Grilling Tips Livestream | Basics with Babish

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clicked ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome to the babish live cooking grill experience live brought to you by the botanist we're here in rainey new york city it is my pride and privilege to introduce to you upstate new york's favorite son andrew ray oh wow thank you wow what an introduction that was so nice thank you so much whoever read that uh hey guys how you doing nice to see you this is my camera here i'm being told so this is how i'm going to address you at home my name is andrew ray you might know me as binging with babish which is a confusing name for a person to have but that's how you probably know me and i want to thank you guys so much for coming out to this first unofficial friday of summer grilling livestream brought to you by the botanist isla dry chin isla dry gin right that's one okay yeah so this stream is brought to you by the botanist they've been an amazing partner over the years and we're really excited to be working with them to bring you both some fun grilling tips and some fun delicious cocktails i'm acting like i'm reading a script i'm not there is a script and i can read uh so we are here talking about grilling tips today primarily we are talking about uh just you know grilling kabobs i don't know why we called it grilling tips i'm gonna try to give you as many tips as i can uh but mostly we're talking kabobs kebab tips if you will um so thank you again so much to the botanist uh for uh sponsoring this this live stream we're gonna kick things off by making a botanist and tonic a grilled raspberry botanist and tonic uh am i hitting everything or should we move on to making the cocktail am i the only one with the document open yes i am if you don't have a bottle of the botanist yet you can order on drizzly drizzly is an app where you can only order the botanist that's the only thing that they sell uh and i'm kidding drizzly is an app where you can get uh your favorite different kinds of alcohols within one hour generally uh i'm not gonna make that guarantee no sir uh and if you tell them bab essentially by using code botanist babish to get five bucks off if you're a new user uh a little little life hack there just uh just make a new email just make a different email i'm kidding don't do that oh geez i'm probably gonna get in trouble for that the fcc i almost said faa which would have been even more confusing um so uh before i uh make this uh cocktail here should we field a couple questions we got any super chats or anybody uh standing out any rochesterians any people yelling eight five go bills a lot of kosher salt a lot of kosher salt a lot of kosher salt folks we got the coach salt right here don't worry don't worry no don't worry about it we're all about the kosher salts around here um if you watched my recent piece on wired uh i explained why i always use kosher salt it's because it's pinchable and because it's a bigger grain of salt so there's less salt in a teaspoon of kosher salt than a teaspoon of table salt yeah it you see what time do you see it's uh it's it's a more forgiving salt it's you can pinch it so you can feel the salt going in there that's not why you're here you're here to learn about grilling tips here in new york city i should point out it is raining it is not just raining it is raining a lot it looks like beautiful sunlight pouring in through the windows right now but that's because of our incredible production lights uh and now we're something's going on here they have these hand signals that we're supposed to be like oh there we go okay yeah we're getting a shot out the window here as you can see it is raining but if there's one thing that i've learned as an american it's that nothing will stop us from grilling nothing rain sleet or snow that's the post office we um uh come hell our high water we are grilling unless the water gets too high in which case maybe not but for now we're grilling so we're going to make some kebabs today and like i mentioned we got some wonderful cocktails we're making a grilled raspberry b and t botanist and tonic and we're making a uh a negroni bianco which is a white negroni it is it's it's made uh you know most negronis are that bright red color and this is made with uh italian white bitters instead of the usual um uh i can't remember the name of the the red italian liqueur but it's a white italian liqueur it's really great for a summer's day rain or shine so let's start off with a cocktail shall we did i thank you again to the botanist for sponsoring this stream let's make a cocktail where's my miese for that oh yeah i'd love to answer a question uh we got a couple um super chats that you can shout out when you have a second to yourself but would love a question from cues thank you very much for the super chat uh artist here i remember you mentioned coming from a vfx background do you miss those days at all oh man it's all right so yeah i should repeat questions back that's how uh tv works i'd like to point out that we have the whole team here uh we'll introduce you to him after the stream uh but we got jess on on the roaming cam we got brad directing we've got sawyer emceeing and we've got kendall doing literally everything else because that's that she's amazing like that she did all this beautiful mison plus like remember the old live streams when i would just kind of show up and be like i just got back from the grocery store uh okay we need to what do we need to do french toast i don't know let's soak some bread uh those are the old live streams and now everything's laid out it's beautiful and it's still gonna be just as goofy like you can organize things as much as you want i'm still gonna screw it up so let's start by screwing up this cocktail i'm kidding this is a very easy cocktail to make i'd have to try real hard to screw this up um but you know i'm about to because oh here's the mixing glasses okay they gave us these really cool mixing glasses that are made i think from an old botanist bottle i think i don't know but it's i i love their bottle design it's really really cool um i'm gonna throw some ice in here so chat amongst yourselves uh while i'm grabbing some ice maybe switch to be cam so we can get a an action shot of some ice brad okay that's all right it looks like the levels are good you want me to turn people um we can't we can't do that on the computer huh all right well should we try to do that on the pack this is uh this is what i was talking about folks we uh we know what we're doing but yeah you know um so let's see here can you do it on the receiver i don't think so can i do it here hmm sorry folks we'll be right back we'll be we'll be right with you uh i don't i've never used this pack before um all right sorry folks i'm just gonna yell until we turn up the volume a little bit turn the volume up on your own computer turn the vault you turn the volume up at home i can't do it for you the button's right there no i'm kidding i just don't know how to turn it up on the pack we can do this we got it uh yeah brad's coming on everybody please give brad a big round of appla applause this is our director brad cash here we go and i'm just gonna talk you through this brad you said you were gonna mess it up and it was me who messed it up no come on bud we've been using these packs forever i don't know what could possibly be doing this is this uh i mean the levels look so you're doing the exact same thing it doesn't work it doesn't happen on here confirmed that okay well i'm just going to keep talking loud then are they they like me talking loud as they can hear this better i'm going to keep it going my my vocals will last the two hours of this live stream anyway for those of you following along at home we're going to make a grilled raspberry botanist and tonic are they saying them being too loud you know what in addition to all like you know offensive words we should add volume to it's a list of blocked words no i'm kidding but i know we appreciate all of you who like the volume the way it is thank you so much um i have so many mixing spoons okay anyway we're gonna st after that you know i think we could go for a cocktail right folks i'm gonna i'm gonna have a cocktail now um this is the stuff for the negroni bianco the oh okay i see we put all the meas for all the drinks on the one tray i get it now but this needs mint this needs raspberry and this needs a grilled raspberry simple syrup this is pretty easy to make a little chat it's a little bit challenging because you have to grill raspberries which that sentence alone is hilarious to me but if you grill the raspberries you get this nice you know smoky char on there and that translates into the syrup basically once you've grilled raspberries you boil them together with sugar and water just like you would any simple syrup and strain it and you end up with this guy and this adds a really lovely flavor to the genotonic or a botanist and tonic if you will um so to make this cocktail what are the amounts i need the amounts i got them right here don't worry about it i got it i got it don't worry about it all right i need two ounces of the botanist isla dry gin so i'm gonna grab one of these fresh bottles here they sent us like six bottles it's great what no mixing glass all right well that's fun uh so i'm being told that uh you're not allowed to make this in a mixing glass um here we'll just make it in a glass glass that that makes more sense to me like you're supposed to make you're supposed to assemble a gmt in the glass so that makes a lot more sense to me so we're going to start by adding two ounces of the botanist eyelet dry gin to our intended drinking glass this is important don't do it in a mixing glass otherwise it could catch fire also you know hot grilling tip don't let this bottle get too close to the grill i mean i shouldn't have to tell you that but alcohol and fire don't get along or maybe they get along a little bit too well am i right and we we mustn't have that that's the synergy that we don't need do there's a garbage bowl i'm just gonna throw things in the sink deal with that later wonder uh because i'm not sure if you guys know this but in new york city you cannot have a garbage disposal no one in this great city has a garbage disposal just like not skipping lined vote there is no favoritism no one can have a garbage disposal robert de niro doesn't have a garbage disposal in his townhouse so two ounces of the botanist island regen and then we need half an ounce of the grilled raspberry syrup which that just rolls off the tongue so nicely grilled raspberry i'm gonna open a restaurant called the grilled raspberry and we're gonna make things that are a little fussy but taste really good just like grilled raspberry simple syrup it's a little fussy it tastes really good all right so we're gonna mix those guys together using the very longest cocktail spoon you can get your hands on that's very very important it's an elegant look uh and it makes you feel like a professional bartender and isn't that really all we're aspiring to be um and then we're going to top that up with some tonic water just like that and then you get this nice sort of you know gradient effect where the tonic is sitting on top and you've got all the the the lovely pink down towards no maybe not it's okay it's either way it looks nice and then we're going to garnish simply with some raspberries you should always garnish with a garnish that indicates what you're drinking am i right so you know this this uh cocktail contains grilled raspberries so of course we're gonna garnish it with raspberries three of them to be precise just like that and then a nice sprig of mint uh i'm gonna go for like the biggest baddest one i can get my hands on just shove that right in there do i get to drink this with a straw can i have this can i use a straw a metal straw of course no single-use plastics we got ourselves a metal straw maybe a straight straw instead do we have a straight stirrer no we don't have a straight star so this one's just fine all right and there you have it that is a grilled raspberry botanist and tonic it is a lovely summer drink again rain or shine and uh i'm going to enjoy a sip of this now before we get to cooking because you know that's if you're going to grill you need something refreshing and it's friday forgot to say did they have we mentioned that it's friday yet because it's friday also i would love to raise a toast because we're celebrating tonight we literally not 10 minutes before we started this live stream just hit 9 million subscribers folks cheers here's to you guys thank you for subscribing thank you for watching thanks for commenting thank you for liking thank you for interacting with us in any way because it's really helped uh the channel grow to an incredible place and this is the longest cheers in the world if you don't drink at the end of cheers it's bad luck somebody cheers to nine million guys here's to you guys everybody's got their own b t's in the background ooh that's good oh that's good that's my that's the tagline that's if you ever watch our botanist commercial that's what i say just like cheers oh that's good i really hope that camera was live was it damn it all right one more time if i have to take another sip of this button that's good wow that's dangerous that's sharp i almost gave myself a an incision all right now i'm gonna get all this meso out of the way and then we can start messing with meat because it's friday it's the unofficial first friday of summer and we're messing with me because what else are you gonna do on the first friday of summer luckily i've got an enclosed porch here so we should still be able to grill um if it's raining where you are uh i apologize um but uh because i know there's like a storm headed up the entire east coast right now like my family is getting getting dumped on right now with just rainstorms up in rochester i hope you guys are staying dry up there um here we go let's just get everything out of the way i'm really waffling on getting this meis out of the way um all right there goes the bottle there goes the grilled raspberry syrup that i'm gonna hang on to until the end of time because it's really really tasty or yes until i use all of it anyway um i'm going to quickly wipe this down because as i put my hand down i felt a wet spot and we don't want that for our meat so speaking of meat kendall was kind enough to pre-cut most of my meat here uh we got some chicken breasts we got some chicken thigh and we got some beef um and the biggest tip i want you to take away from this live stream is to put one kind of thing on each skewer you know that you know what i mean don't do kebabs of you know you mustn't do kabobs of of uh of you know say beef and peppers and onions because these things cook at different rates these like by the time the beef is done cooking your vegetables might be burnt to a crisp uh or vice versa like you so you want to put individual meats on individual skewers it's not as pretty i know but it's it's it it just makes for much much much better kebabs and at the end of the day you're just taking the stuff off the kebab anyway you're just unskewering it so what's the difference you know i don't know so hopefully you're not too bothered by that but uh here we go i need my gloves i know i just said no single-use plastics but you know sorry um gloves i really i really do appreciate uh working with gloves also i as as you might have noticed i'm wearing a bit of a little little extra on my fingers and we don't want that even though this is a food safe nail polish which is called vinyl x something like that this is it's a food safe nail polish but we don't want to make anybody uncomfortable i understand so i've got most of my meat cut up but just for reference she left me one breast and one thigh and boy do i appreciate it where's all the babish knives i'm gonna i'm gonna betray myself and use another brand of knife it's okay this stream is sponsored by the botanist that's fine uh while i'm chopping these up i'm gonna chop them into you know bite-sized cubes this is about what you want for a kebab right one to two bites one to two uh bites that's what i just said sorry um while i'm chopping this up uh how about a couple of little q's and a's quick thanks to simon for 90 pounds whoa 90 pounds that's almost 5 000 american dollars that's a dated joke anyway thank you so much simon for the incredible super chat does he have a question or just uh congrats but i got a 50 question from jeff 50 question hit me i'm currently souving some two inch thick rib eyes and we'll be throwing them on the grill tonight for the wife and in-laws all right somebody's making all the right moves to avoid disappointment from the father-in-law so they can't hear swear so i'm going to i'm going to repeat the question maybe they were talking about you that you were too quiet well okay um i uh in terms of tips for this gentleman what was his name jeff loeb jeff loeb uh first off kudos for taking good care of your wife and the in-laws with some high-quality meats prepared with love and science i appreciate that i'm sure they will too and tips to make sure that it goes well i would suggest that you make sure that you're cooking it to the doneness that your in-laws want don't try to indoctrinate your your in-laws on medium rareness if that's not their thing now's not the time like let's save that that's a whole different battle so i would recommend just asking how do you like it cooked if they say you know brown in the middle and and and you know uh well done i like the i like the the way i like my steak the way i like my jokes what's the line from larry sanders show it's like we like our we like our stakes the way we like our humor well done i'm a big fan of larry sanders show um it's sorry uh so just just make it the way they like it that's that's all i can say i appreciate that you're sous viding it as well because clearly if you're doing that you want it to be you know properly cooked but uh just just make it the way the in-laws want um best of luck and thank you so much for the awesome super chat anybody else sure um let's see here got some rochester love yo tom from rochester tom um shout out from south africa all right wow all over folks from motor city uh thank you thank you relentless um another rachel marie shout out real quick thank you very much thank you rachel marie and now the question i know this is from reed who gave 50 bucks oh i know but what would happen new york et cetera like short ribs or bristles would it pull apart and shred also a fun idea monty python meaning of life the meal that blows up mr christopher good mr creosote uh uh and that is one of the most disgusting scenes in the whole of monty python and that's saying something uh his entire he eats too much and he his entire gut blows up and you see his ribs sticking it's terrible but yes i will do that eventually because you know time marches on and i will run out of ideas one day um so in terms of uh braising a rib eye i don't think i could recommend it one of the best parts of one of the reasons short rib is so inexpensive is because it you know you can't just throw it on the grill and have it come out i mean you could actually i love grilled short ribs so that's there's a hot tip right there start grilling some short ribs boneless ones uh it's really really good um but uh so first off i mean okay this is not of ribeye this is a top sirloin yeah it's the top sirloin but ribeye can be similar a little bit um the center the eye of the ribeye not much intramuscular fat um and if you do have a lot of intramuscular fat means that you got something you use some prime rib eye and you really don't want to braise that because yes it would turn out tender and tasty i would assume but it's so expensive ribeye is so much more expensive than the cheaper braised cuts like your chuck and your short ribs that you can do it and i'm sure it would taste fine but it would just be a waste also there's a lot of fat on a rib eye that would just end up being this kind of like soft blubbery stuff instead of the creamy delicious stuff this sawyer likes to eat off my plate when i'm not looking like my dad used to um so the uh but so yeah i wouldn't fully recommend that the steak that we are grilling today is top sirloin nice cheap cut and it's relatively tender especially when cooked to medium rare you want to avoid bits like this see this i'm going to pull it apart it's going to be kind of gross jess is like looking away right now she hates that but see all this stuff not only is it fat it is the the the bane of every uh grill master's existence that is silver skin that is that is a layer of connective tissue that no matter how much you cook it or how you cook it it will never become tender you will always end up chewing on it like bubble gum and nobody wants that when they're made when they're having kabobs so make sure you discard of the silver skin trash bowl i'm gonna get used to the fact that there's a trash bowl there one day all right but yeah likewise we're cutting this into like you know one inch chunks we just want uh you know nice bite-sized pieces there we go try to cut around the refuse any other questions while i'm doing up the this oh good thinking that's a great question sawyer uh so sawyer just asked do i want to heat up the grill and he and and the answer to that is is yes so i'm gonna wait just a second just because i don't wanna i don't wanna go out there and be like oh my god it's 800 degrees um and typically you want to salt your meat and let it rest a little bit chicken and beef of life alike especially beef salt it and let it sit you know ideally for like 30 minutes at room temperature we don't have 30 minutes because you know this is only two hour long stream the math is wrong on that somewhere uh but uh uh so i'm just gonna let it go for like 15 but literally any pre-salting you do is going to have wonderful outcomes we got a siren because we're here in new york city so i'm going to wait for that to go by or i'll just say more inane things while while that's going by i'm mixing up my refuse and my and my good beef here so i got to start using this trash bowl um sounds like it's almost gone this is better than uh soho at least i used to live next to a um a fire station so every five minutes that there was there was a huge siren going off it was very hard to do voice over um in those days so anywho uh yes as soon as i am done cutting up this meat and salting it letting it hang out a little bit i'm going to start the grill because we want to preheat the grill we're going to do a two zone fire that means that we're going to have the burners on full blast on one side of the grill and off entirely on the other side of the grill and that's going to give us both a very hot searing surface and a more oven-like area where we can finish cooking things without putting more crust more more more sear on them um which is going to be particularly important for the beef because if we want to really sear the hell out of the beef on the hot side of the uh the hot side of the grill and then we want to just like bring it up to our desired temperature i'm going to shoot for like 1 30. um you know this would be fine medium rare but i think that the ideal serving temperature for sirloin is probably medium just because of the lack of intramuscular fat um wait no it because wait no no actually medium rare would be better for sirloin because when you have a lot of intramuscular fat in something like a skirt steak i always go medium with that because otherwise you get a very chewy texture you want to get that fat hot enough that it starts to render and it starts to soften it's not slippery and gross anyway there's our beef i need a bowl for the beef we got a bowl for the beef got a beef bowl and i'll just do it on here let's do it in here that's fine so beef beef beef i'm just gonna do it on here if i've made that clear already i'm just gonna do it here um i'm gonna uh also get this out of the way no i still have chopped the vegetables but i'm not doing it on here because it has been contaminated i can flip this over though brilliant perfect okay so bottom of this is not contaminated um i'm going to spread these guys out a little bit it doesn't really matter and i'm just going to hit them with some kosher salt you can hit it with pepper too if you like but the salting is the most important part this uh not only sort of tenderizes the beef a little bit it helps it retain moisture better when it's cooking and it uh deeply seasons it it just gets the you know the salt penetrates deeper into the meat than it might otherwise so this is going to you know you're going to end up with more flavorful tender beef at the end of the day uh any other questions we can uh we can feel gilmore 19. nice asked what about a grilled pizza a grilled pizza is very very very doable especially if you got one of those you know kettle grills like a um what's called a big green big green egg that is especially doable because uh you can get that up to an incredible temperature and one of the biggest difficulties with home cooks i'm gonna i mean this is all going on the grill but i'm not gonna cross-contaminate i'll be careful for once in my life you can get those up to really incredible temperatures and if you're making a neapolitan style pizza were you on me i'm saying i tried to ready no no go back to a here we go uh if if you're making a neapolitan style pizza well you're gonna and i ruined it because i laugh like a little child um uh you you need super the question i was trying to answer 20 minutes ago uh you need super high temperatures for something like a neapolitan pie and that's way easier to get on your grill than it is in your oven very hard to get your temperature above like 600 degrees in your oven uh but the grill you could probably crank that guy up to you know i've gotten this gas grill up to 800 degrees um and i've gotten charcoal grills over a thousand degrees and that's really what you want for those neapolitan pies they need like 90 seconds and you can grill them right on the grate just right in there no problem easy money and um yeah it's it's a it's a great way to make pizza at home there's a lot of articles about it that are far more informative than i'm being right now so yeah just search whatever kind of grill you have and pizza and some genius is going to have made a whole article that outlines in beautiful detail exactly how you do that with your specific grill that's the beauty of the internet i'm just over here mashing chicken around get some sound on that yeah that's good that's good stuff the only one wearing headphones is bra so he's the only one really experiencing this that and thousands of people watching how many people we got watching okay i thought you were about to say 700 and i was like did i just say thousands of people like a real real jackass uh jackass that's what i did that's it somehow sounded worse when i said it that way so i was like i just want to clarify that what i just said was jackass not not anything weird um what uh gd bidding still waiting for a binging steve's 1989 mre and focal lab gd bitty is still waiting for a steve 1989 1989 mre info and babish collab me too brother me too me too because uh we we emailed briefly a long time ago but uh you know the ma the man's busy uh he's got he's got a landscaping job uh or he owns a landscaping company rather and and um he is constantly eating these meals that somehow don't kill him uh these 100 year old meals and these also brand new like belarusian special forces meals which which is very very interesting uh job that guy has and i i still fall asleep to those videos i still they're still my lullaby uh steve 1989 mre info is a lot of people tell me that they fall asleep to my voice and to creep them out i'll tell them a true story which is that once i fell asleep listening to my own voice that's a true story and is now something you can't unhear anyway we have all of our meat salted tossed together we're gonna let it sit if you're at home if you're doing this at home uh oh we could let it sit on the skewers what am i doing we could skewer these guys up get out of here with that all right thank you yeah so we have some really cool skewers oh let's preheat the grill first probably you ready you ready to do this we're going to do our first traveling outside in the rain mobile camera just on b cam here we go in three two one perfect so here we are we made it uh it stopped raining kind of a little bit it's very moist out here i feel like i can i can drink the air um so i got my grill here as you can see it's cold as cold as stone and uh you want to preheat your grill for a couple reasons first off you want nice hot grates on here that you can throw the food down and when it hits it goes that's what you want and number two you want to be able to clean your grill grates you want them to have non-stick properties so you can see there's some old food on there from last time i grilled that oh don't show them that that's the sad part of that you can see there's some old i thought i heard you zoom again you can see this mold food on here and what i'm going to do is get this really hot then i'm gonna scrape it down ideally with a grill brush or if you can't find yours i'm just gonna use some steel wool we got a plane going by hi there goes the plane we're i feel like i'm doing one of the stand-up comedians post coven doing uh stand-up outdoors where they're just like okay let's wait for the helicopter now anyway back to the joke that i was crafting from from scratch um okay so we're going to turn on our gas right you you remembered to turn off your gas between uses right you did the safe thing right i forgot sometimes too but always make sure you turn your gas off at the source between grilling sachons now like i mentioned we're doing a two zone cooking surface but for the preheat i'm probably gonna crank all these guys on so at least three of them i'm gonna do at least three of them i got these three on i'm leaving this one off and when we start cooking i'm gonna crank that guy off so we'll have hot hot hot and then just like oven over here this will be like an oven and this will be like a grill makes sense right i don't know so that's indirect grilling we're going to let that preheat i want to get that up around 450 ish something like that i want it hot enough where it's going to sear on this side and it's going to cook on this side so heading back in here we go do we do it oh i gotta close the door seamless all right so now that you've seen that incredibly professional transition from indoors to out you might be better off just standing there and zooming how far does that zoom lens go she's testing it out we're testing things out midstream it's all right who else does multicam streams like we're still no okay all right that's fine no i'm dead you guys did the dry run i think the transition's funny yeah i'm gonna keep an eye on that uh on that temperature on that grill i have here my vinyl bag and uh i have here my skewers i like metal skewers if you have wood skewers you can um soak them in uh in water for like an hour before you grill or overnight um people have said that that doesn't have much of an effect but i've just noticed that mine char less when i when i uh soak them beforehand and yeah you don't really want charred skewers now do you am i right fellas sorry um and uh since we're about to secure these and i don't feel like doing anything with them ever again after they've been skewered i'm going to hit them with some pepper and a little bit of either vegetable oil or we have this is some grilling olive oil so it's a light olive oil it doesn't have it's not extra virgin it doesn't have all that extra flavor it's got a much higher smoke point it's just better for higher applications like this i'm just going to hit these a little bit of oil because it's just going to help them brown it's going to help them build up a better crust on the grill it's just the right thing to do you got to do the right thing sometimes sometimes oop gross uh i'm going to toss these guys around and then what we're also going to do is we're going to make both a basting sauce so like a mixture of lime juice and oil and garlic that we're gonna brush these guys down with right before they're done cooking just enough to cook the garlic so like one minute before you pull them off the grill on the cool side of the grill so you don't burn the garlic because garlic gets accurate when you burn it right yes um wait here we'll do it we'll do it ready right yeah yeah very good um so okay we got all these peppered and oiled and all that good stuff any questions uh because i'm about to be skewering for about the next 45 minutes or so i have a sip of my raspberry b and t uh mateo shafer asks uh any more cop collabs with joshy weissman what was the name uh mateo mateo schaefer asks if any more collabs coming up with joshy weissman which everybody calls him papa on his on his channel and in his subreddit they all call him papa so i can't call him papa i'm 10 years older than him and and uh i can't do that so uh yes some collabs coming up for sure with josh weissman for now all we're doing is sending each other pictures of our of our watches and and his cars he's he's got i'm not gonna out him for what kind of car he has he just has a very nice car and he should be very he is and should be very proud of it uh and i'm kind of a car nerd and i really want to get my dream car am i allowed to talk about car brands right now okay yeah it's not really a competitor for the botanist isla dry gin uh just don't drive and dr never never never never never never drink and drive there's no joke there just don't don't don't do that it's stupid um but when you are entirely uh not drinking and have a vehicle uh my favorite car that i really really really want to get but i live in brooklyn and have to street park so there's no way that it would survive my current car i have an audi a4 is in the shop right now because somebody backed into it and left because that that's just like that's not even like a weird thing around here that's just like oh somebody backed into my car oh i have to replace the entire hood oh it's going to cost ten thousand dollars oh insurance isn't going to cover it oh cool anyway this is just me venting this is just therapy now oh we're gonna get more than one skewer out of this this is great maybe i'll these shouldn't really be packed up next to each other should they i'm going to give these guys a little bit of breathing room sometimes you can do that like if you're going for more of like a shawarma vibe you can pack the meat right up next to each other i'm gonna give it a little bit more breathing room so it cooks a little bit more evenly throughout otherwise we might have little raw spots in between each piece of beef in fact i'm gonna i'm gonna go a little crazier here and i'm really gonna space these guys out there we go that's the stuff any other questions but yeah josh weissman sorry josh wesson yes yes as soon as he gets out here uh or i get out there to austin if he comes out to new york i'll hang with him um i'm very excited to see him again uh we always have a good time when we hang out and he's uh a landowner now he is a of landowning age and um uh i'm not outing him on that either because he uh uh he posted on instagram he's you know he's building his house in his studio and i'm really really proud of him really really happy for him uh and he said the nicest thing about me in an ama recently on the subreddit he said that was the nicest person he ever collabed with he also said i was the only person he ever collabed with which is not true he's been on burger show and stuff like that maybe it was an old interview i don't know but he was very it was said a very nice thing about me to the point where like jess woke me up to show me like i was in a i was dead asleep and she was like honey wake up you have to read this right now and i was like well sweet dreams for me now i'm dreaming about josh what that is exactly what happened prove me wrong prove me wrong that that isn't what happened this morning oh man i failed as a live streamer um my favorite car is the audi rs7 the brand new one it is a work of art i think i think it's a new modern classic and i can't wait till i can one day own one maybe when the bed and babish is done which if you haven't heard about that i can give some updates there the bed and babish i have closed on land land belongs to me now it's a two acre tract and in overlooking the delaware river it's a steep grade that we're going to build the house into the hillside lots of really fun surprises in there it's going to be a foodie retreat and hopefully we'll be starting to take reservations the first thing 2022. we should be breaking ground in the next six weeks anyway that's not what we're talking about today what we are talking about i'm just changing gloves because i'm going from from beef to chicken and it feels weird it feels strange so what do you think no i changed i i i mixed the chicken with the same glue oh i mixed this the pepper and the oil with the same glove busted the last time i got caught uh during a live stream screwing something up i i got i i was roasted thoroughly for it uh it was that it was that barbecue sauce test remember years ago that was that was bad news um so now i got the chicken breast here uh i am you know when it comes to grilling i'm kind of more of a chicken breast guy you know i like you just got to cook it properly everybody thinks of chicken breast is very very dry but that's only if you overcook it um and you know i can't legally say that you know you should cook it to 150 155 the cdc recommends that you push it to 165 and that's when chicken breast dries out but if you have high quality chicken breasts like this one we know where this came from this is this came from a happy chicken and uh and uh you know you like juicy chicken breasts i push i cook it to 155. um we're gonna have plenty of chicken uh kebabs it doesn't matter it's all getting cooked it's all raw meats okay yeah it doesn't matter these these are going to touch sorry um but as you if you're just joining us folks i need to tell you again that we are making kebabs separately we do not do chicken and vegetables and beef and if i catch you putting two different kinds of meat on your kebab like if i catch you doing beef and shrimp kebabs i'm gonna come to your house and and godfather 2 style i'm gonna i'm i'm going to say i know i know what you did and and and i'm going to give you the kiss of death uh that's what i just learned on reddit that that's what that was i i never understood why he kissed fredo on the mouth i was like you just found out your your brother betrayed you spoiler alert sorry uh and uh and so you went up to him you said i know it was you and you kiss him on the mouth i guess that is actually like like a traditional mob thing like that that marks somebody for death which bad ass that's what i'm gonna start doing uh when i find out that you've been grilling two different kinds of meat on the same skewer is the moral of that story any other questions uh yeah um some people want you to buy a tesla oh i've already bought a tesla for my brother yep then somebody who corrected them too all right thank you we got a we had a super fan yeah i love teslas though don't get me wrong i love teslas and i will own one one day but the rs7 is just a a beautiful beautiful thing anyway we just finished shooting episode two of botched by babish not even last night but by that i mean we did finish shooting it last night and it was a challenge i'll leak to you here what we made what i made what we made it's a it's a cachoe pepe which as you might know a little uh a little italian food channel i can't remember what they're called i'm kidding they're called italia and they're very very nice people we've actually talked a lot and they sent me a gift box full of like like uh uh some guanchale something something like legit one chalet like you can see the side of the pig's mouth like it's really really a hog jowl like you you no mistake in that for anything but what it is uh a big wedge of of pecorino romano um a whole bunch of goodies and the truffle pearls that i used in that made a horrible noise uh that i used in tuesday's episode for the uh the uh uh bucatini el tartufo um so they are really really sweet folks and just like with maddie the first episode of botched if you haven't watched botched yet it's our new show where i go back and i try to rectify mistakes that i've made on the channel and i've made plenty which is why we felt the need to make a show because we were like wow this is gonna how are we doing on time by the way am i just rambling way too much something's supposed to happen at 5 45 oh the next drink 4 45. i thought it was uh oops i'm sorry i'm sorry botanist i thought that was supposed to happen first it was oh but after i guess 45 minutes of the intro it doesn't matter you need it no yeah come on be reasonable um all right well regardless soon i will make the next cocktail perhaps once we um once we get all these skewered let them let them hang out and then before we hit the grill we'll get the negroni bianco going how's that sound yeah you can talk to the the brand see what they think um but uh uh uh uh what was i saying um i can't remember what the question was but uh oh sorry uh so botched by babish is our new series where i go back and i try to fix mistakes of old the first episode we did poutine which was a very very controversial episode mostly because i didn't use real cheese curds i used mozzarella that i squished into a ball to so as to resemble cheese skirts and turns out people aren't a big fan of that turns out people don't like it when you do that particularly those from wisconsin and canada so my bat um go ahead all right i flipped this over so this is this is good to go uh maybe okay should i should i sanitize it real quick do we have any sanitary spray it's all downstairs no i mean and i never put any any meat on here this is fine i'm just ruining my countertop by just mashing meat into it what's up oh there's another question if you want it hit me um jennifer caskey who we met on the book tour or and she just got engaged she wants to make a dessert for her future in-laws oh okay dessert oh so sorry uh jennifer jennifer caskey whom i met in atlanta during one of the book events um uh wants to know a a a another in-laws question was that it i guess so well the in-laws are hot topic tonight um wants a great dessert to serve to her in-laws um i think that the dessert that you should this is like one of those improv games where everybody's coming up with the next word in the sentence but it's just me um uh i think that uh um oh uh we got a uh the cookies that's not very elegant we just we have a cookies basics coming out soon and uh man these cookies are good we can't we we we have this amazing method to get like the most amazing texture out of these cookies but let's see um oh flourless chocolate cake recently i did the date night episode a few months ago around valentine's day and made a gorgeous flowerless chocolate cake it's very easy much easier than a lava cake which you have to really time otherwise you ruin it um and it can be made ahead of time and it's just otherworldly the texture is so velvety yet fudgy like it's so good and then i showed three different sauces that you can put on there it's really really amazing i'm gonna grab the vegetables here before we go too deep into the weeds here we go speaking of weeds here's some vegetables so again kendall did the hard work for me pre-chopping the stuff um and uh so i'm just gonna demonstrate to you you know exactly what we're doing here um so for the onion we want uh you know these like bite-sized chunks right and if we cook the vegetables separately um they're going to they're going to be a lot like you know you ever have a shish kebab and it's got onion and beef next to it and the onion is just burnt to a crisp and the beef is you know undercooked and it's and then everybody gets into a big fight at the family reunion and you know you don't see your cousins for nine years and it does just me no okay well that's that actually didn't even happen i'm just making up stories right now uh but grilling the vegetables and the beef and the chicken separately allows you to have full control over how much everything is getting cooked so i'm cutting this into you know about one inch one to two inch pieces we didn't want just enough where you know that's a bite like once this is grilled and it's nice and sweet and caramelized and everything i'd eat this entire i'm gonna eat it now delicious were you on that camera perfect great so um all right so there's uh we got some so there's our red onion and then other than that we got some zucchini which uh i think we'll just do in half here and uh i just want to cut these into sort of big old chunks you know is this in the way is this like really distracting should i put that over there oh i got those onion eyes despite my goggles all right so these we want everything to be you know in a comparable sort of size so everything cooks evenly so i'm cutting these uh pieces of zucchini to roughly the same size thickness and and and girth as my onions and as my my peppers and then that way we end up with evenly cooked vegetables oh yours are bigger i screwed up it's okay it's fine seriously the kebabs are pretty forgiving as far as the really the grilling family goes kebabs are pretty forgiving now to uh to cut up in dc to pepper my favorite method is to sort of chop off the head you'll notice i did that pretty thick none of this is getting wasted just pop out that guy and then boom boom you got three pieces that you might have thrown away otherwise then you have the core with the seeds and all that stuff and now you get to pretend that you're that dude from temple of doom and just rip out its heart there it is and you end up with a perfectly seedless pepper how big are your pieces great i'm on track um and this likewise we're just cutting into you know big old big old chunks it doesn't matter what direction you cut them in that's fine bring this over here so i have something to compare it to kendall's wonderful handiwork you did great what was what would i say no for get a camera on kendall i'm kidding you're sitting like a nerd kendall really has become like the person that i bounce off of when we're when we're shooting like a uh uh during catchy pepe i never answered that question did i so from like 20 minutes ago the next episode of botched by babish is kachue pepe and we just finished it last night we did three different methods to make cacio pepe and and everything went perfectly and exactly right on the first try i'm kidding it took me seven tries um to to get a proper cache of pepe going because i didn't realize that you needed to kill not only kill the heat but allow things to cool off a little bit because um uh what's called uh the cheese uh romano cheese sure doesn't like heat um it it completely just globs up um whenever you uh i did i missed doing the heart thing i'm sorry um it just globs up when you overheat it and you end up with you know big chunks of melty cheese and a sort of thin watery sauce and nobody's got time for that um anyway while i'm chopping these up any other questions yeah zanna wright asks you've done some ghibli food but i'm very much like a ghibli menu with foods from porto rosso kiki's delivery service etc did you say ghibli medley yes that's a fun that's what the episode will be called if uh yeah so um what was the name again i'm sorry zanna zana wright zano wright wants more studio ghibli foods what do we think folks leave a comment get ready to get flooded because people want more studio ghibli foods um i am psyched to hopefully have uh alvin take care of that for me uh we really loved having uh alvin um alvin zoo over for uh for for the our april fool's episode where he pretended to be me for a show called anime with alvin and i'm very excited that uh i'm hoping we're gonna have him back soon we're gonna do more of those so that means he gets to do the studio ghibli food because it's really hard and i don't have to do it anymore that's really the secret benefit of that but also he's he's great so i'm very happy to to to have him uh help help us make a show and i'm gonna be doing more stuff with buzzfeeds more of their you know like um their multi um time stamp what do you call them it's like five minutes 50 minutes five hours i did it with pasta and it was a lot of fun now i just gotta skewer some vegetables let me know if i need to take like an ad break at some point soon like do you think that i need to oh yeah we could do the drink again in five minutes all right well let me just give botanist a quick shout out and just say that this live stream is sponsored by the botanist isla dry gen and uh it's it's a it's great gen we've we've been working with them for a long time now this is a beautiful grilled raspberry bnt botanist and tonic uh it's our playful spin on on the word gin and tonic and um uh they respond to this live they made this live stream possible thank you so much the botanist isla dragin available now on drizzly use code botanist babbage to get five dollars off if you're a new user on drizzly anyway back to the grillin stuff uh i'm gonna just because it feels cool i'm gonna do this with a glove why not and this is going to take some time so any other questions we might have i'm all ears reid has given another fifty dollars read read good lord yeah what are your thoughts on grilled sausages i know a man who might have some everyday ordinary sausage recipes that could be great on the grill i mean that sounds great uh i like sausage i like ordinary things um just let them you know whoever he is uh let him know that uh that sounds fun and uh uh i mean i i just i wish that there was a channel that just did like you know really fun sausages like like crazy sausages you know like made out of things that you don't traditionally make sausage out of it'd be so cool for somebody to innovate in that space and uh i'm looking forward to you know seeing what youtube youtubers create in that realm and uh i'm just gonna keep doing this until you lose your minds anyway go ahead uh yes i would love to do something with ordinary sausage where we've been in contact with them and we're excited to do something with him go ahead rachel maria that's another onion um my apartment doesn't allow grills but i have a george foreman electric grill will work the same way if i were to do kebabs i do i would not recommend uh doing this on an electric indoor grill um what was the name i'm so sorry rachel marie rachel marie uh uh indoor electric grills they're basically electric frying pans you might as well do this in a frying pan because yes it has ridges but all it's doing is heating up a metal surface and that's what you do on the stovetop so you don't really need to do that the fact that it closes you know if you have one of the the sandwich style ones where it closes down you are cooking it from both sides but you're really only gonna get the intended effect especially with kebabs uh if you if you do it on an outdoor grill and i know i i feel your pain like i have i'm having the hardest time in the world right now continuing this pattern like just like which which thing comes next so red pepper green pepper um i i feel your pain because i live in new york city and it's this is quite literally the first place i've been able to have a grill ever in my 10 years in new york city green zucchini this is why is it so hard i went to college no i won't do that um that's actually a good idea but i'm super busy right now i'm live streaming um um uh uh but no i i i it's a perfectly fine way to to grow to to make kebabs you can do that but it's just not going to be the same unfortunately i'm sorry to say but all right so we're almost done with a vegetable skewer i'm going to do two of these just because i don't want i don't want to spend all night skewering vegetables zucchini and you'll notice that i'm putting them on in different orientations some of the zucchinis sideways this one's facing forward it's just because i want to maximize their i want to make this as uniform a shaft as possible so that everything cooks evenly you want see like this guy makes me nervous because he's sticking out so much but overall like this is a pretty even uh skewer and uh so that you know that's that bodes well for how it's going to cook on the grill and once we're done skewering we will uh hit those with oil salt and pepper and then we're going to be able to start grilling before i do start grilling though i think i'll make another cocktail perhaps i'll have another sip of this one first any other questions sure um have you ever considered an episode on cooking a whole hog king and commenter king and commoner asks if i've ever considered an episode where i make a whole hog and the answer to that is maybe um uh you know that's not an episode of basics obviously uh because you know i've done things like sous-vide basics and people are like this is not basics imagine if i did like whole hog basics i don't think that would go over so well um so uh it would have to be for binging what is there any pop culture like is there an episode of king of the hill where they where they make a whole hug there's an episode of aqua teen hunger force where they make a whole cow stuffed with cheese and deep fried i'm not super stoked on that but you know what's if that's what you guys want somebody will tell us shout out in the comments uh where there's a whole hog in king of the hill specifically i remember there's the episode where dale and uh not dale and boomhauer um uh bill and boomhauer wait this isn't right no that's right um where bill and boomhauer get the deep fryer last is so hard and they just start deep frying anything just like to try to see what they can deep fry and eventually they accidentally deep fry a beer and it explodes and it's a disaster in in in hilarious fashion is that show coming back they're doing aren't they doing like a new what rumors yeah rumors rumors and hearsay um no not that yet green i can do this i don't need to put the bowls in order that's crazy okay um all right what what other other questions what else we got evan bradley any more collabs with mythical gmm question oh absolutely i mean we've mainly just been hindered by uh you know pandemic travel stuff but uh oh sorry sorry sorry um uh what was their name uh evan bradley evan bradley asks if we're going to be doing something soon again with good mythical morning and i love rhett and link and and josh uh especially josh and i still text on the regular and uh uh i i love hanging out with those guys and now that uh you know we can start to travel i'm fully vaxxed if you are not vaxxed please go get vexed um and now we're able to start traveling and uh i'm very excited to see all them again they're all out in la that's gonna be a good time what else we got flying pig from the simpsons the whole hog in shrek 2. those are the two that i've got so far did he eat the pig in the simpsons movie i mean he bought it with the intention of eating it i'm pretty sure but i don't think he ate it the spider pig harry plopper yeah wait was it harry popper that doesn't sound right um okay all right two vegetable skewers is enough for you guys right i sure hope so that's all i'm doing all right um so hit these guys a little bit of oil oh my gosh that grill has been oh no that's fine all right we're good i'm just gonna check on the grill guys we're up at 5 50 right now so i'm gonna turn it down a little bit i'm killing that third burner so now we're down to two burners so we have we have hot on the left indirect heat on the right that is a great place to live that's easy money what else we think we gotta do shrek shrek two all right sounds like it's gonna be shrek two folks whole hog from shrek two is that i don't oh and you know what i've never seen shrek two that's why i'm sorry to admit that right now online in front of better than shrek 3 which i've seen but no i haven't seen that um let's let's cut over to kendall for a little while she's gonna tell us about her favorite shrek moments um no i uh uh this kendall has just strongly reprimanded me for not having seen shrek 2 i'm sure i saw it on a bus on a school trip once back when it came out um or on a plane but uh i because back back when that movie came out you had to involuntarily watch movies when you traveled like there was no choice we just and i just flew out to la the other week and uh we got to watch any movie in the world and now what what a time to be alive um so okay we got salt pepper and oil on our vegetable skewers which means i think we're ready to grill but first a little little little drinky poop they probably don't want me to call it that um a little cocktail perhaps why don't we make a negroni bianco which is a white version of a negroni uh that instead of using the red italian liqueur it uses a white italian bitter i'm gonna have one more sip of this because it's so damn but it's so pretty i mean look at that oh that's good the botanist i really hope that like i see that on their bottles one day or something just like in quotes ooh that's good anyway all right let me get all this crap out of the way these s stupid vegetables is that other way is that is that cool you good all right okay we're gonna make us into granny bianco let me pull up the recipe for that because i don't have it memorized sorry oh easy peasy we got uh four three ingredients what's up just that that way this plate's in you don't like this not a fan of the of the the strip of fat and couple stems on there this is the reality of cooking you don't see that on tv on your favorite cooking shows okay um so this is a even if you can believe it an even simpler cocktail than the uh grilled raspberry b t which as i say it out loud is actually pretty complicated actually because you have to grill raspberries but this is an actually simple one this one we are doing in a mixing glass right yes okay so we need a mixing glass full of ice let's uh switch this cam so we can follow me over to the ice machine what are you whispering about ice cubes i can use these right it's the i i use i use the i use the big one for the for the cocktail but for mixing i use little guys yeah big ones for the cocktail itself we got some beautiful beautiful beautiful king cubes uh that we we ordered from a restaurant supply place that uh makes perfectly clear uh ice cubes which i'm very very excited to utilize in my life where's the glass there it is okay this is live tv folks we're live cut cut brad just talked [Laughter] yes we are live uh in this thing that you are directing so now i'm gonna grab one of our beautiful clear cubes oh they're all stuck together there we go okay and i'm just going to give a little rinse because then you can see how incredible it is look at this ready ready look at this i can't quite see you through that but it's a that's a that's a that's a beautiful ice cube and uh that's going directly into our glass there we go let's do a little wipey wipe here all right so we're going to assemble what's happening there's a flickering it's fine is it is it over are we good okay great all right we're never opening opening it again it's fine uh okay so we need um a couple things to make this cocktail i'm gonna grab my me's again here we go these two guys and anything else need a okay so for this cocktail we need one ounce of the botanist isla dry gin 22 herbs and spices 22 botanicals i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm so sorry aboutness uh 22 botanicals that are hand forged on the island on the remote island of isla uh and lovingly crafted into this bespoke gin that has been so kind to sponsor this live stream this live stream has been made but this live stream has been made possible by the botanist anytime you see me do an ad read that's what the million outtakes sound like beforehand but we're live so you get to hear them all thank you very much the botanist for making see thank you very much to the botanist for making this live stream possible and for giving me some delicious cocktails to drink on this the first unofficial summer friday because it is not officially the first friday of the summer but we're calling it that because why not this has one ounce of each liquor so one ounce of the botanist isla dry gin it took me like legit a month to say i la and not i lay i know that's not correct but that's just how i said it in my brain my entire life and i had to train myself not to uh one ounce of the botanist isla dry gin which we're gonna back up we're keeping this away from the grill okay if you if you're if you're making your cocktail near a grill rethink your life decisions don't do that um is this okay right here what do you think look cool all right oh get it out okay all right brad oh oh oh okay all right all right hang on hang on guys is that okay all right seamless again so okay that no one's no one even saw that i did blink and you missed it here the bcu um so we got uh one ounce of white italian bitter or bitter bianco this is a little tricky to get a hold of so if you can't find it i'm sorry i'm kidding if you can't find it uh you know you could probably just double up on this next ingredient ingredient which is one ounce of white vermouth and together these guys are going to make a lovely summertime cocktail i need the strainer there it is a lovely summertime cocktail that really refreshes as much as it's tastes good there's a new log line the botanist refreshes as much as it tastes good anyway that's uh you're welcome that's a free one that's freebie i'm gonna center this right up is that center you guys know how i feel about symmetry i like having right in the center so mixing this guy up now you you generally want to mix until the glass the mixing glass is frosty this is a terribly thick glass so i am going to do that but it's going to water down my cocktail a bit which is fine i'm on camera i don't need full strength uh uh negroni bianca it's frosty all right that happened way faster than i thought it was gonna that's great um and then we're gonna strain this into a glass with a pre-prepared king cube awaiting there we go pour it on in and this i mean it's like it's like i don't know how to describe this because i'm a huge martini fan so that's one reason that i really love the botanist because i get to make my martinis with it um but this is almost like a martini on the rocks but it's much sweeter and mellower because of but it still has that like you know funky bitter taste that you would normally get in a negroni but it's lighter and more refreshing i really enjoy it wow i just spilled things do you mind wearing another one of those probably not it's okay i'll figure it out uh and then we're just going to simply garnish this with an orange twist i'm so sorry i spilled the whatever that was okay she knows what it is um kendall's headed back downstairs you know something i haven't addressed yet is that we're not in the babish kitchen [Laughter] you might notice the things look a little different and um that's because we're in my house we're in my home kitchen this is where i live and i'm inviting you inside what happened is lots well you can't walk behind me to ruin the entire live stream um it's okay it's okay it's okay it's good it's fine here kendall come on in here we we got kendall this is kendall beach this is kendall beach she is our uh our kitchen producer and she's braving the rain right now to go replace the thing that i just spilled to finish our cocktail our negroni bianca we're going to garnish it with this twist of orange peel and how's that look is that cool what do you think gorgeous i can't see it from your angle what about like that oh should it hang over the rim a little bit playfully like that's nice like come on in water's fine the botanist is fine uh botanist is not fun it's great um thank you so much again uh to the botanist for sponsoring this live stream head to drizzly if you want to get yourself a bottle of the botanist and enter uh it says mention code which is very funny when you're talking about an app but uh use code botanist babish to get five dollars off if you're a new user i was about to say member i you know probably should have memorized this i'm kidding um but yeah thank you so much the botanist uh it's one of my favorite favorite favorite spirits it's certainly my favorite gin it's made with two 22 not just two 22 distinct hand-forged botanicals forged on the remote island of isla and it's uh it's it's just an easy drinking gen it's great on its own it's great in cocktails and this is no exception i haven't tried it yet i know it's gonna be good here i'm gonna look in camera two ready three two one that was early i messed up let's do it again i almost organically went ooh that's good instead of saying it the way i'm supposed to um ah thank you so much it's okay you i'll wait okay um here we go i'm gonna do it again and uh thank you so much the botanist for sponsoring this live stream oh that's good nice oh now the genuinely is really really good uh i love a negroni and this one is so much lighter and sweeter and more floral and refreshing it's perfect for summer grilling rain or shine um so speaking of summer grilling is there is there any other stuff that we want to touch on before i start grilling stuff i think you'd have it um i mean i'm i'm also just going to read some of the log lens here uh you know the botanist is the gin to have in your home bar because it goes perfectly in pretty much anything uh um you know cereal i'm kidding uh in any gen based cocktail uh it works beautifully and i'm really grateful to have them as a sponsor i'm grateful to be enjoying a few cocktails while i grill uh any questions before we head out to the grill um from rochester new york do you think love your content by the way keep it up do i ever think i will come back to my hometown of rochester new york and organize a fan meet and greet yeah yeah i do you can bet on that switch camera b you can bet on that back to camera a now back to grilling all right all all right so i have my cocktail i've got my meat that if you're just joining us we've got our meat tossed with salt and pepper and a little bit of uh um uh high smoke point oil this is a light olive oil alternately you could use vegetable or canola oil and we've salted and peppered them well well ahead of cooking because that's going to help them retain more moisture it's going to deeply season them it's just a net positive thing to do with most meats i'm not going to say all meats but most meats especially when you're grilling and you'll also notice again if you're just joining us that i have the beef on their own skewers the chicken on their own skewers and the vegetables on their own skewers because these things cook at different rates so it just makes sense to keep them on their own skewers and then when you present them you've got here's the beef here's the chicken and everybody gets to just take their own bits okay i know it's charming to have your own kebab and they go like gosh nobody actually likes going like this that's it's dangerous for your teeth and i'm going to make everybody's uh everybody everybody freak out right now this is going to be unpleasant for you especially jess nobody wants to do that nobody wanted me to do that to to prove a point brad to prove a point that ow um uh is it weird that i can see flavors no um all right so what was i trying to prove with that it was that that nobody wants to eat a kebab like this you want it you want to you know fork off the pieces that you want to eat put together a pile of different meats and vegetables and call it a day now i think it's time that we grill i got my cocktail i got my grill preheated we're gonna start by cleaning our grill are you ready for this where's the steel wool i have to do something oh she's right i have to do something first i almost forgot we're making i spilled some stuff before so that's why this is a mess uh it is nobody else's fault but mine including the teeth kebab thing um we're gonna make a quick uh basting sauce that we're just going to baste the meats and vegetables with totally optional i love the flavor of meats and vegetables just off the grill salt and pepper that's enough for me but this is going to add a whole other bunch of flavor including the dipping sauce that we're going to make that again totally optional really really delicious so to make is this to make this awesome i presume so i have to wipe everything down because i spilled on it so this is for making the dipping sauce okay where do i make the uh oh okay that's smart so i'm gonna repurpose this lime bowl uh uh with uh uh with my dipping sauce do we have a grill brush by the way ready to go oh my gosh she's so good she's so great kendall kendall beach everybody she's the only one that's made that has okay you're only 90 sure that the no that's that's good for grilling yeah it's fine it's just it's a silicone brush it has a wooden handle yep thank you kendall uh those those claps were 90 percent just to make sure that uh there's no funny business so i'm slicing up all these limes we want the juice of all these limes you need a lot of lime juice in any given lime situation what uh just just just just just just this was like five six limes right five or six limes and uh that's how much you want in addition to some oil and some garlic that's really question mark yes that's really all we're putting in this baste because and we're going to do it right at the last minute because garlic we just want it to get kissed by the heat of the grill any questions while i'm juicing these millions of limes yeah one from the chat this guy's been really persistent oh boy i don't know if it's a troll but uh i have a suggestion some dishes from resident evil village and they also resident evil 8 is there school like zombie food is that the joke it's pretty funny uh somebody has been insistent that we make food from resident evil village which i haven't played because i'm a little scaredy boy and i don't like scary things i don't like being spooked or spoofed or or or startled or even being as uh hey bud somebody wants to be on camera come here yeah you want to be on camera don't you come here this is how i hold cats like a gun no no no this is ro bro the cat hi bud what's going on up here huh sorry bud okay here come on i know you want to go oh damn it okay um get the cat fur off okay uh anyway resident evil village uh resident evil village uh is a is a game that has um zombies in it which is why i haven't played it because i get a little scared and um it's the same reason i'm dying to play half-life alex but i can't it looks too scary i remember playing half-life when i was like 12 and being scared to death of those facehugger things and to to do that in vr no thank you anyway there's apparently food in resident evil village and we'll look into it i'll have kendall play it for me she doesn't like scary things either i'll just play it but she doesn't like scary things well brad brady likes gary brad doesn't like scary things sawyer scary sword loves scary things sawyer everybody let's also give sawyer a big round of applause because my man's a new daddy father of a healthy perfect baby that yeah it's a perfect boy and uh and i'm very proud of you and uh very happy for you and we've to to say how to show him how proud of him we are we got him a a jimmy buffett margaritaville the bali edition sorry um it works it's a machine it's not a it's not a liquor it's a machine uh yeah no you can use tequila yeah okay never mind uh i got him a bottle of the botanist uh uh yeah no it's true i actually did get you a bottle of botanist um okay now that we definitely got out of that one uh what's up watch your hands watch my okay oh i touched the cat yeah you're right thank you internet i mean that cat's clean as a whistle i'll have you know it's a very clean cat but i appreciate your your caution but also as with every episode of binging uh this isn't for anybody but me everybody's gonna watch me eat this at the end and not get into themselves that's that's the rule and that's how we do things around here the splatters this is where this is why i wear an apron usually because i get splatters on myself okay clean hands clean heart can't lose what wide eyes big heart can't lose clear eyes full heart full eyes clear heart clear eyes full hearts can't lose all right now to finish up our basting sauce we have an about an equal amount of uh vegetable oil and just a whole bunch of garlic this is what this is one two three six cloves of garlic here's my crusher oh she put all my tools out so nice that's my biggest kitchen tip is hire kendall no don't hire kendall she's she she hasn't she's good right you're good okay all right great oh just laid them out get yourself a jest no jess two is also happy here don't take them from me oh that sounds really possessive i didn't mean it that way i just meant you know okay thanks anyway as usual the live stream is going off the rails but we're still somehow soldiering forward and making food and cocktails and i dare say having a good time and celebrating 9 million subscribers folks we hit 9 million subscribers not one hour ago lizzy says ncis does a whole hog somebody named lizzie has informed us that a little syndicated television show called ncis has done a whole hog which honestly sounds pretty gruesome i honestly don't know the context for that is is the whole hog like part of the crime scene or is it just like one kooky character loves to cook it's like that that girl with the with the the the goth girl and then she loves to barbecue probably okay yeah that follows all right so we got ourselves a yeah is it really i'm hoping okay thank you thank you lizzy uh anybody any other questions um oh odd question what but what brand is your hat i love it i want to keep them up for myself also thanks for the great vids much love from seattle matt hoffman matt hoffman is curious about where i got my hat and jess got me this hat so she's gonna have to illuminate that amazon really cool all right so but what's it called what's the i can look it up you mean this isn't a brand name hat i'm kidding i love this hat um i like wearing a black black ball cap i like it makes me feel safe makes me feel good now we're gonna make a dipping sauce um that is uh a combination of hoisen soy is this rice wine vinegar okay and garlic and ginger this is a totally optional but you'll thank me later um kind of dipping sauce um where we got this looks like i'm going to guess on all these amounts this looks like half a cup of hoisin all right i got two thumbs up on the half cup of hoisin now we move on to the soy sauce i'm also going to put this at a half cup and put it this is a third of a cup i'm going to put this at 3 8 of a cup uh quarter cup this is not a quarter cup get out of here she now she's just messing with me because we have company um this to me looks like a quarter cup no two two tablespoons three tablespoons three tablespoons i got it of uh of rice wine vinegar um then we've got uh this probably a half inch of worth of ginger that's been crushed and or grated rather and then we've got um where'd my garlic crusher go oh here it is and then we've got three cloves of garlic that we're gonna crush in there and this just makes like like how long did this take about 15 minutes uh this makes it super quick and easy so i'm kidding it took about 30 seconds it makes it very very quick very very easy very very delicious dipping sauce with some lovely like it kind of reminds me of um like a like a uh dumpling sauce i guess because it's got the nice sharpness of the of the soy and you know what would be great in this is black vinegar i don't i didn't want to make this to because not everybody has black vinegar kicking around their house like we do uh but that sounded braggy it's just because i make a cooking show otherwise it wouldn't be here a lot of people a lot of folks don't have access to black vinegar you kind of have to get it at specialty grocery stores but it's it's really really delicious and if we brought down the hoisan and upped some black vinegar that would be a really lovely sauce but this is really really nice too sorry to downsell the thing we're actually making uh it's got a lot of hoist in it which the the mixture of hoisin and um soy sauce really gives it the perfect uh consistency for dipping it's not super thick like a barbecue sauce where it's going to dominate whatever you're dipping in there it's just going to coat it lightly kind of like a dumpling sauce let me get a tasting spoon perhaps this one so simple so good the ginger really comes through that's gonna be really nice on the beef in particular and the chicken and the vegetables speaking of which why don't we get those those guys on the grill shall we let's do it you ready you ready you ready you ready let's do it right out this way all right um so the meat is probably going to take longer to cook and i want to get a really nice sear on it see our our grill's right around 450 that means it's got great ambient temperature and this side is going to be hot hot hot but first i want to clean it i forgot about that where's the steel wool steel wool is on the sheet tray perfect so first thing we're going to do is brush it down and uh ideally you should have a grill brush if you own a grill but if you can't find yours then uh you can use a bit of steel wool that i'm holding on to with some tongs and just brush it down you're just trying to get off the uh all the all the detritus from the last time you grilled get these grates nice and smooth and ready for the next generation of grilled food that you intend to bring to the party there we go you want to do this while the grates are nice and hot if you try to do this while the grill is cold all the grease all the fat all the nasty that was on there is not going to let you scrape anything off you're just going to mush it around but if you got your we preheated this grill forever and that just basically carbonizes anything that's left on here it makes it super easy to just scrub right off now next i'll be right back next you can follow me though that's okay next we're going to also oil the grates best way to do this i find is a little bit of neutral high smoke point oil again this is like a grilling olive oil normally you wouldn't want to do this with olive oil but this is a nice light olive oil that's been filtered and isn't extra virgin and won't burn or turn acrid or smoke but you know you can use vegetable oil you can use canola and then we're just going to get some on a paper towel like that just use it to coat down the grates this is going to help prevent things from sticking as you might have guessed and just like a cast iron it's going to create a layer of polymerized oil on your grates there we go it's particularly important on the high heat side of things there we go nice and nice close that down this goes in here and our meat needs the most time on there so i'm gonna throw these guys on first probably the chicken thigh these guys really need to be cooked up to 160 175. i like to cook chicken chicken thigh to 175 because it's full of connective tissue and fat that really needs to break down very hard to overcook chicken thigh i'm gonna put it way back here it's the hottest part of the grill are you ready ready for some sizzle can you hear that i'm trying to get my mic close to it without burning my oh my beard the beef as well i'm going to put towards the back because it can handle some heat typically at least with my grill you have to get to know your grill with my grill hottest parts in the back corner coolest parts out front so that's why the chicken breast is headed out here and i realize now i don't have enough room for my vegetables so i'm actually going to crank on these burners and we'll turn this into an indirect cooking system once the vegetables are done so my veggie guys are headed right here boom close them up let them sit you you want to let it sit for two reasons first off if i tried to pull that chicken off right now it would stick like it was glued to those grates but if i let it if i if i let it form a crust not only do you want a crust not only do you want uh the my yard reaction to occur and give you a nice brown crust lots of flavor lots of texture on the outside of your chicken or beef you want it's going to that's what's going to lift it off the grates that's what's going to make it not stick so we're going to let that go for a few minutes before we turn it want to make sure we get some good grill marks on there let's head back inside we are not letting we're not letting rain stop us today so what do we got in terms of questions well i have a sip of my cocktail uh there's james asked about the pepper grinder i feel like you gotta oh of course no this is this this guy's a friend um uh so this is a this is made by a small company called man kitchen m-a-n-n kitchen uh which i i think in his native language means my kitchen so it's not like mountain kitchen it's like man kitchen um and it's really a revolutionary device this is a marvel of engineering um it it grinds pepper uh hmm i want to do a demo but i don't want to mess this up uh let's do it let's do a plate we'll do a plate some of my personal home plates there we go this is why i eat off of my actual meals you'll notice that uh it grinds pepper at an incredible rate and uh you're welcome for the free plug my friend um uh because it's really it's really an incredible pepper grinder i'm not gonna lie to you it's pricey you can order them on his website man kitchen m-a-n-n kitchen uh i think his kickstarter still might be live but i'm not gonna lie to you it's like it's like a 200 pepper grinder uh which is a lot for a pepper grinder but it's so beautifully over engineered like to refill it all you gotta do is press this button this pops right off everything feels so satisfying all the buttons you know how i love how how we feel about buttons that click that it makes when you drop it back down yeah no everything about it is just perfect and also you cover up the grinding mechanism freshly ground pepper ready to go in its own little cup anyway we're not even giving the botanist good enough as good uh uh advertisement as we are man kitchen right now um but i should mention that this stream is brought to you by the botanist please go to drizzly if you want to order yourself a bottle and use code use code botanist babish to get five dollars off if you're a new drizzly member um and they have been kind enough to sponsor this live stream we've been making a couple cocktails uh we made the um grilled raspberry b and t and what i'm sipping on now is a negroni bianco ro what i'm sipping on now is a negroni bianco which is just really a super light refreshing floral version of the negroni that you know and love no better way to grill yes mate so now what are we doing we're waiting for that stuff to brown up let's do a couple more questions while we're waiting to get some grill marks [Music] worth asks have you ever thought about doing a basics episode on casseroles asks have you ever thought about making a basics episode on casseroles and did a 25 super chat thank you so much what was it picklesworth uh thank you very much for putting in picklesworth say that five times fast um uh uh yes uh i i wanted to do one i was going to do casseroles for you jake because uh recently i did a frozen foods episode because my man had a baby and that's what i was told like the best thing to get new parents is you know frozen quick easy meals and so i was gonna do casseroles but then i decided okay we should do you know breakfast lunch and dinner um but i would love to do a casseroles episode i grew up eating casseroles you know broccoli cheese rice casserole that's my favorite thing of thanksgiving so we will definitely do a casserole episode in the near future what else we got snk asks have you ever done a collab with alton brown or chef john i'd love to see it love from west virginia i've not ever done a collab with alton brown or chef john i have spoken with both of them chef john is a really really really really sweet guy who sent me some barbecue sauce and sawyer has a cat um this road doesn't ro doesn't care at all all right it says it's over but um uh uh uh what the hell was i i have the worst short short term memory uh chef john is the sweetest guy he sent me some of his barbecue sauce he makes an amazing san francisco style barbecue sauce which i didn't even know was a thing but it's delicious um and uh he's he i learned how to cook from him in many ways and alton brown these are two of my food heroes alton brown we've talked on instagram a little bit so the fact that he even knows i exist is pretty crazy uh but we don't have any we don't have anything on books um so hopefully one day soon we'll be able to do something together maybe all three of us that'd be fun what else we got um the danke gamer asks do you like nascar you know i was raised on nascar okay i'm from upstate new york which is the deep south of the north and what oh sorry sorry sorry uh i've been asked if i liked nascar and my answer was i'm from rochester new york uh and uh i was raised surrounded by cornfields and that's not a joke you've been in my house i literally just had cornfields on it on each side and i was terrified all the time after the movie signs and that's not the question the question is do i like nascar frankly not really um because of the you know just sort of single uh lap you know the the the oval track really is what i uh whatever they do uh i can't what they're called circuit races uh just the indy cars i can't remember what it's called but um whenever they do get off the oval track that's when i get a little excited i do like motorsports i do like f1 i do like le mans um because they're really complicated tracks and i've driven myself at watkins glen which is a former f1 track in upstate new york and i almost died because my uh brakes gave out when i was going 115 miles an hour which i know is not that fast but it is we don't have any brakes um what else we got uh what did they where did you put the lime juice people are curious they forgot where the lime juice oh so the lime juice i probably didn't make that clear enough lime juice i mixed together with some oil and garlic and i'm going to use it to baste everything i'm going to hit it with brush on the grill right before it comes off garlic takes about one minute to cook tops so i just want to just just dress it with this a little bit let it get kissed by the heat of the grill i'm seeing some smoke coming off that grill so maybe we should start turning things uh but this goes on last to answer your question this goes on last let's head outside shall we ready here we go what do we got oh yeah i'm seeing some color i need some tongs here we go oh yeah look at that see you're only going to get that kind of color if you hit the meat with some oil you need to hit the meat with some oil that's what that's what helps it sort of carbonize like that and uh get get that beautiful crust on there see how nothing is sticking everything's lifting right off effortlessly that's exactly what we're looking for and as you can see you know this is not browning as much as this guy because it's way hotter in that back part of the grill now just to make sure that we don't overcook stuff i'm going to crank that down a little bit let's take a look at our vegetables these guys need a little bit more time on that side did i lose a vegetable i heard you go up okay what did i do oh okay sorry shoulder's in the way there we go things are looking great we just flipped these guys they're looking good um i'm probably just going to steer these i'm probably going to see the beef and the chicken breast on this side alone this i might give another turn in fact i might turn this around because it seems like it's really getting blasted in that corner oh yeah obviously you don't want flare-ups flare-ups are not ideal that's where you get those really sort of bitter grill flavors so i i like seeing the flames it's a lot of fun but you don't really want that can i see my breath right now can you see it can you see is it can you see it what's going on what's happening i thought this was the first unofficial summer friday anyway all right let's go back in here i completely forgot that we were grilling if i'm being totally honest um i got so absorbed in the nascar question what else we got um ari nestlebaum asks hey will you ever consider doing a series dedicated to foods for specific diets with specific needs such as all capitals f-o-d-m-a-p keto kosher halal etc i don't know what f-o-d-m-a-p is fodmap what is that what is okay well i i it's personally i i don't know that one but um the question was am i ever going to make some episodes that cater to specific diets and and food requirements and uh the answer to that is absolutely yes the one that we have most imminent is um uh gluten-free pasta we're working on our best possible gluten-free pasta uh blend if you will of different flowers and different um you know just how to make it gluten free for all of our celiac friends out there and for everybody who is gluten averse we want to get you the best pasta that we possibly can that's coming soon and we definitely want to explore other food allergies there's a lot of and food uh dietary requirements there's a lot of different needs out there and we're excited to figure out what we can add to that conversation what else we got um any more knives coming soon yes uh sorry the question was any more knives coming soon the answer is yes we have a full set of cutlery coming out most of the knives are out we do we do have a couple more coming carving knife carving fork that i'm very very excited about we've kind of modeled it after this one so that's fun uh we also have a full line of every imaginable kitchen product coming out um cutting boards uh i'm looking at them right there can i show like prototypes all right i'm going to show you guys some prototypes i just got sent a full battery of prototypes so follow me won't you there we go okay so check this out we got a cut i don't know if i'm saying that correctly we got the big sautepin um this is baking dishes uh so so we have all different kinds of fun goodies coming out like here oh yeah yeah so these are just prototypes this is also a very early prototype but it is my favorite pan that we have coming out it's a deep 12-inch saute pan this is great not only for you know sauteing but also it's great for deep frying i do all my deep frying in this guy and it's great for braising like it's just the right height for braising you know six short ribs it's perfect because every time you do that in a big dutch oven you know you end up with all this air on top and this is just exactly the right height for braising it's my favorite pan and we do have it coming soon i'm sorry i just hit the mic we got a full line of cookware a full line of dinnerware uh silverware everything every kind of wear um and those guys like this these are experimental models that i'm literally seeing for the first time we got ourselves a beautiful enameled coconut with the dimples on here this helps evenly distribute uh um condensation that that builds up on the lid when you're braising stuff this helps instead of just making it go down the size of the pan it these dimples help it drip all over which is pretty cool but anyway i'm not here to sell my cookware but that stuff is coming soon um i'm going to check on these guys again i think what do you think folks are we ready jesse you ready you cool all right here we go all right cool you got it you got it you're good those are looking good let's flip the veg where are my tongs could you clear off one of these um one of these sheet pans so i can put the finished stuff on it thank you so much all right we got some oh some real nice color on the veg look at that that's beautiful oh i'm sorry i'm standing in the way those are very nicely cooked veg we're not doing indirect fire today against my my better instincts we're just going to grill everything until it's done uh this beef is looking pretty right to me as is this chicken well i guess the chicken could use another minute what i am gonna grab is a thermometer because folks especially with kabobs the only way you're gonna be able to tell if this stuff is done is if you temp it oh that guy's well done that can't be right i'm going to turn this away from you so i'm not embarrassed because i do think i overcook the beef but that's okay so what i'm going to do now is i'm look i'm going to lower the heat over here there we go lower this way down let's see if the chicken's cooked my chicken breast still no this 155 that's right where i like it so i'm gonna give everybody a baste everybody a base let's mix everything together again so the garlic is floating throughout we want all that garlic all that lime juice all that oil there we go and let's just baste it down there we go this totally optional but it's just going to add another little dimension of flavor to everything you've got on the grill that chicken thigh could cook honestly forever and it's still going to be really really good oh yeah a little bit of oil in there so do be careful with flare-ups they are going to happen there we go make sure everybody's well coated i'm going to do the vegetables too i might just do it i might just do the veg there we go beautiful all right okay and we have all right this is good to go thank you so much and we're almost done folks we almost got ourselves some grilled stuff what i'm going to do is just let that garlic cook for like plains i'm just going to let that garlic cook for like 30 seconds it just needs a little bit of heat so it's not raw and then i'm going to pull everything off and we're going to eat it or i just i'm going to eat it alone oh here we go no i'm kidding everybody's going to eat it don't worry i feed my crew i feed everybody so the vegetables i honestly think you need a little bit more time this also yeah the chicken thighs could use a little more time but i think my my chicken breast is ready to go as our as is the beef beef's done beautiful chicken breast i think we're good to go i just wanted i flipped it over just so that garlic gets a little kiss of heat that i'm gonna let go for just a little bit longer just because i've never had overcooked chicken thigh honestly i've never had it in my life you could push that to 210 and it would be fine let's see how these guys are looking no veg needs a little bit more time see this is why we have things on separate skewers so we can control how much heat how much grill how much grill oven everything's getting let's bring these back in here beautiful i'm going to steal myself a piece of beef because it's my house why did i do that [Music] i just touched the the skewer like it like like i like i didn't know what was gonna happen i'm gonna close this up so no cats escape because we have a particularly adventurous one tonight um do we have any of gloves up here oh i can just use one of these just like i'm a real cook this is how you really do it let's grab one of these boys off come on that garlic is so nice on there [Music] no problem with eating on a cooking show just get shot silence and chewing noises for like 30 minutes got to get out of the teeth you know okay great people probably loved that asm asmr mouth smacking what are you gonna do thank you again to the botanist for sponsoring this uh live stream botanist isla dry gen has 22 distinct hand foraged botanicals from the remote island of isla and we've made some lovely cocktails with their gen tonight we've made a grilled raspberry bnt and we've made a uh negroni bianco and if you'd like to try the botanist gen yourself uh please go to drizzly and use the code botanist babish to get five dollars off if you're a new user the drizzly is a the drizzly drizzly is a is a an app where you can order alcohol and it generally gets you within an hour so this could be yours inside the hour this has been babish to let's get the rest of the food let's go you ready ready to do it again all right all right i think those are good i need tongs hi all right we got our chicken thigh here that's looking mighty nice and then we got our veg i don't want to lose what's happening what is with this year that's better than last year i guess right yeah all right so veg is off and of course once we are done cooking killing all the burners turn off the propane down below when you don't have a handful of food and here we go we're back at camera a brad take ow and i'll close this so mr row doesn't get too curious there we go and there you have it folks we have some quick and easy kebabs chicken beef and vegetable with a delicious hoisin soy ginger garlic dipping sauce this is the way to start the summer even though it's not summer and it's raining like crazy it sure feels like it in here because i got myself a negroni bianco i got myself some freshly grilled meats and vegetables and uh i'm feeling pretty good about it so should we take a few more questions before we uh before we dig in uh yeah i've got dawson cooper is requesting that you make lesson it's a norwegian potato flatbread and it's officially made and served around the holidays dawson cooper requests that i make lefse which is a norwegian flatbread bread that is served around the holidays that sounds very interesting and i'd like to look into that more thank you so much i have so much to learn about norwegian cuisine in particular but also in life in general never stop learning kids um i might actually hit this with a little bit more of the baste i'm not gonna don't only do this if you really like garlic flavor because this is raw garlic so it's going to be very very strong but i like it so i'm going to do the the chicken thigh with this and that's going to be really really nice maybe the maybe one of the chicken breasts too so you guys have a choice in your in your dining experience god that smells good there we go and that's it folks how's it look are we all plated up nice everything look cool botanist looks nice kabobs look nice great and my negroni bianco looks real nice because it's the perfect drink for grilling rain or shine on the first unofficial summer friday uh which is today um so thank you again so much to the botanist for uh uh for for sponsoring this episode we really appreciate it uh cocktails were delicious the food's delicious thank you guys so much for hanging out is there anything else you want to touch on we're right at that we're exactly on time what's happening how do we do this on time that's insane they think to finish it out turn off the gas let's go turn off the gas folks here we go planes all right this is the most important part of cooking between uses between grill uses turn off your gas okay there we go safe and sound make sure everybody's off i don't know why i did that but you know just check i don't know there we go and that's all there is to grilling folks that's that's all you got to do you gotta you gotta throw some meat on a stick you gotta mix up a cocktail with a botanist and you gotta take in the summer rains the summer rainy breezes where i could see my breath outside just now but like i said i'm an american nothing will stop me from grilling ever don't don't don't sprinkle on me rain uh but uh anyway folks thank you so much for for uh joining and hanging out thank you very much again to the botanist for sponsoring this episode is there anything else uh that i need to for that read let's give the promo code one more time guys if you want to try the botanist for yourself go to drizzly uh it is an app for ordering alcohol you can get alcohol within one hour and uh you can order a bottle of the botanist if you use the code botanist babish you get five dollars off if you're a new user um and uh thank you guys so much for hanging out tonight thank you for all the great questions uh it's particularly from rochesterians and uh there was one rochesterian and i i appreciate them but i appreciate all of you of course and um you know i haven't tried this dipping sauce yet either i might as well do that on camera am i right i think i'm going to do the chicken breast i should use a fork instead of my fingers you know like a civilized human being and for every anybody who's cured and i'm going to do the the thigh what am i doing um uh uh for anybody who's curious about where we are and what we're doing this is my home kitchen this is where i live i'm gonna try this on its own first that's actual that's really good what do i do what do i do while i'm chewing leave a comment what what does a cooking show host do while he's chewing um anyway we're here in my home kitchen this is where i live uh literally one floor above the babish kitchens we wanted to be up here so we could be closer to the grill and closer to the heart uh i love you too uh you didn't say it but i felt it when in that awe um and uh uh it's been really lovely having you guys in my actual home it's been really nice ro is row says hi he's not around right now but he i'm sure he's going to jump up here and just eat half of this chicken before i even realize what's happening and thank you so much again to the botanist for sponsoring this live stream thank you for the delicious cocktails thank you guys for watching and thank you for helping us hit nine million subscribers which we just hit about two hours ago thank you guys so much this has been a dream this has been a great way to end the week and happy friday happy grilling happy memorial day happy summer thanks guys dipa dippa
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 730,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: e4mO7ImDKI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 15sec (7575 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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