South Park Characters: Good to Evil

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good old South Park that little town in Colorado where everything crazy seems to happen really it's a brilliant fictional place that's meant to represent a normalcy we're all used to typical residents you'd see in any town re-written to be over-the-top and thrown into ridiculous and satirical situations and with such a huge cast of characters who are responsible for some of the craziest stuff we've ever seen from an adult animated show the morality is all over the place which is why we had to give it an extra in depth good the evil treatment I'm Kyle with wicked binge and this is South Park good to evil and full disclosure there are a lot of characters on this show honestly it's right up there with The Simpsons for that reason we've decided that we're not including celebrity characters or monster characters such as manbearpig and the woodland critters we actually plan on doing full episodes for South Park celebrity characters and South Park monsters though so let us know if you want to see those next okay like our Simpsons episode this is a long one so we've broken characters into three categories the good the gray area and bad to evil as usual let's start with the most pure we start our list by giving the gold medal for most good to little butters surprising right butters thanks to his naive and kind nature is an all-time favorite among fans and is considered one of the sweetest and most gullible people on the show thus the reason as to why he's on the top of our list in contrast to other kids who are more cynical and foul-mouthed butters acts the way children his age are supposed to he's playful kind naive and always ready to help those around him his playful and naive nature often gets him into trouble since he is more vulnerable to manipulation mostly by Cartman he too isn't short of a criminal record but we can deem these crimes as unintentional or crime due to manipulation butters when not being manipulated is a will behaved kid who's constantly looking to improve himself in terms of studies and behavior he's prone to constantly criticizing himself often saying that he quote needs to learn how to behave himself over all butters is definitely the best character in South Park but it is necessary to inform you where his sometimes overly naive personality comes from in the episode super best friends it is revealed that butters suffers from light mental trauma caused by his abusive father further evidence of the trauma caused by his dad's irresponsible parenting can also be seen in Imaginationland episode 3 where he was told to imagine the most prominent thing in his mind which happened to be his father screaming that he was grounded the imaginary version of his father later morphed into a monster like being however it appears that his dad isn't the only source for his troubled mental state butters is also socially isolated from his peers and is constantly ridiculed for his personality which can take a toll on a grown ups mental health so we can only imagine the impact it has on a child's what's up you think you're tough but butters channels these negative aspects of his life in a positive way he's not aggressive negative or vulgar instead being kind and considerate which is incredibly strong and requires a lot of self-control granted there is professor chaos but when you look at his alter ego as a coping mechanism it's easy to forgive next is big gay al one of the most positive people in South Park you can't help but like him allas stereotypical through and through he's happy upbeat ridiculously positive and flamboyant isn't this precious he also has a big heart which we see when it's revealed that he runs an animal sanctuary reserved for gay animals who had been rejected by intolerant pet owners what a guy the positivity this guy radiates is enough to place him as one of the most good characters in South Park this might be a bit of a shock because of his vulgarity but we're giving the bronze medal of good to Kenny mcCormick the show's most unlucky kid I mean come on how many times has he died despite the major downsides of immortality Kenny turned out to be a pretty decent kid Kenny is known for being heroic many of his deaths throughout many different episodes were actually acts of heroic self-sacrifice remember he fixed the hell's Pass Hospital backup generator by using himself to connect two wires which resulted in him being electrocuted to death and the time he smashed the shell with his head to release Moses from captivity which once again resulted in him dying perhaps the most touching death was the one in South Park bigger Longer & uncut when he wishes for everything to go back to normal despite the fact that he would knowingly go to hell in the process which luckily he didn't he immediately went to heaven and was rewarded with a halo some wings and a ton of naked women along with being heroic Kenny has also proven to be a loyal friend even when he's faced with bullying and ridicule in the episode Jubilee Kyle betrays Kenny by ratting him out to the elders afterwards Kenny ends up saving everyone by sacrificing himself showing that not only is he a loyal friend but he's also an incredibly forgiving person he's an especially loyal person to his friends Stan and Kyle now despite all his heroic traits you could say that Kenny has some downsides to his character his vulgar views on sex and his explosive anger which he most commonly directs to Cartman might be frowned upon by many [Music] but Kenny selflessness specifically saving the world at the end of the movie is what ranks him so high now we're gonna rattle off some Christmas characters first with Santa Claus it kind of goes without saying Santa is a jolly guy all he wants to do is spread Christmas spirit he says so even when he's being tortured in Iraq your country has just lost all its Christmas spirit and he also kills the Antichrist when Stan accidentally helps the woodland critters raise it and we can't forget about Jesus as the Son of God Jesus is also in the superhero group super best friends Andi hosts a public access show he does good wherever he can and he even sacrifices his life saving Santa and red sleigh down them take away our Christmas spirit and rounding out the Christmas characters next is mr. Hankey as disgusting as he must smell mr. Hankey is all about Christmas spirit visiting anyone with enough fiber in their diet his upbeat attitude and holiday spirit make for one of the most positive characters on the show moving on to you Stan Marsh Stan is generally depicted as the most sensitive of the four boys for example in Kenny dies he finds it difficult to see Kenny and his ill state and in raisins he becomes depressed after losing his girlfriend Wendy to token also in fun with veal Stan is the only one who stopped eating meat completely when the boys found out that veal was actually tortured baby cow Stan seems to be the most moral of the group which is seen in his heroic acts in numerous episodes for instance in super best friends when he helped battle David Blaine suicidal cult and in the episode where he accuses the psychic medium-- John Edward of being a fake or just lying you're slowing down the progress of all mankind you in one episode he was also the only one in South Park to stand up and help whales and dolphins that were being slaughtered by the Japanese all-in-all Stan's a good kid who doesn't pick fights without a reason but when he does it's usually to help someone in need or uncover something sinister moving on let's throw in the much forgotten pip kind of a predecessor to butters pip is another punching bag but he's a well-behaved kid like to see if you wouldn't mind not smashing onto bits which is probably why he got the nickname fart boy moving on to Ike Kyle's adoptive brother all-in-all likes a typical little kid who idolizes his older brother next up is tweek and although he's rarely seen smiling or being positive you can't really hold it against him the kid is way too over-caffeinated he's not usually very reliable mainly because of his mental state but he does come through for his friends one push comes to shove for example he saved his friends from Steven Spielberg by pulling a rocket launcher on the director now we have Gerald Broflovski one of the more sensible adult characters in the show you know - the Holt dolphin thing Gerald is usually timid and keeps to himself but he too is no stranger to crime although he does seem to be a pretty moral guy things do go south when it comes to money sometimes causing him to be manipulative next is mr. Macky okay South Park Elementary School counselor who's widely known for his pushover personality mr Mackey is shown to be a level-headed and sensible individual who truly does try to excel on his job he's taught drug prevention classes and took care of mr. Garrison's class until he returned to his position okay that's for drugs well drugs are bad you shouldn't do drugs although mr Mackey is a typical people pleaser and the type who often chooses to run away from confrontation he too has a darker side okay which is a result of his childhood trauma when confronted about his hoarding tendencies Mackey immediately becomes passive aggressive and defensive okay he's got a lot of problems but we'll keep him on the good side okay up next is token token is shown to be a level-headed calm and smart young man and he isn't afraid to stand up for himself and his beliefs and he'll stay his ground like in Christian rock hard when he refused to work with Cartman due to a stereotypes yak I'm getting sick of your stereotypes token is also quite compassionate towards animals as shown in the episode in which he helped Kyle on the other boys save captured whale he's also sensitive as shown in year comes the neighborhood where he took the other kids teasing personally causing him to feel like an outcast and not part of the group it's also worth noting that besides Stan and Kyle token is also least affected by Cartman's attempts at manipulation which greatly annoys Cartman who is used to getting his way now we have Kyle whose personality is extremely similar to his best friend like Stan Kyle too is deemed as the good boy of the group who has firm moral standards and typically stands up for what is right although his heart is in the right place while most of the time he does become rather angry when someone questions his beliefs this has led to numerous fights mostly with Cartman who jumps at every opportunity to bug Kyle Kyle also bases most of his decisions on his emotions which often leads to him being easily coerced into fights or manipulated to do certain actions which has resulted in various types of crime yeah kids incited Kyle we all agreed to do this we've even seen nothing about no kids man and kicking his baby brother for sport definitely loses him some good points next up we have Timmy tee Timmy is usually seen as a light-hearted positive individual who's well liked and accepted at school often hanging out with his best friend and past enemy Jimmy nothing bad can be said about Timmy other than he can succumb to jealousy rather easily Hey in Jimmy's first episode he gets extremely jealous of Jimmy and tries everything to get rid of him the two eventually make amends and are later seen as friends however their relationship was strained in the episode up the down steroid in which Timmy discovered that Jimmy was using steroids to win the Special Olympics you I could tell anybody I you even though he was severely disappointed in his friends Timmy forgives Jimmy when he apologizes which shows timmy is tolerable and forgiving in nature moving on to our favorite restaurant owner in South Park Lou Kim yes he's a bit angry and irritable at times but frankly this guy came through like nobody else when the town asked him to protect the city from kidnappers I mean he built a whole wall by himself and even fended off those damn Mongolians Kim is a great warrior and defender of South Park that said he's also shown to have a deep hatred for the Japanese and tries to kill the City sushi owner Chinese next we have Clyde Clyde appears to be one of the more decent boys in class and seems to have better morality than many of his peers in an episode titled the [ __ ] Clyde is the only kid in the whole school that stands up for Stan and protects him from his bully Eric come on guys which proves that he's not prone to peer pressure and has higher empathy than many other kids in his class next on our list comes chef South Park Elementary cafeteria cook how's it going why bad chef is widely known for his laid-back personality and for being a role model of sorts to the kids Stan Kenny Eric and Kyle usually go to him for advice on various subjects chef also lives a rather hedonistic lifestyle he enjoys doing various types of drugs and loves being in the company of women there's a time and a place for everything and it's called College he's very open about the things that he does and feels no shame but how he lives his life which is a good thing of course but sometimes he's a little too open about certain things for example and earlier seasons chef proceeded to tell the boys everything they asked about certain adult topics which is obviously an irresponsible thing to do since the boys are too young to hear such things and afterwards we use that town to wait a minute well I'm not telling you this still chef remains to be one of the series most level-headed in comic dolls he spoke out against outrageous ideas and helped save South Park in the world in general from disasters on numerous occasions and it also needs to be noted that we totally disregarded the monster that that fruity little Club turned him into you for his last appearance because he was totally brainwashed up next is Jimmy oh boy Jimmy is generally a popular and well-liked student mostly for his positive attitude and comedy throughout the episodes he's featured in it shown that Jimmy is moral and knows how to be a good friend he's accepting of others and can befriend anyone which is a reason as to why he's always seen indifferent friend groups as the show progresses however despite his friendly and witty demeanour he can be prone to cheating if that secures him some kind of benefit for example he took a ridiculous amount of steroids just to win the Special Olympics next on our list is mr. slave Al's current husband and mr. Garrison's former boyfriend contrary to what most people on the show think mr. slave is quite sensible knowledgeable and wise he's seen giving valid advice throughout many episodes for example when the young girls in South Park try to impersonate Paris Hilton by wearing skimpy clothes and acting inappropriately when Wendy comes to him clearly confused as to what to do mr. slave tells her to forget about that lifestyle completely rounding out the good characters we're gonna throw in father maxi next the town's priest is shown to be altruistic genuinely concerned about protecting children take his place that said he's also shown to be a hypocrite holding numerous puritanical views despite having relations with women such as Cartman's mom who here has never had sex with mrs. Cartman okay and with that we've wrapped up the good characters and now we enter the gray area we'll start out this section with principal Victoria although she isn't the most important character on the show it should be noted that she's usually objective to immoral or stupid ideas from other characters can't fire me for what these kids do that isn't the only reason you're being let go now we have officer Barbrady South Park's most useless police officer [Music] Barbrady is extremely incompetent at his job and often worse is the severity of the situation he's investigating he's extremely unintelligent illogical and prone to using unnecessary force to solve his problems they go down quicker still heats you as a more compassionate side when he's fired as a policeman and returns home to his dog he promises her that he'll get another job in order to pay for her medicine and all of his incompetence doesn't come from a place of evil just stupidity shooting people moving on Towelie is next it would be easy to dismiss Towelie given the fact that he's always high or trying to get high which typically makes him a pathetic and useless but when you put those regular instances aside Towelie is shown to be genuinely caring of others I mean he's always there to offer helpful towel related advice although this usually just annoys people now listen tell you've just about had it with you now let's throw in doctor mephesto although he is responsible for all sorts of demented experiments that many would consider abominations in the eyes of God we will say that the doctor seems to mean well in most of what he does he expresses pleasure in helping others and is always concerned with the problems of those around it in most of the episodes he's in characters come to him for his distance which she is happy to provide I can finally reveal who the father of Eric Cartman is and he's definitely capable of remorse for his experiments for example the genetically modified turkeys as hobos they were they they felt like a part of me next on the list comes Sharon Marsh Stan and Shelly's mother and Randy's wife in the earlier seasons Sharon was portrayed as a loving but Stern mother often critiquing Stan on his dirty language and urging him to do his homework language she's also extremely protective of her children up to the point where she'll commit crimes to keep them safe in one Episode she even buried the bodies of people she thought that Stan had killed in order to prevent Stan from being charged with murder mommy's going to hide the body nobody's going to take my baby away no this is a bit of a tough action to rank on one hand she's trying to cover up a murder but on the other she's demonstrating true loyalty and protective motherhood so we'll drop her out of the good category but we're keeping her in the more positive end of the gray area plus we'll cut her some slack because it's got to be difficult dealing with Randy's antics every day now we have Shelley Marsh Randy and Sharon Marcia's daughter and Stan's older sister and archenemy as stated by him Shelley is usually shown to be quite violent against her brother and oftentimes picks on him for seemingly dumb reasons now it is heavily implied that this behavior is a result of her low self esteem due to her wearing braces are you looking at my headgear now we have Craig the series most stoic cynical and sarcastic hey did you just flip me off yeah anyway Craig is known to be apathetic and completely monotone no matter the situation consults but says you just glued a piece of glass to an iPad cover and you're faking it he also appears to be more logical and mature than most of his peers being the one that typically calls them out on their ignorance however his intelligence is over shined by his pessimistic behavior and rude meaner towards almost everyone that he meets he has the habit of giving people the middle finger sometimes for absolutely no reason at all next on our list is Randy Marsh Stan and Shelly's father Randy's personality is rather colorful at times he can truly be an intelligence caring and slightly naive individual but a lot of times he can turn into an obsessive aggressive and immature man who cares about nothing else than to have his way he can definitely be level-headed when he wants to be which is a trait more prominent in earlier episodes but he oftentimes ends up succumbing to his obsessions and anger issues Randy like most other characters on the show is no stranger to various crimes like assaults arson theft or drunk driving what seems to be the officer problem he has no problem severely hurting other people it's noted in the losing edge that he has a habit of starting fights and getting arrested for various types of assault his violence and cruelty is shown in Night of the Living homeless where he kills Glenn because he as he stated was starting to act like a homeless person Randy is also obviously a very impulsive and selfish individual and his violent side usually just appears when someone is blocking the way to his goal in banned in China he kills winnie-the-pooh in order to appease the Chinese government so he can expand his cannabis business on an international scale looks like the family business is starting to really turn the corner randy is also an incredibly irresponsible father and husband but in his defense he usually means well it's obvious that he cares deeply about his family it's just that he's essentially a big child himself [Music] now this may seem like a weird place Minh but Satan is next and you're probably thinking how is the devil himself not the most evil character on the list well the truth is although Satan seems evil he isn't entirely from the star and he grows to be downright good towards the end in fact he's downright compassionate at times and almost always emotionally vulnerable yes he's the ruler of hell and all that and at one point even tried to take over the surface world but we started to see many cracks in his armor he's lonely and isolated and really only wanted a chance at true love just give me some boundaries be jealous but because he's banished to rule the underworld it just wasn't in the cards for him and really it's not like he asked for the job he has and it seems like the only reason he wanted to be on the surface world was to fit in and make connections this party is for you this is pretty obvious from his up there song from the movie and if you really dig into his character his evil behavior is really just an act that he uses to hide his own insecurities during his whole existential crisis he befriended Kenny and learned to stand up for himself Satan grants Kenny one wish and as a man of his word he returns to hell all display clearly not being happy there and what truly brings him out of the evil or even bad category and into a more neutral Center is the fact that he helped save the town from manbearpig afterwards his spirit rises ironically to heaven next up is mrs. Cartman mrs. Cartman is usually portrayed as an overly protective kind mother who bends over backwards to please her son who she spoiled run she is typically a good-natured individual whose actions are directed to aid others but she definitely has an edge sure that not many viewers noticed in earlier seasons there have been many implications that miss Cartman is as bigoted as Eric who on many occasions quoted his mother on saying very offensive things regarding groups of people despite that she's never actually seen expressing these views so it is possible that Eric made it up we all know that he likes to lie but despite all that mrs. Cartman's character has another drawback to her personality her enabling relationship with Eric while she's known as an overprotective and kind mother there is no doubt that although probably unknowingly she's actually abusing her son to an extent not in terms of just letting him eat horrible things but also allowing him to get away with whatever he wants you're not fat you're big-boned in many ways she's responsible for Cartman being the monster that he is because she lets him get away with absolutely abhorrent behavior now let's throw in Daryl weathers he has some questionable views that pop up periodically throughout the series and he's not very bright any ideas how we can stop the future from happening and he's almost always driven emotionally based on whatever is happening at the time but damn it they took our jobs moving on to wendy testaburger wendy is best described as a will spoken intelligent and mature person whose jealousy and impulsiveness sometimes gets the better of her but all in all she's a decent person and is often the voice of reason especially to Stan in the rest of the gang wendy is well-liked among South Park's residents well of course not counting Cartman boo boo Andy Thank You beggar booth and for good reason she's friendly kind and devoted to making her community a better place wendy is also very politically aware which is amazing for a ten-year-old kid she's known to do research and write essays in her free time which are based heavily on political themes wendy is also a very empathetic person who is often concerned for those founder still although she is one of the kindest people on the show 22 has her dark moments thanks to her uncontrollable jealousy and anger her dark side is notable in breast cancer show ever when she got into a fight with Eric Cartman on school grounds seriously injuring him in the process but the real reason we're anchor this low is because of the episode Tom's rhinoplasty she hired Iraqi soldiers to have the substitute teacher miss Ellen kidnapped then loaded into a rocket and fired directly at the Sun all because she was jealous of her and Stan which is really really dark but it is out of character for her otherwise good nature so we couldn't rank her any lower now we have sheila broslovski Kyle and Ike's mother Sheila is often portrayed as an extremely protective mother often lecturing her two boys on how they should behave even when it's not particularly necessary she's also nosey she likes to gossip and poke into things that surely aren't her business for instance when she found out that Gerald Broflovski and Stuart mcCormick used to be friends in high school she arranged a fishing date between the two which ended up being a disaster you're a bitter old drunk just like your father Wow don't make me do that again she's also really quick to anger now one could argue she has the best intentions but that's not a great excuse considering her character became the personification of radical Puritanism and hypocrisy and earlier seasons and specifically the movie where her self-righteousness helped spark a war with Canada Sheila is well-meaning but oftentimes pretty bad now we have Heidi Turner Heidi is portrayed as one of the popular girls in her grade often spending time with Wendy babe a red Nicole and the rest of the clique Heidi is often a sweet and friendly girl although in the earlier seasons she did have her mean moments she openly mocked a new girl marjorine and when she gets called out on her behavior the only way she chose to apologize is by offering Marjorie a makeover her prideful attitude is the main bad thing about her character which often leads to her heinous acts such as taking a gun and pointing it at Cartman's head her pride goes as far as her not admitting to her friends she made a bad decision by being with Cartman even though it's very obvious that the relationship is toxic and abusive despite her friends advice she still continues to date Cartman who manipulates her emotions and continues to make her more wicked as seen in mas piglets moving on Terrance and Phillip are next on one hand they're obnoxious and insulting to everyone they meet regardless of circumstance but on the other they do bring joy to the lives of millions so although they certainly don't have much for morals they do serve some good in the world you know aside from sparking a war between the US and Canada but in their defense that was a huge overreaction on the part of self-righteous parents rounding out our gray area we have Meir McDaniels get out of my office the mayor of South Park is oftentimes egotistical and never willing to back down the boat well even if she's wrong she's also open about her true feelings about the town calling South Park a dump and talking down to its citizens she doesn't seem to truly care about the residents and is in politics for personal and selfish reasons although she does occasionally do something positive now we are finally moving into the more immoral territory these characters start out as having significantly more bad than good character traits some are downright immoral all the time and the worst are evil we're now at bad and evil starting out we have Ned and Jimbo South Park's iconic kick duo they're both obsessed with large trucks spear guns hunting and explosions and their personalities are exactly the same as the things they adore incredibly loud over the top and ridiculous both of them have a colorful criminal record that shows their extreme lifestyles they've been associated with bombing smuggling arson riots and of course escaping prison for although Zacks not to mention animal abuse there's nothing wrong with hunting for food but blowing up forest critters with explosives is well something far different before we get into her love interest we'll throw in vice-principal strong woman next strong woman is a strong independent woman who tries her best not to follow gender stereotypes Feldick wasn't strong enough me just saying it I'm sorry and does her best to prevent others from following them as well she's so independent that she refuses any sort of help even when she's in serious pain really her biggest downsides are her self-righteousness and stubbornness let's throw in the goth kids here as well so lame so bland although there are always negative jaded and judgmental the reason we placed them so far down the list is because they kidnapped the leader of the South Park vampire society with the intent of murdering him well if he's a vampire I guess we should drive a stake through his heart and although they decided not to they still shipped him to Scottsdale Arizona it should be the most horrible miserable place on earth and on top of that there isn't really much good they do that balances out their negativity now we have Marvin Marsh Stan and Shelly's grandfather we're shower did when he's first introduced we're met with his depressing outlook on life he's be on board with his life and wants to die after his failed attempt at suicide he turns to his grandson for help asking him to finish up the job for him which is an insanely inappropriate and traumatizing thing to say to anyone and we can only imagine the trauma that can leave on a young child help grandpa stick this fork in the outlet replacing Steven stotch next because he's oftentimes emotionally abusive to his son butters but on a couple occasions such as when he thought butters was responsible for what Cartman said on the phone he actually beats his son physically you're tough now moving on we have Harrison Yates aside from some of the standard character traits of being incompetent and stupid we ranked Harrison so low mainly due to the episode The Jeffersons where it's revealed that Yates hates all black men will here than himself causing him to frame them for crimes they didn't commit in the episode Cartman's incredible gift he also dismisses proven science such as fingerprinting and instead relies on Cartman's supposed psychic powers baby comes next on the list she's a regular member of the popular girl group being the group's secondary leader after Wendy though she's usually seen as a sociable girl baby has a much darker personality than her girlfriends she's very much a trend follower no matter the nature of the trend but the reason she ranks so low is the episode the list where she attempted to kill Wendy with a gun she ends up shooting Kenny by mistake killing him by the way this isn't the first time that she killed Kenny she also killed Kenny with a boomerang now we have Carol and Stuart mcCormick Kenny's parents Carol and Stuart our negligent parents both are drunk all the time argue with everybody and anything and are not afraid to get physical with anyone who steps over the line by fault you don't know how to cook nothing much more can be said about these two there is simply that simple drunk angry and always bickering awful parents does anybody have a can opener and where Kyle's Stan and Cartman's parents seem to mean well at the very least Kenny's parents just seemed straight-up negligent and abusive eye blight trash had I've been trouble moving on we have PC principal probably the most iconic character from the more recent seasons of the show PC principal is the total manifestation of one of the most annoying parts of our current culture highly dedicated to bringing an authoritarian level politically-correct agenda to South Park Elementary in order to make the world a better place he ironically resorts to punishment and violence to achieve his ends the most extreme example of his evilness is when he viciously be sup Cartman in the bathroom literally to the edge of death for the high crime of not using gender-neutral language he's responsible for hazing in the PC Delta fraternity and also for burglary harassment and even forced child labor specifically when he forces butters to monitor negative comments moving on Skylar is next not the most memorable character but we put him in simply because he's so scummy put aside the fact that he's an egotistical bully to everyone he interacts with but he's 22 years old and dates Stan's sister so yeah this guy is gross cuz I'm 12 we're throwing in linda stotch next which might be a bit surprising to some until you remember her crueler side remember when mrs. stotch went crazy after finding out her husband was cheating on her with men and attempted to kill herself and her son butters it's okay baby mommy will be with you very soon yeah that's really really messed up now the silver medal for most evil goes to mr. garrison when we finished our deep dive into his character we realized that he has one of the darkest pasts on the show which is honestly tough to achieve since about 90% of the cast had experience with all sorts of really dark stuff mr. garrison is widely known for his job as a third grade teacher at South Park Elementary in which he fails miserably in almost every aspect besides his obvious lack of knowledge of the subjects he's teaching mr. garrison is quick to anger and often takes out his frustrations on a student's he's also shown to be pretty wildly racist and bigoted throughout the series in the earlier seasons he actually tried to prey on and abused Eric Cartman after meeting up with him after being introduced in a chatroom when Eric was in search of an older man and more mature person to hang out with good thing you guys little boy was trying to have his way with me his childhood drama and distorted view of sex is responsible for many bad aspects of his personality he has predatory urges which puts him pretty far off the chart when it comes to immorality as series went on this theme seemed to go away but evolves into some pretty wildly unhealthy relationships with other men and he's also known to openly showcase his perversions right in the classroom where he teaches children okay now butters could you bring over lemmiwinks for me please and surprise surprise the Gold Medal for most evil character in South Park goes to none other than Eric Cartman big shocker right we already knew that everyone who even semi watches the show would know who's the show's most despicable character the kid is literally the spawn of Satan himself and not the kind of nice Satan from South Park the biblical devil he has no remorse empathy or emotional control Eric's criminal record is a mile long including everything from vandalism to attempted genocide he's been responsible for stabbings assaults severely injuring and drugging various people and usually gets off scot-free with a slap on the wrist at most we would like your child to play for the crack baby Athletic Association Eric is an incredibly selfish and self-centered individual will stop at no lengths to get what he wants even if that means hurting others he's even gone low enough to enforce suicide in the episode TMI Cartman was put in an anger management group and while there he used his iPhone to send a series of text messages to the wife of the doctor who was trying to get a reaction out of him the text messages were vile in nature urging the doctor's wife to commit suicide along with hurting other human beings Eric Cartman is no stranger to hurting animals as well in one episode it was revealed that Eric broke Kenny's cat's leg he's also prone to hate crimes and is extremely ignorant and often pushes his agenda on to other people in South Park in ginger kids he tries to get people to wipe out the gingers Cartman's extreme cruelty and psychotic behavior can most clearly be seen in Scott tenorman must die when he has Scott's parents shot cuts them up and turns them into chili and then he serves it to Scott after Scott finds out what the content of the chili is he is traumatized and starts crying his eyes out what does Eric do licks his tears and celebrates probably the most depraved act of cruelty and animation history but what do you think do you agree with our picks who do you think is the most evil character in South Park let us know in the comments section below make sure to binge watch our good to evil playlist where we break down the morality of the characters and your favorite shows movies and video games but most importantly stay wicked [Music] [Music]
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 2,028,741
Rating: 4.7977295 out of 5
Keywords: fractured but whole, south park episodes online, south park no internet, south park cable company, tom's rhinoplasty, south park full episodes online, south park cash for gold, south park full episodes, south park season 1, south park season 9, south park book of mormon, south park season 5, south park, south park online, south park season 6, south park latest season, south park season 7, cartman, mr. garrison, south park season 8, south park seasons, south park series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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