Baldur's Gate 3 - Will Drizzt Do'Urden Be In the Game? ⚔

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one of the most iconic characters in all of dnd lore is a drow by the name of dris do urden so in today's video i'm going to talk about whether or not it's possible that this iconic character could make an appearance in baldur's gate 3. spoiler alert for those of you that have plans on reading the legend of dress book series because i am going to talk about drist's journey and also talk about why he's so massively influential in the forgotten realm setting thank you so much to all channel members and patrons i really appreciate you guys let's jump right in the first thing we got to talk about is fairly controversial and that is the pronunciation of this drow's name because it drips does it drizz it does it drizzle you know i said it's drizzled you know whatever and i never really answered the question and when i do interviews i'll use different forms of dritz or drizzet so all in all it doesn't really matter how you say his name because the creator of this character ary salvatore doesn't seem to really care himself however if we want to get more technical in the third book of the legend of drist book series drist actually corrects a child who's calling him drizet which is the same pronunciation that i used for most of my life so if we take drizet out of the equation the other two common pronunciations are the one that i'm currently using which is pronouncing drist like the word mist and the other one is dritz pronounced like ritz crackers but who is drist de urden and why is he such a notable famed character in the forgotten realms setting drist was introduced into the dnd world in 1988 by r.a salvatore the author of the legend of drist book series if you haven't read any of these books i highly recommend them up to this point r.a salvatore has written 37 books in the series every time i go to the bookstore i feel like i see a new one if that sounds intimidating don't worry too much though because in my opinions books one through nine or so are the most exciting and the most important books that will give you a great easy to read introduction into the forgotten realms setting which is the same setting that baldur's gate 3 takes place in speaking of video games drist has made several appearances in games over the years most importantly he did appear in baldur's gate one and two other games he can be found in include menzo baranzan dark alliance one and two demonstone the mmo neverwinter idol champions and the only game that he actually starred in was the recent dungeons and dragons dark alliance game which in my opinion did his character an injustice back to baldur's gate 1 and 2 in baldur's gate 1 drist can be found fighting off knolls at fisherman's lake which is northwest of a town called nashkel you can help him fight off the knolls and then wish him a pleasant journey or if you're feeling tough you can try to kill him and take his gear in baldur's gate too drist can be found in some woods on your way back to the city of atkatla which is a coastal city south of baldur's gate this time drist is with his famed adventuring party the companions of the hall and more on them later in the video if you're reasonable with your answers drist and his companions will help you fight the vampire bodhi or of course you can always just try to kill him he certainly doesn't make huge appearances in the baldur's gate games but it's enough to get drist fans super excited it's a really neat way of making players truly feel like they're in a connected and evolving forgotten realm setting so only makes sense that drist would at least have a cameo in baldur's gate 3 if larian studios is going to keep this tradition alive but first we have to find out if that's even possible according to the lore so it's time for a 37 book summary of the legend of drist book series and we'll see where that brings us to in present day forgotten realms dristo erden is a drow also referred to as a dark elf who decides to leave his homeland of the underdark and live out his days on the surface world something highly uncommon for a drow to do the drow society at large is a brutal cruel matriarchal society and the most influential divine figure for the drow is the evil goddess named lolf aka the queen of spiders lolth was the leader of the dark seldorine which is basically the pantheon of the drow and she drives her worshipers into heavy infighting under the pretense of calling the weak now keep in mind that wizards of the coast is expanding on the drow lore but i don't really know anything about that nor is this the video for me to comment on that drist was born in the drow capital city of menzo bronzon in the year of 1297 dr baldur's gate 3 takes place in 1492 dr which would make drist around 195 years of age up to this point a drow's lifespan is similar to that of regular elves so 700 plus years of age the most drow do die well before that because of their extremely violent society drisk grew up in this cruel city of menzo bronzon where he learned how to fight extremely well from his father named zach nafin who was the weapons master for the doe urden house the character of drist is known to be a ranger but in reality he's kind of a mix between several different dnd classes ranger fighter rogue and barbarian most would likely agree on training with his father is where driss started to begin his mastery of dual scimitars which is his notable weapon choice unlike most other drow zach nafeen secretly hated the dark elf society he did his best to live by his own principles even though that was extremely hard to do in menzo bronzon and often leads to a quick death zach nafin obviously played a very large role in who his son drist ended up becoming which is ultimately a hero zach nafin would ultimately sacrifice his life to save drist and upon discovering this drist left menzo bronzon and wandered the wilds of the underdark for around 10 years eventually he decided to test his luck on the surface world which for a drow can actually turn out to be more dangerous than the wilds of the underdark before i talk about his accomplishments on the surface world i can't leave out his trusty panther companion named guinevar guenovar is a magical black panther who resides on the astral plane but can be summoned to the prime material plane through the use of a magical figurine back in menzo bronzon dressed matt gwen but gwen belonged to a drow by the name of massage and massage was helping train drist in the magical arts one day massage ordered guinevar to killdrist a typical day in menso branson but the friendship that drist and guenevar had formed was stronger than massage's magical compulsion order to guinevar drist and gwen would end up killing massage and then guenevar became drist's trusty companion from there on out drist first appeared on the surface world outside of a small village called meldibar which was north of a city by the name of sundabar which in present day according to the sword coast adventures guide is now collapsed to put this location into perspective for you guys you can see the city of baldur's gate is right here and then far north and a little to the west you can see some mountainous terrain and somewhere around here is where drist first emerged drist found out quickly that drow are not a welcome sight on the surface world and almost everyone that he came across tried to chase him away or kill him drow in these areas were known to conduct surface night raids sometimes with the sole purpose of killing and enslaving surface elves and anyone else that got in their way drist eventually meets a renowned human ranger by the name of montolio they actually became close friends montolio not only taught drist how to speak in the common tongue but also taught him how to be a ranger of the goddess milikey the forest queen remember this goddess because it will be important towards the end of the video dresden montolio ended up successfully defending a town from an orc raid which is one of the many good heroic deeds that drist will do despite knowing that the people he is defending would likely be fairly hostile towards them antolio ended up passing away from natural causes indrist was chased all the way up north of the spine of the world to the frozen arctic tundra of icewind dale this is where drist met his soon-to-be friends and adventure companions a soon-to-be dwarven king by the name of brunor battlehammer brunor's adopted human daughter named caddybrain a barbarian named wulfgar in a halfly named regis of course for drist it wasn't as simple as just walking up and meeting friends and this is some of the best parts of the books in my opinion but it all worked out drist and his companions would end up saving all of icewind dale from enslavement by a powerful demon named airtu and a mage by the name of akar kessel who was in possession of a vile sentient artifact of immense power called kranichiban later andrist and his companions would then successfully help brunor reclaim the lost dwarven kingdom of mithril hall which was taken from the dwarves by an evil dragon named shimmergloom not long after brunor became king of his homeland after all of this driss started to finally experience being openly accepted by many surface dwellers but at this time it was really only in the northern parts of faerun where his actions had immediate positive effects on the surrounding areas after reclaiming mithril hall drist was invited to the city of silvery moon by none other than the human mage lady illustriale herself who was one of the chosen of mistral the goddess of magic silvery moon was the gem of the north a city rich in culture and oftentimes used as a meeting place for all races that were morally inclined towards good a drow being invited to silverymoon by the lady herself was a huge deal later on drist was kidnapped by a sister vierna in her mad attempt to regain favor with wolf the queen of spiders drist ended up killing vierna and then he went to menzo baranzon to try and learn more of the drow's supposed plans to take mithril hall from brunor and his dwarves when the drow finally attacked mithril hall in 1358 dr ten years before the events in baldur's gate won drist of course played a large role in its successful defense after that drist and cadibri would go to the city of sales lusken and there they met captain de udermont they would end up spending years out at sea on the famous sea sprite hunting pirate vessels and facing all manners of evil after their pirate adventures drist and the companions of the hall would have to fight in a deadly war between orcs that were following the orc king obald and the dwarves who were once again having to defend the dwarving kingdom of mithril hall eventually the orcs and dwarves would agree to sign a treaty that helped establish the borders of a new ark realm that would be called the kingdom of many arrows a treaty like this being signed let alone even existing as a thought in the first place was absolutely unheard of andristo urden of course played a major role in this happening and the dwarves and orcs despite still hating each other actually saw some peace drist ended up marrying cadibri but in 1385 dr when the spell plague occurred which was a major disaster that struck the realm space it brought with it the death of cadibri and eventually also the halfling regis who tried to save catty bree using a magical ruby i'll leave a link below to a video i made on the spellplague it's a pretty important event in the forgotten realms history after many years of heartbreak in 1409 drist and brunor began their 50-year search for the lost ancient dwarven kingdom of gontelgrim which they did end up finding just north of the city of neverwinter neverwinter was once the jewel of the north but now it has been destroyed by the spellplague and was serving as a target between the war of two evil forces that of they and that of netheril brunor sadly ended up dying in the battle for gontelgrim and the companions of the hall were no more drist would then join forces with his soon-to-be lover dalia sinfilet an elven female who was once in the service of saz tam the lich king of fey and i will mention that says tam is referenced in baldur's gate 3 underneath the apothecary shop in the moonhaven village drist also teamed up with his former arch nemesis artemis and trary as they both had a common goal in this situation and also a drow mercenary by the name of jar laxel and trary and jarlaxel have a lot of history with drist up to this point but there's not enough time in this video to get into all of that the four of them battled the evil forces in neverwinter and gontogrim and ended up killing not only a powerful sorceress of fey but also a high-ranking shadowvar tifline by the name of herzgo who was leading the forces of the netherease travaxle was thought to have died in one of these battles and guenevar ended up leaping through a portal and drist found that he could no longer summon her after gontelgrim and neverwinter drist finds himself still with dahlia and antreri which is a very morally grey group for dress to be hanging with but drist actually had hopes of them both coming over to the morally good side of things dressed dahlia and intruri would end up finding themselves in the city of baldur's gate where dahlia's son ephron told drist that guinevar was imprisoned on the shadowfell plane by a powerful nethereast warlock named drago quick ephron would then bring them all to the shadowfell plane a place of decay and death but this trip turned out to be a trap and tray and dahlia ended up petrified in drago's home while drist was captured and then tortured for nearly a year drago would repeatedly grill drist on his faith to maliki as he had an intense interest in the possible chosen of the gods despite drist's beliefs jarl axel didn't actually die in neverwinter and once darlaxel found out about drist dahlia and entreri being captured by drago in the shadowfell plane dralaxel ended up assaulting drago's castle with his band of mercenaries and ultimately saving them all including guenevar they would then return to the prime material plane to the city of luskin driss would end up leaving his current companions though and heading north to icewind dale not only was he being hunted by a deadly drow named thiago who wanted nothing more than to kill drist and become a legend of menzo branzon but drist also heard a rumor that his deceased wife and friends could possibly be found in a magical divine place called irulidoon rumors say erulidoon can be entered from somewhere in the dale and drist of course had to go in search of evidence dalia and trary and a few others would go in pursuit of dress though and when they found him in the dale the group continued to help drist's search for erulidoon one night on the eastern banks of lac dinoshare a powerful magic would send the entire group into a magical slumber that to them felt like a night but it actually lasted 18 years of time on the prime material plane after awakening in the year of 1484 dr eight years before the events in baldur's gate 3 driss told dalia that he no longer had affection towards her dalia was not too happy about what this sleep must have done to them and she eventually attacked and mortally wounded drist and trary did try to interfere and pull dahlia off drist in her vicious attacks but it was too late drist had a head wound that would certainly lead to his death and dahlia and the others would then leave knowing that he was going to die and with the help of guenevar drist and gwen climbed to the top of the mountain kelvin's cairn which is the mountain where he first met bruno battlehammer as drist lie there dying from his wound cadibri regis brunor and wolfgar arrived all of them were given a second chance in life and had been reincarnated by the goddess milikey to aid drist drist was in fact the chosen of the forest queen erulidoon was created by maliki herself to house and instruct drist's dear friends prior to their reincarnations cadibri would then heal dressed with the grace of maliki and the companions of the hall were reunited this now brings us to the most recent books where once again quite a lot has happened and it's hard to summarize it all in one video not to mention the information is much more scarce for these books and i'm actually only on book number 27 myself what we do know is that drist and cadibri had a daughter in 1488 so we're now only four years away from baldur's gate three and their daughter's name is brie or briennelle drist's father zach nafin has also been resurrected and it's suspected that the evil goddess lolth was behind that resurrection believe it or not drist could actually be a favor of lolf despite his absolute defiance of her lolf thrives off of and gains control from chaos in the drow society and no drow out there has created more chaos than dristo urden who is certainly the most wanted enemy of his homeland in menzo bronzon in the most recent book called starlight enclave drist can be found in the monastery of the yellow rose this is a place where monks dedicate themselves to venerating the god of suffering ilmater drist himself is on a spiritual journey trying to discover the clarity and purpose of his own life and he's also allowing his daughter to train with the monks this monastery is actually located in the far northeast of faerun which means i have to switch over to a larger map that i found on reddit from reddit user janovic link below the monastery of the yellow rose can be found high up in the earth spur mountains in the kingdom of damara drist's daughter i believe was of the toddler age on their journey to the monastery and taking into account that she was born in 1488 this would bring us really close to the time of baldur's gate 3. so after all of that the answer to the original question is yes dristo erden could absolutely make an appearance in baldur's gate 3 and so could many of his companions that i briefly mentioned in the summary of his life most if not all are very much alive and if you guys want me to do a video more focused on those characters let me know below in the latest book drist is far far away from the city of baldur's gate but we don't really know the exact time difference from the latest r.a salvatore book to the events being created by larian studios in baldur's gate 3. depending on how the magical slumber in iruludun affects aging drists could actually be around 177 years of age instead of 195. some of drist's companions such as cadibri and wulfgar would now be unbelievably old literally but since they died and then were reincarnated by maliki things absolutely change here the mysterious events that are occurring in baldur's gate 3 with the dead 3 the absolute and the mind flayers are events that all of these characters would likely become well aware of very soon if they don't already know personally i would love to see drist of course as it's a tradition in the baldur's gate games but i think i would be even more excited to see some other companions such as jarlaxel who in my opinion is one of the most interesting characters in all forgotten realms lore jarlaxel along with cadibri wolfgard brunor and regis all make appearances in the original balder's gate games and considering that they're still alive who knows what larian and wizards of the coast have up their sleeve so which characters would you like to see make an appearance in baldur's gate 3 let us know below in the comments if you'd like to join the community discord server there's a link to that below in the video description and also if you have plans on buying any games in the near future feel free to use my affiliate link to the gog store in the video description as well which does end up helping support the channel catch you guys in the next one you
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 78,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 early access, baldurs gate 3 review, bg3, early, access, baldurs gate 3 patch 7, patch, news, baldurs gate 3 new class, classes, baldurs gate 3 lore, lore, companions, rpg, balders gate 3, boulders gate 3, baulders gate 3, dungeons and dragons, drizzt story, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, drow race, companions of the hall
Id: jr5ldw-3WHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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