and find out here it is [Music] oh what a mess Hey look it's Marshall in there what's wrong Marshall I don't feel so good let's have the doc check you out let me feel your head Marshall ow it's really hot I think you have a fever let's get the thermometer open up and say ah ah oh no you're running a really high fever a you're going to need to put some ice on your head so it will cool off all right Marshall here you go just hold this on your head it feels better already all right let's check your temperature [Music] now it's all better Marshall yay thank you doc no problem all right guys now it's time to open that blue door first let's find the blue key there it is come on out whoever's behind that blue [Music] door Chase do you need to see a doctor a you a you yeah I've been sneezing all day that's you oh no chase you've been sneezing yeah I think you've got the flu you're going to need a flu shot oh a shot that's going to hurt trust me it'll be better than having the flu okay I guess so all right Chase turn around a ow that hurts it's okay almost done just a little bit more okay Chase do you feel better I don't know actually I don't have to sneeze anymore I do feel better thanks Doc you're welcome Chase all right guys we got one more door to open and it's behind the Pink Door so let's find the right key here we go now let's open it up wo that's a lot of pink gumballs and of course we have Skye ow it really hurts what's wrong Sky I was flying and it was really windy out and I had a rough rough landing and I hurt my leg a I'm sorry Sky we'll get docked to look at it oh no Sky you scraped your leg I think you should have a Band-Aid all right here you go Skye oh that feels so much better already thank you doc anytime Sky well doc we fixed all the pups up now we can go to the fair no problem Ryder I just love to help all right pups let's go join Captain turbet Ryder you're finally here yeah the pups had a rough day but we're ready to ride the ferris wheel now okay go get some tickets and we'll ride it all right kids can you help me count how many tickets we need we need 1 2 3 4 5 six tickets Ryder don't forget to count yourself oh silly me we need seven tickets I'll go get them can I have seven tickets Please aren't you from the Paw Patrol yeah that's us you don't have to buy tickets you can ride for free wow that's awesome all right guys come on thank you it's just my way of saying thanks for saving Adventure Bay so many times all right guys let's load our pups into their seats here's our first pup Marshall he's going to be pup number one our next pup is Rubble he's going to be pup number [Music] two next up is Zuma he's going to be pup number three now it's time for sky sky is going to be our pup number four and now it's time for rocky rocky is going to be pup number [Music] five and now it's time for Chase Chase is going to be pup number [Music] six oh no there's no more room for Ryder that's okay I'll wait my turn the pups can go first and then I'll trade with someone else good thinking Ryder all right pups are you ready to roll yeah I am wao faster faster woooo this is fun wee all right guys I think it's time for Ryder to have a turn he can have my spot all right Rocky that's so thoughtful of [Music] course there you go Ryder all right here they go wo wo wo oh no Marshall and Zuma fell out are you guys okay yeah we're okay can we get back on of course hey do you guys want to try to ride it backwards yeah let's go backwards whoa this is fun too whoa not too fast all right guys the ride is over I hope you guys had a lot of fun on this Paw Patrol Adventure if you like the video make sure to give it a thumbs up and tune in next time bye Ryder bye pups bye you see anything on the monitor Chase no still nothing all day hi hi pups where're Zuma and Everest they're just practicing on the training Mission since it's a slow day wow great shot Suma thanks Everest well keep your eyes peeled cuz we never know when someone needs the PAW Patrol to help meanwhile Peppa and her friends are playing [Music] outside Yahoo look at me George pig has found something he likes dinosaur that's not a dinosaur that's a [Music] [Music] dragon wow W get [Music] away what's all this commotion here hey watch it ouch that was not very nice I think I hear something let me see what it is H hey it's Peppa and her friends and a dragon is attacking Paw Patrol on a roll it's jev's [Music] Playhouse pups get ready to roll I'll meet you guys down there all right my ATV now I'm ready to go kids can you help me assemble the pups of course Ryder you bet all right kids it's you heard Ryder he needs our help assembling the pups to help save Peppa and her friends all right our first Paw Patrol Pup is Chase Chase is blue and he is ready to go chase is on the case all right Chase go down the slide and get ready to rescue pawrol on a roll great job guys now Chase is in his police cruiser now let's set him aside so he can wait for the other pups to join him and up next is going to be the pup who drives this cool fire engine can you tell me what color this fire engine is red that's right so we need to find the Red Paw Patrol Pup to match with this fire truck and that's going to be Marshall he is the color red he's our fire pup and he drives the red fire truck I'm fired up all right here he goes woo awesome Marshall's ready to roll in this cool fire truck and check it out the doors open in the back I wonder if that'll come in handy hm now it's Everest's turn she's our snow pup ice or snow I'm ready to go her hat and sweater are teal all right Everest here she goes great teamwork guys we helped Everest find her snowmobile now it's time for this super cool Green Recycle truck it has orange lifting Fork arms and it even has a compartment for trash in the back that's really cool and here's Rocky our recycle pup don't lose it ReUse It Rocky is great green and he is ready to [Music] go awesome job guys Rocky is now ready to help out the team our next pup is Rubble can you tell me what color Rubble is yellow he's yellow that's right and he's ready to go down the slide aren't you Rubble Rubble on the [Music] double great job guys we matched Rubble to his yellow bulldozer all right let's see if we can match up the rest of the pups to their vehicles and now for our flying high pup it's sky this pup's got to fly she is a pretty pink all right Sky get ready to [Music] rescue let's hope Sky's better at flying than she is at Landing let's turn her around all right sky are you ready to join the other pups you bet it's our water pup Zuma Zuma is orange Zuma are you ready to go let's dive in ready set get wet all right Zuma time to go join the other pups and wait for the last pup to join the Rescue all right kids we've got one last vehicle and one last pup this is a jeep that goes in the jungle it's white with dark green this is tracker if you don't know who he is he's the newest member of the Paw Patrol and he is from the jungle so that matches our jungle Jeep and he's got dark green as well are you ready to go help rescue I'm all all ears all right tracker let's go great job guys let's send tracker off to join the rest of the pups all right pups let's rescue Peppa hey what's that [Music] noise Hey look it's a paw patroller and it's Robo dog Robo dog Robo dog wow kids look we have room for 1 2 3 4 5 and six pups that means we need to send two pups ahead all right sky and Marshall I need you guys to go ahead and rescue Peppa and her family we'll load up on the Paw patroller to deal with the dragon you got it Ryder hey wait up all right let's load up the rest of the pups Here Comes Chase and his blue police [Music] cruiser here we go is right on top now for Rocky in his cool green recycling [Music] truck let's put him here Zuma's propellers can go here and here he comes now he can go here now for tracker and here comes Rubble on this Dozer and finally every owner snowmobile wow look everyone our pups are loaded and ready to [Music] [Applause] go uh-oh we better hurry let's close it [Music] up and put Ryder and Robo dog up front and send them off [Applause] quick pepp it and Candy jump in my basket just in time hurry [Music] candy now hide with Emily Elephant in the castle Peppa come on close it close it Here Comes Marshall everyone climb inside my fire truck you got it [Music] Marshall thanks just in time daddy pig you too here I [Music] come I'm too big Skye you helped Daddy Pig hide over here behind my helicopter there do you think he sees me oh my look guys it's the rest of the pups here they all [Music] come Chase and tracker I need you guys to distract the dragon while Rocky and rubble go save daddy pig you got it Rider we're on it look at me look over [Music] here look at me you big meanie Rocky now while he's distracted hurry daddy pig climb inside in a trash truck all [Music] right it seems I need a little help getting inside I'll give you a lift great thinking Rubble Everest we need to find a way to get the dragon the drop George pig and Zuma go get captain turbet he might be able to help hey Dragon check this [Music] out quick George hop [Music] on great job Everest George get the safety now I'm back and I brought captain turbet so you have a dragon problem yeah what should we do perhaps the delirium is caused by deficient Delectables what huh say what that is maybe he's hungry Rubble I need your help Rubble on the double get me as close as you can now pull the lever to lift me up nice dragon here you go the dragon he's asleep I made added a little trip that is to say sleeping medicine what a great idea quick while he's asleep I brought something else it's my own homemade shrinking concoction you did it the dragon's small and friendly I'm sorry guys I was just trying to play Dragon oh dear
Channel: Genevieve's Playhouse - Learning Videos for Kids
Views: 142,338,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn colors, paw patrol, rescue, peppa pig, kids learning video, kid learning, learning, colors, toy movie, for kids, kids, toys, play, fun, ryder, chase, marshall, everest, skye, rubble, rocky, zuma, robo dog, paw patrol for kids, adventure, toy skit, pawpatrol, tracker, paw, toddler learning video, learn colors for toddlers, toddlers, toddler learning, for toddlers, toddler videos, paw patrol toy movie
Id: C_881Lucou0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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