Beer Can Chicken Experiment

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[Music] they pitmasters what is up today I'm going to find out if the beer can chicken actually works [Music] a while ago we did a video about chicken under a brick and how that doesn't really have an effect I mentioned there that it's the same thing as chicken on a beer can and I got a lot of comments from you guys saying what that doesn't work well today we're going to do that test because I read about it that it didn't work but I've never tested it myself so here's a chance to do an experiment and you guys know I love a good experiment I got three chickens we're gonna be roasting those one on a beer can one on a can with hot water and one on a can without anything yeah it's a beer can chicken Trey seriously let me explain the theory first you got this hyper barbecue Beer Can Chicken and it looks good and it tastes good but the theory is that it doesn't work because you got this cold beer or room-temperature beer sitting there and it's taking up a lot of heat to get to a temperature where it really never belongs and if you put all that energy in warming up this beer it's not gonna help you cook the chicken so rather than steaming and cooking the chicken on the inside it's going to be no cooling the chicken on the inside while the outside is drying out let me explain what's wrong with the fried steak breath this is a beer can chicken [Laughter] wing I think in wings still weird chicken legs chicken wings okay three chickens on again no no okay the first one let's say the beers ten degrees Celsius like the outside temperature right now so this is 10 degrees Celsius the other one we're going to put boiling water or just off the boil water so that's there will be a 95 degrees Celsius Celsius and one there's not gonna be anything in there so it's just gonna be there and maybe if we put 95 degrees water in there or just off-the-ball water in there it might actually do the trick by steaming the chicken of course we need a little bit of seasoning on our chicken and I'm gonna let you decide Marshall what do you want boombastic barbecue rub or the Cilician barbecue rub these are the world to best barbecue rub this one's Leslie yeah I think it's gonna go really well with our sauce because I got a surprise for you look at these beautiful chickens that I got a lot of fat on there because it's corn-fed look big glob of fed right there take that off we're gonna save this you might be able to use it for something we're going to season our chicken starting off with a little bit of olive oil and then season them with a barbecue rub here's a tip you might want to put a little bit of barbecue rub inside the chicken as well look at the chicken how good it looks it already looks tasty I'm opening up a beer can and I know this is not the traditional way but definitely works yeah it's a good knife knife is a tool you should use it that way one beer can and then we're going to take one we're going to fill it up with hot water so we've got to get rid of the beer first Cheers so we've got one with beer I'm going to fill this one with hot water with that just came off the boil and this one is empty time to put the chickens on I'm thinking I'm thinking about how PETA people would feel about this process i preheated the Napoleon row 5 to 5 I'm going to put the chicken over the direct heat and hope this experiment is going to work yeah sorry Donald that goes your children now say bye-bye we're gonna let this cook until they reach a core temperature of 75 degrees Celsius in the meantime I'm gonna make a sauce Marcin has nagging me to make this sauce for a really really long time so I'm finally giving in this is not one of my favorite sauces but he wants me to make this so it's for you we're making Alabama white sauce we'll start with mayonnaise will need around a cup or so a quarter cup apple cider vinegar the juice of half a lime two tablespoons of raw cane sugar half a tablespoon of salt one tablespoon of fresh ground black pepper you can use a less black pepper but I love it so much I just want a lot of it a teaspoon of horseradish I'll mix that up let's give it a try reluctantly it's not great make it great no no no no you asked me if I'm tasting it so let me let me explain what I'm tasting I'm placing I'm tasting mayonnaise with a little with a little bit of acidity in it so I'm really not getting anything exciting not something that you know that pumps me up that makes me want to say hey let's put this on chicken if you're asking me how can we make this better some better sauce I got a few ingredients that I can't come up with you want me to make it better maybe you need to try it first there you go it needs a little bit of garlic a little bit of parsley live a cayenne pepper [Music] what did they say now about OOP roll tight so put in us a little bit of parsley we'll take a garlic clove there goes the garlic nothing much just a little bit cayenne pepper I don't want to add bushes to sauce I'm adding around 2 tablespoons now let's whisk this up second try roll tide there's a million times better right you see let's check on the chicken oh this is going bits quick we didn't heat to slow it down put the outside burn this off looking good though our chicken has been on the grill for almost 45 minutes so I want to start checking on the temperature normally it takes around an hour to cook a chicken or roast it at a temperature of 160 degrees getting close to that point so I'm taking my up my thermometer and see where we at this is the one with the beer the cold beer so we'll measure that first we're at a temperature of 68 degrees Celsius this is the one with the hot water the boiling water it's already done and now the one that we just have nothing in it's also done so basically the one that we got a beer in cold beer is not cooked yet it needs another 13 degrees Celsius the the one with the hot water up here is 68 so up here it's not cook yet closer to the can is more cooked and then the one that we have nothing in its done it sits at 75 degrees Celsius we're taking the chicken out where there was nothing in the beer cap I'll let it rest did you see that I'm trying to sit it but the lag ran full out of juice but it squirted out just grab the leg and that's all I did and you can clearly see that the outside of the chicken is cooked just as well for all the three chickens look at them the chicken is farting fire then to the juices of the fat I'm running out of the chicken and because they hit that the flavor isobars with a high temperature to catch fire our beef canned chicken with the hot water in it it's done so take that off the grill as well layer on the back to rest that's funny the temperature of the the water inside that chicken that that boiling water that we put in it was at 78 degrees Celsius used so you see the grill cannot warm up the water more than it can warm up the chicken so it still takes a lot of time to process all the heat and get it into the chicken get it into the water and it's just going to slow the process down now we need to start carving into our chicken because this has been resting for 15 minutes and otherwise it's just gonna be cold man am i hungry I'm gonna go for the leg first let's see if we can take it off yeah that's a that's some crazy good sound look at it look at how juicy this is and it just pulls right off stick up the drumstick make an incision pull it open then you can find the bone and cut it right where the bonus I'm gonna go for the thigh look at how juicy this is it just looks so good the chicken is super juicy it's just running more than give this a try I know that you like chicken what is it juicy that's right winner winner chicken dinner I think the beer is starting to boil this is still not done this is taking a long time with the beer inside the cold beer is just preventing it from being cooked while the hot water one is done our chicken that we just roasted this done just kind of wait man should we try to check them with the sauce now before we are going to check on the other chickens I'm gonna carve out a piece of breast that's juicy as well look at that we're gonna try this with our barbecue sauce our own homemade Alabama white sauce we're gonna take two pieces it's not any good I don't want you to eat it I don't think you're gonna like it I just eat it for you ma'am mmm crazy good give it a try roll tide it's perfect right not bad for two Dutch guys and finally around 15 minutes later our chicken with the cold beer inside is done but look at the outside it's almost burnt the spice is on the skin have burned let's take it off the grill before it burns even further now we'll carve into our chicken that has been cooking over boiled water slicing at the same point we want to see how juicy it is the lag wow look how did you see this if you buy really really cheap chicken then most of the time it's white inside but if you have a farm race chicken that they have been living free-range like this chicken and it be fed good food it turns red and so you gotta measure it with a core thermometer make sure it's at the right temperature but don't be fooled by the color inside on the chicken let's give this a try I gotta make sure this is not ten plus give it a try it sweet but it it's the same juicy this it's not juicier it might be so juiciness I'm gonna give it a 10 tenderness is just probably between the difference between these two chickens so we can't really judge on that then the flavor is less and that's weird to me because this is inside the leg and a little bit of skin I don't know there's just less flavor there let's try a further final one I don't think so it doesn't looks like something I would want to drink let's open up the leg look at this you can see it's not it's a little overcooked the leg has been cooking for a longer time then the breasts take a look inside that breast the breast is still juicy chicken leg still looks good did look at that it's full apart and just shreds off let's give it a try [Music] you know where we didn't have much taste in the other one but this really does taste different there's like I wouldn't call it I wouldn't recognize if you didn't tell me there was beer in there I wouldn't recognize it as beer let me give you a piece there's like it's almost like there's more chicken flavor in this chicken leg where the other one was more tendon but the flavor was gone there's more chicken flavor in this one but it's actually probably the beer let's sum this up our chicken that we've been roasting without water without beer it was juicy it was perfect chicken perfectly cooked crispy outside on the skin and nice and flavorful really really good stuff then we had the one that we had boiling water in and the boiling water it did something to the chicken I don't know what it was but it was a little bit blend inside you didn't really taste the chicken we experienced more tenderness but I'm not sure it's from the bird or if it's from the water then we had the beer can chicken and the beer can chicken it was still juicy on the inside on the leg it was flavorful more flavorful than the one with water and more flavorful than the one that we just roasted but when we tasted the breast it was a little bit dry it was a little bit tougher the texture was a little bit harder not as juicy as the water one or especially not as juicy as the one that we didn't put anything into so if I have to choose between these three chicken I love to go for the one that has been roasted without any fluids in the can it tasted really good it was juicy on the inside perfect skin works really really well but secretly there's something inside of me that's saying that beer can chicken it has that beautiful flavor and I don't know there's something there so in the end we've got three beautiful chicken all juicy all tasty but one just a little bit better than the other this chicken looks good beautiful barbecue sauce to go on top of that I hope you guys get something in hand to eat because this stuff is so good I love doing these tests and the main reason is that I get to eat three chickens well I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you did you know the drill give me a big thumbs up and leave me coming down below big thank you to all our patrons and our youtube - see you guys next time until then keep on eating chicken [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 358,526
Rating: 4.7364569 out of 5
Id: 5e_vz2YULTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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