How to Smoke Pork Ribs | Mad Scientist BBQ

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hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue i'm jeremy yoder and today i want to share with you a new method to smoke ribs that i discovered a couple months ago and it is phenomenal stick around i'll show you everything there's a big difference between competition barbecue and the barbecue you cook in your backyard okay competition barbecue kind of assaults your taste buds so for one bite it tastes incredible but then you kind of feel sick after eat some of it what we're doing for backyard barbecue is something you can make a meal out of and will delight your taste buds for the entire process so our goal is to make the best meal out of these ribs that we possibly can in this method you'll notice that there's no brown sugar there's no butter or margarine parquet squeezed butter there's no tiger sauce these are not competition ribs these are eating ribs and if you enjoy eating ribs these are going to be the best kind of ribs you can eat so to prepare these ribs i keep things pretty simple i take them out of the package any little pieces of meat or fat that are hanging off i trim those off and because these are st louis cut ribs you don't need to cut off the breastbone you don't need to do a lot of work that's why these are so easy i'm looking for ease and delicious flavor and saintly spare ribs are kind of the pinnacle of ease and flavor they have more flavor than loin back ribs or baby back ribs they're sometimes called because they have more fat more connective tissue and they're going to be juicier and just kind of more flavorful in general but they're already cut the way you want it to go on the smoker because they're st louis cut they're not a full spare so all you have to do is remove them from the package cut off little pieces of meat that are hanging off and then for the membrane on the back side a lot of people will remove that membrane but what i like to do is i score the membrane it's much easier it's faster and you get equally good results next when it comes to seasoning i like to keep it simple because i want the flavor of the pork to shine through if you add too many seasons to the outside you lose the flavor of the pork underneath in my opinion because pork is a more delicate flavor than something like say beef beef can take more seasoning than pork can so i just do salt and pepper for two reasons number one i don't want to cover up the flavor of the pork and number two is i want to leave plenty of surface area available for smoke flavor to get absorbed by the meat if you cover the whole outside with rub the smoke flavor isn't going to penetrate the same way it otherwise would i'm smoking these ribs because i want to taste smoke if i just want the flavor of the seasonings well i could put the seasonings on it and cook these in the oven i'm smoking them because i love smoke flavor and to maximize that we're going to use a simple seasoning of just salt and pepper if you want more flavor i'm going to show you later how you can add it we're going to start these ribs off today at 225 degrees i want it to cook low enough and slow enough that i have enough time to get smoke flavor on those ribs if i did them at 300 there wouldn't be enough time to build in as much complex flavor as i want so low and slow at 225 to start for the first four hours now a lot of you have heard of the 3-2-1 method for ribs which means you put them on the smoker for three hours then you wrap them for two hours then you put them back on and glaze them for the last hour don't do that okay lots and lots of people have done that and for very very few people has that worked out well the reason it doesn't work out well for a lot of people is because everyone has a different smoker and a lot of times the ribs will overcook before they're ready to be taken off to be fair there are lots of people who've done the three two one method and loved it i'm not trying to trash the 321 method i just know in my experience trying to help people learn how to make great ribs the three two one method almost never works because there's often something to be gained by changing that method to get more smoke flavor in there and just have a more succulent rib at the end so the first four hours at 225 are just to build smoke flavor and then we're going to go 275 for one hour still unwrapped so what i want is meat to pull back on the bone because those proteins are going to coagulate and shrink up and that way each bite that you take off of the rib is going to be meatier than if the ribs just kind of lie flat the entire time so if you don't know what protein coagulation is the easiest way to think about it is those proteins in those muscle fibers are going to shrink and tighten which has the effect of making the meat pull in off of the bone so that you have a bigger plumper piece of meat on the bone and that way each bite has more meat in it so to recap the first four hours are to build smoke flavor which is the whole reason you're barbecuing in the first place the fifth hour is to get the proteins to shrink and coagulate because i want a meatier bite of rib at the end and then finally we're going to wrap it and the way we're going to wrap it is going to be a little special we'll show you when we get there as people who spend hours and hours and hours trying to make great barbecue i know that quality craftsmanship and artisanry are all important to us because we value a great product and that's why i want to tell you about today's sponsor made in made in cookware is professional quality because they use the finest quality materials and they work with renowned craftsmen from around the world in addition it has a lifetime guarantee so you know that it's built to last and there's a reason it has over thirty two thousand five star reviews now i wanna tell you about my experience with made in products first the non-stick pan is the best non-stick pan i have ever used and it's not even close i've used quite a few because they're just so darn 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ribs are on it's time for our secret weapon pork lard i'm not just going to be adding pork lard we're going to be smoking it first so we're adding smoked pork lard all right so the process is really simple for this i have a tablespoon i have the pork lard and i have an aluminum foil pan so i'm going to take two heaping tablespoons of pork lard per rack of ribs i have three racks of ribs so it's gonna be six heaping tablespoons of pork lard that i put in here i'm gonna put it on the smoker for the entire time that the ribs are cooking so it can build up really good smoke flavor going in with this lark and it's not going to be touched until it's time to wrap the ribs [Music] it's right at about the three hour mark at this point and it's time to start spraying and answer the first question i'm using 50 50 apple cider vinegar and water i use the apple cider vinegar because i think it has a good flavor and then it also has a low ph to soften up anything on the outside that might start to get crusty then i add the water just because it makes the apple cider vinegar go a little bit further now what i'm looking for when it's time to spray is first good color because that's going to be a proxy for good smoke flavor so when it's a nice dark deep red color that tells me that's got smoke on it that's going to taste really good and then also i'm looking for when the outside starts to dry out a little bit and when that happens i know it's time to spray so it's gone three hours at 225 degrees and i'm going to start spraying for the last hour or so of that and then i'm going to bump the temperature up to 275 we're going to try to get some pull back on the bone but let's take a look at these ribs and see if they're ready starting to get good red color but i still want a little bit more but i see the outside is starting to dry out so that's what i'm going to spray so for the next hour or so i'm going to spray about every 15 minutes so it looks like this [Music] we're gonna go one more hour at 225 because we're going after that smoke flavor that only barbecue gives you if anybody tells you that they can make great ribs in the crock pot you tell them that they've never had real barbecue ribs okay so we're building in that smoke flavor in about an hour we're going to come back and check on those if we have the color that we want then it's time to bump up the temperature to get that pull back on the bone we want all those to be nice and plump ribs that we're going to serve at the end it's been four hours at this point and it's time to bump up the temperature to 275 for two reasons first i want to get meat pull back on the bone for reasons i mentioned earlier sometimes it doesn't happen usually this works though but the second reason is i want to render the fat really well and at a higher temperature you render the fat better so i'm going to take these ribs i'm going to move them a little closer to the fire and add more wood so that i'm cooking at 275 for the next hour and i'm still adding smoke flavor but mainly i'm focusing on getting the pull back on the bones and rendering fat [Music] all right it's been another hour and it is coming to the time to wrap we've been spraying about every 20 minutes so at this point we're trying to get some pull back on the bones we're trying to render fat if it doesn't get good pull back on the bunch it's not the end of the world it's not a big deal really at all it just kind of plumps up each bite of meat and the reason that it pulls back and sometimes it doesn't pull back has to do with collagen and connective tissues so as you increase the temperature of the meat that collagen starts to hydrolyze or break down and form gelatin so if you're breaking down the connective tissues before you up the temperature sometimes you don't get the pullback but really it's not a big deal we're mainly about flavor and texture here so with flavor and texture i realized that i was wrapping in a way that wasn't as good as an experiment that i tried so my philosophy always is try a bunch of new stuff if something works adopt that method and that's exactly what i've done here today for those of you who aren't really familiar with collagen it is the reason why slow cooking is so special because when you cook slowly you start to hydrolyze the collagen so if you imagine three springs that are stuck together of course they're springy and they're tough and that's why barbecue meats are tough if you cook them with direct heat and you cook them quickly but over a long time that collagen hydrolyzes or breaks down into its constituent amino acids and forms gelatin which gives barbecue that amazing texture that's so hard to find in great food the reason i'm using lard is because well if you've heard me say it once you've heard me say it a million times what you perceive as moisture is usually rendered fat so my illustration is always a crock pot where a roast has been sitting in there all day it's surrounded by water there's tons of water in there but you take a bite of the meat and it's dry that's because it's surrounded by water rather than rendered fat you can think about how slippery fat is that's going to be what you perceive as moisture in your mouth so if you get oil on your hands everything's slippery and sliding around you kind of want some of that rendered fat when you take a bite of barbecue because it lubricates everything and gives you the feeling of moisture so the lard helps with that also smoking the lard is a game changer too just like smoking tallow because there are hydrophilic compounds and they're hydrophobic compounds hydrophilic compounds are the compounds that would dissolve in water so the meat that's exposed on your barbecue that's going to dissolve those hydrophilic compounds hydrophobic compounds get dissolved by fat so by putting this lard in there i'm getting a whole spectrum of smoke flavors that i otherwise wouldn't be able to get on the meat so now i have a broad range of smoke flavor instead of kind of a narrow band that's only absorbed by the meat plus the added moisture makes this the way to cook ribs there's a deer in the backyard here i think it's just mocking us so taking a look at these ribs i see some pull back on the bones not as much as i would like but that's okay great color on the outside and this fat is rendered really really well so all that is good stuff i'm going to add some of the smoked tallow and then i'm going to roll this up in the butcher paper put it back on to get tender at this point we're talking maybe 30 minutes not long at all i'm gonna put it back on me side now [Music] to test for doneness on these ribs there are two ways that i can tell the first is you pick them up and it feels like they want to give way that's a good sign that these ribs are done they're ready to take off and if you're not comfortable just going based on feel you can quickly unwrap the ribs and grab your digital instant read thermometer and i use the thermapen it's the best on the market trust me i spent more money on other cheaper brands that broke than on one thermopen anyway you can take it you can poke it in and when it feels like butter that's when you know it's done usually that's at a temperature around 207 208 a little bit higher than brisket it's been 30 minutes let's see how these feel oh yeah [Music] so for me these ribs are perfect exactly as they are they need nothing else i will go and make a meal out of those and be supremely happy but for those of you who like sauce you want to dial up the flavor now is the time to do it because we used a simple rub we have lots of smoked flavor we have a full spectrum of smoke flavor between the smoke that was absorbed by the meat and the lard so it's juicy it's going to be amazing but to dial up the flavor you have the smoke underneath and now use whatever your favorite sauce is and we're going to glaze these i'll show you exactly how first step get your favorite sauce if you make it yourself even better next step get some vinegar you can use apple cider vinegar or distilled vinegar doesn't really matter too much what we're trying to do is reduce the thickness of the sauce so it isn't gloopy when we put it on the ribs mix it up [Music] now all you have to do is put it back on the smoker till it gets sticky so i'm going to taste the ones that i made the way i like and that's with no sauce [Music] so this is exactly what i want in a rib lots of smoke flavor on the outside simple season salt and pepper a little bit of pull back on the bone and nice and juicy because we've rendered that fat and we hydrolyzed that connective tissue this is going to be good let's try it out man does not get better than that wow so you want to see i have a clean bite clean bone underneath that's exactly the level of doneness that you want so i am really happy about these now you guys please try it yourself if you want to glaze them glaze them you should still have great smoke flavor underneath you should have everything you want in barbecue and you should be able to knock the socks off of all of your neighbors who come to your backyard to have your barbecue i make so much barbecue that it's rare that i eat a lot of my own barbecue but i'm five ribs deep right now and showing no signs of stopping i love these and i'm confident if you try it you're gonna love them too but good luck keep smoking if you enjoyed the video hit the like button down below you can also subscribe to the channel if you enjoy this content and you can follow me on instagram twitter and facebook at mad scientist barbecue i'll see you guys next time so good i like sauce but i mean this doesn't eat it in case you're wondering when you're done eating a rib it should look like this man i'm eating another one [Music] so good for two reasons i want to get freaking fly okay write it and we'll do it live what does that mean to play us out to end the show [Music] all right go go [Music] now more you want more [Music] before she even swallows each bite she wants more [Laughter] that's right smart baby [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 1,152,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork ribs, pork ribs recipe, bbq pork ribs, ribs, barbecue, bbq, bbq ribs, barbecue ribs, cooking pork ribs, how to make, ribs recipe, how to cook ribs, smoked ribs, pork ribs for beginners, smoking pork ribs, bbq pork ribs recipe, st louis ribs, st louis style ribs, spare ribs, spare ribs recipe, how to trim spare ribs, bbq spare ribs, pork spare ribs, smoked spare ribs, how to smoke spare ribs, best ribs recipe, bbq sauce, how to trim ribs, offset smoker, texas ribs
Id: YlK-za2JZqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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