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- Did you catch it, daddy - Yes, daddy went fishing - It’s big! It’s too big! There, Ryzh Mommy’s home! It’s about 15 kg Today we’re roasting trout in an oven I mean our firewood oven To begin with we need to clean it The weather is great We haven’t cooked anything for a long time So let’s start with fish and then we’ll get to giraffe - Are you sunbathing? - I’m sleeping. I’m sleeping, daddy. - Come here - What, daddy? We always raised our glasses to our health And Covid has fallen back I want to raise this glass of wine to peace so that peace comes To peace, guys Slice the tomatoes Slice the onions as well Cut the carrots into pieces And now let’s make a pillow for the fish First lay the onions -Here? - Yes, good! Put the tomato slices on top - Here, here - There? - Yes - More? - Yes, some more Salt it all - Can I salt it, daddy? - Yes. I remember when Angelina and Valeria helped us Our girls have grown so much Slice some green garlic Not too much though Take some olive oil Add some paprika And black pepper Mix it well - Can I do it, daddy? - Can I do it? All the fish is golden now It was golden and rainbow Slice the lemons Put some dill into every fish Big fish needs more dill And put the lemon slices into the fish Two lemon slices in here No dill here, I’ll add it here too Let’s salt it Here Let’s add wine, huh? OK - Georgiy, is one pack enough? - Yep! The juice is going to be tasty, we’d be savoring it I guess it’s enough Let’s add some butter too Three pieces into the big one Put some peppers in And it all goes into the oven Beautiful, isn’t it? Very! 15 minutes I think it’s enough time for us to fry potatoes Let’s check it Do we have more time to finish frying potatoes? Fish is almost ready Salt it Add some garlic Cover it and let it fry Time to take the fish out It looks very delicious Mmm! Smells like childhood What fish do you want? This one? Big one? Can you eat it all? Pomegranate juice for you? And daddy will have some wine today - Is it hot? - Yes - Do you want some lemon? Well, let’s taste our masterpiece Mmm! Me too! Tasty? Here! All right, let’s raise this glass to our small ones They say other’s children grow very fast Well, our children grow fast too To children! Mm! it’s spicy! They say we won’t get salmon from Norway Well, we’ll eat Caaucasus trout then Are you still filming? Stop filming! Sit and eat! Tolik, this is salary, and that’s bonus Let’s have some wine Give me your glass Wonderful sunny day I think I got some tan? Yep Come on!
Views: 2,237,845
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Keywords: форель, рыба, в, духовке, рецепт, кулинария, рецепты, как, приготовить, рыбу, запеченная, жареная, еда, красная, лосось, рыбные, блюда, из, рыбы, духовка, простой, семга, запекать, соус, к, рыбе, целиком, фольге, что, рыбалка, стол, вкусная, готовим, запечь, сколько, радужная, приготовление, форели, рыбное, блюдо, праздничный, на, сковороде, вкусные, мангале, блюд, золотая, простые, полезная, какая, гороскоп, рыбой, где, сегодня, большая, рыб, мясо, задиак, домашних, условиях, углях, с, овощами, домашний, способ, речной, рыбный, георгий кавказ, GEORGY KAVKAZ
Id: AYWagXk6VMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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