Hey Arnold! Characters: Good to Evil

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Hey Arnold has become a 90s icon the experiences that came with growing up in a boarding house with unpredictable grandparents as well as a mix of strange residents and a diverse cast of neighborhood kids made for a pretty amazing coming-of-age cartoon from friends the bully's heroes the villains and a handful of downright weird individuals the show had quite a spectrum of morality but at the end of the day where exactly do all these characters fall I'm Kyle with wicked binge and this is hey Arnold characters good to evil before we begin there are so many characters in the show that we can't fit all of them in one chart for that reason we've broken characters down into three spectrums the good the gray area and bad to evil and we'll be starting with those with a pure heart these characters are the good and starting out with the most good we had to go with dr. bliss the child psychologist featured in the episode Helga on the couch my school district psychologist she's a sweet and understanding woman who states that she wants to help as many children as she can during her time with Helga she never pressures her about any particular topic anything you say will be kept in confidence of course she moves on to the next test or exercise once Helga expresses any sort of discomfort only trying to get Helga to confess her feelings for Arnold knowing it will relieve some of the stress he uses to lash out we can even when she was simply walking around the school and interacting with principal warts and mr. Simmons she is portrayed as approachable and kind she's just someone who wants to help kids which is a very noble cause the second most good character on the show is our Teacher of the Year winner who makes sure everyone knows how special they are mr. Simmons compassionate and friendly he's mostly known for his progressive teaching methods he does his best to make sure that each student knows they have value and Phoebe would make an excellent neurosurgeon we often see him go above and beyond to check on his students and their well-being when noting Helga and Harold behaving oddly after the aptitude test he goes back to recheck their tests and set things right I'm deeply sorry for the heartache this must have caused you he's also seen going to Phoebe's home after she embarrassed herself at an assembly letting her know that her mistakes don't define her I promise you you will overcome it and while he states he treasures getting to know Helga through her creative writing assignments he also makes sure to not embarrass her in front of the class I can't tell you who wrote it because it's signed anonymous you have to respect a guy who knows his own weaknesses and admits when he's in the wrong when we first meet him he's portrayed as forgiving which could be a way of showing how easily he is to be pushed around but it also works to show that he knows everyone makes mistakes and is willing to give everyone a second chance the bronze medal of good goes to miss felter while we didn't get to know her as much as we got to know Arnold's obsession with her she was a patient and passionate educator we see our fair share of teachers in the show that seemed to only be in it for the Paycheck and miss filter while only a substitute is certainly not one of them every one of you might be a poet but you don't really know it if she was meant to be a permanent member of the PS 118 staff she definitely would have helped the school become a more welcoming place and there's something to be said for being so understanding when Arnold showed up at her house finally we get to the title character of the series the ever optimistic football headed hero Arnold now I'm sure many are shocked to see that he's not first on our moral scale we do have our reasons for placing him here Arnold is without a doubt a good-hearted kid he always strives to be better than he already is and encourages others to do the same he's scary he's gone out of his way to tutor Torvalds got Dino and his partner Don to work together again help chocolate boy and that's just the tip of the iceberg how do you as Gerald likes to say he's a bold kid but that doesn't make him perfect by any means he's shown that he can be a bit too proud and can cave in to peer pressure after he was mugged he was dubbed as a sort of Bruce Lee and became way too invested in using his newfound skills to intimidate and harass other people and when Gerald and Arnold overheard sharise using Jamie Oh for his money he was quick to agree the two of them shouldn't get involved so Jamie Oh would keep doing nice things for them the thing is though Arnold always admits to his mistakes and that takes a lot of integrity yes you're right girls better time the truth part of the reason why Arnold is such a lovable kid is because he knows the world is full of bad things and chooses to be good in spite of it and it takes a stand-up guy to see the good in someone like Helga when she torments him on a daily basis next we have Arnold's parents Myles and Stella explorers shrouded in mystery until the second movie was released it's easy to show a little resentment over how they left Arnold behind with his grandparents tell me the real story this time grandpa however it's understandable that they couldn't ignore someone pleading for help Myles and Stella both wanted to help people as much as they could Myles used his anthropology to study cultures and improve how people live their day-to-day lives while Stella was a doctor and botanist who wish to find as many medicinal uses for plants as possible getting better healthcare for everyone I want to bring health care to all people no matter where they live they weren't only pure hearted angels by any means though Myles was often teased about being a naive romantic and his clumsy nature meant he was more trouble than his fellow expedition partners were ready for and Stella resembled Helga in the way that she had a short temper and could be prone to resort to violence threatening to punch a thwart off or sending them on an unpleasant hike and despite all their good intentions they did leave Arnold at an age where he was only vaguely aware of what was happening leaving their son with abandonment issues and depression every year on October the fifth the anniversary of their departure next is harvey you may wonder why he's ranked so high among the cast but the answer is simple he's never really shown in a negative light my Jigga's needs he takes time out of his day they chat with the families on his route and is shown to be a community oriented guy the only reason why he isn't ranked higher is because we don't get to know him as much as we do the rest of the cast but he does stand out in his own way always relaxed and even offering Jerrold advice on how to deal with his voice-changing after his tonsils were removed knowing exactly how Gerald felt since it happened to him so remember you still jerk moving on to mr. green an upfront business owner he's quick to rally with the community he's willing to do whatever he can to make his neighborhood just a little better he can be tough to get along with at times even when Harold was forced to work for him for a week mr. green made it clear he didn't care for Harold's lack of work ethic or lack of experience saying Harold was more trouble than he was worth he also has a hard time being himself in high-stress situations sometimes fumbling when in the spotlight but in times like those he's quick to gain his footing again when reminded that he doesn't need to change who he is for people to respect him coming up next is Arnold's peace-loving and freedom fighter hippie grandma gertie though not always there in the head she's shown to love her family more than anything and will do literally anything to protect them however she can go too far at times with how she expresses herself and well we can commend her for saving the environment teaching your grandson to break into an aquarium may not be the best idea but at least her heart is in the right place she's also shown through flashbacks to be vindictive and mischievous towards Phil as they were growing up acting a lot like Helga [Music] we're glad that she got out of that phase but she obviously had an inner to manipulate a situation to get her way after Gertie we have her dear husband grandpa filled the picture of health for a man his age he's proven time and time again why he's known as Steely Phil here aren't many men let alone grandpa's that think swimming in shark-infested waters is a good idea he's stubborn and lashes out but we can't blame him too much considering all that he has to deal with keeping up the boarding house that still didn't justify ignoring his sister for seven years over an argument but he's always there to offer advice to Arnold when needed and still treasures his wife after all those years and let's not forget the most important thing he's a war hero who gave Hitler a wedgie next up we have pigeon man many can sympathize with wanting to be alone but pigeon man's tail is truly a tragic one there were a lot of dark theories going around that he took his own life in front of Arnold but luckily this was debunked by the second movie a good thing since he made a point to send a message to Arnold about how he appreciated our heroes company maybe the reason it's so easy to accept pigeon man's ways is because we've all felt isolated at one point or another because of our own interests it's really rough that he lost his friends just because he became intrigued by birds and wanted to help them so they stopped talking to me he's someone who's gentle caring and in many ways broken but he leaves Arnold with the advice fly towards the Sun next we have the eldest Pataki daughter Olga the overachieving and award-winning daughter has made a name for herself not only in college but all over the neighborhood she can't fall too far into depression if things don't go exactly her way which can make her a little annoying at times and even seem childish but she has revealed that she only succeeds so much because she feels pressure to do so from her family with two parents that were merciless in their youth in everything they pursued it makes sense that Olga would push herself past her limits in every field she could to make her parents proud I have to perform all the time like some kind of wind up dog we have to keep in mind that she was an only child for a few years and so was under constant scrutiny for the first part of her life she also does all she can to show Helga she loves her and while she does embarrass her sister being a teacher's aide she does try to do the right thing to mend their relationship pursuing her teaching elsewhere while it's easy to harbor resentment as most of the show was from Helga's perspective we know that she means well next is another seemingly innocent face Lila new to city life she does her best to adapt and make new friends she's almost desperate for acceptance which can lead her to believe almost anything she was brought up believing young ladies acted a certain way and so when teaching Helga how to be more polite and considerate Lila did teach from the belief that Helga would have to talk and act almost just like her la Lila isn't the bully by any means she can be a little judgmental of things that she's not familiar with such as horror movies and city behavior I really don't like scary movies she's also led Arnold on once he developed feelings for but overall she's charming caring and polite next is Miles college buddy and fellow anthropology student Eduardo he's a bit of a conflicting character depending on who you were to ask two miles he's a good friend and loyal fellow researcher to Stella he's a trustworthy companion though he deserves to be punched every now and again remind me never to take another travel suggestion from your old buddy Eduardo he enjoys teasing miles for being romantic and has been known to send him off on supposed must-see destinations that often end in turbulence you are a true romantic you ladies must be crazy for you but the reason why we rank him lower is because the Arnold he's simply the man who asked his parents to leave him alone when he was a baby even if it was to help others it did result in a broken family up next is monkey man the hollering caped vigilante of the night hi monkey man I'm a superhero I fight crime monkey man his origin story is a lot like others who fight for justice bullied for being too invested in the monkey exhibit at the zoo he decided to become a voice for the little guy but after spending time around Arnold he was too swayed by fancy clothes and parties he wound up becoming distracted and racked with guilt after sid was mugged and soon returned to his life stealing bananas from the docks I'm quitting the superhero business if it wasn't so easy for him to abandon his principles just to be well-liked by the affluence he would be easy to place higher on our scale but still monkey man is a man of justice it's time to discuss our favorite country singer mr. Wynn he's a wholesome guy who can be respected for escaping a life of hardship and coming to the United States to make a new life for himself it took me 20 years to I could finally get off the country he's chosen a life of simplicity over Fame and even gave up his only daughter hoping she would have a better home in the States and sure he comes off as a bit harsh or overly critical sometimes but the guy has been through so much he's likely struggling with a lot of loneliness and loose ends she's tied up you always make me eat Amanda but there was nothing more heartwarming than watching him reunite with his daughter at the end of that Christmas episode next is Eugene ever the optimist and a performer at heart he gets into trouble more often than any other kid should getting stuck in trees on rollercoasters and in sewers he's learned how to roll with the punches the best days I've ever had when trapped in danger with his friends he always manages to lift their spirits I just know someone will come by to save us however when faced with the reality that his favorite TV celebrity wasn't really fighting crime he opted to take it out on the entire world nothing but a fake he showed he was capable of being bitter and distant breaking rules at random for the sake of chaos it's easy to see him as a good kid but he's also shown that he can be a bad one when pushed over the line Patti Smith is next this young lady has a reputation for being tough she's beaten up her fair share of classmates and is seen as unapproachable and mean but behind that exterior she's revealed to be a hard worker in everything that she pursues well she isn't a straight-a student she has a lot of potential and is incredibly insightful for a kid her age just don't make her angry next we have the youngest Pataki with an obsession for Arnold Helga since many of the episodes show things from Helga's point of view it's easy to see her reasoning as to why she makes the choices that she does but we can give her credit for a lot of her behavior she has a high intellect and after the aptitude test she was proven to be able to pursue any career that she desired but she's also quick to point out her own erratic actions and even scolds herself for wrong doings if you can find it in your heart to forgive us maybe we could start over and be friends she also makes a point to let her best friend Phoebe know that she appreciates her and respects her input often asking for help and while reluctant of her nanny initially she did prove that she's filled with rage like Inga pointed out and did take the woman's advice to take on hobbies like needlepoint and you won't let anyone help you Helga is a good person who struggles to control her emotions and has been conditioned to push her goodness down in place of a more rough exterior and she's routinely shown to do the right thing in the end even if it wasn't necessarily her first choice now you might be surprised to find Gerald of this low on our list but you have to admit that despite being loyal to Arnold he's also a flawed individual he's extremely proud and has no problem stretching the truth if it means that he can earn some money his solutions for getting some instant satisfaction ranges from emotionally manipulating his older brother tricking a salesman into buying back his own product at double the cost and even tricking the campfire lasses into thinking he'll join their troop he also seems to have an enormous ego insisting on being introduced every time he tells a legend to his peers and being treated like a king when he becomes the top player of his favorite card based fantasy game Gerald is a good kid and a loyal friend but he's definitely got an ego on him now we're moving into the middle these characters balance out somewhere in the center of our morality spectrum some are a bit more good than bad or vice versa but overall we're now looking at the gray area next we have stinky he talks like a simpleton and claims that he's not too bright but he has managed to surprise people on more than one occasion there's little that's more pure than growing a pumpkin just to prove to yourself that you're good at at least one thing and not many kids would be willing to lose out on a million dollars just to not be considered a laughingstock lots of people got pride I got a million dollars worth but it doesn't excuse the fact that he's a young kid who caves to peer pressure too easily and often mocks fellow classmates when the opening to do so presents itself calling Harold a girl for losing an arm wrestling match and even mooning principled warts and letting arnold take the fall for it one might think that phoebe would be higher on our good spectrum but we have our reasons for placing her a bit lower phoebe does have a moral compass that she follows she's extremely loyal to Helga and has given a sort of push over sidekick role whether with her best friend or when she's hanging around the sixth grade girls but when made the hall monitor she took her training a bit too far beginning to harass students in run PS 118 as if it was some sort of prison I mean a ticket for suspiciously quiet shoes come on she's also shown that she'll do anything to succeed plagiarizing a poem in order to win a trophy of Emily Dickinson Thank You Phoebe for bringing that moment of beauty into all of our lives and of course we can't forget the time that she lied about her leg being broken longer than it actually was in order to make Helga be her servant with a little bit of guilt Phoebe did eventually confess to her wrongdoings in those cases but just the fact that she did them at all shows that she can be a little merciless Harold was a tough character to place he's really no worse than most kids his age and has shown his soft side every now and then but he can be selfish and will typically do anything for instant gratification he had been caught shoplifting for mr. Green attempted to run away from home to avoid becoming a man and mocks his fellow classmates as well as threatens others with violence just to make up for his own insecurities and more times than not when someone stands up to him such as stoop kid he immediately reveals himself to be a coward but peril does grow to be more mature as the series progresses and it struggles with his weight are a huge source for his insecurities that caused his behavior next is tor vaults the held back delinquent at PS 118 at first glance he's your regular bully he takes lunch money and harasses the younger classmen whenever he can however he does want to make his mother proud and eventually listens to Arnold's advice during their tutoring sessions I just wish once in my life I could be half as good as my mom thinks I am he even pops up later to help Arnold's team play football against Wolfgang and his friends so the kid may not be too bright but he is definitely loyal next we have Susie she's a dedicated and hard worker but we've placed her lower for encouraging Oscar's lifestyle her life would be easier and quieter if she didn't convince herself to take care of a grown man with a paper route I'm sorry Oscar I'll get it in a minute no one could argue that her love for Oscar means that she has a pure heart and she deserves more credit but we say that her subjecting the rest of the boarding house the Oscars antics is not worthy of any praise our next slot goes to our short demolition man Ernie he takes a lot of pride in his work and is a friendly instructor to Phoebe on career day I'm giving you an egg slip he's a romantic at heart that has his own broken more than a few times due to his height I'm so big in you're not Sophie to be honest most of his brash and loud mannerisms are likely due to his short stature and having to deal with discrimination but his anger gets the best of him too often to rank him any higher brainy was another peculiar ranking he's a relatively harmless character though he tends to have a very creepy and unwelcome presence we don't know anything about his home life for us to feel any sympathy for and it's also very stalkerish how he pops up behind Helga in almost every episode but the one moment that we see any real developments is in the jungle movie when brainy dives into the ever after Helga angrily throws her locket away and shreds her beloved picture of Arnold without asking anything in return he presents the fixed picture and found locket to Helga in hopes of cheering her up after she regrets being upset with Arnold now chocolate boy is a character of pure chaos we really only see him in little snippets until we see his deal with Wolfgang to give up chocolate for a while in exchange for a five-pound bag it's during this time with Arnold that he realizes the only reason he ate chocolate was because he was sad about losing his nanny it's easy to feel bad for him in this instance but the fact remains that he did trick Arnold at first and would neglect granting help to his peers as he sought out a quick fix of that sweet chocolate tell them we're stuck in a tree and don't stop for chalk even when he was meant to get the fire department when Eugene Arnold and Harold were stuck in a tree he didn't show up until hours later clearly still indulging on chocolate moving on next is Jaime Oh like your typical older sibling he thrives on making life difficult for Gerald his focus is on being an athlete and being cool he's very prideful taking his status as older brother to take whatever he wants you want to but we can give him some credit for confronting Gerald when he finds out Chloe was using his younger brother he even confessed that he was more malicious than needed and promised to be kinder I'm gonna try to be a better brother and I'm gonna try and bug you a little less off it's not clear if he keeps that promise but it was a step in the right direction Curley has made a strange name for himself he's often delusional extreme and displays almost frightening behavior his obsession with Rhonda practically borders on criminal with his only saving grace being that he eventually let their fake relationship end in a way that still made Rhonda look good so she wasn't hated by their peers Rhonda's my girlfriend still it's hard to ignore him breaking animals out of the zoo and creating a hostage situation at PS 118 let's get out of here oh no not until I have a deal in place with all that said I think curly has serious mental issues and his acting out stems from him being either under or over medicated stoop kid is one of those characters who is hard to forget he didn't have any real goals and just wanted to sit on his stew Arnold helped him to get off his steps and actually live his life but beforehand he was known to be incredibly aggressive and even violent insulting and threatening anyone who walked by but even when he was talking about how Arnold helped him in the second movie he admitted that he only wanted to leave the stoop to harass more people stoop kid has anger problems to say the least Sid is next on our list he's often seen as a partner to stinky and Harold but why is he ranked lower than his two comrades well because Sid is a mess he's a coward always looking for the easy way out he won't admit to being wrong unless his mistakes are shoved in his face as when he accused Arnold of keeping the money they found or when he lied to Lorenzo about Arnold's room being his own he's also vindictive wanting to punish warts for being unfair seems an intentionally killed my school principal with the mystical powers of his stomach Syd might have the potential to be a decent kid but he's a follower and a coward more times than not next is the man who is determined to win no matter what coach Wittenberg to say he's full of himself is an understatement almost choosing an ice hockey game over his wife and destroying students and their self-esteem as he tries motivating them he's not exactly the most beloved man in the series we'll give him some leniency since he does try to incorporate Arnold's advice showing his more sensitive side and purposely throwing a game to prove his love for Tish next is our fashionista always the modest and humble one Rhonda proud of her rich background she's brought up to act better than everyone else it's easy to disregard her labeling her as a spoiled princess type but she is expected to act arrogant and superior any screen time given to her parents easily shows that sort of environment she's been raised in she does have her moments where she rises above the princess label being marked as a geek she fought to get geeks to be treated like equals at PS 118 after which we do see a change in how the cast interacts he also defends Patti after they spent time growing close together Rhonda takes up plenty of causes but the only reason this doesn't place her any higher on the morality scale is because she only takes up a cause if it benefits her in some way or if she finds the opposing force personally offensive moving on to the King of Swing Dino spumoni a household name it makes sense all his success would go to his head but he's also demonstrated a sort of mafia mentality even telling Arnold if the football-headed kid exposed how soft the guy Dino was he would have to have the kid whacked and saying that it was nothing personal he was just old fashioned and if you tell anybody different I might have to have you capped not the person was just I'm old-fashioned but he does thrive on making people happy and even appeared to save the circle theater claiming it as where he got his big break now we are officially moving into the amoral territory these characters start out as having significantly more bad than good character traits some are downright immoral all the time and the worst are evil these characters are the bad and evil starting out the bad characters we have the grumpy and strict principal warts he's your typical no-nonsense guy his whole life seems to revolve around PS 118 having almost no idea how to behave anytime he's not at the school he's stubborn about rationing supplies and is quick to insult the students in a way that would be considered unlawful or grounds for firing nowadays he has been shown to meet teachers halfway occasionally but the moments are few and far between with often the students finding a solution on their own one of his worst acts is interrogating Arnold over witnessing the mooning incidents do you think exposing portions of your Anatomy to your school principal is funny threatening to ruin his permanent record for not ratting on his friends an act of great courage and integrity from Arnold Marion Pataki is certainly not gonna win any awards for best mom while she's not evil she is a neglectful parent usually not without a smoothie nearby which let's be real is likely booze in fact her behavior her lack of energy and slurring words suggests that she has a problem with pills as well and she's probably mixing the two vices she was a very accomplished individual before becoming a parent making the comment when Olga announces her engagements don't make the same mistake I made since the show is portrayed through Helga's point of view as often as it is through Arnold's we see more of Miriam's faults she forgets to make her daughter lunch and take her to school she sleeps through the day and has become very lazy and unmotivated over the years then there's the obvious point that she's made her younger daughter feel like she's less loved than her sister which even if it was unintentional is still awful the only thing that we can really say in Miriam's defense is that when she's running the beeper Emporium and see how she's neglecting Helga she immediately leaves the workforce to return home and be more of a parent so what it doesn't make up for all the neglect but at least it shows some self-awareness that makes us believe she might change for the better next on the list is the big man himself Big Bob loud arrogant indulgences selfish bob has few good qualities now get your patoot in here and tell me what happened before I explode but he is a good father to Olga I guess but why the heck can t show that support to Helga as well like his wife Bob is terribly neglectful and his personality is far more confrontational than his wife's there are some moments where you can see him really try to reach out to Helga even buying tickets to a show he mistakenly thought she wanted to see in order to be closer he even eventually confesses to the float he was awarded for being Arnold's idea at his youngest daughters prompting he is a shrewd businessman but running your own company can take its toll it doesn't justify his mistreatment of his employees or anyone he shoves aside on the street but he does start to gain a new perspective on his life after his near-death experience his family proves to be the most important thing in his life even if he's not always good at showing it he's not a good father and his wife is not a good mother but both of them do show growth in certain episodes next is big Gino a young kid but merciless all the same he runs his group of friends like a mini mafia organization bullying the younger kids into buying hall passes tossing kids and dumpsters threatening to give kids swirlies if they don't pay him back I want you to give this kid a swirl and I want you to take a picture it's a little horrifying to think this kid will eventually grow up to be a mob boss next up is the biggest bully on the block Wolfgang a pretty one-dimensional character he's only really present to torment Arnold and his friends even goes as far as to teach his own peers how to properly shove kids and trash cans he's the first character on our most both side that doesn't really have any redeeming traits it's time to take out the trash unless you count him returning Arnold's football once he's bored with using it Wolfgang is incredibly violent leaving Arnold and his friends including Helga strung up at their field with bruises he is still a kid however so there is hope that he becomes a decent person but as he's portrayed he is awful why don't you just go home now crying her bed next up is the laziest resident in the boardinghouse Oscar a horrible burden on his wife he's only ever had one job delivering newspapers and that was only after he was guilted into finally working like you promised he even lied about learning to read at first bribing chocolate boy into helping him memorize the first section of a book to win money at a bet you were cheating he doesn't help himself in any way and hates to change his habits if it may take any effort honestly Oscar is a user and a loser he's pathetic and pretty much exactly what you shouldn't be as an adult moving on to a couple of other adults we have the laki criminals rank together Maury and Vic your classic run-of-the-mill bad guys they're seen in various shady settings it doesn't help their reputation that they are typically around Oscar playing cards there have been hints at money laundering and theft any time they're on screen really the only decent thing they seem to do is refuse when Oscar tries to bet the baby during one of their games Bob's co-worker Nick is next on our list willing to do anything for money he gives off the vibe that he would kill his own mother for a good business deal to the tree he shows a small bit of loyalty to Bob but it never appears to be a friendly relationship with money always changing hands anytime he's called in to help he turns the opportunity into a shameless promotion he took over Arnold's flow disregarding any safety risks and even encouraged Bob to go along with the destruction of the neighborhood in the first movie big sign can't miss it from the 3-way in the overpass drops at bing-bam-boom right in the parking lot our silver medal for most evil character is the Jolly Olie man he makes his hate for children well-known in just about everything that comes out of his mouth is spiteful and condescending what kind of grown man makes fun of a kid for gaining weight he's impatient rude and gets his kicks from giving kids false hope before speeding away in his icecream truck laughing all the way down the road he genuinely enjoys terrorizing little kids it also doesn't help that he's clearly unstable thinking his dog is laughing at him and even goes as far as to impersonate a woman and steal the Packard just because he thought Phil ran him off the road on purpose this guy is deranged mean-spirited and angry what an absolute psycho and finally we're at our most evil character Alphonse Perrier do von Scheck the main villain in the first hey Arnold movie this man went beyond corrupt businessman vowing to destroy the neighborhood and burning the evidence that would protect that part of the city as a historical landmark he has no problem with hunting down anyone that interferes with his plan even if they're only children my guards will not lock you away well you won't cause any more trouble and who can forget how he actually tried to run Arnold and Gerald over at the end of the movie thankfully his tires had been removed so he was unable to do so but that still qualifies as attempted murder and that's enough to merit the gold medal for most evil character in hey Arnold so that's the ranking dr. bliss you're an angel and mr. Scheck well here's something we probably can't say in this video make sure to Bing jar full good to evil playlist where we breakdown the morality of your favorite shows cartoons and movies but most importantly stay wicked
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 286,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey arnold series, hey arnold, hey arnold!, hey arnold streaming, hey arnold movie, hey arnold netflix, hey arnold tv show, hey arnold gerald, hey arnold grandpa, grandpa phil, hey arnold oscar, hey arnold helga, hey arnold jungle movie, big bob, big bob's beepers, hey arnold harold, monkey man, pigeon man, hey arnold pigeon man, hey arnold stinky, hey arnold curly, hey arnold rhonda, stoop kid, hey arnold stoop kid, jolly olly man, hey arnold eugene, good to evil
Id: _lLiq7U2yAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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