Nickelodeon Villains: Evil to Most Evil (Nick Toons!)

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Nickelodeon has always been a hotspot for cartoons, with classic shows like Spongebob Squarepants and The Fairly Oddparents standing tall and proudly through the test of time. Even lesser known shows like Doug and The Wild Thornberrys still get a good following years later. Throughout the years, the network has blessed us with countless beloved friendly characters. But for every show, there has to be an opposing force, an antagonist to cause conflict in some way, and Nick cartoons are no exceptions. But, which villains are the most vile? That is what we are asking today. But before we go any further, we gotta lay out da rules, Fairly Oddparents style. Firstly, there are many kinds of Nick shows and movies out there, so for this list, we are just focusing on the main Nicktoons lineup, no Nick Jr, or Nick Movies. Secondly, the villain must be introduced in the cartoon show first; no movie villains. However, thirdly, if the villain of the show plays the role as a villain in a movie made after the show aired, then their deeds on the silver screen will count towards their overall morality. With da rules out of the way, I’m Kyle from WickedBinge, and today, this is Nickelodeon Villains, evil to most evil. As usual, we’ll be starting with the least evil characters and working our way down to the most evil. Up first, for our least evil villain: We have a villain who isn’t evil. Helga G. Pataki. Hailing from Hey Arnold, this schoolyard bully is most commonly seen pushing, shoving and punching anyone she doesn’t like, including our beloved football head. On the surface, that’s all she seems to be, however, veterans of the show know that she is not all that bad. Her problems seem to come forth from a neglectful homelife, with a father that doesn’t care about her and focuses more on her sister, Olga, who is oblivious to her ignorant parents. On top of that, her mother couldn’t be a more obvious metaphor for a drunk person if she had the words “I’m drunk” tattooed to her forehead. She really didn’t receive any forms of positive attention, at least until Arnold helped her from the rain and complimented her pink bow. This sets off her obsession with Arnold, and yes, it is an obsession, judging from the shrine she has of him. However, after being mocked by others for having a crush, she felt like the only choice of action was to toughen up and push back. This doesn’t excuse her actions per say, but this does help explain why she acts like this. Besides, she does do a good amount of good deeds, ranging from trying to help Arnold out of being used by Summer in “Summer Love” while paying mind to not crush the poor kid, giving up her treasured shoes to help her crush reunite Mr. Hynuh with his daughter, and even helping Arnold save the town in the first movie. What puts her this low is the second movie, with her realizing how much Arnold wants to see his parents again and helping him escape from Lasombra and even give him her heart locket with Arnold’s own face in it to stop the sleeping disease. In the end, despite what it may seem at first glance, Arnold puts it best in the Jungle Movie; “I think your heart... is more pure than you know.” Our second “bad guy but not really” goes to Nora Beady from Back At The Barnyard. While she did appear in the film for a bit, she isn’t that big of a player, as Dag takes the role of the main antagonist, so she counts for this list. In comparison to Dag’s cruel and demented actions towards the farm animals, even killing Ben, all Nora really wants to do is to expose the animals’ ability to walk and talk. Of course, as the animals fear the fact that this means being sent to scientists to be experimented on, their fears of her are definitely justified, and why she is above Helga. However, let’s consider this from her point of view. The poor old woman is constantly teased and pranked by the animals, and even at one point, ends up in a mental hospital thanks to their antics getting to her that badly in “Saving Mrs. Beady”. Not only that, but she really isn’t intent on harming them, at least herself, and usually does her schemes in ways that won’t hurt them until they get to the scientists. It is certainly hard to blame her, especially when she has been shown to be willing to reason with the animals, and even befriend them until she was literally struck with lightning and forgot everything, as seen in “Beady And The Beast”. She may be rough at times, but really, with how rough life can be with her, it’s pretty hard to blame her. Now moving onto people that try to be bullies just to amuse themselves, we have the three-year-old tyrant, Angelica Pickles. Considering her age, it may be quite easy as to deduce why she isn’t any higher. She is just a standard preschool bully towards the Rugrats, content with just stealing their sweets and lying to them, like with her pretending that Cynthia was kidnapped in order to get the babies to give her sweets, to tricking them to working for her for free, like in her lemonade stand business in “Angelica’s Last Stand”. And her constant rivalry with Susie. She also isn’t above manipulating parents if she can, like using Stu’s invention in “Angelica Orders Out” to trick her father into buying her gifts and buying a lot of take out. However, she is still, just a toddler herself; shocking, I know. Her schemes never really do any lasting harm and just blows up in her face in the end. She also does have her own morality, as she is horrified at just how mean Coco could be in “Rugrats In Paris”, and steps in to stop Josh from bullying the babies in “New Kid In Town”. She does indeed care for the babies deep down, but she isn’t interested in showing it. She may be a villain, but she is still just a kid, or in her case, a dumb baby. Fourth place belongs to The Greaser Dogs from CatDog. These 3 alley dogs live on the streets and are your run of the mill playground jerks, physically assaulting whoever they can, namely CatDog for being different from them. Cliff is the short tempered leader, more than happy to throw the first punch at people that he sees as different. He did try to go straight once in “Beware Of Cliff” after being stuck under some weights, only for it to not stick in the end. Well; at least there was an attempt. And hey, when he isn’t pounding CatDog, he actually takes ballet, so he’s not all bad. Shriek is the female of the group. Originally from a rich family, her demanding mother and careless and ignorant father made her desire a new life, leading her to the Greasers. She promises to only hurt Cat whenever they are about to be pounded, due to having a crush on Dog. Even then, she still has been shown to be friendly with Cat at times. Considering how Cat has a crush on her and creates one of the oddest love triangles ever, it’s safe to say that she is at least more reasonable than Cliff. Finally, there’s the nicest of the group, Lube. He may look dumb, but he’s probably the smartest one of the group, being a mechanic as well as a cook for the group when making snacks for them and ironing their clothes. In “The Great Parent Mystery”, he actually helps the duo on grounds of having a cat mom and dog dad and being part cat. Heck, in “All You Need is Lube”, Lube befriends and helps out CatDog after they get a tick off of him, even leaving the Greasers. Overall, while they are brash and harmful at times, each member of the group is nicer than the last, letting them enjoy a low spot on this list. Next up, we have the much hated show, Planet Sheen’s villain, Dorkus. In comparison to other villains on this list, Dorkus finds himself in a rather advantageous position. He is the self declared enemy to Sheen, who has become the ambassador of Earth, and Dorkus wants to expose Sheen for the idiot he is. It’s hard to feel bad for the guy, considering that Sheen broke his house on Jimmy’s rocket on the way into Zeenu, and that Sheen doesn’t seem to notice him or notice how serious he is. Heck, Sheen even has the audacity to say that his house was in the way of the rocket. So, if he is rather justified in hating Sheen, what makes him worse than the others? Well, he is rather eager to get Sheen killed off. From setting up Sheen to face off against a unicorn ready to eat him in “Isn’t That Cute”, to setting up a big and elaborate play riddled with death traps made specifically for Sheen in “Act One; Sheen One”. And don’t forget, Sheen is still just a kid, no matter how dumb he is. Plus, aside from the pilot, Sheen really doesn’t have any hatred for Dorkus, even trying to invite him to a house party in “The Boy Next Dorkus”. He may have his reasons for hating Sheen, but there is a fine line between hating and trying to kill, and he crossed it. That said, it is hard to blame him for the grudge in the first place. Up next, we have the main villain of Rocket Power, Lars Rodriguez. As Twister’s brother, there is bound to be a lot of brotherly annoyances. With his own gang of Pi, Sputz, and Animal, they are often rivals for Otto’s own gang. The two often get into competition with each other, with Lars’s team losing more often than not. That being said, he still does have some love for his little brother; from not wanting others to hurt him as he is the only one allowed to harm him, even helping out Otto and friends if it means helping Twister, like making sure their sandcastle is still up for the judges to see in “The Great Sandcastle Race”. Also filling in for Otto’s team when he is asked to if one of their members can’t compete... like when Otto broke his leg, or when they had to replace Sam in a NHL blackout tournament. While he still is occasionally a caring brother to Twister... he’s also definitely a bully. Up next, we have Fanboy and Chum Chum’s own bully, Boog! As the runner of their favorite store with their favorite drink, the Frosty Freezie Freeze, they often end up crossing paths, and more often than not, end up getting bopped by Boog. This Frosty Mart worker is just as cold as the drinks he sells. He cares more about his Chimp Chomp machine than he does for any real human, more than willing to punch whoever he wants for fun. Even though he is 20 years old, he has no problem whatsoever with actually punching kids, even enjoying “delivering knuckle sandwiches” like it was a hobby. And when punching doesn’t work, like in “Fanboy and The Plastic Bubble” when he tried to punch Fanboy’s plastic bubble, he’ll just try to punch harder till it takes, or even take advantage of their kindness by faking an allergy attack to leave the boys vulnerable. The only times where he is somewhat friendly with Fanboy and Chum Chum is when he is either using them to help find a monster in “Monster In The Mist”, or pranking Yo in “Prank Master”. If he is only friendly when either causing misery to others or furthering his own safety, then it is pretty safe to say that this is one worker you don’t want to work with. We can’t forget Ed Bighead of Rocko’s Modern Life. He serves as the main antagonist for Rocko, being grumpy due to having to live next door. The guy has his own team of scientists dedicated to building a heat ray just to kill Rocko and his friends underneath his house as seen in “Wacky Delly”. His hatred for him extends so much that even when Rocko is nice to him, like in “Cabin Fever” with Rocko allowing the Bigheads to stay in his cabin, all he complains about is that he’s sharing a cabin and tries to make it miserable for him still. That said, what ultimately saves Ed from going any higher is his role in the series finale, “Static Cling”, with him eventually making amends with Rocko thanks to him bringing back his son, now daughter, Rachael, formerly Ralph, before getting a sex change. Ed even ends up helping Rocko accept that change is natural in life. While it is nice to see amends being made; it is still hard to forget just how gung-ho he was about killing off our favorite wallaby. Another early 90’s character, we have Bill Bluff, from Doug. Originally starting out on Nick then moving to Disney, we’re still counting Doug here due to how many people still see Doug as a Nick show. He’s the richest man in Bluffington, and he isn’t afraid of flaunting his wealth around. He’s able to rig a contest just so a school could be named after his daughter, and use his money to pay cops to do whatever he wants. The highlight of his villainy is in “Doug’s Christmas Story”, where he made the lives of Doug and all of his family nightmares, just because they tried to stand up for Doug’s dog, Porkchop. This was all for Porkchop biting his daughter in an attempt to save her life from falling into some thin ice. Bill responded by being sent to the meanest dog pound in town by forcing the mayor to do so, publicly shaming Doug and his family because they protested it, and tried to get Porkchop killed off by rigging the trial against him. His nastiest role however comes from “Doug’s 1st Movie”. In an attempt to keep the fact that he dumps chemicals into a lake a secret, he attempts to kill the harmless mutated lizard that came out of the lake, and tried to blackmail two kids into keeping it a secret. He may be the CEO of Bluffington, but saying that he is good is a bluff in and of itself. For our next entry, we have to go in, going under the sea to meet Sheldon J. Plankton. The owner of the failure known as the Chum Bucket, he once was actually buddy buddy with Mr. Krabs in their youth, and even teamed up to create their first restaurant, to...little success, putting it nicely. The food was so bad it flat out killed Old Man Jenkins, or are least, one of the many different versions of Old Man Jenkins. While Mr. Krabs felt bad about it, Plankton didn’t even seem fazed by it, and an argument about the formula would lead them to split and go down their own paths, becoming bitter enemies. He has since been a constant visitor to the Krusty Krab for the Krabby Patty, but not to buy it, but to steal the formula for it. These schemes range from faking being Spongebob’s friend, tricking the citizens of Bikini Bottom to go on a freezing tundra race to leave the Krusty Krab empty and alone for him to steal the formula, and even tricking Mr. Krabs into working his employees overtime with 24 hours a day. His worst deed however is his deadliest plan; plan Z from the original Spongebob Movie. Starting with him stealing Neptune’s Crown, this escalated to getting Mr. Krabs so close to death by having him be frozen by King Neptune, and evening further by hypnotizing the entire residence of Bikini Bottom, turning them into slaves for him. He may be small, but he sure is effective for what he does. That said, what puts him lower than more vicious villains is that he actually does have a couple people in his life that he does care about; his computer wife called Karen, his pet amoeba called Spot, and his son, Chip Plankton II. With Karen, it is with him confessing that he still thinks highly of her in the second Spongebob movie, and saving her life in Karen 2.0. With Spot, it’s adopting him and treating him like an actual pet in “Plankton’s Pet”. With Chip, it’s growing to like him after saving him from a gang in “Karen’s Baby”. He even ends up helping Mr. Krabs get his formula back from Burgerbeard in Sponge Out Of Water just because he promised him. Overall, despite what he is capable of doing, he really is “1% Evil, and 99% Hot Gas”. Up next we have the ever forgetful professor, Professor Finbarr Calamitous. Once a student of Ms. Fowl’s class, he was once hailed as a brilliant upcoming student, if not for one major flaw; he just can’t finish anything; food, homework, even his own sentences. After leaving school after not finishing his lunch one day, the professor became the evil mad scientist he is today; or he would be more evil and powerful, if he ever finished his inventions. Instead, he just kidnaps Jimmy to force him to finish his inventions. With these inventions complete, he truly becomes powerful, with gizmos ranging from helping him take over Retroville, flat out melting Mount Everest, and even trying to change reality as he sees fit during “Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2” after merging with Jordan. That said, the professor does have his own limit; namely having a daughter called Beautiful Gorgeous, and teaching her the ropes of being a villain, even if she doesn’t like his own buffoonish nature. Just be thankful that he is just as forgetful and procrastinating as he is. There really isn’t more evil than someone who just doesn’t finish their...Eh, I’ll finish editing the script later. Next we have the father of a superhero, Puma Loco, aka Grandpapi Rivera from El Tigre. His exact alignment is as hard to pin down as you would expect as someone with the name “Crazy Puma” would have. He is the feared villain of Miracle City, constantly robbing banks with the only person able to stop him being his own son, Rodolfo Rivera, and his superhero form, White Pantera. As the grandfather of the easily influenced Manny Rivera, or El Tigre trying to find his own path in life, he wants him to become a villain just like he was. He may be retired as of now, but he still goes out for a night of robbing banks or jewelry if the mood strikes. He is a family man however, and still loves his heroic son and grandson, being happy with whatever path he chooses to go down, good or evil. This morality forces him to end up helping out his family, and thus do good over evil. Heck, in the series finale, "No Boots, No Belt, No Brero", he ends up with El Tigre’s belt, and after learning how to control it, was able to beat up other supervillains with the family, and even became celebrated as a hero. Overall, while he certainly does have a couple skeletons in his closet, he also does a fair amount of spring cleaning in there as well. He may be proud to be a villain, but he’s prouder as a family man. Unlucky number 13 belongs to the villainous Verminious Snaptrap. The big bad of T.U.F.F. Puppy, this rodent of unusual size is the leader of the Diabolical Order Of Mayhem, or DOOM. As the main villain, he is quite unhinged. Alongside performing many evil schemes to try to take over the world, he also has shown frequent disregard for his own workers, more than happy with punishing them should they fail, like tossing his henchmen into a shark tank, or even just stealing their plans for world conquest. He is as evil as he is petty; with his schemes being a toss up between just acting like a spoiled child that has been told “no”, to more vile schemes like trying to launch the townspeople into the sun, sinking a ship by crashing it into a iceberg, and trying to blow up the sun just to make popcorn. He does have a bit of a gentleman side to him however, as he is always nice enough to tell T.U.F.F. just what his scheme is, considering it rude to not let them know in advance. If it’s your birthday, then he’ll give you the gift of letting you celebrate it first before killing you, because hey, no one’s that evil. He also considers just eating the people who blocked him from riding a monotrail a bit too much, as it’s just too dark and disturbing. He also ends up finding love in “Snap Dad”, falling in love with Dudley’s mother and even becoming an agent for T.U.F.F. to prove himself to her. He failed in the end, but there was an attempt. In the end, he may be a villain, but you may be able to leave an encounter with him alive. Just, don’t offer him cheese. He’s allergic to it, and yes, he’s aware of the irony. As we continue our descent, we have Chalkzone’s own villainous Scrawl. Created after a botched drawing by Rudy, he has come to hate his own appearance and takes out his rage by attacking the denizens of Chalkzone. He’s a villain and proud of it; more than happy of it, constantly trying to make life miserable. This can range from trying to flood and commit the mass murder of many of the inhabitants of Chalkzone by trapping them in a museum in “The Skrawl”... to building a robotic brain to hypnotize the citizens of Chalkzone in “Scrawl’s Brain.” He even backs out of a deal he made with Rudy after he tried to fix his appearance, more than willing to let others drown. The only real positive we have for him is that he seems to care for his underlings, making sure that they don’t get hurt during the attack on his own brain in “Scrawl’s Brain”. But even then, he still is willing to go rough on them, as shown in “Beanie Boys To Men”, albeit in more of a drill instructor kind of way. Also, for as much as he hates Rudy, we do see him tearfully waving goodbye to him in “Let’s Go Wandering”, as co-creator Bill Burnett explains that he still saw Rudy as his creator, and it was like saying good-bye to God as he left you. Overall, he definitely is one crude drawing. Anyone who, without a hint of irony, says “I’m evil, get it?” is either a proud villain, or a Dungeons and Dragons DM. We’re going to throw in Kip O’Donnell next. The Poacher from The Wild Thornberrys. Although he’s always with his lackey Beiderman, we’re going to rank him specifically because he’s clearly the more evil of the duo. O’Donnell definitely seems to be an emotionally disturbed man and is without a doubt cruel and sadistic. Given his occupation is poacher, it’s not difficult to understand why he ranks so low. Given everything he has attempted to do throughout The Wild Thornberrys in order to harm animals, he deserves to be called out for being such a sick S.O.B. Luckily, his plans are always foiled and he’s left humiliated. Next, we have Amon, from Legend Of Korra. The leader of the villainous Equalists, his goal is to make everyone equal by removing bending from everyone. He claims that his parents were killed by firebenders in front of his very eyes, and as such, wants to rid the world of benders, seeing bending is the root of all evil. His real backstory is that he is the son of Yakone, a bender who has lost his powers thanks to Aang. As such, he and his brother Tarrlok were meant to be raised to revenge, but at the same time, learned the outlawed art of blood bending. While Tarrlok rejected this idea, Amon loved blood bending, and with how blood bending can make people insane, you get a recipe for a crazed wannabe messiah. As a public, he tries to keep a clean image, only going after evil benders till he amassed enough support to attack the more scrupulous benders. Seeing himself as the solution, he isn’t afraid to do questionable or downright evil things if it means his goals get closer to completion. That said, he still does have some care for his brother, even after he pushed him away as he fell in love with blood bending, and he at least admits to any crimes that he truly did commit. Plus, as bad as his actions are, he does have a brighter future in mind, with helping poorer citizens and working for equality. He may have been a sane man at one point, but at this point, he is far too gone to be reasoned with. He may not be the solution, but he is still effective all the same, at least in his mind. Vicky of the Fairly OddParents gets the title of 5th most evil Nickelodeon Villain, and deservedly so. This tyrannical babysitter preys off of unsuspecting parents to torment poor children. She is psychotic and proud of it; more than happy to keep torturing kids under her rule by forcing them to do chores, to flat out blackmail and using chainsaws to scare them. As the series went on, her actions and desires got more and more demented, eventually reaching global domination in “Channel Chasers”. It’s clear that the show never really intended for Vicky to be sympathetic in any way, and it shows. She has babysat for way more children than Timmy and her sister. Now, you may be wondering just how someone like Vicky can be so twisted. Well, the show offers several explanations. One of which is that her core emotion “Kindness” never showed up for work in “Tiny Timmy”. In “Snow Bound”, it’s because she claimed to have had a miserable childhood herself. Finally in “Vicky Loses Her Icky”, it’s explained that she literally has a bad bug inside her, making her act this way. She certainly does have a lot going for her, but when she is happy to scare her own family and parents into submission to get her way, it’s just as hard to feel pity for her. The 4th Most Evil Nickelodeon Villain is Vlad Plasmius. As the major recurring villain in Danny Phantom, Danny ends up finding himself facing this foe. As a billionaire half ghost, half man, Vlad has his sights set on the hand of Maddie Fenton in marriage, being more than willing to kill Jack Fenton to achieve his goals. He says that this is because Jack caused the accident that turned him into a half ghost, he had to spend years in a hospital as Jack married Maddie. For him to be happy, he just needed to marry Maddie, right? Well, “Masters Of All Time” says no to that, hard. When the role is flipped and Jack is the one who gets a half ghost form, he still proves himself to be better than the completely human Vlad. In “Phantom Planet”, he even decides to take advantage of an approaching asteroid called the disasteroid, trying to become the leader of the world, promising that for $500,000,000,000 and controlling the entire world, he’ll save the world by phasing out the disasteroid. However, this would lead to his downfall as the disasteroid is covered in a substance that negates ghost powers, and realizing he blew his cover and can’t go back home, as he would just be hunted. As much of a self entitled fiend this wannabe lover is, he does at least have the potential for being a decent person. In “The Ultimate Enemy”, he willingly takes in Danny once he lost literally everything in his life, even trying to remove his ghost self from his human self, unfortunately creating the dreamed Dark Danny. However, after spending a decade alone, he does at least wisen up and realized how big of a fool he was. He also is genuinely excited at the idea of Danny being his prodigy. For as controlling he can be, he does still have some desire for a family. Of course, due to how he can be, it probably is for the best that he was hit by the disasteroid at the end of “Phantom Planet”. We’re at the final 3, and the winner of our bronze trophy is Vexus from My Life As A Teenage Robot. The queen of Cluster Prime who wants Jenny to join her through any means possible, Vexus has enslaved countless people, or as she calls them, Flesh Wearers, so they can serve, in her eyes, the superior race, robots. She has proven herself to be a constant threat to humanity and to Jenny, such as trying to brainwash her with a nanobot in “Hostile Makeover”, amassing all the robots in a convention in “Tradeshow Showdown” just to attack Jenny, and even tricking her friend, Sheldon, into giving her Jenny’s master blueprints in “Designing Women”. Her biggest and deadliest plan however, was trying to launch a full scale invasion of Earth in “Escape From Cluster Prime”, where after Jenny got trapped on her own planet, it’s revealed that she’s been lying to her citizens, saying that Jenny is much more evil than she is, even hiding some important golden chips that would have given the citizens access to their powers to frame it on Jenny. The reason she isn’t any higher is because after Jenny’s trip to Cluster Prime, not only have the golden chips been recovered, but Vexus herself has been deposed of, and now just lives on a floating asteroid. While she still tried to go after Jenny, mainly by just trying to be petty and steal the spotlight from her at school. It’s very obvious that without her empire, Vexus really isn’t that powerful of a threat that she wants you to believe she is. That said, she did have one pride and joy, her own daughter, least, she was her pride until she was overthrown by her and lost access to all her previous resources. Once a powerful threat against Jenny, now just a common annoyance, it’s kind of hard to not feel a bit bad for her…then you remember her past misdeeds and realize that she deserved this. With our Silver Medal of overall evil villainy, we have the Almighty Tallest’s worst nightmare, Zim. At first glance, Zim is just a incompetent alien invader, sent to Earth only because he caused so much damaged to the Irken Empire. His sidekick GIR can even be more competent than him at times as seen in “GIR Goes Crazy And Stuff”, and even his own computer system doesn’t pay him much attention. So, just why does he have a silver medal? Simple; it’s Zim’s same zany nature that makes him a total threat. Without anyone stopping him, Zim is capable of creating massive destruction. In vain efforts to appease his Tallests, he is dead set on making this world dead. In “Walk For Your Lives”, he more or less created a massive bomb that destroys the entire town. In “The Wettening”, he floods the entire city with a water balloon after being assaulted by water thanks to his nemesis, Dib. In “Hobo 13”, he ends up casually killing off fellow Irkens just to get through the deadly obstacle course. In “Battle Of The Planets”, Zim takes control of Mars itself, as in the literal planet, just to slam it into Earth. And these are just a couple of examples. His most impressive vile feat however is “Into The Florpus”, where he managed to teleport the entire world into the path of the Irken Armada, ready to let the Tallest destroy the planet themselves, even creating the titular Florpus that proved to be a very real threat to Earth by distorting reality and everything that enters it, including the ever so stubborn Tallest that refused to go around the Florpus because they don’t believe in turning. Zim came within seconds of reaching his goal of destroying the Earth for good. So, yeah, as laughable it is to look at Zim’s usual antics, when the invader is given a free pass, he is more than willing to go all the way with his schemes just to destroy Earth. The only reason Zim isn’t number one is that he saved Earth a couple times, like against the planet jackers and Tak, if only so he can do the deed itself. He may be foolish 9 out of 10 times, but beware that tenth time... At the very worst of the worst, we’re ending with Avatar. The Gold Medal of Nickelodeon villainy goes to the ever over-looming threat of the original Avatar series, Firelord Ozai. In comparison to Amon, who at least was after a noble goal with some questionable methods, Ozai is just a conqueror of nations just because of his belief in Fire Nation supremacy. He sees all other nations as weak and is more than willing to step on them if they get into his way. He is not afraid to use emotions to manipulate those that he sees as tools, including his own children. He even outright tries to have his own son killed off numerous times, even being the reason as to he has that scar on his face. Even then, he still treats Azula worse by grooming her to be his successor, emotionally abusing her and gradually turning her into a ruthless fighter for the Fire Nation. The kindest thing he ever did to Zuko was banishing him, ironically enough, as Azula ended up being outright broken once she finally lost to Katara. He is more than ready to fully end the war once Sozin’s comet comes by, more or less destroying the whole world just to show off firebender supremacy. The guy believes that compassion of any kind is a way of showing how weak people are, not understanding why Aang would possibly let him live. Given how he believes that there is no right or wrong code of conduct and how happy he is to take the most sadistic route possible, it’s hard to argue that he deserves. But being powerless and trapped in a jail cell with your son locking you up in there? That, we can understand. For a guy that just burns whatever is bothering him, it’s certainly a fitting end. A villain that is more than happy committing mass extinction of various continents till they are either dead or surrender to his will, he more than earned his spot at the top of the list. And that concludes our list. Did we overlook some villain’s wicked misdeed, or is one of these folks more of a softy than we thought? Let us know in the comments below. Be sure to check out our other videos in the playlist, and join our army by dropping a like, a subscribe, or even ringing that bell. We’ll see you in the next video, and remember to stay wicked!
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 412,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick animation studios, nickelodeon, nick, nick toons, nicktoons, nick noggin, square pants, spongebob, plankton, hipdot spongebob, cosmo fairly, fairly odd parents, fairly oddparents full episodes online, cat dog, danny phantom netflix, danny phantom vlad, the last airbender, airbender, fire lord ozai, fairly odd parents vicky, Vlad Plasmius, spongebob squarepants, mlaatr pest control, my life as a teenage robot pest control, legend of korra season 1 full, legend of korra seasons
Id: PfmNmgLSKi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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