Smoked Smoky Country Style Ribs On The Weber Kettle

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we're gonna up that smoke flavor today because I'm gonna be making some smoked smoky country-style ribs out on the Weber Kettle [Music] yeah a lot of smoke going on here today between using the wood smoke and the rub we're gonna be using so let's build that rub right now we're gonna start with a cup of brown sugar we're adding a tablespoon of kosher salt a tablespoon of granulated garlic a tablespoon of smoked paprika and 2 tablespoons of chorizo seasoning this is a Tampico chorizo seasoning very smoky great flavor in this it's what you would use if you were making your own chorizo sausage from scratch and I've used that on a pork butt before just chorizo seasoning it's great gonna go ahead and give this a little mix before we get our lid on and shake it has any clumps of brown sugar just break them up a bit then you get our lid on and shake that's looking good let's get our country-style ribs out here so I've got between 5 and 6 pounds of country-style ribs here and now these are boneless country style pork ribs they're cut from the pork butt and have the bone removed you can also get these bone-in and if that's all you can get those will work fine in this too so I'm just gonna take my seasoning start sprinkling it in this bowl you can do it out on tray if you want but I find sometimes in the bowl everything just sort of rolls together and helps get coated that's all I'm doing here is moving everything around get everything heavily coated now these are gonna go in the refrigerator overnight in a ziplock bag to really get that flavor in there don't be afraid that you're gonna use too much you're not really want these coated move them around in here let everybody get to know each other all right these are going in the refrigerator in a ziplock bag like I mentioned tomorrow we're gonna smoke them up out on the weber kettle using some hickory wood so I'll see you tomorrow [Music] all right our country-style ribs have been soaking overnight in that great rub it's time to get them on the weber kettle we're up to temp I'm using the slow and sear today I've got the Mallory m1 cast iron grate on there with one wing removed it gives me great access to the slow and sear for adding wood whatever I want to do but let's go ahead and get these ribs on be a tight fit here today I'm gonna use some really small sticks of hickory today on here just for some smoke alright we're going to go ahead and get our lid on get smoking my bottom vent is in the two-thirds open position and my top vent is in the two thirds open position the kettle temp I'm shooting for today is in that 250 to 275 range and we're gonna be cooking these country-style ribs until they're tender we're gonna be doing it in a couple stages the first stage we're just gonna let them go for about two hours make it on the grill then after that time if they look good we're gonna go ahead and put them in a foil pan with some great sauce seal it up tight put it back on let those go for another hour too until they're fully tender now one thing I want to mention here they've had a lot of questions about that Mallory cast iron grate that I have I love that thing Mallory sent it to me I know four or five six months ago I can't remember I've just used it so much and Mallory has been kind enough to say if any one of you out there interested in getting one you can use the coupon code right n ry one zero and you'll get 10% off you're great I think they're gonna give you ten percent off the cooking planks the Hickory and the cedar so if you're interested in that great that's a really good deal and I really do love that cast iron grate just like any cast iron you have to give it some care but what you get out of it far exceeds the effort you put into maintaining it all right we're gonna let these go see you back here in a couple hours [Music] all right our country-style ribs have been going for about an hour and I just want to rotate their position trying to get some of those bigger ones up to the front here they are looking fantastic alright we're gonna go ahead and get the lid on let these keep smoking in about another hour we're gonna put these in a foil pan with some sauce cover them let them finish up that way all right our country-style ribs been going for two hours I think it's gonna be time to wrap these in that foil pan those are looking great and if I didn't mention it before and I don't think I did I do have water in the reservoir for the slow and sear let's do a quick tenderness check see where we are right now they'll have some resistance which is normal which is expected but these are definitely ready go into a foil pan [Music] all right we're gonna go ahead and put some smoky mustard barbecue sauce on here this is from Steven Rachlin and this stuff is gonna be great with these country-style pork ribs get in here turn everybody around in this everybody mixed up all the sides coated and to this I'm just gonna add 3/4 of a cup of water just so we have a little bit more moisture in this pan now let's cover this with foil seal it tight and get it back on the kettle [Music] all right we're gonna get our lid on we're gonna let this go for an hour then I'm gonna rotate it I may check it at that point I'll just decide it's probably gonna take another hour to toot until they're fully tender all right our country-style ribs been going for about an hour in the foil pan I want to give him a quick check he'll back foil a little bit here all right we were just seeing tenderness here definitely more tender but I still feel just a slight bit of resistance yeah so we're gonna keep him going for another hour a lot of great liquid in there great moisture he's gonna be fantastic we're gonna get the lid on let these go for another hour and think then they're gonna be done all right we've been going another hour and our foil pan let's see if we are tender and done all right let's see oh yeah we are we are tender we are done sliding in and out like butter all right I'm gonna put the oil back on this we're gonna take it inside we're gonna let it rest for probably ten minutes or so then we're gonna get this out of here we're gonna have a taste all right I have one of our smoked smoky country-style ribs pulled out here the rest are still in that foil pan so that they stay hot because there's gonna be a hungry horde wanting them in a while right now we're just gonna cut into this I'm just gonna go straight in the middle kind of like jelly it's so tender oh yeah nice and juicy here [Music] and you know when it's like this year there's no need to switch cameras and do anything because right now it is time to taste let's see hmm you've got that really nice sweet smokiness on the outside from that rub which has brown sugar in it the chorizo the smoked paprika works really well with pork and that mustard based barbecue sauce really is a good complement to this I don't know if you can see here that smoke ring we got on there really nice I've said many times Hickory is my favorite smoking wood to use with pork and it does not disappoint this time either that just dissolves so total cook time on these was just about four hours which is not bad when you're talking about country-style ribs versus a whole pork butt whole pork but at this temperature would take much longer these are just pieces of a pork butt that has been cut if you ever see country-style ribs in the store almost certainly they're just sliced pieces of a pork but sometimes they'll be bone-in sometimes bone out like these but they will give you that same great flavor and tenderness if you just give them the time to develop so if you see country-style ribs in the store don't overlook them you can think of them as pieces of a pork butt treat them a similar way generally they're gonna cook much quicker but you can season them sauce them almost exactly the same you would a full size pork butt and get fantastic results these are just freakishly tender
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 49,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, ribs, charcoal grilling, charcoal grill, pork ribs, country style ribs
Id: yhuyVrbcgBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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