Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Characters: Good to Evil πŸ’€

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a dim-witted boy a merciless little girl and the all-powerful personification of death bound forever in their service that's right today we're taking a stab at the good and not so good people of ins ville I'm Brad with wicked bench and this is the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy good to evil open your fingers I open your ribcage now Billy and Mandy is very much a cartoon of its time it was after all the era of Charlie the unicorn in gratuitous toilet jokes it was a time that really celebrated how absurd animation could be notably this series put a black comedy spin on the whole thing and derived most of its laughs from the surreal animation flippin storytelling and the gruesome fates often meant by the key cast it is also shown no regards to continuity or character growth which altogether make the characters somewhat difficult to rank on a good to evil scale the show introduced us to a myriad of characters a great deal of whom fall in the darker shades of morally grey so let's jump right into the shallow end of that pool with the most good where at least the least evil let's get started but our reigning champ of purity probably needs no introduction being one of the most well remembered characters from the franchise of course I'm talking about the incomparable Fred Fred burger with this stuffed animal cuteness in his oblivious demeanor Fred and bodies good but how good as it turns out pretty darn good while there's evidence to suggest that Fred Fred burger probably shouldn't ever be in a position of power or on a jury it's hard to find anything about him to be mad about he's a sensitive guy with simple pleasures and a positive outlook for the moments of trouble he does cause Nicole prett is really more his low intelligence than any ill intent in more than one instance Fred even proves himself to be a strong moral philosopher sort of he has heart our runner-up for good has eight legs and unresolved daddy issues it's Jeff de spider originally hatched by Billy was a crippling fear of bugs and makes that known whenever he sees him Jeff nonetheless regards Billy asked his father and spends the bulk of the series vying for his paternal affection in though he's always left to endure the emotional and physical repercussions of Billy sopia despite this Jeff never lets Billy's abuse get to him and extends an overt undiscerning friendliness to everyone he meets but he falls just short of her most good for an interesting reason he's apparently anatomically incapable of meanness in one of the earlier episodes Geoff admits he has an enormous ly small mean gland in fact Geoff seems to be physically unable to act maliciously or even assertively of his own accord on the rare occasion he does stand up for himself he does so because he's either being goaded or literally possessed by an outside force but Geoff at least gets his happy ending as Billy son and the television special wrath of the Spider Queen at the expense of his happy marriage and only until the end of the movie even on his supposed death bed his main concern is simply for the health and safety of his children showing himself to be a good dad despite never really getting the knowledge firsthand following closely at Geoff's mini heels is puttin Billy and Mandy's childish long-suffering classmate like Geoff and many other good characters on this list puddin usually exists to be put through the ringer and usually comes out pretty mangled on the other side be it having his limbs cannibalized by sperg or duking it out with and losing to a demonic pet bunny despite apparently having been raised by wolves though he's generally portrayed as incredibly innocent and at times too naive to prevent the painful situation that he finds himself in he ranks lower than Geoff though because puddin has actually demonstrated a violent temper and the ability to beat up a trained military combatant once he's been pushed too far provided you know mess with the kids bunnies though he's gentle polite and helpless enough to be considered a close runner-up for the big good of the series Herald Billy's father and who by consensus Billy gets his brains from comes in next while he implies a dangerously low level of intelligence he does prove himself a caring if somewhat ineffective father figure to Billy and a loving husband to his wife Gladys most of the time truthfully Harold has been a source of tension for the family more than once such as when he ate his wife's beloved pet or without remorse terrorized his sons picnic for no given reason these faults aside though he does frequently serve as a mediator in the family in particularly as a buffer for his wife's more aggressive tendencies he's definitely the most mellow character in our list and in a place like endsville and family like his that can only be a good thing nearly rounding out her good characters our penultimate entry is Billy's best friend Irwin a vampire mummy human-hybrid and Mandy's faithful undeterred suitor now it's our once credit he would have ranked far lower on this list when he was a baby at the episode heartburn is any indication but as he grew her win' apparently had a complete change of heart and opened himself to the goodness in the world eventually becoming the lovable if awkward nerd he is today to have the luck this guy does you also have to hand it to him for his optimism regardless there's his unrequited obsession with Mandy to consider and the lengths he's willing to go to to see it fulfilled particularly abusing his brief power as Pharaoh or using grim scythe to hypnotize her into going out with him Irwin's definitely someone who lets love cloud his judgment but he has proved himself to be a loyal accomplice to the main trio despite the safety hazards that entails and for that we commend him moving on to our final entry in the good category we finally come to one of our main characters Billy at times a simple happy-go-lucky boy and a menace to society at others Billy is categorized by excitability friendliness impulsivity and mostly for is impossibly low intelligence indeed we see in one episode that Billy stupidity is so critical that it underpins the nature of reality and that messing with it can unravel existence itself thus him having the power to the underworld at his disposal often leads to the wacky and deadly situations that the characters find themselves in throughout the series Billy places a universe in danger countless times and thanks to his general obliviousness never learns anything from them this makes him a real thorn in the side of Grimm who usually has to clean them up and Mandy who consistently gets drawn into the fray on the other hand though Billy is easy the most gregarious member of the trio and generally has good intentions despite their treatment of him he has consistently shown that he cares about them and between him and Mandy is definitely more simple with grim he's also the most likely of his friends to put a positive spin on whatever problem they're facing and the bravery to face danger even supernatural danger head-on he's also responsible for more than a few of their victories over the forces of darkness not bad for a guy with an IQ of negative 5 and with that said that ends our list of good characters let's head on to the gray area moving down to our neutral intermediaries just outside of the good category is our titular skeleton the Grim Reaper himself despite Grim's claimed to be the master of all evil contextually he's one of our team as characters not quite enough to be good and not anywhere near evil as one would expect from someone with his occupation the straight man psycho pump might be considered a perfect neutral grim spends a lot of the earlier episodes by moaning his circumstances and trying to work some way around his deal with Billy and Mandy even fantasizing about murdering them more than once as he settles in he actually goes to pretty great lengths to keep the kids safe under the guise of unwillingly upholding its end of the contract of course but this guy isn't exactly perfect either grim isn't terribly dedicated to the stipulations of his job usually due to meddling by Billy and Mandy but also due to his own choices as well for example we know him to have super naturally extended Geoff's lifetime solely because doing so meant more terror for Billy he's also been known to enjoy his job a little too much to say nothing of the questionable events of his past really though in most cases he's just a guy in a bad way and whatever punishment you might dole out on him would pale in comparison to what he has to endure for all eternity really it's a fate worse than death next we have supernatural spectral exterminator hostile Gatto armed with a gruff demeanor and an evil desk right-hand boss has been both an ally and an adversary to Grimm and the kids despite frequently beating the living daylights out of Grimm the dead daylights Kostas first concern is you his work or later in the series keeping up with this girlfriend eros paws ranks where he does for the role he plays later in the series as the bringer of perfect concordance to the universe after he courts Eris goddess of discord and his commitment to containing the forces of the underworld but also for his questionable methodology for dealing with threats which can be brutal to say the least Hoss was also willing to take Irwin under his wing for a while to help him earn Manny's affection in that time he also divulged his origin story he might rank lower than he does in the opinion of Kyle his former rival who he keeps chained to a radiator in a basement somewhere Billy's fearsome mother Gladys comes next a doting mother with a chip on her shoulder where a Grimm is concerned Gladys has demonstrated a marked hostility to the Reaper since their first meeting you might not be able to fault her for the initial bad impression seeing as she spent that whole episode believing she was losing her mind but the situation really devolves from there in fact Gladys is one of the few characters who develops throughout the series in the form of a gradually worsening mental state by the latter act of the series she was unhinged completely frequently flying into fits of rage Gladys does however genuinely love her family very much and it might not be a stretch to blame the stress she gets put under as their caretaker is one of the largest contributors to her stress the series is take on Dracula ranks next an elderly vampire with a thing for dancing Dracula can never really be bothered to do anything he doesn't want to do being your classic curmudgeonly old geezer Dracula rarely demonstrates any concern for others and can't really be counted on to spare feelings he's even been known to eat a mother's babies in front of her and then abandoned grim to deal with the consequences Dracula isn't a villain whenever he appears he never has any evil intentions but it's his general selfishness that can't be overlooked not only did he steal his best friend's girl from right under his nose he's also known to skip out on checks and even once got thrown out of a children's classroom for using a Show and Tell appearance to flirt with Billy's teacher Nergal jr. son of miracle comes next hatched and reared by two loving parents at the center of the earth the pint-sized shapeshifter was originally alienated and ridiculed for his grotesque appearance something that really left the chip on his shoulder that was evident as debut in fact Junior would be pretty low on her villains list at the series maintain its continuity having assumed the identity of all Billy and Mandy's popular classmates and leaving them frozen to death in the snow but Junior eventually Mel's out and even admits that his actions were out of loneliness something that he works to rectify to an extent in his later appearances he's usually willing to help Billy with whatever scheme he comes up with solely at a familial loyalty and generally just seeks the approval of his peers and you can't really fault the kid the spawn for that still he ranks as our lowest neutral character for the lens he's willing to go now that wraps up the gray area let's move on to the real baddies these are the bad and the evil our least evil the evil is sperg the local wedgie enthusiast and frequent schoolyard bully for Billy and Irwin you can't deny that sperg is an evil character for the sheer joy he derives from hurting and ridiculing those he puts beneath him nor can you deny that his evil is likely rooted in his insecurities but sperg is a nuanced character far more so than some of our other contenders not only does he have dreams of being on Broadway he's also remarkably devoted son to his mother we've also seen on multiple occasions he's in no hurry to assert dominance of another bully makes a claim to his throne all that aside what cements burg as our least offensive villain is his overall incompetence at being one in fact more often than not whatever he puts out into the world often comes back and bites him threefold we scarcely have to mention for example how he destroyed Billy's haunted tricycle only for it to come back from the dead to exact its vengeance it's a lesson to us all what you get for bullying kids with death on their side moving on we have Mindy the stereotypical queen bee of endsville middle and foil to Mandy as the head cheerleader of the school she distributes her judgment on the other students with an iron fist but like sperg usually pays for her misty through some supernatural means by the end of the episode though she's arguably less effective at being a bully than sperg we have to give credit where credit's due her primary tactic is manipulation in her usual target is Mandy who's incredibly difficult to cow in a contest of toughness be that as it may Mindy's able and willing to use others to get what she wants which we see her do in her first appearance to none other than grim she even manages to make Mindy insecure enough to challenge her in a beauty pageant to disastrous results having placed two foils for both Billy and Mandy it seems poetic that our next entry is a recurring antagonist for Grimm the boogeyman or boogie as he's known more conventionally a learned doctor of the law and pirate captain voiced by Fred Willard boogie lacks the ability to be scary but packs more villainous potency than some of his contemporaries in fact he serves as the main antagonist for two of the three specials at the show produced many of buggy's misdeeds are characterized by outright malicious intent and also long-term sometimes deadly consequences in the television movie big boogie adventure he testifies against Grimm an underworld court and actually manages to cost the Reaper his status and his powers he spends the rest of the movie on a selfish quest for Horace Han a powerful relic through which she could become scary enough to take over the mortal world and reduce it to a wasteland later on in Wrath to the Spider Queen boogie serves as a retroactive main antagonist spy as shown through flashbacks attempting to gain the status of grim reaper by rigging the election though his plan fails and he's punished spectacularly this act also makes him responsible for the souring of Grimm's relationship with Velma the Spider Queen which eventually leads to a full-scale spider invasion and the vengeful monarch to make her own attempt on Grimm's life but while he does a lot of damage boogie is another who rarely escapes karma for his actions and that's more than we can say for the next few evildoers inching down to the depths of the underworld we have Eris goddess of discord a thinly veiled Madonna parody who had an apple long before it was cool during her Valley Girl face Eris initially appears as Grimm's crush though she rebukes his effect she manages to charm Mandy with her penchant for magical mischief but can't resist the urge to double-cross her which leads to her own downfall but this isn't the last we see of her as the series progresses Eris is actually able to pull off some tough feats in the name of her craft namely outsmarting and manipulating the main characters into unleashing terror onto the world and disfiguring themselves into helplessness all by leaving her magic apple in their care Eris is a character who always has an ulterior motive and that motive will always be chaos she definitely takes pride in her work and can be counted on to show herself as the ringmaster of a bad situation she also demonstrates herself to be a less than pristine significant other dominating Haase in their relationship in banishing him to the dimension of puppets whenever he displeases her when the relationship finally ends she literally devours him Eris is our second runner-up for big bad for her immense power and her Wiles and also because she knows how to get out of trouble she finds herself in just goes to show hell hath no fury like a chaos goddess scorned I bet you're thinking you've got our big bad pinned at times a commanding little girl and the supreme force of evil in the universe and others Mandy might just be the most terrifying cartoon child of her time but is she the most evil character in the show well no not technically but the kids definitely evil and there's no way around that Manny's propensity towards evil and power are evident in her very first appearance where she manages to cheat death into being her servant and in every appearance thereafter she disregards the lives of everyone close to her and regularly Gamble's with the fate of the world when she sees that it suits her in fact Mandy has demonstrated on multiple occasions that she has the potential to conquer the human race with little to no effort it might actually have if the episode scary poppins is to be believed in fact when given the opportunity to share reining over a dark and terrible future alongside someone else she's been known to undo whatever process brings this scenario about because the world of darkness is not worth the trouble if she can't rule it alone vicious as she might be she's usually content to simply make iliyan Grimm the target of her ire working grim to the bone as her slave and taking advantage of Billie's lacking mental faculties to get what she wants despite her apparent hatred for all existence though mani has actually been known to show concern for the two of them and his briefly moved to tears of the prospect of losing Billy forever leading to the fan theory that something more than just convenience keeps the two together much like Billy's dimness Mandy's dark and surly demeanor is a crucial component of her character and the stability of the universe in the episode my fare Mandy when prompted to smile the action caused her physical pain and Ren's the very fabric of reality we can say without paused at an universe Mandy has evil down to a science so who outranks her here and why our big bad of the series is none other than the very first recurring antagonist the loser from the center of the earth Nergal with great possibly limitless demonic power at his disposal and a heaping pile of insecurities on his shoulders Nergal is characterized pretty early by his need to feel accepted pathetic as he is unlike most other characters like him his motivations are selfish but ultimately sympathetic is a lonely awkward creature who's so given to coercion and manipulation that he can't fathom making friends in any other way in fact he's actually been seen to Envy Grimm's horrible situation because by his understanding enslavement is a valid path weights of friendship but Nergal is a devoted if incompetent husband and father and a relatively inoffensive personality so what constitutes him being our most depraved character his refusal to claim responsibility for his problems he feels entitled to the kindness and hospitality of others without contributing to them this is evident earlier in the series when he forcefully tries to take Grimm's place as Billy and Mandy's best friend and in the episode something stupid This Way Comes where after failing to make friends due to his own cluelessness and immaturity he simply forces himself onto the entirety of endsville and the television audience consistently while Aerys and Mandy are ultimately crueler and likely have a higher body count they and other evil characters own their cruelty Nergal by contrast is an eternal victim his problems and his eyes are due to others attitudes towards him and never his own fault even after he settles down and sires family of his own he muscles his way into Billie's house after running out on them because he feels they think he's a failure note not because he's a failure but because people he respects don't respect him back Billy and Mandy is a difficult show to categorize based on morals because by and large they're lacking in endsville but that's what makes the show so great let us know below what your opinions are and make sure to check out our good to evil playlist where we break down the morality of the characters from your favorite cartoons movies and video games but most importantly stay wicked
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 108,293
Rating: 4.9277592 out of 5
Keywords: Billy and Mandy, the grim adventures of billy and mandy, billy and mandy grim, the grim adventures of billy & mandy, billy mandy, grim reaper billy and mandy, mandy billy and mandy, mandy grim adventures, the adventures of billy and mandy, adventures of billy and mandy, billy from billy and mandy, the grim adventures of the knd, grim and mandy, grim adventures, billy & mandy's big boogey adventure, grim reaper cartoon network, grim adventures of billy and mandy grim
Id: 35BhDIT8Fik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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