Grilled Filet Mignon on the Big Green Egg | Filet Mignon Steak Recipe from Malcom Reed HowToBBQRight

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hey welcome back to how to mark you right today we're talking steak I'm going to do a filet mignon for you on a high heat sear I'm going to be using my ceramic grill the big green a got back and you can really let the temps fly on a ceramic grill the big green a is perfect for seared steaks now you can do this recipe on a regular charcoal grill or even a gas grill especially if you've got one of those infrared partners just crank the temp up your burning charcoal or lumps get a good hot fire on the charcoal grill get you set of grill grates you're going to be able to follow the same recipe now what we're doing today is going to be real specific for the big green egg because it's all about times you don't ever want to go out and buy an expensive cut of steak and then ruin it by not knowing how to properly cook it so today I'm going to show you if you have a ceramic grill the best way to cook with these filets on it so I went to my local butcher you told him that I wanted to get some steaks cut we have a brand new place here at South Haven if any guys are local go check it out it's the butcher shop the owner is right there hand cutting steaks and he cut me to beautiful 12 ounce fillets I mean these things are gorgeous he trimmed them up for me I didn't have to do anything just bring them home get them ready to grill I know it's takes like this we're going to keep it simple there's not you know I'm not doing any marinades I don't really want to put anything else on there I let that beef to shine through the high heat to cook it and at the very end we're going to fish it off with a little bit of steak butter and I'll show you how to make that a little later on but the first thing we're going to do is get these steaks ready for the big green egg so I'm just using a little olive oil and give them a light coat on the outside so the salt the pepper will stick excuse your hand rub it all around make sure you get both sides and you can wrap them bacon if you want to but I like them just cook just like this I know it's going to just melt in your mouth like butter get them done right so now we're ready for our seasoning I just got some kosher salt and some cracked black pepper you want a real coarse salt real coarse pepper on a good steak doesn't need much more seasoning than that but you want to get on all sides and we ton about so that's it I mean how easy is that for seasoning a steak these filets are gonna be ready to go they're green I love hanging out just a little bit go outside and get my egg fired up getting screening hot we're going 650 700 degrees so I'm going to take a few minutes but we're going to show you exactly how we do if you're just a minute stick around okay now I want to show you how I make the steak butter that we're going to use at the very end of this process we love these steaks first we're going to need a couple sticks of butter then we're going to just add some flavors to it it's really a compound butter so you want to look the butter sit out and get room temperature so it's soft so I've got one stick in the bowl and I had another stick hey if you're gonna hurry to do it pop in the microwave just for a couple seconds so let's talk about what's going to go in this butter I mean you see I've got some fresh herbs here a little rosemary thyme and sage and then I've got a shallot that I've diced up real small and just some salt and pepper but the best flavor in my favorite part of the state butter is the roasted garlic and roasted garlic is simple to do now now you needs a few heads of garlic chop the tops of them off so you expose those cloves get a little bit of the paper off the Texas because you want them we're going to top it with a little olive whole then pop it in a 350-degree oven for about an hour it doesn't take long to roast garlic it's going to make your house smell awesome so let's put the steak butter together the first thing we're going to add a little shallot we're going to add about four cloves of that roasted garlic that's real soft and then we need some some of the herbs and I'm just you know kind of eyeballing it but if you want this just about a teaspoon of each of the saves the rosemary time we're gonna get this mixing and add a little salt and pepper here at the end but you just want get a fork and get it all mashed together and it's going to be loose but what we're going to do is put this back in the refrigerator now you can get out some saran wrap put the butter on it roll it up into a log let it get real cold and it's easy to slice that way without typically just putting it on ramekin put it in the refrigerator to spoon out how much I need after it sets this is way more buttered and we'll need just for a couple steaks a little last run a couple weeks in the refrigerator especially if you keep it airtight so we got it mixed up pretty well let's adjust some seasoning on it get a little kosher salt and a little fresh cracked black pepper not too much about a teaspoon now we've changed that it's from a regular butter it's just awesome steak butter you know that's going to be good on top of those fillets so I got the butter mixed up let's just get it in a little Bowl there we go to stay butter we're going to set the frigerator about two hours let those herbs you know have a chance to get all happy in that butter it's going to get back hard and then we're going to be able to get a big dollop butter put on top of those steaks right when they get done show that just a little bit all right we're out here at the big green egg you can see I had it fired I'm sitting just riding a little hair over 650 that's how hot I want to be to sear these steaks we're talking high temps you have to be real careful when you're cooking at temperatures this high when you open this thing you never just want to come out and open it all the way crack it up burp it let it get a little air let that heat off you want to burn yourself send you all your hair off it will do it we're gonna get these on so open it up a little now we can open so I have a vents all the way open on the bottom let some good area in my lump coal is good and hot adjust it on top to hold that 650 all we've got to do is get these fillets right on our grill grates they only need two minutes each side so I'm going to hurry up get the lid down but I'm going to put those grill marks on them so I'm giving them a just a quick one minute then we're going to do a twist one more minute it'll be time to flip a fast cook we're going to shut it down after this two minutes and let the fillets cook through and through takes about three and a half four minutes and they're perfect medium-rare right where I want them so I'm not walking away from the grill at this point I want to stay right close to it have some kind of timer so you can really monitor that's what's key to this all right one minute give it a little bird come in put that twist on it back down get another minute going all right second minutes up it's time to flip these steaks let's let the heat out already starting to change I like to go to a new area the grill ooh those grill marks we got beautiful we got one minute to go here all right it's time for that final twist so we're on that last minute of that high heat seer as soon as this minute goes off we're going to shut the big green egg down pull my cap put the closure on top of it shut the vents all the way we're going to about three and a half minutes to get the stakes to a perfect medium-rare right at that last minute I'm going to get a big tablespoon of my steak butter put right on top of them let that just kind of melt down while they're sitting there finishing they'll go inside for a short rest and it's going to be the best time slice into them get to eat some of it the timer's going off I capped the Big Green Egg slam the vents shut on the front now we're just going to set another timer for three and a half minutes these steaks are going to be done I'll show you how we're going to top them with the state butter all right with just one minute to go on that last part of the cook we're go ahead top these steak for the steak butter we made i'm just put a tablespoon on top of each one will be pretty quick because we want to get the grill back close we just want that butter to melt down on it add some extra fat to these fillets they look awesome Sarah temperatures drop big time on the egg right below 500 degrees there's our timer three and a half minutes is up it's time to get these steaks off peanut-butter started to melt little finished melting we'll get them inside get them rest and that is beautiful so I'm kind of good right there filet mignons high heat sear on a big green egg got to get you some all right the hardest part of cooking these filet mignons is that 10-minute rest we just put on just watching that butter kind of melt down over the top of it leaving those seasoning behind you know it's going to taste awesome but now it's that moment of truth we actually get to cut into these fillets and my mouth just give way to child let's see how we did well that makes me weak in the knees right there man it's got that perfect cook on blue that a big green egg did an outstanding job any time you're cooking steak so that high heat sear it just puts a beautiful cook on them you can see that me it's got that nice transition from where it's done on top to where it's just a beautiful pink all the way down through that's what I call a perfectly cooked steak hey you can do this recipe at home - it's simple get you a good bed of hot coals you ought to have a ceramic grill I'll tell you they're worth the money good piece of beef simple seasoning salt and pepper put it on there sear at 2 minutes each side and shut it down let that heat finish it of course you want to put that twist on there in between those two minutes so you get those beautiful grill marks make up the compound butter it's easy you're just going to roast some garlic a little bit of fresh herbs hit it with some salt and pepper for a little seasonings and melt that over the top of that steak just as it gets done that extra fan had some that flavor and just balances out that that lean filet beef you got to try this recipe if you like what we're doing subscribe to our channel here at how to barbecue rival put that new risk piece out here long hit us on Facebook Twitter we love all the comments and the interactions we'll see you next time you
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 602,436
Rating: 4.923728 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, filet mignon, filet mignon steaks, big green egg filet mignon, grilled filet mignon recipe, how to grill a filet mignon, grilled filet mignon recipes, big green egg, grilling a filet mignon, perfect grilled filet mignon, recipe for filet mignon, how to grill filet mignon steaks, beef filet mignon, herb butter for steak
Id: OfIkj_IQq-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2015
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