Risotto | Basics with Babish Live

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well I'm on camera now what's up guys hey hey my babushkas how we doing welcome to the new kitchen if this is your first time joining us I'm just gonna adjust my monitor here so I can see things a little better how y'all doing what's up with you what's up to you folks how's your Thursday kitchen says hi seven in the chat it's early if you want to ask me anything now's the time it's gonna get crazy later risotto really gets the asses in the seats you know so buckle up got to get my apron straight here guys you know how much of a fan of symmetry I am can't have a asymmetrical apron let's see how is my coffee it's good thank you what did you seem to get coffee creep on me you guys hear me okay I got the got the lab mic going here he goes oh I hear a siren jakey oh no that's because I'm connected to Jake in my ears that's why all right guys everybody everybody say hi to as soon as the sirens go by we'll say hi to my man behind the scenes we're Jacobs one thick boys if it's a little quiet you can turn up your speakers we're trying to make the sound nice no they're saying that I'm a little low-key Cracknell food but blown Apple teeth je crois teeth bone apple teeth Oh Apple that's that's how you say bone apathy um let's see we got it we got allows people say thick oh yeah no I'm just saying we gotta like take it off whatever list it's on because I don't want to restrict people from saying thick things get thick in here these are the thick boys we're talking about and things get a little thick you know I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna pour myself a little drinky-poo something's go downstairs cuz I hear sirens for days so there must be some kind of horrible thing happening downstairs in New York City streets so tonight because you guys are always curious I am drinking the nikah coffee coffee grain they spill coffee kind of kind of sit kind of silly there I'm not sure why but as far as I know they make this an old coffee still which is interesting and I don't know what a coffee still is I just I just read the label just read the label that is the extent of my knowledge of this whiskey oh hey you know I wrote a whiskey short story last night take that I have to share with you maybe I'll share it with you guys if I have enough of these in me hmm here's to you guys happy oh yeah neat all the way gift you kidding me thank you for subscribing Michael Michael Michael vos 170 thank you guys for all the tips and bits I see that cups getting full we won't empty it just yet but it's getting full it doesn't mean coffee well that's I guess that would make sense wouldn't it apple risotto like Oh big bits big hit it bits there thank you well the screen name is well [ __ ] that's so I'm sorry but that's how I have to address you well [ __ ] well well [ __ ] I Apple risotto I can get down with but it's kind of weird man like you know I'm I'm not totally down with that however I will say apples are very welcome in fact maybe just to prove it to you I'll put some in the the butternut squash risotto we're making tonight because apples are very welcome in that recipe so the first thing that we have to do tonight is make a super basic simple risotto and just pull up my recipe here we're doing that in the pressure cooker because it's very fast and very quick way to make risotto and we're gonna be able to put it in the fridge so it's ready for frying later on because we're gonna make arancini mm-hmm let's keep that in frame that's some quality whiskey over here maybe that's where the tip jar is about where the tip jar is try to line up okay let's see oh there she is flip her around a little dusty hasn't seen any action in a little while let me focus on that get a little rack focus go in there there we go so can you do that better let's give her a little dust off why not because we are we're not in 4k here just yet we don't went on the technological and on the bandwidth you have to 4k but we are in HD you can't see dust in HD and I will not have it not on my channel no sir there we go when you bring the stream back up here and see what y'all are saying how many you guys have have slow cookers this is like the most underutilized appliance in my kitchen because it can make so many things so quickly it makes the best book-burning else so quick instead of whoa bless you you guys couldn't hear that you guys couldn't hear it max sorry just sneezed in my ear uh-huh I forgot that they couldn't hear you I'm gonna do it anyway because I'm a white person I'm really a good guy okay yeah that dust it got you let's see what's waiting for us in here here we go well that's on me let's see slow cookers are fun you know use oh you do one of those so Clem H Fandango you do use you you got one of those those gizmos that controls the temperature of your of your slow cooker sous-vide in it that's cool that's some oops that's upside down see that whole thing that says this side out got to pay attention to that if it's backwards that means you ain't doing it right so I'm placing the seal around the outside and then I'm gonna plug this guy in this this is such a simple way to make risotto that it actually boggles the imagination and it captures the imagination simultaneously it's a really cool thing in here get this guy juiced get it all juiced up okay so slow cooker is ready to go and I'm gonna set them to the side because we have a little bit of prep work to do all we got to do is for this guy we just got to finely mince an onion I'm gonna grab me an onion out of here my refrigerator you guys haven't seen the new kitchen it's pretty cool with the fridge set up and then look at this and what's really exciting is when we have to improvise on this show and I think we're about to have to do that because I don't see any onions in here oh here's one there's three all right I'm glad I spoke too soon but if we didn't have those I had some shallots in there and we could have we could have we could have made that work so one for now one for later back in the fridge all right and my recipe here so I know I'm doing let's see French fete a fancy French place risotto and escargot I let me Newt mmm delicious frigid Rory yeah yeah see that got got two fridges right here got to freeze this right here then I got a drinks fridge right here it's really it's really a wonderful setup on absolutely love this place except we were we were we were cursed with a scourge of water bugs last week they were Legion I just just saw one so I called an exterminator and they spread some like baits which just made him all come out of the woodwork and we were just stopping him it was terrible water bugs am i among my least favorite things Jake was there for it he murdered a few of them proudly thank you for your for your contributions to the war effort Jake and I'm sorry I keep calling so his name is Sawyer I call him Jake because his last name is Jacobs and we've called him Jake for many years so I'm sorry if that's confusing you guys can call him Sawyer and call him Jack I mean what do you want to be called Jake what's your what's your internet persona gonna be no more now I probably shouldn't have said anything people are probably flipping out and thinking that there's water bugs in the food yes and many more to come let's tell some stories shall we this one starts with an onion which is a little blown out that's why I was worried it was gonna happen is it was gonna get blown out but that's okay you guys know it's an onion I don't need to tell you I need the camera to tell ya do you so what I've been doing lately with them and I know this is like the right thing to do but what I mean is I've just been starting to do it right is when I place these these these I don't know what you call perpend not perpendicular the whatever they are these cuts these initial cuts when I'm gonna finely mince up and I mean you got to place these cuts very close to one another then using my fingers right here to guide the knife so you can see my the knife is pressed right up against my fingers there it's not going to cut my fingers but my fingers going to shove it exactly where to go I'm just putting them inching him back every time just a little bit and then look at what happens as a results and you use your fingers as a guide like so you get nice small even cuts so trick give it a good give a shot next time you're cutting up an onion and this Center job here we got to go down the center to make sure that this is all fine mince and then the good old locomotive I mean this is not one of the knives that I that I sharpened the other day coming up on basics we've got knife sharpening and what's called what's called cast iron care which those have been hotly requested things I think we're only gonna need this this one onion here there's a lot more onion in an onion than you think there's gonna be alright so yeah that's all I'm gonna need I'm gonna save this guy for later this will be our onion for the next risotto so we've got this guy me yes what to answer your question yes we showed how to sharpen using you know just the usual dragged through sharpener but also also how to use a whetstone which I was just going to pull out and there's also using a whetstone this little guy this is how you get your knives like super super razor-sharp it's the only way that take them out to get them professionally sharpened that's really the only way you're gonna get it done all right so let's power this guy on because we need to start sauteing some some onions so I'm going to go ahead and set it to saute that's what's great about these digital pressure pressure cookers is that they can just get super hot so you can do your sauteing right in here and then drop everything in good to go I got my red borio rice and you know the general rule of thumb I always say to measure by weight but this is one where you can just kind of fudge the rules a little bit is if you're doing a cup of rice cook it with two cups of stock in a pressure cooker because you're not going to have much if at all you're not gonna have any any evaporation you're not gonna have any I mean you will when you know when you release the steam you'll lose some some liquid but a lot less than if you were just boiling it I think um and yeah so you know the recipe that I did online or not online on in the episode was two cups of risotto rice to four cups of chicken stock but because we're just doing a little bit today don't wanna overdo it I don't feel like having the risotto for the next week just we're just good we're gonna take a little easy take a little easy on your boy Bobby let me well I'm waiting for this guy to heat up because this guy needs to be nice and hot I'm gonna hit him with a little bit of olive oil I got that Frankie's 457 I don't know what it is but it looks cool so I'm gonna use that solid I don't know two tablespoons of oil I don't know less I'm gonna go back to the stream now see what you guys are up to what y'all are saying happy Bobby that's me Oh me Pappy babby you remember Bish's let's see basics video about potatoes yes in fact I was going to but but we skipped it uh-huh but there will be a basics video about potatoes soon we just shot eight episodes in one week which is a lot of work soare was there for that as well he can attest to the kind of marathon that we just went through making them basics episodes hmm it was a frenetic process to say the least I just wanted to cut in and say that first and foremost the people wanted to see your new tattoo Oh what am i doing there's a new tattoo guys and this tattoo was inspired by you because I was asking what kind of tattoo should I get and somebody hilariously answered get a cilantro tattoo because anybody who knows me knows that I hate cilantro it's a genetic thing it's one of the very few foods that you can't like teach yourself to love with time like you're always gonna hate it because it's just built into your DNA and so guess what I got I got a cilantro tattoo about that huh it's a beautifully done I you know I'm gonna try and get in a little closer here so you can really see the detail here because the guy who did it did some beautiful line work has very difficult angle to hold my arm at but the the secret to this tattoo is that it's growing all the way up in here it's growing out of my armpit because that's those are my thoughts on cilantro as many of you know so yeah and it's it's just interesting to me that like you know I taught myself to love seafood over the past few years I used to I hated seafood you know this time maybe it's five years ago I hated all seafood and I just slowly taught myself to learn to love it and I can never do that with cilantro so I thought that was interesting and that's why I decided to make it part of my skin here I wonder how much I can show you it really goes all the way up in there it was the single most painful tattoo that I ever could have imagined because he was literally tatting in my armpit and it tickled and hurt like hell at the same time it was so bad but anyway yeah my armpit does smell better than cilantro and they both smell like soap Wow Wow oh that's how we do comedy here it's binging with babish all right so this is not not heating up just yet and that's because I didn't hit start there we go you guys couldn't tell that it was blinking because it's doing this wild wacky frame shutter speed thing but I didn't hit start just why it's not getting hot so now we got another five minutes kill for it gets going here stuff pizza stuffed crust pizza is a physical impossibility I checked let's see let's see what's going on with the reddit questions that's true you know we could do let's save that for later we're gonna do the we're gonna do the reddit questions later if you guys want to ask a question that I will guarantee see go to reddit go to the binging with babish subreddit but reddit coms Benjamin babish and you'll see a post that I just put up a couple hours ago saying that we're gonna do a little questions from reddit's feature on today's string so if you have a question guaranteed want me to see it head over there and you know we will answer those questions a little later on we are going to be introducing a call in elements to this show that is we're going to have a very special number that you can call in much like frasier we're build really modeling this whole thing after Frasier Sawyer will screen you to make sure that you're not you know a racist or a jerk and-and-and and then we'll be able to chat live on the air and I wish we could do that today but we couldn't hook it up in time so next next episode we'll have that hopefully we'll have that cookin speaking of cooking this is starting to heat up I can smell the oil getting a little warm I'm looking for it to shimmer a little bit I really want to get a good saute going it's kind of hard to do in these things they don't get too hot but like they got hot enough to we're just sweating the onions and one of the most important parts of making risotto is is sauteing the rice a little bit before you add any liquid because that's gonna help the rice release its starch which is what makes risotto so thick and creamy and gooey is the is the the starch from the rice I think that's what that's what that's what that's what Alton Brown told me when I now when I met him or anything but when I watched a show like all of you I love you too dugu love God I remember your screen name you've been around I've seen you before make Kevin's famous chili I made Kevin's names chili go check it out youtube.com I've heard of it I already made his chili even I even got a little piece of carpet I spilled it on the on the carpet to make it truly film accurate that's what we're about over it Benjen with babish is Maddie my boyfriend I started watching Frasier because of you Maddie I love you both I love you and your boyfriend you guys are our aces in my book thank you for starting this wonderful journey whether our journey lasts but one session or a lifetime if that's a very deep cut Frasier was right there no no that's like that's like season not Maddie you're gonna love that one okay that was that that one has Sarah Silva the Silverman in it that one's a yeah that one's a classic great let's see no probs but well which season the Frasier is the worst I just got season 5 when Roz got pregnant I'm not a fan get out of here with that season 5 is great we're season afraser502 at ten I think no no deaths second last thing I'm sorry I was wrong the last season is unquestionably the worst because it has a couple of some of the worst supporting characters ever the worst be one of the may be one of the best episodes of the whole sheriff yes of course I said season not episode I'm just saying say all you want that's a that's no intense um it dude my favorite episode is in season 9 or wait no when is when is taking liberties that's season 8 which which which is when I have very publicly said that Frasier started to go way downhill but doesn't change the fact that my favorite episode of all time and for anybody who's wondering it's taking liberties which I believe is season 8 episode oh I should really know this by heart its season 8 episode gee whiz swear fact check me it's season 8 episode 4 no no yeah maybe the comment community can help us okay alright I'm here I'm smelling the soil getting hot so I'm gonna interrupt for just a second and give you guys some nice sizzling noises oh yeah let's get that mic in there so we can here the little ASMR with babish can somebody come up with another name for ASMR that starts with a B so I can use it because doesn't start with a B I can't really do it guys doesn't work need that alliteration huge part of my brand we have any newcomers here tonight any any of any first-timers joining us I'd love to get to know ya my neighbor who's gonna go see that Mister Rogers documentary smash that like button if you're gonna see mr. Rogers documentary as you do with all risotto you gotta use a wood spoon you don't have to but it's like grandma tradition you know you just go you just got to do it sometimes that cooled off real quick it's sizzling real good for a second and it just went let me get some going here we got to get a little garlic going there we go I love these how cool is this right this other way how cool is that that's fridge one there's another one down below it's a good setup man this place is good your ass out of here mash up some garlic not new but happy to be back thanks for coming back blue fire smile appreciate it my first time watching but it's my first time watching live welcome to live land laser monkey all right so I'm gonna get this guy out of his shell back give him a little smash that really gets get some jumping out of their skins this is a weird-shaped one though throwing me a wild card here it was a heart shaped piece of garlic and I crushed it just like all hearts our adventure our to eventually crushed am I right folks because love is an illusion because we're all gonna dial it I'm kidding love this beautiful thing you're just talking to somebody who got his heart broke and it's still mending that's know and now I just broke my finger tonight I'm kidding fingers fine this knife unfortunately isn't sharp enough to have cut me next time oh yeah one time I go from one of the woods and did a bunch of drugs with the friends three days later she brought the wooden spoon I cook risotto or worse coffee with that's a pretty good trip man it sounds like a pretty good acid trip if that's what that was all right these guys are sweating up I'm happy to say you're gonna be able to see what's going on a lot better with the stovetop risotto because we have the other camera set up right instead of looking straight down so you're gonna be able to see all the hot risotto II action live and in your face just just just take it all in all right make pills from Rick and Morty that's good have you had your pills master vaulty I love you squid warrior get out of here with that be nice should you store garlic in the fridge or pantry it's really up to you I've found that garlic sprouts a lot more slowly in the fridge I mean I would assume that it's just because cold inhibits growth but whenever I keep garlic outside of the fridge in the country you know it'll sprout like the cloves you'll get the green sort of stem growing out of each clove and that happens a lot faster if you don't refrigerate it so I tend to refrigerate mine just for that reason I don't think it hurts it in any way please please feel free to chime in and correct me if that's not true oh you know I'm supposed to be doing this in butter not olive will thank you for reminding me for somebody just even though you you were you were quoting Parks and Rec you're supposed to let's make risotto with butter not olive oil it's not going to ruin the dish or anything but that's what we're gonna do for the legit stovetop one which we'll get going as soon as this guy gets pressurized what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get this guy pressurized once he's starting to come up the pressure he's only gonna cook for I think it's five minutes it's really yeah but high pressure five minutes that's all it takes boom you got risotto and then once while he's going I'm going to chop up our butternut squash so we can roast it in fact let me get the oven preheated right now this kitchen has the craziest commercial oven in the world and it's absolutely terrifying it's it's consistently a hundred degrees hotter than what it indicates so I have to use a temperature probe to see what actual temperature I'm dealing with it has been a challenge to say the least so all right I'm gonna drop some garlic in here we're not using garlic and the other risotto of course because it's it's going a bit more of its sweet direction butternut squash garlic not the best combination of the world not the worst it definitely works in some applications but we're doing a sweet savory thing with that so we're gonna we're gonna save the garlic for this one it's a little bit of garlic almost like we're starting to make the sauce you know sweating the onions now now that the onions are nice and translucent we measure out one cup of arborio rice you can use arborio carnaroli there's a whole bunch of different some different varieties of rice that you can use to make risotto but they are a very special kind of rice you can't just use any rice these are short grains that that have a lot of starch in them that will release them that look cool with I shutter speed watch that rice pour and once when when it gets to you a little bit away watch it I just saw it okay so I'm saying you're gonna see this later on when we're over by the stove and you can see everything but I'm sauteing until the the rice looks like little ice cubes a little you know basically they're becoming translucent around the edges while while staying opaque it's that the work yeah well the staying opaque in the middle and recenter this week let me focus front focus a little bit you guys know how much where I am there we go so I am sauteing these until I can see some nice translucent edges make sure the Heat's on high because I'm about to deglaze it too with a bit of white wine and I want all that alcohol will cook off before I put the lid on because otherwise we're gonna have some boozy risotto because there's no opportunity for evaporation you know in a pressure cooker so we got to make sure that cooks off so letting I go a minute and you get the wine out the fridge got a nice little sum you'll block any use that's a Sauvignon Blanc is a great way to go trying to stay away from the buddy or more buttery rich whites like chardonnays don't do that but you know like Sonya Blanc Pinot Grigio is a good way to go sometimes sometimes Pinot Grigio can get will free don't really a lot day when I spry one all right where's my it's only elbow is yep yeah it's just a yeah don't go crazy with the wine this is I think this is like a fifteen dollar bottle of wine it's something that's good enough where I want to drink it with my risotto but I also don't mind dumping you know a solid half cup in here okay I can hear the rice sizzling and they all look like little ice cubes hopefully you'll be able to see that in the overhead you know they're pretty small and you're pretty far away we do we can all swap out lenses if I have to I'll do anything for you guys alright putting in about a half cup yeah who else liked that and now we're gonna let that simmer off all the alcohol until it's almost dry in there again like we're just gonna let that go and I'm gonna measure out two cups of chicken stock here now normally I would use homemade chicken stock you know I would use the real stuff but guys it's been busy I haven't had time to make chicken stock it's also been really hot and I'm not gonna have something it was hard enough to have the Tim katsu boiling in my in my apartment for it's 12 hours and the idea of making stock right now is stunning to me all right so precisely two cups thank you anybody who's tipped or anybody who's subscribed when I have been looking thank you sorry I'd love to be able to give you a more personal thank you but sometimes I can't look because I am Oh drink it if you insist there we go what is I put it back Wow I put it back and even realize wow I lost a few seconds there all right let's see what this tastes like shall we yeah it's good it's not that Drive this is a Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc Marlboro 2017 and it's um it's it's it's dry but it's not that dry it's still got some fruit to it it's a little bright I think it's perfect for making risotto ah that's gonna be a nice welcome flavor let's taste it see if like you can imagine you know what would this taste like Lee with rice this makes sense good thing you not take a sip of the stock oh that's that bad but like can't you know Fox can stock is not very good it works once you get it into the recipe I've got all the alcohol clipped off here and things are starting to sizzle again so I'm just gonna mmm drop them in there we go and I'm just gonna make sure this is all good and next up there's no clump ease there's no guys sticking together make sure there's no rice sticking to the side of the pot because it won't get cooked you don't want that you don't want like one rock-hard piece of rice in the risotto that would be a real shame okay that's that how'd they like me drinking the stock I didn't get see the comics gnarly gnarly gnarly gnarly okay so now I'm gonna live this guy up also with ya know it's very it's hypnotic I'm watching it myself what's going on here folks Oh technical difficulties what's happening okay oh I see a problem we got a lot of looseness these things are cool they're built in with so many safeties that if I tried to put it on like that where it's not totally on wouldn't let me so you're never gonna have a blowout or anything like that nope you definitely want to do that uh-huh there we go let's see if that works BAM lot so now these these guys have a valve right here you can see there we go it's hard to see what the flashing there we go yep pressure and you got pressure release so we're gonna set that to pressure right now there's a little white dot here I'm gonna line up pressure that there you go now this guy what we're gonna do is we're gonna start them over menu high pressure or five let's go six minutes start and that's it that is all that she wrote I should have see ya I know you can season it at the end that's fun I'm I'm sorry rod well I'll leave it in here a little bit so you can see the flashing you're very happy there you go I was gonna take it away from you but got a got to be a good guy you know I mean so now yeah I'm getting me a whole but nut squash that's what they call it in the industry sorry I'm a child at heart guys you should know this by now so first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna chop off its head and its tail it's actually not really necessary that I do that but now that I've now that I've started I'm just gonna go with it I really don't need to do that now that I think about it and then one reason that you kind of do is so you can go like this it's very difficult to chop these guys in half normally we want to use a mallet or something but I don't have one of those so just be careful don't chop a finger off there you go got some lovely butternut squash I feel like this is a little blown out I'm just gonna close down the camera one little bit I'm just gonna go and hopefully that's gonna give us a little bit more balance yeah see that's that's better there's still a little blown out but that's okay all right so first order of business is we're scooping out all this junk from the center and I just realized spoiler but I don't have any sage maybe I do I might have some old stage I mean we're not sunk if we don't have saved it's just really nice to have that it's not ya know you got to go through the grocery list well we do this but no I do not have saved so we're gonna go without sage this time no big deal all right another thing right here you see steam is starting to shoot cuz there's a valve that needs to shut so to help I'm just gonna help him along a little bit just use a little paring knife and I'm just gonna knock them around and you're gonna see the steam suddenly stopped steam suddenly stopped come on as soon as there's enough pressure it'll hold it up on its own smells pretty good oh hey even though I have any having this season there it goes see no more steam building up and this thing has officially become scary because it is a pressure cooker and pressure cookers are inherently scary all right let me skip all the seeds don't gotta hear garbage ball going just right off the leave you guys every time I want to dump something all right let's scoop these guys out what's going on with y'all steam boys that doesn't really work but it's better that's fine do you not have living herbs I don't but I I'm working on it man I'm working on trying to get one of them for them wall farms you know mothers was led kind of click and grow joint switches it's like it's like a bookcase but it's all herbs and lettuce and pot I'm kidding where am I no I'm kidding but seriously so just treat this like a like a Halloween pumpkin we don't you can leave some strings on there because those actually tastes pretty good once they're all roasted up it kind of grossed me out so I'm going to try to get rid of most of them there we go what pureeing this look at the end of the day so doesn't really matter that much and these these do add flavor so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get rid of all of them we're gonna need some extra flavor because we've got the sage my faults alright scrape this guy down what's going on over here blazing with babish yeah hilarious Phaeton ish I am missing my jewel right now I think I left it in the other room but this is a family show and I shouldn't be ripping my jewel or should i because the fact is that I was smoking and I stops which is a good thing you know you shouldn't smoke shouldn't leave a P there but it's better than smoking I'll tell you that much but I'm not doctor so don't take my word for it was going off what the internet tells me when she has me all now that's 100% true alright get all this junk out of here so I don't know if you guys saw on Instagram but I shot a new collab with one mr. Bradley Oni yeah we got a it's alive with Brad fans out there speak up or forever hold your peace WebMD yep there's my Brad boys dump this out okay keep that garbage ball handy cuz we're gonna need to have more garbage later on so all right stoves the eating up let me see what temperature we're dealing with here see yeah I set it to 250 what's the center yes it's 250 it's just hit 396 this thing's a beast I gotta get it adjusted or something turn it down a little bit because we're looking for like 375 or are we let me check the old the old recipe recipe root here yeah 350 we're actually looking for so let me grab a sheet pan I'm gonna hit it with some parchment paper I'll be right back folks just grabbing the necessary tools how's y'all's big weekend plans coming up anything exciting I want to hear about we'll hear about how you're spending your lives anything anybody cook anything good anybody planning on cooking anything good big projects that's what I hear well most all right hold the comments back up so I can respond get to cook Mexican food all weekend that's fun I'm gonna play for at night what my favorite game I'm getting I'm gonna play for tonight seeing Shrek the musical that's fun read Thai curry from scratch here's to that Vinny boys ivenna boys Brad boys Thicke boys peas in a pod just bought waffle iron congratulations it's a big purchase real quick just so we can get the ball rolling Here I am reading your comments but give me one sec because I'm going to quickly Lube these guys up with a little bit of olive oil just a little bit give it a rubdown am I missing any good weekend activities Jake yeah oh you want me to pick a tattoo for you you to pick well that's the only fair I think because I did what you guys asked so that seems like a fair trade yeah no I think that's that's how this works right now you guys will get tattoos and I think that you should get tattoos of the the the old Verizon logo before they changed it or the no no no the original not the original because I have I have the original kodak logo right here this is the one from 1919 11 you should get the 90s kodak logo you know one that's like red yellow that's it looks like darkroom equipment it's really cool or the original Wegmans logo yeah the big cursive Wegmans I think that all right let me hit this with a little bit of salt and pepper we're just gonna season this up a little bit and that's totally necessary to do this but just kind of I don't know it I don't see why it's necessary to do this because we're gonna be seasoning the risotto ultimately at the end but like every recipe for butternut squash risotto that I've ever read calls to do this so there's got to be some kind of reason so here we go a little bit salt Pat putting these cut side down bop bop and these are hid in the oven for 45 minutes to a pairing a paring knife shows what the hell is beeping oh okay that was this this just ran out of time so now we get to do something fun first and they get this all the way these are going in the oven 350 45 minutes away we go even though it's really like 380 that's okay all right so here's the fun part and I'm gonna be very careful right now because we have to remember that this guy's under pressure it's under a lot of pressure at work at home and perilously I'm gonna reach over it there we go and now you have to do the fun part which is the pressure release in fact you know I'm gonna pan up so we can see it because that's super fun so let me just turn on the thing here so I'm patting it up because the cameras right now it's on a track come on wake up no I don't want Settings manual move and tilt up for me there you go there yeah there you go all right now we're gonna get the are getting the full effects of the steam release as we are doing a quick release in three two one oh there we go and that's wetting out all that's sweet sweet thing good feeling and inside there should be waiting for us some delicious risotto but we'll see time will tell why this lens is such a shallow depth-of-field like the handles are out of focus but yeah it was a mistake to get a serious set of ones but she does show up so this headphone right here is making me want to get a neck tattoo because I'm seeing that right now I'm thinking wow that would look cool if I had an A - so somebody talked me out of it go and the camera back down you guys come up with your best arguments why I should not get a neck tattoo and don't say because you'll never be able to get a job because guess what this is this is my job this is my life Benjamin with babish for life alright I'm seeing a lot of get its I'm seeing lots of positive pain is pain is the payments temporary glories forever alright here we go a lot of steam what a beautiful beautiful it's a side here just cleanup to do later okay let me give this a little stir room here oh yeah see it looks soupy to start I wish I could show you I'm sorry it looks like oh no there's way too much liquid but then you give it a stir and it's like oh okay I get it yeah I'll show you a little sample here we've got some nice risotto perfect it's a little soupy but you know it's pretty freakin good consider we made it in like nine minutes with like none effort so let me try a little taste here Oh first first thing we have to do while it's still nice and hot we need to grate a metric fuckton of parmesan into its so I'm grabbing my block of parm you guys just keep watching the flashing digital display there cuz that's trippy is good and I'm gonna go ahead and there we go let's just get a whole bunch of this going well it's that what school the with the fast shutter speed there we go there we go there we go let me focus on that because that's what's cool there we go I need to get like a automated focus of some kind because that's that's a real painting the answer there so I'm putting a ton of this in here because later on it's gonna act like our glue to keep the keep the risotto together oh I got it what's the straw poll for tattoo I see a straw poll that's a should he get a neck tattoo hell yes or no it's about 6040 yes that's okay well I'm sorry guys but you know as we've learned if you tell me to do something I will do it you totally get a cilantro tattoo I went out and did it so if that strawpoll wins guess what I'm going to do I am absolutely going to get next to advocating and probably won't do it I say probably because there's a chance I might at that stage of my life where we met it to me all right and just before I mix the cinema also gonna hit it with some salt just enough some pepper fresh grounds let's get that right next to the mic yeah a little bit ASMR for y'all mixing that parmesan get it oh good nice and nice it's my boy Brad would say Spence I've been adopting his his his idioms I've been saying things like that all the time now he's rubbing he's I am become Brad destroyer of kitchens that was a weird joke that I just made all right now that's right well bite hear us out mmm every time every time this comes out perfect I love pressure cooking risotto just comes out so perfect every time alright so now to get it as cold as possible as fast as possible what I'm going to do is I'm gonna on a sheet pan because I'm another bite because it's really really good say oh [ __ ] I hope you I guess you can kind of see it I'll do it close up let me get a nice spoonful here there we go that's good get a nice close up there we go that's some little bit drop that's some risotto right there not too soupy good stuff aha well very very hot it was just that far higher than boiling temperature this cool thing about pressure cookers they cook at a temperature higher than boiling which is so fascinating me and what's especially fascinating is when it's in there and higher the boiling temperature it's not moving it's not Brule it's not bubbling it is dead still and it only boils when you release the steam because in a it's in a vacuum or not a vacuum it's not a vacuum it's in a in a pressurized environment and it can't there's it's just sitting there hot and angry and it's just cool hmm god it's good even just on its own there's nothing but but rice and onion garlic chicken stock and just so and Parmesan and it's just so good here we go tell me that ain't is perfect perfect risotto I only believe you if you're in Italian you want to tell me everything I'm doing wrong okay good job I love let's get this risotto out onto tray nice nice okay and he student Steve 1989 MRE friends out there I hope they're coming out of woodwork right now I hope they're lighting up the comments nice okay thank you for reminding me what I was doing geez alright there we go red this guy out spread this out onto a tray nice anybody who isn't watching Steve Knight to noon and I'm re info Steve 1989 MRE info should just stop watching me and go watch that instead because it's it's a really a wonderful channel the wonderful guy I think I I don't know him well enough to know if he's like I'm really nervous that like you know he has some crazy right-wing politics or something but he seems like the nicest dude and he's just so chill and so crazily knowledgeable and so passionate about MREs I love it it's one my favorite thing I didn't set a timer on that butternut squash so I'm gonna do that now I'm guessing it's been in there for about ten minutes so I'm gonna go ahead and know every time I try to do this to my phone to tinder matches I'm getting yeah I haven't had time to date anyone at this juncture it's just like it's been so busy around here guys when you went when babish can't date you know he's you know his ass is busy all right let me get this other way come on yeah who's this and plastic wrap this and frigid I'm just gonna let it cool of its own recognizance for a minute did I use that correctly I think I kind of did and make sure it's in focus let me tilt the camera down a little bit I'm gonna fill up the camera down of its own recognizance like that I know I didn't use it that rare right that time yeah I'm gonna let this chill out a little bit on its own because it'll it's so hot right now it'll just melt the plastic wrap but look at that huh I mean I know I'm gonna refocus the camera and give you all close-up here we go can you smell it yes smell it that's right there and it's so quick so easy to make so much fun too because I'm having fun right now so all right I'm gonna let that cool off a little bit before I fridge it because we need it nice and firm and the frigid and fringed what's going on here what's happening right here let me see if I'm wipe that off we into frigid for from for making our and Cheney because Aaron Chi we need we need to form it around a hunk of mozzarella come on now mustn't have any schmutz upon my apron for all the people watching all right who's just tuning in watching babish clean his apron that's acceptable I guess it's not where I'd like it to be there's still something there it's gonna drive me nuts I'm sorry yeah that's gonna come out whatever okay let's start hmm when we do now you know now would be a good time because we're waiting for the we're waiting for the the butternut squash to finish roasting now be a good time for questions from reddit what we got in the subreddit there Jake all right let's see here I liked one asking you so you're having a person over a romantic interest over for dinner and you want to cook something for them but you don't want it to be difficult you don't want tons of dishes you don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen these are all really valid things you need to consider there looking at a dinner and a dessert you got any ideas who dinner and a dessert and not many dishes it's a very valid question very difficult not very difficult sorry you know honestly risotto is a great way to go you know you're gonna see the way we're gonna make it in a few on the stovetop if you don't have a pressure cooker don't worry about it and you can make it with any manner of different sort of mix-ins you can make a red wine risotto with steak and you could serve the red wine risotto over a rug Allah so the arugula wilts and use it use a vegetable peeler to shave some big ol shavings of parmesan on top most romantic [ __ ] I could even imagine and as far as dessert goes you know that's we're making a head comes into play because you could make creme brulee ahead go check out my Amelie video how to make creme brulee you could make that entirely and then get to impress her with a torch are you kidding me you could make flourless chocolate cake which is so delicious so yeah make dessert ahead for sure maybe have a little prep element in there where you put a quenelle of or Cannell or however you say of whipped cream on top or you torch it or something cool there and then try to go one pot for dinner like you can do lots of romantic one pot meals you could do book working you own you could do risotto you could do like if you want to do really fancy sort of like tricked-out risotto to do like a wild mushroom risotto go to go to your nearest grocery store and get one of those like those packs of mixed wild mushrooms chanterelles and and on wood ear mushrooms and stuff like that and chop those up and add those when you saw I'll tell you those put them on the side and then put them in when when you once the risottos finished and you'll see later on how we're going to do that let's see I mean I personally I love this butternut squash one this is this takes probably two hours total to make ish maybe a little less so that's not that bad I think that let's see one time for a date I made chicken fajitas but not like I know that doesn't sound very romantic but one thing I like to do is like find something very obvious like that like fajitas and find an interesting way of doing it America's Test Kitchen had a great recipe for Rajas con crema which is roast poblano peppers that you cook you saute them with some with some onions until everybody's soft and then add some cream and a squeeze of lime juice or if you can get a hold of crema which is a which is a Honduran sour cream add some of that in there and you get these creamy spicy and a little bit of oregano and you're putting that on top of like some grilled chicken in some homemade tortillas or something like that that's really good I should come down I level talk to you guys right now that's what I should be able I try to focus on me wrong way bag focus bag focus there we go all right so yeah it's some there's a lot of different options there I would try to do prep ahead for for dessert and then you know one pot for dinner there's a lot of romantic options out there so we already said risotto we said boeuf bourguignon those both take a little bit of time you want to do less time go for some homemade pasta man like you can make that [ __ ] weeks ahead of time I have some frozen right here check this out the other night I made me some pot and there's always too much so guess what you do you friggin you freeze it and boom any time you want fresh pasta legit fresh pasta T you made yourself you throw that into some boiling water as Brad would say water and you're off to the races and get centered here there we go and uh let's see hmm I mean sometimes there's the really sort of simple you know you want to go light with a romantic dinner right because later on you want to have energy to you know play Scrabble and so you you don't even want to weigh yourself down pasta could be a little heavy so if you can go pasta do something light like pasta lowly oh you know that's that's a very light pasta dish stay away from creamy sauces I guess I like to you know make make a make make bruschetta make you know chop up some Tomatoes some garlic some some some some onion and some fresh basil and you know chop all that up get it get it all nice a little bit of olive oil and then grab a burrata get some go get some burrata from from your Italian grocer and just stick that right in the center and just and just serve that with some with some toasts or some some nice crackers or something boom and that's and they're munching on that while you're finishing up dinner always finish dinner when they get there because then they get to watch you cooking they could see how like cool it is you can cook like like here he or she can just be like wow they they really put some some effort in this and anyway that's that's all the the dating tips I have fer for for for dinner dates I haven't I haven't been able to do any of those things for quite a while it's been a little busy right anyway that's a very long-winded answer to your question what's the next question alright Fraser or cam Winston now person asking this question gave us some stats just to get you going oh my god I love this person whoever they are this is a quality Barrow redditor a quality Barret a quality Barrow I like your style thank you so these are the stats that he gave us they look pretty right to me Fraser as an Orthodox stance while cam is the southpaw I believe wholeheartedly that cam Winston is left-handed Fraser 63 and sounds like somebody would talk about if he's like that bad he's left-handed because they're three episodes sum total Fraser is 210 pounds cam comes in at a buck 74 that sounds buck 74 he's like Fraser is six foot one or six foot Frazier's six three well alright well if if that's true cam Winston it must be six six so there's no [ __ ] way he's a buck 75 we're looking at we're looking at I'm I'm I'm I'm clocking cam in at 210 and let's also in cam is taller than that maybe about six three let's also remember that Fraser is a [ __ ] Frasier's inherently afraid of a fight he almost tried to fight that I in season two the newspaper columnist they kept calling him out I hate Frasier Crane it was the name of the episode it was season one sorry season one and and and it got it got broken up by the cops but um let's not forget that he's bitching that he has no fighting experience his experience for Friday fighting is running from it or being or curling up a new ball and cam Winston I get the vibe that that guy would be decent in the scrap I don't know why but I do yeah but then again maybe he's maybe his [ __ ] - maybe he also doesn't know I it's very possible yeah and I think I think Ken's the winner he's got the height on Frasier he's got just just something about him there's more of a masculine aura I get I get more of a you know III III III think he would win so all right thank you thank you for the estimated stats I can't say I agree with those stats because I'm sorry I cam Winston there's no way Cameron since a buck 75 that's that's 15 pounds heavier than me and he's got like a he's got he's got like eight inches on me I was yep Electric Queen is asking I made a pizza but it keeps getting bubbles can you give me a secret plan to find pizza inflation I mean bubbles are one of the sort of I like bubbles in pizza I like because that means that you've got a lot of heat going on it's good to have bubbles in my mind but I guess you know the way to fight bubbles is going to be to work your dough a little bit more before because the whole key with people knows after its final rise you know you give it a little you give it a little bit of beatdown and then and then you're you're rolling it out or you're stretching it out and you're trying to preserve those bubbles by doing that I guess I would really give it a bit more of a beatdown and your final if you you're after your final rise when you're starting to shape it because that's where the that's where the bubbles live and you got to knock them down if that's wait if that's what you're after but I gotta say I like a good bubble in my beats I like big old bubbles oh I'm hearing people saying that the audio screws is all good a one-person set it and click myself oh sorry thanks for the heads up okay so I got somebody in here asking for an onion substitute because they have a friend who's allergic to onions can you think of anything that tastes like onions no nothing that to the chat as well I would love for anybody to chime in and tell me what is a good onion substitute because I can't even imagine one like onions are such a singular flavor it's be like come up with with it with an apple substitute yes you could make a you know a peach pie instead of an apple pie it's not gonna taste like an apple pie shallots are I believe if you're allergic to onions shallots that still get yeah I'm pretty sure that the I mean you know ask a friend if they're if they're allergic to shallots as well because that would be a happy substitute but I don't I don't see that as as working what what what has the same sort of funky kind of earthy starts out kind of peppery but than sweetens what else is like that I mean these leeks scallions chives those are all you know very oniony I would be worried that those would also set off your friend checks if the allergic to chives chives are relatively distantly related to onions but I have a feeling they'd still be allergic to them but check chives is definitely a good good leeks leeks are so close to onions I cannot imagine that they would be not that they would still mess up the the allergy spring onion spray somebody suggested spring onion yeah that'd be that should be fine spring onion this is no way they allergic to spring onions fennel I mean I appreciate the idea but fennel doesn't taste hanging like I like onions I don't know I mean I guess you could use it in a mirepoix but it would I would change the flavors of the dish dramatically fennel is a pretty is a pretty intense flavor and I feel like that would then tell your friend stop being a wuss and shell out for an EpiPen when they want to eat well I hear that I'm allergic to something mysterious and I don't know what it is so I have to carry an EpiPen at all times it's all in the other room right now I'd have to go in the other room if I want to stab myself I'm drinking what's your name Newcombe 57 I'm drinking in fact I'm gonna get myself a refill here Jake do you want drink how you feeling you want to come in and have a drink with me I'll bring bring my EpiPen two for four evidence please thank you all right to answer your question Newcombe 57 I'm drinking nikka coffee let me get this refocused care yep got nikka coffee grain whiskey which is a lovely sweet this is not a Sawyer's favorite Sawyer prefers a smokier whiskey I like them both I like smoky and I like sweet but this is decidedly sweet let me see if I have anything smoked here from a man no I think I'm fresh out right now I could make you a martini bro but last time I made a martini on the internet it didn't go so well so probably not I'm gonna take out my headphones now because it's just gonna confuse me thank you sir here's my EpiPen just in case guys this is everybody who doesn't hasn't met Jake yet this is Sawyer Jacobs right here one of the original Thicke boys and I'm gonna keep this right here just in case I gotta stab myself and cheers Cheers speaking of the mic okay [Laughter] I just got a very nice kiss from from my closest dearest friend which is you can't you can't pay if you can't pay for that you shouldn't pay for that don't let me let me catch you paying for kisses from your best friend all right refocus okay we're back on track what else was in the the reddit forum anything interesting roasting them and they need new things new spices to put on the vegetables the family's bored this person's been putting cinnamon and orange I guess orange peel on all their roasted vegetables they need new rubs sauces alright well that's an interesting question I have to look up the name of this this but yeah okay I I'm sure I'm gonna say this wrong but see this spice called Maris bbear I'm sure I'm seeing that wrong Maris Maris beaver Maris Babar it's a very mild I believe it's um what is it there's a lot of left oh it's a called oh yeah pepper all right so okay the Aleppo pepper yeah okay so Maris Buber Maris boom era whatever Aleppo pepper - very interesting flavors that are very very hot right now they're not too spicy this is just the tiniest little bit of heat to them but they they taste very interesting they're really a cool flavor to introduce to your loved ones sorry I'm just gonna check on the temperature of the oven real quick 371 I'm getting used to this thing I'm getting I'm getting them getting it down Maris beaver Maris with bear Aleppo pepper Szechuan peppercorns are very interesting because they provide a sort of tangle sensation when you eat them and that can be very interesting let's see about how about folks in the in the in the audience what do you guys think wishes what should this this this poor soul be seasoning their vegetables with if they're running out of ideas smoked paprika very nice smoked paprika can add sort of like a you know a natural smoky flavor things let's see you know you could always drizzle your vegetables with tahini that'd be a nice way to go rosemary and thyme are pretty standard if you haven't tried rosemary thyme yet I don't know what you're doing but you know give that a shot if you happen let's see garlic and parsley sauce fennel seeds all seeds are pretty great one of the seeds that go into rye bread it's um not fennel seeds it's another kind of seed somebody tell me guitar somebody just said sitar thank you very much that are very hot right now drizzle your your your vegetables with some yogurt and sprinkled with some sitar beautiful beautiful beautiful caraway that's the word I was looking for caraway seeds very interesting flavors there you know I recently did some roasted broccoli with zatar and that was delicious you literally just roast the broccoli toss it with Satar beautiful beautiful let's see let's see Brussels sprouts with balsamic I can get down with that Brussels sprouts with balsamic I think it's gonna be less about spices man or lady or whatever you are I think it's to be less about spices and more about how you cook the vegetables and how you how you present them like you know you can cook vegetables straight up all day roast them you know and try spicing in different ways but there's also different ways that you can prepare them and present you can you know instead of making roasted broccoli or boiled broccoli you could try making broccoli soup if you have a nice high-powered blender like a Vitamix you can just throw some broccoli and some water some cream in there and let it go for six minutes you got piping hot broccoli soup serve it with goat cheese so every with chives or whatever you know instead of oh boy my knees let's see instead of will say asparagus asparagus instead of you know roasting it or such hang it or buoyant whatever you're doing you could wrap it in prosciutto you could spread what's it called you could spread Boursin cheese on the prosciutto and then wrap the asparagus and prosciutto roast that [ __ ] delicious absolutely delicious this there's so much out there just like I would I would focus less on spices and more on recipes like what what something interesting that I can do with this vegetable rather than what's another way that I can flavor it what I I didn't I didn't set a timer on this butternut squash so I'm just gonna sort of keep my fingers crossed that I'm not gonna burn it I'm guessing I put it in there about 30 minutes ago now I'm not sure I'm my internal clock is terrible but I've had to guess I'd say 30 minutes so I'm gonna said I'm gonna check on it at a time work for 15 minutes so we don't you know we don't mess this up I need this to test the doneness of the squash I'm just gonna poke it oh you know what we should do first take this guy he's cooled off enough to handle here like I can I can touch him he's not gonna he's not gonna melt my my plastic wrap I'm no rack focus forward here so go ahead and and with the cling wrap I'm not sponsored or anything it's just this it's kind of like how you call tissues Kleenex like you know it's just just part of the the vernacular it's part of the cultural conversation what so yeah just covering this up basic cover up make sure that it's not absorbing any of those funky flavors from the fridge and it's nots trying out so maybe might need a little bit more there it doesn't seem like it's sticking well enough but I really prefer to use is Glade press and seal and I'll say that without shame because I'm not sponsored by them what I am is a big fan of that product because it's fabulous it's it just sticks to everything without it's like Magnus it's like the invention of magnets it's like wow how do these work gee whiz how do these work I'm really I'm really wrapping this up securely because I don't want to dry out this drying out would being with me not so very good arancini later on okay those are in the fridge now let me check on my button that squash I know yes I am going to continue to call it that from now it's all the other time all right he's looking pretty good they're definitely not done I think I was right when I said half an hour yet that's still there's still a little firm so I'm gonna give those I'm gonna give those another 15 minutes I think they'll be done slow out the way and when I find a way to set a time or 15 minutes that won't interfere with my insource phone call because that happened last time here we go time Eric instead of time we're in on this thing oh that is really annoying I can set a timer for eight seconds that's ten minutes okay let's see what happens I don't know let's see alright is there any other questions or should we do other cooking things let's do one more question by the way anybody who's curious about this this is just a looted white vinegar it's not it's very food safe it's very everything safe it's also wood table safe so there's about maybe 1 to 10 ratio of vinegar to water there and it's just it's a good situation for cleaning up place that you want to you know semi sanitized it's not going to send it you want to sometimes do pure vinegar but you know we don't have we haven't had any meat going down here I think that so it's a good way to clean up your workstation this table has become a gigantic cutting board for me so anyway sorry Jake what are your thoughts on bacon wrapping meat I find it causes the bacon to burn but I want a second opinion I am very anti baking bacon wrapping meat you are either burning the bacon and probably cooking the meat herb wait I'm sorry you're there under cooking the bacon and properly cooking the meat or you're burning the bacon or probably cooking the bacon and overcooking the meat whatever you've got two different proteins that cook two very different ways and it's a sort of like antiquated symbol of luxury to have a bacon-wrapped filet mignon and that like you know what I'd rather do is you you you you you you cook the bacon separately and you crumble it over the or serve it on the side or you know anything other than that I think bacon wrap knee is a waste of time and it's like the 90s equivalent of what bacon has become on the internet today which is just this ridiculous overblown meme like I love bacon as much the next guy but when you're making like taco shells that have bacon or whatever [ __ ] that to me is what bacon-wrapped meat was in the nineties it was like here's your silly little symbol of opulence and and and and overindulgence and there are far more fun and interesting ways to include bacon and meat so there you go that's my spiel now we can get back to work all right what we got to do here we got to all right this is driving me absolutely insane this mess that is somehow invaded my my apron Jake give me a give me a give me a be right back we're gonna be right back folks I'm gonna take care of this nastiness money at my apron and then throw up a be right back screen for me if you would be right back guys back in two minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're back sorry about that guys I you know this okay is still there a little bit but it was driving me crazy there was a thing on my apron strike me nuts so it's good to be back what are we up to guys what are we talking about I wasn't changing my apron house give it a little wipe down sorry about that nice smooth transition yeah they're supposed to get stained but come on guys Evie you know we're trying to trying to have a seamless presentation here yes I know it's still there yeah yeah yeah all right let's see what's gone he attached protect the most important he back what you have the spirit thank you so much I really work harder than this beard and anybody who has beard out there ricard on it too because it's gross if you don't I've seen some gnarlybeard's out there where they just wear their oily looking or whatever take care of your beard okay let's see hey man I've been watching your Vince since the beginning blood see you're streaming out keep up good work thank you scheme monster so uh let me ask you guys something what do you guys think about YouTube as this place for streaming I'm just curious I'm curious to see what you what you guys think about YouTube is a streaming platform because you know it's it's it's it's it's I've had a great experience over here at Twitter this is it's just it's it's it's a prospect I've been exploring I'd love to know all right yeah that was expected yeah no twitch is better twitch is better that's what that's why that's why that's why here okay loud and clear folks I got you all right okay loud and clear I got you no straw poll necessary I hear your voices not to worry no emotes on YouTube why would we even bother yeah the noes are pouring in I see some bits I see some tips and stuff thank you guys for leaving bits I appreciate it thank you anybody who has for subscribing I'm going to start getting set up over here I'm gonna be right back those I need to grab the blender because we're gonna be once once the squash comes out of the oven we're gonna be pureeing it making a nice squash puree dad to our butternut squash risotto down the line so let me grab the blender quick cuz that's gonna be our well actually first thing we got to do might as well get out of the way is finely chop an onion here we go thank you for subscribing rusty Tiger appreciate it alright so we have this onion heat from here from before and we're just gonna give him a nice little chop and you know trying to keep it nice and fine because you don't want like huge chunks of onion in your risotto am i right there's four little bits I'd be very curious to know I would use if I didn't have onions and I need to make risotto what would I use fennel seems like the coolest idea that I heard but it is a very strong flavor and I'm not entirely sure how well it works but it's interesting it's an interesting idea I also don't know hell it might be part of the onion family they might still be allergic to fennel for all I know I dropped onion I can't allow that or city can have pests I mean all right Oh got ourselves some onion here I'm gonna set this off to the side right over here there we go and our butternut squash should be done and let me check the timer the timer didn't works the butternut squash should be done any moment now uh-hum I yeah it looks like my time or didn't work so yeah Oh what do you guys drink it tonight what's uh what's in your glass tell me what's tell me what's what's darkening your doorstep what does that mean hmm I have a real timer it's called my phone but I'm currently on the phone with Sawyer right now that's so I don't mess with that but then when the timer goes off it interferes with your phone call and I mess with that 2% milk it's good for you water nice gin and tonic Korona kombucha nice it's good for you Brad loves kombucha pen during whiskey I've never heard of that 19:42 Don Julio nice got a high roller over here Canada Dry green tea ginger ale you must be hungover I hope you're hungover you're drinking that doll Winnie 15 year old single mole nicely done chicken stock let's say it's 10:00 a.m. in Sydney so water for now but you're you're in Sydney man have a beer you're Australian do it right yeah you're right a 1942 Don Julio is there's no way you're drinking that said pics or it didn't happen so soon aspects I want today's paper the bottle your face holding a picture holding a piece of paper that says your screen name with with a glass of it while you're taking a sip I want that picture or it didn't happen victors I love victors and will tell you that I love make your small batch I love Victor single barrel mist Victor's boosted barrel I think I had once that was fabulous log of 116 one of my favorites that is a bottle of burning tires so I would love that one I'm sure he's had that and he's enjoyed it because it is a bottle of smoke let's see maple wine I'm hoping you made that up I'm hoping that's not a thing homemade Mead you're badass that's true but I will say I'd add it because that sounds really hard and most people yeah what am I talking about we're talking about people on the Internet anybody could be here and that's how you find people who make their own meat and that's that's cool if you made homemade Mead [ __ ] and hats off to you man that's really cool meat doesn't taste very good that at least the mead that I've had maybe I Belva knee open very good stuff my ears what did I do drinking vanilla extract because of that's not funny monkey that's not funny [ __ ] you it's got the grog is that Lord of the Rings term is that from shadow of Mordor the audio cuts periodically Jake we haven't we haven't issues with my mic one very sorry for any internet chitter-chatter folks we're still working out the kinks but we're trying to bring you a premiere a premiere streaming experience with cinema lenses and quality I don't know audio only cuts to me move your arms a lot maybe I'm I love an old fashioned - well you guys love booze huh you guys guys like drink Hibiki who's drinking Hibiki enraged pyro hibiki's good Hibiki harmony that's some good stuff I love that stuff thank you very much ash rack zero zero that's very nice appreciate that make your money from the YouTube channel of modern Bruges model rude femme you unite what does that mean oh I just thought somebody say Andrew I dedicate this Jenny cream to you well I dedicate this episode to you gone jigs if you're drinking Jenny cream you're all right in my book I'm sorry I went seven twenty guys it might be some internet issues thank you for the bits I'm seeing people following I'm seeing bits strapping the cup Jake let's empty that Cup tell them more do that's good stuff oh man I love the Moscow Mule I'm craving a Moscow Mule nah you guys have me craving a Moscow Mule but I don't have any ginger beer so can't do it plus Moscow meals remind me of mine he said Rai Gers what is that tell us a story babish well I'm gonna tell you a story about maybe I should read my my whiskey story no I'm not going to do that I have an idea for a new series where I'm going to sit in my easy chair next to the fire and drink a whiskey and read from a book about sitting in my easy chair drinking that whiskey and what it was like as though it had already happened in the third person but it's happening right now so I'll be like I sneezed and decided to continue talking well you know stuff like that nothing gonna be fun yeah yeah it's gonna be maybe maybe it'll be like a modern but that time with Benesch I see I'm hearing a lot of people saying the mic cuts periodically I think we should like read the mics or something I think it might be the motion I think they're just hearing the clip yeah cuz maybe when I'm moving if I move the mic hitting my collar and it might be clipping and it might be cutting it out so I'm gonna go ahead and try to not move too much we'll be very careful but it's getting to be that time almost where we can start making us some butternut squash risotto at which point we will be moving over to the other camera because this is multi camera professional show and we endeavor to bring you a premier streaming experience it's all thousand twelve of you let's see yeah but nut squash well Gordon Ramsay be proud of my risotto I can't say he would because he's kind of a stickler chat Chicago thank you for subscribing I appreciate it I'm sorry I put the I'm just up cheese will come back I'm just putting in the fridge so it doesn't you know go to crazy I'm gonna loud that comment there we go thank you for falling asleep to my voice and making it erotic that's that's your choice check out getting an EKG for one for microphone we'll see but not boys I do love like a villain I think love villain is a great way to go if you want a real smoke monster and sometimes I'm in the mood for a real smoke that was smoke monster really not and that's okay either way live your life you know make your choice I'm just moving this court over because it was right next to the oven and it was getting a little warm let me uh I'm gonna check on the squash real quick guys and hopefully the mic won't cut out too much I'm gonna keep talking non-stop the whole time so we can tell if it didn't cut it that's test test test one two three testing I'm still talking ooh I think the squash is just about done all right there we go I'm gonna give it like two more minutes just to be extra sure because I don't undercook squash and I am cut out a lot no uh-oh what'd we do Jake what what do we do issues like narrate what I'm doing what I'm doing is you see it the whole time I was doing that you didn't see any cutouts was it peeking all right well turned up a little bit guys how do you how do you feel about that you like me a little hotter there these guys are talking about modern brews I'm very curious about modern Rouge I know what Moulin Rouge is yeah yeah I saw that but you know we're trying to we're trying to bring a new level of quality to the to the Internet and so we if we have problems we want to we want we want to address them you know we want to fix them even if we can't fix them tonight we want to be able to fix them in the future so yeah don't don't fret there are issues tonight we will work them out we've had bigger issues in the past and we put them out and we will work these ones that - you'll have to excuse me I've to pull my pants up a little bit they're traveling down the road and we just weren't reading it right which seems to check out ya know that that makes perfect sense that sounds like yes I think that we've been we've been moving we've been wrong on many occasions this is one of them with reading stuff yes reading stuff is super hard yet if you know about that but it's actually pretty hard to read stuff I'm gonna kill the oven yeah we're doing all right you know considering considering are all the advantages that we've had is people yeah what does modern run with them is that like some it may or something cuz I'll feel better if it I would and so I don't know anime so if you start talking about anime I'm gonna be like okay should I watch her [ __ ] or is it gonna be too weird for me that thing is still in my [ __ ] apron dude that's that's how I'm a goddamned I think it adds character yeah adds dimension to the shot is definitely cutting geez guys we're sorry about the mic we'll figure it out I'm in a lot of this sexual comment even though it's in French why would they be in that's French je vous coucher avec moi avec tois I'm sure that means something sexual it's basically Brian brushwood and friend learning how to make improvised weapons interesting oh wow what's that on his apron [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh my god hey thanks man thanks thanks pork men yeah I've watched how many Erin Mayer purely about food because I've seen food Wars tell me another one if there's another one I'll beep I guess I won't be that surprised but I will be surprised all right hang on I'm gonna make a nice little environment for our squash to end up in over here okay here goes nothing yeah all right throw this down no don't mess up my nice countertop there we go trying to get it centered move the veg it's sloppy as that was and here we go we got us some nice roasted butternut squash or button out squash as we've been calling it which is not very advertiser friendly but you know can't always be can't always the peas the big cat sometimes you get a sometimes it just got to be me know domaine all right let me grab the Vitamix here and grab my blender and we have nicely roasted squash here we go scoot that over there and you know I'm actually gonna try to set this soon doesn't matter okay let's get the Vitamix all situated let's maybe scoot this over a little bit so my my boy Vita has a bit more room to roam I said maybe let's scoop this over a little bit there we go there we go you guys see what's going on over here after all you know I mean and I'm gonna change focus and pan up a little bit just to just keep things fresh let's focus on the blend oh look so and let's tilt this up a little bit like so so we can see what's going on well I kinda want to see what's going on with a squash tail let's try to get both can we get both that's that's good I like that right there okay so these guys are hot so I'm gonna use tongs combination of tongs and a spoon to extract their delicious flesh taken out of context to understand how that might sound you know purple but just trust me you know sometimes sometimes you can peel the skin right off of this that also out of context not great okay no no it's not gonna happen this time that's pumpkins before we can just peel skin right off them these guys I'm just gonna oh yeah we do that just OOP grab that flesh right up there we go my tongues that's cool and I'm gonna start dumping some flesh into the blender here let's get rid of those tongs and if I thrown a glove maybe my hand can withstand the immense heat from the steaming hot butternut squash I guess we will see time will tell I'm alright anybody out there listening to the bangers with babish playlist it's on Spotify my favorite cooking tunes if you're cooking along with me you might as well listen along with me as well got some good stuff on there we've got some blood orange we get some some do Katzman got thug all the things that are good name it I have all the things that it gives it out that is hot predictably that's a piece of squash Wow okay I mean II need a new solution because it's not gonna work not gonna work oh jeez okay you grab another another set of tongs soon if I can do this a little bit more effectively here there we go if I grab this like so and then okay just broke we want to leave some anyway because we want to add some whole chopped squash at the end so don't worry about getting all this we can get the rest once it's cooled off we're just trying to get a good amount so we can add to our risotto as it cooks or towards the end of the cooking process so just try to get I mean ideally what you want to let this cool where you can do this but you know we don't have all the time in the world here we're trying to turn a stream can't keep my boy here forever he has life and this is the single most inept I've ever been on camera at cooking right now enjoy yourselves folks cuz ain't gonna happen again alright I'm totally will happen again every episode every time but ain't gonna happen again so don't say how much it's gotta be a better way to do this I'm just trying to scrape out old flush I can here we go again it's okay if we don't get all of it because we're gonna come back we're gonna get more I want to make sure I'm not gettin a skin bags the skin has become quite tender there we go and the more oranjee stuff that's why I really want to get cuz that's gonna add color else it's gonna add flavor this means it's probably been roasted better than most stuff so those stringy things that stringy stuff I was talking about that stuff it's hooking us up right now all right scrape bit more and then that's good enough so now I don't need this anymore now I'm going to grab my of glove I'm gonna set this guy off to the side let him cool off so I can get the rest of that flesh when it is ready to be handled which is not right now there we go put him over give a crash there my apologies and just so we can make a proper puree we're gonna add a little bit of chicken stock let's get that last little bit of squash in there mmm it's good butternut squash even just on its own there's a lovely little thing how we doing on focus here this doesn't look perfectly focused me oh maybe it was okay good enough let's throw a little bit of chicken stock in here and just talk amongst ourselves because I'm about to disappear into the noise of an active Vitamix blender working at the prime of its abilities whoops okay get that all plugged in juice it's make sure that's off one thing with with Vitamix blenders make sure that's not like all the way on like that because if I turn this on it's gonna go boom so here we go let's start hmm I know I got no power how about now there we go that's what I'm looking for [Applause] thank you guys that was that all right I want you to see the steam pouring out of there no there was for a second now it's gone but we have a nice smooth I'll show you sorry about the noise but eh that's the price of doing business over here we got a nice smooth nice smooth butternut squash puree hmm good you had a little bit more chicken stock to that you could serve that as soup huh that's really good hmm I wish you were like fall right now because you know then it would be a little bit more seasonally appropriate but you can't you got to pick your battles all right Jake I think we're ready move over to camera two would you care to you know good welcome folks I think to camera 2 which is as you can see a top-down view of what's going on let me start by lighting up yo lighten that guy up and now make sure this ovens off because it's really hot and I'm gonna start hitting this with a little bit of heat and we're gonna do this right this time because last time we used oil and really we're supposed to use butter very ashamed of myself and I want to find the butter here's some butter and some butter right there some butter right there this whole damn time shut myself off a nice pat oh butter maybe like yeah it's probably that's good that's about a tablespoon and a half-ish I know it looks like these are these are those short fat sticks so that's more than a tablespoon I promise and we're just gonna melt this guy up and we're gonna we're gonna saute our our onion in this because risotto really properly should start with with butter has the picture looking Jake is it too hot oh it's too hot on switch but it's beautiful on OBS all right well I'm gonna I'm gonna here I'm gonna up to the shutter speed a little bit all right how's that it's nice and dark and cool so all right now another thing we need to do guys get our stock going in a saucepan over auxilary heat because we need we need the stock to be hot let me just get a saucepan going here folks dishwasher here we go so you're see just hilarious I'd I'm going to keep our stock nice and warm and I'm gonna need probably probably about 2 cups worth because I'm not going to make too much here again we're being a little conservative here oh shoot I forgot to make the bacon so I'm also simultaneously gonna be making bacon on the side this is gonna be fun huh get to see me cook three three things at once that sounds like a good time I think so pig going here's the bacon got some uncured Sunday they can go in here I'm going to add some more chicken stock to our saucepan you look nice get a bit I might do three cups worth just in case because I'm eyeballing this one this is a risottos a good recipe to eyeball because you're gonna do it by by look and feel and taste you know you can follow a recipe to work out fine but this is one of those things I'm not looking at the rest of you right now and I like it like that it's add onions get those sweat go no butter and this one folks no butter because all right inside no garlic is what I meant say no garlic in this one folks because this is a butternut squash risotto and that would be unacceptable and I'm gonna turn down the heat a little bit just because it's starting to get a little hot and I'll see all right a couple things that we can do here we can start by toasting some pine nuts before we do the bacon so I'm going to enable heats on the burner there we go it's weather and I'm going to drop some pine nuts in here and we're gonna drive to because these are gonna be really good on top of closest to them all this is gonna be really good on top of the butternut squash risotto I'm gonna have a sip of my drink over on camera hmm over on camera one give this a sniff it smells good and back on camera two we are dry roasting our pine nuts a little bit it's going to keep those moving just so they don't burn I'm also gonna start getting the stock hot so let me light this guy up it for anybody who's wondering why am I using a torch to light my stuff it's because this is an industrial stove and the pilot light is so freakin hot like it heats the whole room if you leave the pilot light on for the stove the pilot light for the oven is hot enough but with this with the stove it's absolutely crazy so you got to just manually light these burners otherwise in the winter maybe I can have the pilot pilot light go on and we can we can be a normal family again but the summer time no way man all right so back on camera one I'm just opening the bacon no big deal I just want this bacon emotionally and physically available for when I need it there we go filthy knife I got the bacon already to do matter of fact I'll take them out put them on plates something easier time cooking them down good any interesting questions or mean people right now I'm excited about those pine nuts I got to be very careful to not burn them going back to the camera too when we give a little saucy toss because last thing I want is to toss these and see a whole bunch of dark black bottoms on them I would really be a bummer and okay similar situation here I am going to measure out one cup of arborio rice because I like the amount this whole I like the amount that's uh that we had with the butternut squash risotto so I'm gonna move back over to camera two now and we've got these onions nice and sweated you can see they're not really browning they're just sweating that's exactly what we want to see they're becoming translucent and now's the time then we had a rice and now now it's the time that I hope to you guys get to see the phenomenon that I was talking about I don't know if you can see right now I'm gonna make sure that it's in focus I'm just gonna check the focus on this camera oh there we go there we go that's in focus now I hope you can see that almost immediately these guys start to become translucent around their edges and that's what we're looking for all these pine nuts smell good they're starting to release all their all their pine nettie aisles and you know when we first threw the rice in there you know it looked like it looked like this there is stark stark whites and and and and and not translucent whatsoever and now you can see these guys are starting to look like little ice cubes and that is what we're after right there so I'm gonna let those go just a little bit longer turn down the heat a little bit there we go keep these guys moving don't ever let them stop moving let me let him stop every once in a while because it's the only way you're gonna get any toast on anybody and that's hopefully the pine nuts are gonna make up the lack of lack of sage because I was supposed to upstage to put in this but I totally spaced on the stage so now we're gonna deglaze with that white wine we've gotten out of edge we can stand camera two and the heat a little bit just because I want to get a nice I want this to evaporate nice and quickly about half cup in there ish and we're gonna let that simmer until it's pretty much gone and crank up the heat a little bit on this on this stock over here on the side because we want him to be steaming hot as we add because we don't want to cool down the risotto at all as we're adding stock the class this is the classic way of making a risotto is sort of adding liquid until a certain point is reached and then adding a little bit more and then mixing then adding a little bit more and then mixing oh there we go we did the toast on those guys huh those guys are good to go look at that oh it's beautiful all right let me grab something to put those guys in okay so we're just gonna boil off all this alcohol here I'm going to dump the pine nuts into you can't really see back here but I'm just dumping them into a bowl look I drop some lesson have that there we go and now this who's all ready to fry some bacon I'll give you a hint if this guy now what I like to do if I can is squeeze a little little nothing in the center of the bacon like that and it's not really letting me do it right now but that that can help the bacon cook a little bit more evenly might notice when you cook bacon there fry pan that it's it's burnt in the center while the edges are just cooking properly it's just because the center it gets more heat so I like to sort of put kind of a pinch in the center there it's getting a lot just like that and that way you know the edges are getting cooked a little bit more evenly you see that you see a little pinch that I put in there that's that's a hopefully of thing that I invented I don't know but all right so the alcohols cooked off here the chicken stock isn't hot yet we can't wait we got to get it in there otherwise the rice is gonna start to stick so I'm gonna grab a ladle oh it's just starting to simmer a little bit perfect timing what timing I'm just gonna put a little bit in there there we go and I have to put the turn this burner back on under the bacon because it just realizes off there we go let's get that bacon nice and crispy and we're moving this guy round and what we're really looking for is for the and this is kind of a small batch so it's actually not the best example so we're doing a bigger bigger batch what we're looking for is to be able to move the spoon across the bottom of the pot and leave a trail which we're gonna do pretty much every time here because it's such a small batch I'll try to illustrate that if I can so let's add a couple ladlefuls of stock here and see if I can illustrate what I'm talking about alright see there we go this is what I'm looking the this one I'm talking about if I drag my spoon across it's not bleep out it's not leaving the trail it's just immediately getting covered up so that means that we have a good amount of stock in there we can just keep stirring it that bacon just splash me nice and good yeah and we can just keep this guy moving I can't see any of the comments Jake so if there's anything anybody wants to know just blur that so we're gonna keep the risotto moving like so take are we still in our call hear me okay all right I'm just making sure just making sure okay so you know yeah a trail is starting to be left a little bit but it's filling in pretty quickly you see that and that's not quite there yet we want it to really sort of stay low that no wonder you're sputtering like that he was crazy high Oh all right so this is getting to the point where I almost want to start adding stock because it's starting to really leave a trail and we need to we need to hydrate it when it does that so I'm gonna do two ladlefuls at a time from this that should be enough to keep it happy keep it nice and happy and then you'll notice that we added chicken stock to the butternut squash puree that's not only to help us make a puree but also because we want it to be part of the cooking liquid we want it to cook into the risotto so once this guy's almost done what's it's like you know rice is almost cooked we're going to start we're gonna add the the butternut squash puree and finish cooking it in the puree that way I'm gonna get the sort of flavor correct so I got the puree over here I don't know if we're still in this camera but if we are right and as ready to go as soon as we are I'm gonna grab some tongs for my a for my bacon this is a nonstick pan so make sure you're using nonstick friendly tongs no metal please thank you these aren't quite ready to flip yet they're starting to curl up which is nice you can see a I got a little overlap go don't want that there we go no overlaps please that's the beauty of bacon like all the undercooked parts like they curl up and then you flip them over and then those are the first parts to get heat next time around it's a pretty good system I'm gonna lower the heat I feel like this is simmering a little quick for my liking you want this to be a very gentle cooking process and we're starting to see you know as I'm mixing this around you can see if I dragged the spoon top to bottom it's leaving a trail but not quite enough I want it to really sort of remain there for a second or two before it gets covered up so let's do it again uh it's it's it's almost there you know it really like you want it to feel like it's really leaving a trail and it's pretty much there and straight again there we go that's pretty much what I'm looking for it's really something you got to just start getting a feel for got a nice hot stock here so we're not interrupting the cooking process if this cooled down every time you added stock you'd be having trouble be having some real trouble so but this is the traditional way you make risotto and they call it the stand and stir method for making risotto good reason because that's what you're doing you're standing you're stirring the odds of me going back to camera 1 in the next few minutes very low except to maybe get my drink which I'm probably gonna do any minute now smells good but you know this is this is the stovetop version of what we did in the pressure cooker it's the same same thing just plain old risotto it's not going to turn something special until close to the end that's the bacon still in here still not there yeah I want some crispy ass bacon to put on top of this this here we crank up the heat a little bit I feel like I've been too gentle but these burners that's so hard about this these burners are crazy big you see the size of these boys there's no like little simmer burner or anything everything is everything's big and serious in this kitchen takes a little getting used to because as many of you know I have no formal training I'm just a I'm just a I'm just a watch stir boy that thought he should make a Cooking Channel and now here I am and in the other room we got another Rochester boy who join me on this journey we're just a couple of Rochester boys when you get right down to it isn't quite ready to see that's that's that's filling in too fast that's you know think of who parted the Red Sea in the Bible Moses Moses do that think Moses did that it was it was Moses and when Moses parted the I don't know think of the the escaping his people escaping from from bad guys you know just they're not gonna be able to make it through that that's that's coming in way too fast it's a really dumb strange metaphor I'm gonna give these a flip now because they're almost there one super crisp but you know bacon you flip it as many times as you want there's no rules on bacon it's takes your boy your boy Gordon Ramsay your boy Jamie Oliver they say you know flip a steak once and I'm gonna listen to them because their court Ramsey and Jamie Oliver but they can flip it all you want very very hard to [ __ ] up bacon it's about how you like your bacon alright see still there's no escape here there's no escaping the Ramsay's or whatever he was and no and then I'm been to Bible School since I was knee-high to a duck so I'm not gonna give any help here that's pretty much where wanna heat got a little low let's get it back up there we really want this set a nice kind of like gentle simmer that's where we want it you see how thick and creamy it's already getting even though there's nothing in here but rice and chicken stock you know so when I grab my glove because I got to start tipping this guy to get the rest of the stock out of here here we go all right I'm gonna give this a stir in them and go over and see what you all are saying in the what do they call it the not not not the comments to the thread the discussion the the twitch group twitch discussion group discussion yes I'm gonna go look at what's being said in the twitch discussion group and oh yeah what are you guys talking about what's this four-letter word that you're saying I know what that means well anyway it's nice to talk to you guys over here in the in the twitch discussion group oh the comments section that's I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I called it the twitch discussion group I meant to say the comments section how are you guys doing over here in the comments section sure yeah as long as it's not gonna get me fired from some kind of group of Italian chefs recently ridiculed your Carbonero for including garlic and i'm happy to say a lot of people defended you saying you know what's the big deal it's sort of how I feel but okay DUI I know I know the video to which they are referring and I'm gonna say a few things about that video first off I love garlic and carbonara I'll say that in my own self defense I will also say that those chefs were critiquing my my method and you might remember that I make a show that recreates food from movies and television if somebody makes something a certain way I'm going to make it that way and dead on on master of none made it that way that is the whole point of my show that's now how I make carbonara well I also make carbonara with garlic so those guys can you know the III I think um I think that they were totally fair and saying that it was unsound technique and that they didn't know that this is a show about recreating foods from pop culture not coming up with the best original authentic carbonara recipe anyway I'm not bending out of shape about it because those guys are real chefs and I'm not so I can't really talk [ __ ] but just you know oh oh I'm stirred my carton my risotto forever speaking I'm sitting here talking trash Italian chefs and them sitting here not stirring my risotto like a psycho Oh keep that going let's see how our trail is doing pretty good could use a little bit more work needs to keep going I'm gonna do also a doneness test this is around the time when I know it's not gonna be done I just want to see where the rice is that I want to see you know how is it still super al dente is it starting to get cooked mmm mmm it's still super al dente I still got a ways to go and it's getting holy I'm also gonna kill the heat under my bacon or Bacon's looking fly yeah it's gonna the point where it's ready for another ladleful or two and two I mean towards the end of this this is gonna become a little more autonomous you don't stir it as much just because there's some there's so much more of it now this is doubled in volume so the odds of you scorching it or or making it stick to the bottom pot are lower still need to pay attention to it but towards the end you can pay a little less attention to it hence me returning to get one and getting myself a refill on my whiskey because that's how I do I'm gonna put this down and my toasted pine nuts right here this is the tourists that enlighten the stove with I forgetting anything I'm I know I forgot the sage the the the frizzled sage where unfortunately gonna have to do with at this time that really makes the dish to is is some some frizzled sage really does something special stay on this camera I'm gonna bring the bacon over here I want you guys to see this beautiful bacon alright there's a P Taos that's not what the kids call paper towels nowadays I don't know if you guys are hip to the lingo go and let's get that back home off the assembly line this is gonna be some nice crispy bacon once it once it's a little rack focus don't worry folks all right we have some nice stiff but yielding bacon this is right where I like it right here for eating and for recipe usage this is where I like it because it's still got a little give to it it's not shattering but it's it's nice and crisp and especially once this cools off a little bit it's gonna be super crisp let's go back to camera camera to I almost called it camera B just to get it everybody really confused and you know risotto is meant to be served al dente the right the rice should be toothsome shouldn't be just like totally soft and and overcooked it should be should have a little bit of bite to it should be just a tiny bit firm but that's it should also not be you know crispy or crunchy or undercooked or anything it should be you're gonna know it when you taste it you're gonna know when it's just right hmm and see that's getting close that's getting close so what I am gonna do is I'm gonna add my puree butternut squash puree like that going for maybe a ratio of 1/3 puree to the rest of the mixture mMmmm and now this was also the stage where I added some maple syrup yeah in the video and I am fresh out of maple syrup I'm sorry to say so instead I'm going to add a little bit of brown sugar because brown sugar we got the sweetness and we got you know some molasses going on you could add molasses that would work great I'm just gonna add like you know solid 2 tablespoons brown sugar hang on let me get all the sugar off my hands here one moment folks you can already see how absolutely gorgeous this this risotto is becoming just its color and its consistency it's a beautiful thing a nice risotto is a really lovely lovely thing to have in your mouth and I'm gonna go ahead and stir that in there what else could I put in this so I'm gonna go check the recipe quick just to make sure I'm not like saying stuff besides of course the requisite sage all right chicken stock white wine risotto white onion olive oil sage butter syrup white pepper all right so I called for white pepper in the in the video and that's really just an aesthetic thing it keeps this from getting having having a little black flecks in it but I also know where my white pepper is so I'm gonna go ahead and just season with black pepper and this that's totally fine it just means it's gonna have flex paper in it and that's I'm ok with that I've come to peace with that and we're getting towards the end of cooking right now so that's why I'm starting the season there we go we're gonna keep cooking though because it's still pretty soupy we want it to be a nice cohesive result though and also the rice is still not fully cooked so we're gonna let that drink up some of that some of that puree and also let's switch back over to camera one for a minute what I'm gonna do is I'm going to extract what I can from these remaining butternut squash pieces here so we can have some freshly chopped hunks of hunks of squash and with our risotto which is gonna be a nice it's gonna be a nice thing so here we go it's all cooled off now so I can handle it it's nice to chuck a roux get that guy out of there there we go I'll see this this worked out perfectly all my only all my inability to take the heat really worked out but yeah whoever asked about me you know impressing Gordon Ramsay that's one of my biggest fears in life is that I'll ever have to like meet that guy because I feel that feeling is just gonna tear me apart cuz I'm not a pro man I'm just from just a guy it's the guy with a silly little YouTube channel I do hope to meet him one day though like I really do cuz you know he's he's obviously he's an icon he's I actually know somebody that works as a grip on his Sawyer and I both know somebody who works as a grip on his show on Kitchen Nightmares in Hotel Hill and he says he's like the nice as long as you do what you're supposed to do he's the nicest guy in the world and he only gets mad at you if you [ __ ] up which sounds exactly right that sounds like Gordon Ramsay so there we go there's some nice nice squash we did oh [ __ ] it must have look it must have must have overheated guys I'm sorry we have an overheating problem with Cabot's yeah all right camera twos overheated so we're gonna have to do with that camera two guys Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry but camera two seems it could not take the heat so we will we will soldier on using camera one way I hope I didn't like cook that camera literally literally cook it alright let me get a knife going here and even though this is already pretty period up you know we're just gonna give it a little there's gonna give a little choppy chop and I'm gonna I'll dump this in over here because now you can't see anything over its no top because camera to just decided to [ __ ] the bed but this risottos almost done and I think as a result we might have to skip arancini because there's no way I can make it over there hmm that's a shame hmm what's a guy to do well it's up yeah alright well we'll see if the camera cools down I can't really get it away from the oven because it's it's it's um I'll time to the fan no it'll mess up the audio it's it's fine we'll figure this out guys don't worry we'll figure it out alright so here we go sorry about the camera interruption folks looks like you know we're learning that the limitations of our tech it is really hot over here I understand if I were that camera I would shut down to my thermostat would be like hey my full-frame Sonne processor can't handle all this heat and I'd be like shut it down boy shut it down all right risotto is pretty much done so I'm gonna bring it over and we're gonna finish it together over on camera 1 here we go so I'm gonna kill the heats here it's all off and grab of luvs we're also gonna finish this with with bacon so that's the thing no glove here second pot on it and here we go here comes the result yeah that's looking about right and I'll show it to ya so we got this nice creamy beautiful risotto and I'm gonna taste it to make sure that's not undercooked because that would be the real crime so then a camera just shutting down mmm no it's perfect the rice is toothsome it's got a little bit too - it's like al dente pasta that's beautiful alright so while still hot this risotto is not immune from meeting Parmesan most risottos I'm hard-pressed to think of risottos that don't benefit greatly from a shit-ton of parmesan so let's get that going I'm just gonna add you know probably a solid two ounces worth I'd say maybe more this thing makes the most beautiful little shavings I'm gonna keep this this microplane out for later what I want to what I want to garnish this because this makes the most beautiful little shavings okay keep it keep it going keep it going keep it going keep it going here we go come on here we go this is what we dream for here we go one two three okay oh all right stir that in make sure it gets all nice nice so melt see I can't get Brad's little mannerisms or no mannerisms little cool little colloquialisms on my head oh alright we got that in there I'm gonna taste it again for seasoning because the puppy needs salt with the parmesan can add some serious saltiness so let's do this like hmm it's almost perfect a little bit of salt just a bit we're also gonna get some salt from the bacons and I'll go to crazy lastly I'm gonna add this freshly chopped raw squash stir that in there a little nice oh she's a beaut she's just a real beaut oh yeah and then we're gonna plate this up it's time to plates normally we would brown some butter and fry some sage and the butter but we're skipping that at this time because I forgot sage also because we're we're experiencing some small technical difficulties but I'm gonna go ahead and use this wholly inappropriate utensil see to plate up some this beautiful risotto oh she's my goodness I love it you know I actually like the little black specks the little pepper respects and get this out of here see what we're getting into there's no lies I can hear every noise that I make every loud noise I can hear it in the reverb out my headphones from Sawyer's mic okay there's our risotto let's make sure she's in focus there I'd say and you know normally I chop up all the bacon because I'd be starving a bunch of people but this is just for one bowl you know other options that we could put on here would be like toasted hazelnuts you know other herbs you could fry up some you could just do straight up parsley parsley would be nice but I'm gonna hit it with the bacon right like that there we go beautiful and I'm gonna grab some of these toasted pine nuts and I'm just gonna scatter those around and those are gonna bring a real nice toasty nutty flavor you guys know pine nuts pine this tastes delicious and there you have it man butternut squash risotto with bacon try this out hmm hmm hmm it tastes so inappropriate right now because it's June but like if this were you know July I'm kidding if this were October and what's-his-face whoever was asking about a date yet made over mmm it's just so fall it's so comforting so nurse Jake you wanna come try this yeah I'm coming right now all right my boys gonna come try it spoon getting outside in here let's give it a shot get some bacon get some get some pine nuts in there mmm Oh what am I thinking totally forgot to get some serious parmesan shaved on top one of the most important bits and then what you want to do is just make sure this is nearby we go delicious we were talking about guys I'm glad that's making you hungry that's good purple sweater daddy mmm a couple of daddy's I'm still really hot yeah I mean let me try it it turns on we're gonna hammer it's oh it's on all right maybe hope yet all right well you know I need to form them over here let me leave it off for now all right Erin Cheney we're back in business here you want that I mean do you want this all right happy dinner bro how many arrests making myself what was that no I'm gonna let I'm gonna keep letting it cool thank you for the best thanks for the tips mmm okay okay okay okay okay all right guys so camera two overheated luckily luckily the next thing we need to do is camera two overheated but luckily the next thing we need to do is build our teeny so I'm about to do something very embarrassing in front of you all hope you don't mind but I couldn't order a straight-up mozzarella from from Amazon Prime now all I could get was these mozzarella sticks so we're gonna chop these up and they're gonna be our mozzarella filling for the arancini and I'm probably and I'm probably gonna eat one because I'm gonna have a hard time helping myself because it's string cheese we've got sick but these are you know organic mozzarella it is mozzarella so you know this is an example of how you can improvise sometimes unstuff get out of here yeah I don't want you feed if this bothers you I'm gonna save one from me because I like string cheese I like it I'm gonna save it okay so just gonna chop these guys up do the equal pieces so that there's one last one probably gonna eat one mmm okay let me get these dishes all the way over here so I can start the frying process Wow everything's so hot over here okay scoot scoot alright sorry for the interruption folks I'm going to head back with me in just a moment alright so we have our filling this is this is our mozzarella filling as hilarious as that might be it is and then we need two bowls for dipping right was there an egg involves like cameraman have to look at the recipe here alright Jeannie no egg in this one we're just gonna make a little a little a little water and flour slurry to sort of dredge our guys in me change the order of this because we're gonna stuff and then we're going to dredge over here okay let's get our risotto rice a French it's all nice and cold so it's gonna be nice and firm I'm liable and there's butternut squash all over my floor so I'm just gonna wipe your wipe I won't have it not my house okay now I'm probably gonna put gloves on just because this is gonna be so sticky and messy so why not actually hang on let me okay I'm just gonna double check and make sure I'm doing this right here we go coat the ball in the water flour sir and then the hanger breadcrumbs okay cool cool cool cool so you can't see it right now but I'm about to get this vegetable oil going in a in a Dutch oven that I can deep-fry in okay so I'm just gonna pour this out into the Dutch oven and start bringing that up to heat because we're gonna be ready to go very quickly I'm gonna fill it about halfway maybe a little bit less perfect perfect perfect perfect okay that's gone let's let's up do the rest of this bottle shall we we think there we go that's the kind of night it's being right now things go wrong man it's live TV and this two of us hmm okay so we need 1 bowl of panko breadcrumbs right here so that's what I'm gonna hook up no I just spilled panko bread crumbs everywhere okay time to focus enough enough enough horseplay nothing monkeying around it's time to focus here we go so everywhere I step just crunches okay got our bowl of thang Oh bread crumbs okay that's that's not gonna that's not gonna last with me so let me go ahead and clean up the panko that I spill there's only like a couple of them just crunch every time I walk in I just keep that's Dana my it's gotta go it's gotta go okay that's better no more panko no more crunch are they all making fun of me right now they deserve it I am a clean man thank you alright so I'm gonna get a little bit of water in this bowl be right back okay got water in my bowl here and to that I'm going to add a bit of all-purpose flour which I have to retrieve over here and grab a lot of spinning I'm just gonna try to do four should be able to do and then I need to sort of whisk it together so it kind of works out doesn't it I'm trying to get like a maybe yeah maybe two maybe a tablespoon tablespoon or half worth here you're just trying to make a little little slurry little something don't stick it's just got to be a you know thin slowly we're not trying to make like pancake batter or nothing here that looks pretty good just something to help make our panko stick this off I'm just gonna whisk that together I do want a little bit more in than I will say I want a little bit more maybe another tablespoon two tablespoons worth iced work hit that in there get a nice and whiskey whisk eight wins a mess now if it wasn't missed before there we go that's what I'm looking for looking for this really opaque liquid that looks like it's almost starting to thicken but it's not quite it still has the consistency of water but it's just starting to get a little bit thick that's why that's what I'm after okay yeah get rid of this and we can start doing stuff let me rich I'm just gonna set up I'm sorry to keep disappearing guys I'm just gonna set up the thermometer I've been using it to monitor oven temperature I'm gonna set it up to monitor the oil temperature if you just give me 30 seconds I will be in and out faster than a proctologist ready to go on vacation what and there we go it's ready to go so now I'm gonna light the flame because we're gonna be ready to fry and like t-minus 10 seconds okay flame is a go and let's get our risotto at home the frigerator unwrapped this guy we wrapped him very securely to make sure no moisture got out and nothing did and he's all he's all firm now check this out that firm that's exactly what we want so I'm going to with gloved hands put on some gloves just because you know when we're dealing with some sticky stuff like y-you know well I deal with the mess but you don't have to do I'd rather waste plastic and water you know I mean water is very precious Reese I'm not gonna get into the politics of that but anyway well I'm gonna do two pieces to these pieces of mozzarella because they're kind of small and I want a nice little cheese pull when I pull these guys apart check my oil temperature all right and I'm gonna get a plate to put the completed Erin Cheney app on I'm right here there we go and let's get going let's get cooking so now ideally you want to let this go longer than I have like it's still pretty soft and after a few hours in the fridge it would be ideal but you know we don't have that type of that kind of so all right I'm putting two pieces of cheese in there I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm gonna wrap the rice right around it make myself a little ball like so yeah we go and I'm gonna start by doing just that because that's a process in and of itself um so we're grabbing some rice we're making it into a little bit of a pancake there you know and they like a golf balls worth the rice two pieces of cheese or however whatever cheese you're working with then we're doing this at home anybody make an arancini right now you know that's the the ideal use for this is leftover risotto you know you made a risotto you can use any flavor you like we're just doing plane right now because it was easy to make and because why not but you can do any flavor so you make risotto you always have leftovers I've never I've never made risotto and been like wow I didn't make enough risotto there's always too much so you take your leftovers you make a little little hockey puck there you grab a couple pieces of cheese and you wrap them around just like that just like that make sure everybody's all covered up make sure it's nice and round form it into a ball sorry if we're taking on this accent I'm going to stop now and I'm going to do four of these just because that's what I feel like doing so deal with it I don't know also because this risotto is not cold enough so it's still pretty soft that like bird to be a lot firmer but what do you do again this is live television you can't play it for everything well it's full of parmesan which is keeping it together like a glue that and the starch from from from all the rice from all the arborio rice giving up all that starch and I'm just forming around the cheese and making sure no cheese is showing make sure we got a nice even ball here there we go there we go there we go all right that's good if you're worried about this she's going away don't worry about it mmm all right putting this aside because now we have our risotto ball our pre arancini if you will and I'm gonna get another plate to put him down on look at this little assembly station I have going here huh how about this huh yeah yeah all right so take this guy I'm gonna dip them in the the flour water slurry a little bit here just get them all nice and covered and then guess where he's going he's going in the panko bread crumbs we're gonna really press the panko in there to ensure that they're not gonna come out there we go there we go there we go there our cheese look at that look at the little little nest we've built around our cheese here of rice and other cheese and bread crumbs come on give me a break all right there's one let me check the oil temp how are we doing here 254 degrees to go we can get at least two more all goodbye then see this this is a little bit of a challenge because this rice is not firm enough it's only been in the fridge for maybe an hour and a half ideally you want to go like four hours with this thing you know so it's give me a little bit of a tough time I'm sorry I'm not able to read your guys comments right now but it's just a lot to deal with here maybe I'll take it well and I have the recipe open and I can't I can't touch my computer with these hands you don't want me ruining my macbook do you of course you don't except you do because you're on twitch and you're probably all PC users all right there's number two number three let me check my whole attempt again 280 we're still coming reliably beautifully that's why I got to go gas people none of this electric stove crap go electric range don't go gas or I mean don't go electric stovetop go gas stuff down please all right making sure this guy's good and coated in breadcrumbs it's not hard to get him to stick because like they would stick to the rice anyway probably but that flour slurry slurry is gonna sort of help make it more of a cohesive crust around the rice as it fries I'm gonna get all four done before for that will it gets up to temp there's number three and it's only 300 I'm gonna fall for we're gonna we're gonna be we're gonna be doing we're gonna be a good business here let me go to business ha good at Bizness anybody and Kroll show fans out there how funny is John Millennium all right like yeah I think is the best stand-up working today I think that he you know when louis c.k left because he's a monster a void was left in the stand-up community and john mulaney happily was there to be like guess what i'm funny man and he's so innocent there's no way he did anything screw here terrible I hope you worry sometimes with everybody's favorite stand-up out there I want to know that the best hottest young stand-ups working today yeah I'm also curious to know what your favorite comedy podcasts are yeah and me have some comedy podcasts I like the the onion did a great mock murder podcast that was ripped that was really very funny all right I'm gonna try to crank on that camera Jake cuz we're pretty much ready to go over there we got our balls all balled up okay cameras on oil is up to temp so how we looking all right let's bring it to boom let's hope that this guy doesn't overheat and time to for dinner or whatever I'm trying to say right now all right let me get some towels drop these couple homes up and here we go here goes nothing oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah last one come on baby oh look at that they're almost covered this perfect it means we just have to flippable but few minutes I'm gonna keep an eye on their temp sitting at 356 that's pretty good oh yeah uh-huh yeah break once in your life would you guys give me a freakin break for God's sake gosh give me a break break me off a piece of that kick that ball right I just want you to break me off the littlest piece of that kick yeah well you're gonna go up there I'm starting get a little punchy here cause it gets pretty hot in here oh yeah they're sticking together lovely like little sort of until I just ripped that one there we go there we go there looking good looking good you stay on that camera Jake I'm gonna get the sauce ready I'm chewing right now because I'm having bacon all right and hopefully this camera stays a lot alive long enough for us to see the full frying process but no guarantees you know it's 2018 tell me something that's sure in life and I'll tell you something that's not not true oh yeah look at that Erin she needs blood we should drink more it's an inside joke between just me and Sawyer none of the thousand of you oh yeah oh look a Wiccan guys Wow just spent the oil sting at a perfect temperature it's still at 3:45 350 exactly where I want it to be I'm gonna clear out the other area so you can just stay on that camera I'm just gonna clear it out so we get ready to plate up just a moment I'm wait the comments want to smell me clean Oh though you're asking them I see yeah I think they like watching that balls forever yeah who would want to watch me clean over watching balls fry they also want you to consider using a mirror instead of putting the camera directly over the stove that's not a bad idea it would also negate any overheating at dudes up having here that's actually a very good idea thank you guys this is a very good idea all right so first thing we gotta do five mirror step two hang it up oh look at these guys go and oh my god Oh get over yourself Oh get over yourself and stupid rice balls you think you're so great oh they're on the stun like to not even minute you're done and I'm gonna be able to play them up and we're gonna be able to eat let me tell you something if you think I'm eating with these rice balls without ripping my vape pen before either you're crazy I wish I could incorporate bacon in this and I bet it would be good if I guess bacon in there all right let me take a look here these are pretty much done you mustn't burn them they've got this shatteringly crisp crust happening on the outside which is just so exciting [Applause] this is so exciting I love a good Adam show and they're so easy to make guys like look how quick we thought we were gonna have to cut the episode off at what it was uh it was 8:30 it's 9:05 now we guess guess I'm completed arancini hmm hey man that makes this like a like a solid three hour stream this has got to be one of the all-time longest all right I'm gonna kill the heat on this and then I'm going to place these on some paper towel of drain a little bit or we play them a proper go little bit spicy sauce and just get this going here I just wanted to drain just a little bit but look at that I mean come on get out of town just get out of town go on a trip see some these places get just get out of town man you have all these vacation days saved up you've been crushing it every day at the office and it's time for you to get out of town your wife at you guys have not been on a honeymoon since you got married use of time you show that woman you love her and you just take her I'm not I'm talking I'm not talking anybody in particular by the way this is the hypothetical situation alright so got these out and we can get off the parentless camera a and bring it over to camera B where you can see arancini our waiter I'm sorry I had it backwards camera kit we're back in camera a we were at canopy that was perilous and we got I just drained them on the paper towels for a second I don't want them to get to get the soggy but I also don't want them to be too oily so it's nice to let them drain for just like a second oh my goodness gracious I mean shut up okay I mean you know let's get it let's get a cross-section going these guys what do you say folks it's a cross-section time they're very pot so I'm gonna throw throw a glove on because that can help with the temp a little bit so I'm just gonna throw a glove on because these are fresh out the damn fryer and I don't want to burn my precious digits I need them for work you know while these cool off for a sec let me talk with y'all what's going on oh you ready for the crunch here comes the here comes a crunchy cross-section of course okay here we go get the mic down here so you can hear the crunch ready oh yeah ooh cheese came out a little bit a little bit of nice melty cheese the cheese is like melting into the rice and let me see what's leaving the sauce here Wow well hot now top that's really quite good it's full of melted cheese Jesus it's hot but I mean look at what you can do oh come on get out of my house come on shut up hmm oh my god oh they're so good take you out you get in here and try this sense wah have to be careful they're hot what they say yeah they're hot yes i'm saucin ada mm-hmm who what books oh there it is arancini do one more cross section to see if I can get a nice melty pull-apart action here so the key to getting a Milty pull-apart actions to cut it and then sort of squish it back together like that and then go like yeah yeah [ __ ] off there you go folks arancini and I Italian specialty all made fresh being enjoyed by the thick boys thick was you know ding that's all she wrote well Jake thanks so much for help me host this Thank You this rain we're getting we're getting somewhere I'm sorry about any technical difficulties that we experienced but thank you guys for the great idea of thanks for the great idea of what's called setting up a mirror so we can we can keep our cameras cool I mean see both front and top vision that that's a good idea and oh my God look at these look at the way they're melting right now leave that dark crust let me do it right guys come on give me a break get out of here get out of here go away ah all right that's it yeah I might have another bite myself oh yeah get out here come on look at us [ __ ] I dropped the cheese there it is what'd I say rub it in the camera look thanks Jake alright folks who look how much I'm sweating right now cuz all I got damn cooking oh I hope you guys try this for yourself this is really something special if you don't have to make you know butternut squash risotto same time this is a very easy thing to make it's something very impressive it's delicious it's beautiful but also the butternut squash risotto is a very wonderful wonderful thing to make for a date whoever said that on reddit or for somebody somebody care about even if that's somebody's yourself so thanks for getting down to basics with me guys I hope you have a beautiful night I'm going to see you in two weeks and hope there's nothing stuck on my beard I'm all clear and thank you guys so much for hanging out have a great night here's to you there's nothing here but still here's to you [Music]
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 1,962,903
Rating: 4.4251361 out of 5
Keywords: babish live stream, how to make risotto, babish livestream, basics with babish stream, babish stream, pear qwerty horse, cooking with babbish, risotto livestream, basics with babish, babbish, binging with babish, risotto, risotto live stream, cooking with babish
Id: qeltSXT91ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 38sec (10778 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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