Powerpuff Girls Villains: Evil to Most Evil

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The City of Townsville is pretty infamous for its high villain population. In fact, it’sprobably right up there with Gotham City in terms of just how many villains attack itsresidents on a weekly basis. That’s not even mentioning all the people in the city whoare crooks or just plain old jerks, or the Godzilla-esque monsters that always seem topop up. So yeah, Townsville... Not the safest place to live, even with the Powerpuff Girlsprotecting it. But out of all these villains, which are only sorta bad and which ones arethe most cruel and sadistic? I’m Kyle with WickedBinge, and this is Powerpuff Girls Villains: Bad to Evil.Now, before we start ranking these baddies, a few quick notes to go over first. Giventhat the Powerpuff Girls is a sort of “monster of the week” show, there are far too manyvillains to count, even for us. Of course, we’ll try to hit the most noteworthy and the mostmemorable ones. However, many of the minor villains, especially from the latterseasons, will be skipped over simply because of lack of presence or lack of power. Wedon’t want this list getting too repetitive.Additionally, we won’t be listing any of the monsters that attack Townsville. Whetherthey’re attacking because they’re mindless beasts or because surviving an attack fromthe PPG is seen as a show of strength in Monster Society, these guys all feel prettyneutral to us. Finally, we will not be including any villains from the 2016 PPG reboot.Because the reboot is completely different from the original show, both with the type ofvillains it has as well as with its new interpretations of classic villains, it would just feelweird to rank them side-by-side.Now, for this list, we’ll be starting with the least evil villains and working our way up tothe most ruthlessly evil...Surprising absolutely no one, we have ​The Amoeba Boys​ ​in dead last. For many, theAmoeba Boys aren’t even considered real villains due to how harmless they are. Still,even if they fit more in the Grey Area than the Bad Tier, it wouldn’t feel right to not givethem a quick mention. The Amoeba Boys are a gang of, well, amoebas. Though theiractions themselves may not be too evil, they still try their best to be villains, wanting thestatus that comes with the title. Though others may see them as complete jokes, theytake their work quite seriously. They’re even willing to stand outside in the cold and rain all night just so they can commit the ‘totally awful crime’ of loitering and standing on thegrass. Though, speaking of this particular episode, the Amoeba Boys were able to causesome damage to Townsville, albeit accidentally, by spreading their own special brand ofthe flu. There was also the episode where they learned how to divide themselves,quickly taking over the town until the Girls managed to merge them back together. Still,when the worst thing that this so-called army did was steal oranges and cause peopleto get scurvy, it’s a given that they’d be at the bottom of this list.Next in our ranking is fake hero and super-zero, ​Major Man​. In his brief appearance onthe show, Major Man did all he could to take the Girls’ job as the protector of Townsville,easily winning over its residents with his muscles and charm. But we quickly learnedthat Major Man was nothing but a phoney, and that all of the crimes he had stoppedwere not only fake, but ones he coordinated. He even started a fire just so he could bethe one to put it out and save the day! Honestly, how low can you get? His main goalwith his so-called good deeds was simply to gain fame and glory. He only came cleanonce he realized he was totally outmatched in an actual fight with a monster, beggingthe Girls to help him. What’s maybe the most frustrating thing about Major Man is thathis superpowers ​are​ real, he just uses them for selfish reasons and is too much of acoward to fight actual threats.No disrespect to our fellow fandom nerds, but ​Lenny Baxter​ takes that mindset wayyyytoo far. Lenny was absolutely obsessed with the Powerpuff Girls, to the point where itwas downright creepy. Though he obviously admired the Girls on some level for theirpowers and achievements, he didn’t really care about the Girls themselves, only theirmerch and his status as a fan and collector. When he suddenly lost his purpose in lifeafter collecting every single piece of PPG merch, he resorted to stealing personal itemsfrom the Girls. When even this wasn’t enough for him, he lured the Girls to his apartmentand captured them. Of course, kidnapping is a seriously evil offense. But unlike othervillains who wanted to either kill the Girls after capturing them or use their powers fortheir own means, Lenny just kept them in super-plastic on his top shelf, seeing them asanother ‘collector’s item’ to keep safe in mint condition. This is still bad, don’t get uswrong, but it could have been much MUCH worse. Because of this, we can’t really rankLenny any higher.Up next is Hollywood film maker​ ​Bernie Bernstein​. In the episode “Film Flam”, we metthis hack director when he tried to convince the Powerpuff Girls to help him make aPowerpuff movie. In reality, Bernie saw the film as a means to rob the Townsville bankwithout suspicion, hoping that the Girls would be too distracted by filming to notice.Though we give Bernie points creativity, this is a pretty dumb plan, even if it is still somewhat evil. Along with being a hopeful bank robber, Bernie is just a jerk in general,yelling at Bubbles to keep her mouth shut when she tries to correct him. When itbecame clear that his plans had fallen through, Bernie decided to fully go from directorto criminal, kidnapping the mayor and holding him at gunpoint. While this earns him acouple extra evil points, compared to the other villains of Townsville, he really is just awannabe.Femme Fatale​ was a villainess who sought to put herself on top despite claiming shewas fighting for equal rights. Depicted as a strawman (pardon the phrasing) version of afeminist, Femme Fatale was a thief that was only interested in Susan B. Anthony coins.After the Girls caught her, she manipulated them into letting her go, claiming thatbecause they were in a men’s world, they had to stick together as women and look outfor each other. Now, there’s plenty to criticise about the episode that features her,“Equal Fights”, as well as the character herself. There’s a reason why the person whohelped write this episode, Lauren Faust, tends to distance herself from it. But as for thevillainess herself, while cruel towards both men AND women, she doesn’t seem to betoo dangerous despite her brandishing a gun in the shape of the female gender symbol.Without superpowers, the Girls are easily able to take her out. Her crimes were awful, aswas her misandry, hypocrisy and manipulation tactics, but she really didn’t cause toomuch damage in the end.Next is ​Mike Brikowski​,​ the worst police officer in Townsville. Officer Brikowski was, toput it simply, a bad cop. While other officers throughout the show were either ineffectiveagainst the town’s array of supervillains or as incompetent as the rest of the residentssometimes were, Brikowski was lazy and actively chose not to do his job. He’d sleepthrough emergencies like bank robberies and would waste time stopping at donutshops instead of speeding towards crime scenes. When he finally gets fired for his poorpolice work, Brikowski blames the Girls for making him look bad and decides to getrevenge on them. Using confiscated weapons from other villains, Brikowski capturesthe Girls after luring them to a warehouse and threatens to lower them into acid.Although it turns out that the Girls are thankfully acid-proof and ultimately walk awayfrom the incident unharmed, Brikowski didn’t know that. The fact that he was maliciousenough to dip five-year-olds into acid is just seriously messed up. Blossom probably putit best: He’s not a good cop gone bad, but a bad cop gone worse.Next, we have an entire family of villains - ​The Smith Family​. Originally, the Smiths -Harold, Marianne, Bud and Julie - were just an average family. Day in and day out,Harold would go through his dull routine, silently growing more bitter as he began todespite his neighbors, the Utoniums, for seemingly having perfect lives. He began plotting an attack against the Utoniums, and although he tried to hold it together for hisfamily and hide his passions for evil, Harold just couldn’t take it anymore and ended uptaking the Professor hostage, threatening to melt his head off. After Harold wasdefeated, Marianne swore revenge against the Utoniums - not for arresting her husband,but just for ruining the dinner she had planned. With a brash personality, a need forthings to be perfect, and a love for evil, Marianne is just as bad as Harold, if not worse.When Harold got out of prison, the Smiths worked together to trash the Girls’ homebefore trying to run them and the Professor over with their car. Though their actionswere indeed evil, their lack of any real power prevents them from being placed anyhigher up. I mean, Harold was using a hairdryer as a weapon, for crying out loud. Thisfamily may be crazy, but they aren’t much of a threat.Time to “blame it on the boogie” with ​The Boogieman​. The Boogieman is different fromother Townsville monsters, and not just because he’s smaller than a skyscraper. He’smore interested in partying and dancing to 70’s disco music than destroying buildings.But, because monsters that live under the bed or in the closet can only come out atnight, the Boogieman tried to plunge the world into eternal darkness. He blocks out thesun with a giant disco ball, and when the Girls try to stop his plans, he fights them off. Inthe end, Bubbles is able to destroy the disco ball and save the day. Although Boogie andthe rest of the monsters seemed to enjoy terrorizing the kids of Townsville, all theyreally wanted to do was party for a while without having to worry about any lights - orthe sun - harming them. You can kind of understand where they’re coming from, andthey certainly aren’t as destructive as other villains, but the Boogieman is still a selfishvillain, putting his own party life above the rest of the world.Up next is former clown turned supervillain, ​Mr. Mime​. As Rainbow the Clown, hebrought smiles and joy to the children of Townsville. Before his accident, he was atotally good person - not even that scary like how most clowns usually are.Unfortunately, after being covered in bleach, he became the villain Mr. Mime. With hispowers, he was able to not only suck the colors and sound out of Townsville, but leaveits citizens in almost a catatonic state, unable to react to anything. If not for the Girlssaving the day, this could have eventually been fatal. Still, as bad as all of this sounds,Mr. Mime falls into that special category of villain where they can’t really controlthemselves, and it’s the thing that created them that ends up influencing their actionsinstead of any personal vendetta. This is proven when, after the Girls reverse the effectsof the bleach, Rainbow is grateful for their help and happy as ever to be back on the sideof good. Granted, he still gets beaten up and arrested but, fun fact, the higher ups atCartoon Network were the ones who wanted this ending, not the writers. Poor Rainbow. Similarly, ​Abracadaver​ ​was an entertainer whose career and life were ended by one badday. Once upon a time, he was known as Al Lusion, and was considered one of thegreatest stage magicians that Townsville had ever seen. But, after a performance gonehorribly wrong, Al Lusion lost his life and swore revenge against the audience that hadlaughed at him, eventually coming back as a zombie. After mistaking Blossom as thegirl that led to his untimely end, Abracadaver tries to kill all three of the Powerpuffs.Thankfully, the Girls had a few tricks of their own up their sleeve, and managed to puthim back in his coffin. This villain, along with his debut episode, is one of the darkestthings from the classic seasons of PPG, and while Abracadaver didn’t get to do much asa villain, viewers aren’t going to be forgetting this villain anytime soon.Next is the VERY disgusting ​Roach Coach​. Roach Coach sees humanity as nothing but abunch of pests. Ironically, considering that he himself is revealed to actually be acockroach in a robot body. With the help of his fellow roaches, Roach Coach takes overthe city, spreading his bugs far and wide. Along with this being evil, it was alsoabsolutely disgusting. With how durable these bugs are as well as their high populationnumbers, you have to wonder if Roach Coach would have tried to take over the entireworld, had he been successful with taking over Townsville. While he caused a lot ofdamage, you can’t really blame the guy for being so bitter, given how many humanswould rather squish bugs whenever one enters their home instead of just leaving it be.Still, trying to overthrow humanity and make cockroaches the dominant race is a prettyevil move.Though still obviously evil, ​Fuzzy Lumpkins​ is probably the least evil of our main badguys. He’s also the most anti-social, only teaming up with other villains when it directlyaffects him. After all, his catchphrase is pretty much just “Get off my property!” All Fuzzywants is to be left alone in his woods, but while he may not be very active in the world ofvillainy, Fuzzy is still no less dangerous - especially when someone steals from him orbothers him. This even extends to squirrels, as seen in the episode, “Fuzzy Logic”. Hecan also be pretty greedy, having no problems holding up a cashier in the openingsequence of the Powerpuff Girls movie, and was one of the core members of theBeat-Alls, taking pride out of being the one to crush the Girls with a giant rock over andover again. In the episode, “Impeach Fuzz”, Fuzzy temporarily became mayor. While notthe worst leader, it’s clear he couldn’t care less about Townsville and barely does his jobas mayor, only calling on the Girls to catch his pig or play jugband music. Him bringingout his cousins to wrestle alongside him when the Real Mayor challenges him for theposition also shows just how unfair and cruel he can be to others, along with beingselfish. The guy truly only cares about himself and his property. Everything else? Theycan get blasted by a shotgun for all he cares. Next, we have another group entry, ​The Gangreen Gang​. The Gangreen Gang are just abunch of jerky teenagers, so they do typically jerky teenage things. They’re not abovetrying to torment and bully innocent children, as seen in the episode where they’re sentto Ms. Keane’s class and in the Powerpuff Girls Movie. In both instances, they’re morethan happy to terrorize kids who either can’t defend themselves or, in the case of thealready-emotionally distraught Powerpuffs, won’t allow themselves to fight back. Whenthey got ahold of the Powerpuff HotLine, they ended up causing quite a bit of chaos justfor some hilarious prank phone calls. There was also the episode where the Gang all gotsuperpowers after an incident involving snacks and the Powerpuff Girls’ heat ray. Theyspent the entire afternoon destroying the city and attacking the Girls, nearly killing themif not for the source of their powers being digested. You also have the episode whereButtercup had a crush on Ace, who used this to his advantage by pretending to like herback so he could manipulate her, as well as distract her from her superhero duties,which then put her sisters at risk. While they aren’t really looking for power ordomination like other PPG villains, they can still cause quite a bit of damage. The onlybright side of their group is Big Billy, who was willing to be a good guy, but only after theGirls saved his life. There was also the episode “Aspirations” where the Gangreen Ganghelped the Girls figure out how to defeat a superpowered Sedusa, but only after Sedusabetrayed them first. Most of the time though, the Gangreen Gang are nothing butmean-spirited bullies.Though not an actual royal, ​Princess Morbucks​ ​certainly acts like a spoiled princess.While she already has tons of money, gadgets and status, all Princess really wants is tobe a Powerpuff Girl. Of course, her lack of morality means that it’s impossible for her tobe a true Powerpuff, and from then on, Princess figures that if she can’t be a Powerpuff,then no one can be one. Now let’s be clear, if she was just a spoiled brat with a jetpack,she’d be way lower on this list. But her evil deeds extend far past simply being entitledor trying to destroy the Powerpuff Girls. In one episode, she tricked the Mayor intosigning over his position and all its power to her, and with one simple decree, Princessmade crime legal and allowed villains to run amuck all over the city. She only reversedthis law when her own stuff was stolen. In the Christmas special, she put every singlekid in the world on the naughty list, making herself the ONLY good kid in the world soshe could get the ultimate present of superpowers. Who would’ve thought that Santahad THAT in his gift bag? There was also the time she manipulated and then betrayedthe Girls’ new friend and neighbor, Robin, in the episode “Superfriends”. And of course,she wouldn’t be a spoiled rich character if there weren’t examples of her bribing otherpeople with cold hard cash. The only thing we can be thankful for in regards to Princess is the fact that her influence doesn’t keep her from getting arrested, or from (eventually)getting disciplined by her father.Up next is the seductress with the wild hair, ​Sedusa​. When we first met her, she wasintroduced as Ima Goodelady, and briefly became the Professor’s girlfriend. While sheput on a sweet and innocent face around the Professor, she was cruel to the Girls,forcing them to do chores without their powers and then getting them grounded afterthey snuck out to save the day. Shortly after, it was revealed that she was doing all ofthis so she could steal the Mayor’s jewels without any interference. Fortunately, theProfessor immediately broke up with her once he saw Sedusa’s true colors beforehanding her over to the police. But, this isn’t the last time we would see her - and it couldbe argued her second scheme was even more evil than her first. In “Something’s a Ms.”,Sedusa steals Ms. Bellum’s identity, disguising herself as her and using her, ahem,‘charm’ to convince the Mayor to give her days off. With these days off, she secretlywent out to commit crimes and steal valuables. Sedusa then fakes Ms. Bellum’skidnapping, disguising the real Ms. Bellum to look like her in the hopes of having her goto jail in her place. When this doesn’t work, Sedusa attacks both the Girls and Bellum,and tries to finish them off - even nearly drowning Ms. Bellum in a pool. Then, in herthird appearance, she worked with the Gangreen Gang to steal Egyptian treasures andnearly destroyed Townsville. Though she may seem like a pretty face, Sedusa seems tobe totally heartless, and more than deserves this high ranking.For our final group entry, we’re placing the ​Rowdyruff Boys​ just outside of our top three.Like stereotypical ‘bad boys’ and similar to the Gangreen Gang, the Rowdyruffs aredestructive, rude, crude and uncaring. They’ll happily destroy a whole city and tormenttheir female counterparts, all for the sake of having some fun. As far as we can tell, theRowdyruffs don’t seem to have any good sides, and with them being just as powerful asthe Powerpuffs, that also makes them all the more dangerous. They were literallycreated to be bad guys. So why not have them at the top of the list? Well, a couplereasons. Again, these guys were purposely created to be ‘evil’. Afterwards, they wereinfluenced by both Mojo and HIM, so this is a case of both nature and nurture workingtogether. But you have to wonder, if someone like the Professor were to try and raisethem, is it possible for them to one day become good? Along that same line of thought,while the Boys are superpowered and are old enough to know what they’re doing, they’restill just kids - just like the Powerpuff Girls are just kids, and we’ve seen from otherepisodes that the Girls are just as capable of making poor, morally incorrect choicesjust as much as anyone else. Maybe this is a case of us just being hopeful, but webelieve that there’s still a line between being an awful, bratty boy and being truly heartless and evil. With that said, let’s move onto the top three most evil baddies ofTownsville.Taking the bronze medal of evil is the super-genius monkey, ​Mojo Jojo​. Though not themost evil, obviously, Mojo is probably the most famous PPG villain. He’s fought againstthe Girls the most times, has had several episodes focused on him as well as hisbackstory, and was even the main antagonist in the PPG movie. He mutated stolenprimates to give himself an army, tried to turn all humans into dogs (twice), uses hisintellect to build machines and weapons to terrorize Townsville, has attempted to killboth the Girls and the Professor multiple times - the list of his evil deeds just goes onand on. Even before he was given supergenius intellect, Mojo was destructive andviolent. So, after everything Mojo’s done, why are we only placing him third? Well, firstoff, though he did it accidentally, it is revealed that he was the one who caused theChemical X to be added to the formula, creating the Powerpuff Girls.He’s also occasionally saved the day, like in the episode “Forced Kin” where he foughtoff aliens trying to take over Townsville, and can even be somewhat respectful towardspeople (including the Girls) when he’s not in the middle of an evil scheme. It’s then laterrevealed that Mojo is one of those “doing the wrong things for the right reason” villainsand may actually have a good side? In the 10th anniversary special and series epilogue,“The Powerpuff Girls Rule”, we see Mojo finally take over the world. And what does thismonkey do with all that power? Well, he ends world hunger, brings world peace and evengives everyone a free puppy. Yeahhh, talk about a plot twist. As it turns out, Mojo onlywanted to rule the world so he could make it better. While this by no means excuses allthe awful things that he did in an attempt to gain power and you could even make anargument that this was just a silly non-canon special, we still have to give credit whereit's due. Mojo was, in the end, a good guy!... But only for like five minutes. In the end,Mojo became bored with peace and went back to his villainous ways, showing thatmaybe Mojo really is just a bad monkey after all.For our second place baddie, we have to give the silver medal to ​Dick Hardly​. Dick wasanother one-shot villain, only appearing in one episode, but MAN did he leave animpression on viewers. Although he had gone to the same college as the Professor,Dick was more interested in making a quick buck than helping the world throughscience. When he first met the Powerpuff Girls, he saw them as something every personand city would want, given their cute exterior and ability to protect others from harm.After manipulating the Girls into telling him how they were created, Dick recreated thefamous formula, hoping to make a profit through his new Powerpuff Girls Xtreme.Because these Powerpuffs weren’t made with love and good intentions, they wereshoddy and fell apart, eventually becoming abominations. Of course, as long as he could still make money off them, Dick couldn’t care less. When the Girls confronted him,he became a monster both inside and out after swallowing the Chemical X. He thentried to drain the Girls of their Chemical X, nearly killing them in the process. Dick isultimately brought down by his own creations after they realize he didn’t have any lovefor them, and is killed in a fiery explosion. Selfish, cruel, greedy and literally monstrous,Dick is the worst human that the Girls face. But, there’s still one other character thatoutmatches him in terms of villainy.Earning the Gold Medal of Most Evil, we have none other than ​HIM​. We’re sure manysaw this coming, and while it would have been nice to subvert expectations, there wasjust no way we could give first place to anyone else. After all, HIM is a literal devil. It’shard to get much more evil than that. He’s also well known for his schemes focusingmore on the psychological than the physical, showing that he’d rather torment hisvictims before destroying them, just to make it all the more satisfying for him. With hisdark powers, HIM is also the strongest villain that the Girls face, able to alter his sizeand transform at will, as well as a wide array of other powers. He’s also, perhaps, themost deranged. His most infamous episode is “Speed Demon” where it’s revealed that,without the Powerpuff Girls, HIM was able to take over Townsville, turning it into awasteland and leaving many residents husks of their former selves, including theProfessor and Ms. Bellum. Just knowing this was a possibility absolutely traumatizedthe Girls. Episodes like “Octi Evil” and “Tough Love” also show just how cruel HIM canbe, from using Bubbles’ plushie as a means to manipulate Bubbles and turn Blossomand Buttercup against each other, to using his mind control powers to sway the heartsof Townsville and brainwash them, forcing the Girls to fight off people they loved. It’seven canon that this guy is SO evil and SO vile, that you can’t even say his real name,hence why he only goes by HIM. Now ​that​ is evil. Even other villains respect HIM, withMojo even calling him “Sir” when HIM calls. Even when HIM is in a more comedic role,like when he and the Professor made a bet over whether or not the Girls could solve hisriddles, with the prize being just a free breakfast, you just know in the back of your mindthat HIM is a true threat, and his power nor his evilness should never be taken lightly. Assuch, he more than earns the top spot on our list.But what do you think? Who’s the most evil Powerpuff Girls Villain? Let us know in thecomment section below. Don’t forget to hit that notification bell and binge our Good toEvil playlist. Where we break down the morality of the characters from your favoritecartoons, shows and movies. But most importantly, stay wicked.
Channel: WickedBinge
Views: 253,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baxter, bernstein, femme fatale, the smith family, smith, family, harold, marianne, julie, roach coach, roach, coach, fuzzy, gangreen, princess, mojo, jojo, powerpuff girls, hbo's powerpuff girls, the powerpuff girls movie, powerpuff, the powerpuff girls, powerpuff girls stream, powerpuff girls netflix, cartoon network kids, cartoons on hbo max, warner bros hbo, watch cartoon network shows, wb movie, cartoon network online, mojo jojo, powerpuff girls him, powerpuff sedusa, sedusa, cartoon
Id: hbdlh2a4pWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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