Grim Rolls - How To Make Drizzt Do'Urden in Baldur's Gate 3!

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how's it going radical viewers Grim Gaddy right back into it with something different a new series of rolling out characters in balers Gate 3 which has uh recently become my super fixation as this has been probably the most fantastic virtual Dungeons and Dragons 5D experience I've ever laid my hands on everything from the characters the plot the character creation classes mechanics the lore it's all there it's all Dungeons and Dragons and it's all fantastic so without further Ado we're going to be starting off this wonderful new series with one of Fun's most celebrated and well-known Heroes the under elf with a sense of self dritz ston of menzo brenon for your convenience I also have time stamps Down Below in the description of the video for those who just want to jump into the meat and potatoes of stats and a level guide but those who wish to know more hey stay tuned as we speak on one of the most well-known and legendary Rangers of the sword [Music] Coast dritz do erden born as third son of matr malice faced Peril the moment he was brought into this world as he was due to be sacrificed as was tradition under wol the Spider Queen however be it ill fortune or Grim fate is like was spared due to fratricide within his family during the moments of his birth making him not the third but the second son of house dordan dritz spent a lot of his young life as most noble male Dr do being whipped beaten and bered belittled as was tradition within Dr Society soon coming to age to learn from the weapon master of house dordon quickly finding himself not just competent but a prodigy with twin blades which would go on to become his chosen combat Style years would pass and dritz would become a young man of a Dr who drew the ey and envy of his peers soaring to the heights of melee MCV incompetent within the school of sorcer there is one nagging feeling however that would never leave drz's thoughts and that was how cruel his kins folk were so much it Disturbed him to know he may be doomed to very similar ideals until due to another stroke of fate or luck he found himself with an opportunity few drought would consider any serious thought fewer would attempt and even less would survive and that was escape with a trusty astral Panther he befriended 10 years of surviving the underdark and a tenacity unrivaled he soon found himself up on the surface World finding himself turned away if Lucky and outright attacked when not there was little sucker and soulless to be found at first for DRZ until a chance meeting with an old blind Ranger and introduction to the ideals of Maliki began his path of becoming a ranger himself to say more than this would begin to spoil a long and very enjoyable book series I personally would recommend for those who enjoy a good fantasy Dungeons and Dragons or simply wish to know why this dark elf has so much attention lore and copycats written down on character sheets myself included so without further Ado let's move on to our stats at level one now starting off with the character creation it's as simple as first selecting custom male body type 2 simple as that going to erase D Eren is a dark elf also known as a Dr Argo we're going to go ahead and just select Dr with Dr you get a number of things many which aren't even listed here you actually get a selection of spells as you level up fairy fire darkness and they become all but essential to some of the play style I've ended up incorporating into my own DRZ build you also get perception skill proficiency which is just handy no matter what dry weapon training proficiency with rapers short swords and hand crossbows you're not really going to see a whole lot of use out of that and ultimately the classes we're going to pick it's not even going to matter you'll have proficiency with just about everything Superior dark vision can see in the dark up to 80 ft this is situational but still very welcomed everyone loves to scream I have dark vision whenever they enter dark room Bay ancestry having advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and Magic can't put you to sleep this actually has come in handy a few times in my playthroughs with my dritz knockoff I'm not going to lie yeah I all but swear by L's for utility purposes and character Creations now as to what kind of Dr we are drist Erin was born as a l sworn Dr I say born but it wasn't long before he quickly found that he did not line up with the same ideals as his dark skined brothers sisters cousins family and kin folk so we're going to go with the seldarine Dr I love this because you get all the benefits of being a dark elf in the game with all the dialogue options with a few new added ones to kind of point out hey we're not all like that not all us are slavers are going to whip you and carve the meat off your bones or anything like that just for saying something unkind to us now for classes this is going to be an absurd bit of a multiclassing we're going to start off first and foremost with fighter as drit Stan's formative ERS are filled with combat training by his father Zack neane the weapon Master of the do erden house with this we get second wind which is a nice kind of emergency heal for when we're out of health potions are cleric out spell slots strength and con saving throw proficiencies they are what they are they're useful when they're used and more often than not we kind of wish we had a few others you also get simple and Marshall weapon proficiency so you can use anything light medium heavy armor proficiency and shield proficiency if it's a weapon armor or Shield you can use [Music] it for fighting style I like to start off with defense this helps increase our survivability a little bit as well as kind of just being a beautiful benefit all the way to endgame plus one Armor class is nothing to shrug at that said if you prefer to go more of a damage dealing dpsing you can't start off with two weapon fighting just to get an ability modifier on your offhand weapon attacks which will put out more damage in the beginning but do bear in mind you may not end up keeping this you may very well end up respecting this down the line and removing it completely as we can find armor and bracers that will give us this feature as for background dto throughout his entire life has been many things he has been a surface Raider for the Dr back when he was with them he's been a ranger he's been a guide he's been a caravan guard he's been just about anything he's even been a sailor and a pirate Hunter and his Legend grows more and more as the years become decades and decades become centuries and fyon for this reason alone I go with furo if you're going for a classic good drz's a paladin not Paladin playr folk hero will get you the most bang for your buck when it comes to inspiration as you'll be constantly saving [Music] people for the ability scores we're going to go ahead and knock strength down to its most base level we're going to jack our dexterity and our constitution we're going to put our plus two into dexterity we're going to put our plus one into wisdom and by the end of all your stat should look as thus eight and strength 17 in deck 14 in con 10 in intelligence 14 in wisdom and 12 in Charisma the reason why I have this dexterity at 17 I'll have them all even numbers is simply because you quickly find a lot of permanent stat boosts in the game pretty early on in fact and having an uneven number for your stat isn't NE so the end of the world I find in fact if anything you almost want them everywhere because you never know what you want to fill in with whatever little potion you happen to bargain some poor soul out of or manag to convince some horrible Aber barent creature to spare its life and gives you a very particular Boon or gift it's Dungeons and Dragons anything can happen for our starting skills we're going to put a point into acrobatics as is one thing Dr uran is it's impeccably balanced he's been told to have perfect balance and given his entire life and constantly wielding two scimitars and attacking with such a Grace and a speed is unmatched acrobatics fits the bill for what we're building here for a second we're going to put it into Insight it was one thing dritz learns pretty quick it's how to read people and how to read a room Insight makes sense and in the game it makes some interesting conversations happen moving on to appearance voice is mostly Dealers Choice as there isn't necessarily a recorded known voice for drits there have been many voice actors who have voed drits throughout the years from various games such as dark Alliance and the like however we don't really have a set voice for drits so it's really just up to your own personal interpretation I stick with one it sounds good to me it seems fine for the head we're going to go for option five here which I like because it may not have the angular features I would want out of what I would normally associate with a beautiful male Dr it is a handsome and rugged looking Dr with a strong chin not quite the direction I wanted to go with this but I will say it works for skin color I constantly find myself at odds with a variety of colors I do like ashtone 9 it's kind of that nice darker purple that if need be we can actually lighten up kind of match what I'm thinking of for drz's actual skin color as the way it's described or even depicted in books changes throughout the years it gets kind of absurd but falling into one of the higher end Ash tones or even some lighter Wisteria [Music] tones all will then Creedence to your dress D me personally I like ashtone 7 for this particular moment it's what's singing out to me maturity Freckle quantity Freckle intensity bit of Lio pigmentation heterochromia yeah we're not going to need any of that for eye color most dark eles when they're born in fact the majority of them are born with red eyes this is the common trait among them I find dris ER though when he was born he was something of an aberration as his eyes were rather light but also deep and almost hypnotic kind of lavender and purple and thus that's why I'm so happy we actually have Dr purples as options no tattoos we are given an eye makeup style R the gate though this can be removed or changed depending on how you're feeling about it I will say that the eye makeup actually lends quite a bit of character to look but it doesn't need too awful much makeup color lip tint scarring none of that for the hairstyle many options are available the one I appreciate the most however for this particular look is the Rover's tumble it's nice it's long it's flowy and it sings Dr Duran to me and finally we have to give our Dr his proper name and there we go you need a guardian choose one as for the guardian I kind of leave that up to player interpretation me personally I actually recreated what I think caddy bre would kind of look like in this game for this but by all means use your own judgment and discretion who knows who your drits might kind of casually see as a possible friend Ally or potential lover and depending where you are in the book series I mean it's actually kind of likely but we're not going to do anything for this now as for the rest of the levels we're going to throw on a drrio UR again we're going to stick with fighter basically for the first four possibly levels if you really feel like you need the extra attack because even after we get four levels of fighter down we are not even going to be touching Ranger until we get at least two levels of Barbarian with Level Two fighter you of course get action surge which is fantastic and I feel is a perfect mimicry so to speak of drist eran's ridiculous speed with his twin scimitars at fire level three we can pick up a specialization another hit point increase and for this it's interesting it really kind of depends on how you want to play dritz if you kind of just want to mindlessly car through things with twin cimitar Champion you can't go wrong with improve Critical Hits which lets you crit on 19s instead of 20s this happens way more often than you give it credit for I promise and there's some interesting swords that actually work really well off of that and even add to it but if you want some more versatility in your drift and build Battlemaster will grant you that utility it will make your attacks be able to do far more than just flat out damage as well as increasing the damage as for which Maneuvers to pick honestly I will mostly leave that up to dealer's choice I personally think trip attack is a godsend from time to time menacing attack does wonders and repost is just hilarious because honestly I don't use my reactions enough the thought of something missing me because I just carried him and I just stab him with a scimitar feels very Dr Ting to me along with this because we're a Dr we also manage to pick a drought magic fairy fire which comes in handy a lot and dritz does use a lot in the AR salvator novels fire level four we're going to pick up a hit point increase as well as an ability score Improvement and for this we're just going to jack it straight into [Music] decks [Music] this is where things can get interesting you can go to fire level 5 if you really need the extra attack I all but recommend it or this is where we can start our multic classing first we're going to take two levels in Barbarian Dr spend some time by himself in the under dark in Exile and he grows a little bit feral to the point where he actually adopts a new persona he nicknames the Hunter and to simulate this we're going to take these next two levels in barbari at level five as well we pick up Darkness from being a Dr which is a fantastic spell that gets used a lot by Dr D as well at level six we're going to continue getting Barbarian this will get us dangerous sense which gets us advantage on dexterity saving throws against trapped spells and surfaces which is fantastic and mimics his perfect sense of balance and his usual attentiveness in most dangerous situations along with this we also get Reckless Attack Just just being able to toggle on advantage on attack rolls sometimes can be a godsend if you just need to burst that damage out Grant to Advantage to your enemies is not that great but you can get your AC to some ridiculous numbers pretty quick even with a build like this so it's not too awful much to worry about but when things do hit you it might hurt a little and this Barbarian couple of levels might help mitigate that damage a touch seven we're finally going to start taking some levels in Ranger with this we get a favorite enemy rout of the gate I go with keeper to the veil because one of the first things dritz finds himself constantly contending with is a lot of demons extra planer beings fiends and all sorts of whatnot keeper the veil fits perfectly into this and it grants us an extra proficiency and Arcana as well as a spell protection from evil and good which comes in handy more often than you will give it credit it along with this we also gain natural Explorer with this I recommend Urban tracker simply for the Proficiency in slight of hand which will allow your dzer knockoff here to be able to pick locks not quite as good as a stering can or any other Rogue but at least be competent at it later on we are going to get enough levels so we can pick up a second one of these and for that we're going to pick up Wasteland Wanderer cold I bring this up because I've only managed to get this tune up to level 10 as I have not even beaten the game yet we also gain extra skill proficiency with this obviously I would pick stealth for the simple fact that Dr ER is very very stealthy he's almost like a combination of a ninja and a paladin it's a little frightening oh and basically Batman later on when he suddenly starts kicking tables in half at level seven we're once again to take another level in Ranger honestly we're just going to stick with Ranger for the rest of the entirety of his leveling for the Spells we pick up at this level I actually recommend enhanced leap which utilitywise I can't ask for anything better I find too many jumps where I really wish I would have dritz in the lead and he can't quite make them because we kind of dumped his strength stat and enhanced Le being that it's a ritual spell comes in handy as that'll be the only time I really end up finding myself using it there have been some combat scenarios where it has come in handy but they're few and far between along with long Strider which grants us 10 extra movement speed this in itself can also be a godsend it's also a ritual spell and once you get second level spell slots you can start casting on two people at once which is amazing because it does not require concentration and it will stick with you until you have a long rest and now we get a second fighting style this is fantastic see as how we already have defense from fighter we can pick up two weapon fighting do know that later on you may end up having to Respec out of this as there would be a pair of bracers which I'm oddly enough currently wearing which will also Grant you this fighting style kind of making it redundant so instead what we're going to pick up is archery being a ranger and being an elf it wouldn't really do him much Justice if you couldn't shoot a bow with any decent competency and finally Ranger level three we finally get to pick our specialization this is a fantastic point where I occasionally get into arguments over just what specialization fits dress the best for the Spells however before we get into all that I would recommend Hunter Mark simply because your damage if you stick with twin SARS will not be great you're constant going to be out of damaged pretty quick and pretty early on as magical scimitars usually have conditions you have to meet for them to do extra damage Hunter Mark will help fill that Gap a little bit and meet some of those conditions I when you encounter them though eventually when we get another one we will be picking up speak with animals because this is one of the best spells in the game why talking to a squirrel is hilarious and that's enough reason by itself drer himself can't actually speak with animals but there's no reason to miss out on it in the game just for that one sole reason I actually recommend speak with animals just for how hilarious it is and onto the somewhat touchy part the subass I've gotten into so many arguments with people about how he's not a Beast Master Ranger I lost all care for the argument d himself is not a Beast Master Ranger he has and figure of wondrous power that grants him access to an extra planner panther called gavar it is not actually part of him being a ranger him and Gwar were actually even fantastic friends before he was a ranger before I would say he took Barbarian levels and just survived in the Wilds of the underdark no we're not going to pick up Beast Master Ranger we're instead going to pick up gloomstalker which honestly I would say fits perfectly with this build we get a bonus action hide toin to a rogue which is beautiful we get umbrell shroud which turns us invisible which is fantastic disguise self which has its points there is a point in the books as well where Dron actually finds himself in possession of a magical mass that can change his appearance he actually uses it to get through some rather situations because he's a dark elf and people frown upon that we also get dread ambusher this is fantastic we gain a plus three bonus to our initiative on the first turn of combat our movement speed increases further by 10 ft and we can make an extra attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage this helps fill that lacking in damage slot it's only for the first turn granted but you can do a lot with that first turn to set up for later and get some extreme Dam damage out along with this we also get Superior dark vision and we can see up to 80 ft in the dark very situational it's fun it's nice to be able to see in the dark and just scream I have dark vision at Ranger level four this is where I personally start thinking about taking other feeds to kind of help fill some of the gaps I miss in my builds some of the great ones you can take for this particular build include skilled because D Ur is a man of many many talents and skilled helps fill some of those gaps you might be lacking in Savage attacker is fantastic and kind of mimics Brit's personal lethality when it comes to his combat prowess the way he's described in the books is he rarely ever misses more often not he's parried and when he wounds he wounds hard and painfully mobile is also another fun feed to consider increasing your movement speed difficult terain not slowing you down when you dash and after you make a melee attack you don't provoke opportunity attacks from your target this is a fantastic way to disengage without using disengage and we're going to be using our action and bonus action a lot just for attacking so this is kind of Handy to have just as a free disengage Marshall Adept isn't a bad idea either we get two more Maneuvers that we're not going to be able to get out of more fighter levels cuz we're not taking a more fighter we get an extra superiority die to add to our pool and overall it's just a great option it just gives you more more versatility and it gives you more things to play with Mage Slayer is a fun one and fits very well with the build and who drift is when a Creature cast a spell within melee range of you you have advantage on any saving throw against it and you can use a reaction to immediately make an attack against the Caster enemies you hit have disadvantage on concentration saving throws I love this feet and I'm not going to lie you run into spellcasters a lot and this comes in handy if you can get drits up to them because not only that the face off with an angry fighter Barbarian Ranger dual wielding scimitars and doing kind of buttloads of damage but also you disant on your concentrating saving throw for that poison cloud or Cloud kill you got up that's currently wrecking the rest of the party it's fun thematically as well lucky there's no reason not to at least consider this you get three points of luck which you can gain advantage on attack rolls ability checks and saving throws or make an enemy roll their attack roles it's hard not justifying this feat other than the fact it drives every DM that's ever seen it crazy when they have to deal with it do wielder strangely enough I also recommend I recommend only for that plus one bonus to the armor class while wielding a melee weapon in each hand you're not going to get much of a benefit if you stick with dual scimitars like I am but that plus one Armor class though it's hard to argue with and again A plus one Armor class sometimes save your butt more often than not or if you just like blowing your reaction on everything you can also pick up defensive duelist when you're attack while wielding a finesse weapon that you are proficient with you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class possibly causing the attack to miss I like this as the idea as the twinkle Parry as I like to call it fact I'm going to snag that one for this athlete is also another viable option you'd be surprised how often you'll actually get knocked prone alert is also another fun option plus five bonus to initia can't be surprise ensure you're always going first in the initiative and making sure that you just have that absurd amount of damage already out and about and unfortunately I only have this tune up to level 10 so that's kind of all we get to see on my end I have to say as a 5V player in DM for many years now working both with Source material my own home brw is meticulously balancing it all the time this is one of my most versatile characters I've made when it comes to combat support and damage it could be a great addition to most parties with this decent damage potential utility to the party ensuring your scout is never alone if not just being the Scout as for how close a Mark we can get within Ballers Gate 3 we can all but accurately and reliably recreate drits down to his unar speed across the battle unsurpassed prowess and the racial Prejudice he faces n constantly throughout his life due to his Heritage as mentioned damage at first is a little middling compared to your party members but that will quickly begin the steamroll into a flurry of blades as more levels and gear become available making your drist erden a true menace to your foes roleplay wise the choices I found myself with aligned well to the ideals of this drw Ranger the classic folk hero doing good for the sake of good and always trying to see all sides of the conflict while reminding others he is much unlike his people with the choice of seldarine Dr fit very well and just work very well overall throughout the game I constantly find myself having to remind myself that I am playing as dritz and some choices I might personally make may not be the same ones he would make and I quickly find both options readily available in most conversations this is easily one of my favorite playthroughs just due to how well the game lends itself to being a dark elf folk hero and makes you feel the part of dritz lost to the sord coast with an Affliction that only dark and Powerful entities can possibly cure him of not far-fetched given a long history of dro erden it's not hard to picture him literally in this very scenario given some of his adventures just being plucked off of whatever Adventure he was in the middle of by an Ilan nautiloid just out of the blue and next thing you know he finds himself having to just rid himself of this problem while also dealing with all these whole new slew of issues that come across from it it just works now then I'm adding this simply due to the fact one day messing around I tried to change a hing's appearance with the mirror and found it would not accommodate me which was sad because I was thinking of how I would even do this series using that a feature but wasn't long after that I swear the patch rolled out where we can change our hling appearances all but predicting it would happen just from that one shred of curiosity I had so now just in case I'm suddenly an orb to ponder into for the future I'm laying out my hopes for future patches and content here I will try to do this for most of these videos but honestly there's not a whole lot I actually want more from this game other than just maybe some new content so starting off my kind of number one thing a new game plus feature this would be hilarious for those us who just want to be the op Heroes we end up as and go through the game not as some poor fledging Adventurer or some high-end all knowing powerful being that got stripped of everything because of a mind flare tapple scrambling their minds but an established one who looks at such a challenge with a grin rather than Grimace along with this custom hirelings or the ability for a player two to create a custom character no matter where you're at in the plot or in the story just the ability to create a hirling from scratch or should a friend decide to join us on our adventures and more Midway through it and completely customize it from start to finish while somewhat of a small thing I would personally love it if I could just make an entire party of the companions of the hall without figuring out which hirling i' give the least plastic surgery to along with a Respec along with this bug fixes there are not many left since the days I started way back in Early Access when we only had some part of act one and a little bit more later on just as it was getting ready to roll out for the full release there is a few though that I find are still a little gamebreaking um party members having issues following you over certain gaps cuz for some reason the AI forgets how to jump in that moment uh that one kind of gets me still it kind of bugs me still pun intended but another glaring one I found is when me and my wife are playing split screen and for some some reason her camera will focus on my character but not hers I'm not sure what's causing this as her controller is in fact the controlling her character in the moment as if it's selected but her camera is still focused on my character for some reason it's a small thing and with a little bit of messing around we did kind of find a fix for it but it does happen a little bit more often than we like beyond that this is easily my vote for game of the year on many aspects and not all of them the music the gameplay the graphics the animation the story the lore the monsters puzzles Solarity grief and of course all the dice rolls I can't wait to see just what larion does with the future of this game and expect it to continue to be glorious but until that time comes remember to like share and subscribe as well as leave a comment about what character you might want to see in the virtual flesh of balers gay 3 as the options aren't very limited on just what you can make until then though stay radical viewers and we'll see you all in the next video see you then [Music]
Channel: Grim Gaddy
Views: 26,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grim Gaddy, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, races in baldur's gate 3, classes in baldur's gate 3, drizzt do'urden, baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3 classes, drizzt do'urden (fictional character), baldur's, drizzt do’urden build, baldur's gate 3 ranger, drizzt do’urden op build, How to make Drizzt in BG3, Drizzt in BG3, Drizzt Do'Urden in Baldur's Gate 3, Drizzt in Baldur's Gate 3, Grim Rolls, BG3 build, bg3 builds, baldur's gate 3 character creation, baldur's gate 3 builds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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