Sleeping Beauty | Free Fantasy Adventure Movie | Full Movie | Free English Subtitles | The Asylum

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] once upon a time there was a king and queen who had a very beautiful baby girl they asked all of the fairies in the Kingdom of Olivet to come and bestow blessings upon the child but unfortunately they forgot to invite one of them it's going to look awfully silly if we can't come up with a name by the time you have to make the announcement look the kingdom will rise like the dawn for her perfect then that is what she shall be named finally an heir for my kingdom to carry our wishes and our dreams into the future youve made me so very very happy as you have me my love but she will have your courage and your kindness and she shall have your beauty and stubbornness this is a moment of great celebration for Oleta nothing could spoil this day Lords ladies enchantresses from the Three Kingdoms fair and Beautiful People of Oleta we have invited you here today to celebrate the lineage of this Fair Kingdom please come and welcome our first born and Heir Princess Dawn [Music] may you find true love ever [Music] more your heart will always lead you to the truth may happiness and love guide you all the way what's this a party I was not invited to Queen Violet King David I am slighted by your exception Queen tambria We meant you no offense we sent Heralds into the lands to announce the birth of our child I heard nothing perhaps due to the inaccessibility of your Abode my Abode is where you shoved me in the corner of your realm might I remind You Queen tambria when your kingdom was demolished we harbored you out of the kindness of our hearts I only am here to bestow a gift upon the child you [Music] may dear sweet beautiful child my gift to you is this by your 16th birthday you will receive a prick by a spindle and in payment for your parents offense you shall die you evil putrid Soul a curse that has been done cannot be erased and so I cast a spell upon her grace until a prince does play his part and come to her pure of heart she shall lie in protected sleep until true love's kiss with passion deep the kingdom Too Shall sleep as well until this kiss doth break the spell you poultry little nymph as everyone here Slumbers I will take over the kingdom and it will be mine and as for you tambria death and destruction will be your only companion that which you covered will become overgrown and your power will be subject to this one Throne kill it stop tambria we're not through with you but I am through with you don't you know that my power is so much more glorious than yours and you shall see now you'll pay for your betrayal you shall remain in this Kingdom alone for as long as a SP is in place I will no longer be slighted and you shall all rocked in hell [Music] to prevent the evil curse from ever coming true the king ordered all spindles to be collected and burned until not a single one was left in the Kingdom of oliveta please mama can't you make me a cloak for winter you know you mustn't ask such things the king also ordered a wall to be built around the castle and Princess Dawn was to be locked away for her own protection in the ivy Tower until her 16th birthday came to [Music] pass come in mother my dear girl you're so excitable I apologize but my 16th year is almost upon us and I cannot wait to get out of my chamber will there be a large party tonight yes and will everyone in the Kingdom be there of course even the boy who brings in the bread every day tell me about him I see him from my window to the kitchen you today has he seen you he's quite handsome is he now perhaps I could meet him someday perhaps you can in the meantime you should keep up your studies no one likes an unwise princess of course mother I have so much to prepare I can hardly contain myself so excitable Dawn you are the most precious thing to me in the whole [Music] world I promise tonight when the Moon Rises and you have not been pricked we will celebrate [Music] it they say that only true love will break the spell but I can only hope that the coast never Finds Its [Music] place to my prince this St shall fly [Music] and when when the moon finally rose on Dawn's 16th birthday breaking the curse there were celebrations throughout the [Music] kingdom are you ready my dear the party awaits I'm a little afraid do not be afraid my love they're going to love you just as we love you I just can't believe it I waited my whole life now I'm finally free yes you are you'll never have to wait again [Music] may I have this dance princess I don't ask your mother of course you have our [Music] permission you know that boy no my king perhaps he's one of the night's men perhaps I have a present for you you do that's so very [Music] kind not here [Music] come it's been so very long since I've seen the sky above my head I just realized what I've never seen the sky above my head it's so very very beautiful that's not the only thing that is beautiful my present perhaps it's not fit for a princess of your beauty but I've worked on it for so very long go ahead open it I've never seen anything like it however did you make something so beautiful promise not to tell of course how could I betray The Giver of such a beautiful gift I made it with this what is it it's a spindle but of course you can't touch it have you seen Dawn she's fine it is past the full moon the curse is no more humor me please one last time for you my love of course I mean you're not supposed to to just pindle why not that silly o spell is no more I'm past my 16th birthday let me see it's harmless oh no you stupid little girl I mean you're not supposed to touch a SP the eagerness of Youth don't you know that once a spell is cast it cannot be broken your impatience and impetuousness has not served you and as for your dear Mother and Father well I hope they sleep tight tonight oh no this can't be happening my de is king and queen your child is fast asleep get away from her and soon so shall you be the moon is full or so it seems only a few days shy of dawn 16th I'm sorry that I had to conjur up the inevitable but I had to make sure that I got my kingdom and now I shall rule it for many many years to [Music] come lost that poultry little nymph [Music] ah a thousand curses to you fairies the curse and the counter spell now in place all of Oleta fell into a deep deep Slumber and the evil tambria was left alone to rule a sleeping Kingdom my father won't leave me his kingdom unless I find a wife and sire an heir you come here Prince Jason has displeased the King again I didn't quite learn my lesson this morning oops take the prince's punishment you PC dog [Music] again oh stop don't whip him like an old woman do it like this he must learn his lesson I'll take your punishment but not from you s the Future King should not deal out his own punishment fine i' have gruna do it instead whip him as if you were [Music] me enough enough faroh you may leave and you Cheo to oh wine I want wine one of you get me [Music] [Applause] wine if you read this please do know we iy will begin to grow along my walls and up my Spire only with a kiss will it [Music] retire [Music] perrow you're up early what's that you have there I I found these notes in the nest look I'll make a map indeed who do you think wrote it there can only be one he can only be the words of the Sleeping Beauty who's that when Princess Dorne of Oleta was born an evil witch but a curse upon her that by her 16th year she would prick her finger and die good fairies cost a spell of their own so that instead of dying she fell into a deep Slumber no one could wake her the legend has it that the people of the Kingdom fell into the same deep Slumber no one has gone to that Kingdom and returned it is a place of great evil so the legend tells where is this Kingdom it's not far from here just beyond those mountains all the people of linsk nerve this Legend people say that magic and spells are just for children you seem so very sad in her notes Barrow the prince requires your services what is this it's nothing just a map of some sort it's just something to fill the time I don't have enough to do this seems to have taken up much of your time this uh writing what does it mean the small little musings of an idle mind pay no attention I'll let you know what I pay attention and what I don't pay attention to I leave you alone for two seconds and you come running down to the yard like boys what's this it's just something I discovered something you discovered tutor what does it say my sleep will end when a prince bestows upon my lips a kiss and the curse will end and my kingdom will through that Prince shift H what does it mean it means my Lord that the Sleeping Beauty princess daor will wake and her kingdom will pass to the prince who has bested upon her the true love's kiss Kingdom of my very own good away is not so easy my Lord there is evil those who go to that kingdom do not return the dark queen within the castle walls commands dark Forces that protect that Sleeping Princess and the castle treasure you speak to me about kingdoms and treasure and expect me a prince to care about an old lady and her unseen forces do you think we could take this Kingdom that I could be king of my very own anything is possible my Lord gruna my Lord PR the horses we're off to get me a kingdom yes my [Music] Lord Haro you're coming too my Lord he's but your Whipping Boy what help could it be to you do you dare to question me no my Lord good you're coming [Music] [Music] too oh which way into the kingdom well I don't know my leash I need my map back first says here the evil queen built a wall around the castle to keep people out again with the evil queen a wall is of no concern we'll just climb over it you're a good climber aren't you we just take over the castle Legend's true everyone would be sleeping makes perfect sense to me brother it says here that if we go near the castle we're in great Danger get to the rear boy [Music] [Music] how are we supposed to get across there what does the map say doesn't say anything look boat oh that's strange get on with it Barrow it's all far too easy come on gruner don't be such a nambi pambi what's the matter grer afraid to get your feet wet I think you're scared of boats too I think he's afraid of the water judging by the smell of them I'd say they're all afraid of the water come on let's move come on Old Man what was that oh we really got him going now did you feel that I did we probably just ran the ground we should roll faster there it is oh that's just a fish [Applause] help me someone that's the Bo get off the boat come on man get [Music] out I told you it wasn't safe there's no turning back now did you see what happened to Frederick did you see it you did this shut up I told you it wasn't safe should have listened to gruna my Lord which way now my Lord AR follow me you don't leave you point follow me we'll keep moving was that thing you can't see what to expect us to go on Frederick's dead I told you it was part of the curse what's that you gruna how do you know of this curse why didn't you say anything sooner my grandfather was a knight he told my father a story who told me that within the walls of oliveta the Dead Walk while the living sleep the whole kingdom is besought with a curse why did you not say anything I never thought to pay much attention what does he mean means we're all walking towards our own death all right men let's search for a way in I wouldn't much want a kingdom like this why no one asked you my lord there's some kind of force surrounding the castle we can't get in any of the doors or Windows I've never seen anything like this no one has this is tambria Magic another warning you should rest here my Lord nonsense we'll rest once I am inside my castle look there's something there in the Wolves what is that something Unholy from time to time many sons of kings came and tried to force their way through but they were caught and there they died a lamentable death look up there an open window well my Lord are we going up I think it would be wise to let the men rest we'll make Camp over here tonight very well we'll keep watching before that we should have Barrow tested out for us see if he can go up and down without facing what was it you said oh yes a lamentable death as you wish hey this is a bad bad place maybe we should go back go back you mean over the lake then we camp I don't want to stay here there must be another way out look little brother we'll be all right the worst part's over inside that castle there will be unknown riches and treasure and once we're inside it'll all be ours but we die what did this lady poet of yours say the wall is high you're sure to die doesn't look too bad it just be like climbing a wall back home a little bit further Barrow what can you see is this an empty room go inside secure the Rope we'll head in tomorrow no lamentable death today okay heads up sh what are you a ghoul or a boy I don't know what you think you are but my name is n look these men are thieves and rapists you shouldn't be here and I could say the same for you this is no place for a heavy set men who'd rather drink and lay down women this is a dangerous place so we've seen what are you doing here what are you a fugitive or a thief in your own right we so to horrible King starved kicked and set out with the dogs so one day left and how did you get in there I climbed for 2 days and now I can't get out we took the lake you don't understand once inside the cursed Kingdom of Oleta the live don't leave listen you're not safe here you should stick with us big threshing junkard on the ground no thanks what was that noise I think it was the kingdom saying we're not welcome I'll have no such insolence in my ranks now go and get the men some food and a first light the prince wants to see if there's another way in the simpler way move Arrow yes treasure in this Castle must be great for all this bother well she is of course very beautiful as Legend has it talking about the actual treasure not the princess day or whatever her name is Dawn my leash your future princess's name is daor I know don't correct me what else do you know about her she's a wonderful writer has great penmanship many people say she's one of the brightest Minds in the Three Kingdoms enough once she's birth me a couple of airs she won't have time for such silliness of course SM Le men wake up up up let us secure the grounds and then we'll take my castle we have visitors throw open the gates in their honor perhaps they would like to meet some of the king and queen's Family Kingdom is V My Le well Barrow how vast is my kingdom it doesn't say my Lord but it's bigger than lip scum right I believe so what does it say about this bridge it's not on the map it's not on the map could be a trap I do not need the opinion of a tutor when I am to be king yes your majesty my lord they're wasting our time bar there are things I need to explain to you first you are indeed becoming all that you could be there is more what is that the undead my Lord they walk run run go go go go go go go go come on come on come ER I'm not leaving you we have to go ER we have to go come on this I'm not leaving you now to the wall you go first no you first no you I'm going Willam Jacob potential future can't fight you coward go stop look we need to go back and save ear he's gone get up the wall [Music] go [Music] don't look down what are those things the dead my lord it's the curse this is all your fault you showed us the bridge you were reading them out so what do we do now the whole place is sealed it's impenetrable the upstairs is completely BL lot and the undead are down below if we open that up and we suffer the same fate the only way out is the way we came in we need a [Music] distraction [Music] take me up pull me up wait they've made it to the castle walls do you know these people DOR [Music] you should have done this earlier brother you're telling me my Lord what are we do about him leave him let him cover us from down there help let me up what are you doing here told not to come to the castle look that doesn't matter what do I do about these things below he used the tunnels and the passageways but you don't want to enter this castle and where are they right above your head okay thank you you shouldn't thank me for showing the way to your death where are you going you're not coming I'm not L myself with those men they're too callous they're going to be slaughtered like cows listen they're soldiers I wouldn't worry about them none of that matters this is tamba's Kingdom you know her I know of her but she knows not of me I am sure of that we can't stay here then where do we go we don't have the map it's with Barrow gruna let go and get him let me help you out I found a way in alert the prince what's that bird they've entered the castle walls have they you know you're lucky We rescued you Barrow did you hear something I have a bad feeling about this brother head tighten up stay close [Applause] surrounded hit them under the [Music] helmet [Music] [Music] good job [Music] man is everyone all right good job move Barrow time to plunder our treasure and claim my [Music] kingdom phoh come join [Music] us well if they think that they can kill some of my pets then I'll have to use something stronger tread carefully man be cautious this queen she really seems to Fancy the decorations of the Dead bar what do you know of this I suspect more Undead Bruna take this it's true all the stories are true let's go winch fancy a dance you dance like a dog all right don't worry darling this will only hurt for a moment stand down brother willhelm does it best leave her be watch your do enough once we kill the Witch and I have kissed the princess you can have all the girls you want now move my prince it's your treasure our spoilers a waitting it's a trap why would tambria leave this treasure unguarded we've yet to see this tambria just her monster and her ghouls have been a nuisance gruna she's behind all this evil my leash I know let me go first this is my kingdom Arrow go fetch my treasure careful [Music] Barrow hurry up Arrow bring me my treasure perhaps it's best if you rest the castle first save the treasure till afterwards don't have time for those boys in he has a point my Lord the treasure will weigh us down why don't we secure the castle and it if I wanted your opinion i' ask for it work my le F the treasure myself come on help me what was that I felt something what that was it again get to the [Music] stairs wait the prince it took the prince look we have to go back this was a trap we'll be dead if we go looking for him blindly this is all your fault you L us here you told us to come here one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now because I've got the map forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm the only one that can read it unless you can read and if you can then maybe you should go and save The Prince and the princess men ready your swords we're going back in stay close Barrow you take the lead okay follow me okay this is where he went down anyone to see anything there's nothing over here okay there's a tunnel through here you must have G that way the prince is dead watch your tongue [Music] that's it we are not following Barrow anymore we're leaving what' your prince say huh he's as good as dead I took you for soldiers not common Farm hands scared of Legend and law that thing is no mere Legend we must leave frightened no the prince will be angry if we leave you wouldn't want to be on the end of a beating now would you I'm with you good follow me don't think this raises your position it came from that direction it's one of the undead attack my wait it's fine it's fine I know her who and what is this little twig a lot of you are in deeper trouble now this is n she's one of the only other things living in these hallways that monster is a conure of all those Evil Within tambria it knows you're here now you have't a chance to make it out of this Cal alive unless you leave now abandon your your friend and flee you know we can't do that the prince is the only one that can save the princess again with the prince do you think that monster cares who we eats and rips from limb to limb he cares not save yourselves we can't then may the heavens be with you because you won't make it out of this Castle alive where did she [Music] go quick my grandfather told me a many tales of battles like this r one stand [Music] [Music] firm [Music] I'll be fine I'll be I'll be fine I'll be fine Jacob remember when we were little I used to pick on you so much kill my brother and let him go let's keep moving you're sitting in the King's throne and I've just laid out a lovely Feast for such an illustrious guest the prince of lipsc I knew your great grandfather yes I remember remember him well a brute of a man not terribly affectionate though I suppose that's passed down in your lineage he turned me away when my kingdom was destroyed have you ever thought what it might be like to have a kingdom destroyed they slit my husband's throat open like a pig and then they burned my children alive in front of me I wonder what the current king of lipcon would think if I sent his son's head back on a [Music] stick I'm sorry if he's likeing you I am sorry if he slighted you I am not like my father or his father before him you saw what happened back there there's no way we can survive this place look the prince is the only one that can break the curse it's doubtful that he's still alive listen you can either stay here and be a coward or we can move forward and fight it's your call I'd rather have my brother's life back I'm sorry for your loss we cannot allow your brother's death to be in vain come Jacob continue to fight [Music] working time them you fight well for a Whipping Boy you fight well for a spe hold on I just saw my life flashed before my eyes the undead are using the passageway systems too I don't want to be inside the castle anymore look you can stay here but I'm going this [Music] way [Music] which way I think it's best if we split up I'll go with you no you need to stay with Jacob good luck yeah [Applause] r burn in [Applause] hell it was right we're never going to make it out of here alive I was thinking the same thing what happened a cursed Journey from the beginning so what do we do now thank you I think nothing of it this is no place to hold a man to lower rank you've done well despite the fact that neither of us will make it out alive we're dead men if we stay here we're dead already there two of us against Untold numbers of monsters in the undead if n can do it if if she can survive then so can we it is indeed the duty of the Knight to never refuse a challenge set by an equal do you have an idea actually I do [Music] are these your men who tortured my minions I know not I will take care of this my leash we're here to save you Barrow gruna you're alive that we are for now at least we'll get you out of [Applause] here it doesn't matter how many you kill there are Untold minions I have infinite armies at my back and Court whenever I so wish for those who rest and those who lie I ask ask ye recent all thee who have died rise up again and walk the earth thank you you penetrated alletta you broke the gate unleashing my Undead into the Three Kingdoms no no see for yourself ah a family reunion of sorts what is wrong with you my ghouls will make sure that each and every person will bow down to me nowhere and no one we'll be safe Dawn please don't hurt her just give her to me I I'll take her far away you can have your kingdom just please give her to me Prince Jason can you hear your friend here he wants the princess all to himself he never did know his true position in life what should we do with him leave him tied up he'll deal with him once we take care of no what's happened to you bite your tongue Barrow especially when you're talking in front of my queen what about Dawn what about your quest for the kingdom you'll never be a prince Barrow you I Whipping Boy that is is all you are and all you will ever be in this Kingdom and the next why should I have one Kingdom when I can have three with tambria besides my father would never bequeath me his kingdom so I've decided to do things my way this is my way can we get on with this please and kill her I need to see how deep your loyalty lies which one of your friends would you like to kill first I would suggest you kill The Whipping Boy B what evil has she perpetrated on a prince believe me I think it's always been his nature we'll never get out of here especially not in time to save the princess n oh thank heaven you should say that Still's good as dead the good news is the princess isn't yet do you know the princess of course how would I not could you take us to her take her to your death I suppose I could feel like I think she's up ahead this way what do you mean you don't know where she is I've never been this way before come F stay [Music] back you betrayed me I was just to save myself didn't seem like it what was I supposed to do throw myself on my sword as a sacrifice Tamriel was going to kill me doesn't sound like a bad right there good men have died underneath your honor and now you switch allegiances you are a [Music] coward you betrayed dor I was never going to kill [Music] daor how can I trust you you have to [Music] Arrow [Applause] [Music] I am sorry there was no other way he doed to kiss the princess and kill tambria I'll be your backup no you should save yourself here take this this is my Crest you should go somewhere where no one knows you as a Whipping Boy when my father took your father's Kingdom he took away your Birthright I'm giving it back at least I can face this like a man [Music] [Music] you've returned perhaps you're more of a man than I thought perhaps I am if I'm to spend an eternity with someone I need to know that they're going to be by my side you don't get anything until you kill da you see my armies are out there conquering and I can't enjoy it because I'm stuck in here I need you to kill [Music] her oh she's beautiful is that what you going to to say she's also about to be very dead of course I just didn't stoping I need you to kill her why me I've tried to kill her a thousand times but every time I get close I get pulled back it's part of the little fairy's curse [Music] oh look how [Music] sweet you're trying to wake her with a kiss but don't you know that only a prince with a pure heart can do that wake up and it's obvious which one you [Music] are oh it's so hard to try and be a man and you were so close you'll never get away with this how do you know what I'm capable of bring me the Bold one I want to play with his [Music] head n you're still alive of course I'm here to lead you to the princess let's go if you kill the princess you will have your own kingdom not a very big Kingdom but a kingdom nonetheless and I will be eternally grateful what would you have me do just stab her through the heart I don't want to take any chances and you will have whatever your heart desires [Music] what if I don't then I will rip your head off [Music] [Music] for [Music] why can't any of you just kill her get back you think you can challenge me you've got nothing against me you think you're going to save the prin princess I've got a gift for you hand of evil hand of Fate those just killed regenerate they recru to you when you were alive be interesting to see how they treat you now what have you done my leash listen to me I know there's good in your heart please just listen within oh you think he's got good in his heart H looks pretty heartless to me what do you think do you have Love in Your Heart what do you think I think not I feel sorry for you sorry for me you're sad I can see it in your eyes for the rest of your life you will know never understand true love are you still hungry hungry eat eat finish him [Music] off [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank God you're alive I never thought I'd see you [Music] again tabria I'm not done with you [Music] I've defeated your dead your WS your monsters not all of [Music] them there it's done release very well be gone I Surrender I cannot carry this weight any longer I have nothing left princess is yours [Music] [Music] awakener love does conqu look out you [Music] liar he's dead you said that love conquers all and child it has but I sted with the blood of my people all that has perished at the hands of the vile and the cruel Rise Up from the depths of the Tomb and walk this place serve my power avenge my blood and give me Grace Revenge my blood L if you don't pick up that sword and St that Sleeping Beauty in the Heart Barrow will eat you come come all of you go to her go [Music] no [Music] no oh you poor creature you you kissed me thank you [Music] here if you think that you can ruin this glorious future that I have conjured up these last 100 years but since you're not asleep anymore then I can kill you stay back there is no way to speak to my princess t tambria you're no longer welcome here leave Queen tambria you're henceforth banished from my kingdom it is my [Music] kingdom [Music] [Music] Thomas you might want to come in my lady the party is about to begin moment just thinking of things long [Music] ago [Music] [Music] Lords and Ladies the Princess [Applause] Dawn I remember the story of a day much like this I was so young you still are I'm 100 years you Senor give or take are you ready I can hardly contain myself ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming to the celebration of the birth of our first daughter day come bestore your blessings upon her may you always be fair and they lived happily ever [Music] after or perhaps not I would like to bestow a gift upon the child when you first kissed me my world was woken I called on the night and pray the spell would be [Music] broken Stars the mysteries of time the heavens had whis and your name was [Music] spoken somehow I known you all through my life time could not keep up [Music] aart [Music] forever when my eyes open my life had no meaning you are the answer and now I'm no long dreaming [Music] you for pure love your journey is is our life's beginning always loved you with heart and [Music] soul now both our hearts be as one [Music] together the only time I'll sleep again is in your warm embrace but now my world has come alive again there's so much more to face I owe you my everything my world I all for you I my soul I'll give my every breath oh Life Begins of you [Music] forever [Music] together
Channel: The Asylum Movie Channel
Views: 325,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2023 Movies, Action Movies, Asylum Movies, Blockbuster Movies, Disaster Movies, Full Asylum Movies, Full Free Movies, Full Movies, Full Sci-Fi Movies, Hollywood Movies, Mockbuster Movies, Shark Movies, Sharknado, Syfy Channel, The Asylum, YouTube Movies, Z Nation, movie, action, drama, free movie, full movie, the asylum, disaster movie, B-grade, adventure movie, thriller, full hd, adventure, Full Movie, Avatar, sleeping beauty
Id: 8eOBul-ty_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 49sec (5329 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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